
Tuesday 1 November 2016

Marvelous makes from Maria

Maria's Stunning Pleated Card

Maria's Card for Christian

Good Morning Ladies,

Can you believe its November???

We had a busy start to the week, Sophie and Lucy decided they were desperate for some new clothes for 6th Form, so we set off for Swindon, I must have the only two teenagers that DO NOT like shopping, honestly its like a trip to the dentist for them, which makes it a challenge, bearing in mind that they asked to go, but they got a few outfits each, the good thing with my two is they don't need a mirror, if they like it on each other they know it will look ok on them!  On the up side we did manage to squeeze in a trip to the Range, but nothing really 'jumped out at me', I got some Kraft card and foam tape, that was it! 
Some other fantastic things about the start of this week .......

Janet was in yesterday and sounding so positive, my day was made right there! Xxx

Sonia loved her new job, I was so relieved to read your email Sonia, we were all waiting to hear how you got on, such fantastic news xxx

Karen got to spend a special day in London, going to see Motown The Musical xxx

So a fantastic day all round, let's hope the rest of the week is the same!

Now without further a do.......Today's cards......

Maria, I just love the colours that you have used for your Pleated Card, such a bright, cheerful colour, that works perfectly with the patterned paper on the bottom half of your card,  the lace you have used adds a reach elegant touch to your card, the Bow Appliqué finished with those tiny Pearl drops is the perfect centrepiece for your border.  The embellishments you have used finish your card perfectly Maria.

I think that your card for Christian was a genius idea Maria, cards like this cannot be bought, so much thought goes into a handmade card, this particular card will remind Christian of the amazing time he had while travelling Hong Kong, I love the addition of the boots and the sentiment at the bottom, I bet Christian loved it ! 
Thank you so much for allowing me to share your cards with everyone Maria xxx

I think that Sue and I are off to Pat's today, all being well .

Sending love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Maria-two lovely cards from you today.

    Goodness-yesterday was busy at work. I had a dentist appointment at 4.50 last night-had the temporary filling removed & a permanent one put in plus my check up. My mouth is still sore this morning where she was working. Didn't feel like crafting last night-watched Sunday's episode of Law & Order then finished my book.

    Tonight I'm off to my crazy friends to collect the craft stash-there really can't be much left for me by now! I hope she's managed to clear enough space for me to walk in the house & actually sit down. I'll let you know tomorrow!!


    1. Hi Sandra
      Maria I just love both of your cards they are gorgeous. Love the lace on the pleated card, and the boots on Christians card.
      Well, we didn't get to play today I'm afraid today. Although Sandra and Sue came over, so we gas bagged instead for awhile. I'd rung the hospital before I went to school as we hadn't heard when an appointment. No appointment was showing for today nor next week. So they were going to look into it and ring him back. The upshot was we had to be at the hospital today at 4.25. Anyway to cut a long story short his cancer is stable as it hasn't moved any further into his bones nor none of his organs as far as a CT scan shows. He needs to have his bloods done and sent to the hospital as obviously he couldn't have it done before we went. If the Testosterone and PSA is still rising they'll do further tests. Another appointment is booked in 2 months time.
      Hugs to Janet, Lynda, and I hope you injection is still working Maria.

    2. Hi Michele
      I hope your mouth is feeling better now. I wonder if your able to sit at your friends. We have a neighbour who hoards everything. Papers etc cover everything. The last time I was in there I had to go in sideways.

  2. Good Morning Sandra and ladies.
    Sorry I was missing yesterday. I spent the day at the shop getting the Christmas stock out and on the shelves. So tired last night. Had tea and an early night.
    It's another Red Day ( Bank Holiday) here in Spain. It's The Day Of The Dead. A day when all Spanish make a picnic, gather their tables and chairs, go to the Cemetery and have a picnic. A strange custom to us but it's their way of respecting the family that have dies.

    Janet. Glad things are slowly being sorted out for you I bet you're itching to get back to France.
    Sonia, so glad you job went well and you liked it Yeh.
    Karen, hope you had a lovely time at the theater last night.
    Michele hope your sore mouth improves over the day and hope you get lots of lovely stash.
    Sandra, hope you and Pat and Sue have a great meet up.

    It's Tai Chi and bingo day so better have a shower and get organised.
    Love to all.

    1. Hope the relatives had a nice time with their dies Val. Sorry couldn't resist, isn't predictive text a pest. Enjoy Tai Chi and Bingo.

    2. Ha ha Pat, just

  3. Sorry Maria. Love both you cards today.
    Love Valxxx

  4. Morning ladies,

    Bit foggy and dullish this morning. Hope fully it will soon clear and we'll have a spot or two of sunshine later.
    The sun shone so brightly and warmly for yesterday's walk along the canal towpath. A couple of beautiful swans came swimming alongside us showing no fear at all. I imagine they are very well fed and cared for by the lucky residents that live by the canal.
    The autumnal colours of the bushes, shrubs and trees were amazing in all their glory. I found some brightly coloured cosmos sheltered by a wall, nodding their heads gently in the occasional slight breeze.
    The only fly in the ointment was a couple of unnecessary and spiteful remarks made by the organizer of the annual Christmas dinner. I went across to ask if I could be included in the list due to my holiday and illness only for her to look at me in annoyance and say "You're not on the list" with the emphasis on YOU'RE. I said I thought Maureen had included me earlier, upon which she turned round to others and complained quite loudly that 'people were messing her about'. I didn't have a chance to defend myself before she spitefully said, "If you haven't got your deposit, you're not coming". And to cap it all, she hadn't even added Maureen or Rosie's names to her list despite asking them to go! I was absolutely flabbergasted and went back to my car to get the deposit money. By the time I had got back and gave her the money, she thrust the menu in my hand and marched off to collect from some others. I looked at Rose in amazement and Rose quietly said, "Shall we not bother". My stubborn response was "No, I am going now to make sure she doesn't get her way!" But I will take the chance to speak to her next week when she comes along for her usual 'hug before a sweetie' routine.
    Rosie and I enjoyed lovely meal in one of usual cafes that has recently just reopened under new management and a major refurbishment.
    I arrived home to answer a phone call to say 'they were on they way with mu new toy'. I can reveal now that it is a Husqvarna Topaz 50 embroidery machine with quilting functions. My poor little older sewing machine cannot cope with the thickness of some materials and as I got this one at a bargain price, I am well chuffed with my purchase. The dealer stayed and whilst his son loaded all the embroidery templates onto a USB memory stick, Mark gave me a hour and half tuition. I will discover more functions in greater detail the more I use it. Pictures sent to Sandra.
    Beautiful personal cards Maria, I love the travel one.

    Love & hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Cheryl I know envy is a sin BUT I am so envious of your new machine, I have a Janome that has seen better days, would so love a new one, will wait to hear more about it. Did you buy locally or online?
      Sorry you had such nastiness on your walk yesterday, I never understand what people gain from being like that.

    2. Hi Cheryl
      My word Cheryl what a very unpleasant lady. I'd go as well just to be awkward. I used to sew a bit years ago. But with these new fangled machines I wouldn't know where to start. I can't follow written instructions for toffee. I can't even understand the manual for my new car.

  5. Good morning ladies ,
    This is my second attempt! Where do these comments go to when they don't print?
    Good to hear you got a satisfactory explanation of what happened Janet, hope all goes well for you now.
    Maria , I love your cards , the first one is so pretty and the second one such a clever idea , are the boots stamped on ? If so can you let me know the make of the stamp? Thank you.
    Sandra I hope you have a lovely time with Pat and Sue today!
    Sonia. Great to hear you enjoyed your first day in your new job so much!
    I'm hoping to have a few holes of golf this morning as it is dry and bright ( at the moment) .
    We had 19 guisers last night , so we enjoyed their outfits and jokes!
    Love and hugs to all xoxo

  6. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra hope your throat is easier, & hope you have a good day with Pat &
    Maria both of your cards are stunning, I love the pearl drops & the one for Christian is a genius idea, well
    Cheryl your walk sounds lovely as usual, the weather was glorious as well. Sorry you had a grumpy leader hope you get it
    Val sounds as if you should be proud of yourself making all those cards well done. enjoy Tai chi & bingo xxx
    Michele hope today is
    Janet hope you are pacing your self & not going too mad, just having answers will make you feel
    Very foggy here this morning I think it is going to be damp & chilly playing Petanque this morning, time to get boots out I think.
    Hope you have all recovered from celebrations last night, I have tidied the cafe & all clean & ready for visitors. Fire & coffee on & pan of soup ready for later.
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

  7. Hi Sandra and all in the Café today.
    Maria, what a beautiful pleated card, I love the papers you have used. What a great card the second one is too. The map is really unusual, I've never seen one like this before. Where did you get it from please? And adding those boots along with the sentiment makes it such a meaningful card for your son. Simply wonder. Thank you for sharing. I hope you are feeling ok today, if it's foggy with you like it is here you won't see much on your morning walk x
    Sandra, I'm glad the girls managed to get some clothes, knowing the clothing restrictions that there are for sixth form at their school! See you and Pat later. I am determined to get at least one CC finished today so need to make sure I pack all that I think I will need.
    Janet, it is lovely seeing you in the Café again. Will you be off to Marginy this side of Christmas? X
    Sonia, I am so glad that you had such a good first day.You can relax and enjoy the job now. I bet you slept well last night didn't you 😀 x
    Karen, I bet you had a lovely time at the theatre yesterday, looking forward to hearing about it x
    Cheryl, what an awfully rude woman that organiser is! What makes her think she can behave like that. She should be ashamed of herself. At least you had a wonderful new toy to end your day. What fantastic service you had from the dealer and his son. You know we are all going to be waiting to see what you make with it. Enjoy yourself 😀 x
    Mum, at least you should be pain free once they do the op. It's good that they are going to do the op as you havent had any luck with the injections. Hopefully you won't have to wait too long. Love you xx
    Michele, sorry to hear your mouth is sore after the visit to the dentist,I hope it improves as the day goes by x
    Val, I'm not surprised that you were tired after putting out all of the Christmas cards at the shop. Is it decorated for Christmas yet as so many are already over here? I hope you have good luck at bingo and relax at Tia Chi x
    Lynda, are you having any jabs today? I hope not as you are going to end up like a watering can you poor thing. I hope you have a nice relaxing day x
    Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for Janet and all in need. Take care xx

    1. Hi Sue HaHa I had another 💉Today & a visit to foot clinic so I'm probably more like a watering can than a pin cushion. Why do they always bruise my arm. Hope you had a good day Love Lynda xx

  8. Morning Sandra and all in today.
    Surprised seeing my cards on view this morning. Thank you ladies for liking them. The boots are a pair of Doc Martens stamps by Deep Red,Made in USA. Sorry can't remember what UK site I got them from. The Map is something I just found online and printed off. Son loved it and now want to go back one day. Like to make some more pleated cards but must make sure it's not too thick as it cracked slightly.
    I will read later what you all been up too. Late walk today, got to bed 9pm last night and slept to 9.30am this morning so now feeling like a zoombie so need to get some air. See you , Have a good day everyone. Love and hugs, Maria Xoxox

    1. Hi Maria I found you Doc Martins boot stamp on EBay if anyone is interested xx

  9. Hello all, another beautiful day here, weather wise, unfortunately while R was out with my car, some idiot drove by at speed and completely destroyed my mirror, R was stopped, I know we have narrow lanes, but he didn't even stop, so another expensive bill, lucky he wasn't driving his new car.

    Maria love both of your cards especially the one for your son, very clever. Have not tried a pleated card yet , must have a go.

    Sandra hope you three have a lovely day together.

    Have a good day all , hugs Lilian

  10. Hi Sandra and everyone.
    Lovely cards from Maria :-) Love the pleated card with the lace trim and bow - very pretty. I bet Christian loved his card - such a great idea :-)
    Sandra, I hope you, Sue and Pat are having a lovely day with lots of crafting and chatting :-)
    Cheryl, your walk sounds lovely yesterday. Shame about the rudeness of the Christmas dinner organiser! Enjoy your new embroidery machine :-)
    Michele, I hope your mouth is feeling better as the day goes on x
    Another lovely shift at work this morning - an hour of it taken up with a companionship call taking a lovely gentleman for a drink and slice of cake in the cafe and then for a walk :-) Oh yes Sue, I did sleep very well last night :-) All the worry about starting has completely gone.
    I hope you're all having a good day. Sending hugs to all xxx

    1. Hi Sonia
      I'm so glad your enjoying your new job. It's lovely that the worry was all in vain. Sending you a hug.

  11. Afternoon Ladies
    I had a great time in London - danced away until 2am Sunday/Monday. We did a bit of shopping yesterday - no crafty bits, just a couple of cardis, and a much needed pair of slippers
    The show was A-M-A-Z-I-N-G! Knowing a bit about the history of Motown - the racism, difficulties they had publishing black music, the way the UK opened their arms to the musicians where apartheid was not anissue for them made it such an enjoyable show for me BUT my OH - not so much of a fan thought it was more of a Diana Ross story. The performers were brilliant, not only at singing but dancing too. I would recommend it to anyone but especially to a Motown fan that would like to see the "story/history" of Motown
    Love your cards MARIA especially Christian's - so clever
    I can't get over how rude that lady was CHERYL. She'll get her come-uppance and then you can have a little smile to yourself
    So glad your first day at work went well SONIA and thank you, your card arrived today
    How annoying LILIAN re the car.I wish you lived nearer to me because my future son-in-law would have helped replace the light and not rip you off price wise
    Off to catch up on my emails now
    JANET I hope you're feeling the benefit of the new meds and that your sore mouth is easing MICHELE
    Take care everyone xxx

    1. Hi Karen
      We also saw the show in London earlier in the year. Like you I'm a fan and as you said it was AMAZING.

  12. Good afternoon Sandra & everyone
    Hope you had a lovely day with Sue & Pat lots of chatting & some crating too.
    Very cold day here winter coat on. I had Yes another 💉Test this morning & foot clinic this afternoon the Diabetic nurse referred me & have been taken on as I have RA & Diabetes so have a check up every 10 weeks or if I need appointment I'm getting my money's worth from NHS.
    We managed to go for our walk but halfway round the park it stated raining ☔️ but the fine rain Bambie had her coat on for the first time this year.
    Tomorrow I haven't got any appointments Yaay so must get in craft room after housework & ironing is done. Poor Margaret phoned me earlier she was doing a lot of Sheena's embossing on her Cut & Boss machine & going fine on the last pass she put through the plate's Jammed in the middle of machine she tried turning it off & on & pulling on the plate's with no luck. Luckily she still has her
    G C. Maria I love both of your cards you have done a great job love the pleated one. Well I'm off to dish up dinner Love Lynda xx

    1. Hi Lynda
      You'll start leaking soon Lynda with all the needles your having stuck in you. As you say your getting your monies worth.

  13. Sorry Sandra and ladies, I didn't press publish again after signing in and my post is under Michele's. Bummer.

  14. Hi Janet
    I'm so glad they've found out what was causing your problems. You'll be on the up and up now Janet.

  15. Hello Sandra and everyone,
    Busy day today, had to go for blood test early this morning, then did some shopping, we then had lunch and came home. Back home sorted out shopping, then needed a little rest. Later grandson rang (eldest daughters middle son) he was so pleased, he's just passed his driving test and wanted to share the news with us. He will be 18 on Sunday - so this will certainly be a week he remembers.

    Hope our three graces enjoyed today, I think it's great you can meet up and craft (or not) together. xx

    Maria love both of your cards, Christians one is brilliant. Love the DM stamp. xx

    Sorry am going to have an early night, hope you have all had a good day.

    Love and hugs Brenda xxx

  16. Hello , anyone here still ?
    Michele- hope you mouth felt better later in the day, poor you.
    Lilian- nutters on the roads. Luckily R is fine.
    Margaret- sorry to see you need an op. but hope you be pain free after.
    Pat- glad nothing changed for Pete and everything hopefully is dormant for now. You soon see the other 2 again for chatting,chatting and more chatting sorry meant to say crafting :-)
    Lynda- more needles ! yikes, sorry you get so bruised after. Are the really some places left for them to take your blood. Bless you, sending some healing hugs.
    Sonia- so glad your new job have gone off to such a great start and it will continue for a long time.
    Cheryl- wow, what a horrid woman. You go and have a fab. time and hopefully she will have an awful evening tihi
    Another one of your lovely walks, this time of year it is nice as long it's stays dry. I got pretty wet today for mine and have had a chill all afternoon.
    Val- unusual place for a picnic. Hope you had a nice day.
    Karen- Motown sound great. Like the music myself too. Speak soon !
    Brenda- huge Congratulations to your grandson taking his driving licence and Happy birthday for him on Sunday.
    Anne- hope you had a nice day and Tollie is being good, as he can be ;-)
    Sue- hope your day been alright and you looking after yourself.
    Well wishes to our Janet and to anyone not feeling 100%, Take care. Thank you all for your kind words reg. my cards. I'm growing hihi
    Have a good night all, Xxxx
