
Monday 31 October 2016

Your Challenge this week.........

Your Challenge this week.....
Should you wish to accept it, it to Create
A Bauble Themed Card

Winter Lodge Bauble Kit: Would be sweet gift tag.:
The straight lines and round ornaments in black, white and grey make a stunning handmade Christmas card.  If you prefer pops of color, change up the bling on the ornaments or the color of the sentiment.: Bauble shaped card                                                                                                                                                                                 More:
Good Monday Morning Ladies,

Your Challenge this week is to make a 'Bauble' themed card, now as you can see from the examples above that I have taken from Pinterest, your baubles can be made from anything, they can be Stamped on, Die Cut, drawn, buttons, absolutely anything, if you don't have a bauble die just use a circle and add a bow on top!
You can even make the card the bauble as in the fourth photo!
My thinking behind this theme is that you can take part in the challenge and get your Christmas cards done!
If you need some extra inspiration just pop onto Pinterest and type in 'Bauble Cards', a word of warning though, take a cup of coffee with you as you will be there some time!
Please don't feel under pressure to take part if you don't have time, I always appreciate when you do take part but knowing that some of you have circumstances similar to my own, or work or Grandma duties, I never 'expect' to see a card.  But I love to open them when they do pop into my mail box.

Have a lovely week ladies, whatever your plans are!

Karen, enjoy your special day/night xxx

Love and Hugs to all,



  1. Hello All, beautiful morning here, hope it means a lovely day.

    Sandra love this challenge, just what I needed to spur me on to do my Christmas cards, always mean to start early but never do.

    Work today, nothing much else planned, hope everyone has a good day.
    Will pop in through the day, to see what everyone is up to, hugs Lilian

  2. Morning Ladies

    A lovely selection of cards -I think I'm going to like this challenge. I forgot to say on my blog post yesterday-I love the challenges as it makes me think & uses up some stash but I do appreciate how much time it must take you to organise. I'd love it to continue each week but I'll go along with the majority.

    Goodness-the weekend went very quickly! I managed to move all the tubs up to the greenhouse(didn't want hubby to help after his recent back problems) then we did about half an hours weeding & tidying up. I then went into my craft room & completed another Christmas Card in a Box for my Sale Table. I'm panicking now as the Christmas Fair is less than 2 weeks away (it's on Saturday 12th) and I'm not sure if I'll be on my own. A colleague had offered to help but she doesn't seem that keen now so I'll ask her about it today.


    1. Hi Michele
      I hope your friend is able to help. Wish we all lived closer to each other. You'd have plenty of helping hands then.

  3. Good morning Ladies,
    Love all the bauble cards Sandra ! I will try to take part as I love this idea and can at last get back to normal, I have really enjoyed my trips away but need to get on now with Christmas cards, I will take photos of my Hobby show buys and send them to you , I don't think I'll bother going down to Glasgow for another show as the only well known demonstraters were Sue from Imagination crafts and ( her name escapes me at the moment) the lady from Poppy stencils ( who I enjoyed watching and I bought a couple of the stencils) with 3 craft channels I don't suppose they need to go to these shows anymore?
    I had a quick look to see what you have all been up to in the last week, I hope your sore throat has gone and you feel much better, Karen so sorry I missed your birthday so I'm sending Happy belated Birthday wishes to you and hope you are having a wonderful time!
    Janet , Linda and Maria and anyone else I have missed out , I hope your pain and discomforts are easing and improving, sending big gentle hugs xoxo
    Thank you for liking my crazy bird cards, they are such fun stamps to use!
    Pirates is back on today so I'm looking forward to that, ( I certainly need the exercise after all these holidays and treats) .
    Our grandchildren are all excited about Halloween tonight so I hope we have a dry evening for their " guising" .
    Treacle scones and spooky cupcakes in the cafe, enjoy!
    Love and hugs to all xoxo

    1. Wondered about the pirates Anne. Doesn't predictive make us laugh. Going to the theatre with friends to see Ghost tonight. Appropriate don't you think.

  4. Sorry that should read Pilates but as it's Halloween maybe Pirates are more spooky!

  5. Morning everyone,

    A beautiful bright clear day here in Somerset, just right for today's walk along the canal at Huntworth.

    Love the idea of a bauble challenge card. I might actually get this one done in time, lol

    Finished my cloths rails and I now have spare space! So many tops didn't fit my now bigger embonpoint or I had not chosen it as a block item. Yesterday rather busy sorting out a chest of drawers, have the other one to do tomorrow, and again a lot of clothing went into the charity bag. I do shop on a whim sometimes, wear the item once or twice then pop it into the drawer where it remains for ages. So satisfying to have a good clear out once in a while.

    Gentle hugs for all our poorly ladies.

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Hi Cheryl
      I envy you managing to clear out your drawers. I can't get Pete to get rid of anything. He complained that I'd put a tea shirt in the case with a hole in it when we were away. I said if he put his old teeshirts in the school charity bag he wouldn't have that problem.

  6. Morning Everyone
    We have a sunny but cold start to the day here so heating on and an indoor day is called for. Hoping to get to my craft table this morning and make a start on some Seasonal Cards.

    My Saturday morning visit to hospital was a very useful one. the Gastric Consultant was a lovely lady and went through everything which had happened since the end of August with a fine tooth comb. The conclusion is that a new med which was given to me in the middle of august has been the cause of all my tummy problems. She also said that the dosage was far too high as well. The only problem I now have is that one of the blood tests shows that my red cells are on the large size and so I may have a vitim D/B12 deficiency and so I had to have more blood taken.
    At least I had a positive result re my tummy and she gave me an 'open' appointment just in case things flare up again. I now need to build up my energy levels and get back to normal.

    I loved all your CCs for last week and this week's Challenge looks a good one.

    MARGARET - the café looks really good this morning all dressed up for Halloween and beautiful Broomsticks all ready and waiting for tonight's festivities.
    Remember last year when we were all flying all over the country. I even flew from France to visit.

    HUGE AND GENTLE HUGS for everyone. Thank you all for your thoughts and hugs over the last couple of months. I have really appreciated them. I really could not find better FRIENDS. xxxx

    1. Hi Janet,
      I am soo pleased that at last you have an answer to your problems, now at least you can gradually regain your strength & energy. Thank you for your comment Bob cafe decorations, according to my dear son in law I fly my broomstick all the time. Take care hugs on

    2. Hi Janet
      I'm so pleased that at long last your an answer to your gastric problems. Hope they give you something if your blood tests for D/B12 deficiency come back as you need something. Take care and I hope your energy levels improve soon.

    3. Great news that at last you have some answers, hope things start getting better soon

  7. Morning Sandra and all ladies.
    Lovely cards and a bauble hanging in the tree or in the window is so pretty at Christmas.
    I hope you all have a nice day. Lilian, take care with your hands when working. Anne, have fun with the pirates, hihi Cheryl, have a good walk. Janet, great you got some answers at last. Take care and you will soon get stronger, you must be itching to go back to Marigny asap. Big hugs.
    Sonia, enjoy today !
    Michele, breathe. Shame we can't help you at the sale table so I hope your friend keeps her words. You will do fine, your cards and pop up cards are all fabulous !
    Sandra , hope you starting to feel better and your throat hasen't got worse.
    Hugs to Pat , hope you are doing alright.
    Brenda, back home to normalites for you and John. The kids here have gone back to school today so it will be quieter outside. We getting new neighbours today to the right of us. Have not seen them yet, hope they are nice. Had a quick walk before so now need to have a shower and some breakfast then my morning will be for crafting. Hope to see you later in the cafe', love and hugs to you all Xxxx

    1. Hi Maria
      I'm doing fine and actually went back to school today. They welcomed me back with open arms. Bit scary though with regards to Bets dementia. What an awful disease it is.

  8. A great challenge SANDRA When ai get back from London I will definitely give it a go my family are a sneaky lot - organising this We're off to see "Motown the Musical" later - my favourite genre of music
    Great news JANET I hope this all works far better for you
    SONIA Good luck today - loved your story re the trousers Me and my daughter need trousers with 34-36 inside legs So the 38 ones would've suited us!
    I promise I will email you MARIA re the meet up when I'm home re the meet up So looking forward to it
    Take care all xxx

  9. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra great CC again this week, thank you hope your throat is
    Sonia thinking of you today hope all goes well, they will all love
    Cafe all set for celebrating tonight hope you all join in.
    Got to go shopping this morning then hospital check up for my wrists this afternoon so will love you & leave you, hugs on way to all who need them love Margaret.xx

  10. Hi Sandra and all in the Café today.
    This week's challenge is a great one for me so I hope to get a few Christmas cards done.
    I hope your throat is clearing up now my lovely.
    Janet, it is such a relief to hear that your appointment went well. You must be feeling so much better after finding out what has been the problem. A lack of B12 and vitamin D seems to be quite a common problem, I know several people that have to have B12 injections every few months. Now you must try to build your self back up, but don't go trying to do too much please. Big hugs are on their way x
    Sonia, I hope you have a good first day. Sending hugs x
    Karen, have a wonderful time watching the show, what a lovely gift for you x
    Maria/Skinny Lizzy, well done on losing more pounds. I hope you are feeling better today. Fingers crossed that your new neighbours are nice. Big hugs x
    Michele, try not to get too stressed about the sale. I hope your friend will help you on the day x
    Cheryl, you have been busy haven't you. Do you fancy coming and doing my wardrobe? 😀 I hope the weather is kind to you today for your walk, it is really foggy here still so no good if you want to see any scenery while walking x
    I'm hoping to start my CC later on after gwtting a bit of shopping (food, not lovely craft goodies). Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for Janet and all in need. Take care xx

  11. Hello Sandra ans all the Coffee Shop ladies,

    Sandra a lovely CC today. I am sure in my bits box I've got some assembled baubles that I didn't use last year, so I'm quite excited, I might even meet this challenge - hooray ⭐️⭐️⭐️
    I hope your throat is feeling better, don't go over stressing yourself and make sure you have plenty of rest + the honey and lemon (my first go to medicine)

    JANET I am so pleased you have that last got some answers. The consultant sounds lovely, it makes such a difference when they take the time and trouble to talk things through with you. xx

    SONIA just wanted to know let you know I'm thinking of you and hope today goes well. xx

    KAREN have a great day in London and enjoy the show. xx

    I'm off to go through my bits box now, to see what I can come up with.
    Hope everyone has a good day, The weather is very good at the moment the sun is shining and the windows are open. It's feels great.

    Love and hugs to everyone, Brenda XXX

  12. Hi Sandra and everyone.
    Love this challenge Sandra - think it may even get me back to the craft table although it will probably be last minute ;-)
    Janet, so glad your hospital appt went well on Saturday and you got some answers x
    Karen, enjoy the musical - I love Motown too :-) Wow, you and your daughter must be tall - before taking up the trousers they completely covered my feet and then some! Remembered to post your card, so fingers crossed it arrives tomorrow x
    Margaret, I hope you got on ok at the hospital this afternoon x
    Well, I had my first shift at my new job this morning and I absolutely loved it :-)) Such a lovely place to work and everyone was so friendly. Thank you again for all your supportive wishes xxx
    Hope everyone has had a good day too. Sending love and hugs to you all xxxx

    1. Sonia so pleased your first day was good, Over you wonder why you worried.
      The Consultant has decided I need a small op on left wrist to relieve pressure on tendons, they have tried injections so last resort. This getting old is no fun.!!!xxx

    2. Glad the first day went well, next shift you will go without the nervousness of first time.

    3. Thank you Margaret and Lilian - am so looking forward to my next shift tomorrow :-)
      Margaret, I hope you don't have to wait too long for the op. Thinking of you.
      Hugs xxx

  13. Hi Sandra
    Lovely challenge cards from yesterday. Aren't the ladies on the blog fantastic coming up with different cards for one style of card.
    Janet I hope the hospital were able to give you some answers. Gentle hugs on the way.
    Hugs to all who need one today.
