
Monday 10 October 2016

A simple Challenge

Good Monday Morning Ladies,

Well ladies for those of you that like to be organised there 10, yes 10 more Mondays until Christmas (Christmas is on the following Sunday), so those of you who were waiting to start you Christmas cards its probably time to get started. (I am mainly referring to myself)!!  I started panic Christmas card making on about the 5th December last year!  Ending up buying cards for friends that wouldn't fully appreciate a handmade card, the thought of someone throwing a card away that had taken me an hour at least to make! I hope you ladies feel the same.

That brings me onto this weeks Challenge, I would like you to make a simple Christmas card with am Embossing folder and a Sentiment, that's it, you can add whatever else you like.  

My card was made using Creative Expressions Wintery Frame Embossing Folder and the Sentiment is an Elizabeth Crafts Die, I have been wanting this die for a while, initially I was put off by the size but I just couldn't resist it, I love the swirly font, if you use the Sentiment as the main feature of the card it works fine, it was made for this Embossing folder (in my opinion)!  I would have added some tiny die cut snowflakes but I don't have a small snowflake die, I only have the old spellbinders ones, maybe I need to go shopping........!

Janet, I hope this new week brings you some answers and finds you feeling better xxx

Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Great sketch I have actually made a start on my Christmas cards BUT I still have a ton to do I have made one with a sentiment as the focal element ...
    We didn't go to Beer Festival in the end It turned extremely cold and OH had started painting and didn't want to stop
    Rug Docto was a complete waste of time in my opinion In hindsight I think we had a faulty machine to start with It decided to stop working and replacement one was a lot more efficient But this was the first time we'd tried this So didn't know any better The house stinks of stagnant water So guess who I'll be emailing later!
    Have new glasses, so we'll see how I get along at work
    Well done to CHERYL re email to HOCANDA Let's hope they sort their figures out I still haven't bought anything from them as you can usually find it cheaper elsewhere
    Hope everyone is well and health is improving All of you are constantly in my thoughts xx

    1. Hi Karen
      We found that the rug doctor wasn't much good as well. It's a shame you don't live closer to Oxfordshire as you could have borrow the carpet cleaner I have.

  2. Morning Everyone
    We have a very dull and cold start to the day here so it will be central heating on and a stay indoors day for me today.

    I have blood tests this week and then a follow up with my GP next Monday so fingers crossed something is sorted.

    I'm determined to get a CC done this week so that's my Challenge to myself.

    I love all the CC shown yesterday and once again all very very different.

    Lots of hugs for you all. I have lots of catch up reading to do on all your comments of last week so must get started on them. xxxx

    1. Hello Janet, lovely to see you, good luck with the blood test's and the GP appointment next week. Take care LOL xx

    2. Hi Janet
      Lovely to see you commenting today. Good luck with the blood tests and I hope they manage to find out what's wrong.

    3. Hi Janet lovely to see you in the cafe'today good luck with your blood test & hope GP appointment goes ok. Take care.
      Love Lynda xx

    4. Hello Janet, great that you feel able to come in today, hope all the test results, find a solution for you and that you will soon be back to normal, hugs Lilian

    5. Hi Janet. It's great to see you in the Café today. My fingers are crossed that your bloods give the doc some answers. Good luck when seeing him next week. Stay snug and I hope you manage to get a CC done this week. Sending healing hugs x

    6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra the challenge this week looks good hope to have a go this afternoon. Hope you had a good
    Janet lovely to see you in this morning, I really hope & pray you get some answers soon. Just take it easy hugs on
    Karen it sounds as if you or OH need a rest, hope your glasses are
    Lovely autumn morning cooler but sunny.
    Cafe set up forthe day. leek & potato soup for lunch with fresh rolls, please help yourselves.
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

  4. Morning everyone,

    A challenge card I can get my teeth into Sandra. Looking in my EF draw, I didn't realise how many Christmas folders I have so while my Solar panel engineer sorts out adding the Glycol(antifreeze) to the system, I can have fun playing with all the folders.

    Yesterday was so much fun making paper for Joseph's science homework, not so much mess as I had expected and the results were not bad. However we concentrated on section 1m which held all the research to be done and missed the middle 2 lines in Section 2 that we should have made 3 different types. How they expect all this to happen inside a week beats me. If we had left it to dry out in the fashion they suggested, it would take more than a week to dry them all out to use. And you would have trays of wet paper hanging around. My brain fog cleared and I became lucid for a while and decided to place it on a baking tray and put it in the oven, temp 80F and left it for a couple of hours. Result lovely dry paper that Joseph could draw, paint or write on and make his research questions viable. I.E. What medium did you consider to be the best to use in writing on your paper?
    One happy grandson went home pleased with what he had done. Mummy now has the delight of finishing the project with him. hehehe

    All photos now downloaded onto my PC and put in an album where I can easily find them ready to be forwarded to Sandra. And all the tales are stored safely somewhere in my brain. Emails galore coming your way now Sandra.

    Do hope your BT's are favourable Janet and you will soon be back to normality.
    Hugs for all our poorly ladies
    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxxx

    1. Hi Cheryl
      Sounds like you had fun helping Joseph with his school project. Good idea to dry it in the oven. Much quicker than air drying.

    2. Hello Cheryl, the paper making sounds great fun, I'm sure Joseph enjoyed you working with him on his science homework, at least he could go home and tell mum how they could speed up the drying process. Take care xx

    3. Hi Cheryl glad Joseph & you had fun doing the paper making with out a lot of mess. Great idea drying in the paper in the oven.
      Looking forward to seeing you photos.
      Love Lynda xx

  5. Morning everone.
    What a lovely challenge this week Sandra and such a pretty card you've made.

    Hope everything goes well with your blood tests this week Janet and they can sort you out.

    Cheryl your paper exercise sound difficult and complicated but obviously a success and lovely to have a happy grandson at the end of it.

    Had a good card making day yesterday but a day off today in fact I have a busy week ahead. Later on I'm off to a music quiz at my local bar. Now I'm really not in to music which doesn't bode well so hopefully the two ladies I'm going with are. If not I can see we're in for the booby prize.
    Lovely weather here still. Still in t shirts and long shorts and not got the duvet out of the wardrobe yet. Hope it lasts for next week as I'm off on a 4 day coach trip to Malaga and Gibraltar.
    Have a good day everyone.
    Love Valxxx

    1. Hi Val
      It's sunny here at the moment but not very warm. Enjoy your trip to Malaga and Gibraltar.

  6. Hi Sandra and everyone.
    Great sketch for the week, and I love your card :-) I actually got into doing a little crafting yesterday, and was focusing on inked backgrounds and using embossing folders over them, so I'm going to use those for my card this week :-)
    I know what you mean about Christmas cards, I have to admit that I do still buy some to send out!
    Janet, lovely to see you in today. Hope the blood tests go well x
    Karen, hope you get on ok with the new glasses!
    Val, good luck at the quiz.
    Have a lovely day everyone. Hugs to all xxx

  7. Lovely Card, I really like C&S.

  8. Hello Sandra and everyone,

    I like today's challenge card, in fact I've been in my craft room playing with ideas, let's hope and pray I get it all put together. My brain doesn't often work like that, so thank you Sandra. I know what you mean about Christmas cards I went into total panic mode last Christmas, got myself into a terrible state, have promised my self it will not happen this year. I thought I had to make elaborate cards for everyone, and just did not have the Mojo with all the other Christmas activities to cope. I am older and wiser this year and will get through. Ha ha

    Started the day with a trip to the doctors, we had a appointments to see the nurse for blood pressure checks etc etc. Everything was fine but she did say I could lose a bit of weight!!!

    It's a lovely sunny day here, there's a nip in the air when you are in the shade but don't mind that, can always add a layer.

    I hope everyone is having a good day, sending love and hugs, especially those in pain on not feeling the best. xx

    Take care, Love Brenda xxx

    1. Hi Brenda
      I'm glad the Drs visit went ok. I had mine done awhile ago, the nurse didn't mention my weight, although she didn't weight me. Good job to as she would have probably told me I needed to lose a bit of weight.

  9. Hi Sandra
    Love the sentiment and the card you've made using it. How funny that you'd bought the same embossing folders as I did. They say great minds think alike don't they.
    Gentle hugs on there way to Janet, Lynda and Maria? I hope Terry is feeling better today Lynda

    1. Hi Pat
      yes Terry is a lot better now thank you although he says he is still poorly HaHa. Think he likes getting all your extra Hug's xx

  10. Afternoon Ladies

    Not been home long but couldn't wait to pop into the Cafe. Had a fantastic time (exhausting) in Washington when we finally got there-5 hour delay due to British Airways then over an hours wait in US customs, which meant we got to the Hotel very late.
    Sandra-love the simple Christmas card challenge, might just be able to manage that this week. We're both off all this week but have a number of things planned-not all exciting things! Painting the shed, ferrying hubby round tomorrow as his car is going in for a service. A trip into Liverpool on Wednesday & we'll stay for lunch which will be nice.

    Right-time to empty the washing machine then head out to Tesco to fill up the fridge.


    1. Hello Michele, After your lovely break you are back to all the exciting things - shopping, painting, chauffeuring and washing. You certainly know you have 'landed' !!!! Seriously it's nice to have you back safely. xx

    2. Welcome back Michele. Glad you had a good but tiring time. Did you see Obama? A trip to Liverpool sounds great, I'm very jealous.

    3. Obama's helicopter flew over us -he was going back to Chicago!! Don't think he saw me waving-ha ha!!


    4. Hi Sandra & everyone
      Michelle glad you had a good holiday seemed to go very quickly.
      Like the challenge card this week Sandra thank you. Hope you had a good Sunday with Paul home. How did the puppy sitting go.
      Don't know whare today has gone,still tiding craft room but I'm going to have a play now. Terry is on computer so good time to play see you later. Love Lynda xx PS did you get your parcel Sandra. Xxx

    5. So glad you enjoyed your trip to Washington Michele, would you consider Virgin Atlantic for future flights? That's who we flew with and I can honestly say, I have not had such care and attention as their stewards and stewardesses showed us during both flights from other airlines apart from Qatar Airlines. Now that is luxury even in economy class. x

    6. Hi Michel
      I'm glad you had a lovely time in Washington. Even though it sounds like you had a horrendous trip out. Sounds like this week in full on as well.

  11. Hello All, it's been a lovely day here,if a little chilly, several loads of washing dried, just the ironing to do.

    Sandra love the card, great challenge will maybe get me out of my crafty doldrums.

    On my own again O/H, has a meeting in Croydon tomorrow so staying with daughter in Barnes tonight.

    Better get my self something to eat, have a good evening all, hugs Lilian

  12. Evening Sandra and everyone.
    Back home after a few days in Colchester. Had a nice time and the weather was good but it did get cold today. Tried comment a few times but then when pressed publish this face with a hanging tongue appeared so gave up. The one I wrote yesterday is up somehow when I just had a quick look, not sure what happened there. Do you think a computer course would help, not with my brain it wouldn't. hihi
    The craft all of them on Saturday were lovely and the CC's yesterday were all brilliant. Wonder if Lilian recognise the owls ? a bit tricky to attach to the card, they will probably fall off.
    Sandra- hope your puppy watching has gone fine. He must be a adorable little thing.
    Michele- good to see you back, have a nice break at home.
    Karen-the food / beer festival sound fun place to visit. Hope your new glasses will be ok. OH will try contacts lenses from tomorrow. I wouldn't like to put anything into my eyes myself.
    Lynda- hope your feeling ok after the flu jab. Going to book one when next shopping, usually getting a bit of feber after but better that then full blow flu. Hope Terry is better.
    Janet- so glad you feeling good enough to visit the cafe'. Margaret have looked after it marvellous and her dinners and soup have made me put some weight on so must pull it together a bit hihi
    Brenda and Pat- loose weight, neither of you are any big you are perfect as you are. Hope you both are alright ?
    Cheryl- Joseph school project I remember doing myself a long, long time ago, Loved seeing what you could make from some 'sloppy' bits in a bucket :-) Hope you are better and looking forward to see the photos.
    Val- enjoy your Music quiz, fingers crossed you not get last. Hope you all had a nice day.
    Mug of tea and maybe a sandwich would sit nicely now so I wish you all and good night and see you tomorrow after a walk and thought for this week CC. Love and many hugs to you all, Maria Xxxo

  13. Hi Sandra and all in the Café tonight. Third attempt so a quick one now. I love your CC this week, and that sentiment is gorgeous, it does go in the e f perfectly doesn't it. I hope tonight has gone well for you all my lovely xx
    Janet, it's so good to see you in today. Fingers crossed this blood test shows up something x
    I hope you are all staying warm, it has got really chilly hasn't it!
    Sending love and hugs to all with extras for Janet and all in need. Take care xx

  14. Hi Maria
    Thanks for thinking Brenda and I are perfect. We love you to.
