
Friday 4 November 2016

Val's Amazing Display, Karen's birthday & Michele's Haul

Val, You must feel so incredibly proud when you see all of your hard work displayed so beautifully!  I think we are all amazed at how you manage to do it, especially as you give the proceeds  to charity too!!  I have never heard you complain once about having to do so many cards, believe me I complain about making 30 Christmas Cards!  You cover so many categories too, from Grandparents to Grandchildren and every relative in between, doing multiples of each category too, I remember in your email that you said a lady had bought 10 of your Grandchildren cards already.  
For those of you that didn't see last time, Val gets a list each week of all the cards that have sold, so that can she can replenish the stocks. 
Do you have particular days that you make cards on Val?
How many can you make in a session?  I'm lucky to get one made a day, but that includes hours of deciding what style of card that I will make.
You are AMAZING Val and display of cards is a HUGE achievement, you must be so proud!  
Thank you so much for allowing me to share your hard work with everyone xxx

Karen has shared a couple of her birthday gifts with us, the Amazing "Edwards Crochet Imaginarium" was a gift from Oscar, I absolutely love the concept of the book, there must be hundreds of combinations to choose from.  So Oscar can invent his very own Monster.  
Karen has already got another book by Kerry Lord, called "Edwards Menagerie" and is working on "Donna The Reindeer", I cnnkt wait to see Donna finished Karen .

The Chameleon pens were a Birthday Gift from a Colleague, Karen had mentioned to him a while ago that she didn't really do colouring but were she to start, these would be the pens she would use. What a kind and thoughtful gift Karen, you must have been so touched. I am looking forward to seeing what you create with these fantastic pens Karen.
Thank you so much for sharing your fantastic birthday gifts with us, I love the Crochet Book, its such a genius concept xxx

Last up today we have Michele's haul from her "Crazy, Cluttered" friend, it looks like you got lots of packets of Card Blanks with envelopes, lots and lots of A4 decorative papers and a lovely selection of paper punches. I am sure that both you and your Mum-in-law will put all of this to great use Michele.  
Thank you for sharing your haul with us xxx

Well that's about all for today ladies, the weekend is upon us once again, not much planned here.  Part of me wishes I was going to the NEC to the Craft show, a friend of mine went yesterday and said it wasn't too busy at all. We haven't been there since we found Ally Pally, but when we last went it was so busy that you couldn't get anywhere near any stands.
Plus I think that the parking costs £12 before entry costs, maybe I will have a little shop online instead 😋

How are your bauble cards coming along?   can't wait to see them all x

Love and hugs


  1. Morning Ladies

    Val-the card display looks amazing. You should be very proud , your cards all looks fantastic.

    Karen-lovely to see some of your birthday presents.

    My craft stash-one crate is all A4 paper, two are card blanks and the smaller one is full of punches. There was also a bag with some toppers, a paper pad and a couple of stamps & metal stencils. I still haven't moved any of it as last night just disappeared. I'll probably bag everything up at the weekend -need it out of the way as I need to see how much I have to take to the Christmas Fair and if I need to make more.


    1. Thanks for your kind words Michele.
      What a wonderful haul of goodies. I bet there's some great punches in that box.
      Hope you have a quieter day in work

  2. Wowser VAL All that work It looks amazing!
    I really must get cracking with my Christmas cards I may book a couple of days off work so I can just sit and craft - what a chore! But I have a few that I may just do copies of in different colour combos DONNA the reindeer is a kit of Kerry Lord's and is all crocheted I just need to put it all together
    I love your stash MICHELE I know we sometimes feel "I don't have any more space" but it never stops us buying new stuff or welcome with open arms someone else's generosity A friend gave me some card and just recently I've used that more than my own buys!
    Take care xxx

    1. Hi Karen, I've never heard of these books before but they look so good. I bet you have so much fun with it. What a kind colleague buying those lovely pens for you. Enjoy using

    2. Hi Karen
      Lovely to see your birthday goodies. I have stacks of colouring pens so couldn't justify buying any more.

  3. Morning Everyone
    It's a wet start here this morning with a little sunshine.

    VAL- I am truly in AWE of your display of wonderful cards and cannot imagine how you find time to do anything other than making cards. You are one Wonderful Lady and I can see why your creations sell like hot cakes.

    KAREN- I can just see wonderful monsters immerging from your delightful book and would love to see one or two creations.

    MICHELE- What a fantastic haul of goodies from your friend. She must have a big compulsive buying streak in her make up.

    I managed another one or two cards yesterday but no crafting for me today as I can see Mr Hoover and Mrs Duster calling this morning. No doubt it will be feet up time this afternoon with a good book.

    Hoping you all have a really good day and for my Dear Friends not up to par please take things slowly.
    HUGE HUGS to you all. The CAFE IS OPEN for business.

    1. Hi Janet. Thanks so much for your kind words.Take it easy with the hoovering and dusting this morning. Don't overdo it. What book are you reading? I have one of these Kind things but must admit I prefer the paper kind.
      Lovely to see you opening up the cafe this morning. I'll post in later for a latte. xxx

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I have never been to Vals shop so never seen this display before, she is one busy and lovely lady, xxxx

    1. Thanks Wendy. I'll pay you later at Craft Club ha ha. Xxxx

  5. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra hopefully will send CC later today, been busy week this week out this morning again Alan has
    Val your display looks amazing you should feel very
    Karen look forward to seeing what you make for Oscar, I have never got on with crochet, & how lovely to have a thoughtful
    Michele I shouldn't know where to start, I am sure you will find good homes for it
    Janet lovely to see you in cafe I join you for a quick coffee, take care xxx
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

  6. Hello All, wet here but not so cold.

    WOW VAL, what a wonderful display of cards, it would me years to do all of those, you have my total admiration.

    Karen would love to know how you get on with your chameleon pens, keep wondering if they are worth the extra money. Love the crochet book.

    Michele what a wonderful friend passing on all those goodies.

    We had a really great day yesterday, made four Christmas cards, which are mostly decorative paper, and die cuts, then after a delicious lunch of home made stuffed jacket potatoes, and delicious mouse for pudding ( my friend who house we craft at provides lunch ,the other one brings pudding and I bring flowers, works well ) the we had an experimental time playing with craft card, which I'm not that fond of , but she is trying to convert me.

    Well enough of my rambling,waiting for Mr Tesco to arrive, took ages to order last night as apt was useless, so hoping I've ordered all I need.

    Just a bit of mr dyson this morning , ironing finished ,washing machine on, so Then in to my craft room need to make a new baby card, and a get well card.

    Have a good day all, hugs Lilian

    1. Hi Lilian
      I don't use Mr Dyson as it's quite heavy to move around. Pete dies the hoovering in out prison house. He's also got a thing about hanging the washing out. I need to dust a do a pile of ironing. Also I must get on with my Christmas cards as well.

  7. Morning Sandra and everyone.
    Thank you so much Sandra for showing my photos this morning. I suppose it's a labour of love cos if you could see how those "cats on the rocks" run to Gerry (one the four wonderful people who feed them) every morning and gobble up the food, I feel as though I'm doing my bit to help.
    I try to keep Saturday and Monday free each week to seriously make cards but I'm usually in my craft room some time during the day. I think I've said before that unlike most of you lucky ladies I only have myself to please and my time's my own so what better way to spend it than crafting. The housework gets done if and when I have time.
    Anyway I'm off to the doctors this morning and then Craft Club Yeh.
    I haven't made my cc yet Sandra sorry. Will have a go later.

    Have a good day everyone.
    Love Valxxx

    1. Hi Val that sounds like a plan to me. The housework gets done when we have time.

    2. Hope the doctors can help you with your bad back Val. Fabulous card stand. xxx

  8. Morning everyone in the cafe' today.

    Val- what else is it to say then the biggest WOW! your cards are lovely and it is a amazing display. You are a wonderful lady making all this for charity, huge hug x
    Karen- love your new pens, can't wait to see your creations and also your makes from the crochet book, what a monster delicious present from Oscar :-)
    Michele- hope you up for looking through all that 'stuff' from your friend over the weekend. How did the call to your Dad go last night ? Have a good day at work.
    Janet- so nice to hear you making some crafting again and sound so much more you. Sending many,many hugs to you x

    Rain is coming down here too so my walk will have to be later,if any but I had a lovely one yesterday with a friend with a coffee and shared cake at the end :-)
    Now going to Ikea ,by car for some breakfast so will see you again later hopefully. Have a nice day all whatever you are up too. Love and warm hugs to you all, Maria xxxx

    1. Hi Maria
      We also have rain. Pete was going to play golf ( I use play very loosely as they're not very good at it ), this morning but has now popped to the Drs for his blood tests that he should have had before his appointment on Tues at the hospital.

  9. Good morning Sandra & everyone
    Wow Val what a Amazing display of cards you have made for Lynn's shop you are definitely the card making Queen of all time your cards are all brilliant Well done Val. Hope Gracie is ok after her jab. Hug's xx
    Karen your birthday gifts are all very useful look forward to seeing your makes.
    Michelle your craft haul looks very useful hope work goes well today.xx
    Up early again T has appointment at doctor this morning for 💉Test results.he just left. I must get into craft room today & Finnish three birthday cards & do my CC. Also check my Emails I get so many Pinterest's is the worst I must get about 20 or more a day.
    Plus all the craft emails I get. I'm also going through all the craft stuff I got from Margaret. I'm of for my shower housework done washing on.see you later
    Love Lynda xx

    1. Hope you see my e-mail inbetween all the others, it's a very important one for Terry really but you can read it too hihi many hugs xxx

    2. Hi Lynda thanks for your kind comments. Do hope Terry results were ok this morning.
      Poor Gracie wasn't too well after her jab yesterday. She had a really bad tum sadly and lay prostrate on my knee all night and wasn't interested in her dinner. However she woke up this morning full of beans and ready for her walk snuffling round the cat biscuits cos she's obviously hungry.
      Enjoy the rest of your day. XXX

  10. Hi Sandra
    I also haven't been to the NEC in awhile. Like you not since I've been to Ally Pally with you. When I used to go it was packed.
    Val, what a fabulous collection of cards, how on earth do you find the time to make all of these and then to keep them replenished. Aren't they displayed beautifully as well. You must be very proud of your achievements for the charity you support.
    Karen what a lovely stash of goodies you had from your friend. You and your MIL will have a great time playing with all this. Plus the excess will be going to a good home.

  11. Hello Sandra and everyone in the coffee shop,

    Val, what an amazing display of your Christmas cards, and what a wonderful way to help your charity. You must be THE most dedicated fundraiser. xx

    Margaret and Alan, Belated wishes on your Wedding Anniversary xx

    Michele, enjoy going through those boxes. Some of the punches look as though they are in the original packaging. You could definitely sell those on your craft stall, enjoy sorting. xx

    Karen, what gorgeous crochet book Oscar gave you for your birthday. Very clever idea ' mix and match crocheting ' XX what a generous friend you have to give you these beautiful pens. They really are lovely to use, I have some but don't use them off and enough.

    Hope everyone is having a good day. We are expecting our granddaughter to arrive any time now, she wants to do some diecutting petals or flowers, it's something to do with her A-level work, she is designing a gown on Alexander McQueen's designs. I have been rooting through my bits and flower box to see what I could come up with, to give her more choices.

    Love and Hugs, Brenda XXX

  12. Good afternoon Ladies,
    Well Val, you have totally taken my breath away with your wonderful display , totally fantastic! Hope your charity makes lots of money from them and keeps all those cats well fed.
    Karen , I love the look of your pattern book , I have never mastered crochet though I have tried several times and I would also be interested on how you get on with the chameleon pens, great presents!
    Michelle I hope you find some treasures for yourself in the boxes from your friend, she sounds like quite a character!
    I made my cc yesterday so will photo and send to you Sandra.
    Love and hugs to all xoxo

  13. Hi ladies, thank you for your lovely words.
    Just got back from a very enjoyable Craft Class.
    The doc is sending me for an xray on my bag but nt until 22nd.
    Off to Iceland.
    Bye for now Valxxx

    1. That should read 'back' not back. Ha ha. XXX

  14. Hi Sandra and everyone.
    Wow Val, such a fantastic display of your beautiful cards. They're sure to sell quickly. Well done, you must feel so proud :-) x
    Karen, a lovely selection of presents - looking forward to seeing your creations x
    Michele, looks like some lovely goodies from your friend - enjoy x
    No challenge card from me unfortunately - this week has just flown by, and looks like tomorrow is going to be taken up with shopping and housework :-( On a happier note, I have thoroughly enjoyed my first week in my new job. Today I went out in the minibus with some of the residents to do their shopping at Waitrose, which was really nice. I can honestly say that I really don't know why I was so worried - it's a lovely place to work, everyone has made me feel so welcome :-)
    Janet, lovely to see you in and glad you're managing some crafting. I hope you didn't overdo it with the housework. Take care x
    Hope you've all had a good day. Sending hugs to all xxx

    1. So pleased you are enjoying your new job. Take care xxx

  15. Hi All,
    I meant to say thank you for all the good wishes for our anniversary yesterday. Hope you have all had a good

  16. Hello all
    Maria yes I did see your Email & I sent you a reply but not the answer you wanted 😭 Though. We have had heavy rain ☔️ all day so didn't get our walk.
    Still raining now but some silly people are letting off fireworks 💥 mad.
    I hate fireworks someone in Tesco yesterday had a large trolley full with them a good couple of hundred pounds I would say maybe more what a waste.
    Terrys doc appointment yesterday he hasn't got diabetes but his blood pressure was up so he is on tablets for that. It amazed me with all the sweet sugary things he eats hasn't got diabetes it's not fair. Sandra I have made CC but have to send it tomorrow. Janet lovely to see you in today hope you didn't over do the housework this morning. Hope your feeling more like your self now. Take care my friend Hug's 🤗 xxx Sandra sent you Email.
    Pat I also have NEC withdrawal symptoms HAHA don't think I will ever get there again to far to do it in one day.
    Love Lynda xxx

  17. Hi Sandra and all in the Café tonight.
    Val, what wonderful display of your fantastic Christmas cards. I hope you give yourself a very big pat on the back as you certainly deserve one 😁 x
    Karen, what a brilliant book, I love the fact that you can make up your own creature. I am looking forward to seeing the finished article 😁 What a lovely gift of the pens, please let us know what you think of them x
    Michele, you have got lots to sort out. I hope there are some bits that you want x
    Janet, it is so good to hear that you are crafting and feel up to opening the Café, Mum did you proud with keeping it going while you were unable to. Don't go tiring yourself out though please x
    I had a lovely time with Mum, the only down side was the journey both there and back, it usually takes about 35 mins but going took over an hour and just under a hour coming back!!!
    I hope you are all having a good day/evening.
    Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for Janet and all in need. Take care xx
