
Sunday 10 January 2016

Your Amazing Challenge Cards

Good Sunday Morning Ladies,
Well here it is, the day you have all been working hard for all week, I can't wait to show all of the cards that you have all designed from the sketch that I gave you last Monday, so here goes........
 This is the Sketch
My Sketch Challenge card for your inspiration
Now here are your amazing cards....

Brenda Hopkins Sketch Card

Cheryl's Sketch Card 

 Hazel's Sketch Card

Janet's Sketch Card

 Jean's Sketch Card

 Karen's Sketch Card

Karen's Sketch Card 2 

Lilians Sketch card
 Lynda's Sketch Card

 Maria's Sketch Card
Maureen's Sketch Card

Myra's Sketch Card

Patricia's Sketch Card
Sue's Sketch Card

I have to say that I was absolutely thrilled that so many of you took part, Its so amazing how different all the cards have come out, just by using different materials and individual design styles.
Thank you all so much for taking the time to take part, I hope you got something from it too, apart from the amazing inspiration you see here today.

Now for the One Die Challenge cards.......
My One Die Card

 Maria's One Die Card

 Maureen's One Die card

 Patricia's One Die Card

 Brenda Lello's One Die card (also very similar to sketch challenge Style)
 Hazel's One Die Card
 Janet's One Die Card

Lynda's One Die card
Lillian's one die card

Your cards are all just so amazing, thank you so very much for taking part in both of this weeks challenges, I know that you all have loads going on so the fact that you have taken time out to take part means the world.
If any of you still have cards you want included there is still time, I can add them on today.
I hope you are looking forward to tomorrows sketch challenge.
Can you believe how much inspiration there is here on this one page???
Thank you all from the bottom of my heart!!
Enjoy whats left of your weekend ladies,
Love and Hugs to all,


  1. Morning Everyone

    What a fantastic way to start a Sunday - so many beautiful cards and all so different in their own ways.
    I wonder what our Mistress of Ceremonies will have for us tomorrow. Looking forward to it whatever it is and I promise that this week I will ready your instructions very carefully Sandra!

    I didn't manage to make a start on Christina's birthday card yesterday so that is my challenge for today. I have a vague idea - yes I know me even having one of those is eyebrow raising or so I'm told- so I'll see what happens.

    Breakfast is going to be a little later this morning as one of the headlight bulbs has gone and it's the offside one so it shines in the middle of the road so the trip to the boulangerie has been put off until the sky is a little lighter. Have to say the bread is more than well waiting for.

    I think that now all the decorations etc have been taken down the Café is looking a little sad so I think a little walk down the lanes to see what fresh greenery there is to put into some of those delightful little mugs Sandra made the other day. I also think that Young Dobbie's job for today is to clean the windows to let all passing by have a good look and be tempted to come inside.
    Hugs and Prayers to all in need.
    I'll try and pop in later to see what's happening.

    1. Janet,
      As you say, French bread is well worth waiting for, especially with lashings of butter and pate!!

    2. Hello , it's the Mad Hatter here!
      I can smell that Boulangerie! Oh it's too much!
      French Bread, cheese and a glass of rosé ! Lovely! Xxx

    3. Hello Maureen and Myra
      You're more than welcome to come and part-take of our lowly food. I say lowly because neither of us is allowed butter these days so there is never any in the Fridge but pate/cheese and of course a glass of whatever you want is always on hand and so who misses the butter particularly when our Boulanger bakes such divine bread! xxxx

  2. Good morning, Sandra and all who call in.
    OH my what a wonderful collection of cards. Everyone so different yet we all have the basic design there. Love them all. It goes to show how each one of us interprets the design. The one die cards proves that we don't need to use loads of dies to make a beautiful card. Simlpe but very effective in my mind. Now what is the next challenge going to be?
    I don't know if you have been back in to last nights blog, and seen that "Wendy of Scotland " called in last night after I had asked after her. Sadly she lost her sister yesterday, if I remember her sister had taken ill a good while ago. She has been in seeing how mad we have been, but due to like Barbara she has been spending all the time with her beloved sister. She said once she gets her head back in a better place she will come back in, which will be lovely. I think she could be doing with one of Norah's Huggles and our support.
    For those new friends into the cafe, Wendy join us away back, was in the cafe joining in with our high jinks, and can be as mad as the rest of us.
    My heart goes out to her at her loss.
    Well I didn't win the lottery, not even a tenner, so sorry no big villa in the sun for us. Two winners, but are they winners? Will it bring happiness? Yes they will have money, BUT what will it do to them? I have always said a £1000 pound win fall would be great - no complications, good luck to them.
    I am off to get myself a cup of tea and some toast. I will be back in. Xxx

    1. Hazel,
      Yes, I saw that Wendy had called in at the cafe. When she feels more up to it, it'll be nice to catch up with her.
      We didn't win the lottery either, and I agree with you. A smaller win would be nice as it causes no ill feeling and I wouldn't get tied in knots trying to divi it up fairly.
      Not much on the agenda today - I may TRY to get my room sorted ready for the next challenge from Sandra!
      Sandra, all the cards today are really different and it just goes to show that we all look at things differently. Since R & P bought me the Tablet, it makes taking and sending a photograph much easier, although my hand shakes a bit so the quality is not quite as good.
      Ooh, I'll just have a cup of coffee and a toasted crumpet, then I'm away to tidy and dust.
      See you all later.
      Murial xxx

    2. Hazel - never mind - just join the rest of us - poor but happy!! Ha ha! Xxx

    3. Hello Hazel - I was always told by my dear Mum that it was better to be 'poor and happy than rich and miserable' and so I firmly believe that.
      There are times though that it would be nice just not to have to think when you see something expensive wouldn't it.
      Hugs to you all xxxx

    4. Janet, I total agree with you, I am happy to be poor as long as I am healthy and happy, yes to have a bit of money that's not ear marked would be nice. Yes the winners will be happy, I wonder how many family members and long gone friend they suddenly will have?

  3. Morning Sandra and all. Just let me have a tea first so I can sit here and admire all the cards that is on show this morning .I love them ! The sketch one was a fun challenge,(will do better) already looking to see what you give us next. Another dark day so I thought I bring some daffodils in from around the lake to get some colour. Have three birthday cards to make, a mammoth task so as soon my fingers are moving better I will have a 'wiggle' and go. I hope all poorly friends had a good night and feeling better today. Wendy- so sorry. I left you a message last night. Special hugs to Saba, Val and family. Sheila-hope you ok and Anne and anyone else,hope to see you back soon. Love and hugs Maria Xxxx

    1. Hello Maria, good luck with your three birthdayd cards, give your poorly fingers a good talking to, and they might loosen up a bit!!

    2. Maria - the next challenge is to draw or paint a daffodil! Kidding!!! Xxx

  4. Good morning Ladies, sorry I've been missing a few days, I had one of those bugs that are doing the rounds, but feel much better today, I just couldn't be bothered with anything and just wanted to sleep ( best cure ) .
    Wow! The best pickup ever seeing all these wonderful cards, they are gorgeous, and it is amazing how different they all are, I like the one die idea too.
    Sorry Sandra I won't be able to take part in the coming week's challenge as we will be away but after that I will be happy to.
    I haven't caught up on all the comments yet,but have to say yesterday's crafts are delightful, I love Myra's little pads ( so handy for in a handbag) and Maria's cross stitch picture is beautiful, Scarlets dad must be proud as punch to show off the fantastic photo frame she has made for him ( she is definitely a crafter)!
    I haven't had the chance to get to know you yet Wendy , ( losing a sister is so sad and devastating for you and the family, sending you big hugs) xoxo
    Hugs also to Barbara and Val, Sheila and Nikki and any others feeling lonely or poorly xoxo
    Maria I can't believe you have daffodils out( lucky you) we only have the shoots coming through, enjoy a lovely sign of Spring!
    Janet , what would we do without you keeping the cafe stocked up with glorious goodies, they sound great!
    Well I'd better go now and try to catch up , I promised a friend who is having a lunch do, I would make some bacon /water chestnut appetisers and a raspberry cheesecake, so I better get on with it .
    Love and hugs to you all xoxo

    1. Anne, I'm glad you are feeling a bit better, and I'll be up for some of your food asap! Bacon/water chestnut appetisers sound interesting, can you send a food parcel please ha ha.

    2. Anne - thank you for your kind comments! I'm not too sure about your excuse for next week's challenge however! Tin hat!!!
      Glad you are feeling better - enjoy your break! Xxx

  5. Good morning SANDRA & lovely ladies
    Wow what beautiful display of cards well done everyone they are all so different but all as gorgeous each & everyone of them. What will tomorrow bring Sandra.
    Wendy im so sorry for your loss of your sister my thoughts & prayers are with you. Same with Barbara Val & familys Hug's & prayers.
    I have been up since 3 this morning came downstairs had a salt rinse & laid in my recliner chair & have just woken up. Not sure what happening today will try & finish craft room. Very dark rain again & was very windy last night seems to have calmed Down a bit now. O H still in bed so think I'll make a cupper.
    Pop in later. Love & Hug's xxx

    1. Oh Lynda, I hope you get some relief from those gums soon. Losing sleep, and being in pain, is no fun. Take it easy today.

    2. Oh Lynda, you have been in the wars! Nearly as many as Muriel !! She saw action in WW1 and WW2!!!!
      I could see action in WW3 - see you later! Please get well soon! Xxx

  6. Morning Ladies

    Amazing selection of cards for both challenges-all beautiful.

    Miserable day here-very wet & windy. I need to dry my hair then tidy up as my in-laws are calling to collect to boxes I didn't take to them yesterday.

    Will pop back in later.


    1. Hi Michele,
      It's actually stopped raining here for the moment. First time for nearly a week, but the skies are dark and it's freezing cold.

    2. Oh Michele, I've just read Dainty's post and see that you've won on Sue's blog. Congratulations xx

    3. Well done Michele! It's lovely to know a winner! Just one thing - please don't share your winnings with your friend!! Xxx

    4. Hello Michele - lovely to see a winner from the Café.

    5. Well done Michelle on your win from Sue, Johanna

    6. Good evening Joanna, lovely to see you in the cafe. Wasn't that a wonder site to greet you when you came in all those challenge cards?

  7. Morning Sandra and all the lovely ladies
    Oh my goodness, what a collection ! Just goes to show how different everyone can make a card from one design ! Love the one die cards, especially Maureen's as I have that die and hadn't thought of it as a card base so a big thank you.
    Wendy I'm so sorry to hear of your loss, I'm sending you a big hug. Xxxxx
    Sorry, madly busy at the moment enjoying Ems last weekend before she goes back. We are foot weary and tired but off we go again today!
    Congratulations Michele on your win on Sues blog. Xxx
    Right must go, will try to catch up later - if I'm not asleep! Xxxxxxx

    1. Hi Dainty,
      Have a great day, and make sure you give Emma lots of hugs before she goes back, and I hope it's dry where she is going. xxxx

    2. Hello Diane - give the sizzling tootsies a rest! Safe travel Emma! Xxx

    3. Happy Sunday Afternoon Diane
      Enjoy your snooze - but please don't wake Myra as we don't want her not knowing where she is!!

  8. WOWSER! What a fantastic array of cards and all so very different to the other As you can see I really enjoyed the challenge and it was a challenge! I am so bad at layouts May not be able to take part every week but will enjoy seeing what we/you all produce. One of the one die ideas has given me inspiration for a card I need to make for work
    Cold improving, just a hacking cough now and Arthur's still here with a vengeance!
    WENDY Such sad news Join back in when you can I wish this blog was around when my sister passed away I think it would have helped at my bleak moments Take care xx

    1. Karen, here's a thought. Give Arthur your cold and tell him to b*gger off!!! (If only it was that easy) xxxx

    2. Hello Karen
      Here's a thought what if we all gang up on 'Arthur' and just show him who is Boss around here. I'm sure we could find him a nice big black hole to venture through into outer space. What say you.
      Gentle hugs xxx

  9. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. What a wonderful way to start a Sunday, so many beautiful cards to look at and enjoy : ) I love seeing what everyone makes from a sketch. Thank you for coming up with both challenges Sandra. I wonder what you will have for us tomorrow? I'm glad to hear that you are feeling a little better now my lovely.
    I have left comments on yesterday's post as I didn't get into the Cafe until late last night then had a brain storm and didn't leave a comment. How daft am I? No, don't answer that Mum, Sandra or Pat : )
    Barbara, Val and family, my love to you all x
    I hope that everyone has a good day. It is clear and sunny here at the momentent. Long may it last, I hope that it is the same all over the country. Take care xx

  10. Morning Sandra and ladies,
    Lovely start for today seeing everyone's interpretation of the sketch and one die challenge, well done everyone.
    Wendy lovely to see you again and my thoughts go out to you at the loss of your sister, you know we are all here for you, take each day as it comes, and pop back in when you feel able to do so.
    It's very damp, and cold here just now, not be venturing very far today, so will catch up later.
    Just a thought , Janice from Fort William hasn't been in for a while, hope everything's ok there.
    Tae care everyone, xxx

    1. Hi Jess, I think I'm going to stay in all day. Get my housework finished and then tidy up my room and "play". The butler is cooking lunch today - well to be fair he does it most days since he retired yippee.

    2. I was thinking that too Jess! I know Janice has a holiday after the summer madness but maybe it's time for skiing now? Xxx

  11. Jess you are fight we haven't heard from Janice either. We need to know Janice and the other who haven't called in for a while are ok!
    We aren't doing much today as its so miserable, can't see going out would be fun. Git myself a cup of tea and I shortbread biscuit. Xxx

  12. Helloooooooooooooooo,
    I've been answering posts on the way down, forgetting sometimes that it wasn't my main post!!
    Sandra, really enjoyed the challenge, even though I was pushed for time and ideas - but everyone has risen to it, and produced some great ideas. What will tomorrow bring, I wonder!!
    Wendy, I did post last night, saying how sorry I was to read about your Sister, and I sent you hugs and prayers.
    Yes Jess, we haven't heard from Janice for a while. I wonder if she is away somewhere nice during the cold weather, as she works so hard during the warmer?? months here. I would think that from just before Easter onwards, she will be all go. Of course I could be totally wrong, and she could be busy all year!!!
    Barbara, sending love, hugs and prayers to you and Val, and both your families.
    Sheila, thinking of you.
    Brenda LL, thinking of you.
    Brenda Lello, waiting for more stories of Africa.
    Right, I'm away, will see you all later.
    Muriel xxxx

  13. Good morning my little coffee shop cherubs,
    WOWOWOWOWOWOWOWOW girls what can i say about all these beauties as they are absolutely stunning each and every one of them. Sandra flower no surprise that you are so pleased at our friends entries into your challanges as each of them are so beautiful and as i said absolutely stunning. Sorry i didn't enter anyting but i haven't stopped and so looking forward to tomorrow as O.H. is at work for the whole week as i am absolutely knackered with his wants and orders, so i know that it is horrible to wish the days away but tomorrow can't come soon enough for me.
    Wendy dear lady i am so very very sorry to here about you losing your beloved sister on Friday, i am sending special little gentle huggles your way to let you know that we are thinking off you and we are here whenever you need or want us. That is just one of the best bits of being a coffee shopper here and that is we are all here to listen, support and give just that love and support that without this bunch of brilliant ladies i don't know where i would be and we are all here for each other, so don't feel alone or isolated you have friends here.
    Although we have had some rain it is dry at the moment and the odd spot i can cope with it's the insessant downpour that is draining although i wish it was draining in reality up Perthshire, Aberdeenshire, Yorkshire etc. for our friends and the poor people that have lost everything again.
    Today i need to go along to the garage and see if i can find Mum's sat nav as i found someone that could really do with it and it's not needed by us or wanted by Kirsten, so it can go and do some good for somebody else. I want to get the last 12 rows of the main body of the shawl that i am knitting finished so that i can get onto the border. I love to see them all washed and pinned out as they are so lovely when they are dry and so fine and delicate. I always find it amazing that 2ply can keep an infant so warm with just folding and wrapping them up in it. I am waiting on the buttons coming to sew on to Harry's wee knitted jacket which i did in cream merino wool but i have made it double sided in the button area so that she can keep it and if she has another perhaps a wee girl we can just change the buttons over. I have noticed that a lot of the knit wear that the shops have the buttons only go to one side, the girls and that is with all the wee cardi's that i have seen. It seemingly doesn't matter any more what side they go to, well i'll stay old fashioned and make them go to the proper side.
    I have made up wee preemi huggles a sleeping bag to keep him warm as he is so tiny and he loves it. He has found that if he kicks his tiny feet inside it makes it bellow with the draft which is his new wee game that is amusing him at the moment. Each time he kicks and bellows his sleeping bag he starts giggling so if you hear little giggles in the cafe today it is just preemi's new game. I think i will have a large latte this morning and a warm croissant as that with real butter spread or melted on to it is lovely. AND just before i forget and i don't know how i managed it but i won on the lottery from before Christmas (i just got it checked on Friday) and wait for it as i won........£2.60, so i am 60p up on my stake and i wonder what i should do with my winnings? Any suggestions anybody as i'm willing to use up ALL my winnings if it is something worth while!!!!
    Have a good day everyone and i have brought lots of huggles to the basket this morning for everyone that needs or wants one. One has also went express delivery to our Barbare and Val, your in my thoughts and prayers beautiful ladies,
    Norah x

    1. Norah! You will always be a winner in my eyes! Please don't spend it all without careful thought! Would it buy a packet of caramel wafers??? I only buy healthy food so I would not know - cough - cough - oops I've choked!!
      Must tell you this - the first bit is absolutely true - at Church this morning the main topic of conversation was a fly! It was hovering around the biscuits! " where did it come from!" , " did you bring it from home Marjorie?" - to mention a few! Well it suddenly disappeared and Hughie had a funny look on his face. There are no flies on Hughie you know!!
      Muriel, Norah - neither of you knows an old lady who swallowed a fly!!! Xxxx

    2. Hello my lovely Norah
      Now don't you go silly and spend all those winnings at once on silly things or be tempted to invest in some get rich quick scheme.
      We don't want to have to revive the 'Escape Team' to get you out of one of those police cells now do we.
      Take care my lovely and just watch that little Premie. I love the sound of his sleeping bag.
      Hugs for you xxxx

  14. Good morning ladies,
    So pleased you have enjoyed looking at the challenge cards, they are all amazing!!
    PLEASE look back at them though as I have just added Lilian's cards to the list.
    Sandra xxxx

  15. Hello Everyone
    Sorry not to get back yesterday - no internet at all yesterday afternoon and it has been fitful this morning. its usually when Virgin are updating - As we have a few birthdays over this weekend my granddaughter had a small buffet for the family last night and we really enjoyed it.
    Sandra thank you for the sketches, I really hope you have more in the pipeline as looking through all the entries has been a real brightener for the day. There are some beauties and just goes to show - one design - and how many different varieties can be made.
    Its dry here today - Johns fiddling with the car - and Im going to have an hour die cutting with some new dies I have.
    I hope everyone is well - special hugs to anyone in need,
    Barbara Val Sheila and Wendy - thinking of you all
    Jean xx

    1. Oh Jean, isn't it lovely to have a dry day. It's very quiet here just now! OH has nodded off!! Xxx

  16. Hello everyone, hope you are all TickyBoo and happy!!
    Wendy, great to see you back in with us. I am so sorry to read about your Sister. She is now at peace and no longer in pain.
    I have just had a look at all the cards. They are all so different and beautiful. We can get lots of inspiration form them.
    Easy seen Myra has not been in yet ..... she would have spotted the mistake on MY card!!! Off to change it before I hand it over, talk about a "silly" mistake mine is STUPID!!
    Barbara, Val and family, our thoughts and prayers are always with you.
    Thinking about out all out other friends who are struggling at the moment and sending (((((hugs))))).
    Off to get things out of the Tumble Drier and get it ironed. Once done that's me back up to date, thank

    1. Just spotted it Patricia, my grandson Joshua always forgets the second d in Granddad and had grandad tattooed on his wrist when Pete died. x

    2. Oh Patricia - what a shame - it's a beautiful card too! I was glad that I wasn't the only one who didn't put flowers on! Mine is a bit pink !!!
      Don't worry!! You can change the sentiment - I hope! Xxx

    3. All done, sentiment removed and replaced.
      What a silly, billy not to have seen that!!! xxx

  17. Afternoon ladies,
    Hope all is well with everyone? After yesterday's relentless & persistently pouring rain, sunshine abounded this morning although right now the clouds are skulking back to my little corner of Somerset.
    we had so much rain, the drainpipes could not cope with the waterfalls coming the roofs or is it rooves? Can't think what the plural is for more than one roof, maybe they are classed as rooftops? Must check my dictionary.
    Absolutely amazing are the only words to describe the array of cards from us talented ladies. And not one the same! I think it's only Myra and myself who plumped for shocking pink and black separately.
    Not only did I say goodbye to one friend on Friday but later that day I also said 'goodbye' to another. My circle is shrinking too quickly and it's a good job I have now found extra confidence to join other clubs, circles etc. and will hopefully make some new friends. That is my plan for 2016 and to come on the next Retreat where hopefully I shall meet more café cherubs. Saving already for that.
    Love & hugs to all in pain, discomfort and who may just be SAD this time of year. SAD is what I suffer each year when the dark days draw in, but I have noticed sun-down is becoming later each week, it won't be long before Spring will arrive and the promise of better days.

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Hello Cheryl
      It's lovely to see the days getting longer isn't it even if it is just a little at a time. I too am looking forward to meeting everyone and yes I have started my little piggy bank.
      Have a good Monday walk my lovely Friend.

    2. Cheryl I am saving too, wether I shall have the courage to do it is another matter, still my moto for this year is " I can do this"

    3. Lilian, Cheryl did it and she will tell you that was a big step for her, I gave her a hug when we met and told her I admired her for doing it. She I think was very proud of herself for doing it. So come on you can do it!!! Xxx

  18. Hi Sandra
    What a fabulous array of cards that the girls have made. Not only sketch cards, but one die cards as well. They say great minds think alike Cheryl, as you and Myra are on the same wavelength. Hope the sunshines a bit more for you soon Cheryl. Mind you this weather is so depressing at the moment.
    I hope it's stopped raining where it's been flooded.
    Didn't spot your mistake Patricia at first, but went back for another look after you said you'd made one. Plenty of cards here to give us inspiration throughout the year ladies. Thanks for the inspiration.

  19. Hello Sandra and fellow designers!!!
    Sounds good doesn't it!
    I know I'm having a bit of fun but seriously , we have a lot of lovely cards here today. Some great ideas! It's lovely to see them all!
    Sandra - make this week's easy please - I've got a busy week!! It's a great idea though!
    I got a lovely die the other day with a few pairs of glasses! Watch out for some spectacular cards!! Sorry! I thought they'd be good for man cards!! Who knows how my mind works! Answers on a postcard please!
    I'm going to make some coffee as the coffee maker has nodded off!!!
    You just can't get the Staff nowadays.
    Be good - ish! Xxxx

    1. "Spectacular" !!! looking forward to seeing your creations using the glasses.
      STAFF!! I am having the same problem. "John" my butler has been slipping up on some of his duties. Might need to cut his allowance!! xxx

    2. I know exactly what you mean! Ha ha !! Xxx

    3. Hello my Mad Friend
      I hope your coffee was up to First Class.
      I should look for another coffee maker - perhaps one that will give up his shoes etc!! just to please you of course Myra xxxx

    4. Yes it's me again!!
      Does the above comment come under the title of 'TIN HAT'?

    5. Janet, it comes under the "tin hat, watch your step, and Anderson shelter" comment!!!
      Myra, what will be the "focal" point of your card lol.

  20. Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Sandra what a beautiful selection of cards on display today you certainly inspired everyone well done look forward to what you have for us tomorrow.xx
    Wendy so sorry to hear your news hugs on way to you. xx
    on the subject of daffodils there is a roundabout not far from me that has had daffodils in full flower since before Christmas & I noticed the Spanish broom in garden has some flowers on I a afraid they are all going to get a shock if we get the cold weather that is forecast, the weather seems to have gone mad.
    Saba & Val thoughts & prayers on way to you with special gentle hugs.
    Hugs on way to all who need them love Margaret xx

  21. Afternoon Ladies

    I'm guessing I'll get a set of stamps from Sue (Wilson)- won a set ages ago & won't use them so I might be sending a photo by email to see if anyone wants them.

    I'm shattered-hubby decided we needed to get cleaning after his Dad + wife had left (boxes all gone-yippee)! I was ironing at the time then had to make the bed so basically left him to it, he's quite good about cleaning especially the oven. I've never cleaned it-it's a huge thing that I WON!! Years ago I did a competition in a house magazine & won 1st 4 oven, 7 fashion duel fuel oven. We did have to move house & have a massive extension built to accommodate it- so much for a free oven..ha ha.

    Am looking on Pinterest for card ideas, should waste enough time until our tea is ready- beef in Guinness done in the slow cooker.


    1. Enjoy your Dinner Michele, it sounds very nice!!! xxx

    2. SNAP!! Michele, Beef in Guinness in our house too!
      Smells yummy!!
      Matt has just walked in, covered in bruises from paintballing, can't help thinking that he may regret that tomorrow!

  22. Patricia, tell me, am I thick or what. I cannot see Granddad on either of your cards!! xxx
    Myra - I'm watching you - be careful lol xxx

    1. Neither could I but check the spelling of "Grandparents" xxx

    2. Maureen love that die you used on your one die card. Very pretty.
      I see my silly sister made a bo,bo, yet it is so easy to do, I forget how many times I have done it.

  23. Evening all, just finished dinner of roast pork and all the trimmings, lots of veg but no potatoes, spiced plums for sweet.
    The cards today are really great, lovely to see so many ideas, nearly didn't send mine as I strayed from the specs.
    Dry this morning so put washing out , then we had the most tremendous hail shower, just like marbles, painful getting the washing in.
    Lot of flowers are early here but no sign of my snow drops,they are usually up by now, am thinking they may not flower this year.
    Looking forward to what Sandra has in store for us tomorrow.
    Painful day as have just paid my tax bill, I do think when you are a pensioner and are still working your earnings should be tax free, alas not so.
    Have a good evening , see you later , hugs for those that are needing them.

  24. I see Lilian has started saving for the retreat, that's it ladies jaut jars at the ready, just stop and think to yourself "do I need that craft magazine, or that bar of chocolate?" It all adds up. Xxx

  25. Lilian, I agree it's all wrong that they make you still pay tax. Even like Charlies army pension gets taxed. He served 22 years for that. Xxx

  26. Hi Sandra and all coffee house patrons, yes all the cards are fantastic and you are all so talented, i must get my granddaughter to show me how to take photo's and try to enter a card, i'm sure its not rocket science, lol. iv'e made three cards this week as a just in case as i can't remember all the birthdays but i have most on the calander, heavens i am rambling here. Just want to say how sorry i am to hear of Wendy's sister passing, my deepest sympathy to you Wendy and your Family.
    Its lovely reading all your stories i get lost in them, if that makes sense. hugs to everyone Johanna

    1. Hello Johanna
      It's lovely to see you and I'm looking forward to seeing your pictures of your cards.
      Well as I'm an hour ahead of you I must go now and get ready for my bed. See you soon I hope.
      Hugs xxxx

    2. Hello Johanna,
      I, too, am looking forward to seeing some cards from you. I'm sitting on the naughty step at the moment!! Xxxx

    3. Hello Johanna,
      Glad to see you again. I had a right kerfuffle uploading photo's from my camera to send to Sandra, but since My daughter and SIL bought me a tablet for Christmas it's easy peasy, lemon squeezy, and I worked it out for myself!!!

  27. Night, night. Janet. Sleep well, or should I say as well as you can. Xxx

  28. Hi all. Feel like I have been here before today so will be quick so it doesn't go to cyber again.
    Maureen and Myra be kind, if you gave me a stamped picture of a daffodil I probably made it the wrong colours. Nice to see you in Anne,take care and the same to all who are not to good at the moment.
    No cards done today after all. Had some bad news of a friends husband passing earlier in the week suffering from MND. Had a disagreement with my OH ex, and have been in a lot of pain so all in all not such a good day.
    Tomorrow is another day.... Warm hugs to you all Xxxx

    1. Oh Maria! I'm sorry you've had a rotten day and then we teased you! You it's just fun but sometimes you can do without it on a bad day! MND is a truly awful disease! I'm sorry too that you are in such pain!
      Hope tomorrow you fell better and I will not suggest any silly subjects to be drawn! Xxxx

    2. Maria sorry you have had bad day special hugs on way to you love Margaret xx

    3. Oh Maria, not a nice day for you. If I was there, I'd give you a nice big gentle cuddle and a large Bailey's!!! I hope you feel much better tomorrow, and Daffodils can be any colour, as long as they are yellow, lemon or pale orange, but if you did pink, well that would be fine because we love you. xxxx

    4. Now come on Maria tomorrow is another day not broken into lets hope it is a better one for you and you are feeling better. Sorry today was such a bad one, special hug just for you on it's way. xxx

  29. Maria, I am sorry you haven't had a good day, (((((( hugs)))))) we will hope tomorrow is better. Xxx

  30. I've just popped in because I am really pleased with myself. I've made 3 boys cards, 2 Anniversary cards, and one GWS card, so I'm going back upstairs, while I'm on a roll.
    See you later, be good - if you can. xxxxxx

  31. Good evening everyone

    what a wonderful collection of designs today and all so very beautiful too. Sorry not to be joining in with you all but as I have told Sandra in my email I am unable to send any pictures at present.
    I do hope you have all had a good weekend and to those who have not sending you some special hugs.
    Love and prayers to Barbara Val and family
    Take care everyone
    Margaret xxx

  32. I think these butler slacking in their duties is spreading I have asked for a glass of water only to be asked why which tablet have you forgotten to take! I must confess I don't ask for a coffee, he makes dreadful coffee!!!

    1. Oh Margaret that made me laugh! The tablet question and the dreadful coffee! Mind you coffee or tea is just about Alastair's limit !! However he does lots of things that I don't like doing! Xxx

  33. Was thinking I had commented today and then realised I had looked at all the cards and forgot to comment. Maria. Hope you will feel better tomorrow. The cards are all lovely and all so different. I hadn't done a one die card because I just couldn't think what yo do but see Maureen has used a die I have. Will know next time. To all not feeling so good today I hope you will soon feel better and hugs in the basket for you. Must get on. Loads to do.

  34. Hello Sandra and all of the coffe shop ladies,

    THANK YOU SANDRA and all of the ladies in the Coffee Shop for the inspiring display of cards, they are all gorgeous and every card is so different. Sandra you really had a light bulb moment when you set these challenges. The results speak for themselves.

    We have had a funny day today, I started before lunch to sort my dies out, we were about to have lunch when daughter rang. Dad...... "I've locked myself out!" OK we will drive over with spare key (her OH had taken the two younger children to his mothers, we were closer) " Oh on your way through Croydon could you pick Tierney up from work as I was about to go and get her" (she is a lifeguard at a sports club. When not at school. We then set off and stayed for a cup of tea. In the meantime T says - Oh Grandpa have you got any strong wire in you shed ( I have always said to the girls they should write a book and call it my grandpa shed - it really is Aladdin's Cave !) so they followed us home T selected the wire she needed. It's for her A level project (something 3D involving shop window manakins!!! ) they stayed and had a cup of tea, then went home and T was a very happy bunny. By which time it was time to put the dinner on! Where has the day gone? Daughter said to John we nearly got you a Tee Shirt at Christmas it had printed on it - the thing about Retirement is you don't get a day off. How true !!!!!

    Goodnight my lovely friends, see you tomorrow, Love Brenda xxx

    Wendy, sending you very gentle hugs, Love and Prayers. xxx

    Saba, gentle hugs for you and Val. xxx

  35. Margaret, had to laugh at your comments. What tablet are you going to take ha ha. You are obviously only allowed water for your medication lol!!!!
    Brenda OB, at least Grandpa could put his hands on the wire, George asked me where his spirit level was the other week, and then he said "Do you know" and I stopped him right there, and told him that if he was going to ask where something was that I never use, to push off before I belted him. He just laughed and told me to remember who made all my cups of coffee!!! What could I say?
    I'm going to bed now, so I'll say goodnight, sweet dreams, I hope Maria has a better night, that Lynda's face is calming down, and that everyone settles down nicely!!
    God Bless and love and prayers to Barbara and Val.
    Muriel xxxx

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