
Tuesday 29 November 2016

Michele's Man cards and Early Christmas Treat !!

Good Morning Ladies,

I have some of Michele's cards to share with you today, I love both of these cards, both simple designs, both look really Modern too.
The dies Michele used to create these cards are Tattered Lace 'Tuck-in Dies' they come in a variety of designs from hearts to stars and these ones are the 'Scribble' set, it comes with another design too, see below
The first of the cards is Navy and the second is Gunmetal, I believe Michele is using the Navy one for Phil's birthday.  Thank you so much for sharing Michele xxx

I also wanted to share with you Something that Michele has treated herself too, its called Stamp Perfect, it looks very similar to the 'Misti' but not as expensive.
On the reviews I watched on YouTube it was described as Looking like Misti, doing pretty much exactly the same job as Misti, has same elements, foam mat, pad of paper, magnets, etc yet it comes at almost half the cost.  I can't wait to hear how you get on with it.  I will stick with my Ikea Frame for now ๐Ÿ˜‰ xx

Sue and I are off to Pat's today for some crafting and chatting, (not necessarily in that order), I must go and pack my bags!

Lilian, I bet your 11 tubs of purple and white Tulips will give you an amazing display in the Spring, will you be visiting Oxford on your trip up London to see Oscar for his birthday? if so maybe we could organise to meet you for a quick coffee?

I emailed Anne yesterday as I was worried that she was unwell, she replied explaining that she is busy right now, she wishes you all a Merry Christmas & Happy New year xx

Sending Love and hugs to all,


  1. Morning Ladies

    My two cards are made using an idea I saw on Pinterest and to be honest I was struggling for ideas for Phil's birthday card! I have 3 different sets of the tuck-in dies and think they're really useful.

    The stamping tool was £24.99. I'd hit an email about it but it was out of stock so I searched online-they're all available by ore-order but I've had an email today my order is complete...!! This is a great to myself so I can try out lots of the stamps I have. Some are mine but some are the ones I inherited from my crazy friend.

    Yesterday was a day full of problems-heating engineer found a problem onthr boiler which needs a replacement part (£115 plus fitting fee) , dentist appointment is 9.45 today. The Joiner didn't arrive until midday but stayed until 7.45!!! Hope he doesn't think he can do that today & tomorrow-we're hoping to go out for Fish + Chips tomorrow for hubby's birthday treat. Once I've been to the dentist I plan to assemble the cards I printed out at the weekend-will have to move everything onto the kitchen table to save going upstairs into the dust and muck!


    1. Hi Michele. Two great man's cards for us to enjoy, thank you. The Happy Birthday is gorgeous, please can you tell me what make it is? Sorry to hear you have to have the boiler repaired, ouch, what a price. We are lost without them though aren't we as dear Cheryl will agree. You will love the Stamp Perfect if it's anything like our Ikea ones. I stamped two a4 sheets full of tiny baubles and a couple of snowmen and didn't waste a single one...that's how fantastic it is for me. Without it I would have wasted nearly half of them. Enjoy yours. Good luck at the dentist and have fun crafting x

  2. Morning Everyone
    We have a very very cold and frosty morning here. The first ground frost of the year.

    MICHELE- I hope you have a better day with the joiner than yesterday and that your visit to the Dentist is not too bad. Enjoy your crafting in the kitchen at least you haven't far to go for the kettle and snacks lol.

    My visit to the chemist yesterday morning resulted with me coming away with a bottle of linctus and instructions re if wheezing/chest tightening etc gets worse visit the doctor. If I need an appointment to see a doctor I should have made one at least two/three weeks ago!! I might just have to partake of a bedtime toddy of Whisky/hot milk and honey and forget to put the milk and honey in hehehe.

    I'm going to try and get the Christmas/Retirement card done today and perhaps a little more work on Gracie-Leigh's book.

    Take care if going out. wrap up warm. The Cafรฉ is looking nice and snuggly this morning and huge hugs are on their way to you all. xxxx

    1. Hi Janet. I hope the linctus and honey and lemon work for you. Chris swears by a hot toddy of whiskey, honey, lemon and hot water before going to bed when he has a cough/cold. Have you decided what you are going to do for the card? Hope it goes well. We have a hard frost here too. Take care x

  3. Hello Sandra and everyone,
    Michele love your cards, thank you for the inspiration. Please keep us updated on how you get on with your stamping tool.

    Sorry dashing about this morning after my sisters, she's lost a set of keys so we going to help search her flat!! .... Michele's friend comes to mind !! Yes you get the picture. Hope fully we will not be home too late and I can looking again see what you're up to.
    Have a good day but do you wrap up warm if you are going out, as it's very cold out there, probably more so than where we are .

    Love and hugs to all, Brenda XXX

    1. Hi Brenda. Good luck finding your sisters keys today. It is cold and frosty here too, but with blue sky so it looks so pretty with the frost shining on the cobweb on the bushes ๐Ÿ˜‰ Make sure you wrap up too please x

  4. Lovely cards MICHELE Are the sentiments die cut too? Good luck with the workman today
    Hope you're successful with the key hunt BRENDA
    You take care CHERYL Can you ask for an emergency appt or do you have a walk in centre?
    Take care all Hoping my Birthday/Christmas arrives today...

    1. Hi Karen. Have a good day, I hope you wrapped up well to get to work, it's a real frosty one today. Take care x

  5. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafรฉ today. Mi checked cards are perfect for the men, and I love the sentiment font.
    Mum, I don't know who you were talking about on the girls trampoline, here love you xx
    Lilian, I was going to ask the same question as Sandra about trying to meet for a coffee around Oxford. It would be lovely if it is possible. Take care x
    Val, I bet you are feeling the cold more than the rest of us. I wonder how many layers you are wearing? Take care x
    Lynda, I hope you are doing well and resting that wrist, I missed seeing you in the Cafรฉ yesterday. Sending healing hugs x
    I'm just off to finish packing my bags ready our meet up ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜
    Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for our Lynda, Janet and all in need. Take care xx

  6. Hi Sandra and everyone.

    Love today's cards Michele. Really unusual dies. They make your cards look so effective.

    Got home about an hour ago. We left the Travel Lodge at 4am. It was minus 6 degrees. Oh So cold. The windscreen of the hire car was iced up and took ages to clear. Yes Sue we had lots of layers on. I looked a bit like the Michelin Man but I didn't care. Fortunately although it was a cold weekend it was bright and sunny with no rain I'm glad to say. I haven't actually bought a lot of craft goodies. I bought mostly Christmas presents and a few clothes for my hols in January.
    I'm just having a coffee before I unpack my case. I was up so early I think it will be an easy rest of the day.

    Will read all your comments later.
    Love Valxxx

  7. Good afternoon Sandra & ladies
    Think I had a senior moment yesterday I thought I commented sorry ๐Ÿ˜
    Well I did have a moment yesterday I had a tight feeling in my chest in bed in the night. Then in the morning after breakfast I had palpitations only lasted a few seconds but I mentioned it to Terry & he rang the hospital they told him to.ring our doctors she rang me back & said if I get any more palpitations lasting 5 or mor minutes ring 111 or 999 but touch wood ( I'm touching my head ๐Ÿ˜„ ) I haven't had any today. I have been sat in my chair all day cuddling Bambie.๐Ÿถ
    Val glad you enjoyed you trip to UK & now back safe in the warm.
    Thank you Sue for missing me xx๐Ÿ˜Ÿ
    Michele love your cards I have been trying to find the Dies without any luck can you tell me where you got them please. Thanks.
    Maria hope your feeling better today.Many ๐Ÿค—๐Ÿค—๐Ÿค—๐Ÿค— xxx
    Love & Hugs Lynda xx

  8. Afternoon Ladies

    I used a Paper Smooches die for the sentiment on the first card-all the letters are separate which is a faff to glue them on a card, the sentiment on the second card is a peel off!

    I've bought my Tuck-in dies off eBay each time and not had any problems.

    Electrician been to quote for a replacement extractor fan for the downstairs toilet. Dentist was fine-no charge as I'd only been 4 weeks ago. Joiner still clattering & banging-hope he doesn't stay as late tonight.


  9. Hello All, it's been a lovely day here, very cold and crisps, but no frost.
    Sorry to be late, trying to catch up with work before we go away on Friday.
    Michele great cards, hope the stamping tool works well, it looks a complete copy of a misty, surprised they are not breaking copy right laws, must admit I wish I could have bought my Misti for that price.

    We are calling to see my dear friend in Oxford, but will be a flying trip as will be on the way home, as O /H as a meeting in the evening, but would love to another time. Still hoping that we all have a meet up sometime next year. Will be up longer over Christmas but dare say you will all be busy then.

    Lynda take care, plenty of rest, hope you will soon be feeling better.

    Have a good night , hugs to all, Lilian

  10. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra thank you for showing Michele's cards they are great. Interesting to see how you get on with your stamping tool,I love my faux misti. As several of my embroidery ladies also make cards I took it to show them, needless to say I think after Christmas Ikea will be getting some visitors. Thanks to you Sandra, hope you have had a good catch up
    Hope you are all well Janet hope cough gets easier. I have had a busy day npw ready for my bed so will send hugs to all who need them love
