
Monday 28 November 2016

Monday Sketch Challenge

This Weeks Sketch

Good Morning Ladies,

Well here we are on Monday once again, I just can't get my head around the fact that its less than a month to Christmas, it has crept up on us so fast this year, we haven't really do any Christmas shopping at all, which is not like us!  Mind you none of my children know what they would like this year, its so much harder now that they are older. 
Actually we watched a video of Christmas when the girls were four, oh my goodness I had tears rolling down my cheeks, it really is the little ones that Christmas special, its them that make it magical. 
Now onto this weeks Sketch challenge card, I picked a super simple sketch that can be used for virtually anything from Christmas to a Christening and everything in between.  I look forward to seeking what you come up with. 

I'll apologise for my challenge card now, at 12.15 am I realised I had forgotten to make a challenge card, so had to think fast, this is the result, my thoughts were to put a number (age) in the large star for a boys birthday, some of isn't stuck down yet, but wanted to give you an idea, as I am typing this it is 1.39 am, goodnight xxx

Karen, sending extra gentle hugs your way xxx

Maria, I hope you are having a better day today, I was sorry to read you were having a bad day yesterday sweetheart, huge hugs heading your way xxx

Val, so pleased to read that you got to have a nice lunch with your son yesterday, I think technology is amazing these days, bringing us all closer together, but there is nothing better than sitting down with them sat oppoisite you, have you managed to do plenty of craft shopping? xxx

Lynda, I think I may have heard you going up stairs last night!!! There was a definite rattling noise coming from your general direction, it must be the extra tablets you've been prescribed!  We would make a good pair of Maracas, we wouldn't need anyone to shake us to make our 'wobbly bits' rattle though, would we!!! hahaha
Which one are you Lynda? 

I have a busy day today, on Saturday I started to tidy and declutter a cupboard (built in wardrobe ) in my craft room, well it seems to have turned into a full scale craft room clear out, my goodness I bought some rubbish back in the early days, I found some hideous peel off, sticker things, some almost psycedelic patterned vellum, mostly from QVC. as I shopped there before I found create and craft, I think that craft was on a Tuesday back then, oh I remember the excitement when they had a Craft item as their 'TSV', I used to stay up half the night watching the live shows!  Now I look back and think why did I buy that!!! In those days die cutting was never invented, I sound really old now!!! haha

Come on ladies, what are your first craft memories???

Have a lovely day ladies,
love and hugs,


  1. Hi Sandra and all in the Café today. Well, after a week of no or very limited internet/mobile access then a very busy weekend I have finally managed to catch up on all that has been happening with you all! I did manage to have a quick look at all of the beautiful cards during the week but couldn't comment so have to say how lovely they all were.
    Yesterday's CC's were such a mixed bag of gorgeous cards and suitable for so many occasions. I have just been looking at them all, thank you for sharing them 😁
    Sandra, my lovely, you have been busy in your craft room haven't you. I bet you have found some treasure amongst the old stash, the mulberry papers certainly sound beautiful. I am really looking forward to seeing you and Pat tomorrow, it always feels like ages when we miss a craft session. Sending you big hugs xx
    Pat, your CC from last week is beautiful, love the colour and those trees are beautiful. I'm looking forward to seeing you tomorrow xx
    Karen, you are in my thoughts, I'm sending you the biggest gentle hugs x
    Lynda, I am so glad that all went well with your stent fitting. What's all this I hear about some one sneaking into your craft room,while Terry was out, and trying to do some card inserts??? I know it can't have been you as you are on very light duties, aren't you? !!! To be honest I would have done just the same but now you know you can't do even inserts please look after yourself dear friend. Sending you big healing hugs, and some for Terry of course. I bet he is counting down the days until you can take over the cooking etc, isn't he?😁😁 X
    Maria, I hope you have a better day than yesterday, thank you for my hugs, sending you some right back dear friend x
    Cheryl, your snowmen are so cute, they will sell very quickly. Pleasr can we see your other goodies. I bet you don't have much left to bring home at the end of the sale, andore importantly, you will have made a good amount for your Pete's charity 😁. I'm also glad to hear you are snug and warm again, you should notice a big drop on your fuel bill too x
    Janet, you really are back to making your gorgeous cards, it is so good to see them. Good luck k with the seasonal/retirement card! X
    Michele. It sounds like you have a few days off just at the right time as work hasn't been easy lately has it. Have a lovely time today seeing friends and enjoy crafting to refill your Christmas card box, I'm not surprised you sell lots of your beautiful cards to your work collegues x
    Sonia, I loved your challenge card. Have you decided to go for the extra hours at work? Take care x
    Lilian. I hope you are having better weather than this time last week, it's good to hear you are at the top of a hill. X
    Mum, thank you for a lovely weekend, Phoebe said "It feels like we lots of extra time with Great Granny and you becausecwe went to the pantomime as well as made the Christmas puddings. Can we do it next year too?" I said we would have to wait and see. Paige then piped up " I can't tell you my wish I made when I stirred the Christmas pudding but I wanted the same as Phoebe, but I mustn't tell my wish or it won't come true" I think we know what she wished for, don't we, bless her 😁 I know you said how well the girls made the puddings, far less mess than lady year but next year will be back to flour and raisins everywhere as little Chris will be helping you too! 😁love you xxx
    I hope I haven't missed anyone, please accept my apologies if I have. Sending you all my love and hugs. Take care xx

    1. Bless them it was lovely & I can just hear Paige saying that, love you xxx

  2. Oh my goodness, sorry, I have just seen my version of War and Peace appear when I hit publish! Please just flick through until you see you name. I do hope I haven't forgotten anyone, sorry again xx

  3. Morning Ladies

    Nice, easy sketch for us this week Sandra. I'm not sure I could have made a card so late at night. If I did, something would probably be upside down!

    I need to ring the Dentist at 9am as I have managed to chip another tooth! I hope she can fit me in while I have a few days off work.
    I managed to get quite a few images cut out yesterday so they should be easy enough to assemble. I'd like to make more pop up card and some triangle ones as they sold well at work. I'm also recording all of John Lockwoods shows to watch so I think I'm going to be running out of time.

    Best get ready for the heating engineer arriving at 8.15 then the Joiner at 10am.


    1. Mi word Michele
      It won't feel like having some time off if your house is full of workmen. I hope they're not with you to long.

  4. Morning Everyon
    This week's CC looks good Sandra - thank you for an easy one.

    SANDRA- I look at pictures of some of my first efforts of paper crafting and just want to hide. I cannot think why I either bought those awful toppers/peel offs/CDs and then even used some of them!! I still have the CDs as I always think that they may come in useful at some time or another but then never think about them after I've put them back in the cupboard.

    SUE- lovely to have you back. Hope you had a good time and are now rested and ready for the mad days towards the coming Season. I can just hear the volume already when you 'Three Graces' meet up

    MICHELE- Hope everything goes well this week with the workmen in but most of all I hope that you can manage one or two mornings/afternoon/evenings of time for yourself. You definitely need and deserve some.

    It's going to be a busy morning for me - Mr Tesco is due between 09.00 and 10.00 and then I need to get to the chemist to see if they can give me something to combat a wheezy/hacking cough I seem to have picked up from somewhere. I am more than ready for a fresh start to next year!!

    LYNDA- take care and behave (or is that asking a little too much hehehe). Little by Little don't forget.

    The Café is open for business. The heating is on; the tea/coffee pots are full and a large pan of porridge is waiting to be consumed. Hugs to you all with extras for Lynda/Maria/Lilian/Karen today. xxxx

  5. Thank you for the hugs everyone I needed them but I'm ok now Love the sketch I overslept this am so making a mad dash to get to work I'll pop in later xxx

  6. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra thank you for the challenge card I have just the card already cut out. Sorry didn't get in yesterday but you will see from Sue's comment we were rather busy. All the cards were lovely & once again all different. Good luck with your sort
    Maria thank you for the hugs hope you have a better day, hugs on the
    Lynda hope it is getting easier for you, hugs on way.
    Michele hope you get some relaxation, sorry about the tooth hope you get it
    Janet good to see you back on top
    Karen pleased to hear our hugs helped you, this is a lovely family of friends we have here all who care & are there for
    Lilian hope you had a productive
    Cheryl hope you enjoy your walk today, lovely & sunny
    Val great you had a lovely meal with your son, enjoy your
    Sonia good to see your card yesterday, my kind of card, pleased you are enjoying the
    Well must get on busy day we have lots of different shopping things to do today so I can see spending most of today driving about.
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

  7. Hi Sandra and ladies.
    Thanks for well wishes, didn't have a walk this morning but will have a light one shortly because the sun shining and it's not as cold as yesterday. You made me smile tho with the maracas picture, we could put a whole orchestra together ,I'm sure Lol
    Nice ,easy CC this week she says. The few cells that are still there already working overtime. I started making cards after seeing create and craft on Tv and then bought some magazines with some free decoupage. Went to the NEC and bought so much stuff and I still got some in a box and like you saying, what the heck was I thinking hihi It will all be sorted in due course. A Son still on offer. house trained, a bit work needed, shy but oh so adorable as long he get fed Lol Love him to bits !
    Have a nice day everyone and make happy memories. love and hugs to you all, Maria Xxxx

    1. Hi Maria
      I hope your feeling a bit better today. I expect we could muster an orchestra as well. I also have a craft room of rubbish as well. I've been sorting out and taking some old card to Foundation stage to use at school.

  8. Hello All, very cold and blowy here today.

    Not sure where my comment yesterday went, maybe I forgot to push the button.
    The cards were all lovely and so different.

    Managed to get 11 pots of tulips planted over the weekend, as they come into flower I move them around in their pots, mostly purple and white this year.

    Great challenge card this week, will try and get one made before we go to London for Oscars 6 th birthday.

    Take care everyone, hugs Lilian

  9. Hello Sandra and everyone,
    I think my comment for yesterday vanished into cyberspace, it should been under Lynda's 11.30something comment. Anyway wanted you all to know I love your challege cards for yesterday they are all so different, I think we should rename Sunday as 'Inspiration day' because that's what it is.

    What a beautiful dog Harley is, he looks so angelic in the photograph.

    Isn't it great to look at old videos of our children (and grandchildren in our case) you forget some of the antics they got up to, they also love to look at themselves. I have a lovely memory of my father on video. When John was 50 I hired a bouncy castle, as we had a few children coming to the party. My Dad was itching to have a go, when the opportunity came (no children on it) he climbed on it, could no stand up on it for long but he was having a great time, and had everyone in stitches. My Uncle was not impressed, his comment was look at that silly old s.. making a fool of himself. He was quickly put in his place, someone said "but that silly old s.. is enjoying himself" and he was.

    Nice versatile challenge card, this layout would fit any occasion. Will try to get my head around it this week. No more family birthday cards to make for a while. I have to admit, My inspiration has seriously been challenged these last few weeks. Sandra you put me to shame, making a card at such a lat hour and in a short space of time. AND it's beautiful.

    Hope everyone is having a good day. Love and Hugs Brenda xxx

    1. Hi Brenda
      Your dad sounds just like Pete. He never used to make a fool of himself on the dance floor. But always did playing with the children. Usually ending up flat on his back at some stage or another.

    2. Hi Brenda I am sorry I missed you out of hugs this morning sending them now. Your tale of your Dad sounds very familiar, a certain person that we all love & know decided to have a go on granddaughters after her party, I have seen the video & it is soo funny, she fell over & just could not get up partly because she was laughing too much!! Great memories thank you

  10. Hi Sandra
    Love the challenge card. I'll have to see if I can manage to do one or two this week. Love the Maracas and I also wonder which one is Lynda as you must be the other one. I don't rattle just wobble, well according to Pete and our neighbour across the road. He wanted some ballast for the bottom of his ladder. He and Pete thought I was just the thing. I decided if I crossed the road I'd give them both a slap so left them to it.
    Cheryl I loved your snowmen on Sat and I hope the fare went well.

  11. You do make me smile ladies My Oh wiuld have been the first on the bouncy castle! It reminded me of when we went to a friebd's BBQ and she'd brought water pistols for the kids to play with Needless to say the adults "pinched" them and started chasing each other My OH not to get caught dived James Bond style over this massive bush He made it but appeared with half the bush in his hair The kids thought it was hilarious
    I love today's sketch I hope to spend tomorrow afternoon crafting... best laid plans and all that
    If any of you pop in later - huge hugs back at yer especially MARIA and LYNDA I hope you're feeling better

  12. Janet it sounds as like you have had a busy day, I hope things have calmed down and you can enjoy a relaxing evening.
    You have my sympathy, so many people have this awful cough that is doing the rounds. My chemist told me to have honey and lemon, I have it ever morning anyway, just made it stronger and paracetamol, which I was taking anyway. I actually don't take them iit can be avoided, as I have quite a cocktail of pills to take anyway. Really hope you will be feeling better soon. xx
