
Thursday 23 July 2015

Triple Flip Thursday & Thank you x

Good Morning Ladies,
Well one year ago today, I was hovering outside my local Coop waiting to meet two strangers that I had chatted to briefly on Sue Wilson's blog, I was very nervous, as were they!  
We met and introduced ourselves and well the rest is history, I would have never guessed that I was about to meet two ladies that are have become the dearest friends that anyone could wish for.
To any outsider looking in it would look as though we are lifetime friends, we have gone from being strangers to sharing all of life's ups and downs with each other, Sue & Pat, thank you for turning up on that July morning and thank you for one whole year of the best friendship any girl could wish for, our weekly meetings are the highlight of my week, you have given my very dull social life some spark, given me the inspiration to do my blog and keep it going, you have given my life a purpose, for that I will be grateful to you forever!
Here's to many, many more years of friendship, love you both millions xx
We had a lovely afternoon out yesterday to celebrate the anniversary of our friendship, with lots of chat and plenty of laughter!
Today's card is made using Pat's Spellbinders Triple Flip die, cut in white card, i then used Spellbinders Matting Squares to cut the Green Dotty Anna Marie Design card to add some detail to the frame, the centre die is the centre die of the Creative Expressions New York collection, Times Square Die set, it fits the centre perfectly and with the addition of a few green pearls finished the front of the card perfectly.

This is the detail under the first flap of the Triple Flip card, the sentiment is a Justrite Stamp, the die is the centre die from Spellbinders Captivating Squares, again it fitted the aperture perfectly.
This is the detail under the second Flap of the Triple flip, again a Justrite Sentiment, this time the die used is
Creative Expressions New York Union Square Die, the paper is Anna Marie Designs.
I mounted the whole card on a 6 x 6 white card base and this is the detail i added to the inside of the card
to give space to write your own words. The die used here is Creative Expressions Elegant Lace Edger die.
Just a different view to give the overall look of the finished card, I think i might have to purchase this die for
myself as I love the overall effect it gives and the dimension it adds.
I hope you like it too.
Welcome to Jenny and Laura O', Its so lovely of you to stop by, please stick around and enjoy the fun,
you get the added bonus of being amongst the most amazing bunch of ladies anywhere, they will be the best friends you could wish for, quite a giggle too!
Love and Hugs to all of you,


  1. Good morning and BIG Congratulations to the Three Graces. You are all so lucky to have met up, opened these doors and then opened up a whole "new world". Not only that, you have opened those doors to welcome others to share in your love and generosity. So glad you had a good 1st Anniversary Day.
    Hazel mentioned the Coffee Shop to me earlier this year and I have now met so many wonderful friends. Ok! most of you are still Virtual friends at the moment ... however all that will be remedied soon.
    PAT:- your card is stunning, love, love, love, everything about it. The use of Sue's Dies within the combination of the Flip Dies is amazing. We will all be able to learn so much together at the Retreat.
    I have to go do some food shopping this morning. The boys are coming this afternoon for a few hours. Dad has taken the day off to take their "old" dog to the vet. She is 13 years old, has not been too well these past few weeks. They fear the inevitable and today could be the day!!!
    Place all set up for the day, looking good, very fresh and sparking.
    Have made some Toast, I think someone must have adjusted the setting on the Toaster. I had to give the slices a bit of a "scrape", never mind, set it again. I am over in the corner to "people watch" ... wonder who will come over the door today.
    This week we have had Laura & Jenny. Great to have you join us, please keep calling in. You learn so much in here, I certainly benefited yesterday.
    (((Hugs))) in the basket by the door, please help yourself.
    See you all later xxx

    1. Hi Patricia, I hope today is not the day, but sometimes although heartbreaking, it's the kindest thing to do. Hope the boys will be alright. Sending them gentle hugs just in case.

    2. Hi Patricia
      I hope today isn't too difficult for you all and the vet can find some treatment although as Saba says better not to be in pain. You will have lots of tears if the inevitable happens. I'm sorry to hear about your toast being burnt, don't like to point a finger but who was rushing around cleaning like a whirling dervish yesterday? Your dear sister! Oh dear pop a bit of the home made jam on it :) xxx

    3. Hello Patricia, today could be a difficult day for you all, what ever happens! Will be thinking of you and the boys.
      Sending gentle hugs for all xxx

    4. Hello Patricia,
      I hope the Vet's visit does not end in tears, but it's good that the boys are with you enjoying themselves. it will be less traumatic for them to be with you and John. xxx

    5. Patricia, hope today is not too stressful, you need to be cruel to be kind sometimes. Give the boys lots of hugs. Xxx

    6. Ohh always a difficult time. Thinking of you all. Especially the boys. Xx

    7. Hi PATRICIA hope all goes well at the vet & dose not end in tears
      I had that dredging feeling when I took Annie to the vet Tuesday,
      She is also 13 but after 3 injections she is a lot better.
      Thinking of you & the boys big Hug's xxxx

  2. Good morning Sandra and ladies. Sandra your card is stunning , I love this triple flip design and the colours are so soft, it's beautiful.
    I am off to work soon I don't know what today has in store, but I will go with the flow and hope there is not to much been put down to plans with out asking if I am ok with them!! Goodness knows what time they will get up at to start with? So I might just be back in here for a cup of tea and a chat later.
    We had a great evening last night. Roberta had a couple of hours sleep, had some tea, then Gillian phones to see if Andrew and her to call in for half hour to introduce themselves. Well two and half hours later they left, Andrew is a great story teller so there were so much laughter and none stop talking went on. They have arranged with Roberta that they will all go see the Falkirk wheel and the Kelpies on Sunday. It back here for something to eat afterwards. I think today Charlie is going to take her to St Andrews and go to the golf club house for lunch. Me I will be making and having lunch with the three girls, oh I'd better make a move. Will call in later. xxx

    1. Hazel, just a wee word of warning, the Helix Park where the Kelpies are is really busy on a Sunday, lots of children and bikes!

    2. Hi Hazel, Sounds as if Roberta's visit has started off well, with a lovely welcome from the bride and groom. I hope you are starting to relax a little now, all the planning is falling into place, just go with the flow, more importantly enjoy every moment. xxx

    3. Hello Hazel,
      I'm pleased that things are going well with Roberta. Don't work too hard today. xx

    4. Hi Hazel pleased Roberta has settled in & Gillian & Andrew made with a good evening. Pleased try & have me time & slow down so you can enjoy the wedding. Hug's Lynda xx

  3. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-your card is just lovely, so pretty & delicate. Having bought this die, I have only used it once!!!

    Feeling a lot better & slept OK last night. Tesco shopping tonight after work-hubby offered to join ne which only ever happens when he wants something electrical eg a new TV etc!!! Will let you know what he buts.


    1. Hi Michele
      Glad you are feeling better, tell hubby he can have his TV if you can have Sue's one day wonder!

    2. Hello Michele, Glad you're feeling better, beware of husbands bearing gifts!!! Wonder what he buys. xxx

  4. Goooood Morning This card is fantastic I am now intrigued by this triple flip die Congratulation to you Sandra and to Pat and Sue
    As Patricia has said I too have made some great virtual friends And of course I'm meeting up with Maria on Saturday All down to this blog
    Have a great day everyone Just finishing my Cappucino and toasted tea cake and then get ready for work Ooh! Lots of Sue Wilson this pm, her video and two C&C shows - yippee!

  5. Hi Sandra
    My word I'm fourth in today. Wonders will never cease. Woke up at 5.00 so at 6.30 decided to get up. Thanks for a fabulous day yesterday, good food and fabulous company. Love you millions to.
    Just to put the record straight Patricia, Sandra made the card but used my die. Sandra, you can always use mine again, rather then the expense of buying it. Don't forget you'd gave to buy the matting basics as well. I'm glad that Roberta arrived safe and sound. After a few days she'll be raring to go on full steam ahead. Sounds like you had great fun yesterday, chatting and laughing. The Falkirk Wheel looked awesome when I saw it on the TV awhile ago. A picture of it would be great to have a look at. Really must try and make the effort to have a holiday in Scitland in the not to distant future. Mind you have been trying to do Yorkshire etc, but it's really hard trying to fit holidays in between hospital appointments, injections and pipe changes for Pete, now it looks like we'll be adding eye hospital to that list as well. Mind you he looks as fit as a fiddle, I wonder where that saying comes from.
    Sandra, your card is girgeous, saw it in the flesh while having a cup of tea before I went home. It's dabulous. Mind you as all the cards that are put on the blog by everyone.
    Glad your feeling better Michelle, I wonder what hubby wants to buy.

    1. Ooooppps! Sorry Sandra, I should waken up and read things properly.
      The same sentiments apply though xxx

    2. Pat, when are you going to do Yorkshire? We are coming home to Yorkshire sometime in the middle of August.

  6. Good morning, love the smell of fresh toast in the cafe so will be tempted to join Patricia in the corner, so much for me trying to be good, I'm so much better at being bad!
    Love your card Sandra, this is only the second time I've seen this triple flip die used and it looks fascinating , it would be great for a couple of photos after a special day as a little momento , gosh so many ideas come to mind .
    Sounds like the three of you had a special day yesterday , and precious memories made!
    I went hillwalking yesterday with our walking group( all 70ish) so needless to say we go fairly slow with a stop for coffee and another stop for a picnic lunch, we were so lucky weather wise as it rained heavily before we set out and started to rain again when we got back, but while we were out from 10:45am-2pm we had sunshine ( how lucky were we? ) and then my daughter in law Fiona, came in to give me a pedicure , so I had a wonderful day, today it's raining so a good excuse to craft.
    Sounds like you had a fun night with Roberta , Hazel, enjoy!
    Will call back later xo

    1. Anne, you get the same view however fast or slowly you walk! Glad you had a good day! Xx

  7. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. Yes, I am finally back online, and what better time than on on this special day, I am one very happy bunny : ))
    Happy 1st Anniversary Sandra and Pat. I had a wonderful day yesterday with you both. Still can't believe that it is only one year since we took that plunge and met up. My life is so much richer with you two in it my special friends, and now I also have all of you other ladies too and am slowly meeting up with lots of you, October can't arrive soon enough to be able to finally see some of you. I consider myself a very lucky lady to have such wonderful friends, thank you to you all : ) All I can say to anyone else that is not sure whether to actually meet up is to just go for it, you won't regret it!
    Well, I have not known what to do with my early mornings while this blooming laptop has been playing up. Calling into the Cafe is such a big part of my day that missing it has been awful. I will try and catch up with all of your lives ladies but it will take some time so please forgive me if I just say that I am sure that there have been some beautiful cards etc. shown and I will start afresh from today's gorgeous card that Sandra made last week. It is gorgeous, I love the white/delicate green combo, I think it works beautifully together, the sentiments are perfect too. All in all a really beautiful card : )
    I have had a lovely cuppa and some toast and am sat at my usual table waiting to see who pops in today. I hear that we have some new ladies that I must say Hello to, Laura O, Jenny and Ann(e?) it is lovely that you have popped into join us, welcome to you all : )
    Right, I had better think about getting on as RJ, Gemma and Christopher are coming up to spend the day with us, I think Chris and RJ are going fishing for a few hours and me, Gemma and Christopher will spend some time at the lake with them, enjoying the nice weather today. It is forescast heavy rain from tonight onwards around here!
    I am going to copy this comment before posting it, just in case it doesn't work. My fingers are firmly crossed that it will appear.
    Have a lovely day everyone. Take care xxxx

    1. Hi Sue,
      Glad you are back on line, we've missed you. Enjoy your day at the lake.

    2. Lovely to see you back Sue. Enjoy your day with your family. Glad you enjoyed your anniversary yesterday with Sandra and Pat.

    3. Hello Sue,
      It's great to see you back in touch. Happy Anniversary for yesterday. I've never gone fishing since I was about 9 and went with the boy next door. I caught an eel and that was that. Could bear to touch it or look at it!!! xxx

    4. Hi Sue, lovely to have you back! Xxx

    5. Hi Sue sorry late but welcome back love Lynda xx

  8. Yes, it worked. This is a very good day : )) xx

    1. Hello Sue, great to see you again.
      Have a great day, hope to see back in for a cuppa later in the day xxx

    2. Lovely to see you back Sue, enjoy your day out! Xxx

    3. Hi Sue, well it is you name after all. Good to see you back on-line and enjoy your outing with the family xxx

  9. Good morning one & aal.

    So glad your day went so well yesterday, 3 Graces. Yes, friendship is a wonderful gift that we give each other when like minds meet up. Long may it continue.
    Your flip card is so brilliant Sandra. I have been thinking of maybe getting one myself but if I have to get other dies just to make one, I will have to reconsider.

    Quick blast around the house this morning, then bags packed, shower and early night to feel refreshed for our long awaited Family Reunion. We are starting out for Bristol at 9am, Joseph's 10th birthday was last Wednesday so as a treat I am taking him to @Bristol which will fill most of the morning, then we can book into the hotel, find out who is already there and start making some memories.
    See you all later
    Love & hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Cheryl, I hope you have a fabulous time at your family reunion making some happy memories and reliving some old ones too.

    2. Hi Cheryl, Enjoy your family reunion, lots of catching up to do as well as reliving old memories. I'm sure you will have a great time. xxx

    3. Cheryl, have the most amazing time. Plenty of photographs will be the order of the day. xxx

    4. Oh Cheryl have a fantastic time with the family reunion and yes make sure that camera is fully charged. Perhaps you make a scrapbook one day xxx

    5. Cheryl, have a lovely meet up all your family. Hazel xxx

    6. Hi Cheryl. Hope you have a lovely time.

    7. Have a great time, Cheryl! Xxx

  10. Hi Sandra and all the lovely ladies who are already in the cafe and those who follow later,
    What an absolutely beautiful creation to start the day, love the pastel colour too.Congratulations Sandra on your official first anniversary of friendship with Pat and Sue, your day sounded wonderful yesterday ladies.
    Well it's just a quickie this morning as I'm off to the hairdresser for my regular tint and foils .....I look like a Martian when I've got those foils in and I'm sure I could pick up a great signal for my mobile with them!!...then a quick trim afterwards, so I'll see you all later The cafe looks gorgeous this morning as always and I enjoyed my latte. Hugs in the basket for those who need them.

    Love Sheila xxx

    PS. Patricia did you manage to get on Pinterest in the end? xx

    1. Hi Sheila,
      It will be a bit like "Life on Mars" or "Space Control to Major Tom" while you're getting your hair done!! xxx

  11. A quick cup of tea please, the three girls are having breakfast and I have left them to it. I warmed the rolls cooked the beacon so they can get on and make up what they want, I am taking them swimming for a couple of hours so that will fill in the morning, afternoon is going to be them getting Anna's pony ready for a thing at pony club tonight. We I will sit with get up. Now not working tomorrow, thing cancelled in Edinburgh so mum doesn't have to go in. Well I enjoyed my tea, money in the pot. I tell what I am sure if everytime we say that we put a penny in a pot we would be surprised how many cups we have had? Even two pence in for all those calorie free cakes. I see my sister wasn't awake this morning either that or she didn't have her glasses on.
    I hope everyone is ok, I hvent got time to go through the list as I need to get this lot moving. Xxx

  12. Good morning Sandra and friends,
    Sandra your card is stunning. I love what you have done with the triple flip die, it looks so delicate and beautifully made. As yet I have only used mine as a template for pricking, That was why I bought it, but having seen what you have created I must try and use it as a die!
    Happy anniversary to the three Graces, Sandra, Pat and Sue. So glad you had a lovely day together. When you three met up who would have thought that not only would you become firm friends, but it would be the starting point for other friends to join you and for close friendships to be forged. I for one would never have believed it possible that commenting on a blog could lead me to make real friends, but it has and for that I am truly grateful. But it's not just any blog, it's Sandra's, it's the coffee shop, and it's the most amazing place.
    And now a Proverb:- Friends, like mushrooms, spring up in out-of-the-way places.
    How true is that.
    I'll help myself to a latte now and a piece of shortbread and go and sit by the window and see who is coming in.
    Love and hugs
    Saba xxx

    1. Hi Saba,
      I love that proverb, it's now in my book!! xx

    2. Great proverb, very true!
      I 'm with Maureen! It's in my book! Xx

    3. Love your proverb I really must get a little book! xx

  13. Morning Sandra and ladies, your card is beautiful Sandra, and the sentiments are so relevant. So glad you had a good day yesterday on your 1st anniversary of meeting Pat and Sue, hope you have many more.
    It was the best thing I ever did joining your blog, I have met so many lovely people virtually and in person (Patricia, Hazel and Norah)but that will change come October when we all meet up.
    Cheryl enjoy your family reunion, lots of laughter is the order of the day.
    Have a great day everyone, TVs all ready for Sue. xxx

  14. Hi Sandra and all in cafe.

    Sandra your card is lovely. I am so pleased the 3 of you met up that day, as Sue's Mum I can honestly say it was one of the best decisions Sue ever made it has given her soo much pleasure and confidence thank you Sandra and Pat plus I have also got to meet you both and of course I would never have you lovely ladies thank you.
    Love and hugs to all
    Margaret xx

  15. Hello Sandra, and all who pop in today,
    So pleased you girls had a lovely lunch yesterday. I remember you planning (your first date!!!!! ) on Sue blog to meet up for coffee. The rest as they say is history. I like the Proverb Saba has posted - Friends, like mushrooms, pop up in out-of-the-way places. Very true, who would have guessed, when they first came into this Cafe, they would make so many lovely friends. THANK YOU SANDRA for making this possible. xxx

    Your card today is lovely, I haven't seen this die (YET) I will certainly be looking at it - with great interest! Love the soft colour of the card you have used, I think I have some, I know I got the one with stripes in and I'm still stroking it, so hasn't been used on any cards yet!

    Well it's back to the sorting out in the craft room. Got quite a bit done yesterday, it's taking longer because I am reorganising some areas.
    Really enjoyed the coffee, will pop back later.
    Love and Hugs, Brenda xxx

  16. Hi Sandra and all the lovely ladies
    What a beautiful card you have shown us today Sandra and thank you Pat for sharing the die with you. I haven't see this one before so it's lovely to see how it is made. Pleased to hear you all had a wonderful time yesterday, yes I agree, such a great group of people who have become good friends. Thank you Sandra for starting this blog. Xxx
    Oh I'm tired today, Emma arrived home at 4.30 as two motorways were closed between here and Gatwick so her friends mum was driving all over the place! (That's 4.30am! ) we chatted for about an hour then all went back to bed. I've had a painful back this week so it took me ages to get comfortable to get back to sleep but I eventually stirred at about 10. Julian's mum is coming this afternoon as we haven't seen her for about a month so have got lots of news and holidays to catch up on. I need to get a move on now and finish the quiche I started yesterday and ice the cakes I made. See you all later, have a good day.
    Love Diane xxxx

    1. Hope your back improves Diane, and have a lovely afternoon xxx

    2. Diane, back pain is the Pitts. I really feel for you. Hope it eases soon and you manage a better nights sleep.

  17. Hi Diane, So pleased Emma is back safe and sound. I'm sure you are all going to be tired today. Have a lovely afternoon with Julian's mum. LOL

  18. Hello all,
    I'm late today, but I'm doing so many different jobs that I don't know if I'm on my head or my heels, but I want to save my ironing for when Sue is on, that way I know I won't be interrupted (I hope!!).
    Sandra, I hope you are well, did you get things sorted yesterday, and how is Sophie?
    Myra, I hope you are well today and that things are ok.
    Anne what a great idea to go on a hike, then have a pedicure. You are like Hazel, so lucky to have someone to do it.
    Hazel, that's a stroke of good luck not having to go into work tomorrow. It will make things easier for you.
    Right, off to hang the last load of washing out, wrap the cup candles, and hoover and dust downstairs before I bring washing upstairs to iron whilst Sue is on.
    See you later.
    Muriel xxxx

    1. Muriel, I'm fine thank you! I had an early start but I can do that if necessary. Don't like to gloat but did my ironing last night - I'll have lots when I get back.
      Hope someone from the coffee shop wins a card! Xx

    2. Muriel, slow down girl you're getting as bad as hazel!

    3. Myra,
      Nobody likes a smart ar*e!!!! xxxx
      Saba, I've slowed down so much, I'm almost at a full stop!! xxxxx
      Got to go, She'll be on in a minute!!!

    4. Ooooh ! How rude! I'm shocked. Xx

    5. Muriel I am tired just reading what you have been doing hope you get your feet up for a little rest before too long xx

  19. Maureen, "Slow down your moving so fast" at this rate you will be needing a nap and might miss Sue. xxx

  20. I agree with Brenda! But maybe I'm just jealous of all your energy! I'm a morning person and if it doesn't get done by lunchtime then it just doesn't get done! xo

  21. Hi Sandra and all lovely ladies,
    your triple-flip-card is beautiful and you have used some lovely dies and papers together, very nice indeed !
    Hazel- hope you had a nice morning with the girls ,good you don't have to do tomorrow. Sure you find something to do lol
    Diane it was a early wakeup call for you, glad do Emma back home and hope she had a great time. Enjoy your afternoon with MIL and have fun seeing all the photos again from the holiday.
    Patricia, it will be tough this afternoon until you know .
    Unfortunately my sister had to make that decision for five of her puppies earlier in the week as they got some problems so it hit her hard and for the once who were having them. Thinking of Lynda's Annie too who are the same age ,hugs!
    Sounded lovely with a long nice hike Anne, you have some beautiful mountains ?
    and how did your golf go the other day ?
    Oh Sheila, I hope they haven't come for you (the other martians) do you glow in the dark afterwards ? I'm sure you look lovely in whatever as long it is something ey Saba, anymore queuing outside your door this morning hihi
    I'll see you all later, nearly time for Sue w so must pop to the l-o etc. first
    love and hugs Maria xxx

    1. Had a good morning with the girls seeing how I had 4, but in my eyes 4 are better than three you don't get one left out? They had great fun at the pool and seeing how here in Fife they get in free over the holidays even better. This afternoon not been 100% a lots of why do we have to tidy away things, and now it's why do I have to get Dennis in at this time? Answer because it takes time to get him out if the field I to his stable snd brushed etc for tonight. And to crown it all the big dog moss is up to his old tricks and stolen food. I made sandwiches up and put chocolate mini rolls on a big plate had to go answer the phone and caught him in the act? 8 quarters of best on the bone ham sandwiches and a min roll gone, oh boy did he get shouted at!!! He is in big trouble!!! Reason behind IT I gave the crusts off the sandwiches to the chicken and he tried to get them then but I brought him in. He was bad for that as a puppy but thought he was over that? But. NO!!!

    2. Sorry meant to ask how your scan went? And when will you get the results? Hazel x

    3. Thanks Maria, we did have a beautiful walk and the mountains are amazing, especially on a clear day , and surprisingly the golf was good ( probably because I hadn't played for two weeks) as we had visitors.xo

    4. Oh Maria, your poor sister. She must have been heartbroken.
      Hope all went well with your scan today.
      Love and hugs Saba
      Ps, think it was meant to be the glazier today but he never showed up!

    5. Hazel , I'm sorry but can't stop giggling since reading your comment. I know I'm terrible but remember any dog we ever had have done the same thing from time to time .Ah bless ,don't be to hard on him.
      My scan over and done with and she couldn't see anything wrong so back to the drawing board = doctor, huff!
      Saba you must have been soooo disappointed that he stood you up,better luck tomorrow . Yes my sister have had a few horrid day's because she wasn't sure if it was contagious. Luckily it is not but they have made an autopsy and sent it to a company here in England to find out what went wrong with the girls. She still got 8 + the 4 grown ones. Always a full house with yapp and barks. hugs Maria xxx

    6. Maria, hope the scan results come through quickly and fhey bet you sorted out.
      Oh!! your poor sister what a heartache.
      No word from our lot yet xxx

  22. Hellooooo! It's little old me!
    I've arrived in Warwickshire. We had a good journey this morning and virtually no delays , which for the M6 is practically unheard of. We had a lovely lunch in Carluccio's where we met our lovely DIL. Now back at her home . Missing Sue, which I'm very disappointed about but I have recorded it back home. I won't here all your names read out either! I managed to order the cardstock pack as I thought the colours were lovely .
    I will try to read some of today's post but I may not manage it all.
    Today's card, Sandra, is lovely. I love the shade of green you have used too.
    So pleased you lovely ladies had a good day out yesterday!
    Will pop back if I can.
    Love to everyone,
    Myra xxx

    1. Myra just relax and enjoy your time with your son and lovely DIL.
      We will all be here when you get back.
      Hugs xxxxx

    2. Hi Myra, glad you had such a good journey,have a lovely time ! We will be here Many hugs Maria xxx

    3. MYRA:- it's good to hear your sweet voice from the favourite corner.
      Glad you had a good journey
      Have a great time with you son & DIL xxx

    4. So pleased you arrived safe and sound enjoy your stay xx

  23. Oops hear not here!! Xxx

  24. SANDRA your card is lovely. So glad that Saba mentioned this die then I saw a Christina Griffiths card made with it. So pleased I bought it but as Pat says you really need the basic Square dies to go with it. The first one I did was trial and error measuring all the bits to go on it. After that I bought the basic squares. Much easier and they are very useful.
    So glad you Pat and Sue had a lovely day yesterday and so glad that you all met up otherwise we wouldn't be here in the cafe now.
    Well I went out to lunch with my friend I see in Thursdays. Third lunch this week. Can't keep up. Tried to watch Sue's video but it kept stopping for some reason and the same watching the live show plus every time Dave was talking about the dies I fell asleep. How awful is that. I hope I don't have trouble watching the next show. Perhaps it is my internet. I will just have a cup of tea and then see you all later.

    1. Brenda you are such a Lady who does Lunch! Good on you girl.
      Loved your Card as well which you made with the triple thingy.

    2. Brenda LL, Once, twice, three times a Lady
      Have a drink, it'll wake you up, Tanker is set up for you lol. xxxx

    3. Thank you SABA. Maureen I don't drink so there will be more for Janet. Sounds as if she needs it.

  25. Good afternoon. Ladies,
    So great to hear your name Patricia, Sue looked pleased to see a familiar name too!
    I will confess to ordering the "foundation Card" I just couldn't resist, having seen some of the new colours recently on John next door's demo table, they are all beautiful colours, I am so pleased that they have expanded the range so that we get a bigger range of co.ours to chose from and it also means that you don't see everyone using the same colours , I think we are all Periwinkle addicts! The new blue is similar but still as beautiful!
    Off to get ready for sue's next show,
    Love and hugs
    Sandra xxxxxx

    1. ME! too, loved the colours.
      I need card like a "hole in the head" but hey! ho! xxx

    2. Me too! As if I need more card but I do like the fact it's a mixed pack of colours rather than 50 sheets of one Mind you I bought a pack last time John or Sue was on and it's still in the wrapper! Liked all the examples and dies but icon is still cheaper

    3. I always get my Dies from Icon, great prices and service also fre p&p xxx

    4. Me tooooo! The colours are just so very pretty!! I want more just to look at it!!! Lol! xxx

    5. I got the card too! Xxx

    6. Get my dies from Icon as well Patricia.

  26. Evening one and all
    Sorry I'm late but we have had the day from hell and so you have here one very tired, aching, and hurting friend.
    First Sandra thank you so much for showing your triple card today. After I saw one the other week I went mad and purchased the die and so now need all the inspiration I can get on how to use it to perfection and in today's offering you have given me what I need.

    OK our day started at leaving the house at 9.00 to go to the big supermarket Carrefour the other side of Nevers (90k round trip). We needed a big shop as Jim's Nephew and his family are coming on Thursday next week until the following Tuesday.
    So off we go - it normally takes about 1hr to get there but this morning oh no!
    The French Cattle Farmers are up in arms about how much their cattle are being sold for and that French supermarkets etc are not buying French. Last week we saw that they had visited the local supermarkets and dumped large loads of manure on shopping trolleys to make their point. Today they are blockaging and yes when we got to the motorway which we use to get near the supermarket the entrance was blockaded by large tractors and trailers and nothing could get onto the motorway. So off we go having to find our way through Nevers to get to the other side bearing in mind we haven't tried this for quite some years and so of course everything has changed. We did get there eventually 2hrs later. So into the shop and of course it's still more than hot and having to walk round etc never does anyone any good. We check out stop for a coffee and a sandwich as I was just about falling down and then start our way back. Oh no the Farmers are blockading both sides of the motorway and so once again we have to find our way back through the city from the other direction. You have never seen such traffic jams in your life. The old main road through Never RN7 (the A77 motorway took all the traffic off this road) was bumper to bumper for miles and miles of lorries of every description. Heaven only knows when they will start moving. I do have to say that the drivers were taking it all in their stride and just patiently either sitting in their cabs or meeting others in the middle of the road and just chatting. The Police were either just sat in their vans on roundabouts keeping an eye on things. We eventually arrived back at Marigny 15.30hrs and then of course everything had to be put away and sorted.
    It is just the French way - when they have a problem they make sure everyone knows about it!!
    We shall not be going to Carrefour again this time. It will be the little supermarket in Corbigny for us.

    I'm sorry I haven't read all the comments but will do so later as it's now 18.35 and tea time. I shall be glad to see my bed tonight!!
    Hugs to everyone

    1. Oh Janet, what a day you have had.
      The French farmers always know how to upset everyone, I can't see the British farmers doing anything like this, put your feet up a wee glass of something, a just have a good rest
      Hope you feel better tomorrow xxx

    2. Oh Janet you poor thing. Sitting in traffic in those temperatures is no joke, I am so sorry you got caught up in the farmers dispute. I must say though the French do know how to make a point and the farmers have a valid one. Don't have a wee glass have a huge one, you deserve it.

    3. Janet, I know you can get wine very cheaply but here, the Tanker'e been set up for Brenda LL, so have some as well. And it's free, and there's no calories. A win, win situation after a horrible day.
      Ooh, got to go, Sue will be on in a minute xxxx

    4. Oh! Janet, not the beat way to spend the day,
      Hope you have had a nice meal and a glass of wine to wash it down. Time for feet up and another glass of wine to relax

    5. Janet what a terrible journey you had you must have been so relieved to be back home...hope you enjoy your wine. xxx

    6. Geee Janet, what a day you have had. Have a quiet evening and rest.If you still need some rain you more then welcome to ours because we are meant to have it all day tomorrow (craft day) take care ,hugs xxx

    7. Sorry to hear about your awful day today. As Maria says we are also supposed to have rain all day tomorrow and tomorrow night. You can certainly have some.

  27. Hi Patricia great to hear your name mentioned on Sues show, pity you didn't win a card, did you see how many emails there were, just goes to show how popular she is. X

  28. Oops forgot to ask how did it go at the vets?

    1. Not had any word back yet.
      Don't want to phone just in case. Will leave them to phone us!!!

  29. Well I managed to watch the show using the Internet but it kept freezing and the blasted internet kept dropping off so I can honestly say I didn't enjoy it very much. I did your name read out though Patricia so that was a bonus.
    How did things go at the vets?
    Off to have dinner now, will be back later.
    Has anyone heard from Margaret (corgi owner) lately, it's getting quite worrying

    1. Margaret had to have all those boxes finished for tomorrow. Hopefully she will surface when they have been collected. She might be so tired she will "sleep for a week"
      Oh!! I do hope she's Ok!! xxx

    2. Fingers crossed Margaret is fine and it's just her boxes keeping her away. xx

    3. Hi Saba. I had the same problem trying yo watch the show and haven't watched this mornings video yet as same problem there. I fell asleep during the 4pm and 7pm shows. Missed the end of the 7pm show altogether.

  30. Hope everyone has had a good day.
    Our day did not go quite as we thought a 6am this morning.
    We were to have the boys, mum was working, dad had another Interview, then the "old" dog was to go to the Vet.
    Audrey phoned just after nine to say she would be at home. She was very sick and felt awful at work yesterday, she was sent home. Got home and slept all day, dad was there for the boys. She has to stay off work for 48 hrs. does not want to pass her germs to the New Babies.
    No boys, poor Grandpa, he had loads of little jobs he was going to do with them. Guess who ended up helping ... Yep! little old me. However I did get a reprieve for an hour between 4 & 5pm.
    Got my e-mail read out on Sue's Show but not pulled out of the cup unfortunately. Bought the card in the first Show, could not resist those stunning colours.
    Nothing bought in the second show I have some and Hazel has a lot, we can share. Guess what, it was also read out and Sue mentioned Hazel as well. What a fantastic memory Sue has. Wonder what "snoopy will think of that"???
    Anyway John just phoned to see how they got on with the dog at the Vet. See how Audrey was, no one at home just the answering machine. I just wish they would let us know how they got on.
    Better go get the kitchen tidy, I abandoned a few things to watch the show. xxx

    1. It was lovely to hear your name read out and that she mentioned Hazel too Bought a pack of the card and lived the examples Sue showed and made but IF I get any of the dies it'll be from icon
      Need to make a start on the three cards I need to do, my son, my niece and my boss

    2. That's one of the things I was going to say. How famous are you Patricia, Sue hears your name and immediately mentions your sister Hazel!!! Can I have your autographs?

    3. All comes from spending a weekend with Sue last year.
      Never even thought of getting "her" Autograph at the time.
      You can have Autograph any time, but I think Hazel's will be worth more xxx

  31. Aw shucks, I've just lost a post, and I probably won't remember what I said. But I know what I didn't say this morning - SANDRA, I LOVE YOUR CARD. I'm so sorry that I didn't pass any comment this morning, and I remembered much later. I got this die, then had to get the matting basics A and B as it was so fiddly without them, but haven't used them yet!!!
    Myra, I'm glad you got there safely, have a good time.
    Maria, will your doctor sort you out. Good news that the scan was clear.
    Patricia, any news yet?
    See you later, I've faffed about doing a bit of this and a bit of that all day, with the result the only job that's finished is the ironing! Note to self, be organised tomorrow. The trouble was that I was clock watching and did not want to be in the middle of something when Sue was on. I did start ironing, then sat down to watch her - naughty Maureen!!!
    See you later
    Muriel xxx

    1. Well at least you didn't fall asleep!!!!!
      LOL xxx

    2. I know Brenda, quite a few have I think xxxx

  32. Good evening Sandra and all the coffee shop crew
    HELLO I'M BACK!!! 64 boxes all finished and packed up thank goodness, got the last one completed at 11.20 last night, the biggest problem was being in my wheelchair and having to sit all the time, everything has taken me much longer than usual but at least they have kept me busy! I have not even had time for TV but don't think I have missed much but I have really missed popping in here for my coffee and to see you all.
    Been to hospital today with Derek for his pre op checks and all was fine thank goodness.
    Sandra your card so beautiful your choice of colours is wonderful and such an excellent use of all the die cuts. I have this die but have not had chance to have a play as yet.
    Patricia you card is so sweet I love everything about it, really I do.
    Jess what a wonderful transformation for your craft room and definitely an inspiration for me once this foot is sorted.
    Happy Anniversary to the three Graces!
    Right I am off now to see what you have all been up to, I wonder have you all been good!
    With love and hugs to you all
    Margaret xxx

    1. Hello Margaret, great to see you.
      We were beginning to think we would need to send out a "search party"
      Glad you have got the boxes all finished and you got good news with Derek's check.
      Thank for the comments on my card.
      Oh! I hear John stirring cups, think a cuppa is on its way xxx

    2. Hi Margaret, Well Done! so pleased you survived the marathon box makings session.
      Really pleased Dereks pre op appointment went well.
      Try to take it easy, recharge your batteries slowly LOL
      Stayed at daughters for a few nights this week (school holidays)
      looking after grandchildren. Took my rice bag for me to use, granddaughter (16 yr old) had tummy cramps, heated my bag up for her to put on her tummy. She loved it! Have filled a bag with rice and left it for her to use. She was so pleased. Thank you for making it possible. xx

    3. Hi Margaret it's so good to have you back and what a marathon you've been on with those boxes and being in the wheelchair as well. You've been missed so much, Take care now hope you can chill out now the boxes are finished xxx

    4. Hello Margaret,
      I'm so pleased that you are all right, and have the marathon box making finished. Take care, rest up and have a Baileys, the tanker is hooked up xxxx

    5. Glad you have finished the boxes. Have a rest now.

  33. Aaaaaaw my wheel fell off!! After going to the hairdressers and being turned into a Martian then being transformed back into me with no more grey hair I proceded towards the Retail Park to get some shopping, filled my wheelie and still had two bags of shopping to carry so got in a taxi. Nice chap lifted my wheelie in to the boot and I warned him it was heavy and said I really must get a bigger sturdier one....arrived at my house and he went to get it out of the boot and said, 'Oh dear your wheel has fallen off!!'....thank goodness it didn't
    happen while I was walking to the taxi he had to carry it to my door. Well I did say I must get a new one!!
    At least I was home in time to see Sue Wilson at 4pm but fell asleep for the 7pm show. So pleased you had your name read out Patricia and that she remembered Hazel as well. See you later if I haven't fallen asleep again. xxx

    1. Oh! Sheila that was lucky. You could have been in the middle of doing your shopping when the wheel fell off. That was good of your driver to carry it to the door for you. Looks like a job for you tomorrow.
      Sounds like you will sleep well tonight xxx

    2. Hope you enjoyed your trip to the hairdressers my goodness luck was with you today Sheila What a kind taxi driver but I hope your shopping did not come to grief. xxx

    3. Well, Sheila I thought you were a Dalek when I read that your wheel had fallen off, then I read further and realised it was off a shopping trolley. What a good job that it fell off in the taxi and the driver could help you with your shopping. Did he not offer to put it away for you? lol. Methinks a shopping trip is in order tomorrow. Rest up and catch your breath, here have a Baileys!!!!
      Muriel xxx

    4. Sheila! It's Thornton, Thornton and the Wheelies!
      Sorry I just can't keep my nose out!
      You had fun anyway ! Xxx

    5. Myra, I am incredibly thick, who or what are Thornton, Thornton and the Wheelies. My, what a long nose you have Grandma!!!! xxxx

    6. Oops I got it wrong! It's Chorlton and the Wheelies! Trust me to think of chocolates!
      It was a children's TV programme for young children and everyone was on wheels instead of feet! It would be handy for Hazel! Xxx

    7. Crikey Muriel I've been transformed to a Martian then to a Dalek all in one day!! The Baileys will definitely oil my parts! Lol! xxx

    8. Now that's an idea Myra wheels instead of feet!! Do Ebay sell them!! Hahaha! xxx

    9. Sheila, they sell everything, whether you need it or not? Xxx

    10. You could get some roller skates!

    11. Can see the headlines in the local paper.....'OAP rolls down the supermarket aisles and rolls through the doors, down to the beach ,wind in her hair and dead flies on her teeth!!!!
      Time for bed methinks see you all tomorrow, night, night and thanks for the giggles xxx

    12. Night ,night Sheila mind how you hair go ,hugs xxx

  34. I've just had a thought - now that's worrying!!!
    Jenny and Laura haven't been in today. I hope I haven't scared them away.
    Norah, where are you, is everything OK?
    Muriel xxx

  35. Well folks, that's the young Duffy's just phoned to say the dog got special food from the Vet as a last measure. Came home popped some in her bowl and she scoffed the lot. She has not eaten lmuch for a whole week. The dog lives another day!! I am glad, just hope it lasts for a little while.
    To celebrate they are off to Ballater tomorrow for a Camping Weekend ...... good luck to them, hope the weather is ok. They take both the dogs with them when they go camping. I always think it's like "The Clampits" when they take off on these trips. Do any of you remember "The Clampits"???
    It's getting near my bedtime, think I might go check on a few things I made earlier. Tidy some crafty things away, I am meeting Hazel & Roberta tomorrow morning so no crafting will be done till get back.
    Goodnight, God Bless see you in the morning. xxx

    1. So pleased that the news about the dog was good Patricia and it must be a good sign that the dog ate the special food as she had not eaten much for a week. Oh I remember the Clampits....'there once was a family led by a man named Jed'....night, night Patricia sweet I can't get that tune out of my head xxx

    2. Delighted to know the senior pooch is ok and enjoying food once again it is wonderful what a change of food can do, I know if either of our two get an upset tummy Hills Recovery Pack works wonders for them.
      Yes I do remember the Clampets!
      Good night sweet dreams have a lovely time tomorrow. xx

    3. Oh PATRICIA I'm so pleased about the dog & she ate her special food . Hey I remember Jed Clampet.
      Good night God bless Patricia xxx

  36. Goodnight Patricia,
    What good news, I bet the whole family are happy. Have a great day with Hazel and Roberta, where are you going?
    I used to love the Clampits, Jed, the Bank Manager and his Secretary. Wasn't Buddy Ebsen the father? Or am I thinking of something completely different!!!!
    That's me off to bed too. Rachel would like the girls to have a sleep over here tomorrow night - I wonder what DVD I'll be watching. I'll watch Zoe like a hawk when she's having her supper in our bed, although the cleaners got the hot chocolate stain out of the duvet very well!!!!
    Have a good night everyone, sleep tight, sweet dreams and see you tomorrow.
    I wonder what delight Sandra will have for us.
    Muriel xxxx

  37. That was good news then Patricia. Yes I do remember the Clampits. Goodnight and God Bless you. Good to hear your name read out today. Enjoy tomorrow with Hazel and Roberta.

  38. Hi all, Ah good you turned up Margaret we started to get worried that the box monster had got his claws in you. Maybe you could show me / us how , Muriel know I'm a hopeless case tihi
    Ooops Sheila, time to get a new wheelie I think. Very nice drivers in your area.
    I missed you being read out Patricia and Hazel too. Had the hospital app. and the scan was fine, no goldstones anywhere so will call the doc. in the morning for a new meeting because I'm still not right and as long I'm home it's ok to have a bit of tummy cramps but we are going abroad beginning of Sept. so like to have it ok by then so I can try a proper Am. hot dog, bagels and everything else nice hihi
    Norah- are you ok ? just say Hi so we know how you are doing, hugs.
    Sandra- how is the girls, are they looking forward to their holiday ? The children here are now on holiday and as my neighbours going on holiday to France I will be looking after their pets for ten days. Not sure with the guinea pig but will wear gloves so she want bite me.
    Lynda- hope you are ok. How's things with your baby Annie ?
    Off to check some mails, back soon xxx

    1. Hi MARIA I'm ok thank you,Annie is much better after the injections just hope they are not an ongoing thing ( touch wood my head will do hihi) as at £79 for them this is the second course in a month then her heart tablets &39 a month, but we can't see her in such distress at not being able to breath.
      Glad your scan didn't show any nasty things,but you still not knowing why tummy is still not any better. Have you lost a lot of weight. Is it Saturday your meeting up with Karen bet your excited.pleased you enjoyed your workshop with Julia.
      Take care my friend love Lynda xx

    2. Hi Maria. Pleased to hear rhe scan was clear. Hope the problem is sorted out soon.
      Good to see you Lynda. Sounds as if you had a good day with your friend. Good night.

    3. Hi Lynda, oh it does cost a bit with the vet I can see but she is all worth it. Can you believe it ,I have only lost 2 pounds ! and I hardly eat anything, it's crazy. Had to drink a litre of water 1 hour before scan and it was not easy. Cant drink much if not thirsty of pure water,might do a visit to the tanker as it out again tihi
      Yes, it's Saturday we meet up once again but this time in Watford incase anyone liked to join us. We must try to meet up again too, will you be going to AP in September ? Sandman has at last arrived, have to guess were the keys are so I'm off to bed. See you tomorrow,
      love and hugs to you and Terry, Maria XxX

  39. Good evening Sandra & ladies,
    Have been out all day,at my friends got there 9.30 & OH picked me up at 4.30 he was doing some decorating for someone.Then went Tesco shopping.
    I did some die cutting out using some of my friends die's & she also gave me two of Sue's Christmas Die's that she had duplicated an orderer they were the snowflake background & snowflake border corner & tag I was over the moon. I did offer to pay for them but she said don't worry..
    Sandra your card is beautiful love that die I saw Julia demo it when we went to Oysterstamps open day a few weeks how you decorated it.
    Congratulations on your first meeting with Sue & Pat & really hope you enjoyed your lunch.
    Wishing everyone good night God bless love Lynda xx

  40. Night Night Everyone, Sleep Well!
    Good to see you Margaret!
    I missed you! Xxx

  41. Well, I am going to go to bed with a lovely warm glow tonight.
    The dog has lived to see another day, so the boys will be fine.
    Margaret has finished her boxes and is back with us, as is Sue.
    Annie is stable now so Lynda can relax
    And if only Sheila didn't have just 3 wheels on her wagon everything would be perfect.
    But the best by far, Maria's scan was normal, we've all been a bit worried.
    Night God bless all
    Saba xxxx

    1. Maria! - GREAT NEWS! Lots of love Myra xxx

    2. Thanks friends, you know what thought comes up first and it silly to worry ahead but the story continues with a call to doc in the morning to try to get a appointment but could be a few weeks waiting. The surgery is pretty bad here.
      Lynda- you have a marvelous friend there, so many lovely dies.
      Good night all ! hugs xxxx

  42. Hi everyone
    Well it sounds like a lot of card fell into shopping baskets today! I nearly bought some but had been a bit naughty so decided not to add that too. I had my £10 voucher to spend so went for the noble square and rectangle and the bed of roses embossing folder fell in too! I haven't watched the program's yet so will be playing catch up tomorrow. Margaret so pleased to see you back, well done completing all those boxes xxx
    Sheila what a nice taxi driver carrying your shopping in for you. Shame you've got to buy a new trolley though, but how lucky the wheel waited until you were nearly home xxx
    Patricia I'm pleased to hear the dog has had a reprieve and has eaten well. I hope the family enjoys the camping trip. X.
    Hazel I did have a chuckle about the sandwiches and chocolate roll. If you'd just let him annoy the chickens for crusts! Xxx
    Muriel has managed to iron George xxx
    Myra glad to hear you arrived safe and sound , enjoy the time with your son and daughter in law xxx
    Janet oh you poor thing getting caught in all that, enjoy your family time next week xxx
    Well my eyes are closing so must go to bed. I've been putting ice on my back so th pIn has eased slightly. I need to make an appointment with the chiropractor as soon as I can! Night night sleep tight. Love Diahe

    1. Wish your back better Siane, try to have a good sleep, hugs( gently ones)
      xxx oh enjoy your goodies when they arrive xx

    2. Bugger all, he only were teasing and didn't give me enough,bugger all xxx
