
Saturday 12 March 2016

Mixed Crafts Saturday

 Angela's Beaded Snowflake

 Stanley's Nursery Rhyme Cross Stitch (Cheryl)

Sue's lovely Poppy Scene Cross Stitch

Hello Ladies,
Welcome to another Mixed Craft Saturday,

First up we have Angela's delightful Beaded Star ornament, I love the colours you have chosen Angela!  
Angela made this beautiful ornament at a Workshop at Farnborough, you would never have guessed it was your first one Angela, thank you for sharing with us, it would be nice to see some of your tissue box covers too! Xxxx

Next up we have Cheryl's absolutely amazing Nursery Rhyme Cross Stitch, made for Stanley, it must have taken you ages, so much gorgeous detail,  from Mother Goose to Jack and the Bean Stalk, even Stanley's birth details are included.  What an absolute heirloom, it will be a proud family keepsake for many generations, thank you so much for sharing Cheryl xxxx

Last but not least Sue's fabulous Poppy Field scene Cross Stitch, it is an absolutely stunning scene so poignant when we stop and think what the poppy symbolises!
Thank you Sue for sharing your work xxxx. (Please tell Chris the ladies would love to see his cakes) x please x

I hope you have enjoyed our little craft show today, please feel free to send me any photos of crafts you'd like to share with us.

Have a good weekend,

Love and hugs
Sandra xxxxxx


  1. Morning Everyone who pops in today

    ANGELA - What a beautiful beaded star. Just gorgeous for top of the tree and my kind of colours.

    CHERYL - Stunning is the word for Stanley's birth chart. Hours and Hours of work but each stitch put in with complete love.

    SUE - Poppy's are one of my all time favourite flowers and this is just beautiful Also a picture which will not date ever.

    BRENDA - good luck with your packing. Just make sure there's plenty of room for you to travel in comfort.

    Thank you all for a lovely start to the day and we have sunshine to go with it.

    Managed to get my crafting box (travelling) ready for the car. Just need to get overnight bag etc sorted and then I think all will be ready for Monday morning.
    Shopping this morning as usual and perhaps this afternoon I can get Gracie-Leigh's cardy stitched together. We'll see.

    Managed to find some lovely flowered paper napkins for the Cafe and they're in the cupboard on the top shelf though I can't see that stopping some little Huggle climbing to get at them as Maria (I think it was) said yesterday they will be using them for Hang Gliding!!

    Hugs for all in need and plenty to spare.

    1. Janet, hope you get everything ready for the off! Make sure that craft bag goes in! Stroke your chair and say back soon, before you go! Xxxx

    2. If they're using your new napkins Janet, I hope they don't land in the soup.

  2. Morning Ladies

    Angela-what a really lovely beaded decoration.

    Cheryl-WOW! Fantastic cross stitch.

    Sue-another WOW! Stunning cross stitch picture.

    Dull start to the day here but at least it's dry. I have a few items to buy this morning (food etc) then will drive straight into the craft shop in Tarleton for a couple of essentials. Hopefully I'll get some crafting done this afternoon-maybe a couple of Easter cards.


  3. Hi Sandra and everyone. Such lovely creations on display today. Angela's star is stunning and the cross stitch pictures from Cheryl and Sue are amazing :-) I once tried my hand at cross stitch, but unfortunately didn't get very far!
    Very foggy here again this morning, but am hopeful it will brighten up and we will have glorious sunshine like yesterday, fingers crossed. Not much planned, and my sons football game is cancelled again! Need to photograph my challenge card and send that in.
    Hope everyone has a lovely day, whatever you are doing, and those going away or packing to go, have a wonderful time :-)
    Hugs to all xxx

    Cake Update - Have decided to go for the bigger Anniversary cake for Mum and Dad. I was just so worried the smaller one would seem so small, that for the extra £30 it was worth it for peace of mind! :-)

    1. Sonia , my mind works in strange ways sometimes but I think you have done the right thing! After all left -over cake will be eaten. Not enough cake can't!!! Told you I was strange! As you say worth it for peace of mind alone! Xxx

    2. Thanks Myra. My thoughts too, would rather have more left over than not enough! I know for sure it won't go to waste! ;-) xx

  4. Morning Sandra and all in today.
    Angela- the star is lovely. Can see you make a few for the tree or as window decoration.
    Cheryl- the cross stitch is amazing . such a nice keep sake to cherish for ever.
    Sue- love poppies, this is a beautiful picture. Is it one of mum's ?
    Grey sky, rain hanging heavy in the clouds. No gym, body sore and OH didn't want to go (sore knee) so having a slow brekkie before hitting the airing cupboard. I'm sure it's cumulating in there.Son will have to help putting things back high, he's not 6'5" for nothing. Hope to make some crafting this afternoon.
    Just a question to you going to Alexander Palace, the tickets now on sale.
    Are you going on the Saturday the 9th ? Just wanted to know before buying the tickets for that day.
    Have a nice day whatever you are up too,hope our missing friends are ok and will be coming back soon, love and hugs to you all, Maria xxx

    1. Hello Maria, yes I'm going on Saturday the 9th
      Hopefully so is everyone else.
      Hug's Lynda xxx

    2. Hello Maria!
      Sorry your body is sore! Not nice!
      Hope you are happy with the airing cupboard at the end of the day!
      I can't believe it's six months since you were all at Ally Pally last time! Xxx

    3. Hi Maria
      Yes, I assume that we're going on Sat we usually do.
      Just a question what are you hitting the cupboard with. Not with Ricks sore knee I hope.

  5. Hi all, what gorgeous crafts on display today, I remember trying cross stitch when I was in hospital years ago and I was so engrossed in it I never moved for hours, oh my word was I sorry, I couldn't move cos everything seized up and the pain was horrendous, and I was only doing a tiny crocus, ahah, I've never done a thing since, I will leave it to the experts on here but they are just beautiful, I would love to go to Ally Pally but it's too far on my own, and if I came by train and stayed overnight it's just added expense, hugs to all. Johanna

  6. Hi all, what gorgeous crafts on display today, I remember trying cross stitch when I was in hospital years ago and I was so engrossed in it I never moved for hours, oh my word was I sorry, I couldn't move cos everything seized up and the pain was horrendous, and I was only doing a tiny crocus, ahah, I've never done a thing since, I will leave it to the experts on here but they are just beautiful, I would love to go to Ally Pally but it's too far on my own, and if I came by train and stayed overnight it's just added expense, hugs to all. Johanna

  7. Morning Sandra and ladies,
    Stunning array of crafts today, Angela your snowflake is lovely, and Cheryl what a lot of work in your cross stitch, a lot of love has gone into that, and Sue love your field of poppies, so poignant.
    Well not much on today after such a busy week, feeling a bit tired today, so will just take things easy and do some cards
    Take care everyone whatever you get up to xxx

  8. Love all the things shown today. Both cross stitch pictures must have taken a long time to do. Maria, I am hoping to go to Ally Pally on the Saturday. Hope to see you there. Janet, I hope you have a good trip. Hugs in the basket. Think I will have a cup of tea and a hot buttered crumpet. Hope to call in later.

    1. Hello! Missed you!
      Hope the craft class went well. Crumpets are very fattening you know especially with that amount of butter on them! Ha ha! Xxx

    2. Yes sorry Myra. Yes I am sure crumpets are fattening especially with lots of butter and I like jam on it as well but as they are calorie free I think I will be ok. 😀

    3. You noticed they were virtual then! Shucks! Xxxx
      Not much gets past you, does it! TinHat!! Xxx

    4. The crumpets were lovely Brenda, who said they were virtual.

  9. Good morning Sandra & ladies
    gorgeous sunny day again washing on the line.
    WOW what lovely mixed craft today
    Angela your snowflake is beautiful
    Cheryl your cross stich is absolutely Gorgeous & made with love.
    Sue I love poppies & your cross stich is stunning how long did that take you.
    Not much happening today probably another walk & craft room playing.
    Sonia best be on the safe side with the cake & not worry it's not going to be big enough it will still get eaten if some left over.
    Michele lucky you going to a craft shop we only have Hobby craft & the Range our only two craft shops shut down last year I miss them.
    Janet glade you got the most important craft bag packed.
    hope you get Gracie-Leigh's cardigan finished.
    Sheila thinking of you my dear friend & of course Nikki
    love & Hug's Lynda xxx
    Hug's for all friends who are missing.xx
    Hug's Lynda xx

    1. Thanks Lynda, would be worrying myself silly from now until May if I'd have stuck with the smaller cake! Any leftovers definitely won't go to waste ;-) xx

  10. Morning everyone. What glorious offerings today. ANGELA I cannot believe that beautiful snowflake was your first attempt. As Maria mentioned, I can see them glinting in a window display.
    What can I say about the beautiful cross stitch. As a fan of cross stitch (future grandchild beware!) I admire you both for producing such beautiful works
    Off to visit my niece today and see my new great-nephew. I think that's baby number five safely arrived on my list of friends!
    ALLY PALLY I am thinking of going BUT it is my Ruby anniversary on 10th So if nothing planned I'll definitely be up for the 9th BUT (another but) my daughter's baby is due on the 12th!

    1. Karen I think the organisers of Ally Pally have been most inconsiderate arranging it right in the middle of a very busy time for you! Ha ha! Hope you make it! Xxx

    2. Hi Karen
      I hope you can make Alky Pally on the 9th it would be lovely to see you.

    3. Hi Karen it would be lovely to meet you at AP on the 9th so hope you make it.

  11. Hello Sandra,
    I am just popping in quite quickly as the family is coming today. So a bit hectic here!
    The snowflake is lovely. They are lolly to make and just like real snowflakes each one can be different! Thank you.
    Both cross stitch pictures are beautiful. I'm afraid apart from one tiny thing I have never tried it. I don't think I have the patience and I'd probably want to go off piste and that just wouldn't work!
    Challenge card is in bits! Will try to construct later!
    Be good! Xxxx

  12. I really admire those of you who have such infinite patience and skill when doing beautiful cross stitch projects. Cheryl and Sue your pieces are lovely and will last a lifetime.

    1. Angela your snowflake is beautiful, my fingers would not allow me do this.xx

  13. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. Angela, your Snowflake is beautiful, you wouldn't know it was your first one . Has it given you the bug to make more I wonder?
    Cheryl, Stanley's cross stitch is wonderful, I can see how much love has been stitched into it. I'm sure it will become a family treasure.
    My poppy cross stitch is very special as it was bought for me by my lovely Gran (Mums Mum) I worked on it every evening and finished it the night that she passed away, and also there is a field with poppies in it right beside where Gran and Grandad rest together at the crem, making this picture very special to me.
    I hope you are all having some sunshine today. Hugs to you all with extras for those of you in need for any reason. Take care xx

    1. The poppies are beautifully made, sorry if I thought first Margaret made it. It's lovely. Hope you are feeling better, hugs xxx

  14. Hi to everyone,

    If that is your first attempt at a snowflake Angela, it is so gorgeous and I bet it would sparkle in the sunshine.

    Your stunning cross stich poppies are beautiful Sue. What lovely memories you have of your Nan & Granddad and the picture to remember them by.
    My Nanny Mabel, in Australia, once sent me a hand painted voile handkerchief/small headscarf which I am very loth to part with. It stays folded up in a drawer so I come across it every time I need something from that drawer.
    If you could photocopy the pattern for me I would be so grateful, I don't know what to get my dad for his 85th birthday and as he was National Vice Chairman for 3 years before becoming National Chairman of The Royal British Legion, I think he would appreciate this. Mum & he have been involved with the Poppy Sales for many years now.

    Stanley's Nursery Rhyme picture was started last year when I learned my Niece/goddaughter was expecting. It is really laborious but so pleasurable to do. Stanly arrived 2 weeks early and I didn't finish it until last month. I had forgotten how long it takes to make one. The last time I used the pattern was 13 years ago for Corey's birth.
    Having quite a bit of trouble getting sensible travel insurance quotes for my pre-existing conditions, They vary from £245 (SAGA) to over £2,500 for single trips only!!!! Then this afternoon Jamie came out ready for us to book online only to find SAGA had risen to £709.37 in the space of five days. Needless to say, I won't be using them now, I always believed they were the people to go to as they specialise for over 60's. HUH! don't think so now.
    So it's back to Nationwide to retrieve their quote. Although I have travel Insurance as a benefit with my bank account, I still have to pay £228 for theirs. As I do not have any trouble at all with my conditions,(the tablets are doing their job) I am a bit nonplussed at the varying amounts.

    Lovely sunny day today, bright and cheerful. I'm going off now to finish my lazy day curled up an the settee playing catch up TV.

    Love & hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Hi Cheryl
      I know just how you feel about travel insurance. Although Pete has Advanced prostate cancer, and his bowel cancer was 13 years ago he can't get insurance at all. Well, saying that, he could with a company that I saw advertised on the TVs. Never heard of them before but they quoted £2500. What a rip off. Why they include his Bowel Cancer as well ill never know.
      Petes friend who also had BC at the same time has also had a major heart attack. He died and was bought back to life, and he can get insurance at a reasonable price. So how weird is that.

    2. Cheryl your cross stitch is lovely, I can imagine how long it took you. Sorry you are having problems with your insurance hope you get it sorted soon.xx

  15. Hello All, what beautiful crafts we have today
    Angela your star lovely.
    Cheryl and Sue your pictures are outstanding, very clever of you both, not to mention the time it takes, I am in awe of you both.
    Well it's been sunny here today so we have spent it in the garden, weeding the flower beds..
    Hope everyone has a good evening, hugs all round Lilian

  16. Hi Sandra
    What a stunning beaded star Angela.
    Love your cross stitched pictures Cheryl and Sue. Your all such clever ladies.
    Started murky this mornings not but brightened up through the day. I actually had nothing to do this afternoon, so rang a friend up to she if she was free for coffee. However, her husband had stopped taking his diabetic medication for some reason, and was taken off to hospital. So that knocked that on the head.

  17. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Could somebody tell me where today went,it gets worse.
    Sandra a lovely selection today, so nice to see the different talents.xx
    Hugs on way to all who need them love Margaret xx.

  18. Hello again I thought I would let you know Joanna Sheen has Sue Wilsons paper pad in stock at the moment. I ordered it with my Mother's Day voucher from my daughter so It's not aguilty secret haha. Looking forward to seeing everyone's challeng cards tomorrow.
    Have a good evening Hug's Lynda xx

  19. Hello Sandra and everyone,
    Sorry I didn't get my challenge card finished, thought I might get it complicated this morning as we had to be here early, John was taking daughter and SIL to Gatwick at 7.45. But best laid plans and all that! SORRY once again.

    What a lovely display of talent you are showing us today. Thank you ladies for sharing your beautiful works of art.

    Sorry I'm ready for a sleep. Looking forward to seeing the challenge cards tomorrow. Sleep well everyone.
    Love and Hugs, Brenda xxx
