
Friday 11 March 2016

Tri-fold Star card

Tri-fold Star Card

Inside of card

Good Morning ladies,

I fancied creating a different style of card for today's card, after a quick browse on pinterest I decided on the Tri fold star card, it has an unusual look, I really like the shape and dimension,  you new a 12 x 12 piece of card or 30 x 30 centimetres, or you can use the size A3.  
I used decorative paper that was double sided to make this card, you can use a plain piece of card and decorate the layers and sections.
I added some cream lace and some pretty peachy pink pearl string, I then added some little roses in complimentary colour and a tiny bit of foliage, some pinflair glue gel to stick the flowers on too!
The inside is just decorated with the same flowers but smaller and the sentiment is one of Sue's oval sentiment dies.

What do you think ladies ??  Would you like me to do a quick tutorial on how to make this card design? I would be happy to if you want! Just let me know below.

Have a good day ladies,
Sandra xxxxx


  1. Good Morning All. Very beautiful day here, I think we are on the way to spring,at last, mind you most of the daffodils have finished so not much in the garden but weeds, hoping to get out threre at the weekend.
    Some good news at last, my Sister was moved to the residential home yesterday, not been there, but looks very nice, going to see her today hopefully.
    Very frosty here so with a bit of luck it will kill all of these nasty germs that are doing the rounds, hope everyone feels better soon.
    Not doing very well with my diet, wondering if this new drug ,is the cause , more likely the fish and chips, must get serious again as we have to go to a grand parents tea party at Oscars school, so want to be a bit slimmer to find something nice to wear.
    Enough of my trivia hope you all have a lovely day whatever you are doing.

    1. Lilian, I hope you find your sister in good spirit when you visit her later, she will come on with good care. xxx

    2. Hi Lilian, pleased to hear your sister has gone to the care home and she will be happier there.
      Oh don't talk about weed in the garden and the grass has gone wild. Usually a Easter job for all, hopefully it has dried off a bit by then, take care xxx

    3. Hi Lilian,
      Great news regarding your sister, hope you find her happier today.xx

    4. Hi Lilian
      Great news regards your sister. I need all the diet help I can get.

  2. Sorry Sandra , love this very clever card, nice if you were giving money or a gift card, you are so talented

  3. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-lovely project, I'd love you to do a tutorial for this.

    Had a lovely morning yesterday, chatting with my friend then I did the Tesco shopping. Finally got some crafting done in the afternoon-yeah!! We walked down to the Toby Carvery for tea-I'd had an email voucher which was two courses for £6.50 then I got another email saying if I updated my details they'd send me a £5 voucher. Being the cheeky person I am, I asked the staff if I could use both-YES!!!! We got a good deal and came away feeling very full.

    Today we're going into Southport for a few items and we need to all in the bank to check something with the mortgage adviser but after that-nothing planned. It's so sunny right now (we had frost overnight) so maybe some gardening later.


    1. Very good Michele, if you don't ask.... hihi hope you enjoyed the meal. One of our favourites. Have a nice day xxx

    2. Hi Michelle
      I'm glad you managed to get to the Toby Carvery. Like Maria it's our favourite meal.

  4. Morning Everyone

    LILIAN - what fantastic news about your Sister. I'm sure that things will move along beautifully now. Hugs for both of you.xxxx

    SANDRA- Beautiful card this morning. I love this shape and will definitely be having a play with it. I wonder if there is anyway it could be made to stand up. I also think it a good idea as a money wallet.

    Well it's Friday again!! Where does the weeks go and so it's that horrible word 'housework' for this morning and then I only hope I can find some energy to do some crafting this afternoon. I also have to pack up my travelling craft box and overnight case etc. At least I booked the Ferry and Hotel overnight last evening.

    All's set here in the cafe for the day. I must remember to fill up the breakfast cereal cupboard and get some more paper napkins as we're getting low.
    Have a good day everyone whatever you're planning.
    Hugs are in their basket and patiently waiting for a visit from their Scottish Cousins with Norah!

    1. Hi Janet, hope you are done and dusted by now so you can have some play this afternoon.
      Wonder if the Huggies been using some of the napkins, I did find a pile of them in the backroom with little rubber bands attached. Just big enough to use them like hang gliders or parachutes.
      Take care xxx

    2. Hope you manage to pack all that you need Janet.

    3. Janet - when I think of you setting off I think of you strapped securely to your wonder chair with an umbrella overhead to protect you from the rain! I just hope you don't cause crashes on the M1. Safe journey my friend! Hattie! Xxxx

  5. Good morning everyone
    A lovely sunny day here today and is forecast for the rest of the day too.
    Sandra would love details of this lovely card, as said before would be ideal for gift cards etc
    The days are getting longer now, spring is only round the corner - - yeah.
    Going into town later so will pop back later today
    Take care everyone
    Hugs to all
    Jean xx

  6. Hi Sandra and everyone. Gorgeous card Sandra, so very pretty. Agree this would be good to give with money or gift card inside. Would love if you could do a tutorial, Sandra :-)
    Hope everyone is ok, and enjoy whatever you're doing today!
    Hugs xxx

  7. Morning ladies,

    Very grey cloudy sky today after yesterday's glorious sunshine all day long.

    I've seen the Tri star design before Sandra and they look gorgeous, not tried one though as they do look a bit fiddly. Dimensions please for the folds.
    I love the paper you have used and the flowers, I thin k I have said it before, You are a peachy person like me, I love that colour but unfortunately there does not seem to be a lot of it about these days. So much so that if I do happen to chance upon some card or papers I grab them quickly.
    Onto Spring cleaning's next list, doing one room a week and thoroughly going through every little nook and cranny, cupboard and drawers mean a good clear out too. I'm having a break now to get the challenge card and several b/cards done ready for the rest of this month.

    Will pop in later,
    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Glad to see you have some rest in between. Not sure what to call you but I too love a good spring clean, sunshine and the windows fully open. Only +5 today so a bit too cold yet. Just take it easy and no standing on any swivel chairs ! hugs xxx

    2. Hi Cheryl
      I also love peach, but have yet to find a peach I like. Sue's is to pale. I'm glad to hear your resting in between your spring cleaning.

  8. Good morning Sandra & Ladies We have a lovely sunny day again so out later for a walk.
    SANDRA your card is very pretty I love it. Hope we don't get this for a challenge card though HaHa Yes would love you to do a tutorial please.
    Had a nice day round my friends yesterday,she went too Phil Martin's work shop with him & Leonie last weekend.& showed me all her goodies she so many.In May she is going again & Chloe is with him.
    LILIAN pleased for your sister being moved to a home hope she starts to pick up now & starts feeling better. Have a nice vist with her today.
    CHERYL don't get worn out spring cleaning take care.
    I actually put washing on the line this morning hoping it drys sunny but still cold.
    Housework all done so going for my shower now & get ready for our walk. OH is just cleaning the car out..Hopefully I can get in craft room & play.
    Hug's Lynda xx

    1. Hi Lynda, hope you had a nice slow walk and didn't push yourself to much but nice you managed to hang the washing out and hopefully it gets dry. 4 weeks to go tihi hugs to you both xxx

  9. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today.
    I love this card with its unusual fold, and your choice of papers and embellishments are perfect, as usual. You are so talented at putting everything together, wish I was half as good as you my lovely.
    I am sending big hugs to everyone that is in need, for whatever reason.
    I'm having another easy day at home, hope to have a go at this weeks challenge card after lunch.
    Take care xx

    1. Margaret Palmer11 March 2016 at 16:28

      Hope you feel better today, god luck with the card, make sure you send it to Sandra!! Love Mum xx

  10. Ooops, sorry Sandra, I forgot to say that a tutorial would be great, please xx

    1. Hi Sue. Sending you some well wishes hugs, so catch!Hope you have a restful day xxx

  11. Hello Sandra and everyone in the coffee shop,

    Sandra I love this card, also love the papers you've used and yes tutorial would be great.

    Lillian that is great news about your sister, I hope life will settle down for her now and she will be very happy in the residential home.

    We have a busy day today packing, we are going to stay at daughters for a week as she and her husband are going on a birthday surprise for SIL cousin, to Tenerife. They have never left the children for more than one night before, I'm sure they'll be fine. We have just come back home in a weeks time exhausted ha ha. No they're very good and that more than happy to help with the chores, but their school work has to come first.

    Well I'll press on and hopefully be able to pop in later, hope you all have a good day, love and hugs Brenda XXX

    1. Hi Brenda, hope you can leave the kitchen sink at home and are a better packer then me going to stay over somewhere hihi. The kids will be fine, your daughter and OH will have a wonderful time. Not sure about you and John do Lol hugs xxx

    2. Hi Maria, Don't laugh - I'm not taking the kitchen sink....... But I am taking my Karcher!!! Daughters house has a lot of windows, glass panel internal doors, shiny black and cream kitchen cupboards with black marble worktops. With my wonderful Mr Karcher they will be sparkling in no time xx

    3. Hi Brenda
      Your daughter and SIL will have a little very time. Hopefully your week won't be to fraught. Fancy taking your marcher with you. Lucky daughter getting her windows done for her. Fancy a trip to Witney?.

  12. Good afternoon, Sandra and ladies. Morning gone in a flash, so has the week.
    Housework bits done, did spare room bedding as it was a lovely morning, now it's raining, so that plan didn't go well!!
    Sandra I won't show Beth today's cards, as I know she will want to have a go!!! She has done her challenge card apart from the sentiment, which she asked me if I could cut it for her seeing how we didn't come back here yesterday, all my fault of course!!! She made her card while I was away at piano with Anna she stayed with daddy. I will get it sent to you when she has added her sentiment.

    1. Hi Hazel, hope you are better and have a nice day.
      Hugs to you and Patricia xxx

    2. Sorry to hear you've got the rain again. We had a lovely day today after a very foggy start. Roads are running with all the water. Yes, I know they all grew a set of legs. Ha ha.

  13. Hello Sandra,
    It's crazy Friday here again! Bit of a non- stop morning and now my shopping has landed!
    It's very warm in the kitchen / Conservatory as the sun has been shining in for a few hours! It is actually quite cold outside but a gorgeous day! Washing all dried , even bedding!
    Today's card is very different and very pretty. I'm very boring Sandra and don't make stepper cards, or anything different really! I made my first ever gate- fold as a challenge card. I'm being honest and saying I wouldn't make the card but that is just me. Odd!!!
    Have a good day everyone! Xxxx

    1. Hi Myra
      Did you shopping fly in by plane or helicopter?.

  14. Hi Sandra and everyone. wow that is a different kind of card but I like it! You have so many gorgeous cards and flowers to play with. I wouldn't mind to have a go but no promises hihi.
    Thick fog and only +1 this morning going to town for a visit to Specsavers and shopping done and started on a little card for an elderly lady we are seeing next week. She moved in to a nursing home but still think she will go back home after some time away. She is being told that her flat are no more and this is her home now but she forget and asking again when she is going home, so hard.
    Thanks to the challenge cards I made they now ready for some of my family's birthday's and my dad phoned and thanked me for his card this morning.
    Loved to do some spring cleaning but body rejecting so it will have to wait, will do airing cupboard tomorrow. Gym first in the morning ,we thinking now . never know, it can change very quickly. Lol ,love and hugs to all xxx

    1. Maria
      Just you make sure your not doing to much if your bodies not up to it, gentle hugs for you today,

  15. Hi to all.... I did the tri star card for Christmas drinks invitation using typical Christmas colours and a ribbon hanger from one point, but it is always lovely to see other interpretations, designs and colour ways. Not at all odd Myra, think we all have our own style and creative zone once inspiration is shown us.
    It is my turn to host a group of seven on Tuesday, card crafting, here at home,
    the given topic is "pop up cards" ..... having a bit of difficulty deciphering title, do ladder cards qualify? any input gratefully received, as I am supposed to demo
    as we go along. xx

    1. How about doing a search on Pinterest to find pop up cards.

    2. Super thought will give it a try, thank you Lilian.

    3. Thanks Angela! I'm always afraid I hurt feelings and I would never knowingly do that! The Tri star being used at Christmas sounds a great idea! Xxx

    4. Hi Angela
      Now I'm confused. What's a ladder card?.

    5. Hello Pat, my version is scores, folds and cuts, the middle bit stands up. I'm sure Sandra will have one to show you but will send her a photo to pass on (I hope). x.

    6. Hi Pat, realised in a moment of clarity what I call a ladder card (was taught by my Canadien cousin) is called an easel card here probably there too but she always refers to them as "ladders" . Still working on the pop up angle, have found a simple version to share/demo on Tuesday but the main idea is getting together and taking something home even if it's just a bundle of friendship. x

  16. Margaret Palmer11 March 2016 at 16:15

    Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Sandra what a pretty & so different card, love the colours. Yes please to a tutorial. xx
    Lovely sunny day now, we had thick fog this morning, sun came out about 1pm too late for my washing, will be nice when it can be dried outside again.
    Special hugs on way to all who need them love Margaret xx

  17. Wow, this is sheer genius. A tutorial would be lovely, Thank you.

  18. Been to see my Sister today, seems to have settled well, the only complaint she had was that she has to wait till 1pm for her lunch !!!!!
    Hope you all had a good day, it's been lovely here, although not all the washing dried, no wind and very cold, still lovely to see the sun.
    Sent my challenge card to Sandra, must learn to take better photos.
    Well I'd better finish putting my shopping away, did it at Asda tonight.
    Have a good evening ,hugs to all,and get well ones for those who are still not well.

    1. Hi zillion
      I'm glad your sister seems to have settled in.

    2. Sorry Lilian, predictive text seems to be following me around today, making my mistakes for me.

  19. Hi Sandra
    A bit late as I thought I'd already commented. Loved this card when I saw you making it on Wed. A template would be lovely, as some instructions are just beyond me. Would much rather see it being done with pictures.
    Hugs to all in need of one today.
