
Wednesday 27 April 2016

Janet's Gorgeous Monochrome card

Good Morning Ladies,

Wow my day yesterday just disappeared, the afternoon just flew by as Becca asked me to go to GP appointment with her so that she could be referred to a different Rheumatology Consultant, as she has no confidence in the one she has, I accompany her and he spends more time complimenting her than he does dealing with her Arthritis symptoms, anyway we got home, then Paul and I had to go out again and when we returned there was a poor, sad cat, crying in pain and shivering in the rain outside our house, Paul picked her up and she was just skin and bone, so we wrapped her in a warm towel and rushed her to the vet, she had no collar and no chip! But vets couldn't take her overnight, so we had to bring her home, I plastered her all over facebook ( it is useful for somethings) but after an hour nobody came forward, so we called RSPCA, after a half hour call they said they would come out and collect her, they then put you through the donation line!! after taking my money they called back to say that they couldn't come out until tomorrow.  I was so frustrated, our cats (which are house cats) were not happy with an 'intruder' in the house! By now it was 10pm, then finally Facebook paid off, somebody knew the cats owner and they came to collect her, she was very old and had got out of the house, she cannot see very well and was very frightened, her owner was very relieved to have their old girl back, finally got to sit down to my tea at 10.30pm!!
So I was mighty glad that I had some cards that I hadn't gotten round to sharing as by then the card I had started to make earlier in the day was laying half finished on my craft desk!  So please keep your cards coming in, I love having them to share.

Today's card is so gorgeous, one of Janet's stunning designs, I am not sure what the gorgeous dies are that Janet has used on this card, they are so delicate and pretty!  That frame is just so beautiful, so please Janet, tell us what it is !!
Janet's card has been beautifully finished with that lovely printed cotton ribbon and those gorgeous stick pins, everything on the card works so well together Janet, it is fabulous, thank you so very much for sending it in for me to share, I can't wait to hear what you have used to make it xxx

Hopefully meeting up with my two lovelies today for some crafting and laughter!

Love and Hugs to All of you,


  1. Good Morning Sandra, gosh what a day you had, glad it turned out well in the end, hope you have a lovely crafty day.
    Janet your card is beautiful, love that beautiful delicate die cut .

    In case any of you didn't catch my post yesterday, I want to say a big thank you for all your comforting hugs you sent me, it helps a lot.

    Hope you have a good day, it's very cold here.
    Hugs Lilian

    1. Hi Lilian, so glad Monday went ok. Lovely that one of your sisters paintings was put of the funeral sheet.
      Do take care and keep warm.
      With love Valx

    2. Hi Lilian. I'm glad that all went well on Monday. Take it easy now, you are in my thoughts x

    3. Hi Lilian,
      In am glad that our 'virtual' love and support helped you get through a very tough day my lovely. Xx
      I am so blessed with such a wonderful bunch of ladies on my blog, its amazing what a difference a few kind words of support can make.
      I always wanted my blog to be more than a place to view cards, we all enjoy card making, that's the bond that bought us all together, but I wanted my blog to be a place where anyone that was feeling a little bit down or lonely could drop in and feel welcome and were able to chat to like minded friends, it just warms my heart to know that by simply taking 5 minutes out of your day to make a quick comment you could bring a little sunshine into somebody's day!
      Sending you huge, squishy hugs, Lilian xxx

    4. Hi Lilian, glad some of our warm hugs reached you and they will continue to come for as long you are visiting this cafe'. The service sound lovely and the painting a nice touch, take care. Maria xxx

    5. Hi Lillian lovely to see you in the cafe' glad all our loveing Hug's helped you through your sad time Monday glad the service was lovely. Plenty more Hug's here if you need them Lillian. Look after yourself one day at a time. Love Lynda xx

  2. Morning Ladies

    Janet- beautiful card, really lovely.

    Sandra-thank goodness you were able to reunite that poor cat with its owner. The positive power of Facebook, which reminds me- I didn't realise that Sue Wilson & Julia Watts have their blog posts on Facebook every day. I'm guessing most blog do & I've just been a bit slow to realise it!. I'll bet you were shattered last night.

    Today we're having the old lights removed from the bathroom so the electric is going off at some point-will fill a flask just in case! The entire job is going to take 3 weeks so I'm going to have to be brave & leave the fitter at some point, it's just that I have a real issue with leaving the house keys with virtual strangers. The tiles, new bath & the light fittings were delivered yesterday so they're in the garage at the minute.

    Best brave the bathroom then move my temporary crafting kit to the kitchen table.


    1. Hi Michele, 3 weeks wow, the workmen will be best friends by the time they've gone. I really sympathise with you but you just have to be brave and try and ignor whats going on around you. I do hope you share some photos when it's all beautiful.
      Hope the dentist went well yesterday. Val x

    2. Hi Michele. It's understandable that you don't want to leave your home and keys with a stranger, but what can you do if you don't have neighbours that are home to help out? It sounds like it is all going well though. Enjoy crafting in the kitchen : )

    3. Hi Michele, I feel for you. Our kitchen will take 4-5 weeks so I understand. We have also talked about what do we do if wanting to go out, not keen at all to leave keys with strangers how friendly they seem to be. Hope your dentist was kind xxx

    4. If you are so bothered set up spy cameras in the house. Put away valuables in a very safe place, including your laptops and computers, jewellery, passports etc. There has to be somewhere in your house you can put them. I have to say we have been lucky in the past with any work forces we have had in. You either put your things away and get out for short breaks or only one goes out at a time. Even then you can't guarantee That nothing will be taken, if they are going to steal they will reguardless. You can't watch them every minute! Sorry but that's how it is these days. We have been lucky our bathroom complete rip out and refit and we have got a big bathroom took a week. The kitchen also a week. They started each day at 8 finished at 6 eating and drinking cups of tea and coffee on the go. I hope you get something sorted. Xxx

    5. Hi Michelle
      I think you just need to bite the bullet here and just trust the men when you leave them. I'm assuming they're a reputable firm, and there workforce should be trusted to get left.

  3. Morning Everyone
    We are starting the day here in beautiful sunshine and it's dry!!! After yesterday afternoon I will not be surprised at anything in the weather line we get today. We had sunshine, hailstones, rain and a blizzard!! I just wish that someone would tell the 'Weather Gods' that it is SPRING and that we're heading towards SUMMER very quickly.

    It was a good K&N afternoon. We were low on numbers because of illness and visits etc but a new lady appeared so I hope the few of us didn't put her off and that she will come again. We didn't use my kits as someone had forgotten that we'd arranged things but they will be used next time.

    LILIAN - It's lovely to see you this morning. Take things steady Dear Friend.
    MICHELE- have a good day or the best you can with builders in the house.
    SANDRA- what an afternoon but at least all your efforts paid off and the owner and aged cat were re-united. I hope Becca has managed to get a referral as you definitely need a Consultant you have trust in.

    It was a surprise to see one of my cards this morning and what a coincidence as it's gone in the post today to the birthday girl I've made it for.
    I hadn't made a natural coloured card for ages and my new 8x8 paper pad 'Floral Muse' arrived and of course you just have to use a piece. So this gave the colours I then needed. The lace corners are cut in a KanBan dark chocolate card along with the same card for the centre piece. The lace die is one of the few corner Tattered Lace dies I have and the centre is a Joanna Sheen die (oval in shape). The sentiment is also JS. The ribbon and flowers are out of my stash boxes and I made the stick pins using Sue Wilson pins with a mixture of her beads and some of my own.
    I hope you all like it.

    I have the second half of my Annual MOT this afternoon but before that I really must get down to this week's CC. The week is going far too quickly and I'm still not up to speed after my cold last week. So onwards and upwards as they say so with cuppa in hand I'm off into the corner for a little while to see who pops in.
    I've put plenty of hugs in the basket and everything is set for the day. xxxx

    1. Hi Janet. Thank you for putting me out of my misery, I don't usually look at Tattered Lace dies as they aren't my style but I think I will have to have a look for this one as it is beautiful. I hope your second part of your mot goes well today. Take it easy, it will take you a while to recover after the awful cold you had, be gentle with yourself please : )

    2. Hello Janet, Hope your MOT went well and you have many years more to go :-)
      Your card is stunning ! Love the die you used for framing it all, love it ! Take it easy xxx

    3. Hi Janet Wow your card is Gorgeous love the backing paper, were did you get it From please Janet. The die is lovely too.
      Hope MOTwwent well.
      Hug's Lynda xx

    4. Hope you MOT went well Janet. I looked for this die but need the bane please as I couldn't find it.

    5. Hi Janey
      I've just retread my comment and predictive text changed name to bane, it's a shame I don't read what I've written before I press publish. As I said yesterday must do better.

  4. Good morning Sandra and all,
    Sorry I didn't get bacl last night. The internet went off and stayed off all night i know cos I checked about 4am this morning. Sees ok now though.
    Just love your card Janet. Beautiful frame and the stick pins and ribbon are stunning.
    Sandra. Well done you taking so much trouble over the little cat. So glad it was finally reunited with its family. If only it had been chipped it would have saved a lot of your time. Hope you 3 have a wonderful crafty time today.
    Pat you did make me smile. I could never stand up on skates in my childhood. I think I'd break my neck if I tried now. Ha ha
    Marie, do hope your hospital appointment went well yesterday.
    Well it'cribbage afternoon. Will try and get my befuddled brain sorted out this morning so I'll be alert later.
    Paul arrives back tonight. The funeral is next Wednesday. The flights are booked for Monday instead of Tuesday after the fog situation last week. Being Bank Holiday you can imagine how much the flights are!!!
    On a personal note. I'm thinking of the 96 in my hometown of Liverpool today. May their familues finally have some peace.
    Have a great day everyone. The weather looks awful in some parts of the country. If you're affected, please stay safe and warm.
    Love Val x

    1. Hi Val, hope Paul is alright be he coming back and then have to fly out again. Tell them we are thinking of them.
      Also saw about the Hillsborough (sorry if it spelled wrong) My husband have a friend who was there on the day, awful thing to happen.
      Have fun at the cribbage xxx

  5. Hi Sandra and everyone.
    Stunning card from Janet today. Love it - the stick pins and ribbon are the perfect finishing touch to a gorgeous creation :-)
    Sounds like you had a very busy day yesterday Sandra. Glad the cat was reunited with its owner eventually. Hope you have a lovely day today crafting :-)
    Lovely to hear from you Lilian - glad the service went well.
    Hope everyone has a good day today and are keeping well.
    Hugs to all xxx

    1. Hi Sonia, hope you are ok and have a good Wednesday.
      Take care xxx

  6. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today.
    Janet,cwhat a fabulous card. I love it all, especially those gorgeous delicate corners. You've caught Sandra out on what dies you have used which is very unusual, but like her I would love to know please. Thank you for sharing this beauty : )
    Sandra, sorry to hear you had such a long day, but thank goodness that cat landed at your doorstep as some people would have just ignored it. As Michele has said Facebook does have its good points, I'm not surprised the cats owner was so relieved to get her back, we all know that our pets become part of the family. Hopefully you are up to Pat and I coming over, I can't wait to see you both, having missed last week's visit. See you later my lovely x
    Lynda, thank you for your hugs yesterday. We have the service in a different village this year and the parade was only about half a mile, but at quite a brisk pace so not good for me at all! I'm not quite so sore today, thankfully : )
    Brenda, thank you for the good wishes about the blocked drain. It has been cleared, again. The camera put down the drain showed babywipes blocking it at the same house as the last two times. The owners obviously are just ignoring the reminders, it is so frustrating for the other houses on the same drain as we end up suffering too! Any way it's clear at the moment so we are happy : )
    Well, I had better get on, have to pack my craft bags, which always seems to take ages, even when I know what I'm going to do.
    Sending hugs to you all with the extras for all in need. Take care xx

    1. Hi Sue, hope you had a wonderful day with the other two graces. Dis you ever go down the quilting way ?
      hugs xxx

    2. Hi Sue glad you didn't suffer too much on Monday. Is it Arthritisis that play's you up so bad. Pleased you got the drains sorted. I think they should fine the person that causes the blockage.
      Hope your Pat & Sandra had a good catch up today.
      Love & Hug's Lynda xx

  7. Good morning Sandra and all who stop by today,

    We are up early today as we are going to do some packing for my sister she hopes to move to her new flat early next week.
    My sister telephoned earlier this morning to sey a very dear friend had just died she was also had one of my teachers. She Hagd taught in Leicestershire, Dublin Belfast Tanzania. She was the sort of person who could walk into a room and instantly bring it to life a real treasure and a family friend. Who has had the most amazing life, and enrich the lives of so many people.

    Janet your card is just beautiful I'm sure the recipient is going to love it. XX

    Sandra what day you had yesterday. Thank goodness all your efforts paid off and the cat is now back with her owners. I hope Becca gets the appointment with the consultant soon . XX

    Sorry to dash, I'll catch up with everybody later.
    Have a good day, love and hugs Brenda XXX

    1. Sorry to hear a friend of yours have passed, she seemed to have had a full life being in so many places. Take care and hope your day have been fine xxx

    2. Hi BRENDA sorry to here your family friend has passed away as MARIA said she had a very full & interesting life with visits too many places very sad. Hope packing went well & got lots done but please don't over do it Brenda. Hug's Lynda xx

    3. Hi Brenda
      I'm so sorry to hear that your dear friend has passed away. But it seems as if she had an amazing life.

  8. Good morning Ladies,
    Gosh what a busy day you had yesterday Sandra, but good the cat ended up back with its owner, well done you, I hope Becca gets a good consultant and one she can trust, I hope you all enjoy your crafting day it sounds like you need some relaxation time xo.
    Janet , your card is gorgeous , so pretty and delicate , I love all the little pearls you have used so perfect.
    Michele , I think you will have to trust the workmen as 3 weeks is a long time to be stuck inside, you have my sympathy I hate not getting the house to myself at times but it will be so worth it when it's finished.
    Lillian , I'm so glad all went well yesterday xo.
    Brenda, so sorry to hear your sad news , we all need those special friends in our lives and miss them so much when they pass xo
    Val, enjoy your cribbage !
    Well we still have some snow and hail lying but I think it will rapidly disappear, it's walk day so I expect it will be a short beach one and hopefully we will go inside for our lunch, I had fun trying out Leonie's mask yesterday , quite tricky but the second attempt was better, I suppose practice makes perfect?
    Love and hugs to all xoxo

  9. Good morning Sandra and ladies,
    Janet your card is lovely, I especially like the papers and corner dies they are gorgeous.
    I'm so glad the cat was reunited with its owner, we had a couple of cats that went missing a few years ago but they were never found.
    Anyway have a lovely day everyone whatever you do, take care xxx

  10. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra you must have been exhausted by the time you had your dinner last night, good to hear cat reunited with its owner.
    Hope Becca gets some satisfaction. Let Pat & Sue help you today. Take care xxx
    Janet your card is my sort of card it is lovely, thank you for showing
    Michele hope you can get out at some time, I understand how you feel though. Good excuse to get crafting though!xxx
    Maria hope all went well at
    Brenda sorry to hear about your friend, hope you don't tire yourself out helping your
    Lilian good to see you in, take care sending hugs to you.XXX
    Sending hugs to all who need them love Margaret xxxx.

  11. Hi Sandra
    Lovely lvely card Janet, I've looked for this die but can't find it. Do you happen to know the name of it please. I'm just waiting for the dinner to finish off, before we go to the hospital to see Doreen.
    We had a lovely meet up today, mind you more talking and laughing than crafting I must say. But that's nothing new. I'm glad that Becca to you with her to the Drs and perhaps she can see a lady Dr rather than the creepy one she sees.
    Will hopefully get in later.
    Hugs to Lilian, it was lovely to see you in today. I'm glad Monday went off ok.

  12. Good evening, been a busy day, washing machine fitting, thankfully with buying another Neff the door fitments were the same. Been washing since 12 4 loads done well the last one is just about finished, having a break from ironing.
    Janet your card is beautiful, love thise die cuts. Xxx
    Well I better get back to the itoning. Xxx

  13. Lovely delicate look to this card and what a lovely ribbon .

  14. Hello Sandra & everyone.
    We have lovely sunshine today but still cold. But when we went for walk up the park earler it was quite warm yet in doors it's cold very strange that.
    Well I finished my birthday card for a special friend & posted it. Will go & have a go at the c c card as dinner won't take long having Spag bowl so only got defrost a portion. Have commented on way down.
    SANDRA wow what a evening you had yesterday poor cat must have been so frightened. Facebook isn't as bad it has good points too so pleased it's back with it's family now. How did Becca get on with doctors hope she gets her medication sorted soon.
    Hope today was good with Sue & Pat & hope they cheered you up my lovely
    Just going to dish dinner now
    Love & Hug's Lynda xx

  15. Hi Sandra and all ladies.
    sorry being late, not sure what happened to this day.
    Woke up 5am and couldn't go back to sleep so went downstairs and did some stamping, also started the cc but not yet finished so will do that tomorrow. Had a good walk this morning with sunshine and blue sky but now aching a bit . Got to Ikea for coffee and a bacon roll, walking back the clouds had moved in and we were soaked by the time we were back home again. Got so cold after so it was nice to have a warm shower, to get warmer I got under the duvets and fell a sleep a couple of hours wish was not good because now I will have problems to sleep tonight. Had my sister on the phone for nearly 2 hours, so wish she could talk about anything then her dogs but they are her life. Had to interrupt her a few times do to find out how my niece was doing, her OH and our parents.
    My visit to the hospital was nothing, because of my problems with the tummy and throat they thought I also have problems with talking and swallowing but as you all know ,it's nothing wrong with my speech except it is wrong sometimes and so is my spelling hihi Enough about me. I have comment a bit down the road just have to say that the card you made Janet is lovely and I too would like to know the die used, it's very nice.
    Sandra my dear, what a evening you and Paul had last night. Glad the cat got back to it's rightful owner but would have been so easy if it had been chipped. Hope you had a light day today and could rest or maybe not with Pat and Sue around hihi. Ann and Jess, hope you soon get some warmer weather in your part of the country too soon. Still cold here too, it was ice on the car this morning.
    I will wish you all a good night, speciall ones to you who are in pain etc. and find it hard some days. Take care and look after yourself my friends Xxxx

  16. Just had a phone call for a wedding card, logged on to Costwold Crafter and low and behold my inspiration was before me. SANDRA the lattice card is a beauty.
    I have been given carte blanche with colour but the wedding theme is navy and baby pink . Watch this space lol. xx
