
Monday 14 March 2016

Monday Sketch Challenge

 The Sketch 

My Challenge Card

Good Morning Ladies,

Here is this weeks Sketch, you can makes this one as simple or complicated as you like.  You don't need to add as many flowers as I have, I get carried away, I just love flowers.!!  One of Sue's Border dies would work just fine or ribbon maybe. 
I love this one and I am really excited to see what you all create xxxx

I bought some new paper pads this week but I still keep being drawn back to the same gorgeous 'Bella Rose' pad, I just love it.  I thought I would also use some of the beautiful lace and trims that I got in my parcel from my friend Amanda at Scrimpy's Craft Boutique, if you want inspiration go over to You Tube and look at her ''Scrimping mommy' channel, she makes some gorgeous things and really loves a bargain too!  
So I used two different trims, one down the edge of the border and another down the centre, I added pearls to the centre of all the flowers on the lace. I used an assortment of flowers from Wild Orchid Crafts, under those I used Creative Expressions Splendid Swirls die and leaves from the Blushing Rose die, both designed by Sue Wilson.
I added some pearls to opposite corners to finish the card.  I hope you like it.

Barbara, Maureen, Sheila, Nora, Johanna and all of our missing friends are OK, sending hugs your way xxx

Love and hugs to you all,


  1. Morning Ladies

    Beautiful card Sandra, nor sure I'm going to be able to create anything like it. I may have to tweak the sketch as I'm stumped with this one!

    Bit of a shock to the system getting up & ready so early but needs must-I'm just hoping there isn't too much chaos waiting for me at work.


    1. Good morning Michele,
      Hope today goes without too much drama!
      Yoiu don't need to put anywhere near as many flowers on as I have, just a die cut one will be fine with a couple of leaves.
      You always manage to come up with a fab design,
      Sandra xxxx

    2. Hi Sandra
      Well, this challenge card looks good.
      Myra what faith you have in me. I'll get my things out and get Sandra and Sue to kick my backside into shape. Not to hard Sandra if you have your boots on.
      Spent 3 1/2 hrs at the Churchill and that was being fast tracked because she had an appointment at the Churchill. Spent half an hour with the consultant at the Thrombosis clinic. We were so hungry we went to Yarnton Nurseries for a toastie. We're off to the theatre this evening with friends to see Thriller. We've also booked up in May when we gave 4 days in London to see Motown. Can't wait.
      Must say I forgot yesterday to give a special mention to Beth. What a stunning card you made. Lovely to see your challenge cards on the blog.

    3. Hi Michelke
      Hope today isn't to chaotic for you.

  2. Morning Sandra and all, love this sketch a square card, I love doing square cards.
    Your card is beautiful, you have a marvellous way of putting your embellishments together on a card,
    Hope you have a good day back at work Michele, and it's not too chaotic, bet you were missed.
    Have to get on early today ,cleaner day.
    Hopefully I'll call in later to see how you all are.
    Have a good day.
    Janet hope the journey goes well.

    1. Good Morning Lilian,
      A nice morning here in Oxfordshire, all my chicks have left the nest for the day, leaving me home alone!
      Thank you for your lovely comment on my card. I really admire your cards too, glad you like the sketch.

  3. Good morning Sandra and ladies. I hope it will be good once this pea soup fog lifts! I couldn't see across the road first thing and we dont have a wide road either.
    Now this will be an interesting sketch for myself as I am not really a flower person, I can see round that bit, it's young Beth? Now I can hear it or should I say the message will be interesting! It will be first of all. " I don't have flowers like that?" Then " I will need some lace too?" She knows I have plenty of lace the flowers, she can have some from what I have, knowing her it will be that's not the colour I was thinking about!!! As I said interesting? It will be fun to see what she makes of it??? Not to oneself " add lace and flowers to her birthday craft box!!.," it's these little things that we have and don't think those who are starting don't?
    Janet and Jim will be on their way to the ferry, I wish them a safe trip. They should be lucky and get a smooth crossing.
    I can't believe that we are nearly have way through March? Where has it gone?
    Nothing exciting on the cards for here today, just the normal housework things. Starting with another pile of ironing, I should have stood and done last night, but I just couldn't be bothered. Right I'd better get a move on and get started.

    1. Good Morning Hazel,
      I hope there is a big bright sun hiding behind that fog today.
      I thought this sketch looked quite easy, I just broke it down to a square/rectangle card with a Sue W border, a die cut flower and some leaves and a sentiment, I hope Beth doesn't find it off putting,
      It might be worth her having a very simple rolled flower die for her stash, at least that way she can make one in cardstock that compliments the card she is making. Because in my experience it doesn't matter how big you stash of flowers is you still don't always have the right colour!
      Both you and Beth come up with fabulous cards each week, I am really looking forward to seeing what you both come up with.
      Hope you whizz through the ironing pile so you can have some 'me' time
      Sandra xxxx

  4. Morning All,

    Sorry you have fog Hazel, down here in my little corner of Somerset we have glorious sunshine. It was so mild yesterday the sun stayed all day so I'm hoping for some of the same for our Monday walk.
    I love today's sketch, making these challenge cards is certainly making good use of my 'Bit-box', it'll soon be empty by this rate. I am using previous sketches too for my Gorjuss collection of toppers and papers. The results of some are quite stunning, can see me using some of hem for Christmas cards too.
    Off for my morning shower, a hot cuppa and maybe some hot buttered crumpets.
    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Morning Cheryl,
      Lovely morning for a walk, wasn't it a glorious day yesterday?, really was a lovely spring day!
      I am so pleased you like the sketch, I always try to look at them through the eyes of somebody without too many dies, just so the sketch can be attempted by anyone. You don't have to go mad with flowers and lace like I have, I will confess that I have been desperate to use some of my lace from Amanda's store since it arrived. You will be the same when yours arrives.
      Looking forward to seeing your card, have a lovely walk this morning,

  5. Truly gorgeous card SANDRA I am hoping to use it for this Dedication ceremony my daughter is going to at the week end Neither of us know how religious it will be She knows her friend isn't religious at all, so it must be her OH We really don't want to offend anyone Thanks to MICHELE for suggesting Pinterest Going back to see if any of you have come up with other ideas as I ran out of time to look into cafe last night

    1. Good morning Karen,
      From what I can tell there isn't too much difference between Dedication and Baptism, they are both about parents committing in front of God to bringing up their child to love and follow Jesus.
      Most cards I have seen are pretty much the same as Christening cards, all seen to feature a Church or cross. Maybe focus on the child's name as the main feature with flowers etc to embellish with.
      Good luck with it my lovely, I can't wait to see what you create!

  6. Hi Sandra and everyone. Wow I love this sketch, am excited about this one, and have already got ideas going round in my head! Your card is beautiful Sandra, I love your spray of flowers and the gorgeous paper :-)
    Have a couple of days off this week, so looking forward to some crafting and time for me - maybe a visit to the hairdressers and some shopping :-)
    Hope everyone is ok, and have a good day.
    Hugs to all xxx

    1. Hi Sonia, oh I am so pleased that you like the sketch, some of them just instantly click in your mind don't they, I have been looming at this sketch for weeks, so I decided I would feature it this week as Spring seems to be in the air, so seems fitting to feature them on your card, I appreciate that not everyone has a large stash of flowers, (I got carried away), but you only need use or two with some leaves.
      Have fun on your days off, make sure you make the most of them.

    2. Thanks Sandra. Will definitely be making the most of my days off! Been a bit naughty already doing a little craft shopping online! It's all for my mum and dads memory album for their anniversary - bits I couldn't get at Farnborough! ;-)
      Hugs xx

  7. Good morning Sandra and everyone in the coffee shop,

    Like you Sandra I'm home alone so making the most of the peace and quiet. John took T to the bus stop at 7:10 and now he's taken the two younger ones to their schools. It's a bit isolated here public transport wise, the schools are quite a distance so they have to be taken by car.

    Love the sketch, as I haven't got my large die cutting machine (I did bring the X-Plorer) so with the resources I have with me I'm sure I could get my head around this one.

    Lynda, I hope you are able to move this morning, it sounds as if you took a nasty tumble yesterday and and your bruised knee and other bits!!! Are not too sore today XXX

    Washing machine finished, cloths ready to get peged on the line, but first I'm going to take a shower, can't go scaring the neighbours. Then take the day as it comes.

    Have a good day everyone, love and hugs, Brenda XXX

    1. Sorry Sandra I didn't say - I really think your card is beautiful, thank you for giving us the inspiration XX

  8. Sandra, I sent the sketch to her. Her reply - " I think I have some flowers but Anna was making a flower card and I don't know how many she used. Thx for the sketch card" 💕😀 She has cello tonight, I do think she will be making start, she doesn't seem to be put off. Xxx

  9. Morning Sandra and ladies,
    Great sketch for us today I really will have to get the creative juices flowing for this one!
    Washing nearly done, at least the sun has finally come out although it was a bit foggy earlier, I will peg it out soon, then off to the chiropodist later.
    Have a lovely day everyone, take care xxx

  10. Morning Sandra and ladies.
    Gorgeous card Sandra, everything put together so wonderfully and I love your flowers. Like the sketch and just like Sonia my head is already spinning but not sure of idea's or nerves hihi
    Michele- hope your day back at work goes without any problems.
    Lilian- was it you who got the Misti ? love to know how it all working. Have a nice day.
    Hazel- it will be interesting to see what Beth take is on this weeks challenge as so far she is a little gem with the cards she made. Have a good day and hope you can see anything out the window by now.
    Cheryl- can't get around the problem to get insurance for the trip you are having. Same here if going further afield for OH because of his heart and all the meds have to be counted for, hope you find one that's right. Have a nice walk today. The sun is trying it's best to show here but not sure yet to stay out or hide behind some heavy clouds. Your lucky Brenda if you can hang the washing out. I want take the risk so mine will be hanged again on the stand in the bathroom.
    Karen- hope you come back down from your amazing holiday and find the right card to make. I love the ones with baby feet (Hazel) and church windows. I'm sure you make something perfect as only you can.
    Sonia- have some nice days off work . Sorry,but what is it that you do ? me nosy, yes hihi
    Our dear Lynda- hope you managed some sleep and not to bad this morning. Take it easy !
    Janet and Jim- have a calm journey and enjoy the day.
    Hope for a walk later after hanging the washing with a cafe' at the end. Hope to make some tidying up, again ,at the craft station. Wish you all a nice day,
    hugs Maria xxx

    1. Hi Maria. Not nosey at all - I am a home help/career for the elderly. Self employed, and my hours vary through the day, and have just started an evening call out for one client every night for half an hour (which I'm still doing this week) Most of my work consists of housework and shopping, but after struggling now for a few years with arthritis in my thumbs, and having had a trapeziectomy 2 years ago I am now thinking that it would be best for me to go back to work in a care home (have an NVQ Level 2 in health and social care, which I gained when my boys were younger and I worked in a care home) Trouble is, I have a lovely selection of clients and would be extremely sad to leave them, so for the time being I am just seeing how I go.
      Definitely going to make the most of my time off - no housework for me!
      Hugs xx

    2. Lol, that's a carer - not career (stupid spell checker!!)

    3. Hi Sonia
      A really lovely job to do. You all don't get enough recognition in my book. Nor enough time to do the work in. I also have problems with spell checker.

    4. Thanks Pat. Fortunately being self employed I can spend as much time as I need with my clients. I use to work for a couple of agencies and the time limits were ridiculous - not for me! The news stories a few weeks back about agency carers only being given 15 mins to care for someone is unbelievable. Makes me so sad (and angry) I just hope that these people stipulating these times don't find themselves in this situation in older age, when they require carers to come in to help them! (Rant over!)
      Thanks again, it is a rewarding job and it's lovely to know that I'm helping with things that my clients are now unable to do.
      Hugs xxx

    5. Maria, the Misty still hasn't arrived it was a pre order, but supposed to be arriving week ending 7th March, so am hoping it comes this week .

  11. Beautiful card Sandra honey . I know what you mean about those papers I just love the shabby feel to the my favourite is Floral Pavillion... Super pretty and great inspiration , thank you so much for the mention your just awesome chat later big hugs xx Amanda

    1. Welcome to the blog Amanda, I am proud to say that I am surrounded by an amazing bunch of ladies, who's kindness, and caring nature I couldn't live without!I look forward to showing some of your work out here in blog land!!
      Hope to see you in again very soon,
      Love and hugs
      Sandra xxxx

  12. Hello Sandra,
    I do like this challenge so hopefully you will get it a bit earlier this week!! However, don't hold your breath - you know what I'm like!
    Your card today is lovely and I love all the pretty flowers. The paper too is beautiful. All finished off beautifully with " pretty things,"
    Well it's school again today and we are making Easter Baskets! Let's hope I don't forget the eggs to go in them!
    I will try o get back later.

  13. Good morning Sandra & everyone
    Hello Amanda welcome to the cafe' hope you pop in again be nice seeing you again xx
    Gosh I ache everywhere this morning after saying hello to the floor in the restaurant last night fell flat on my droopy bit's they are all bruised & bruises on my knees.I went down like a sack of potatoes I felt so stupid as the restraunt was full but nobody got up to see if I was ok they just carried on eating HaHa.i had a job to get up too.I'm not doing much today OH can do it.
    I will see if I can have a go at the challenge card later.
    Michele hope work goes ok for you today without stress.
    JANET & Jim hope journey is going well enjoy & stay safe.
    Sonia enjoy your time off work hope the weather is kind for you.
    CHERYL enjoy your walk & lunch
    BRENDA hope you get your challenge card made with what crafty bits you have with you. Enjoy your peace while it lasts.
    Hazel look forward to seeing Beth's creation this week.She is making some lovely cards & seems to enjoy crafting.
    SANDRA your card is Gorgeous love the papers you used,lovely floral spray as usual & pretty lace.
    Hug's Lynda xxx

    1. Thank you Lynda :-)
      Sorry to hear about your fall last night, hope you're ok. Shame on those diners who didn't bother to see that you were ok :-(
      Take care.
      Hugs xxx

    2. Hi Lynda
      I hope your not to sore and stiff after your meeting with the floor last night. Gentle hugs on the way.

    3. Thank you Sonia & Pat for your kind wishes. My chest hurts a lot & is bruised. Hug's Lynda xx

    4. Oh Lynda! I'm so sorry you had such a nasty fall and have hurt yourself! I hope you feel better very soon. Xxx

  14. Good afternoon coffee shop cherubs,
    Sorry Sandra haven't had that clever a wee while and nobody wants to see my miserable face bringing everyone else down as well. I'm on a good day today so i'm going with the flow for as long as it lasts after giving myself a good shake and talking to.
    I just got two pads of papers from Crafters Companion on Firday and they are so pretty that i am hoping they provide some inspiration to make a card for my friends new daughter in law/ my special neice. The only thing wrong with them is i need to use them and that is the hard part, parting with these pretty papers. I got Peach Blossom and Butterfly Garden both Wild Rose Studio 6x6 paper pads. I sometimes have your problem Sandra, i get carried away with my WOC flowers as they are just so pretty and make a card really look something special when added.
    Remember O.H. gave me money for Christmas and i got my Tattered Lace Magazine subscription with it and it came with free dies for taking the years subscription out and £20 off the Baby Blue. Well, it has been as much use as a chocolate teapot for me and there was me thinking that i could take me smaller dies and that if i was going anywhere or for the bad days that the arms can't do the big machine. I emailed their customer service telling them the problems and that i wasn't happy with it as it was useless and the lass told me that all the small machines were the same as they didn't have the required strength in them, but had i tried this that and the next thing with it? I told her that i had tried extra card and all that palver, so she said she would send me out some dies that would work in it, a small pad of card, and shims which 3/4 weeks later duely arrived with me thinking that she had totally forgotten all about it. I got two of those silver sticker sheets, 2 thin plastic sheets, 2 thicker actate sheets, 3 of that sticking the die and card inside and it keeps all the cuts bits, she also sent a little pack of flowers with stones in the middle and a pack of notes on what to do with said machine. I'm so excited to say it is working mostly with first pass through, sometimes on the odd occassion with second pass. Whoopee it's working and it's amazing the amount of dies that actually fit through it, so just thought i would pass this on in case anyone else wants to get it and is dubious about it working.
    Right i'm going to bring in some of my washing and hang out the wee bits that i couldn't peg as i had run out of pegs. Some of the wee Huggles are in the basket but they are quite hyper as they haven't been out for a wee while,so fair warning.
    Love and crafty hugs
    Norah x

    1. Hi Norah
      Lovely to hear from you and I'm sorry to hear your feeling a bit under the weather. I know exactly what you mean about not being able to use paper pads, they're so nice that you don't want to cut into them.use
      Thanks for washing the huggles. They have got rather grubby of late using the napkins to para glide down off the table.

    2. Hi Norah, your face is always welcome miserable of otherwise, my face is like that most days!!
      You really should pop in on those down days and let your friends in here pick you up!!
      Now I think it was Maureen that bought her granddaughter the baby Blue and they had a lot of trouble with it too, if it isn't fit for purpose it should go back, you shouldn't have to stand on one leg, rub your tubby and pat your head to get it working, it should Just work!!!
      Glad it has been resolved for you, lovely sunny day
      Here so hopefully you got your washing dry!
      Hopefully see you tomorrow,
      Love and huge hugs
      Sandra xxxx

  15. Sorry Sandra.
    My comment is under Michelle's name. I didn't press publish again before I started to read the comments. Grrrr.

    1. Grrrr yourself!!
      Not to worry! The comment is there! Yes I have great faith in you! Of course you will do a card this week! Ha ha! Xxxx

  16. Evening all,
    Nice to see you in Norah. I have thought about you a lot and wished for you to come back. Now we only need the other few and the family back together and we have a new face in today I see. Welcome to Amanda. Have not had the chance yet to look in to yours but hope to do later.Been busy today sorting out my dies into the folders, needed your head for remember what they are Sandra but thanks to the technology of the lappie I think I will be ok. More cereal boxes to cut up needed to make them stronger, you would thought for the money you paying for them they should be a bit sturdier. Hope you are all right with yours Sonia. You do a very good job there as a carer or is it career hihi My friend in Sweden is a carer but only for one patient a day, she loves her job but it takes on the body (especially her back) hope you are ok. Also managed a little walk in the sunshine but brrrr! it was a cold wind so ended up very soon in Waitrose for a free coffee and reading the papers. Had a look also at the challenge for this week and think I will make it or I might need some pointers from Beth :-)
    Sending special hugs to anyone who need one and hope you get better soon Lynda, what kind of people were they not to make sure you are ok. A gentle hug to you.
    Wish you all a good night and hope to be in tomorrow sometime but going down to see SIL for the day so might be late. take care, hugs Maria xxx

  17. Hi Maria. My die storage is holding up pretty well, I found I had some adhesive magnetic sheets, so have backed the original (flimsy) sheets with that and are quite sturdy.
    Love my job, although it's mainly housework and shopping, with only a small amount of personal care I find it very rewarding, and I love chatting with my lovely clients, it's makes all the hard work so worthwhile :-)
    Hugs xx

    1. Sonia, I think you do a great job and what you do is in my opinion undervalued! I couldn't do your job, although I did care for my Mum but that is different! My Aunt had a Carer like you and she adored her. She was called Beth! She shopped, did some housework and some personal care but not a lot but it was the daily company and chat which my Aunt loved. Xxxx
