
Monday 14 September 2015

Happy Birthday Barbara, Janet's Man card xxx

Janet's man card !

Happy Birthday Barbara xxxx

Good Monday Morning Ladies,
Well today is a celebration in many different ways......firstly its Barbara (Saba's) Birthday,
so have a wonderful day my lovely, I would like to wish you a year full of Good Health and
 Happiness xxxxx
Janet's amazing man card is another cause to celebrate, its just fab, I recognise some Kanban 
papers on the frame of the card, the inside section of the card is woven pieces of paper (although I am not sure what papers they are), they give a fab effect and the 'Happy Birthday' Sentiment from Creative Expressions just gives that final finishing touch, bringing the whole card together, thank you very much
Janet for sharing your design with all of us xxxxx
The other cause for celebration is that its Our Wedding Anniversary today, 24 very happy years together, he is my rock, my soul's other keeper and my life and I cherish every single moment that I
get to spend with him, so Happy Anniversary Paul, here's to many, many more! xxxx
Well that's all from me today, I am going to keep myself busy as Paul is away on a course, he is hoping to be able to pop home tonight for a couple of hours, so fingers crossed.
Love and Hugs


  1. Good morning Sandra and ladies. Happy birthday SABA and a happy anniversary Sandra and Paul. Cafe all set up with a big birthday/anniversary cake enjoy, we are off out for a walk. xxx

    1. Thank you Hazel, hope you are having a lovely day in the sun and no more earthquakes to disturb your sleep.xxxx

    2. A Very Very Happy Anniversary Sandra and Paul and many many more Anniversaries to come. Also Happy Birthday Saba and I hope both of you have a wonderful day. hugs Johanna

    3. Thank you so much Johanna, it is so lovely to see you in the cafe, hope to see you soon xxx

  2. Enjoy your walk before it gets too warm! Thank you.for our Anniversary wishes also for the beautiful cards!
    Saba, have a wonderful day, doing whatever you please, I also want to wish you a year of good health and happiness! Xxxx

    1. Thank you Sandra, was a bit of a shock to see me on here today!
      Happy Anniversary I do hope you and Paul have a lovely time together this evening.
      You got a good one there, but then again so did he!!

    2. Happy Birthday SABA hope your having a lovely day.
      Love Lynda xxxx

  3. Morning Ladies

    Janet-great card, can't wait for you to tell us what you have used to make it.

    Barbara (Saba)- Happy Birthday!!!!! I hope you have a fantastic day today.

    Am off to make my lunch as I need to leave early today to get lot the other hospital site, that's where the interviews are. Think of me-questioning 8 candidates which will probably take all day!!

    I'll pop in this evening & let you know how I got on.


    1. Good luck with the selection Michele xxx

    2. Good luck sweetheart, atleast you have the good sense to pick someone capable of doing the job! Without your input they would probably have no idea!
      Sandra xxxx

    3. Hello folks,
      SANDRA & PAUL Happy Anniversary, have a good day.
      Ooooppps!! forgot Paul's away, have as good a day as you can xxxxx
      SABA:- Happy Birthday and many more to come. if you are like me that other "digit" will mean not a dicky bird!! It's only a number!!!
      JANET:- that's a brilliant Man Card, love it.
      MICHELE:- good luck with the selection.
      Right ladies Hazel & I have been for a long walk .... yes!! in that heat.
      We felt we were vegetating, now we are just HOT!!! Had a shower and off to lie in the shade. No doubt we will fall asleep, I have managed to read to chapter 9 in my book not bad after 5 days!!! It's actually not even got the the exciting bit.
      Be good (((((hugs))))) in the basket if you need them. Even if you don't just take one anyway. See you all later. xxx

    4. Thank you Michele, good luck with the interviews.

      Patricia, thank you so very very much for my beautiful card, it's been sitting here looking at me in its envelope for ages, I was dying to open it but resisted until today. I love the lace and the Happy Birthday die is gorgeous. Have a lovely day. Xxx

    5. Michele, I'm sure you've had a really interesting day! Hope you can relax this evening! Xxx

  4. Good morning ladies, HAPPY ANNIVERSARY ! to you Sandra and Paul, hope you manage to have a few special hours together to celebrate the occasion! xo
    Many Happy Returns Saba! I hope you are celebrating in style, I think you look GREAT in your photo! xo
    Janet your card is great, the woven effect is a great idea and quite manly! An idea worth pinching methinks !
    Well today is Torridon craft day , we leave at 9 am and don't get home till after 5pm then it's a golf club committee meeting at 7pm , so a long busy day , but we have fun at the craft day and get lunch made for us and get lots of chat, so I'd better get a move on.
    Save me a piece of the celebration cakes, please!
    Love and hugs to you all xo

    1. You have a busy day Anne, enjoy the craft day, lunch and Golf Club meeting. Phew, I'm exhausted!!! xxx

    2. Thank you Anne, I think I look awful in that photo! We'll be celebrating this evening when Peter gets home.
      Enjoy your craft day. Xxxx

    3. Saba looks even.---------- better in real life! Anne. It is her Birthday !!
      You are having a busy day. Xx

  5. Hi All, just wannted to wish Sandra and Paul a Happy Anniversary.
    Best Wishes Lilian in Cornwall

    1. Hello Lilian, welcome - have a cuppa and a seat!!! xxx

    2. Lilian, how sweet of you to take the trouble to pop in, please feel free to stick around and join in the fun and madness, it really does lift you, even on your cloudiest days!
      Love and hugs
      Sandra xxxxx

    3. Hi Lilian how lovely to see you ( virtually of course). It's so lovely to have you pop in. I hope you are feeling much better now - I know you were quite poorly at the start of the year and I was quite worried about you when you commented on Sues blog as it seemed to be going on for ages. Do pop in again if you can, it would be lovely to have you join in the fun. Xxx

    4. Hello Lillian, how lovely of you to pop in on this special day for Sandra and Paul.
      We all love it when a new visitor pops in to the cafe, please pop in again. You only have to push the door, there will always be a welcome here for you. It gets a bit mad at times but Hey Ho that's why we all stop by. xxx

    5. Hello and welcome Lilian, I recognise your name from Sue's blog, so nice of you to pop in, please come again.
      Saba xxxx

    6. Hello & welcome Lillian I also recognise your name from Sue's lovely blog.lovely to see you. Hug's Lynda xxx

    7. Welcome Lillian. Lovely to see you.

    8. Hello Lilian and welcome to the mad cafe, sorry I missed you earlier.
      Hope to see you again soon Margaret xx

    9. Hello Lilian, it's lovely to see you here! Hope you come again. Xx

    10. Hi Lilian,
      So lovely of you to join us here in the friendliest, nuttiest and chattiest of cafés, yo will be sure of a very warm welcome every time you opo in. Love & hugs Cheryl xxx

  6. Good morning Sandra,

    Congratulations Sandra & Paul on your 24th Wedding anniversary. May yo be blessed with many more.
    I find it very striking that you describe Paul as your soul's other keeper as this was how I described Pete on our engagement day 28 years ago as it summed up exactly how I regarded being blessed with his love. I have never heard of anyone else saying this about their partner before. karma

    Happy Birthday Saba, I wish for you to have special birthday gifts of love & laughter today and gurt big squishy hugs. Wrap your arms around your shoulders and squeeze, now you have a hug from me.
    Off early for a walk along Weston beach from Uphill Boat yard all wrapped up in my new waterproof walking gear.

    Monday's man card is so apt for Sudoku/crossword fanatics. Is that for OH or male relative Janet? Very very good inspiration.
    See you laters.
    Love & hugs Cheryl xxx

    1. Hi Cheryl, how lovely to see you, and as usual you put things beautifully, much better than I could. xxx

    2. Good morning Cheryl,
      Thank you for your lovely words, I know it's soppy but I just can't explain how very much I love Paul, we have been together for 28 years, 24 married, I still get butterflies when I know he is home, I can watch him sleeping beside me and wonder how I got so lucky. He really is the most amazing husband ever, he is my life!
      Have a wonderful walk, relax and enjoy every moment!
      Sandra xxxxx

    3. Cheryl enjoy your walk, hopefully the sun will come out later xxx

    4. Cheryl thank you so much, that hug was just what I needed today.
      Hope you enjoy your walk and your new weather proofs don't get a baptism by water Lol.

    5. Hi Cheryl. Haven't done that walk for a long time. A friend has a flat at Uphill and my late husband and I used to go and stay there. Haven't been since he passed away. Brings back memories. Hope you enjoyed your walk.

  7. Good morning, thought I'd post early today.
    Sandra, congratulations and Happy Anniversary to you and Paul. Have a lovely day, I know he is coming back today to see you.
    Saba, Happy Birthday. Have a lovely day, I hope you get some nice presents.
    Janet, What a brilliant card, I may have to "borrow" the idea!!
    Hazel and Patricia, enjoy your morning walk and have another lovely day. I know it's hard work being on holiday but someone has to do it!!!
    I've had a coffee and buttered crumpet, my dishes are done, money in the pot, and I've re-tuned the TV but can't get the new channel, so will see if re-tuning it now that the channel has actually started transmitting will make any difference.
    I'll see you all later for a piece of Birthday cake.
    Love Muriel xxxx

    1. Good morning my lovely,
      Maureen thank you so very much for the beautiful card, how did you achieve that amazing silver finish on the front? Stunning, I removed the rolls of paper as instructed, great idea to keep your bow pert & loopy!
      Sandra xxxx

    2. Maureen, what can I say, thank you so very much, my card is so pretty and not one but TWO stick pins!! And the wrapping and the box, you are a treasure. The verse inside had me in stitches too.
      Hope you managed to tune in to the new channel, I have seen a little bit. Christine Emberson was brilliant.

    3. Did you think it was Christmas?
      At least your lovely card arrived on time!! Xxx

  8. Morning one and all
    First - Sandra and Paul - Many congratulations on your Anniversary. I hope Paul can get back for a couple of hours so you can at least have a great big hug.
    Second - Saba - Many happy returns of the Day Yorkshire Lass. Hoping you have a wonderful day and a very healthy and happy year ahead.
    Third - this card of mine. I made it this year for Robert - Jim's Nephew. Yes Sandra it's a Kanban paper from one of their pads - Mechanics - and it's great for those male cards. The middle is as Cheryl guessed from one of Jim's finished Soduko books. He's a real Soduko/Crosswork addict and so before the finished books are disposed of I tear out pages to keep for my stash and the finishing touch is of course Sue's HB die. I love it as it's so simple and just the one again for those males. Of course the plaiting idea is from one of Sue's demos.

    I'm early this morning because it's Mr Tesco arriving at 09.00 and I've washing to do and I still haven't sorted all my craft stuff out from coming back. At last I'm feeling a lot more human. We had a lovely afternoon. The sun shone; the littlies were noisy; the adults (some of them) too; and a great time was had by all.

    Thank you for the latte. The cafe looks beautiful and just right for the celebrations today. I'm hoping to see some of Sue's Hochanda shows sometime today. So I hope Hochanda do her proud.
    Hugs are in the basket - hope that don't stay there very long.

    1. Janet sorry I should have commented on your beautiful card when I opened up this morning. I love the idea of using the book pages as background. Will be keeping that one in mind for the future. Hope you had a lovely time at the party yesterday. A bit noisy but they grow up so quick they are allowed to be noisy at a young age. Xxx

    2. Janet, from one Yorkshire Lass to another, thank you very much for your kind wishes.
      Today's Man's card is brilliant. I love doing sudoku as well but would never have thought to use the pages like this. Clever girl. I am glad you are feeling much better now, take it slowly though.

    3. Janet - I love that Soduko idea and it would work with the crossword puzzles too! See , you made me think! Xx

    4. Janet, anyone who can make Myra think deserves a medal!! xxx

    5. I am much too gracious to respond to that jibe! Xxx

  9. Ladies, my dear friend Christine is on the new 'The Craft Channel today, during the launch and then dedicated spellbinder shows throughout the day, she is showcasing the brand new Platinum die cutting machine from Spellbinders, so well worth a nosey! I only hope that she is able to get a word in if you know who is in control !
    I will have to hope I can watch online!
    Sandra xxxxx

    1. Sandra just watched a bit of Christine's demo on the new chanel and it was Julian that was with her, it was ok.

  10. Good morning Sandra and everyone,

    Happy Anniversary Sandra and Paul, I hope Paul can manage to get home this evening, even if it's only for a short time, but I'm sure he's given you an anniversary cuddle already. But we can't have to many cuddles can we !!!

    Saba Happy Birthday,, I hope you have a lovely day, are you doing anything special? I bet you're

    1. Don't know what happened there.

      I was about to say Saba - I bet your grandchildren will be on the telephone singing Happy Birthday to you ....... Enjoy your special day xxx

      I will sit and enjoy my tea and toast, the cafe is looking really festive today, the celebration cakes look delicious.

      Have a great day everyone, love and hugs, Brenda xxx

    2. Thank you Brenda, as yet I havent spoken to the littlest. I expect they will phone when they get back from school, it's always a rush to get them ready in a morning. Hope you have a good day whatever you have planned.

  11. Morning Sandra and all the lovely ladies
    It's lovely to pop in here to say hello rather than be sat waiting for ages for someone to bring breakfast ( hold on a minute though, that was a full cooked breakfast and they did the cooking and washing up! Hmmmm no I like being home!) . Happy anniversary Paul and Sandra , I hope you do get some cuddles today if only for a short while. Hopefully the girls will do something lovely for you tonight. It's going to be hard with Paul away but we are here for you to chat to. Xxx
    Saba happy birthday my young spring chicken. Have a wonderful day. Tell you what, why don't you go and buy a handbag and matching shoes as a treat! Haha. Enjoy your day whatever you do and I'm sure the courgette crumble Peter will cook for you tonight will be delicious with 3 bottles of red wine! Have fun lovely lady - I think we will be up for bumps later! Xxxxx
    Janet what a great card and perfect for a man. I like the idea of saving the pages from the finished books, mine would have holes in them from being rubbed out so often! Thank you for sharing. Xxxx
    I've got a huge pile of washing to do today and it's pouring with rain! Typical isn't it. It was quite chilly last night but I think that's just coming home to an empty house - it always feels chilly when you've been away- I wouldn't let Julian put the heating on yet- for goodness sake we've been to Scotland! If we can cope with that we can cope with anything! He was still wearing shorts though ( he doesn't feel the cold!) where as I had a fleece on and was just chilly when I went to bed. Right I must get on, I've got to visit Sainsburys today too as there's very little food left in the house. See you all later. Xxxxxx

    1. Thank you Diane, don't know about being a spring chicken though, I feel more like an old hen!! I've just been and hidden the courgettes where he won't find them.
      Have fun in sainsburys and get that heating on!!

    2. Welcome home Diane! I'm glad Scotland was fairly kind to you weather wise !! You will miss Emma but you will get used to her being away and it will be lovely when she comes home for the holidays! Xxx

    3. Hello Dainty,
      Welcome home, Emma will be back on holiday before you know it, and the mess will get you down ha ha. I speak from experience!!! xxx

  12. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today.
    Happy 24th Anniversary Sandra and Paul. Sending you all of our love for today and very best wishes for many more : ) x
    Happy Birthday Saba, wishing you a great day, enjoy yourself what ever you do : )x
    Marie, I know there was some confusion over who made the card yesterday so just want to say to you that it was gorgeous.
    Janet your woven card is wonderful, perfect for the men. What a great idea to use completed crossword or suduko puzzles. I hope you don't mind if I use that one myself?
    What a wide range of topics were covered in the Cafe last night, from dead pets to politics to the Great North Run! You evening users always give me a giggle in the morning. Norah says we are all loonies, I am included to agree : )
    Lillian, welcome to the best and friendliest Cafe you will find anywhere. Please call back in and join me in a cup of tea and a slice of delicious cake, which is calorie free. Come and sit with me and I will introduce you to everyone : )
    Washing is calling me today, not going to get it dry outside here though as it is raining!
    Have a good day whatever you are doing. Extra hugs to all that are not feeling so good today. Take care xx

    1. Thank you Sue, glad you enjoyed the pet stories. Mine were all true! Well except the one about the toad.
      Pretend you can't hear the washing calling you, I do and mine is practically screaming at me now.

    2. What I really, really want to know (I used to be Spice Girl) is what the washing is saying to you. Mine just lies listlessly in the basket and never says a word!!!
      Muriel xxx

    3. What shall we call you? Marjoram , or what about Dilly ?? Xxx

    4. I ruled out Sage straight away ! Xx
      Hard hat time again! Xx

    5. It's maybe been lying around for too long!! Xxx

  13. Hi Sandra and all in cafe.
    Sandra congratulations to you and Paul on your anniversary hope you have many more.
    Saba Many Happy Returns have a lovely day and a healthy and happy year, just remember you are as old as you feel.
    Janet lovely man card.
    Good luck with interviews Michelle.
    Enjoy your walk Cheryl haven't been to Uphill or Weston for years Alan spent alot of his childhood holidays at Brean, its a bit different now.
    Hugs on way to all who need them love Margaret xx

    1. Thank you Margaret, I feel ancient. No, not really, it's all in the mind and if I keep up today's mantra all will be fine.
      I am still young, I am still young, I am still young, I am....
      Nope. It's not working!! Xxxx

  14. Morning Sandra and ladies,
    Happy Anniversary to you Sandra and Paul, hope you have a lovely evening together.
    Saba a very happy birthday to you, I agree about the shoes and handbag, a nice birthday treat!
    Janet I love your mans card, just right for a crossword and sudoku fan.
    Hi Lillian, welcome to the mad house, hope you can join us again.
    Well not much on today, washing and housework, had a quick look at the new craft chanel it look as if it might be ok.
    Will catch up later, x

    1. Thankyou Jess, new shoes and a handbag, I wish. Although I did get some birthday money from my MIL, so maybe.xxxxx

  15. Good morning Sandra and everyone
    Sandra wishing you and Paul a very happy Anniversary, hope Paul manages to get back to see you for a short while tonight.
    Saba, have a lovely birthday and many more to come
    Well we arrived home in the early hours of this morning and are feeling the cold now after 38 degrees plus over the last week in Greece. We went for my grandsons wedding which was beautiful. Will send a pic to Sandra when I get a minute, washer is on now, cases back in the loft, dogs have been well looked after by Johns daughter and family, been spoilt if I'm honest, they're worth it though,
    Will need to catch up later as our wi- if was hit and miss and we were busy because there was so much going on so my apologies if I've missed anyone not feeling too good or any important milestones
    Will be back later need to go shopping now
    Hugs in the basket
    Jean xx

    1. Thank you Jean, can't wait to see some pictures of the Greek wedding
      Bet your dogs are having extra cuddles today. Wrap up warm its a shock to the system coming home to the cold.

    2. Hello Jean, so nice to have you back with us and really pleased the wedding went well. Look forward to seeing the photos. Xxx

    3. Hello Jean, lovely to have you safely back. I'm looking forward to seeing some photos. Wrap up warm and help yourself to the Baileys!! xxx

    4. Hello Jean, good you had a great time. Isn't different weather at home ,thick jumper and socks back on tihi love to see some photos xxx

  16. Hello Sandra,
    Hello Everyone,
    Sandra and Paul - Happy Anniversary!
    Saba - happy Birthday my dear! I hope you have a lovely day and my fingers and toes are crossed that the card made it on time! I went out without it last week and Alastair made an early morning dash to the. main Post Office in the next town!!! It may not have worked! He says to say he wouldn't just do for anybody you know! Ha ha! Xx
    Well I've been a bit busy this morning but I've watched the new channel while I had my coffee! It is very slick and professional. Apparently Julian Ballantyne's brainchild! Colour is good on my iPad and no loss of signal.
    Christine was very good and I must confess I like the look of that machine but looks aren't everything and my GC will have to do!!
    I haven't read anything else yet but I've still got some owls to cut ! I'll be back if I can - but maybe not until after After School Club.
    Love Myra xxx

    1. Thank you my dear and bless your lovely husband, I shall give him a big hug if and when I ever get to meet him. There is no way to let you down lightly I'm afraid, but I'll try. Deep breath, I'll be gentle,
      ITS NOT ARRIVED!!!!. There, that was gentle, wasn't it?
      Don't worry though, neither has Val's but I did get one from Joanne and that in itself is a miracle, she's hopeless at getting cards off on time. In fact the shock nearly killed me.
      Can't believe you are cutting Owls. I'm off to phone the RSPCA.

    2. I knew in my heart of hearts it wouldn't make it on time! It's just typical as I was all organised and then forgot to post it! Ah well!
      I've had a tough afternoon. Dealing with a child in a large group who has one to one attention at school isn't easy. Fortunately he is a wee bit in awe of me as I just tell him off. It's stressful though! Xxx

    3. Myra I hope you've had a hoot with the owls! Sorry couldn't resist!
      I sympathise with you and the 1:1 child, it's not really fair on you to cope without support. When I worked 1:1 with a child I continued to support them at the after school activity they did - did it of my own accord , didn't get paid for it. It was choir which I enjoyed and helped the other LSA to run it so I didn't mind. Mum used to attend discos thank goodness so I had the night off! Xxx

  17. Ohhhh! It's me again - all the excitement of Anniversaries, Birthdays nod New Channels - I forgot your lovely card Janet. It is lovely too! You are very good at coming up with some really different ideas. I love your keys and locks and paper weaving finished off with the lovely matching silver Happy Birthday! Thank you Janet! Xxx

    1. Myra, was it our friend in school this afternoon!! I like owls. xxx

    2. Oh yes! He always comes up to me with a toothy grin and says Hello Miss I'm here!! He made me laugh today - he said he was going to stick the owl on his door and put his name on it! I asked him if he'd like to make a hanger for his door with his name on it! D'ye mean a coat hanger Miss? I had a template with me as my big owl is a template and I took it just in case I hadn't made enough! Well the look on his face - he has gone off happy as a sandboy with his door hanger. I had the sense to make him put the name on First, as he likes to add an embellishment or ten! It doesn't take much does it! Xxx

    3. He sounds a sweetie Myra - I know the type. Xxx

  18. Hi Sandra
    Firstly I'd like to wish you and Paul a Happy Anniversary. I hope that Paul can get home and you have a lovely evening.
    Happy Birthday as well Saba.
    Love your card Janet. So clever and just great for those perky men. I hope you don't have any more earthquakes Patricia and Hazel. Haven't watched the new channel yet as I've been to school this morning.

    1. Thank you Pat, did you learn anything new at school, hope they haven't given you homework!

  19. Blimey it's taken me forever to get down here. Decided it was best to work my way down from the top today so I didn't forget anyone. It's the age you see, one gets quite forgetful.
    I have had a lovely day so far, had an extra kiss from Peter this morning when he brought me my coffee to bed ( he always does anyway) and he gave me a beautiful bunch of flowers. I was hoping for money. He is taking me out for a meal this evening, he suggested a fish restaurant (and he was serious) but seeing as I have been told not to eat fish by my consultant as it could poison me, I am not too sure what he is trying to tell me.
    I received the most touching drawing from Oliver. It had me in fits though. For his age he is not very good at drawing yet, but apart from all the splodges and squiggles I got the idea. It's Jesus on the cross!! He has a thing about Jesus and seeing as I'm the one who takes him to church he must have thought it would be a good picture for me. Bless that child.
    The phone has never stopped ringing so as yet I haven't got much done.
    I have the craft channel on and DB is demonstrating how to use a blending tool. Hasn't she heard of smoothies!!! Might have to switch it off.
    Be back later, thank you all once again,
    Love Saba xxxx

    1. They can't sell Smoothies!! He he! However , it is a fairly slick operation. Camera crews are good. Xxx

    2. Go on, rub it in the pair of you. I've re-tuned twice but get the message that my equipment is not compatible.. How annoying. I'll wander downstairs and watch on Sky whilst George is away getting petrol!!! xxx

  20. Hello everyone
    SANDRA & PAUL A very Happy 24th wedding Anniversary hope you have a lovely eavening together.( sorry SANDRA I did know I would have sent you a card my lovely :0(( ) love Lyndaa xx
    SABA Happy Birthday ( sorry I didn't send you a card I never new it was today or hadn't got your address ) :0(( anyway have a brilliant day young lady Hug's Lynda xxx.
    JANET your card is a great man card it's brilliant thank you for sharing. Hug's Lynda xx
    I watched some of the new craft channel I think the close up Camara shots are better than Hochanda. Christine did a good job showing the new machine off,looked quite good.
    MICHELE good luck with your selection xxx
    I did get back last night did a few comments on way down but then nothing would publish I kept loosing my posts so gave up after shouting at it 😤😖 Grrr.
    Well I have got to go post office & pay the water bill,think we should not wash or shower do any washing thought it was quite high seeing only two of us.
    But that's life. Love Lynda xxx

    1. Thank you for your kind wishes Lynda, I am so glad we don't have a water meter, Peter would never let me have a bath again, especially as I like it right up to my chin!

    I can't stop as just going out the door! Had email from C&C . They have the teal HC on offer today for £59 00. Also on 4 easy payments. Just in case anyone wanted One. It's a super price! Xxx

  22. Oh Golly - obviously GC - more hurry less speed! Xxx

  23. That's a good price Myra. Cheapest I have seen it anywhere.
    SANDRA. Happy Anniversary to you and Paul. Hope he gets home this evening.
    SABA. Happy Birthday. Hope you have a lovely day and enjoy your meal tonight. Hope it isn't fish.
    JANET. Love your card today. Will have to remember this for my neighbour as he does the Suduko everyday in the Daily Mail.
    Hope everyone else is ok. Raining here so I am doing some die cutting.

    1. Thank you Brenda and thank you for my gorgeous card, the glitter effect you have achieved using the kuretaki wink of Stellar brush is amazing. Love your little sheep stamp on the back too.
      It definitely won't be fish!!
      Love Saba xxx

  24. Hi Sandra and all in today,
    HAPPY ANNIVERSARY Sandra & Paul, hope you have a wonderful day !
    Happy Birthday Saba, wishing you a fabulous day and hope you have a good one ! New shoes and Handbags ??
    Janet- your card is perfect for the man who like crosswords or su-doku, love it! I am a bit confused on the days' but I know Saturdays offerings were great. there were cards from Scarlett wish was very sweet and Phoebe you card was very nice too. The handbag is great Janet, gorgeous ! Had one bought in Spain many moons ago but I lost it somewhere . The cards over the week has been lovely and I did pop in but very late to let you know I and OH was fine in the big apple and enjoyed every minute. So much to do and see !
    Anyway we now back home and back to reality or like Sue calls it 'Normal routine' 2 washing machines and shopping done this morning and a doctors appointment for this afternoon so a busy day.
    I hope our birthday girls had a lovely day and enjoyed themselves.
    Great the girls won the footie, you must be proud of them Sandra but oooh micro beads in your knickers and everywhere else, not good !
    Hazel, saw you had a little earth quake. Nice when the earth moves for you sometimes.
    Cheryl, Autumn cleaning already ! where did you put the summer ? never had one in the Bucks........ sending you a special hug x
    Michele- what great items for your M L, she is very lucky to have you. Give your dad a hug and hope he feel better soon also hope your interviewing went well. I hope you get a wonderful holiday, you well need one.
    Nice to see CraftyNanna-Johanna pop in and welcome to Lillian in Cornwall, I also know you from Sue's blog and hope you come in again for a drink and cake .
    I have tried to read all the comments and never laughed so much ( I also get the 'eye' at times hihi Non of you should have any pets really ! hihi you just killing them off or you think you did !! and Saba, where do you think a snakes willy would sit ? omg !
    I Am Not Wearing a Nighty for Nightly Crafting ,you would get a very bad shock so we not going there !!
    Diane - wish Emma a good time at Uni and glad she got a few friends already.
    I'm going to read today's comments a bit better now and check on my mails so I'll be back later tonight. Love and hugs to you all , Maria XxxX

    1. Thank you very much Maria, it's lovely to have you back. No shoes or handbags yet, I'm going to try and wheedle, cajole, or beg some money from Peter so watch this space. And if he won't give me any then I shall order the most expensive meal on the menu and have pudding!
      As regarding the snake and its willie, I wouldn't have a clue where to look and don't forget I was only a child at the time!!

    2. Hello lovely Maria,
      New York's loss is our gain, it's lovely to have you safely back. Don't work too hard. xxxx

    3. Helloooo Maria!
      Welcome home! You have been missed young lady ! I hope you had a really lovely time. Xxx

    4. Welcome home Maria it's lovely to have you back. Hope you're not too cold after NY - I don't know what the weather was like over there. Hope you are feeling better and the holiday has done you the power of good. Thank you for the good wishes for Emma, it's very reassuring to know she's settled and happy. Xxx

  25. Myra that GC us a very good price but, I had kind of made my mind up to go for the big shot A4 plus, as my GC is once again (4th machine) leaking oil, I could scream with frustration at the bloody thing! Sorry bout the naughty word!
    Today is not going as planned, Paul surprised me that he us staying over tonight and it's a 'special' occasion, nudge nudge wink wink! So Mother Nature decides today will be a good day to give me her monthly gift!!!!!
    Then I was just about to book a table for dinner and my son rings to tell me that he is on M42 but can't drive any further as he has a huge pressure in his head and he feels like he is drunk!!!! What can I do?? I just told him to pull over, eat and drink something and wait, Paul isn't finishing for another hour, then has atleast 2 hours to get back her on A40 in rush hour traffic!!
    Flipping heck!!

    1. Flipping Heck indeed. As to the wink wink business, I'd have been breathing a sigh of relief, but then you are young and I am now very old!
      Hope Matt gets home safely once he has had a snack.
      So please Paul is home for the night. Keep calm he will soon be with you. Just don't look at the clock!

    2. Oh Sandra! I'm so sorry about your day being all messed up! Isn't that just typical! I hope Matt is alright and Paul doesn't get stuck in too much traffic. I know what the M42/ M40 can be like as our son lives in Warwick! I would complain about that machine! It's a real shame. I just thought if anyone was thinking about buying one it was a great opportunity! Xxx

    3. Sandra,
      I hope Paul gets to Matt safely and all is well. xxxx

    4. Oh SANDRA so sorry about your day being messed up. I hope Matt's ok & Paul doesn't get stuck in too much traffic. Hope you enjoy what's left of your evening. Love Lynda xx

    5. Oh Sandra, I hope Matt is fine after all and nothing sinister. Sad your day got muddled but hope you and Paul have a nice night together when he's back home ,little wink xxx

    6. Yep that's s-ds law isn't it! Have a lovely night though xxx

  26. Good afternoon ladies,
    The walk today was fantastic, although we were a little concerned as it rained all the way to Uphill. However as soon as we parked the rain stopped, the wind dropped to a gentle breeze and the walk, although quite brisk, was very pleasant. We had stopped on the beach where the sun finally decided to appear, for the tail end to catch up then made our way back to the coffee shop at the boat yard to have a natter. The group is so friendly and we are slowly getting to know names. We have been included in their Christmas dinner which is at a pub quite near to us on the A39.
    Sandra, have you and Patricia finished the list of names , addresses, phone numbers and birthdays yet?
    I have been reading the comments and realised I do not know these things so for everyone who has not received a card from me, my apologies my dear hearts. I would not miss you out on purpose, although I may be a bit behinder than usual sometimes.
    Love & hugs Cheryl xxx

    1. Cheryl, darling, believe me, your could not be a bigger behinder than me ha ha xxxx

    2. Oh Cheryl, I meant to say that I am so pleased that your walking group is proving such a delight to you. xxx

    3. Hi CHERYL glad you had a lovely walk & weather was good for you.
      I don't think the Address & birthday list has been sent out, as I didn't know it was Saba's today or her address.
      Love Lynda xx

    4. Hi Cheryl, fabulous you had a nice walk and the group is friendly (just like us then) I haven't got the addresses and birthdays yet either but would love to have it to put in my Friends book tihi xxx

    5. Cheryl that sounds like a lovely walk, I'm glad the weather improved for you. I haven't got the dates and addresses either, but it's been so hectic here I haven't made a card for ages! Xxx

  27. Well Ladies I am about to get my glad rags on. Peter should be home any minute and then we will be off ( he just arrived whilst I was typing). Not sure where we are going and will probably go on the bicycle so the glad rags won't be too fancy. I have had a lovely day so far and tidied the craft mess away so that was very satisfying, well once it was done it was!
    I will be back in once we return but in the meantime, thank you all very much for all your birthday wishes, they are really appreciated and Johanna it was lovely to see you again. I've stocked the drinks cabinet and there are some blinis in the chiller too so please help yourselves.
    Be good
    Love Saba xxxx

    1. Have a lovely evening! Steady as you go on that bike, especially on the way back! Thanks for the blinis and drinks! I love blinis! Xxx

    2. Saba, have a lovely time, watch your tiara doesn't get blown off when you're cycling home. I love that song. "Tiara Boom de ay"
      I'm not keen on blinis, I like pancakes or crepes - George used to wear them with his drainpipes!!!!! xxxxx

    3. Enjoy your evening SABA watch your posh dress doesn't get caught in the spokes as you ride your bike ( think there's a song some ware)

    4. Can't wait to see what you and Peter got up too, ooh no not everything ! hihi what did you have to eat and did you get the
      pudding ? xxx

  28. Afternoon Ladies

    Home, changed & tea in the oven = pizza! Hubby decided he would be better off staying overnight rather than driving crazy amount of miles which always worries me.

    Interviews were painful as only 7 turned up- 1 rang to say they were ill + one just didn't bother to turn up. How rude??!! Glad that's over & just two normal days of being busy thenIcan wave goodbye to the Pharmacy department for 18 days. We're away for 16 days, fly home I day 17 and I have the Monday off work to let the builder in to start 6 weeks of work!


    1. Sandra-am so sorry, I totally forgot to wish you a very Happy Anniversary!!!!!!!


    2. Michele, one would think one was looking forward to one's holiday!!! xxxx

  29. Happy Birthday SABA Happy Anniversary SANDRA and PAUL I've never heard that saying but that's how I'd describe my OH too Lovely card JANET great design for those troublesome men!
    Big Hello to LILIAN I've been welcomed hugely by this blog I may not be able to comment all the way down but I read everything and value everyone's support They/we may be mad but we're kind and loving
    I watched the launch of the Craft Channel So much more professional than Hochanda and postage is good That will obviuosly depend on prices for items in the first place

    1. Mad you say, MAD, don't be silly. We are all perfectly normal - it's the others that are bonkers!!!! xxxx

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Thank you Karen, I've only just got back home, had a lovely meal.

  30. How is it that one comment prints twice, and the main one goes walk about, probably doing Ta rara boom de ay. I cannot remember what drivel I'd typed now, so am going to do a Patricia and lie down and sulk. Unfortunately I cannot lie by a pool in glorious weather, so I'll huddle in my room and wrap the duvet around me!!!
    Johanna, it's really lovely to see you again.
    See you later. xxxx

    1. It is dark Maureen, it's not just your sunglasses! Xxx

    2. Have I told you the story about the time I was driving back from North berwick with Rachel when she was about 12. It was a bright sunny day when we left to come home, and when we got as far as Hexham I had to stop for petrol. In those days you were served by the Petrol Attendant and when I paid him, he came back with my change and gave me the funniest look. Nothing odd in that, people often gave me funny looks. It was only when I got home and walked into the house - I realised that I was still wearing my sunglasses!!! xxx

    3. Ha ha ha ! You see I have complete sympathy with that! Glasses are glasses! I've been finishing off a card which will hopefully be on time!
      I have reorganised my Dies so that Christmas ones are altogether in one container! I have room for one or two more!! Ha ha ! Xxx

    4. Did you see I had responded about my little friend at Craft Class? Xxx

    5. Myra- It was so funny yesterday when everybody thought the card was made by you tihi thanks for all the nice comments ladies!
      I like your little one, it's something I miss dearly but not the other bits.
      Maureen- I also wear sunglasses when it's bright ?? xx

    6. Hello Maria , we got mixed up again!! Maureen really knew I hadn't made it as she said I wasn't capable of making such a nice card! You can go off people! Ha ha !! It was so funny when I looked on the blog and saw my name and knew it wasn't me at all! It all added to the fun though! Xxx

    7. Yes. Myra, I'e just gone up to read it. He is like a boy I used to work with and I remember feeling so happy when he said that I was awesome. All because I showed him how to make a Christmas card and had taken a star stamp, embossing powder and heat gun into school and showed him how to use them. He was sooooo happy!!!
      Mind you, he didn't have a thing about feathers or flip flops ha ha.
      I've been in my little room. Got all the bits sorted for a card, done a box and it will only take 10 minutes to put it all together. So I'm happy.
      Peter's plasterer didn't come but didn't let Peter know until after he should have arrived. He's going on Wednesday - watch this space. The double-glazer was going to the bungalow tonight at 5.30. He rang at 5.45 to say that he couldn't make it and would go on Wednesday - watch this space.
      I wonder if everything's all right at Sandra's, I hope they got Matt sorted and it was nothing serious.
      Saba and Peter will be on a bicycle made for two. Rachel always used to sing "I can't afford a cabbage", in fact we still do as it's a family "thing".
      George has arrived upstairs so I'll have to say good night, God bless and sweet dreams to all.
      Lots of love, see you tomorrow
      Muriel xxxx

    8. Ooh Myra, what dies do you fancy? I love it, when any of use make a little extra room, it's always filled before you can say Sue Wilson!! xxx

    9. Night Night My Dear ! I've been quite rude higher up but you are used to that!
      Sorry about Plasterer and Double Glazer! Aargh!
      We've got the painter painting outside and the house was freezing when I came home from school! Xxx

    10. Exactly! I really like Sue's snowflakes they are much nicer than the Spellbinders ones! In my humble opinion anyhow! Xxx

    11. The thing is George had to go really early up to Rachel's this morning to let Peter get to the bungalow in time for the plasterer, so it messed up two people's days. The double glazier was only going to give a quotation, it wasn't as though he was going to do any fitting work!!
      So unprofessional, but why am I surprised?

    12. By the way, if you were nice to me, I'd think you were ill xxxx

    13. Or even after my money¬!!!! ha ha xxx

    14. But I love you really! Xxx

  31. Hello night owls, well most of you have gone to bed.
    We got home about half an hour ago but I had to go on Facebook- daughters orders- and lots of people had wished me Happy Birthday so I had to reply. It's the most comments I have made on there since I joined about 5 years ago. I normally only go on to look at the pictures of our grandchildren.
    We eventually had a lovely meal. Cycled into the city to a new restaurant I had previously spotted last week. It was closed. So we cycled to another, closed! After we had been to two more, both closed, we cycled home again and went to one just around the corner which thankfully was open. It's Monday of course and not many open up. Then came out and it had been raining so I cycled home on a wet seat, forgot to pack a hankie. However the meal was good but the menu a bit limited. I am now enjoying the peace and quiet, Peter is in bed and the blue bottle which has been driving me bonkers has finally left the room. Honestly it was dive bombing me! I finally decided enough was enough and went and fetched a fly spray and guess what, even before I sprayed, it turned tail and buzzed off. Unbelievable, how did it know?
    Anyway, I must say good night now, I need to go onto Sue's blog and say thank you for my good wishes, I had a quick look earlier but didn't have time to comment, night God bless all.
    Saba xxx

    1. Night Night Saba! Glad you home safely - was concerned you may wobble off! Glad you got some food in the end! Sleep well! God Bless xxx

    2. Oh Saba, sorry but you made me chuckle reading what happened, glad you got a meal out in the end. Hope you get a nice night and the bluebottle have not joined Peter ! Good night to you and anyone else leaving the cafe, see you tomorrow xxx

    3. Maria - that made me laugh! Night Night! Xxx

  32. Night everyone. Not been back this evening as have been die cutting. Hope you all sleep well.

  33. Saba I'm glad you got a meal at last- I usually remember once we get to the restaurant they are closed on Monday! Oh don't you hate the fly that gets cockie and dive bombs you! Night night , sleep tight xxxx
