
Thursday 28 April 2016

Something Pretty for Thursday x

 Good Morning Ladies,

I am absolutely in love with the new Creative Expressions Stitched Lattice Frame Die,  I think its hugely versatile, working for both male and female cards and so many occasions from beautiful Wedding cards to Sympathy cards.

I went for the 'pretty, girly' look for this card, I started with the white Lattice die cut that I did at Pat's today, I then tried it against a few different colour backgrounds but loved the Pale Green Glittery card, so I decided on a pale pink and green theme.
I attached the Lattice die cut, that had been cut using the second largest (middle) frame and the centre lattice piece and added mounting foam, mounted onto to the larger frame, cut using the largest and smallest frame dies from the set. This gives good dimension to the card, I added plenty of Cosmic Shimmer Glue to the frame as I was sticking it to glitter card, then pressed firmly all the way around the frame.
I used Creative Expressions Trailing Ivy die, to create some foliage out of some of the green glitter card, I hot glued them into place and then played with some Silk and pearl flowers to create a spray around then top corner of the card, I needed something else and paper flowers just didn't work so I cut up a gorgeous Flower Trim from Amanda's Shop added a pearl to the centres and used them for little flowers here and there, I threaded some on to green 0.4mm wire to create stems too, a few pink stamens and a couple of little off cuts of pink pearl string made into little loops finished the design.
I cut two different size centres from Creative Expressions Scandinavian Collection to mount my Sentiment on. I added tiny green pearls to all of the centres of the lattice work.
I hope you like my card xx

Set Craft   have the Creative Expressions Stitched Lattice die for £20.75, amazing price !

Sue and I had a lovely day at Pat's, we did do some crafting, but put the world to rights too!! Poor Pete must dread Wednesdays !!

Janet, I hope all went well with your second half of MOT, did you pass?? Or is it time for Jim to trade you in?? Lol, I want first refusal if he does !! Love and hugs xxx

I hope you are all managing your Challenge Card OK?? I might have a little 'mini' challenge for you tomorrow, I have been given some Sue W original cards to give away too, so make sure you check in, also let me have your "guilty secret" purchases too, if you have any !

Have a lovely day everyone, take care it will be frosty this morning, flippin' weather..... Val how many of us can you put up???? We can bring craft goodies!!??

Love and hugs


  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-WOW, stunning card, really pretty.

    I'm up early-must be the excitement of going into work! Goodness knows what I'll find there, I know I have have over 100 emails sitting waiting to be dealt with as I checked I from home.

    I did receive a crafty parcel yesterday so will send you a photo along with my challenge card later. I think I overdid the diecutting yesterday as my thumb is quite painful-I'm sure 2 days I work will be the perfect distraction.


    1. Morning Michele - have a good day in work but don't over stress and worry about the bathroom.
      Hugs xxxx will you have your new machine?

    2. Hi Michele. Sorry to hear your thumb is sore after all that die cutting, at least you can rest it today at work, but then hour other fingers are going to be sore answering all of your work emails! Take care x

    3. Hi Michele, hope work wasn't too bust for you I've heard of tennis elbow but never Crafters Thumb. Hope it gets ok.
      Love Val x

  2. Morning Just waiting for my lift to take me to work Just stunning Sandra Will be back later

    1. Hi Karen. I hope work goes well for you. Sending love and hugs x

  3. Good morning Ladies,
    Just a very quick comment as we are going into Inverness for some shopping ( we only go in every 4-6weeks) so lots of shopping to be put away afterwards, it takes 1 1/2 hours each way , so quite a long day ahead,
    Sandra , I love everything about your card ! Also great colour combination , the flowers and die are gorgeous .
    Love and hugs to all xoxo

    1. Hi Anne have a lovely day shopping at Inverness. I hate Putting shopping away the thought of 6weeks worth of shopping good luck with that.😀xx

    2. Anne, treat yourself to some craft goodies xx

    3. Hi Anne. Good luck with putting all of that shopping away. I'm with Lynda on that one. You must have a love big kitchen, if we got six weeks worth of shopping we wouldnt be able to get into our kitchen : ) Take care x

  4. Good Morning Sandra, WOW a fabulous card, so delicate and pretty.
    Glad you had a lovely day yesterday.
    Will send you an email with my pics of Leonie stamps.
    Going to do some work today, must get back to normal.
    Hope you all have a lovely day. Hugs Lilian

    1. Morning Lilian - don't overdo things by trying to do everything at once. Slowly does it Hugs xxxx

    2. Sending you some special cuddles , hope your day is fine xx

    3. Hi Lillian have a good day but don't over do it.
      we have some sun but still very cold. Take care sending you some warm Hug's. Xxx

    4. Hi Lilian. Take it steady today while you do some work. I hope you have some sun, it's rather cloudy here, think we are in for more rain sleet and snow which we had yesterday! Take care x

    5. Hi Lilian lookingcforward to seeing what you make with Leonies stencils.I was so tempted to buy them myself.
      Love Val x

  5. Morning Everyone
    Well we have a beautiful sunny start to the day but if it turns out like yesterday I'm off back to my bed and staying there until at least JULY!!! It was horrible. Bitterly cold, biting winds, rain, hail and just when I was going out of the door snow and big flakes too. Fortunately it didn't settle but when are we going to get some gentle Spring weather?

    SANDRA- Ohhhhhhhh gorgeous card and I would love to see one like this coming through my letterbox and I'm sure I'm not the only one. I love your colour choice that very gentle green with the hint of bling is just beautiful. I must use more glitter card it really does make a difference. Your flowers are scrummy can you tell me where you got them from please.

    I passed my MOT so that's that for another year. There was just one or two little things but we know about those and I got my appointment letter from Jessops yesterday morning (10th June) so at least I have a date. I also have reams of a questionnaire to fill in and charts to keep before the apptment I tell you I'm coming back as a man next time not having all these
    I have to photograph my CC today and try and get it to you Sandra and if my new glue gun arrives I'll let you have a pic of that too for Guilty Secrets.

    All set for the day here in the Cafe. Clean tablecloths, little pots of primroses on the tables and the urn full to bursting just waiting to be used so come on in and have a chat.
    I'm off to the corner to have my coffee before starting my day with a little crafting.
    Hugs are in the basket please help yourselves. xxxx

    1. Hi Janet
      I'm pleased MOT went well & your not being traded in HaHa.
      Good luck with the questionnaire.
      Have a good day.Hug's Lynda xxx

    2. Hi Janet. I'm glad that your MOT went well with no surprises. Some of the hospital questionnaires can take ages to complete so I will be thinking of you pondering on the answers : ) Take care x

    3. Hi Janet. Glad your MOT was fine. Glad you're having a sunny day. Yesterdays weather sounds awful.
      Love Val x

  6. Hi Sandra and everyone.
    Love your beautiful card. It is absolutely stunning :-) I think the lattice die may be added to my wish list ;-)
    Glad you had a lovely day yesterday with Sue and Pat.
    Busy day for me today - work, then food shop, but hoping I will get chance to start challenge card tonight and remember to send you my guilty secrets!
    Hope everyone has a good day whatever you're doing.
    Hugs to all xxx

    1. Hi Sonia. I hope work and shopping go well, after that you deserve some crafting fun. Take care x

  7. My comment on this beauty somehow has ended up on yesterday's blog!!!!
    (Lattice card)

    1. Hi Angela. I will hop back to yesterday to see your comment on today's beauty : ) Take care x

  8. Morning Sandra & ladies,

    Lovely clear day yesterday, I thought I would get the strimmer out and try to clear all the long grass before using the mower. Only problem was I couldn't figure out where the cutting line box had gone so took a visit up to Woollens, just outside of Cannington, a very handy hardware and builders shop, and was told they have to order some parts in. Apparently it was missing the cap end. I didn't even know it needed one which would explain the reason why the line kept wrapping around the motor last year. The parts should be coming in today.
    Today is clear and sunny today with a few showers expected, I hope it stays off till later this afternoon. The decking is now ready for it's first protective coat.
    The decking cleaner I also used on Pete's memory bench worked. It is going to be a labour of love to get it back to the original wood colour. There are so many struts for the back rest I will have to take it steady and not rush the job.

    Lovely card yesterday Janet, really stunning. At first I thought it was monochrome til I read your description.
    Another wow! card from you Sandra, I have done similar with the SB lattice dies, but not one with green as a predominant colour. The pink flowers add to the prettiness.

    I hope everybody who has been feeling under the weather has now improved. I have another BT for my kidney function monitoring to be done on the 5th May and apart from odd bouts of Mr Arthur Ritus bothering me, I am feeling quite spring-like.

    Love & hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Hi CHERYL
      My You are a busy bee please don't over do things my dear friend.
      Big Hug's Lynda xxxx

    2. Hi Cheryl. You are lucky having a good hardware shop near by, they are few and far between these days. I hope the weather is kind to you and leaves the grass dry enough for you to use the strimmer, it's far too wet here at the moment.
      It sounds like you will need lots of elbow grease along with the decking cleaner to get Pete's bench looking tip top, you will be very satisfied once it is done though, won't you : ) Take care x

  9. Good Morning Sandra and ladies.
    What an amazing card Sandra. I just love that die and have got to order it. The flowers are so pretty and set the lattice of so well. Also just love the little pearls. Whoever receives this is very lucky. Pity my birthday isn'til February.
    Sandra . I do have a spare room but it's now my craft room. It does have a reclining chair in it which is very comfy. Also I don't mind a couple of ladies bunking in with me and if you wait a couple of weeks the weather will be fine enough to sleep outside. So thats 3 more on the sunbeds and of course the 2 settees in the lounge. All in all I think we've got room for all you ladies who wish to venture over. What a laugh that would be ha ha.
    Well off to the dreaded dentist in a moment. Just fitting my tooth back so I don''t think I need the boxing gloves on today. Then off to get my nails done. I really will get round to my cc card this afternonn and send you my stash photos Sandra. I don't know where my days go sometimes.
    I will hopefully pop bacl later and read everyones comments.
    Bye for now.
    Val x

    1. Go to Set craft Val,link is now below card description !!
      Good luck at Dentist,I would be petrified no matter how simple the procedure was!!
      Sandra xxx

    2. Good luck at the dentist, still holding your hand. Don't like it either.
      Oh girls aren't we lucky to have such good friends, now we got a French retreat and a Spanish retreat to choose from so we can leave this cold weather just with a short flight hihi See you soon xxx

    3. Hi Val. We will be with you at the dentist, holding your hands, just keep thinking how lovely your hands will look after your manicure.
      Well, it sounds like you have lots of room for us when we come over. I would be happy to sleep outside once it is warm enough through the night : ) Take care x

  10. Ladies, I have added a link to Set Craft Shop as they have the Lattice die for £20.75 which is amazing price, they were selling for £29.99 to £34 at Ally Pally !!!

    1. Wow, that really is a great price for such a versatile die set. I'm very tempted after using Pat's yesterday. Thanks for adding the link my lovely xx

  11. Margaret Palmer28 April 2016 at 10:15

    Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra another beautiful card from you, it is so lovely, thank you for showing us. Just emailed you my guilty buys + another
    Embroidery this afternoon so must get on, lovely sunny day very frosty earlier though.
    Hugs on way to all who need them love Margaret xxx.

    1. Hi Mum. Enjoy embroidery later. We have lots of cloud here, please send the sun up to us : ) love you xx

  12. Replies
    1. Hi Angela, hope you well. Have a coffee and some of the calorie free cakes, they are yummy tihi
      What kind of crafting do you like to do ?
      hugs Maria xx

    2. Welcome Angela, lovely of you to pop in, I have an amazing group of ladies here on my blog, we are always happy to welcome new friends in to join us daily for some crafting and chatting too.

    3. Hi Angwla.Welcome to the friendliest blog/Cafe you will find. All of the delicious cakes and drinks are calorie free so choose whatever you like and come and sit down for a chat next time you pop in : ) Take care

    4. Thanks for the warm welcome, I enjoy cardmaking, mixed media and scrapbooking :) you can see some of my makes on my blog :)

  13. Morning Sandra and ladies, what a lovely card you have posted today Sandra, I love green and pink together, it must cost you a fortune in flowers lol!!,
    I will have a look at my recent purchases to see what I can send to you for guilty secrets, but I have promised myself not to buy any more dies, if you can believe that,!,
    Take care everyone, xxx

    1. Hi Jess, tried to send you an email to thank you for my card, but it keeps comming back , so I'll say thank you here.

  14. Morning Sandra ,Morning all today. Cold morning,ice on the cars and very heavy clouds so glad it is a indoor day, ok it is some house work but also some crafting.
    Oh Wow Sandra, this is absolutely stunning, I love it !
    That die just funny enough ended on the top of my wish list before the hundreds that are already there hihi
    The colours are fantastic on both the cards and the pretty flowers you have used. Love seeing your cards.
    Hope you all have a nice day and not to many aches and pains around. Hope to see you back in here later, love and hugs Maria Xxxx

    1. Hi Maria. I hope you are feeling OK today. Don't go doing too much house work, save your energy for crafting, it's much more fun isn't it : ) Take care x

  15. Good morning Sandra and everyone who stops by today,

    What a beautiful card you are showing us Sandra, I bet on completing this, you had big smile of satisfaction on your face love, it is beautiful, Love the die, flowers and colour, this card really does get a big WOW.
    So pleased you had a lovely day at Pats, just to sit and put the world to rights sometimes is a great feeling.

    Yesterday at my sisters we managed to pack all her books into boxes and bags and later on we took them to her new flat. In the meantime John dismantle some shelves and did a few other jobs of that required elbow grease! So all in all we achieved quite a bit. Still quite a few jobs to do. We will go back at the weekend and help again, and hopefully everything will be speaking span for her to hand the keys back on Tuesday afternoon

    Today we collecting the children from school and staying over, daughter went to Halifax yesterday morning and will not be home till Friday afternoon. SIL stayed home yesterday and did the school runs etc. But he's going to work today and tomorrow, so that's why we step in. Life never gets boring here, we haven't got time ha ha.

    Sandra I can feel a purchase coming on. I really love that Lattice die and that is such a good price at Set Craft Shop. I think he should put you on commission!!!!!!

    Hope everyone has a good day. At the moment we have beautiful sunshine, so hopefully the washing will dry before we have to leave for school.
    Sending love and hugs to everyone, Brenda XXX

    1. Hi Brenda. It sounds like you and John are making good progress helping your sister with her move. At least it's not too far off now, is it.
      I hope the weather is kind to you when you are doing the school run. Why does it always rain just at the beginning and the end of the school day?
      Like you say, you never get time to get bored do you. I hope you get time for some crafting though. Take care x

  16. Good morning SANDRA & everyone.
    SANDRA Wow your card is stunning I love that die but was so expensive at A P
    Will have to save up some more pennies now as I bought some pretty lace bits on AMANDA sale last night. So i will send picture for next week guilty secret, Tesco shopping soon. OH is waiting for a phone call first.
    Must get cc card done today. We have sun again but still very cold .
    One wash on the line second in washing machine. A few house work chores to do.then crafting after shopping.😊
    Well must get on try & call back later.
    Hug's Lynda xx

    1. Hi Lynda. To answer your question yesterday, yes it is, it's worse in my hips, knees and ankles. I know that I have no choice but to rest for a day or two after something like Sunday.
      And I also agree with you about fining people that continue to throw baby wipes etc. down toilets, even after they have been told they are causing the blockages. They might think twice then hopefully! I hope the shopping is all put away now and that you have a lovely time crafting. When are we going to see some of your gorgeous cards and altered art projects? Soon I hope : ) Say hello to Terry for me, I hope he is ok too. Take care x

    2. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. Oh, Sandra you have created another stunning card, I'm not surprised that you decided on this gorgeous soft green glitter card to go behind the lovely Lattice die cut ( wow, what a great price at set to!) The flowers and beads are stunning too, so beautifully arranged : )
      I hope the girls match went well last night and they didn't get too cold.
      Well, I've commented on the way down
      It's still taken me ages popping in and out as the landline hasn't stopped this morning!
      I hope that you all have a good day andanage to find some time to craft. I am finishing my CC, or making another one, as I'm not happy with it at the moment.
      I am sending hugs to you all with the extras for those in need. Take care xx

  17. Well I just thought I'll just have a quick look at Set craft, didn't mean to buy anything, but am now £54 pounds lighter !!!!! Thanks Sandra ( I think )for the link. Really good prices, will wait and see what delivery is like.
    See you later.

    1. Hi Lilian, I'm just about to pop over to Set Craft so thanks for warning me.
      Love Val x

    2. Hi Lilian. That sounds like me - only go to buy one thing and end up with loads, lol :-) Delivery from Set is superb - I've ordered stuff one day and it's arrived the next day.
      Enjoy your goodies :-)
      Hugs xxx

    3. Hi Lilian,
      Hope you didn't find work too hard. Talked to Sue & we decided to get the die & share it so I have ordered it, I was very good & only ordered that!! wasn't I good, mind I was cooking tea as well.
      It looks a good site to look at I must admit.
      Take care xxx

    4. Hi Lilian,
      Hope you didn't find work too hard. Talked to Sue & we decided to get the die & share it so I have ordered it, I was very good & only ordered that!! wasn't I good, mind I was cooking tea as well.
      It looks a good site to look at I must admit.
      Take care xxx

  18. Evening everyone,
    hope you day turned out like you wanted it. I managed to make one card and have started on the cc one so pretty good for being me.
    It's cold and pouring outside so a earl-ish night for tonight so I wish you all a good night and see you tomorrow. Sleep well everyone xxx
