
Saturday 9 January 2016

Mixed Craft Saturday

 Myra's Make and Take Project

 Close Up of Myra's Make and Take

Inside of Myra's Note pad Cover & Calendar

Maria's Cross Stitch

Scarlett's Picture Frame for her Dad

Good Saturday Morning Ladies,
I am so delighted to be able to bring you another Mixed Craft Saturday, you ladies are just amazing you always save the day at the last minute, thank you so much.

First up today we have the 'Make and Take' that Myra has prepared for her Ladies Group next week, they are fabulous little Post-It Note Cover and Calendar, I love all three of the designs you have made as examples Myra, so pretty, I must ask you where you get those darling little resin flowers from, I just love them, I think about asking you every time I see them but forget!  I love how you have personalised one of them, will you be taking letters for them to do the same?  The kits must have taken you ages to prepare,
I certainly hope that your ladies are delighted, they certainly should be as they are both pretty and practical.
Thanks for sharing the photos with us xxxx

Next up we have Maria's beautiful Cross Stitch, I love those beautiful Roses and Rosehips, it reminds me of Autumn, a beautiful plaque to have beside your front door to Welcome friends and family into your home,
you are very talented Maria, I look forward to seeing many more of your crafts very soon, thank you so much for sharing your 'Welcome Cross Stitch' with all of us xxxx

Last up we have the most gorgeous Picture Frame made by our Scarlett (Brenda H's Granddaughter),
Scarlett made this Picture Frame for her Dad for Christmas, didn't she do a fantastic job ladies, Scarlett we love seeing all of the lovely things that you make, you are very talented, I think that you get that skill from your lovely Grandma, thank you so much for letting us see your Dad's present xxxx

Thank you all so much for sending in your amazing crafts to share with everyone, please keep sending them in, so that we can keep showing these fabulous crafts.

Don't forget to get your card photos to me for the 'Mondays Sketch Challenge' as I will be featuring all of the entries on the blog tomorrow, I love all the ones that I have seen so far!
Have a lovely weekend,
Love and Hugs


  1. Good morning Sandra,

    I certainly hope you have recovered from your brush with the floor. That certainly shook you up.

    Another plethora of wonderful crafts from Myra, Maria and Scarlett.
    What a fantastic idea for your Make & Take projects, your ladies must have enjoyed doing those, they are so pretty and practical at the same time.
    And what a wonderful welcome from Maria's cross stitch plaque. I too love the autumn colours.
    Well done Scarlett on your Dad's picture frame. You are one amazing little crafter. I'd love to see more of your work, it's beautiful.

    At long last after several months of upsets from a house chain sale, son Robin has finally bought the house he was after. All signed, sealed and moving in date of 21st January. No more drama now on that front.

    Off now to catch up on last nights comments.
    See you all later,
    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Hello Cheryl, lovely to see you. Glad that Robin is finally sorted with the house, and has a moving date. I'd help but I'm too far away !!!!

    2. Hi Cheryl, good news that Robin has the house he wanted , so stressful buying a house these days, lovely new house for new year.

    3. Thank you Cheryl. I could help too but as Maureen, it is a bit far :) Glad he got the house he wanted . Hope you have a nice day xxx

    4. Hi Cheryl. I'm glad that Robin has finally got the house he wanted. You can all relax, until moving day anyway : ) Take care x

  2. Good morning everyone
    Sandra thank you for showcasing such a beautiful selection of crafts, our ladies are so clever, Myra just love the note/calendar, it's gorgeous, Maria you must be patient to do such lovely cross stitch
    Scarlett you must have been so proud to present your dad with his plaque, well done, it's gorgeous.
    It's still pitch black here so don't know what the day holds.
    Patricia, Hazel glad you and your families are safe and dry, let's hope the waters recede, it must have been frightening to say the least.
    Lynda hope the extra antibiotics help you, you have certainly suffered this week with pain.
    Sandra I really hope you are now recovered from your brush with the carpet, think it's shock as well as hurting yourself when you don't feel yourself fall.
    Barbara, Val and families, thinking of you and sending a special hug.
    Nic went home last night and is not home today, she has done so much to-ing and fro-ing over Christmas and New year I think she needs to be quiet for the weekend, so not much on today, will watch the shows from CHA and see if there's anything new.
    Bye the way I love the cup tutorial yesterday Sandra, will do one of these today, but will be great for granddaughters baby shower with little gifts in.
    Will pop back later
    Jean xx

    1. What a great idea to put little things in for a baby shower. I'm going to one next Saturday so will pinch your idea Jean. We are going to a "posh" hotel for Afternoon Tea, so I'll have to be on my best behaviour!!

    2. Thanks Jean, like you I thought yesterday's cup would e very useful! Like your idea too!! Xx

    3. Thank you Jean. Hope you are having a restful day and did you manage to make a cup or two? xxx

  3. Can't sleep! I tried to get off to sleep at about 3am and woke again at 5 ish This Arthur-Itis is no joke! So I've been crocheting half the night
    MYRA Fantastic Make & Take idea Small enough to fit in your bag and perfect to kee by the phone
    MARIA what a lovely plaque I love the colours The autumn colours make it feel really warm and inviting
    SCARLETT you are very clever and your dad must have loved getting a handmade, personalised gift
    Nothing much happening today I'm full of cold as well Mustn't grumble though Life is good in our household!
    PATRICIA HAZEL I hope things are calming down up there
    BARBARA VAL You're never far from my thoughts xx

    1. Oh Karen, you have my sympathy. Arthur can be a right pest at times. Hope your cold soon disappears, you're in a right pickle at the moment.

    2. Karen you have my simpathy , that Arthur chaps visits me every night, so only get broken sleep, I use my Kindle to read as that is low light, but can read easily with the light on, so doesn't disturb o/h.

    3. Sorry Karen, I haven't met Arthur personally but know lots who have!!
      Thank you ! Xxx

    4. Not envy you to have Arthur to visit, he is a real pain to have and then have a cold too. You must get better before we meet and your trip away. Wish you better xxx

    5. Hello Karen
      I have tried all ways to get rid of that annoying and very painful pain in the ...............but he just will not go so I send you all my heartfelt feeling towards him.
      Hope you have had a reasonable day and perhaps a better night. Hugs of the gentle kind on their way to you.

    6. Hi Karen. I'm sorry that you had a bad night, and then to find you had to unpick all of the crochet must have been infuriating! Take care x

  4. Morning all. Another cold dark one here.
    Myra, I love your notelet holders, your ladies will love making these.
    Maria, your cross stitch is gorgeous.
    Scarlett, your daddy will have been over the moon with this brilliant photo frame, I can see it sitting on his desk, you did a wonderful job creating this. Well done.
    In early as I am meant to be away doing things with Tammy. I will try and get in now and again.
    Off to get a cup of tea and some toast and sit in the corner near the heater to keep warm. Norah your little huggle will need his snow suit on and please take care when out. Xxx

    1. Hello Hazel, Enjoy your day with Tammy, and don't come back having bought a new car, house, or holiday villa!!!!

    2. Maureen, as if I would??? Now a holiday villa would be handy a nice large one with a good few rooms and somewhere warm all the year round.
      I know what I was going to say I hope Wendy who use to comment is safe and dry as she lives in Inverurie which had that terrible flooding the other night! Along with other places round Aberdeen. So Wendy if you still maybe pop in I do hope you aren't flooded out. Xxx

    3. Hazel if you buy your holiday villa maybe we could use that for the retreat😀

    4. If we still had our house in Dalyan, Turkey we could have slept 8 if our neighbours house was empty we could have had another 6 maybe 8 in there. Fun in the Sun .... oh! great. xxx

    5. Steady on Girls! We'll be going on a cruise next! Xxx
      Thank you Hazel - it's simple really like its maker! Xx

    6. Right ladies lottery ticket bought fingers crossed pleased!
      Tammy and I haven't gone out both in our own homes as the weather is horrible and yes it's pouring with rain again. So nothing bought.
      I made the one die card instead and sent it to Sandra.
      Oh Dalyan would be great for a meet up." DREAM ON ". Hazel xxx

  5. Morning Ladies

    Myra- I love this idea, might show this to M in L so she could make it at her craft group.

    Maria-beautiful cross stitch, it's lovely.

    Scarlett- stunning frame, I'm sure it was a much appreciated gift.

    Another very wet day here, hope it stops soon as I have to pop into Southport. Only need a couple of shops & the bank then will be straight home. If the weather improves Hubby & I are hoping to go out somewhere later.


    1. Hello Michele, it's still pouring in Newcastle, and it's so cold. Enjoy (if that's the right word) your trip to Southport.

    2. It has dried up here now Michele so hope it has with you!
      Thank you for your kind words! Xxx

  6. Good morning all, bit brighter here thank goodness. Thick, thick frost that I thought was snow .... Brrrr!! it's cold out there.
    MYRA:- love those "make and takes" the ladies will enjoy doing them. I would have loved to have been involved .... but I ain't no lady!!
    MARIA:- your Cross Stitch is amazing, the design and colours are just beautiful.
    SCARLETT:- I know who's daddy was a very Happy Bunnie and also very proud. Your frame is beautiful, love it.
    We are having John, Audrey and the boys for dinner this afternoon. This is our family "New Year" Dinner. Audrey was working New Year she had Christmas off. This was the first day we could work it in. Boys excited to tell us about their "adventure" .... mum and dad just glad to get sitting down and served.
    All dry along their way, John's car ok. His neighbour took him along, did not start first time so they popped the Jump Leads on and off it went.
    Right must get some of Diane's wiggles on .... lots to do.
    Barbara, Val and family, always in our thoughts and prayers!
    All who are a bit down and not feeling so good (((((hugs))))) xxx

    1. Patricia, Have a lovely "New Year" Dinner. The boys will be talking 10 the the dozen, and as you say J & A will just enjoy being looked after.

    2. Patricia,have a lovely day with family, wish mine were nearer.

    3. Patricia, I would just love to hear the boys tales !! They have had a huge adventure. Have a lovely day and thanks for your kind words! Xxx

  7. Morning Everyone
    Sorry I'm a bit late getting in today but had to do one or two of those horrible housework jobs and you all know how much I love doing those don't you..............

    Anyway everything looks OK in the Café so Young Dobbie has done a good job. I hope you all enjoyed all the Pastries yesterday afternoon as I can't see any left or have the Huggles had a good Fuggle throughout the night eating the left overs!!!

    MYRA - I love your 'take and make' and if you don't mind may I store the idea as I think it would be good for my Knit and Natter friends sometime in the Autumn to do. Is the backing card extra thick or have you strengthened it with something like MDF?

    MARIA - I love love your cross stitch and know how long it takes to do these. Can you please tell me the name of the kit as I would love to buy one.

    SCARLETT - What a talented young lady you are. I can just imagine Dad's face when he opened his present. I love the way you have used the tools icons and how the most important piece 'DAD' stands proud at the top. I would love to see more of your work please.

    Well I have to get a wriggle on now and make a one die card for Sandra's challenge; get a card done for a boy who will be 9 in a few week's time (perhaps I can combine those two) and then I have to think of something special to do for Christina (my eldest) who will be 50 on 6th Feb in the way of a card. So wish me luck.

    Hugs should have arrived by now so please help yourselves as there's plenty more where they came from.
    Thank you for the little note from Saba yesterday. It was nice to see that Peter is back safe in Germany and that Barbara is keeping Val company. Prayers and gentle hugs to you all.

    Will be looking in later to see what's what so I hope you all behave - what am I saying!!! It must be this strong cup of coffee I'm drinking whilst doing this that's making me say such daft things.

    1. Janet, I have to say that I enjoyed the lemon meringue very much, but please remember that I'd like a tart with fruit in Creme Englaise!!!!
      Dobbie is doing a good job, and he does a great job of sweeping up the crumbs (look out Hazel!!!)

    2. Hello Janet,
      I used 300gsm card but I cut out two pieces for each holder and glued them together so they are fairly strong but without going to MDF which would have put the cost up! Hope it helps! Thank you !!xx

    3. Hello my Madhatter Friend
      Thank you yes double 300gsm will do fine.
      Hoping to meet you at this year's Retreat - I have my fingers etc crossed. xxxx

    4. Hello Maureen
      Your request for your Pastry next week has been noted and I'll do my best for you.

  8. Helloooooooooooooo,
    Gorgeous mixed craft Saturday.
    Myra, I love your notelet holders, and so clever with the calender on the inside front cover. A genius idea, who did you get it from ha ha.
    Maria, beautiful cross stitch. It's so pretty with the rose hips.
    Scarlett - another fantastic card from you today. I may have to pinch this idea for my son in law. He's always using tools like these.
    Well, it's still raining here. It's also cold and I don't want to go out, but we are going to see Marilyn, to make sure that the surgeon made a good job of giving her a new knee. We like to check these things out!!!
    She's just rang to say that they have a power cut, so will I take a flask of boiling water if we want a cup of tea or coffee, at least she always has some nice biscuits!!!!!
    See you all later, be good. Brrrrrrr, not looking forward to going out there.
    Muriel xxxx

    1. Thank you Muriel! I think!!!
      Hope Marylin's house isn't cold! Not great weather for a power cut!
      Trust you to take the biscuit! Xxx

  9. Hi Sandra and ladies, it is really cold today, been at hairdresser this morning and some of the cars passing had snow on them.
    Today's mixed craft are amazing, Myra your little notelets are lovely I bet the ladies loved them.
    Maria your cross stitch is lovely, beautiful colours.
    Scarlett your frame for your dad is lovely, I bet he loved it, well done.
    Need to have a go at Sandra's challenge today, will have to get one of
    Diane's wriggles to get me going, plus I have a little bit of ironing to catch up on, that should help to warm me up a bit, how sad is that!!
    Take care, xxxx

    1. Oh Jess - the White stuff!! I don't like snow but at least it isn't more rain!
      Thank you - we shall see what they think on Wednesday - they are usually quite vocal!!! Xxx

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Good Morning all, tipping down with rain yet again here, so no walk today.
    Saturday crafts are all lovely.
    Myra, love your note pad holder, made one like using Christine's charity kit.
    Maria you're cross stitch is beautiful, very clever lady.
    Scarlett love the frame , I bet was thrilled with his present from his clever daughter.
    Going to try Sandra's sketch challenge this afternoon, also the one die card, not sure my G / C will cope with cutting two layers.
    Well going to make some soup for lunch, mixed veg, made the stock yesterday.
    Have a good rest of the day all. Lil

    1. Hello Lilian, hope you are feeling even better today!
      Thank you - they are easy to make and useful . Xxx

  11. Hello Sandra,
    I hope we don't have to " give up" mixed craft Saturday as it's lovely to see what everyone makes apart from cards!
    Thank you for showing the Make and Takes! If anyone is interested - I used my Hougie board and scored at 3.5 ins , 0 .5 in and 3.5 ins. Length also 3.5 ins. I cut two pieces for each holder - glued them together. It makes it stronger but also adds interest I think. 2 sheets of A4 card made three holders. Decorations can be all sorts really!
    Sandra - I will take some letters - maybe for an initial - I have a short name . Shop! Would fit too!
    You did ask me before where I got the resin flowers and I did say but you probably missed it - Wild Orchid Crafts! They are on sale at the moment!
    Well , it's dry here today but very cold. Hope all that water disappears very quickly - although in reality I think it will take a fair time . The ground is just so wet.
    See you all later, all being well!

    1. Hi Myra. I love the notepad and calendar, when on the phone you often need to look at a date so this would be very handy. Im sure your ladies will love it. Take care x

  12. Hello Scarlett,
    I think the photograph frame you made for your Daddy is beautiful. I love all the tools but among all the tools is the heart! I'm sure Daddy loved that . I hope you put a lovely photo of yourself in the frame. Thank you for helping Grandma with her crafting! Xx

  13. Hello Sandra and everyone,

    Sorry I didn't get in yesterday, but as I explained in my email we had fun here moving rooms around. When John gets an idea it has to be done sooner rather than later. So now we have my desk and computer and printer and filing cabinet in my sisters bedroom. She hardly ever stays these days, but we did always say would have a bed for her here. Thinking I might just get a fold up bed and anyway we have a spare double bed. We need to go and choose a worktop for my craft room and once that is fitted I can get back to some sort of normality, but that won't happen now until next week.

    SANDRA I loved your tutorial yesterday for the mug, I think we could all have great fun with that. Thanks for the inspiration. XX

    MYRA, brilliant idea for you make antiques, again I think we could all have great fun with this one, a great idea for making with children.

    MARIA, I love you cross stitch, the colours are beautiful. You must have very nimble fingers to do this.

    SCARLETT, I bet your dad was so pleased with this beautiful frame, what a lot of thought you put into making it - I think it's gorgeous.

    Must get back to my sorting out. Hope everyone has a lovely weekend, sending love and hugs to everyone. Love Brenda xxx

    1. Hello Brenda - I'm going a lovely green colour thinking of your new Craft Room - Does one have to make an appointment to visit it or can one just knock on the door and say 'have just got a minute?'. Remember that phrase.
      Hugs to you. xxxx

    2. Brenda would love to see a photo of the finished room, a work top is something I would love

    3. Hi Brenda. I have a husband like yours! Once they decide something needs doing it has to be done straight away. I sounds like you will end up with a lovely new craft room though, you lucky thing. A fold up bed sounds like a good idea as it won't be used very often. Take care x

  14. Hello Maria ,
    What a lovely of cross stitch Maria! You have lots of patience as well as talent! Thank you for sharing! Xxx

  15. Hello Sandra and everyone
    What a wonderful collection of goodies we have today, Myra simply love your notelet idea absolutely brilliant, looks easy too, as you know I don't do difficult!
    Maria you must have the patience of a saint to do cross stitch and such a lovely one too, have you one for each season? If so can we see the others please?
    Finally our little crafter Scarlett what a clever girl you are I am sure your Daddy will have this frame in pride of place it is wonderful, well done sweetheart.
    Thank you all for sharing your crafts today they are an inspiration to us all, well they are to me that is for sure.
    Patricia and Hazel so pleased the rain is easing for you enjoy your day with your families, hope the snow does not arrive.
    Jess and Anne hope you are safe and dry too.
    Maureen do wrap up warm I hope the power cut was a short one.
    Lynda I hope you are starting to feel a little better, do make sure the cold does not make things worse wrap up warm if you go out.
    Barbara you and Val are in my thoughts and prayers.
    Have a lovely weekend everyone stay safe and keep warm.
    Margaret xxx

    1. Thanks Margaret, they are easy just time consuming measuring , scoring and cutting - well if you are doing 30 it is!! Xxx

  16. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra what a lovely mixed craft we have today, I love to see all the different things will try & find some more for you, & your challenges are great look forward to seeing them. Hope the girls were not playing football today it has been horrible today cold, wet & windy definitely not the weather to be out. xx
    Myra love your notelets great idea hope your ladies enjoy it. xx
    Maria I love your cross-stitch as a fellow cross-stitcher I appreciate the work involved I would also like to know the name of it, hope your throat is better take care xx
    Scarlett your picture frame for Daddy is lovely he will treasure it I am sure you are very talented just like your Gran xx
    Saba you & Val are in my thoughts & prayers as always special hugs on way. xx
    Hugs on way to all who need them love Margaret xx

  17. Well I don't know about anyone else but oh boy I am fed up with this rain, it's still pouring down here. Just let Harris out in the garden and he was back to sinking into the mud. He pees in the same area, but it's now become a bog. Charlie will go out tomorrow and fence It off to try and save him and I having to wash 4 paws every time he comes in, he hates his paws being touched let alone washed.
    After tea I am going to have to go and sort things away in the spare room before it gets in a guddel again. Why is it I clear everything away, then go in to make something and within 5 minutes it's back to the same state again. I look at all these wonderful storage unit and think oh that would be good but would it? I think I will just need to be tidier. Oh well better go get tea started, my turn to cook tonight. Xxx

    1. I love that word "guddel" or has predictive text got in a muddle!

  18. Still feeling rough! and to make matters worse, all of the crocheting I did at 5.30 this morning has had to be un-picked! So about 1200 stitches later I am back to where I started! Ho hum! It is pouring down here BUT I have to say that we are lucky enough to not live near a river or on a flood plane I feel extra lucky in that I live in a Garden City so I have the benefit of lots of greenery around.
    MYRA Thank you for the tip on using 2x 300gsm card to make the covers

    1. No Karen, it's very Scottish word, I always say a guddle is much worse than a muddle. We live out in the country and did have a field across from us, but the person who owned it died and her family sold it to a builder who is building 46 houses on it. Yet the old farm yard and out buildings at the other end of the village arevlying empty. That's were they should be building instead of good farm land. The river is near but we are safe. Daughter lives by the river Tay at Perth and it's nearly burst the defences the other night, but they are still very watchful. There is a long couple of months to go. Even with snow it can flood. Sorry you still feel rough, plenty of hot drinks. Xxx

    2. You are welcome Karen! Sorry you aren't well.
      Guddle is a great Scottish word !! Xxx

  19. Hello everyone. Scarlett has just Facetimed me and I have told her about her Photo frame being on the blog and I had to read all your comments to her. She has said "thank you all for your lovely comments". She was very excited and was going to tel, her dad to have a look as well. Another wet day here but as Karen said we are also not near the river or a flood plain although neither are far away. Still busy making birthday cards and now another sympathy card. Lost count of how many I have sent in the last 18months. Two already this week and now another. Next month is a bit quieter. Yesterday I went with a friend to the hospital. Went to book in only to be told that she had cancelled the appointment and another had been made for two months time. Well that was acceptable because she had definitely not cancelled it. She was supposed to go in November and they had cancelled that one. The letter telling her when the new appointment was was dated yesterday so way would she have got the letter. They looked at the notes and said she had phoned. In any case they were running 45mins late. I said well I don't care how late you are running this appointment was not chance and we will wait here till she is seen. The nurse went to see the person who was supposed to be seeing her came back and said that if we sat and waited she would be seen. 5mins later she was called. The waiting room was empty so how were they running 45mins late. It turns out they had got the wrong person and the letter in the post to her was sent to her instead of this other person and the wrong appointment was cancelled. I expect she will get the letter next week now. What a mix up. We could have just accepted what we were told and gone home again but I didn't see why we should. My son would say I was getting a miserable old woman - no just standing up for my rights.
    I love Myra's notebooks and Maria's embroidery. Well done to both of you. Love and hugs to Barbara and Val.

    1. Good for you! We need to stand up for our rights I'd be tempted to contact PALS and let them know what a prize c**k up the hospital have made It could have become dangerous in different circumstances

    2. Hi Brenda. You are definately NOT a misetable old woman. Good for you for standing up for your friend. Itakes me so cross when computers are blamed for human error.
      Scarlett's frame is a wonderful gift that her Dad will always treasure I'm sure. She is a very clever and talented young lady : ) Take care x

  20. Hi Sandra
    I hope your feeling better after your fall, and that the girls aren't playing football today. It's raining really hard here at the moment. And it's flooding across Hailey Road.
    Myra your make and takes are amazing as usual.
    Maria I love your cross stitch, I really admire the patience that you cross switchers have.
    Scarlett, I bet your Daddy was over the moon with your picture frame. Your obviously learning from your talented Grandma.
    My thoughts are with Barbara and Val as usual. I hope that the rain stops soon up North to give the floods time to subside.
    I www a picture of a field that had a notice on it saying permission granted for 46 houses. The water was just to the top of the fence. beaurocracy gone mad.

  21. Hello all, well we had a dry spell for about an hour so we managed a short walk, which although was a bit chilly felt good as have cooped up in the house for days.
    Well I managed the sketch challenge this afternoon, not quite as the picture but similar, took me all afternoon, I seem to have lost my mojo since I've been ill.
    Did anyone read Julia's blog this morning? apparently creative expression are taking over the whole shows on Hochanda next weekend, from Friday evening to Sunday. They will all be there apart from Sue who is in America, so should be good.
    I saw Altanew stamps on C&C , this evening so I have ordered there ink pads to see if I can make a better go using the stamps I bought previously.
    Hope all those that are non too good get better soon, and that everyone stays safe and dry.
    Just had fish and chips for tea, so not much clearing up, so I might have a go at the one die card.
    All for now, will pop back later.

  22. Well done you Brenda. Funny how they are never to blame? I laugh when they tell you the computer did it. I tell them no the person typing the informatiom into the computer is to blame! At least your friend got seen. Not good ref another sympathy card. So pleased that Scarlett enjoyed her comments on her frame, she could put some crafters to shame. Her being so young and making something so wonderful. Xxx

  23. Hi ladies
    I think it must be karma,Hazel, have not been in leaving messages for several months as could not commit to giving much time to replying to anything, but have been in most days as addicted to seeing what you all get up to. T rain and flooding is atrocious ,I have been going into hospital in Aberdeen for a couple of months now which would normally take less than an hour, had to go in on Thursday and it took nearly 4 hours to find a way home. But sadly my sister died today so As I said ..karma..after seeing my name here Hazel it has pushed me to come in and talk, will come back in the net few days when I have my brain back in my head. Xx

    1. Oh Wendy I'm so sorry! Sending you my sincere sympathy and hugs!

    2. Very sorry for your loss, hugs on the way

    3. Oh such sad news Wendy I am so sorry sending you my heartfelt sympathy along with some hugs.

    4. Wendy, so lovely to hear from you, so sorry to hear your devastating news, we will be here to support you she you need us,
      Sending warm hugs
      Sandra xxxx

    5. Hi Wendy. It is lovely to see you in the Cafe, but so sorry to hear of your loss. My deepest sympathy to you. It sounds like you were very lucky to manage to finally get home on Thursday. We are always here for you, no matter when. Take care.

  24. Wendy I am so sorry to hear your sad news, your sister is now at peace. (((((( hugs))))) yes I can imagine the journey you had, the flooding has been terrible. Our daughter lives beside the river Tay at Perth and it was a bit scary the other night as it had broke the defences, Patricia's son and family were onky saved by the farmer putting hay bales across the lane.
    Do come back in and talk it will help, I know we can be nutty but we will support you when down.
    I am glad I asked to day I have thought about you but I just some how knew I had to ask. As you say karma I am a great believer in it. Xxx

    1. Oh Wendy, I am so sorry to read your sad news, and send my deepest sympathy to you.
      love Maureen xxx ((()))

    2. Wendy, so sorry to hear your news. Do pop in when you can, we have missed you. Sending hugs ,hope they can help a little. Always here if you need to talk xx

  25. Hi all, oh I could scream. I was on a roll this afternoon and had a good hour to sit and read and comment and the internet crashed. How annoying is that... Anyhow I'm back and like to say thank you all for liking my cross-stitch. It was made over 20 years ago when moving in to our new built house but as a little hoarder Janet I will have a look and see if I kept the name.pattern somewhere. Not sure about nimble fingers Brenda ,more like fat and stumpy tihi. Myra- your notelets are fab. I hope your ladies will be happy making them next week after all the job you done. Littlelamb- give Scarlett a big hug and say she is a very good crafter and I would love to see more in the future. Oh when is this rain going to stop ?! ok you can be indoors and not feeling to guilty to be crafting instead for going out and potter in the garden (got flowers in my pots in bloom) but it is now silly and I feel so for all people with the flood problems and then we still sending money to help in other country's and spent £4 million for the Flying Scotsman....
    Sandra- hope you are better and your ankle not to bad, take care. Lilian- please take it slowly until you are 100%. Michele- hope you have a nice weekend and can charge your batteries for next week. Karen- wish you better and Lynda- so wish your pain away and hope the antibiotics kicks in.Sheila-sending you hugs and to Saba, Val and family too. wish you all a good night and have some nice dreams. See you tomorrow,
    love and hugs Maria xxx

    1. Thank you MARIA me too sorry about your internet Hug's Xx

    2. Hi Maria. Your Welcome cross stitch is beautiful, what lovely colours. I know how long this must have taken you. Thank you for sharing it. Take care x

  26. Hello Sandra & everyone
    I was going to comment earlier but I made the two challenge cards for SANDRA & had a bit of a tidy in my craft room but didn't get very far as still in pain took my tablets then fell time I woke had to do dinner not that I could eat much OH has been good he's been doing all the house work for me bless him. Just hoping tablets kick in tomorrow.
    MYRA your make & takes are Lovely your ladies will love making them.
    MARIA wow your cross stich is Gorgeous you are very clever.
    SCARLET your photo frame for your Daddy is brilliant well done bet he loved it.
    Looking forward to seeing all the challenge cards tomorrow.
    Well I think I'm going to my bed & try to have a better nights sleep.
    Barbara & Val your in my thoughts & prayers as always ((((( Hug's )))).
    Good night God bless Lynda xx

    1. Hi Lynda. I am sorry to hear that you have an infection now. I hope the antibiotics kick in very soon. Take care x

  27. Hellooooooooooooo
    Oh Scarlett, I'm sorry that I thought it was a card, I didn't realise it was a photo frame. This is what happens when you get very old, and your eyes begin to go - if I find out where they've gone to, I'll be happy!!
    It's still raining here, just for a change.
    Marilyn's electric came back on before we got there, so a nice hot cup of coffee and a warm mince pie and cream was served up. yummy. The Surgeon made a fair job on her knee, but she wouldn't let me take off the dressing to have a good look ha ha. I was quite impressed with the bruising though!!!!
    Myra, I've made a note of the measurements for your notelets, and I've found some 2010 calenders which I've never used, so I'll stick them in - do you think that will be O.K? ha ha.
    Seriously, I think they are brilliant.
    Wendy, it's nice to see you in the Cafe, I have commented under your post.
    Lynda, I hope you get some relief soon from the terrible pain from your teeth extractions. How have you got an infection, were the dentist's tools not sterilised properly?
    Right, I'm away to take off my makeup and get a quick shower before bed.
    I'll say goodnight, God Bless and sweet dreams to everyone, in case I don't get back in.
    love Muriel xxxxx

  28. Wendy. So sorry to hear about your sister.

    Thank you to all the ladies who left comments about Scarlett's picture fram after I had commented before. It was a frame we got from a craft fair in July. It was after his birthday so she wanted it for Christmas. We had to do it when he wasn't working at home so got the opportunity just before Christmas when he had to go to Oxford. We went into town to buy some presents, then McDonalds for lunch which is next to Hobbycraft so had to go in. They had these new dies by I think, First Edition. Well my son doesn't do much DIY but was decorating Scarlett's bedroom as a surprise so lots of drilling and also laying a laminate floor so sawing etc so thought these dies would be ideal. Scarlett didn't know about the bedroom but liked the dies so we got them. She painted the frame and then we cut the dies and stuck those on. They fitted nicely. What look like dots on it are actually tiny hearts which were in the paint.

  29. Hello Brenda LL,
    Well, she certainly did a good job, I think she's definitely taking after you. Zoe loves to craft, but Eleanor actually prefers to draw, either with charcoal or pencils, and paint with oils or pastels.
    Well, even Maria seems to be taking it easy, as I seem to be on my own. George has just got up for his first walk about of the night, and will probably come back to bed about 1 a.m., so I'll read my book until then.
    By the way, I haven't won the lottery!!! lol
    Goodnight all, again. xxxx

    1. Bummer ,don't think we won anything here either. Hope your book is good. You never walk alone or is that for George ? hopefully you both will have a sound sleep. Good night Xxx
