
Monday 21 March 2016

Monday Sketch Challenge

 My Challenge Card
The Sketch

Morning Ladies,

I thought I would give you a nice simple sketch this week, as I know you will all be busy with your preparations for the Bank Holiday Weekend!

I decided to go pink and girly this week, no other reason than I loved the pink dotty paper!  I embossed the top half of the card with the Daisy Lattice Embossing Folder by Craft's Too, I used Spellbinders Captivating Squares Die to cut the focal element of the card, added a mat of the pink dotty card and then the sentiment.  I ran some pink ribbon through the lace and added that to centre of the card, made a bow out of the same ribbon and added a pearl  centre.  I then used a tiny Impression Obsession flower die to cut some little flowers that I topped with a pearl! 

I hope you like the card, I can't wait to see your version of the Sketch.

Have a lovely day ladies,
Love and hugs


PS . Don't forget your Lidl card !!!


  1. Good Morning Everyone
    Hope everyone has had a good week-end and are now ready for the run up to Easter. It doesn't seem two minutes since it was the run up to CD and here we are having had the first day of Spring and this coming week-end we put .
    the clocks forward!!!!

    Love your girly card Sandra and will be putting my one little grey cell to work over the next few days

    We're off to our local Lidle this morning in Chateau Chinon to see if they have any crafty bits and pieces. As you all know we don't have a craft shop close to Marigny so it's always worth a little trip when I get a nod that crafting goodies may be near.

    Marigny Dobbie tells me that the littlest Huggle hasn't been seen for quite some time in the Café so do we need to put out a search party to try and find him. I'm told that Hughie is being very good so Myra you must have him really well trained but things are still going missing. I wonder what we'll find when we do find their cache!!!! Heaven only knows.
    All's set and ready and you should have enough coffee etc for the next few days. Of course you will have fresh croissants etc every day.

    Hugs to all who are absent for one reason or another and I've sent an extra load for the basket by the door as I've noticed that your numbers are growing Sandra - well done. I hope we don't put anyone off by our daft antics though.

    1. Janet I am going to Chinon the end of June for 6 days with group from boule. We play against couple of local clubs & rest of time hope to explore the area, it looks lovely.xx

  2. Morning Ladies

    Lovely card Sandra , hopefully this sketch won't cause me so much stress!

    I've been asked to make a card for someone who has qualified as a Foot Surgeon-that's going to test me!!!!

    I can't believe it's Monday morning already, the weekend has gone very quickly, I know it's only a 4 day week for me but it's going to be a busy one.

    We were lucky enough to see the hedgehog last night, not sure if it's just the one as there was a family last year.


  3. Good morning everyone. In early as off to meet Norah and Jess this morning. Been a while with not everyone feeling 100% lately and husbands being ill too. It's a beautiful day here, sun shining just perfect for travelling.
    A very easy card for this week, I think I will try and make it from my bit box so, it will be like a double challenge.
    Janet, I will ask Norah if she knows why tiny huggle hasn't been in the cafe! It could be with all the germs that everyone has had she has kept him away.
    Off to get showered and dressed. Xxx

    1. Hazel, Isn't it great that we can meet up with the blog family. Hope you all have a lovely day. LOL xx

    2. Hi Hazel have a lovely day with Norah & Jess Say hi & Hug's from me. Lynda xx

    3. Sorry Hazel
      It's a bit late but I hope you had a lovely time with Jess and Norah.

  4. Good Morning Sandra, lovely to wake up to bright sunshine, cleaner day today , so in a rush as usual.
    Sandra your card is lovely, very girlly, will try and stick to the sketch this week.
    Busy work week with delivery being one day earlier.
    Hopefully we will get my IKEA shelving up to hopefully sort my room and make it look tidy, if that's possible.
    We'll have a good day ladies and I'll see you later.
    Hope those that are bruised and battered or are down with nasty virus that's doing the rounds are all on the mend.
    Hugs Lilian

    1. Hi Lilian
      hope you manage to get the shelving up in your craft room more shelves to fill up. Have fun
      Hug's Lynda xx

  5. Good morning Sandra and alll in today

    Welcome to Karian, hope to see you back soon.and Jaquie, nice to see you again.
    Myra- wish you better, how naughty of your husband to give you the flu ! Take care and hugs.
    Lynda- unless you going out, just don't wear a bra for a time being if it's still so sore. Bless you, sending you some gentle hugs.
    Littlelamb- hope your granddaughter is better and that you are ok.
    Brenda- must be nice to have slept in your own bed last night but it sound like you back at the others next week again, Take care.
    Margaret- your card yesterday was one of my favs. and couldn't believe the papers was from the magazine. Hope all goes well for Alan's op today and that he is a good patient, hmmmm.
    Janet- good luck in your Llidl, hope to get there myself. Found their fruit and vegs better then the norm super markets.
    Hazel- have a lovely day with the other lovely ladies !
    Many hugs all around.
    Another showroom today, hopefully it is more up and running than the last one. Three hours we were there so we had dinner at Toby's after. so chattered to cook anything :-) Apparently with the electric work, heated floor ,ceiling changed and wall bricked up and new window, cupboards and etc ,etc plus all new white goods it will cost us a fair bit. Fingers crossed something will happen at the end.
    Challenge card looks good and you have made a Beautiful sample Sandra so will have a look this afternoon.
    Got to jump in the shower now, hope you all have a nice day whatever you are up too. Hugs in bundles to all,
    love and hugs Maria xxx

    1. Hello MARIA
      Enjoy your day looking round the next showroom.Hope your not there three hours again that's a long time.hihi.
      Hug's Lynda xx

    2. Aww thanks Maria x and yeah I will be back ;) x my name is Karen x Karian is a mix of mine and my OH's name Ian ;) x when I started making cards card by Karen was already very popular so opted for Karian ;) x Thank you for the lovely warm welcome x Lots of Love and hugs Karen xxx

    3. Maria, have you got Wicks or B&Q near you, if you have go and get them to quote you for the work, you will then know if what they are quoting is about right., xxx

    4. Hi Naria
      Hope you were able to have a good mooch about the next showroom.

  6. Morning Sandra and ladies,
    Another challenge to get the grey cells in gear, will have a think about this one.
    It is a lovely morning here again, I am off to meet Hazel and Norah and Patricia, if she is up to it. It will be a good catch up, will pop back later with all the gossip, take care, xxx

    1. Hi JESS enjoy your meet up & chatting with the others.

  7. Hi Sandra and ladies.
    Love the challenge card and the card youve made Sandra. Thats one of the embossing folders I brought back with me.
    Pretty quick greetings today as the decorator has started painting today instead of tomorrow so it was a rush covering up the furniture. The only place not being touched is the downstairs bathroom so I think I'll be spending a lot of time sitting on the toilet if you know what I mean ha ha. After weeks and weeks of dry weather its rainibg today. Typical eh. Gracie wont venture out the door in the rain so is standing here with her legs crossed looking suspiciously at Mike the painter. Perhaps she thinks hes brought the rain with him!
    Take care everyone.
    Love Val x

    1. Hi Val put a cushion on the toilet so it's more comfortable for you HIHI.
      Poor little Gracie hope rain stops soon so she can uncross her legs.
      Hug's Lynda xx

    2. Hi Lynda,
      8pm and no let up with the rain at all today. Got the fire on as its making everything cold.
      Gracie had 2 wee's on a paper as she wont go over the threshhold. Shes being clipped tomorrow. Maybe I should have waited for a couple more weeks to get her done. Shell have too have her coat on.
      see you tomorrow.
      Love Val x

  8. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. What a beautiful card to inspire us today. I love that Daisy e f, and those tiny flowers are so cute. Your triple bow is perfect too, so neat : )
    Mum, thinking of Pop today, hopefully will be getting a call very soon now saying it's all done. Special hugs to you both. May the next 14 days pass quickly for you!
    I hope everyone has a good day. Sending hugs to all in need. Take care xx

    1. Hi Sue
      Hope the op went well. As Lynda sausage your mum will need some roller skates, or perhaps a lift to saveher legs on the stairs.

  9. Hi Sue thinking of mum & pops today hope he will be ok. Has mum got some roller skates so she can keep up with all the can you get me this can you get me that HiHi. Sending him & mum Hug's xxx

  10. Hello Sandra & ladies
    Bit dull today & chilly boo. Not up to much today my man slave is doing all the housework bless him. I will go in my craft room after lunch & try the challenge card not very hard me thinks mmm. Sandra your card is so pretty in pink love your bow you do them so neatly. Gorgeous Gorgeous card.
    I have commented on way down . Will pop in later going to get some lunch I think I can manage that.
    Hug's Lynda xx

  11. Just to let you know the Lidl voucher works fine, just been and used it. they haven't got the usual paper pads in (in Witney).
    But they have some other nice Crafty bits!!
    Sandra xxxx

    1. No paper or card pads in Bridgwater too Sandra. The guy on the till looked quite nonplussed when I asked where they were. His response? 'Well I filled the baskets this morning and there were none delivered to us'. So onto Lidl's website in a mo to complain, they are definitely in the leaflet. x

  12. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra hope to get chance to get challenge card done, will depend on patient!!xx
    Thank you all for best wishes for Alan, all went well just waiting for it to come back to life!
    Lovely sunny day going to put washing out for a while.
    Hugs on way to all who need them love Margaret xx.

  13. Lovely sketch and have took part again this week Card Sketches are one of my favorite challenges to take part in x So thank you for letting me join in ;) x

    1. Welcome Karen to our beloved craft café, You are sure of a good natter, good tips and support when needed. xxx

    2. Lovely to see you in again Karian.

  14. Hello Karen/Karian Nice twist on the name I hope the Scottish meet up went well No patterned paper in my Lidll either I bought the wrong paper pack so will return that! Got the two sets of brushes, flat and rounded I'm no artist so the quality is good enough for me

  15. Just popping in to say we had another lovely meet up, lots of chat and laughter, put the world to right and made arrangement for a meet up in April. Patricia was looking tired by the time we were ready to set of home 45mins to Perth then a further 30 mins to home from each of us, she did let me know she was home.
    Norah, hasn't been letting the permie huggle go into the cafe, as he isn't strong enough to with stand all the nasty germs that have been going about, he has been staying cozy in the house.
    I am off to relax. xxx

    1. Glad you had a lovely day! April did you say - may I come?? Ha ha !! Xxx

    2. Hi Hazel
      Glad you all had a lovely time. It was good of Norah to keep permit huggle at home while all these germs are flying around. Sorry to hear that Patricia was flagging at the end of your meet.

    3. Of course you can Myra!!! Xxx

    4. Ooh! I'm excited - will I need to get the balloon out? Xxx

    5. Better get the balloon checked for leaks, it's been a year since it had an outing, lol

  16. Hello Sandra and everyone in the coffee shop,

    Bit late today I still sit looking at the blog this morning and John said what are you up we go out? So we took ourselves over to Sutton and had a little walk around the shops and some lunch. Back home now exhausted. Haven't had chance to go to Lidl will probably take a walk up there tomorrow.

    Love your card to Sandra it really is very pretty and the embossing folder just works so well with this design. I have no excuses this week so should get a card made for the challenge.

    Hope Hazel, Norah and Jess had a lovely meet up with lots of chatter and laughter.

    Margaret, hope Allan's operation went well how long will he be in hospital, Or is it day surgery?

    Just had Dauuhter on the phone, she was driving from the East End of London home to Billericay in Essex a journey of over an hour, I've only just finished talking because she's arrived home, I now need to get a wriggle on as dinner is almost ready. Will try to look in later. Love Brenda xxx

  17. Evening ladies,
    Thank you all for your lovely supportive messages on Saturday, they are well appreciated. Tigan & Joseph miss him so much and there were quite a few tears. Tiegan wrote him a beautiful letter on the PC crying her eyes out at the same time. She had saved it, so I asked her if she wanted to print it and place it with his flowers. 'OK', she said 'He can read it later after we have gone to lunch' Bless her and Joseph.

    What a glorious day for a walk today. Bright sunshine, so warm with just a hint of a cool breeze on occasions. North Petherton was our destination, I didn't realise how far back from the A38 it stretched, it's amazing walking all these old pathways, you get to see parts of the village that you wouldn't know were there. Quite a long walk today as well, we certainly had a good stretch of our muscles. I'd had a little bird whisper in my ear over the weekend that it was Rosie's birthday, her first one without her beloved Ken, who died last summer. She was pleasantly surprised to receive a card and Maureen & I treated her at lunchtime and even sang 'Happy Birthday' to her. All in all, a lovely day to remember.

    I'm going to set myself the task tonight of completing the challenge card. My son Robin is 46 tomorrow, so the sketch will be slightly altered to make a 'man' card.

    Tomorrow, I will have to take a couple of photos of the most gorgeous laces, crochet pieces and bling that arrived from Amanda, Scrimpy's Craft Boutique, sent for my first order. She certainly chose well for me, once Sandra had sent her the photo of Anna & Andy's wedding Ring I had made. Making a few up next month for the Church Fete this year and hoping they will sell. Also trying out & doing some mixed media stuff. I have been following Gabrielle Pollacco for some years now and she makes it look so easy but as she is a trained artist, I suppose it is easy for her, but mainly it's her imagination that fired me up to have a go myself.

    An early night is the books, my walk has relaxed me so much and I could doing with a longer sleep. Now we're getting lighter mornings, I'm awake with the first birdsong. Beautiful as it is, I'd like to sleep in longer.

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Hi Cheryl
      How lovely that Tiegan wrote Pete a letter. I'm glad you enjoyed your walk. Try not to overdo things though.

  18. Hi Sandra
    Like the look of this challenge. Although I don't know if I'll have time to do one this week. Petes had his appointment at the Churchill changed from 5th to the 12th of April. The 5th was cutting it fine for his medication , however, the 12th means that he'll be at least 7 days without medication. I do wish when you leave a message someone would get back to you. Have spent the afternoon sorting out a placement for Ellis as well. I'm waiting to hear what the outcome will be. Doreen told Glebe house she wasn't happy that they'd left him in a wheelchair all day in his room with no television. Why they said they were happy for him to go there before I have no idea. Watch this space. Soapbox away in the corner. I'm off to read all the comments.

  19. Hello Sandra,
    Sorry so late! Still not Tickety Boo as Patricia would say! This thing whatever it is has knocked both of us for six! Sure I'll be better tomorrow! Sorry but I've only read the bottom three posts. Lovely challenge! Lovely card! Will try to do better tomorrow! Xxx

  20. Myra, I am sorry both of you have been knocked for six by this bug, please take care. I left you a message under where you ask "if you could come "

  21. Hi Myra
    Take care as this bug has laid you both low. I know it's good to share but hubby could have kept it to himself. Gentle hugs to you both.

  22. Thank you Hazel and Pat - not forgetting Maria! You are very kind! Xx
