
Tuesday 11 October 2016

A last minute Engagement Card

 Engagement Card


Good Tuesday Morning Ladies,

As I am writing this it is 01.52am and we have just got home, we surprised our girls (all 3 of them) with tickets to a see 'Fifth Harmony' (an American girl group that Sophie and Lucy follow), I'm pretty sure most of you won't of heard of them, I needed educating, haha, I have heard of one of their latest songs it goes on about "work, work, work, work" !!  Anyway we picked Becca up from work and made the very frustrating journey through the centre of London to the O2 Arena, lovely Venue, they had an amazing time.  We left there at about eleven and got home at about 01.40am, after two major diversions on route home.  Frustratingly, had the traffic been better we could have called in to visit Brenda & John, but as it worked out we wouldn't have got to them until about 9pm!! Shame, I was quite excited at the thought. 
It was all worth it to see the smiles on their faces, it was the first time at a 'pop concert' for all of them. I think they will have no voice and ringing ears tomorrow!

Now onto today's card, another surprise!! To me anyway, Matt called me at 5 on Saturday and said "its Sophie and Nicks engagement party tonight, can you do me a card"? I had an hour and a half to start from scratch.  So I went for my trusty layout, I decided on a dark silver and white theme as engagement cards are for the guys too, I used CE Heart Lattice Embossing Folder, CE Happily Ever After Die set from one of Sue's recent releases, perfect with the hearts in the corners, it looked lost on the card on its own though, so I created another layer by matting two sizes of the Noble Adorned Square  dies together in silver and white and popped the focal piece on top, it looked much better, the sentiment was just typed into word using 'Harrington' font, I like that one as its pretty without being too girly.  I added a Satin Bow and die cut some Spellbinders Cinch and Go flowers by Becca Feekin out of the metallic/shimmery grey card, to which I added a sparkle to the centre.  
I then made a box to fit the card and used the same colours to make a sentiment, which I die cut with a heart shaped die, I then added some peel offs the edges of the box.  All finished in just over an hour, which is pretty good going for me!

Sending love and hugs to all of you,


  1. Hi Sandra and all in the Café today.
    Sandra, what a beautiful engagement card. I love the sweet Happily Ever After die, romantic without being over the top, and your colour choice is gorgeous. And to get a card and box made from scratch in an hour shows just how talented you are my lovely. I'm glad that the girls enjoyed the concert, sorry you had so many problems with the journey though. A quite day is in order for you I imagine, after such a late night! Xx
    I must get some paperwork done today : ( then need to get on with a couple of cards so that will be my day done
    I hope you all have a good day whatever it brings for you.
    Sending love and hugs to everyone with extras for Janet and all in need. Take care xx

  2. When I saw the name SOPHIE on the card my heart skipped a beat and immediately thought if YOUR Sophie
    Welcome back MICHELE Can't wait to hear about your trip
    Your paper making sounded like great fun CHERYL
    I hope your tests went OK JANET and they show up how to make things better for you
    now the jury is still out on the glasses front Ok for tele and knitting but work is proving a problem Will see what card making is like later!

    1. Hi Karen
      I hope you manage to get your glasses sorted. I've heard of a few people just lately who are having problems with new glasses.

  3. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra hope you are gaving a quiet day today after your late night. Pleased the girls enjoyed the concert, shame you didn't get to see Brenda & John. Your card & box are
    It is cold &dull here I think gloves will be needed at petanque this morning.
    Hope your glasses settle down for you
    Michele good to see you back enjoy the rest of your time
    Cheryl pleased you feel better take
    Maria good to see you back home hope you are not in too much
    Cafe up & running lentil & vegetable soup on today.
    Sending healing hugs to all who need them particularly Janet love

  4. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-gorgeous card & box. I'm not sure I'd have been able to make anything with so little notice.

    We have sunshine here-might be able to get some washing dried outside. Am off to the garage so to collect hubby as his car is going in for a service then we're calling at B&Q for a number of items that we've been meaning to buy including wood stain for the shed which is one of the jobs for this week.


  5. Morning ladies,

    Another beautiful sunny day here in Somerset. The last lot of holiday washing on in a minute then sorting out what to take on my weekend away, I was informed yesterday that we are going for 4 days not 3 so extra packing to do. Luckily will be taking most of my holiday clothes as they are already airing off.

    Such a gorgeous card Sandra, isn't it ironic that the ones we do at short notice turn out more goregous than some we dither over? It happens to me all the time.

    Two letters off today re the niggles we encountered at the very beginning of our trip. Sorry I haven't sent pics yet, there are so many wonderful ones to choose from that I have now decided to start them in the same sequence of the trip i.e. Day 1 etc.
    Off and away then, I don't want to waste any of this glorious drying time.

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Hi Cheryl
      Enjoy your next trip away. You are having a lovely time just lately.

  6. Hi Sandra and ladies.
    What a lovely card you've made. It's so pretty and amazing that you made it and a box in one and a half hours. I bet the couple were so pleased with it.
    I must admitI've never heard of that group but what a lovely surprise for the girls and so glad you all enjoyed your night out despite the traffic.
    I was out at 6.30 this morning with Lynn to take a friend of hers to Alicante Airport for her journey back to UK. Then Lynn and I went down to the beach front and had breakfast which was lovely. Home now, just taken Gracie out for a very late walk and feel pretty tired. No time to rest as I'm being picked up in half an hour to go out for lunch. Will definitely have to have a nap later on.
    The music quiz yesterday was really good. We didn't come anywhere but we laughed so much my sides were aching. They're having them every month so we'll be going again.
    Well better go and wash my face.
    Take care everyone especially Janet.
    Love Valxxx

    1. Sounds like your having a lovely day today Val breakfast and lunch out. Glad you enjoyed the music quiz even if you didn't come anywhere. It's goid to get out and be able to laugh at something is a bonus.

  7. Hello Sandra and everyone in the cafe,

    WOW Sandra I am totally in awe, to complete a card like this in such a short time, you really are one very gifted young lady. Now me, I would have still been faffing about what colour shall I use what die shall I use, in the time you took to make this card and box. I may have missed it in your description but what time did you use for the foliage with the little hearts on? It looks like SW die if I'm not mistaken.

    Ladies the excitement in this house yesterday evening was electric, a text from Sandra to say they were almost at the O2. I said to John we might have visitors after asking who - your sister? He replied, I said no Sandra and Paul, I really had to laugh at his response, he said "I'm glad I had a shave this morning"
    We were both disappointed when you were delayed in traffic. The time you were traveling was not good, it would have taken about an hour to get here, then you would have had to return to pick up the girls. Maybe next time. So pleased that the girls enjoyed the show, and as parents go you are A* I hope you and Paul can have a quiet and restful day, you certainly deserve it. LOL

    It a lovely bright day here, washing on the line basking in the sunshine. It feels good.

    Sending special hugs for everyone, extra ones for those in need.
    Take care love Brenda XXX

    1. oops .... what DIE did you use for the foliage? xx

  8. Hello All, dry here , but not so cold as yesterday.
    Catastrophe this morning, broke the side arm off my glasses, now I can't see without them, so had to wear my distance sunglasses, so with O/H away had to drive to town myself with just my sun glasses, the optician put a new arm on and did not charge, probably because ordered a new pair, so that's a few weeks craft money gone.

    Sandra your card is beautiful, I always find I take ages trying to decide what to use, so am in great admiration that you did your card so quickly.

    My fantasy film and fibre arrived today, only ordered on Friday eve, so very quick delivery, will have to wait to try out, as have to do some work.

    Hope everyone is having a good day, hugs Lilian

    1. Hi Lilian enjoy playing with your fantasy and fibre.

  9. Hi Sandra
    What a stunning card you made for Matt. Love the colours you've used as well. It would have taken me longer than an hour to even begin to start to think what an I going to do let alone what colours to use. My word fancy taking the girls to see a concert at the O2. Mind you it is a lovely place even to walk round. I bet the girls are tired today. Shame to Beverly managed to get to Brenda's.
    Coldish but sunny here at the moment, so Pete did a lineful of washing. His medication cane this morning but only enough for 4 weeks. No letter from the hospital so will have to ring to see if it's been lost in the post. Will wait a few more days though before I do that.

  10. Just thought I'd pop in Glad the girls enjoyed the concert The O2 is a lovely venue I recognised the song but not the band (get me!) Shame about the traffic hold ups
    Your card is wonderful SANDRA Like Brenda I would be faffing around deciding what to pick AND to make a box too
    I finished a wedding card last night but forgot to take a photo poop!
    Having a bit of a breather before hoovering up the rest of the deodoriser I'd put down to try and rid of the awful smell!
    Hope you ok JANET MARIA and LYNDA and anyone else that is in pain Gentle hugs to you too

  11. Hi Sandra & everyone
    Sandra your card is really lovely I love the soft silver card you have used.
    The flowers & bow just add's that special touch. Well done in the sort time you had to make it.xx
    Suns out but quit a cold chill jumper on. I had a letter this morning from the hospital heart clinic it said you have a pacemaker appointment on 31st October
    I thought I don't want a pacemaker so I rang the heart clinic & said I'm having a stent fitted not a pacemaker. She looked up my notes & apologised & said they should have sent me out the letter underneath the one I received it's for a lung function test & sending another letter out for same day & time so good job I phoned. Maria glad you had a good few day's away but sorry your still have pain with your leg & shoulder please rest up now as much as possible.
    Cheryl how lovely having a extra day away do you know where you are going hope packing goes ok. Val mmm that sounds nice breakfast by the sea. Glad you had fun & a good laugh 🤗 at the music 🎤quiz xx
    I have made my challenge card. Just going for our walk now a bit late today.
    Pop in later. Love Lynda xxx

    1. Sorry Sandra ment to say glad the girls enjoyed the concert at the O2 that's a long journey for you. But they must have all been so excited.
      Love Lynda xx

    2. So glad you appointments come through and it's not too long to wait. I bet you got such a fright reading about a pacemaker but so good that you rang and sorted it out.
      Enjoy the rest of the day. Xxx

  12. Hi Sandra and all.
    Beautiful card and a box too in such a short time, you are the queen bee making the cards up every day and some more.
    What a great surprise for the girls and glad they had a good time. Shame with all the traffic so it got too late for seeing Brenda and John.
    I hope you all have had a nice day, cold but sunny here.
    Sending special hugs to our Janet and to anyone who need one. Love and hugs to you all, Maria xxx
