
Tuesday 15 March 2016

Throw Back Tuesday

Some of the Occasion Cards I have been asked to Design & Create

 Baby Shower Card

Baby Shower Card Boxed

Leaving To Have Baby

Card for Daughter on Eve of Wedding

Congratulations on Birth Cards

Good Morning Ladies,
I was looking back through some of my old card files last night and I games across a file of some of the cards I had been asked to design for various Special Occasions,
So I though I would show some of them. They might inspired someone who has a particular card to make, you never know!  I am always glad of a bit of inspiration!
You don't see too many Baby Shower cards around so I was a little stumped to start with, then i decided to go with the 'shower' theme, so I used my Cricut to cut an  umbrella or parasol and instead of a 'rain' shower I thought of using hearts to represent a 'showering of love', which is what theses occasions are really about.
I added a few little bunnies/teddies and a CE Itty Bitty Bow to the handle of the umberalla.  The card was die cut using Spellbinders Grand Decorative Circles.
I made a matching box for the card with an Acetate covered aperture.

The 'Leaving to have a baby card' was made using a character from the Crafters Companion SWALK CD ROM, I used Spellbinders Floral Ovals to frame the focal image, some Anna Marie Designs Pink Dotty card and there Die cut sheet in the background and some flowers from my stash.

Card with verse for a Daughter on the eve of her wedding day is a simple design, the main focus is the beautiful verse, which would bring a tear to any mum's eye! I used cream and soft gold card finished with pearls.

Last up is the Congratulations on the 'Birth of' card.  The image is a Lilli of the Valley stamp, coloured with promarkers I believe, I printed the birth details from the PC and die cut using Spellbinders Romantic Rectangles, matted with blue card die cut with same die set and then onto blue gingham background, I used a Martha Stewart Border punch for the decorative border, topped with a bit of matching blue gingham ribbon, a blue button with bakers twine finishes the bow in the centre of the border.

I hope you haves enjoyed my little trip back in time, I did show them when I first made then but that was a couple of years ago.

Have as lovely day, I hope the weather is as nice as it was yesrerday .

Janet I hope that you have arrived, unpacked and are relaxing as you read this, huge hugs are on their way across the channel xxxx

Love and hugs to all,


  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-what a wonderful collection of cards, all really lovely.

    Yesterday wasn't too bad at work-most things had been done. I was sent a text yesterday morning at 7.30am re work which my boss thought was funny (she didn't get the text) so we decided that the lady who sent it was scared of me (they don't call me Captain for nothing)!!
    Today looks like it's going to be a busy one-very full chemo list.

    I didn't get away from visiting my friend until 10.15pm last night and I'd left here around 7pm so I was hardly home yesterday. Tonight I'll need to sort out the post that came yesterday & my emails then I plan to look at the challenge sketch.


    1. PS Happy Birthday Anne, hope you have a lovely day.


  2. Good morning everyone
    Happy birthday Anne have a lovely day
    Am taking the car for mot this morning so fingers crossed
    Sandra it's lovely to see your cards they are beautiful
    I'll pop back later hopefully with a smile. I don't think there's anything wrong with my car but things appear as if by magic don't they
    Hugs to anyone who needs them
    By the way it looks as if it's going to be gorgeous again
    Jean xxx

    1. Lucky you with the weather Jean. It's dull and grey in Oxfordshire. Hope the car passes it's MOT. Coming home yesterday from the Theatre, are friends car wouldn't go. Flat battery apparently. Pete, Pauline and myself were having to help push start it. We'd just started when two workmen who were working in the Park and a Ride came over to help. Told Pauline and I to move out of the way and they'd help Pete. Mind you a couple of men in cars shouted afterwards, are you ok mate do you beed any help.m

    2. Hi Jean hope your car passed MOT with flying colours xxx

  3. Good morning Sandra and to anyone looking in today,I hope you all have a nice day.
    Your cards from late are lovely Sandra, the umbrella is so cute. I zoomed in so I could read 'to a daughter' and it is a lovely text on a beautiful card.
    Looked last night at 'scrimpymummy' and I must say that you have a very talanted daughter Amanda, just like her mamma.
    Good luck for your car Jean. Funny how they always seem to find something that's needed done.
    Lynda, take care. What colour is your bruises ? Mine has gone to the green stage. sending you some gentle hugs.
    Janet, hope you had a good journey and now can sit down with a nice cup of tea and some fresh bread Jim is bringing.
    Off down London way so I hope you all take care and have a good day whatever you are up too.
    love and hugs Maria xxx

    1. Hi Maria
      I'm glad your bruises are clearing up now. I hope you have a lovely day.

    2. Hello MARIA my bruises are black & blue & my chest hurts. Glad yours are healing up now. Hug's xx

  4. Hi Sandra and everyone. Beautiful selection of cards Sandra, your designs are stunning. The wedding verse certainly bought a tear to my eye.
    Shopping first thing for a client, then rest of day off :-) Sun is out, so looking to be another lovely day.
    Hope everyone has sunshine where they are, and has a good day.
    Hugs to all xxx

  5. Morning Sandra and ladies,
    Super selection of cards Sandra, you have given us a lot of ideas, thank you.
    Well or is not so nice here today, quite cloudy, glad all the washing was done yesterday, just have to get it ironed now.
    Off to town for a few things, take care everyone xxx

  6. Good morning from a very sunny Somerset.

    I do believe we are in for a gorgeous week down here.
    Our group walk was away over in the Quantock Hills but as I am not au fait with the Ordnance Survey maps and Rosie is still a bit stiff from her fall last week, & Maureen away in Lanzarote, Rosie and I decided we would again walk our new bypass and what a good decision that was. We could amble along to Rosie's slower pace and actually take in the way the sun glinted on new leaves, smelt the early flowering shrubs, watched little mint sauces gambolling in the fields and running after their mummies, and listen to the birdsong. Some of them I did not know but Rosie did, so I learnt from her. We put the world to rights, moaned at the litter already adorning the soon to be grass verges, wondered at how someone could plant a tree so it looked like the Leaning Tower of Pisa and said 'hello' to passing joggers. I think the layout of this bypass is going to be a 'keep fit course' for many a person. Our 'piece de resistance' was to hear the most gorgeous carolling up and down notes of a hidden bird in some new 'old fashioned' hedge layering fences. (It's marvellous to see good husbandry still going on in the countryside) I finally spied the bird, a tiny little brown one and when it moved sidewards slightly, was joyous to discover a little wren! The song ladies, you must hear sometime if you get the chance, so sweet and clear. I tend to find that the smaller the bird, the more beautiful song yet the larger birds can have very raucous tones to their songs. We have a rookery in the oak trees at the bottom of my garden and when they have their council at night before settling down in the spring and summer, they can be very strident. Sounds a bit like our Parliament when I watch them on the TV.
    Right that is all my news for now, a lazy day crafting is on the cards, so I will get a wiggle on, make the bed and put a spot of washing on before settling down to indulge myself.
    Will pop in over the course of the day to see who's doing what etc.
    Love 7 hugs

    1. Hi Cheryl
      What a lovely walk. Being able to go at your own pace. Had a chuckle at the mint sauces, made me think for a moment there Cheryl. The icing on the cake was hearing and seeing a wren.

    2. Hi CHERYL your walk sounded beautiful like Pat I had a smile about the mint sauce HaHa. We had a little Wren in the garden on the fence she was so sweet but couldn't here her singing as Pateo door was shut. Hope you got lots of crafting done Hug's Lynda xx

  7. Good morning Sandra and everyone in the coffee shop,

    What a fantastic selection of cards Sandra each one gift in itself, they are really lovely. Thank you for going back through your files and finding days because they really do deserve another viewing.

    Maria, Hope you have a lovely day just take it steady don't go knocking the brushed bits! XX

    Lynda, Hope you are feeling a little more comfortable today, but I'm sure you're still quite sore, do take it easy XX

    Today we have Callum at home, his teachers are on strike for the next two days, had we not been here we would've been called upon anyway. So what did they say in the right place at the right time. Ha ha

    Janet I hope you and Jim arrived safely, and Yvette behaved herself XX

    Have a good day everyone, I will try and pop in later.
    Love and hugs to everyone Brenda XX

    1. Hi Brenda
      Isn't it funny how parents could get fined for taking their children out of school in term time. I wonder if parents fining teachers for stopping children coming to school would work as well. I know they need to make a point, but it's always the children who suffer.

    2. Hi BRENDA thank you. Yes I'm still aching especially my chest & left knee black & blue bruises coming out now. Xx

  8. Sorry Sandra, forgot to comment on your gorgeous array of cards. The wedding verse is poignant, it would a lump to my throat and a few tears to my eyes. xxxx

  9. Brought not would, memo to self, check wording before hitting publish haha

  10. Stunning election of cards Sandra plenty to inspire anyone even someone not very good at cards like me ... hope you have a lovely day I shall be where I always am .... in the dungeon working ha ha ha ha ha xx Amanda

  11. Good morning, Sandra and ladies. The mother to daughter card was the first post I read on your blog two years ago Sandra. I asked Sandra if I could use the verse for a card for Gillian on the eve of her wedding. It somes up everything a mum would say to her daughter. Gillian was in tears along with a good few others who read it. I am loving your other cards on display today too.
    Cheryl, a walk is so much better when you hear natures creatures in song, we are so lucky here, we have so many wonderful bird sounds to listen too!
    Jean, good luck with the MOT it was one of our cars last week.
    Brenda, teacher don't think of the children missing two days do they, as long as they get there point over! At least you were there as it was.
    Lynda and Maria, do take care you don't won't to add to those colourful bruises.
    Oh off to get bits done, why do we have to wear clothes, eat, and need to clean up??? Life would be great if we didn't have to do these jobs!! Xxx

    1. Hi Hazel
      We need to live in a place that's always warm, I wish, to enable us not to wear any clothes. Plus we wouldn't have to be shy.

    2. Personally I'd rather just keep on washing and ironing! Xxx

    3. I didn't say I would go with out clothes just it would save so much work!!.,

    4. Thank you Hazel. After just feeling better after three or so weeks of the virus I have to say hello to the floor on Sunday immobilisied again my bruises are coming out now & my chest hurts a lot. Xxx

  12. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today.
    The comment I made yesterday has done a runner so will say again that the sketch looks good, I will be able to join in this week. Your sketch card is gorgeous, it's lovely to see one with your signature flowers on it : )
    Today's cards all deserve a second showing, is it really two years ago that you showed them. Time really does fly by doesn't it.
    Lynda, I hope that you are resting after that nasty fall on Sunday.
    Maria enjoy your day out.
    Cheryl, how lovely your walk sounded, there is little better than strolling along, stopping to loook at nature coming back to life again, and to see and hear a wren must have been the icing on the cake, how lovely for you and your friend :)
    We are still on school runs as Paige is still not well, bless her. I am finally feeling almost back to usual,won't say normal haha, thank goodness.
    To all of you that are suffering in any way I send big hugs. I am looking forward to seeing you Sandra and Pat tomorrow and Mum on Friday : )) love and hugs. Take care xx

    1. Margaret Palmer15 March 2016 at 14:52

      Hi Sue,
      So pleased to hear you feel better, sorry Phoebe is still poorly. Give her a hug from me. Look forward to seeing you on Friday. Love xxx

    2. Thank you Sue & yes I'm resting as still in pain. I tried the challenge card this morning but very sore trying to cut dies out so gave up.
      Pleased your feeling better Sue enjoy your day with Sandra & Pat tomorrow. Hug's xxx

    I hope your day is filled with wonder, delight and love. xxx

  14. Hi Sandra
    Love looking at your cards. These are gorgeous.
    HAPPY BIRTHDAY ANNE. I hope you have a lovely day.

  15. Is it Anne Crawfords birthday? I don't have a note of it.
    Sandra could you update the birthday list if possible, I think there are a few new customers who are missing from the original one, thanks xx

    1. I didn't know it was Anne's birthday either!
      Sorry Anne! I think you are on Lanzarote or somewhere warm so hopefully you'll get a card by the time you get home!
      Have a lovely day wherever you are! Xxxx

    2. I have no more birthdays listed for this month !

  16. Good afternoon everyone
    Hope everyones enjoying the dry weather - its clouded over a bit here but its dry so not to complain, yesterday was glorious.
    Well car passed the MOT but I dropped it off at the garage and walked back (its not far) and when I came home John had put his uniform in the washer - we were having a cup of tea and the washer started making weird sounds and John went into the kitchen - it was full of smoke so quickly turned everything off - the motor had burnt out and was smoking like mad.Nothing for it - a new washer so it has been an expensive day - but I said to John if he had come to the garage to pick me up it could have been worse and the dogs would have been in on their own It doesn't bear thinking about. One lesson learned today.
    Lynda and Maria I hope you are feeling better today - please take care xx
    Hugs to all
    Jean xx

    1. Wow Jean! There has been so much trouble with white goods recently! Something scarcely heard of in the past! It could have been much worse! Sorry you having an expensive time! Xxx

    2. Margaret Palmer15 March 2016 at 14:57

      So sorry to hear about your washing machine, thank goodness you were there, doesn't bear thinking about. Pleased about your car though. xx

    3. Hi Jean pleased your car passed MOT,but sorry about your washing machine that could have been nasty if you were out.
      could have been a lot worse.xx

  17. Margaret Palmer15 March 2016 at 15:21

    Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Sorry I did not come in yesterday, my 90 year old friend asked me to go with her & granddaughter in the car for her SIL's funeral, she wanted me there for support & an arm to lean on. I got home about 4.30 to be told the boiler had a problem, Alan had just got back with the part. I had asked him to put the dyson round as I had our monthly book club meeting here at 7pm. When he started it he found the belt had broken, luckily we had a spare. Just about managed to get all sorted by 7pm. As you can imagine I was shattered by the time they left.
    Sandra have ideas for the challenge card, yours is lovely as usual. Thank you for coming up with a different idea each week, I love it.
    Lynda sorry to hear about your fall, how rude of the fellow diners not to help you, hope you are feeling easier
    Cheryl your walk sounded lovely, we often have wrens in the garden, they are so quick you really have to be alert to see them. xx
    Sending hugs to all who need them especially the missing ones, love Margaret xx

    1. Hello MARGARET oh my goodness what a day you had yesterday.
      Good job Alan is handy & could fix them
      Hope your recovered now.
      Margaret I felt so silly falling like I did I was wondering now if there was something on the slope for me to fall.too late now I could have claimed.
      But just wanted to get out.Still aching the bruises are coming out now.
      Hug's Lynda xx

  18. Hello Sandra,
    I seem to have been hopping in and out today! Many interruptions!
    Today's cards are lovely . I remember two of them but not the first one! It's nice to see things again and we often forget the things we have done in the past! Some I'm glad I've forgotten though! Ha ha.
    Hope everyone has a good day. The weather is really lovely! Xxxx

  19. The baby shower card and box is scrummy.

  20. Sorry I am late today. Have been on a trip with our local National Trust group to Canterbury to see the Cathedral. It is a beautiful building. I was last there 60 years ago on a school trip. Very cold, windy and damp day. Not nice at all. There is a lovely pottery opposite the Cathedral and I had met the man who owns it and makes the pottery at a craft fair at Henley on Thames last August Bank Holiday. It was good to see all the pottery in his shop. Lovely cards Sandra. Than you for sharing. It's Parent and Child Consultation evening tomorrow and Scarlett had asked me to go so what else can I do but go. Last time I went to the school in the dark was when I tripped and broke my wrist so I will be very careful this time. Maria and Lynda I hope your bruises are less painful soon. Well must go to bed as had to get up at 6am. I am usually sound asleep at that time of the morning.

  21. Hello BRENDA Canterbury is not all that far from me takes us just under an hour we often go there especially in the summer they have a lovely park at the end of high street & we take a packed lunch.very peaceful.
    My chest is still painfull.
    Hug's xxx

  22. Hello Sandra & ladies
    Wow lovely cards Sandra love the verse on the wedding card beautiful.
    At last I have reaced the bottom have left comments on way down.
    HAPPY BIRTHDAY ANNE hope you had a lovely day.
    I'm still aching especially my chest tried to make challenge card but painfull trying to cut dies out so gave up so have to leave it fo couple of days so another lazy
    MARIA hope you had a good day out.Hug's Xxx
    Well I'm haveing a cup of tea so will see tou all tomorrow Hug's & good night xxx

  23. Hello, if anyone is still around , my comment from this morning has gone awol,must have forgotten to publish. Had hairdresser this morning at 9 am so was in a rush.
    Sandra your cards are lovely.
    Anne hope you had a lovely birthday, sorry I missed those details.
    To all those in the wars, hope you'll soon feel better.
    My "metal knee" has been really playing up these couple of days, so not much sleep, hoping tonight will be better.
    See you all in the morning, hugs for all. Lilian
