
Sunday 13 September 2015

Karen's Thank You card, from Myra

Good Sunday Morning Ladies,
I am really excited to share this amazing card with you today, Karen sent the picture of the card to me,
she was so keen to share Myra's amazing creation with everyone.
I love the Art Deco theme that Myra has used to design this gorgeous thank you card for Karen.
The image could be you two very stylish ladies meeting for afternoon tea!
I love the background papers that you have used Myra, the fabulous metal button and the gorgeous feather finish the card off perfectly, really carrying through that Art Deco feel, I have several of Debbie Moore's Art Deco CD's yet I never remember to get them out and use them, I must make a mental note, or maybe we could have an 'Art Deco' Challenge, what do you think??
Its a style that never seems to go out of fashion, thankfully, or I would have a load of CD's that I can no longer use!
Well not much going on here, the girls are relaxing today after their football match yesterday, Paul is packing to go away for a course, its not too far away though, so hopefully he will be able to pop home,
that is if he doesn't get too much homework!
Thats all from me for now,
Have a lovely day everyone,
Love and hugs


  1. Good morning folks, hope you are all well.
    KAREN:- love, love, love, you brilliant card. The image of the ladies is so elegant.
    SANDRA:- glad to here Paul's course is not too far away. Chin up we are here for you to chat to durning the day. Well maybe not Hazel & I at the moment, but the rest of the gang anyway.
    Right that's us fed and watered again, off to sit in the shade, read, doze, and people watch.
    Be back later to see what you are all saying about Sue's show. SABA:- we got the vibes for how you were feeling after the Proms last night.
    Right better go Hazel is at the door waiting for me to get moving.
    (((((hugs))))) by the door as usual. xxx

  2. Good morning ladies, firstly let me correct that big sister of mines mistake. Myra she read the title as if Karen had made the card not yourself, it's still off coarse a beautiful card just the wrong person had made it. Now her excuse is that we had a wee earth quake in the early hours!!! Now would you believe she thought it was me shaking her bed, I would only havebdone that if she had been
    snoring? I never felt a thing but lots were talking about it at breakfast.
    Cafe all set up, so we have taken ourselves off to people watch ( by the pool, sun shining but a comfortable temp at the moment). Sorry you had such bad weather yesterday.
    SABA, I think you were quite moved by the proms last night, I could nearly feel how choked up you were? I think it's worse when you are listening to it when you are away from your home country and loved ones.
    Karen, that was great prizes in your raffle, ladies sorry we won't be able to match those at the retreat. Only driving we will be doing is driving the staff crazy. Right off to do that people watching.
    Sandra, I nearly forgot, get that craft stuff out and get crafting this week we will give you a goal to make one of your beautiful cards to go up on your blog THIS week!!! xxx

    1. Good morning lovely sisters,
      Yes I was a bit emotional last evening. Does it to me every time. It's Jerusalem that does it - Yorkshire's own National Anthem!!
      Your earthquake story reminded me of when I was in Greece with my best friend and exactly the same thing happened during an afternoon siesta. She thought I was kicking her bed and it was only when she saw the light fitting swinging that she believed me.
      Hope you don't get anymore. Have fun in the sun, love Saba xxxx

    2. Hello Girls!
      So pleased your holiday continues to be therapeutic and relaxing! Sorry about the Tiaras. Glad it didn't turn into an International Incident! Enjoy the sunshine , fresh fruit and cooling drinks! Love Myra xxx

  3. Morning Ladies

    Karen-your card from Myra is stunning. I can see why you wanted to share it with us all.

    Dull day with some rain just not but hopefully it will brighten up as hubby wants to cut the grass again before we go away.

    I had a lovely afternoon with my in-laws yesterday. Managed to list two items on EBay for my M in L so she was happy. She was even happier when I showed her all the craft stash I had in the car for her. She emailed me last night to say she'd started to try out the stamps which was good to hear.

    Apart from my usual washing & ironing chores today, we are getting the suitcases out from under the stairs & starting to pack.


    1. Hi Michele,
      So what was in the craft stash that you were given ? I was so excited for yesterday, rummaging through can be fun depending on what kind of crafter your friend was! Stamps are really useful tools if you are a confident stamper.
      Oh the holiday is getting closer, gets exciting when the suitcases come out, are you doing all the parks in Florida?
      Have a lovely chilled out day,
      Love and hugs

    2. Good morning Ladies, can you believe I'm quite happy the weather is not too good today , means I can just sit and watch Sue's shows, I still have last nights show to watch as we were out at friends and didn't get home till midnight, so it'll be a slow day.
      Myra your card for Karen is stunning and sooo stylish ! I love everything about it, the black feathers are a great finishing touch!
      Well I'd better go and get dressed , can't have Sue catching me in my nighty ha ha ! she always looks so smart!
      Then a quick tea and toast in the cafe and that will be me set for the morning , well till elevenses anyway.
      Love and hugs to you all xoxo

  4. Oh by the way ladies Christine will be on the new Craft Channel that launches tomorrow, I didn't realise she was in the first day, she is demoing the new Spellbinders Platinum machine so that will be worth a watch, Christine does lovely demo's too (the often involve chocolate)!
    I wonder what this new channel will add to the mix?
    If did notice yesterday that the Hochanda channel doesn't seem to have flexi-pay, I think that will make a huge difference to whether people order more expensive items or not!
    I'm not sure if my thoughts are right about the new channel (Craft Channel) being a part of QVC, the presenters are definitely from there, if it is I am sure they will have flexi/easy pay, they are also going to be competitive on delivery it's £2.50 per item, up to a maximum of £5 and p&p is free if you spend £50 OT more, although I am not sure if it has a complicated membership scheme!
    The only flaw for me is you know who, DB, she just grates on me, her shameless whinging about how sad her life was got a little too much to bare!
    It looks like she has got her own range again too, I may be wrong, she might have changed, we'll see I guess!
    Let me know your thoughts xxx
    Sandra sxxxx

    1. Hi Sandra,
      I won't be able to get the show until they put it out on the web or Sky free to view. But I think they are planning to do that in the future.
      Looks like the big Egyptian romance didn't work out, either that or she has brought him home with her. She's not my cup of tea either.

    2. Hi Sandra & Saba
      As Sandra knows DB isn't my davourite either. She's much to full of herself.

  5. Good morning SANDRA hope your day has started well & continues too.
    Good morning ladies. Are you all watching Sue at the moment. I missed her show yesterday as my recording crashed for some unknown reason GRRR.
    So I'm watching live this morning & going to do the ironing while watching.
    Not up to much for rest of the day so some crafting I think,i still have some birthday cards OH for one on 21st I have already treated him to the AP ticket I might even buy him a Sue Die i'm so kind to him HAHA.
    KAREN your card from MYRA is lovely,MYRA you have made me think about getting my CD's out of hibernation as your card is gorgeous.
    Have a good day Hazel & Patrica xx
    My iron is calling me so will call in later love & Hug's Lynda xx

    1. Lynda thanks for the tip, we get such good ideas on here what with Muriel giving George the same card every year and now you buying your OH such thoughtful presents. Might have to try that.
      By the way what does your iron call you?

    2. Lynda - the same as everyone else ! Xx

    3. My iron loves me & calle me Lynda, sometimes it calls me Droopy Bit's HeHE.

  6. Hello Sandra and everyone,
    I'll just have a Cappuccino for now please, come and sit over by the window with me as it is very quiet just now, we can chat and watch the world go by.

    Myra, What a lovely card you made for Karen, the feather is the perfect finishing touch. The whole design is gorgeous. Love it. You really are a very talented crafter.
    Well hope everyone is having a peaceful day, I have two PHd's to finish off. It's always the finishing touches I dither about with.
    Back to watching Sue now.
    Love to everyone, Brenda xxx

  7. Hi Sandra and all in cafe.
    Hope you enjoy your day Sandra we are here for you next week.
    Myra your card for Karen is so elegant lively.
    Having a quiet day today have some cross stitch that needs day light to finish it properly so that's the plan at the moment while watching The Proms which I recorded as somebody said I am proud to be British. Three years ago I was in Canada and went with my cousin and husband to watch it live at cinema it was brilliant and for the first time for years when The National Anthem played everybody stood up!! when did you last see that here?
    Had my coffee money in pot and mug washed hugs to all who need them love Margaret xx

  8. Good morning Sandra and all who pop in today.
    Seeing as it is Sunday I think I'll have a whole pot of tea and a toasted teacake. I'll just take it over and sit with Brenda to people watch.
    I want to make a start on the big clean up in preparation for when we go away, starting with my crafting mess. It's everywhere. I have two cards to make first though, one I have the design already in my head so that shouldn't take long but for the other one I have no idea.
    Karen I love love love the card Myra sent you. It's absolutely stunning.
    Myra you have such talent, it's a work of art.
    Sandra I think an Art Deco challenge would be interesting, but Myra has set a rather high standard.
    See you all later
    Love and hugs Saba xxxx

  9. Tis me, Good Sunday morning to Sandra and everyone.
    I am supposed to be putting my jacket on, so I'll make this quick (that'll be a change).
    Myra, that's a lovely card you've sent to Karen, it's classy and elegant. Did you really make it ha ha. (I've built an air raid shelter under the house.) Oh by the way, liggie is a marble and nettie is an outside toilet. Ay, they were the good old days!!!
    Saba, I'm still recovering from the Proms last night!!
    Sandra, we are here whilst Paul is away, and he'll be back for your Anniversary tomorrow.
    Lynda, enjoy your ironing!! Does your iron call you nice names?
    Anne, I've had an e-mail from Sue, she says that you look charming in your frilly whatsit lol!
    Oops, got to go, you-know-who is chuntering.
    See you all later.
    Muriel xxxx

    1. You see you were right , for once in your life, I didn't make it - you can come out of the Muriel Shelter!!! Xxx

  10. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. Before I forget I want to say thank you for all of the lovely comments about Phoebe's card yesterday. We won't see her until Tuesday but she will love seeing her card on here and she will be able to read the comments for herself as she is aa pretty confident reader now.
    Myra this card is fabulous. No wonder Karen wanted to show us. I love how you have used those little touches that make a good card into a great one. I love the Art Deco style, that feather is the perfect finishing touch : )
    Sandra, I'm glad to hear the girls had a good match yesterday. I am looking forward to seeing Christine on the new craft channel tomorrow. Let's see what they are like, the more craft channels the better. I think it keeps them all on their toes when they have competition. I agree with you that flexi pay or similar is a strong selling point too. It can certainly sway the decision about whether to buy or not. I wonder what the presenters will be like? It seems that some of them on Hochanda are waffling more now during the demos than they did on the first few days shows that I did see which is a shame. I thought they were going to be different to C & C but it seems not! Guess who forgot to set the recorder for Sue's shows that were on yesterday! I have today's on record now though so will catch up later.
    Pat I hope you and Pete are home safe and sound. We got back about 11.30 last night so The Three Graces are all back in their own homes for the first time in over a month and will be crafting together on, I think, Wednesday, I can't wait : )
    I hope to be able to get back to normal routine, or as normal as possible for us from tomorrow so will be reading and commenting first thing in the morning which I have missed so much. Have a good day everyone. Take care xx

  11. Good morning one & all,

    I've woken up in a better frame of mind this morning so my kitchen has had it's autumn deep clean which leaves me with the dining and living rooms to do next whilst watching the lovely Sue's demoes.

    Please may I ask a question?
    Where on earth can I find a book folding template to type in my Fiona's name? I am subscribed to Orimoto but they only go up to 350 pages and the book I have is 872. To access more pages they want 75 euros for the full programme. Not something I have the spare money for at the moment. It's her birthday on Wednesday so I will have to get a move on with it or do for Christmas.

    Congratulations to the girls on their fantastic win Sandra and chin up girl, Paul; will be back before you know it.

    The Art Deco card is simply stunning Myra. I am love with this era and if anyone is going to buy me a card to send, I love to receive one of these.

    This new craft channel, is that the one that is going to be on Sky 621?
    I have noticed the prices on Hochanda and I am afraid I will have to give them a miss, I found Iconuk to be cheaper than anyone else for Sue's new die launch and it's free P&P. When are these craft channels going to wake up to that? Us crafters are canny crafty shoppers too.

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxxx

    I'm off to finish said rooms and have an early lunch, then I can tackle the ironing again whilst I am watching Sue.

  12. HELLO,! Oh dear, I did NOT make this beautiful card although I wish I had!
    Would it have been MARIA - our names have been mixed up in th past. I'm so sorry but I cannot take credit for something I didn't do! I'm sure it will sort itself out when Karen sees it . Xxx

    1. Ooooh, now we have a mystery on our hands, how exciting.
      Who would be sending a thank you card to Karen? Could it be for a cardigan she knitted? Well it's obviously not someone who has already been in. It's fabulous whoever made it.

  13. Good afternoon my little coffee shop cherubs,
    Karen your beautiful card that you were sent is stunning flower and no surprise as to why you wanted to show it off.Trying the Art Deco theme but can't quite get it but i do love seeing it done to such a magnificent standard as this, i must be watching too much Hercule Poirot. It only needs the third lady and we have our 3 graces in all their refinery. Hey Mrs B. how can you possible sit there and say about everything being back to normal, this is the most abnormal bunch of loonies(me included) that has ever blogged together and long may it continue. LOL. Sometimes it is hard to work out what is real in our cafe and what is make believe. Going to sign myself into the local home i think for like minded people....i think its called alzeimhers or dementia where they can't tell real from fiction. I definitely love living in the fictional world it is so much better than my real life world.
    Kirsten went on my special neices' hen night last night leavign baby Harry with her in laws. Now she was supposed to be staying overnight but whether that actually happened i don't know as she is just not willingly ready for him having sleepovers anywhere but home. Oh well she will come around to it sooner or later when she needs a break or the pair of them want to go out for the night. Campbell is away to see his dad and Rory is upstairs on his xbox so i am going to take the chance and get a bit of crafting in while all is quiet on the Glenochil front. I am putting this bunch of rascals in the huggles basket to do their daily assault on you all but i hope to be back after. Have fun angels,
    Norah x

    1. Excuse me Norah - who are you calling a Loonie? All I can say is - it takes one to know one and it's pretty good fun.
      Enjoy your little bit of piece and quiet! Xxxx

  14. HELP the card was from MARIA not MYRA Sorry my brain is so befuddled at times I might have mis-typed it I tried really hard to capture all of the decoupage etc in the photo I love Art Deco as well so she really hit the nail on the head I thought it so apt for the cafe It made me smile
    Looking forward to the launch tomorrow but will hav to record it I agree with SANDRA DB grates on me too! As you say we'll see I wonder if Leonie will move to there too?

  15. Afternoon one and all
    Myra/Maria - your card is just beautiful. That era is one of my all time favourites. Everything used on this beauty is just gorgeous. I too have one or two cds and must sort them out.

    Saba and all who watched last night - The last night of the proms is an all time event in our house and we never miss it. This year it seemed extra special for some reason and wasn't it just so appropriate how the National Anthem was sung given that we celebrated the Queen's years. As you say Saba Jerusalem is always a throat tightener and it was also my school song so it holds many happy memories for me and of course being a Yorkshire lass and proud well I can't say more. The date for next year is in the diary already.

    Right off now to get ready for our birthday party - It will certainly be lovely to see everyone and knowing just how exhausted we're going to be later I have cooked our Sunday meal for lunchtime.

    Have a good afternoon everyone - oh by the way I haven't see Sue's programme from yesterday yet and I'm recording all of todays so I'll have a feast of Sue to watch tomorrow. Please can you tell me what is launching tomorrow on the craft front. I've a feeling something has been said before but for the life of me I cannot remember what.
    Hugs for all

    1. Hello Janet,
      It's called the craft channel and their line up looks good. It launches tomorrow where according to their Facebook page you can watch it online at or on television :-
      Sky 261. Freesat 402 and 815. Freeview 254. Sky 660
      I've just been on their Facebook page ( you don't have to have a Facebook account to look at it) to have a look and they said they are definitely nothing to do with QVC.
      Hope that helps.
      Love Saba xxx

  16. Hello Sandra and Everyone,
    I popped in earlier just to have a quick peek at today's card but had to comment as I was being given credit for something I didn't do!
    It is a lovely card and I thought it was going to be Maria who made it! Our names are often confused. I have seen Maria's photo and she is much younger than me so , once everyone has met us - confusion over!
    I have managed to see about 1 and a half hours of Sue's Shows! I watched last nights and tried to watch the noon one Live, but my WiFi kept stopping and starting. Very irritating. Really liked what Sue did with the poinsettia striplet. I will be trying that . Sue does have a lot more time though and the Presenters are enthusiastic - last night I wish I'd counted how many times that girl said "OK" .
    I hope they do well as I think they've got the right idea.
    Love to everyone,
    Myra xxx

  17. Sorry about the mix up earlier It was definitely MARIA and apologies to MYRA for the confusion I sent her the knitted cardi featured on here a few weeks ago for baby Louis

  18. Hi there Sandra and ladies, a bit later for me today been to scrapbooking crop, good company and great fun.
    Maria your card is gorgeous, love Art Deco designs, haven't done any for a while, thank you for the kick on the behind to remind me to get out the CDs and have a play.
    Recording Sues shows today, so got a lot to catch up on.
    Don't know what the new craft chanel will be like, but I suppose we have to give it a chance. I clicked on C&C a couple of times yesterday and all that was on was Tattered Lace and Hunkydory, total waste of time.
    Off to think about dinner now, will catch up later.
    Take care xxxx

  19. They read my email out! I couldn't believe it! That's a first! Xxx

    1. Mine too!!! But Alex struggled with "Saba". I really enjoyed the show, Sue was brilliant and her samples were fabulous.

    2. Oh I missed that - my iPad - let me down in the middle! Xxx
      The Presenter was fairly good though - she didn't take over the programme - just did her job! I enjoyed what I saw and I liked what Sue did in the Noon Show with the Poinsettia Striplet. Xxx

    3. What's difficult about pronouncing Saba? Lucky it wasn't Siobhan!! Xxx

  20. Well I'm ahead of myself for a change. Dinner is all cooking nicely, nothing to do to it for a while so I am relaxing with a nice glass of you know what. We are having a Duck!!!
    Managed to get my cards done, one for the MIL which took ages and one for our Niece. She is a right madam and not my favourite person so I wasn't particularly bothered how it turned out but Sod's law it is really pretty. I'm tempted not to give her it!
    Hope you are all having a good day,
    Love and hugs
    Saba xxxx

    1. You made me laugh with that remark! I hope the lovely card is appreciated! Try not to think of Margaret and me when you are eating your duck!! Xxx

    2. Saba, you are a woman after my own heart. I had to laugh out loud when I read that about your niece. George just gave me one of those
      Myra, well I KNEW you couldn't have made such a lovely card. OOohh, I should have entered the Great North Run, I've never sprinted so fast!!!!

    3. I'll get my own back!
      I more of a nit than a Knitter! Xxx

    4. Oh no Saba what's Peter throwing at you to make you duck? Haha sorry I couldn't resist! Xxx

  21. I still have one of Sue's shows to catch up on The prices are still a little more expensive than icon but at least we can watch Sue at her creative best

  22. Afternoon Ladies

    Just sipping a glass of red wine (ok-slurping!!!) while the tea cooks. We're have park chops in Spicy sauce -a very old Deila recipe which is brilliant.

    My craft haul was mainly stamps and lots + lots of Hunkydory toppers. I fact there were 3 brand new packs-two were Christmas & 1 was birthday, I kept a few sheets (about 20) and 2 stamps I think it took everything else to my M in L. She was so pleased with it all. She's doing a few classes for the hospice group so I'm just pleased they'll get used.

    I made an engagement card (pop up style " this morning for a colleague-the pharmacist who won the "health professional of the year" award at the pride awards back in June. I was casually asked on Friday if I could make the card for next week...!! Goodness-they like to test my abilities. I've got to finish a birthday card for the oldest nephew (USA) to take next week and I would like to make my brother & sister in laws birthday cards (the ones in Glasgow that rarely come down) before we go away but I think I'm being optimistic!

    Phone call to Dad was upsetting as he'd been to the crematorium with a card & flowers-Friday would have been their 50th wedding anniversary . It's not even 2 years since Mum dies but it seems like forever.

    Heh ho - best fill my wine glass up as it seems to be empty. However did that happen??!! Best slow down as I'm interviewing all day tomorrow!


    1. Oh Michele,
      Mam wanted to celebrate her 50th Anniversary, and couldn't seem to understand that as dad had died 2 years before, we couldn't have a party. I did a little tea in the house for her and us, and she was happy with that, but it was upsetting. Have another wine.

    2. Michele - that is so sad! To try to cheer you up a bit I will tell you about a son and daughter known to friends of ours who decided they would have their Dad's 90th Birthday Party a year early in case he didn't make 90. Now I got an awful telling off for laughing at that - I really got the giggles and the more I thought about it the worse I got. The trouble was our friends told us the story over dinner in a Restaurant! Xxx

    3. Michele give your dad a big hug next time you see him, he's obviously missing your mum a huge amount - he sounds like my dad was after my mum died. It's hard isn't it because we are busy and life goes on and you suddenly have a mum moment and it's very easy to forget they were married for so many years and it must feel like a huge chunk of him is missing - nearly 50 years is a long time. My mum was determined to celebrate their 40th, she was home from hospital and stayed in her dressing gown but celebrate they did- she died a few days later. I hope the card making goes well, like you need that just before you go away! Xxxx

  23. Well, after Saba and Rolfi from Germany had their e-mails read out, I was ready to emigrate, and then MYRA's e-mail was read. The very cheek of it!!! I've no skin left on my fingers with sending e-mails, which have been ignored. I'm afraid I am very disappointed with Hochanda. It seems to be amateurish, terrible camera work, presenters who seem stilted and uninformed, and other things. But, maybe I am being unkind and after a week or two everything will be ironed out. Is it me, am I unkind??
    Going to have a cup of coffee and calm down!!!
    Muriel xxx

    1. Muriel don't ever change!
      And don't forget if you send another one tell them you are from Outer Mongolia, it's bound to be read out.

    2. Muriel - who won more than one card in one day! I've never had an email read out before never mind won a card! I thought I was hearing things! Xxx

    3. I forgot to say that you don't have an unkind bone in your body! It is all new - hopefully they will improve. It will be interesting to see how tomorrow's newbies get on! Xxx

    4. MAUREEN:- don't you dare emigrate!! Newcastle is just a run on the train, I don't fancy a flight to have a "meet up".
      You send me an e-mail anytime and I will read it out loud. xxx

    5. Ha ha! I like that Patricia!
      Mind you - not sure bout reading aloud the ones she sends me! Xxx

  24. Good evening folks,
    There seems to have been a bit of a mix up with today's card.
    Now I see it was made by our dear Maria. She told me she's not good at making cards .... Who is she kidding that's brilliant.
    MAUREEN:- I agree with you Hochanda is terrible. I watched one of John's demos before I came away (well part of it anyway). The camera work was shocking, I thought when all the cameramen were leaving C&C that's where they had ended up. Obviously not, they might have gone to the other channel.
    Glad our Myra & Saba had their e-mails read out. Are they giving away things like C&C?? Tell you what some the things they send out were a total waste of an envelope and the postage.
    It has been very, very hot here today. Hazel and I have done absolutely "nothing". Lazed about at the Adults Only Pool. It is so quite there, guess what!! yep!! you tend to nod off. Sleep all night then nod off at the poolside. Good job we don't sit in the sun we would waken up as Toast!!
    That's us off out for something to eat. Not going too far, we will have a little look round the town then up the road to sit on the balcony and enjoy the noises. I love hearing the call of all the insects.
    Will pop in later xxx

    1. Oh Patricia, you are lovely, don't read this out, it will only annoy Hazel ha ha. The pair of you are going to come back down with a big bump when you get home. We'll all think there's been an earthquake!!! Oh, I've just re-read that and I'm not insinuating that the pair of you are hefty, just that it'll be a big come down. I'm quitting whilst I'm a little bit ahead!!!
      Muriel xxx

    2. I don't mind the call of the insects so long as it's not a frog. Get a few of them together and its a cacophony of rude noise. Bit like the programme Peter has on the TV at the moment. It's a bit like Jazz meets Gustav Mahler. Not a good sound.
      Is a frog an insect? No, I know it's not a bird or a reptile either. What is a frog?

    3. I think it's an amphibian? Not sure. They can live on land and water though can't they! We get toads around here - I mean real toads !! Xxx

  25. Off to eat Margaret or is it Myra. Quack quack.

    1. I hope they are not stringy and tough, probably will be though!!! xxx (tin hat)

    2. At least we are not fatty!! . I'm a bit like a steam engine - I've got tender behind! Boom boom! Xxx

  26. Well, I've sent in another e-mail and asked a really stupid question, hoping that they will not realise and will read it out!!! xxx

  27. Myra, I've just read your story about the 90th Birthday party. Laughed out loud. Got another "George look" ha ha xxx

    1. That's it, Sue's gone and never called me Mother!!! Going into my room to "create".

    2. Hopefully not havoc! Xxx

    3. The thing is Maureen - he did see his 90 th and had another party!
      Norah - we are sane after all! Well - nearly! Xxx

  28. Myra font of all knowledge why haven't you answered my frog question further up??

  29. It's very lonely here in this cafe, I've been sitting by myself for so long I even stroked the blessed cat. Ahhh you had all forgotten about her hadn't you. Poor mite is skin and bone. I've given her the left over duck to eat but don't think she likes the Orange sauce, probably the brandy I put in it.
    I feel like Billy no Mates.

    1. I remembered about that cat the other day but thought - oh good it's run off to pastures new! Xxx

  30. Hi Sandra
    I missed yesterday's post I'm afraid. Up to early for travelling and my brain packed up. Also went missing today as well. A belated Birthday wishes to Patricia & Maureen. Love to days card and yesterday's offerings.

    1. Pat!!! Stop and talk to me, everyone else has disappeared!!!

    2. I'm here too!! Muriel's creating!! Xxx

    3. Hurrah. I was going to start talking to myself. Knew you'd know what a frog was.

    4. You knew as well!! You can't kid me. Our dog once licked a toad in our driveway and it made her very very sick! That's when she developed a taste for scrambled eggs! Xxx

    5. What! A toad which liked scrambled eggs! Now I've heard it all.

    6. My toad once licked a dog and she developed a taste for beans on toast.

    7. Only kidding. I never had a toad. I had a snake though. Called her Tabitha Kaboobie. I killed her. Didn't mean to. I drowned her in a washing up bowl.

    8. The dog was sick! Very !
      Vet said - no food , no water!
      Try her on scrambled eggs when she hasn't been sick for a while!
      Worked a treat!
      Labrador was a real pain when I made scrambled eggs after that. She drooled as she thought they were for her!
      Not many people drool at the thought of my cooking!

    9. Whatever were you doing! Giving Tabitha a bath!
      Kaboobie - why? Xxx

    10. I can believe that Myra!!!! I once kissed George, and guess what I got ha ha xxxx

    11. Saba - this frog thingy is all your fault! I'm in stitches here! Xxx

  31. Well I have just managed to get here. I haven't been able yo watch much of Sue Today and cannot record it so hope they have repeats. I saw half an hour this morning then half an hour at lunch time. Missed 4pm altogether and saw fome of the 7pm one. I liked what I saw and Alex was not annoying at all not like the presenter last night. I couldn't count how many times she said ok Myra bug it was an awful lot. Much prefer Alex. After that I watched Michael Bossom with the Encaustic Art. I had lessons with a Michael a long time ago and when he was talking I looked on my walk above the TV and there are two of my Encaustic Art paintings on the wall. I rapeally must get back to doing it. Will be watching tomorrow. I don't think I can watch the new channel as I have Freeview but haven't got station 254. It goes from 199 then 300. That's a shame as would like to watch Christine. If I can't I will watch Michael instead.
    MYRA your card to Karen is lovely. I am sure she was very pleased with it.
    Hope everyone else is ok. A bit late to leave hugs now.

    1. Brenda, there was a bit of confusion! That's putting it mildly , actually! The card was in fact made by Maria and had nothing at all to do with me! Xxx

    2. Brenda LL, can you reprogramme your TV? I'll have to see if I can get 254, and if I can't, I'll reprograme. xxx

    3. Myra, I wasn't confused, I knew it couldn't be you ha ha xxxx

    4. What have you created oh smart one!! Xxx

    5. Myra I wasn't giving her a bath ( actually I don't know if she was a she, do snakes have willies)
      Anyway, I read somewhere that snakes like to swim so I put her in a washing up bowl where she swam around and around and around quite happily. Or so I thought. Then she stopped for a little rest at the bottom. Dead. Dead as a dodo. I was only twelve and didn't know better.
      Kaboobie, don't know where that came from. I had a vivid imagination as a child.

    6. Absolutely nothing, I never got in my room. I'm watching "An Inspector Calls", and before that ironing, and before that I can't remember!!! xxxx

    7. You still do!! It probably got a bit dizzy! Xxx

    8. Did you hear the one about the Crab who went to the Underwater Disco? It pulled a Mussel? Xxx

    9. Do you mean she might just have fainted. Oh Lordy, I think I might have buried her alive. Did the same to my tortoise. Thought she was ready to hibernate so buried her. Dug her up in spring and there was just a shell.

    10. You are not going to believe this! When I typed Kaboobie it came up in predictive text! I thought this a little odd so googled it. Kaboobie was the name of a flying camel which transported two fictional children around the Middle East!! Xxx

    11. Ahhh! He hadn't gone into his shell then? Xxx

    12. You see , I was a very clever child. Obviously read a lot about the Middle east.

    13. Mad as hatters the pair of you. Am I the only sane one here? xx

    14. YOU SANE? How did you kill your pets then?

    15. Nope! Norah says we're all mad! She's a good judge of character! Are you there Norah? Xxx

    16. I had a budgie called Peter who pined to death when I went away into Hospital for a year, and a cat called Ginger who ran away!!! xxx

    17. This is going to put the cat among the pigeons, CAT among the PIGEONS, oh that's genius!!! What do you think of Jeremy Corbyn winning the Leader's election. (Talk about providing the bullets for other people to shoot) ha ha. xxx

    18. Diid anyone see anything of the Great North Run, in my beloved North East?? xx

    19. Part of me wants to laugh at his Election - but it also scares me that there are people in my country who think this man is a potential Prime Minister! Scary or what! Xxx

    20. Maureen - so sorry - didn't know it was happening today! Xxx

    21. Excuse me did I miss something here. How did we get from murdering our pets to a commie labour leader and a great norther run?

    22. How do we get anywhere on this blog! Xxx

  32. Well, I can hear the butler heating the Margaret Bags in the microwave, so he'll be bounding up the stairs any minute. (It's a long time since he bounded anywhere!!!). Oops, here he comes, it'll take him a few minutes so I'll say goodnight, sweet dreams, God bless, and let the mayhem continue.....
    See you in the morning.
    Love Muriel xxxxx

    1. Night Night My Dear!
      Sleep well, God Bless. Xxx

    2. Night God bless sweetie.
      Ps I think all budgies were called Peter. My Grannies were anyway. We looked after one whilst she was away. IT DIED!!!

    3. Alastair had a goldfish ! When he came down in the morning it was lying dead on the carpet! It had jumped out the bowl! Xxx

    4. Oh, I see you've come to life the both of you. Not know the Race was on, what is the world coming to?? All right, I know it's not good English but I'm in a hurry!!!!
      Jeremy Corbyn, what a man, what a star. Just think what we've to look forward to - oops, sorry Myra, I've done it again ha ha.
      We can look forward to 3 day weeks, bin men = sorry Refuse Disposal men on strike, and rubbish in the streets, Electricity shortages and I cannot remember the rest of the things we enjoyed in the 70's!!! Some bright spark said he brought a new outlook to Politics - new outlook. They obviously weren't around the last time. That's it, got to go, he's giving me a "look". He's up early in the morning to get Zoe to school - Peter has to be at the bungalow early for the Plasterer. We get loads of plastering here on the blog hic.
      Muriel xxxx

    5. Did the crab and the mussel live happily ever after? xx

    6. Now Maureen don't wind me up about Corbyn - it's naughty! So many didn't live through the last shambles. We were actually going to clean the Hospital - crazy or what! Xxx

  33. Will give it a try Myra. Would much rather watch it on the iPad but it keep stopping when I try to watch it on there. So annoying so it has to be TV.

    1. I know Brenda that happened with mine twice. It's very annoying. Xxx

  34. Myra, sorry but I am abandoning ship too. It's been fun, see you tomorrow.
    Don't worry about your country, sense will prevail.
    Night God bless.

    1. Night Night Dear, I will have to stop too as I'm going to make a drink when The News is finished.
      Night Night! God Bless! Xxxx

  35. Oh bother I've just lost a long post and now my low battery message has just come up. Karen the card from Maria is gorgeous, thank you for sharing. I'm very tired so I'm off to bed might night sleep tight xxxx
