
Tuesday 22 March 2016

Card For Josh

Good Morning Ladies,

Today is my daughter's partner Josh's Birthday, he and his Father run their own Painting and Decorating Business.  So I decided that would be the theme of his birthday card this year.

I used the Polkadoodles Work & Play 11 CD ROM, I have a few of these CdRoms and they are very useful for men's card, there are all jobs covered from Hairdresser's to plumbers, leisure activities too, Golf, running, weightlifting, gymnastics, most are covered!  
I printed this same image 3 times so that I could decoupage the image.  The decorative elements are from the CD too, as is the ticket style sentiment.
I am hoping that Josh likes his card ! I really enjoyed making it, something different for a change!

Margaret, I hope that Alan is comfortable and not running you radded! Hugs to you both xxxx

Lovely to read that our Scottish ladies had a lovely get together yesterday xxx

I hope that you all have a lovely day whatever you are up to! Lovely to have the washing blowing on the line, however i did read that the weather is going to be wet and windy over the holiday weekend !

Love and hugs
Sandra xxxx


  1. Morning Everyone
    Well Sandra today's card is just perfect and not only from your side of the Channel but here at Marigny! Jim is starting to paint our bedroom today so at the moment all is bare except for the curtains and I cannot take those down it has to be done by himself as they're threaded on curtain poles and I would have to climb which of course is a big no no. So thank you I will have him look at your card when he gets back from the bread shop and of course he will have made sure that the order for the Café went off in good time for this morning's opening.

    I'm sure Josh will love his card and a Happy Birthday to the young man.

    We have a sunny but cold start to the day but as long as it's dry it doesn't matter.
    Good to see our Friends North of the Border had a good day and I'm looking forward to seeing them all back here in the Café soon.

    I'm off now to stake my place in the Veranda where I'll be out of the way of the painting so I can play around with some 'altering'. I ordered some MDF pieces and am waiting impatiently for them to arrive.

    MARGARET - I hope you had a good night and that Alan is comfortable this morning. Hugs for both of you.

    Hugs for all in need and plenty for the basket. xxxx
    I'll pop back later.

    1. Hi Sandra
      I love this card you've done for Josh. Might have to see if I can borrow this one. I always struggle with men's card and I don't suppose you can get this one any more.
      I'm glad the Scottish ladies had a great meet up and gentle hugs to all who need one today.
      Hope Alan is feeling comfortable today and isn't running you ragged.

    2. Hope the decorating goes well Janet.

  2. Good Morning Sandra and ladies.
    Such a lovely card today Sandra and howvappropriate. Just love the addition of cute buttons and even his initials on the tins. Very cute and useful cd.
    MARGARET. Hope your husband had a good night and is feeling more comfortable today.
    It's still raining here. Still no walk for Gracie. I'm getting a bit stir crazy now. Just hate staying in. Day 2 od Mike the painter being here. Might stay in my bedroom today!
    Have a good day everyone.
    Love Val x

    1. Val, I hope you and Gracie aren't to crossed leg today. We had a yorkie cross years ago, she hated the rain! She would go as far as the edge of the grass nearest to the door to do what she needed to do and straight back indoors. Hope the rain stops soon! Xxx

  3. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-what a great card you have made for Josh, I'm sure he'll be thrilled with it.

    I had plans to start a couple of cards last night but I watched 2 programmes(one recorded & one on the London Underground) then read my book so will try again tonight.

    Today looks like it's going to be a busy one-Tuesday's are usually the busiest day for chemotherapy. We have visiting specialists on Monday & Wednesdays so there's not as much space for our patients. Thursday the consultants do a video link up with another hospital to discuss all the patients so they're gone all morning then they do a ward round in the afternoon. Friday tends to be mostly patients with rheumatoid arthritis & Chrohns coming in for treatment so not as pressured for us to turn the treatments around as quickly.

    Best get ready to head into work.

    1. Hi Michelle
      Even though you say not so busy this week. It's still a lot to get through especially for the chemo patients.

  4. awww it is lovely Sandra x I will need to pull out some of my CDroms I havent used them in such a long time x Lovely to know that ladies had a wee get together yesterday it is such a lovely way to share your pleasure with friends x Lots of Love and Hugs Karen xxx

    1. Karen, we had the very best day yesterday and all because we started talking to each other through the blog. This special cafe is filled with so many very special people and see when you think you are the only dafty, you find out that you are surrounded by like minded dafties, lol. Hazel, Patricia and Jess are three of the most beautiful, heart warming people i have ever known and they just make my day. We are a little community that sees you through good times and bad so that you are never alone so welcome to the wee cafe of happiness. Would you like to adopt one of the Huggles and take them home? A few of the ladies have their very own little Huggles that brings joy, happiness and mischief to their lives.

    2. Norah, thank you for those kind words? Remember it works both ways! This time last year we meet you and Jess for the first time and it was one the high lights of the year. The other being meeting so many other at the retreat in October. Oh yes I did put a comment down at the bottom saying we aren't mad, just love to have fun and banter with each other. Yes it was a great day once again yesterday. I had a bit of a sore throat this morning, could it be from talking to much do you think??? Oh Harry will look adorable while he is out in his stunning outfit. Not that he isn't adorable all the time, well maybe not so much in the wee small hours! Xxx

  5. Morning Sandra and all ladies/gents coming in today.

    Happy birthday to Josh and he will love his card because it's FAB! The cd sound like a very good one to have for making cards for the men.
    Margaret- hope you all had some sleep last night,hugs.
    Myra- hope you feeling a bit better today but please take it easy until you are well,hugs.
    So glad the girls up North had a nice meet-up. The balloon sound fun but as it still a bit cold I'll take the train and I wouldn't want it to be loopsided :-)
    Dracula is after my blood this morning so got to get a wiggle on and the hope to get to Lidl and some food shopping in for Easter . Sun is out and it looks like a nice day so I hope you all get some of it,
    many hugs Maria xxxx

    1. Thanks Maria, I'm a bit better today but marathon running is still a wee bit far off yet!!

  6. Good morning everyone. A beautiful sunny day here so it's a case of windows open and getting on doing housework. Now Jess the balloon is booked in for a full over haul the second week in April, I have asked them to make sure it's all looking good, just incase it's needed.
    Great card for Josh! Happy birthday Josh.
    Haven't started this weeks challenge card, just being out yesterday I didn't feel like doing much last night.
    Maria, it would be a very expensive cup of tea! I hate to think of the cost of that train ticket. Different if we lived at the borders. I think you could get a nice new kettle, toaster and things with the cost. Another store to ask for quotes is IKEA! I love their kitchen designs.
    Right have to now go sort out if I can get the cars booked in for a full valet. Xxx

  7. Morning one & all,

    Lovely card for Josh, Sandra, birthday wishes for him.

    Slowly clearing all the boxes that have been holding items I cleared out from my study which is now my craft room. So many items brought memories of certain times but I feel I have to be ruthless to carry on forward, nobody else knows of these memories or would use the items. All memories of Pete are stored safely in my heart and mind forever, so I can let go of some things that are no longer of use to him or me. Some might find that strange, but I must be practicable or my house will be stuffed to the rafters. It is taking me along time just to sort out one box, one a week I think is quite sufficient.

    After yesterday's glorious sunshine, we are back to greyness everywhere. And it has gone colder too, warmer clothes necessary.

    Love & hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Cheryl flower, you take as long as you want to sort out your memories. As you say some things will only ever mean something to you and Pete, but nothing and no one can take away your memories that are in your heart and mind. Pete will always be with you in there and that is how you will keep him alive with the love that you have for him. Take it easy dear lady and let yourself take you back to the time and place your momentoes are from.
      Sending you hugs
      Norah x

    2. You are being and have been very wise Cheryl! You are dealing with things as you are able. Thinking of you! Xx

    3. Cheryl you are so right, memories are stored in the heart! Xxx

    4. Thank you Norah, Myra & Hazel.
      Had a few tears when I found one of his fleece work jackets with his name on. Someone had borrowed it for his funeral as the theme was claret & light blue...even his coffin was in West Ham colours, and one of the ribbons my friend Rosie Allen had made was still pinned to it. Bless her, she made 100 for the mourners that day and we could have done with 5x that. It is still pinned there now, I cannot take it off so the jacket has gone back in the box. Perhaps some day one of my grandsons would wear it and think of him. xxx

    5. Cheryl you are welcome. Oh I can understand the tears, it's little things like that, can bring them!!! Xxx

    6. Oh Cheryl that must have brought a big lump to your throat! In among the sadness are happy memories though! You did right to put it back I think! Xxx

  8. Good morning my little coffee shop cherubs,
    Sandra flower, i do hope that Josh likes his card as it is a great card and so appropriate for him. Happy Birthday Josh.
    Oh well having being down this past wee while my beautiful Mary's left me with sore sides yesterday and a tonic that will keep me going for a good long while to come. What a giggle they are and so very very best of friends that anyone could wish for, i am so lucky to have found them. It was lovely so see Patricia a bit perkier although she was so tired looking but a trip to the local vampire for her injection should hopefully see her bouncing again soon. I found out what a CROP is and it's not what i thought a stick that you hit the horse with to giddy up, its scrapbooking and cutting down layouts to go with the pictures if i get it right. Wow, Jess is such a talented lady in everything that she does and some how her pictures just come out stunning each and every one of them. Hazel remind them that they need to check the gas canister is filled and the sandbags are filled to be ready in an emergency.
    I am sitting with the back door open to allow Tia to go out and in as she pleases and all i can hear is the birds tweeting and whistling in the trees and hedgerow, oh boy is there anything nicer than that to listen to on a beautiful day. Kirsten is away to some animal place with Harry today so he has on his new Aran lumber jacket and hat to keep him warm. She had him back at the doctors yesterday as he has had this "virus" for 9 weeks now and when he was sounded, he has a chest infection so is on antibiotics. I was quite surprised as it was doctor useless that she seen who can tell from looking at someone that there is nothing wrong, just viral that is going around. Oh the doctor really boils my blood and i don't even bother to make an appointment with him as i don't have that energy, time nor the inclination to be in so much pain in getting around to his surgery to waste. My Kirsten maybe looks like me but boy oh boy no one will walk over her because shes a little terrier when she gets started. I think i should have called her poodle as her nickname as a child as she looks soft and gentle until she bears her teeth and shows what she is made off, lol.
    I will go and sit in the corner table with the huggles and see what has been happening since i've been in.
    Norah x

    1. Hi Nirah
      I'm glad that you had a lovely meet up with the Jess, Hazel and that Patricia managed to join you. I bet Harry is looking gorgeous as usual. I think you need to be a terrier with Drs nowadays. You wait 3 weeks for an appointment and then they try and rush you out the door.

    2. Poor little Harry! I hope he will get over this quickly now! He will look gorgeous in his jacket and hat!
      So pleased you had a good day yesterday! I thought you might !
      Sending lots of love from one of the saner members of this blog!!
      Tin Hat! Xxxx

    3. Thank goodness the doctors have finally seen that poor wee Harry has a chest infection! Stupid doctors don't they know mothers know best! He will soon get over it now he is on the antibiotics. Xxx

  9. Hello Sandra and all the lovely ladies,
    It's been a while I know but just thought I would pop in and say hello. I have looked in and there have been some fabulous cards on show over the last couple of weeks.
    Sandra what a lovely card, so appropriate for Becca's partner Josh.
    Margaret I hope you both managed a good nights sleep and that Pops is coping with the discomfort.
    Cheryl it's good you are ready to let go of a few things, as you say the memories will never leave your heart.
    Janet please can you ask Jim to pop over the border and help me get my curtains down, he can bring his paintbrush too if he likes!
    Hazel lovely to hear your meet up with Jess and Norah went ahead and I am so glad that Patricia was up to joining you, give her a hug from me. Now talking of meeting up what's all this about Myra joining you for the next one? Is there room for a little one in that balloon, if Myra is coming I want to come too! Talking of Myra I hope you are feeling a bit better today.
    Lynda I hope you are recovering as well, you have been in the wars lately.
    Norah I bet Harry looks gorgeous in his new outfit, well he would be gorgeous in anything, hope he soon gets rid of this 'virus'.
    Maria hope Dracula doesn't take too much and leave you weak and wobbly.
    Must go fetch my washing in it's going to start raining any minute.
    Love and hugs for all for now
    Saba xxxxx

    1. Glad you stopped by!! The last time we ventured out on this balloon we ran into problems in Newcastle! I'm a bit better thank you! Just not up to doing much !!
      If you can get here for April , I'll drive you!! Not sure whether that's a threat or a promise in your book!! Ha ha! Xxx

    2. This cup of tea/coffee is going to be very expensive. We do live about 3 hours from the border or thinking that would be Carlisle way! A lot of driving for a cup of something? What are you lot like???
      Lovely to see you pop in Barbara! I take it you are over seeing your grandchildren during the holidays?
      Myra, please take it easy and keep warm.
      Margaret I hope Alan's op went ok. I see you are joining the nursing if husbands band? Xxx

    3. Just thought was the balloon trouble at our Gillian's wedding? Xxx

    4. Yes that's right! Barbara caused an international incident at Newcastle Airport! She landed there from Germany if you remember! I can even remember year old nonsense!! Xxx

    5. I seem to think Muriel's bloomers were involved! Yes Hazel I am coming "home" in April. Myra thank you for your offer, I would be thrilled to come in the car with you, maybe we could collect Muriel and her bloomers on the way!!! But why just meet for coffee!!!

    6. This balloon thing better be ok this time, we don't want to crash land over the lakes, I'm hoping the bloomers and flags will help!

    7. Well, I'm sure there is plenty of room for our Muriel! As for the bloomers? Well! I think they were her Aunty Mary's you know! They had to be patched after the last trip! Do you think she will have invisibly mended them in red or will it be a designer patch in tartan or something! You want lunch as well? We could go upmarket and have Brunch!! Xxx

    8. Hi my dear heart Saba, lovely to see you back in to comment. I have missed you. Love & hugs XXX

  10. Hello Sandra and everyone in the coffee shop,

    Just sitting here with my coffee a little later than usual but ha ho that's okay. I'm at the table looking out onto the rear patio of the cafe, the daffodil Sandra planted are looking beautiful as are the crocuses and primroses it's a real picture, very calming and relaxing.

    Sandra love the card you made for Josh, I am sure he will too, it's so appropriate. The CD sounds great with all the male images on, will have to look out for that one.

    I hope all of our ladies who have been unwell and those in pain all feeling a bit
    better today sending hugs to you all. Maybe Norah could send you a Huggle to cheer you up and maybe do a few simple chores. We had one and I was worried he got put away with the Christmas decorations, do you know the cheeky little rascal had gone into one of the wardrobes and was snuggled up in a shoebox! He is out today and enjoying the sunshine streaming in the windows he keeps looking at me with a mischievous twinkle in his eye, I think we will have to watch him and what he gets up to. We glanced down the garden this morning and our tourtoise has decided it's time to get up, that's a good sign, better weather should be on the way.

    Must get a wriggle on now, take care love and hugs Brenda XXX

  11. Hi Sandra
    Once again I forgot to press publish again, so my comment is under Janet's post. Grrrr

  12. Margaret Palmer22 March 2016 at 13:02

    Hi Sandra & all in the cafe,
    Sandra lovely card for Josh hope he has lovely birthday.xx
    Can I just say a very big thank you to all of you for the best wishes for Alan, it means such alot. We both managed to sleep, Alan has bed in Conservatory to save me running up & down stairs, the dog is a good messenger when he needs anything.
    Lovely to see Norah & Saba in you have both been missed.xx
    Must away to get lunch hugs on way to all who need them love Margaret xx.

    1. Glad you had a good night Margaret! Hope Alan continues to make good progress.xx

  13. Hello Sandra,
    I've tried harder today! I love your card for Becca's boyfriend . It's really good fun as well as being so appropriate! I'm sure he will love it!
    Well, I'm not doing much today and sitting looking at things which need to be done isn't the best! However, it will get done eventually!
    I have craft goodies in parcels unopened !!! That rather says it all!
    Be good everyone! Xxx

  14. All you new ladies, sorry you will think some of us are mad!!! Never just like to have fun and banter with each other! Honest. Xxx

  15. Hi Sandra and ladies, the card for Josh is brilliant, I might have to look out for this CD, I find men's cards quite hard to do.
    We had a lovely meet up yesterday, we don't do it often enough, but April isn't too far off, for another jolly.
    I have been at Carolines shop today, it was quite quiet, not a lot of people about, but I suppose you take the good times with the bad.
    My wee huggle Morag has decided to try and do a few cards, she is coming along, and even clears up afterwards, I could probably take lessons from her!
    Anyway off to sort dinner, take care everyone, look out for low flying balloons xx

  16. Hello Sandra & Ladies
    Your card for Josh is brilliant Sandra I'm sure he will love it.
    Happy birthday Josh.
    My friend came round for lunch had a nice chat & did a little crafting on Todo hot foiling she lent me some of her hot foil dies so play time with them tomorrow.
    Sandra thank you for the help on letting me know how I get the lace just asking Amanda. too make up the lace bundals.
    I also had a look at the gallery the ladies have made some beautiful things. Think I'm hooked haha. Sandra I will be thinking of you tomorrow x
    Thank you SABA was lovely seeing you today.xx
    MARGARET glad Allen had a good night sleep & you too. Has he got a hard plaster on his foot just wondering why he has to stay in bed.Have a good night sleep again.Hug's for you both.
    Well I'm off for my cupper Hug's xxxx

  17. Hello, sorry to be late, been very busy working urgent order for 20 pink hoods.
    Sandra your card is fabulous, must dig out some of my CDs haven't used them for ages.
    Not read any comments yet will catch up later,
    See you tomorrow,hugs . Lilian.
