
Thursday 3 November 2016

Lots of Shopping........

Anne's Craft shopping is up first, this carefully chosed Haul was purchased from the big craft show that Anne went to in Glasgow, you found some gorgeous stamps and goodies Anne.
The last of the four photos shows the bargains that Anne purchased, each item was £1 or you could have 12 items for £10, well it would be rude not to, wouldn't it???
Thanks Anne for remembering to photograph before you tore the wrappings off, its so easy to forget!xxx

Brenda's shopping this week is actually Anne's fault too!! hahhaha, Brenda saw Anne's cards last week and just had to buy the Stamps and Dies, I think you would have to have both to get the most out of them. I can't wait to see what you make with these Brenda, I honestly think they cover a gap in the market for Funny cards and cards that would work for all ages of  those Pesky Males!
Thank you for sharing your buys Brenda xxx

Cheryl's lovely new machine, you can see from the 3rd Photo shows that Cheryl has already got the hang of the machine, I am pretty sure that the possibilities are endless with this magnificent machine.
It will be perfect for all of your quilting jobs Chery, I can't wait to see what amazing pieces you create Chery. Thank you so much for sharing xxx

Lilian, wow you have bought some beautiful stamps, my goodness those cards that you have made with the Art Impressions stamps on the bottom photograph.  The Stamps in the top photo's are Crafty Individuals stamps, stunning Artwork on the stamps, I love all of your purchases and I am just off to that website to have a little look... honestly just a look!  
Thank you so much for sharing Lilian xxx

Val has bought some great craft basics this week, Cosmic Shimmer Glue, Card Bags, Sue Wilsons Pierced Flags, you will get lots of use out of those Val, the freebies on that Mag look great, I looked at in Shop the other day.  Now Val, what are you going to do with that Monkey??? I look forward to hearing!
The second of Val's photos shows the Stamp set she won on Sue's blog the other day, a lovely useful set Val, cash never haves enough Butterflies and flowers! 
Thanks so much for sharing Val xxx

Now coming up tomorrow, we can see some of Karen's birthday goodies and Michele's craft goodies from her Friend. 

Have as lovely day ladies,
Love and hugs


  1. Morning Ladies

    Goodness-what a fantastic display of craft stash. I think Anne gets the medal for the most items bought. They all look so interesting.

    I managed to look through the crates of craft stuff last night-2 are full of card blanks & 1 is full of A4 paper which I just don't need so I'll check at work & see who still helps at Brownies and they can have most of it. My M in L will get some of this also.

    I woke up early with a pounding headache-had a very tense day yesterday at work. It was very busy with a few problems thrown in there to test us!! The dispensary were short staffed in the afternoon but to be honest, staying to help them was the last thing I needed so I just left at 5pm. Today looks busy again then I have the Tesco shopping to do tonight then phone my Dad. Might need a glass of wine tonight...!!!!


    1. Hi Michele, you do get a lot of things from your friend. Have you thought of putting the cards and papers into bundles and try selling them at the craft stall you do ?. Try to have a good day at work and hope your head feel better. When phoning your dad tonight, just listen to him, he will moan and groan and repeat what he saying but you phoning him with a large glass of red in your hand will make him happy. Sending you a big hug because you need one xxx

    2. Gurt big (((((HUGS))))) coming your way Michele, enjoy your glass of wine later. xxxx

    3. Hi Michele
      Sounds like you had the day from hell yesterday. Make sure you have a large glass of wine while listening to your Dad. Gentle hugs on there way.

  2. Good morning Sandra and everyone visiting the Cafe' today.

    Oh wow ladies, you have all made some most wonderful buys and do you what ? I want it all ! Every time you showing someones shopping I be so tempted to get it for myself and I will just go to the sites and have a look, only a look and put it down on my ever growing wish list
    Don't help that Sue also come out with some more dies, there are some I love to have, what about you ladies ?
    Just had another look and I'm very curious about Cheryl's machine. Have never seen it before and so wonder what you can make with it.
    Lilian, love you cards ! They are stunning made with the stamps you bought.
    I wish everyone a day of happiness and hope the weather stay's dry because I meeting up with a friend later for a walk so don't want to get soggy :-)
    Sending big hugs to our Janet and anyone who need one.
    Love and hugs to all, Maria xxx

  3. Hello All, dull here today, looks as though are lovely fine days are over.

    What lovely buys everyone, I'm a sucker for stamps , which is how I started card making many years ago. The Ai stamps are new to me,and very hard to find in this country, they do a lot of Utube videos which show watercolouring stamps, the little cards were my first go.

    Like Michele have woke with bad head this morning, am going to see my friends for crafting , so hope it will clear after breakfast.

    Have a good day all, I'll pop in for a cuppa when I get home, NO cake though I seem to be gaining weight daily!!!!
    Hope everyone is managing to miss these awful viruses that are rearing their ugly heads again, hugs Lilian

    1. Hi Lilian, wish your head better so you have fun crafting with you friend later on. I love the stamps and yes it is difficult to get hold of the Ai here in the UK. The trees and birds is something I would love to have (what site did you get them from ?) and once again ,your cards are beautiful xx

    2. Hi Lilian. I also like to stamp. I only ever used stamps until I saw what lovely cards Sandra makes with her dies so I was converted over to using them as well.

  4. Good morning Ladies,
    Hope you enjoy your "Crazy Bird "stamps and dies Brenda, I don't have the dies as they are fairly easy to cut out ( especially if you stamp out the image and then stamp another which you cut around minus the curly top and feet ) then place the second one over the first ( hope that makes sense) ?
    Also I hope your headache and Michelle's disappears quickly.
    Lillian I love your stamps and cards, I think it's amazing all the different ways you can use stamps , really gets the imagination going ( sometimes) lol!
    Cheryl , what a fantastic machine ( you lucky girl) ! Enjoy, I look forward to seeing all your makes, you seem to be forging ahead already!
    Well done Val , a great stamp set to win, hope you have fun using it ( I also have this one ).
    Well just as well we had a lovely woodland walk yesterday as it is raining and dull this morning , so a good crafting day to get trying out some of my new stash.
    Love and hugs to all xoxo

    1. Hi Anne
      I also tried crafting last night on our dining room table. Can't get onto the desk in my little craft room. The trouble was I couldn't distinguish between white and cream card. So I put a cream bauble onto blue card with a white surround. Not to sure whether I can put another one on top as it's a two part bauble.

  5. Morning What a lot of lovely stash! Like MARIA I've added a few (no I mean a lot!) to my Wish List Hope the headaches ease, I always think if you wake up with a headache it never seems to go away - if you see what I mean
    I had great fun playing with one of my birthday goodies last night!
    Take care xxx

  6. Morning ladies,

    WOW! some very hauls this week, am so tempted by a few items but my money box is almost empty due to my large purchase.

    I saw it at the Craft4crafters show earlier this month. The show discount was £1,000......yes, £1,000!
    I didn't' purchase straight away, but had a long chat and demo by Mark who was the demonstrator, I came home with the knowledge that should I wish to order, the show price was guaranteed until close on show on the following Monday. Jamie googled it for me and all the reviews are excellent and the warranty 5 years. So I took the plunge, worked out how much usage I would get (quite a lot with the panto costumes etc.) and now it's my Christmas/birthday present from Pete.
    It's made by Husqvarna who specialise in the larger machines. This one is primarily Embroidery but also has normal sewing functions too and the beauty of it, is it's so robust it will go through several layers with ease when quilting, which is something I have been planning to do for a long time now.

    Happy crafting today if that is your wont.
    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Hi Cheryl
      What a stunning machine you've bought. Sewing isn't my thing, but as you've done your homework on it, it'll give you a lot of enjoyment. Enjoy. A big hug is winging its way to you today.

    2. Sounds like a stunning machine, so useful that it is an ordinary sewing machine as well, enjoy Cheryl

  7. Hi Sandra
    My word I love Anne's hoard she's bought. It looks like you bought a whole shops worth Anne. Love these stamps and dies Brenda, though I'm not to sure whether I'd get the use out of them. But I liked the card that Anne made with them though. Cal and Lilian have also been busy buying. I must remember to photo mine and send off to Sandra for next week.
    Cheryl enjoy your present from Pete. Looks a fabulous machine.
    Well, we went out for lunch yesterday with two couples of friends. We all had a lovely catch up. My friend Kathy is still trying to get her hubby to find another job after taking redundancy from Oracle in Reading. They wanted him to relocate to Florida and he didn't fancy that idea. Or, commute to London every day and he didn't fancy doing that either. He was something big in computers there. Kathy said perhaps he'd fancy working in one of the new shops when they open when they've finished the new shopping centre in Oxford. He wasn't impressed. We're off to lunch today as well at the Toby Carvery in Swindon. That's three days on the trot Pete says, as if I can't count. It's another friends birthday tomorrow and we always lunch on birthdays.
    Hope your feeling better Janet, and hugs to Maria and Lynda.

  8. Hello Sandra and everyone in the cafe,

    What a lot of lovely booty do you have for us this week Sandra.

    Anne, you have certainly stocked up, love all the pound stall purchases, Also you have some great stamps and I dies there. Yes Anne, I did say it was your fault I had bought these stamps and dies. I just loved your card Sandra posted last week. So when I sent my crafty buys picture to Sandra, I said just that. Silly thing is I have been dithering over getting them for some time, You just gave me that little push!!!! Ha Ha and a BIG thank you.
    Cheryl, I love your Birthday/Christmas present from Pete. I'm sure he is smiling down and very happy you helped him choose this very special gift. xx I would certainly LOVE to get my hands on such a fabulous machine. But can't justify the expense at the moment. I hope it gives you many hours of crafting pleasure.

    Lillian, Love those stamps, I'm sure you are going to make some fantastic cards using them.

    Val, some great items in your stash. Those Flags are great for sentiments. Lovely useful dies you won on Sues blog.

    Will be back later, OH would like to use the iPad.

    Love and hugs, Brenda xxx

  9. Hi Sandra and ladies, I'm a bit late in today as I had my nails done this morning then lunch with a friend so just got home.
    WOW Anne, looks as though you bought the whole show. I bet you're spoilt for choice which thing to use first. It all looks wonderful.
    Brenda , I just love the crazy beds and dies. I have these too and I'm sure you'll get so much fun out of them.
    Cheryl your new machine looks wonderful.All those lovely things you'll be able to make so easily. Can't wait to see photos of the finished results.
    Lillian so like all your lovely stamps and those interesting die. The trees look beautiful. Like Sandra I must go over to A1's shop and take a look.

    The little monkey in my photo was bought in the gift shop when we were visiting the monkeys in Gibralter and just happened to jump in front of the camera. He's so cute and cuddly.

    Michele and Liam, do hope those nasty headaches have disappeared by now.

    Pat, enjoy your lunch today. I just love carvery '. Three meals out in a row. You lucky girl. I love eating out cos it saves on doing the worst job in the world - washing up!!!

    Maria let's hope the rain stays away and you can enjoy a very walk with your friend.

    Off to the vets with Gracie later for her Leishmaniasis jab. It's a horrible condition in dogs which I don't think is in the UK. The jab has to be given on the same day every year otherwise you have to start the initial treatment of weekly injections all over again so it's firmly written on my calendar so I won't forget.

    Have a lovely rest of the day everyone.
    Love Valxxx

    1. Hi Val
      We enjoyed our lunch and as it was our friends birthday we also treated ourselves to a pudding. Hope Gracie was ok after her jab. I don't have a dog but I've never heard of that disease.

  10. Hi Sandra and everyone.
    Wow, what a lovely selection of craft goodies! Enjoy :-) x
    Sorry I didn't get in yesterday. I love your beautiful bauble card, Sandra :-)
    Karen, glad you received your card - thanks for letting me know :-)
    Sorry not to have caught up with everyone's news, but I hope you're all well x
    Sending hugs to all xxx

    1. Hi Sonia
      I hope your still enjoying your new job.

    2. Hi Pat. Thank you, I am loving it :-) Can't believe that I was so worried about starting! Hope you enjoyed your lunch out today and enjoy tomorrow's too :-) Hugs xxx

  11. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    This 3rd try they keep disappearing so will keep it short.
    Love all the goodies that Anne, Brenda, Lilian & Val bought & Cheryl your machine looks out of this world, I am sure Pete will be watching & saying good for you. Look forward to seeing what you produce.
    Just waiting to order Chinese takeaway, it is our 54th Anniversary today so I cooking tonight hooray!!
    Hope all are well sending hugs to all who need them love

    1. Hi Margaret. Happy Anniversary to you and your Husband. Enjoy your Chinese takeaway :-) Hugs xxx

    2. Hi Margaret Happy 54th wedding Anniversary hope you enjoy your meal & you have had a good day.🤗🤗🤗🌹💐🎉🍷🎂
      Love Lynda xx

    3. Happy Anniversary to you and your husband Margaret. Hope you had a lovely day and enjoyed your Chinese

    4. Happy Anniversary Margaret ! Hope you and pop had a nice meal and a lovely evening together, big hugs xx

  12. That should be no cooking tonight!!

  13. Good afternoon Sandra & ladies I'm late again not sure what happened to my day. I was up early at 6.30am but the time went no where. I did all the housework & made a quick card for my step granddaughters birthday. This year is going so quickly all the birthdays are creaping up on me have another three to do & must try & get some Christmas cards done before I have my operation as I'm told not to do anything when I get home for a couple of weeks after.
    Terry went to the clinic this morning to get the mole on his back checked out. I went with him but stayed in the car with Bambie as we went for our walk after.
    Then Tesco shopping the worst part is putting it away. We had lunch after then we both nodded off. Wow what a lot of lovely buys on show Anne you bought some lovely goodies love your cards. Brenda I have also got the crazy birds 🐦 dies & Stamps I haven't used them yet & I forgot to send Sandra picture as well.
    Cheryl Wow brilliant Present from Pete he is smiling down on you. Have fun useing it look forward to seeing what you make. Val lovely stamp set from your win on Sues blog Hope Gracie is ok after her injection I haven't here'd of that condition. Have to dash as my son is on the phone see you later Love Lynda xx

  14. Hi Margaret
    Happy Anniversary, enjoy your meal.

  15. Hi Sandra and all in the Café tonight. Sorry I didn't get in yesterday. We had had little Chris overnight on Tuesday so my normal morning g routine went out of the window as he likes to come and sit in bed with us for a while, it is a lovely way to start the day though 😁
    Today has flown by too!
    Sandra I loved your card yesterday, I have always lo Kraft card and yours is so pretty.
    What a lovely lot of goodies to look at andwish for. I am looking forward to seeing what you all use them for. Val, what a beautiful prize from Sue's blog.
    Cheryl, have fun with your new toy 😀
    Janet, it's so good to hear that you are managing to start card making again and feeling up to popping in to the Café 😀
    HAPPY ANNIVERSARY Mum and Pop. I know you will have enjoyed your Chinese take away, it's always lovely from the one you use, isn't it 😁 See you in the morning. Love you xx
    I must go and clear the dining table of all of the paperwork that I have been ploughing through today!
    Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for Janet and all in need. Take care xx
