
Wednesday 22 July 2015

Patricia's Pretty little girl card.

Good Morning Ladies,
I have a really pretty card today, just look at that angelic little face, you can't help but smile can you?
You have captured the colours of the image perfectly Patricia, picking up the soft lilacs to use as
background colours, the work perfectly, you have used one of the Grand decorative Oval dies from Spellbinders I believe, but I am not sure which one, the delicate nature of the image that you have used lends itself to simple decoration, no big bows or flowers necessary just the few pearls that you have added to the corners of the card and that gorgeous Creative Expressions Bow die, designed of course by our dear friend Sue Wilson, these bows add just the right amount of prettiness without going over the top, this card would work well for little girls and big girls like us!
Thank you so very much Patricia for allowing me to share your card with all of our friends here in the café! xxx
Busy day here, I have doctors this morning, to sort out one or two things and to have a Medication Review, then I think that myself and the other two Graces are meeting up and going out to lunch to celebrate our 1 year Anniversary as Friends, I believe the actual date is 23rd July, today is more convenient for the three of us.
I will catch up with you all later,
Love and hugs


  1. Good morning all, hope your all well today.
    Oh! My! I got a bit of a surprise when I saw It was card from me that was today's offering.
    My card is approx 8x8 have done a few layers of pink and lilac. The card used is Lidl card. The Image is a Sugar Nellie Digital Image I downloaded years ago.
    It was one of those times that my colouring went well and I was very pleased with the result. I cut it out with one of the smaller Dies from a SB Grand Dies Set. Most of my colouring efforts go in the bin, I am not a colourist but I like to have a go. Finished off with a SW Bow Die and a few pearls.
    My hand is still swollen, I am sure it's the result of a bite. Will just keep an eye on it, however others are suffering more than me at the moment.
    I hope all who are visiting Doctors, Hospitals, Dentist, etc:- get on Ok! Will be thinking about you, please pop in for a cuppa on your way home let us know how things went.
    Everything looking good in here. Maureen's table decorations are still beautiful and giving a really nice smell, love it.
    Made myself some Tea & Toast, I am over in my usual corner. Wonder who will take the plunge and come in today, rather than just looking in the window. Laura popped in yesterday, hope she has not been frightened off by the "high jinks" and calls in again today. We all have great fun, the banter is harmless, main thing is, we always look after each other through any up and downs.
    Come over and join me is you have time xxx

    1. Have you tried Tea Tree on your bite, always worth a try as it is natures strongest antiseptic , I always have Tea Tree ( good for bites, stings etc.) and Lavender good for calming any aches or pains, these two essential oils are the only two that can be used straight onto the skin ( although always best to test first) and great to have to hand in your First Aid box and to take on holiday. xo

    2. ANNE:- I do have some but I can't see any evidence of a bite. Had another look and still can't see anything. I was in the middle of a bush trimming it. I am just wondering if it's an elergic reaction. It will go away soon .... I hope!!! Thank you for the advice though, this is a brilliant place, people always so helpful xxx

    3. Aloe Vera Gold Jelly also good for bites, stings & allegoric reactions Patricia, got mine from Forever Aloe. Hop eit settles sson for you, must be a bit of a nuisance. xxx

    4. Sorry Patricia, forgot to leave my comments. I fell in love with the picture at first glance, she is so gorgeous and your colouring in is divine. Wish I could do it like you. The colour combo also works well with the pens/pencils used. xxx

    5. Cheryl, Tammy uses that and finds it very good. Enjoy your lovely day with family. Xxx

    6. Patricia your card is beautiful, you should have no worries about your colouring because it is perfect...I actually thought it was a picture you had's gorgeous and I love the colours too....just so natural. xxx

    7. Ooops forgot to say I hope the swelling on your hand goes down very soon. I'm another one who swears by tea tree oil. xxx

    8. Patricia, this is stunning!!! xxxx

    9. Patricia, your card is beautiful well done. Hope your hand goes down.
      Love Margaret xx

    10. Patricia your card is gorgeous beautiful image & your colouring is stunning.xx ps hope your hand gets better soon. Xxx

    11. Hi Patricia
      This is beautiful and you have coloured it in beautifully. I haven't tried digi images but this one looks lovely thank you for sharing xxx

    12. Hi Patricia, oh wow this is absolutely beautiful ! I too thought it was printed. You are a real artist who can colour in this beautiful. I'm in awe and wish I could colour in like you. xxx

  2. Hi Sandra,
    I well remember this wonderful creation by Patricia.
    You are so right this card is so beautiful, and the design captures that superb coloured image so perfectly.
    I loved it when she posted it on her blog, and I still love it.
    Patricia is a wonderful lady, and she deserves this fab recognition, as her crafting skills are ace.
    Oh by the way I found you through Karen.
    Lots of crafty love. Jenny L.

    1. Hello Jenny, welcome to the Worlds Greatest Coffee Shop, hope you stop by again soon. This is a Blog like no other, lots of hints and tips and also great support.
      Thank you for your compliments, you are making me Blush!! xxx

    2. Welcome Jenny to our most wonderful café. You will be sure of warm, friendly hugs with plenty of TLC should you need it, plenty of tips or techniques, and good natured banter. xxxx

    3. Hello Jenny and welcome to our crazy coffee shop. Please feel free to add your tuppence worth to any comments, soap box is kept in the corner and is used quite often. Cakes are calorie free, so fill your boots!!,

    4. Welcome Jenny, you will find this a great coffee shop with lots going on with all the wonderful crafty ladies. xxx

    5. Hi Jenny a very warm welcome to Sandra's great coffee shop, you'll find everyone so friendly and very caring too (if a little crazy! Lol!) xxx

    6. Hi Jenny ,
      Welcome! I recognise your photo and name from seeing it on Sue's and Patricia's blogs. Everyone here is very nice although some are a little bit mad. We are trying to help them! Xxx

    7. Welcome Jenny to the crazy coffee shop. You will enjoy yourself here.

    8. Hello Jenny -- welcome to the best café in the world where there's everything you need - we may be on the daft side but whenever needed we're always here. Oh and by the way everything edible is calorie free.

    9. Hello Jenny welcome to the mad house they really are a great bunch of people you will certainly be entertained by the comments.
      Love Margaret xx

    10. Hello Jenny,
      So nice to see you, hope you will join in with the fun on Sandra's wonderful blog. Everyone is welcome here, you will soon feel at home.
      Saba Xxxx

    11. Hello Jenny
      Your very Welcome to the mad coffee shop.
      you don't have to be mad to join in but it might help haha.
      Love Lynda xx

    12. Hi Jenny, lovely to see you in the cafe, I recognised your name from a sues blog too. Welcome to the mad hose, it's a lovely place with lovely people xxx

    13. Hello Jenny, Welcome to the best cafe ever, everyone here is very caring and helpful. You won't need a book at bedtime, just drop in any time and chat away. - It's open all Hours. xxx

    14. Hi Jenny and welcome to the best cafe' in the world. Hope you enjoy popping in whenever you got a moment over and tell us more about yourself and about your crafting. It's nice to see you in here xx

  3. Morning Ladies

    Patricia-such a pretty card, really lovely.

    Quick visit this morning-no trip up to the greenhouse as its pouring with rain! Managed to get some sleep last night so am feeling a bit better for that.


    1. Glad you had a better night Michele and are feeling a little better! Xx

    2. Thank you Michele, hope,your feeling better all day today.
      Glad you managed to sleep better xxx

    3. Hi MICHELE hope your feeling better, did you have a better sleep last night xxx

    4. Hello Michelle, so pleased you had a better night, hope today has been a good day too. xxx

    5. Hi Michele, hope you had a better day and work was not to bad. Have another good sleep and feel more yourself in the morning xx

  4. Good morning one and all,
    Tea and toast for me as well I think and I'll join Patricia in the corner. It really does smell lovely in here and everything looks so,clean and fresh, even the cat looks like it's had a wash.
    Patricia, wow, actually WOW is better. You say you are not a colourist, well from where I am looking you most certainly are. It's amazing. The skin tone and the light in her eyes and the shine on her hair, it is quite simply brilliant. She reminds me of a Sarah Moon painting. Hope the swelling on your hand doesn't bother you too much.
    Sandra, good luck at the doctors, hope he gets everything sorted for you.
    Right, I must go and scrub my teeth again before I head off to the dreaded dentist, can't have bits of toast stuck anywhere. See you all when I get back.
    Love and hugs
    Saba xxx
    Oh someone is ringing the bell, Carpenter perhaps???

    1. SABA:- your teeth are clean but do you have your clothes yet??xxx

    2. Saba, I have a feeling that it could be the window cleaner!!! xxx

  5. Good morning Sandra and all who call in. Well I had an early start as my stupid husband set the clock for 5.30 which was ok but he had changed the time by mistake and it was only 4.30!!! I did stay in bed till 6. Oh boy I wish I had got up and stayed up at 4.30. Charlie did nothing while he was wasting the hour! Dishwasher could have been done and he could have tidied up after himself. So now I have to see to it all plus walk Harris for at least 45mins or as long as the leg allows.
    Patricia, you can colour you just are to hard on yourself, I love this card.
    Well Robertas flight will be 30mins late getting here they left late, Internet is great as I have just check to see if it' was on time. Off to do ironing get it out if the way.
    Sandra remember what I said. Good luck with your appointment and enjoy lunch the three of you. Xxx

  6. Patricia, this card is stunning and the colouring so perfect I thought it was a pre coloured image ! The little girl looks so pretty and delicate , the colours you have used suit her beautifully.
    Sandra , I hope all goes well for you at the doctors today , and you " Three Graces " have a fun lunch !
    I think Hazel you will have to have a cat nap at the airport and catch up on some sleep as it's going to be a long day with all the catch up chats etc.
    Think I'll join you all in the corner , tea and toast at this time always sounds good to me .
    Hugs to all xo

    1. Anne:- great to see you joining us every day.
      Hazel is not at the airport, Charlie is, its his sister. Hazel is emptying the Dish Washer (Charlie forgot ... too excited I think) walking the dog (usually Charlie's job) doing the ironing to get everything tidy!!. She'll be asleep on the sofa when they get back at this rate!!! xxx

    2. She must be so excited, but why is it we run around like mad and tire ourselves out before we have friends and relatives arrive, when all they want is for us to relax and enjoy their company?
      Looking forward to reading all about it xo

    3. Anne, we all do it, and then after it's over wonder why we knocked ourselves out. Roberta will have a lovely time and she will be so excited at staying with Hazel and Charlie that she will just muck in, I'm sure. xx

    4. Anne, I don't understand why we do it but we are all the same! I'm often checking for spiders in rooms that people will never be in! Crazy! Xxx

    5. Hi Myra, nice to know I've got company !

  7. In for s quick cup of tea and oh I see some scones I think maybe Anne has been busy, I will have one. Dog walked, ironing done and put away, now after my tea it's Hoover and duster out, bathroom and kitchen, oh washing out that's it till I go to get some fresh rolls. Money in the pot. I will have a seat for 5 mins. xxx

    1. Hazel SLOW DOWN, you will be meeting yourself coming back at this rate.

    2. SIS:- will you PLEASE slow down.
      I know thats good coming from me but you'll be exhausted before Roberta gets to the house. xxx

    3. Hazel you're making me tired just reading your post.....take a breather or at least get some roller blades! xxx

    4. Hazel SLOW SLOW DOWN you've exhausted me already. Roberta will just be so excited to be with you all and you'll be asleep in the chair.

    5. Goodness me Hazel Do you never rest you need to slow Down young lady before you burn yourself out. Please take care. Xxx

  8. Good morning one and all,

    Tiegan is with me this morning/today so we will be taking time out for us to play with the new SW dies I bought last month before Joshua, Lucy and Milly-May arrive. Would you believe it, I've not got them out of the packets yet?! See how the candles took all my time, found it very therapeutic though.
    Must have my first cuppa of the day, see you all later.
    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Cheryl I'm so pleased your stall at the Craft fair went so well, you did amazingly. Have a lovely day with the family and plenty of cuddles from Milly-May. xxx

    2. Cheryl, hope you are having a fantastic day wil Millie-May.

    3. CHERYL Sorry I'm late I must congratulate on your amazing funds you raised on Saturday very well done.
      Hope you have had a lovely day with your family & gorgeous Milly May. Xxx

  9. Hazel, please stop trying to be Superwoman, sit for a bit longer than 5 minutes. Roberta is coming to go to the wedding and see you two. She will be so tired today she won't notice a stray speck of dust, should and dare to land in your home. Chill, girl!
    Patricia, get some tee tree on that hand. Even if it's not a bite, it's a good antiseptic. Love your card, and I know I will never post anything I have coloured on would never, even with a lot of practice, look like this. I really thought it was a pre-coloured image at first glance, perfection and so delicate.
    Hope you get all your meds sorted out today, Sandra.
    I better get back to work. Customers probably think I am working hard when they come in, just as well they can't see my screen. Glad I am the boss, though. No one to tick me off.
    Have a good day, may pop in later

    1. Sorry Cheryl, forgot to congratulate you on your fund raising. Well done.

  10. Morning Sandra and ladies, wow Patricia your card is lovely, I thought it was pre coloured, your work is brilliant. Such a cute looking child.
    Sandra hope your appointment goes ok. And you as well Saba, who was at the door this time?
    Take care everyone catch up later.

  11. Well everything down and dusted. That's it now, I am at work the next two days so I won't worry about things. They are on their way back, poor Roberta didn't have a good flight crying babies all the way and worse she knows they are on her flight home. So no sleep for anyone on board. So she will need to have a nap. Will get the coffee pot on. I have just to go get bits but that will take all of 15 mins to tesco and back. Have to wait till fish lady has been, as it's an easy light tea of fish and salad which I know Roberta likes. And if she has a good lunch and needs to go to sleep well it won't matter if she doesn't want tea. I am calm, the dog isn't pleased as his bed got changed he does hate that even if it's done every couple of days. Or more depending if he has got wet out on the walk or not! xxx

    1. Hazel! I think you may need to go to bed too! I'm worn out just reading about your day thus far ! I hope you have a lovely time with Roberta . Xxx

  12. Hi Sandra and all the lovely ladies who call in later,
    Sandra hope all goes well at your appointment and have a a wonderful lunch with the other 'two Graces'. Congratulations on the first anniversary of your wonderful friendship with them.
    I've been AWOL for a few days as I needed to make a few cards and I knew if I sat at my computer I would never move away from it! I hve left a few comments on the way down so I won't go over every thing again.
    Lynda I do hope your migraine is on it's way out and you feel much better today and I hope Annie is okay.
    Will pop back later if I get the chance as I do have to finish the cards, love and hugs to all especially if you're not feeling too good or your feeling a bit down.
    love Sheila xxxx

    1. SHEILA:- great to see you, glad you have popped in for a cuppa.
      You need. Break from Card Making.
      Glad your well xxx

    2. Thank you SHEILA migraine lot better & Annie is calmer now after the three injections she had. Love Lynda xx

  13. Hi Sandra,
    Firstly I hope all goes well this morning and that you are able to relax afterwards and have a lovely lunch! Be thinking of you!
    Wow , Patricia, what a beautiful image and you have coloured her perfectly in my book! Her eyes , mouth and skin are so good and to me these are hardest to get right. Thank you for sharing it with us . It's gorgeous!
    I'm going to be a busy bee today getting things ready for a weekend away. We go tomorrow to our son's in Warwickshire and then on to friends in Surrey on Friday morning for the weekend.
    Need to today the house, finish off some washing and ironing and pack.
    Also get a visitor this afternoon but hopefully just for a short while.
    Have a good day everyone! Hope the various dentists are kind!
    Lynda - hope the migraine has completely gone. Sending hugs to you.
    Will go back and read more now!
    See you later! Xxx

    1. Thank you MYRA migraine almost gone much better now.
      Have a lovely weekend away at friends. your sounding like Hazel all the cleaning of the house I can't imagine there is any dust or mess in either of your houses. Are your other half's tidy & don't make a mess,my O H isn't & he is a Vergo they are supposed to be tidy mmmm not sure what happened.

    2. So pleased your migraine has almost gone! Glad too that Annie is a bit calmer. That will help you too.
      My other half is tidy except for his study but he does tidy it once a week! I need to hoover and dust you see ! Xxx

  14. Hello Sandra, and everyone,
    I hope all goes well at the Doctor's today and that everything is sorted out. Good luck.
    Patricia, your card is exquisite. How do you stop the colours from bleeding. I've tried to download a picture, but when I colour it the colours all bleed with the black ink. I hadn't realised that your hand was still giving you bother, go to the docs if it doesn't settle down. Could it be old Arthur giving you a visit?
    Hazel, Roberta will be so relieved to be away from the crying babies, that a nice cup of something and just relaxing will be the order of the day. What a pity you have to go into work for two days, I hope you are doing shorter hours so that you are not het up even more. Remember, this is a very happy time, relax and go with the flow. DON'T work too hard making sure everything is perfect - you have to be able to enjoy yourself.
    Jenny, welcome and I hope you settle in nicely. Some people (mentioning no names) are a bit ..... well, you know, but if you stick with me - you'll be fine. You will find that you may have to scroll up and down a lot as we tend to go back and forward answering peoples comments - and not always politely, but it's always in good fun!!!
    Michele, how are your tablets doing, have you stopped taking them, are you going back to the doctor???
    Cheryl, have a wonderful day and enjoy having your family with you. Looking into my crystal ball I can see lots of cuddles with Millie-May.
    I've been again to see the friendly Nurse Dracula this morning, yee Gods, the amount of phials she filled with blood, she'll have enough to last her the month.
    Came home, had coffee and thought I'd pester you, but I'm running out of time as all the girls are going out today, including Joan, so I'll pop back later this evening and find out what's happening.
    Oops, Sandra have a good time with the other two Graces, if all goes welll at the Doctors it will be perfect.
    Love and hugs,
    Muriel xxxx

    1. Aww!! Maureen I should have come with you to that nurse. We could have dealt with her they way we wanted to deal with SABA'S Doctor!!
      Hope your ok and she has not bruised your delicate skin.
      Enjoy your time out xxx

    2. Hi MAUREEN hope your arm isn't bruised to much,mine always goes black & blue when my Dracula nurse gets my arm in her grip last tie she took 6 phials out..What its with these doctors & nurses.
      Enjoy your evenig. Love Lynda xx

    3. I have no blood ,when the nurse will prick me she almost everytime have to take it from my hand unless it is a very good one but it still only trickle.
      Hope you had a lovely day out with Joan and the others ,hugs Maria xx

  15. HELP!!!!! Well I know I am beyond help really!!
    However I need some advice here! When I read about Sandra, Sue & Pat making dazzlers with Hot Glue I thought I would have a go. Got loads done on my Glass Mat but I can't get the blooming things off. Should I have used my Non Sick Mat??? Answers ASAP before I throw the Glass Mat out the Patio Doors!! xxx

    1. When I make them I make them in the little metal dazzler holders that Creative Expressions sell. I've never tried making them directly on to a mat! Not sure if Sandra makes them that way. Sue demonstrated them but into the little brass metal things. Sorry can't be of more help! Xxx

    2. Thank you Myra,
      On! Bother I did not even know you got such a thing!!
      See living in the Backwoods has some drawbacks!!!
      I should watch C&C more then I might learn xxx

    3. Patricia - just been on Pinterest and asked a question to help you! Apparently it is possible to make them without the holders but need to be made on a non stick mat ! Sorry - all your hard work and your glass mat! Sue demonstrated them in the holders on one of her videos! Xxx

    4. Patricia - can you remelt or soften them to get them off the glass mat? I haven't tried making these but it would be a shame to have to lose the dazzlers and even more so your mat. Worth a try.

      By the way while I'm here your card today is just stunning. I really thought it was a pre-coloured print from a CD. Not only do I need you for boxes I really do need you for a tutorial re colouring. Never say again that you/re not a colourist. You most certainly are.

    5. Myra, managed to scrape them off using my metal Fish Turner.
      There is glitter everywhere, never mind "you live and learn" I have learnt something today. Will find Sue's Video then I will learm something else.
      Thank for your help, its brilliant coming in here always someone to help. xxx

    6. Try a craft knife under them, cutting them off. I know I managed to get hot glue off my glass mat, but it was not there intentionally. Try a non stick baking sheet next time. (ouch, don't throw the glass mat)

    7. THANK YOU everyone ... won't do that again that's for sure xxx

    8. Hi Patricia I'm sure I saw Jodie (Tonic dies) using a glass mat when she did them so it's strange why yours didn't come off....maybe she just removed them quicker than you did with having to demo at speed. Janice's idea of a baking sheet should be ideal just get a cheap one from a pound shop.
      By the way Patricia I've left you a message on your blog. xxx

    9. Oh big sis trust you to get them stuck? I can see you getting in a right pickle. Roberta has had to give in and she is off to her bed, I gave her a heated bag of Margaret's as I think when you are this tired a little bit of warmth will send her to sleep quicker!!!
      Talking about Margaret, she not been in for a few days, I hope you are ok, and just snowed under making those boxes?
      Sheila, so nice to see you back in, I hope you enjoyed your few days away.
      Maureen, are you feeling a bit better, just take care you don't want it coming back. Oh maybe you are feeling a bit weak after all that blood being taken out?
      So I will just sit here and have my cup of tea and do some people watching. Xxx

    10. Glad you managed to save your glass mat. Hope some of the dazzlers survived too. Must have a go at this but I think I might need a better glue gun, my glue seems to set too quickly.

    11. SABA:- think it might be the Glue Sticks not your gun.
      I bought a Glue Gun and Glue Sticks from Lidl years ago and found the glue went firm far too quickly. xxx

    12. Me again, i did manage to save 95% of my Glue Dazzlers. All used, I was making Christmas Cards this afternoon. They look quite good "Good be better" does come to mind though. xxx

    13. Hi Patricia, you could use a silicone mat made especially for hot glue guns. I bought mine in This Is It some years ago, only cost about £2.50. xxx

  16. Afternoon everyone - this is the second time of writing - this laptop will be joining your glass mat Patricia if it doesn't behave.
    Sandra - hope Drs went well this morning and that now you are having a wonderful lunch with your other two partners in crime.

    Maureen - so pleased you left enough blood for the vamps to be going on with. They must really like yours lol.

    Cheryl - what a wonderful day you're having making so many happy memories.

    Sheila - lovely to see you today. You're looking well.

    Anne - it's lovely to see you on a daily basis.

    WE HAD RAIN THIS MORNING - WELL ALL OF 4mins Jim timed it. So we are still in the same boat - stranded- and the grass getting browner and browner by the day.
    Off now to sit on the north side of the house (oh doesn't that sound posh) it's the only room that's cool and once again I'll try and get a bit of embroidery done. I managed half an hour yesterday. If I carry on at this pace it might be done by well heaven only knows and it's not telling.
    Hugs are on their way. Can someone please catch them and put them in the basket by the door.

  17. Good afternoon all,
    Just got back from the dentist ( and a bit of food shopping). Well actually the hygienist to be precise. She has scraped, poked, prodded and blasted them with goodness knows what. She has also measured my "pockets!" and they are not good, I have deep ones she tells me. She also has persuaded me to have it all done again next week and have a disinfection treatment because there could be any number of nasty germs in my deep, deep pockets. I have agreed and I can tell you there won't be much money left in Peter's pockets next week when I pay up. But I must say, she is the nicest and most gentle dental hygienist I have ever had. And she told me I had been very brave, so I like her. Bit disappointed that I didn't get a sticker though!!!
    Hugs for all
    Saba xxxx

    1. I guess a lollipop is a bit inappropriate!
      Pleased it went well - I fear the Hygienist more than the Dentist! Xxx

    2. You will need really, really DEEP POCKETS for paying the bill !!!
      We could have "whip round" if you like xxx

  18. Hello Sandra and everyone,
    Hope the Doctors appointment went well, and your medication is not messed about with.
    Happy anniversary to the three graces, enjoy your lunch, will be thinking about you LOL

    PATRICIA, WOW you card is gorgeous, what a lovely image you have used for the focal point. The colours you have used are perfectly matched. It's just beautiful.
    We have been having fun her today ... NOT.... sorting out the Internet , it's now up and running. Also OH wanted to put in another power socket close to the hub, which is in the office/craft room . So lots of my craft things had to be moved out of he way. My next job is to return all of my crafting stuff back. it's everywhere - in the spare room, my sisters bedroom (good job she is not due to come and stay) and on the landing. So it's a job and a half. I think a good sort out is due. AND will I be able to find things when its done?

    Filling the basket with hugs, Please just help yourself. Love Brenda xxx

    1. All the best, Brenda! I'm beginning to think craft stuff breeds!
      Glad your internet problems are solved at least! Xxx

    2. It's a great pity Craft Stuff did not breed in a way it did not cost us money!!! xxx

  19. Hi Sandra and all in cafe.
    Hope all went well at doctors and you enjoy your meal with Pat and Sue.Cheryl enjoy your day with Milly May make the most of it they grow up so quickly.
    Hazel enjoy Roberta's visit the house work will still be there when she has gone.
    Hope your cold is fee!intended better Maureen and Michelle is feeling better.
    Hope all others that need love and hugs get them
    Love to all Margaret xx

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. Patricia - Tuesday 19th May - gilded Ivy - was the You Tube video in which Sue demonstrated the glue/ dazzler. Xxx

    1. MYRA:- Thank you, off to watch and learn.
      I have just managed to get my bum on a seat and time to myself for on hour. xxx

    2. MYRA:- I have a couple of those Dazzler Settings, would never have thought of using them for what Sue did. Will do that in for a future project.
      I just had it in my head when I was using my Hot Glue Gun, I could make Dazzlers by Blobbing the Glue and covering them with Glitter. It did work apart from trying to get them off the Glass Mat.
      As I said we live and learn. We learn so much in this Coffee Shop is a brilliant place. xxx

    3. Totally agree! My first port of call with a problem or a funny ! Xx

  22. Hi everyone, just back from a shopping trip to Craft World in Glasgow, first time I've been there, what a selection they have, got lots of scrap booking papers, like I need papers like a hole in the head!!!
    A Sue Wilson holly die, ( been looking for that for a while), a Christmas scene stamp, graduation stuff ( for Gary's scrapbook page) and a couple of packets of flowers.
    Then went to Harvester Inn for lunch. So not a bad day was had by all.
    Hazel I hope you are resting now after your marathon this morning!!!

    Off to play with new craft stuff.
    Take care everyone, will catch up later, ((((0))))

    1. Jess! Sounds a perfect day to me. Don't you mess up that lovely craft room! I've been trying to tidy mine a little!
      Enjoy trying out your new goodies! Xxx

    2. JESS:- you lucky lady, I love that store.
      They have a fantastic selection of goodies. Staff are brilliant and so helpful.
      Glad you had a god day. xxx

    3. Hi JESS sounds like you had a good day. Your very lucky going
      craft world I can only go there on line WHY do we not have good craft shops in the south east.We only have Hobbycraft & The Range not good. Xx

    4. Hi Jess, aren't you lucky to live close to Craft World and had a nice outing . I like their site and have bought a few bits and pieces, good service on-line. You must have felt like a kid in the toy shop today,have fun with your new purchases xxx

  23. Margaret! I do hope you are alright! I'm worried your trapped behind a pile of boxes! Hope to see you soon xxx

    1. I was just thinking the same thing.
      I was going to e-mail her direct, if Maragret is busy she would not have time to answer anyway.
      Derek will be "chief cook and bottle washer" I feel.
      Sending you some (((hugs))). xxx

  24. Good evening all, just want to say THANK YOU for your lovely comments on my card. I don't do much colouring, it was one of those days where things went right. I printed out the image bigger than I normally would. I feel the fact I had a bigger area to colour helped the situation. It was coloured using a mixture of Copics and Prisma Pencils. xxx

    1. Patricia, your card is exquisite! I love that image. What a lovely child and you have brought her to life! I have Pinned it on a board I have with a few of your boxes and flower tutorial! It is entitled Patricia' s Roses, Flowers and Boxes. You do get the credit! Xxx

  25. PATRICIA I am going to echo everyone's comments I thought it was an already coloured image Your colouring is stunning and HAZEL is right don't be hard on yourself Jodie from Tonic dies them straight onto glass mat ....
    Have any of you seen Christine E's latest tip yesterday - making enamel dots from Hama beads Definitely going to try it out
    Hello JENNY L So pleased you made a visit I hope you enjoyed it and will pop in again
    Hope you all had a lovely day SANDRA
    Off to watch that video now
    May not pop back in later Need to crack on with some knitting Daughter's friend who's just had a baby is visiting her next week end! But bless her she did tell me not to worry with those big brown doe like eyes!

    1. I did see that tip today - but only because Maureen Pinned it and it turned up on my Pinterest as something I may like! I Pinned it too! It's a small, small world! Good to see you Karen! Xxx

    2. Ooooo!! looks like I need some instructions on this Pintrest thingy!! xxx

    3. I propose Muriel for that task! Xxx

    4. Patricia google Pinterest open an account (it's free) and then put in their search bar who or whatever you want.....for example if you want to see my cards just type in Sheila E Turner....hope this helps. Most people go by their own name or a name they use on blogs. xxx

    5. Thanks Sheila off to have a go xxx

    6. Wow, just had a look and pinned it. Going to buy some Hama beads asap. Xxxx
      Patricia, Pinterest should come with a health warning. It is so addictive. Xx

    7. I agree! We could however be doing a lot worse! Xx

    8. Not getting on very well with this Pinterest thing.
      Goodness me I have found lots of my stuff all over the place out there.
      Will leave it for a while it's a bit mind blowing. xxx

    9. It's easy to set up when you already have a Google or Google+ account. It's really easy once you get the hang of it. It's a good way to store your own work too. Xxx

  26. Just in case anyone is interested:-
    I get my Sugar Nellie Digital images from:- .... today's one is called Victoria. If you click on Digital images I am sure they are under Simply Adorable. These images cost about £3.50/3.75. you can the size them to what you want and print them off. xxx

    1. Thanks Patricia,,will go and have a look x

  27. Good evening Sandra & everyone
    Hope doctors went ok Sandra & medication all sorted.Did you Sue & Pat enjoy your anniversary lunch. How lovely for you all doesn't seem a year has past since you first met.Have been commenting on way down
    MYRA thanks for the date of Sue's video for glue dazzlers.& check out Pinterest too I love it. PATRICIA hope your glass matt isn't ruined.Did you try & get onto Pinterest it is very addictive but you do learn a lot & SHEILA'S & MYRA'S cards a stunning,so give it a try I have found quite a few ladies from Sue's blog & the café. Just going to check out the dazzlers video.
    Love & Hug's Lynda xx

  28. Hi Sandra
    Patricia your card is absolutely gorgeous. I also thought that the image was pre coloured. But I think your colouring is fantastic. It's so lovely to still be able to see your wonderful work on Sandras blog.
    I hope that I can bring my Ipad to the retreat and have a lesson on pininterest. I'm absolutely useless at trying yo do anything like that.
    We had a lovely day today. Ate at a place called Cosmis. Well I think that what it was called in Swindon. All you can eat Chinese. They had sweets on offer as well. Us big kids picked some up. I had some flying saucers, can you remember those ladies. We then went into Wilko and had a good look round and bought some bibs and bobs. Sue then drove round to the Range. I bought some glitter card, and a few other things as well. We then went to a shop called Home Sence, which is the Home part of TKMax. Lovely shop where I bought some new pillows. Sue then drove us back to her place. I then drove Sandra home, and went in and had a very welcome cup of tea, arriving home about 8.50. So all in all a great anniversary day. I'm off to read the rest if the comments from earlier today. Must made sure I've got a card to hand fir my Hairdresser when she comes tomorrow after tea, as her birthday is in between her visits.

    1. Pat, what a lovely day you have all had! A lovely way to celebrate a lovely friendship! Looking forward to meeting you in October! Only around three months now!
      We'll bring the iPads and help one another sort various things out I'm sure! So pleased you all had a lovely day. Love Myra xxx

    2. PAT:- glad you all had a fantastic day, sounds just perfect to me .... Oooo!! flying saucers as well. I remember them, they were fun.
      iPads at the ready for when we are at the Retreat I have lots and lots to learn.
      Thank you for the compliments on my card. I am so pleased that Sandra has been so generous to show my things. xxx

    3. Hi Pat, what a great day out for a first anniversary. So nice you all had a good time and managed to get some shopping in .take care ,hugs xxx

    4. Pat so glad you had a fantastic day, roll on October, when we all get together, really looking forward to it. X

    5. Hi Pat well that sounds like the perfect day out to celebrate a first friendship anniversary....a nice lunch and then shopping. You all must be worn out now.
      Take care xxx

  29. Evening all,

    Oh Sandra, Sue and Pat, I do hope your 1st Anniversary meal was OK? How lovely to celebrate it with lunch.
    Well, we had a fantastic time, Tiegan & I cutting out loads of sentiments, pictures, holly sprays, Christmas trees (the worded Christmas tree ladies is d i v i n e), ivy branches and Striplets. Tiegan loved the Wise Men Striplet and unbeknownst to her, I had bought her one as well as a surprise. If anyone would like some please send me email with address and I'll post them onto you. No problems. Any other dies I have, no trouble to do them for you either.
    Joshua and Lucy arrived with my darling Milly-May about 2 ish, they'd had to stay and wait for council phone call re a 2 bed flat, which they have accepted thank goodness. They can't afford the privately rented house any longer.
    No sooner had we sat down for a late lunch, than Milly-May decided to wake up for hers!!! She is so cute, cuddly, warm & fuzzy. She's starting to smile a little so hopefully I will have a photo in my camera.

    My bed is beckoning, it's tablet time, so Nighty Night my cafe angels, see you in the morning

    Love & hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Pleased you too had a lovely day Cheryl! I totally agree about the Christmas tree with words! It's gorgeous! I have cut quite a few of those. Sleep well! Love Myra xx

    2. You sound as though you had the most fantastic day.
      Cuddles from Milly-May and fun with Tiegan.
      Goodnight sweet dreams Cheryl xxx

    3. Glad you had a nice day. You and Tiegan got really busy cutting dies out, she must been a good help turning the handle. I'm sure you also had lots of cuddles from Milly-May, aah the smell from a baby. hugs xxx

    4. Cheryl I'm so pleased you had such a lovely day with your darling Milly-May hope you managed to get some good photos.
      Night Night and sweet dreams Cheryl xxx

  30. Hellooooooooooooooo
    Night, night Cheryl, have a good sleep. I'm glad you've had such a good day.
    My mouse has given up the ghost and it's a right pain scrolling up and down the page. I should have made notes because I wanted to make some comments, but the memory has gone - like the rest of my body!!!
    Pat, Happy Anniversary, I'm glad you had a good day today with the other two Graces. Sounds like you got some bargains.
    Patricia, I had a job getting onto Pinterest, Myra was a great help. I'm under the name Grandma Mo. I typed Pinterest into the computer and then I had to sign up and choose a name (I think).
    Brenda OB glad you got your interthingy sorted. Isn't it great when your OH tries to help!!!!
    Saba, fancy not getting a sticker. Eleanor and Zoe always get one, and a smelly one at that!!! Peter will have to work double shifts to pay for all the work you're having done, you are brave. I hate the hygienist. Who was at the door this morning??? lol
    Hazel, I'm glad Roberta has arrived safe and sound. Now then, if she is in bed already, when you get up during the night, she'll probably join you for a cup of tea/coffee and then the both of you can go back to your respective beds - sorted.
    We've had a great day today. Went to the farm (not the strawberry picking one) and the girls have had a great time in the orchard. Then we (they and me - the other adults had more sense) competed with each other to see who could find the cow pat with the most windfall apples in it!!! ha ha. It has been a nice sunny day, annd we could sit outside in the orchard. Then went back to my nieces house for an hour, then took Joan home and got back about 7 p.m.
    Margaret Corgi, I hope you are well today.
    Margaret, I hope you are well.
    Norah, where are you.
    Sheila, it's lovely to see you in today.
    Jess, sounds like you've had a good day.
    Lynda, I hope you are well today.
    Janice, what a good idea, looking busy while you are in the Cafe!!!!
    By the way, I always ask for a certain nurse to take my blood. She gets it first time and never leaves a mark. I'm looking at my arm and can't even see the needle hole. The other two always have difficulty and I have masses of bruises all over my arms!
    I'm tired with all the fresh air and the mega loss of blood ha ha so I'm off to bed. Sweet dreams everyone, see you tomorrow, take care, love and prayers to those who need or want them.
    Muriel xxxx

    1. Night, night Maureen it sounds like you had a really happy day...sweet

    2. MAUREEN:- your are an other one who sounds like they had a fantastic day. Glad you have had good fun after feeling so awful with your Summer Cold.
      Sweet Dreams God Bless see you in the morning. xxx

    3. Night Night Grandma Mo! You have had a fun day - apart from Dracula!
      Cow pats and apples! I bet that was your idea too!
      If you can't sleep count them!

    4. Hi everyone,oops I can see some fallen at the first hurdle so will try to be quiet.
      What a nice first anniversary for you three graces and to many more !
      Maureen your day sound lovely too and I hope Joan enjoyed it. By the way ,who won the apples in the cowpat game hihi
      Fam A . are cleared for another 6 month at the dentist ,phu! I sat in that chair with my heart in my throat and could hear her rambling out all these numbers and then she said 'you have done a good job' oh boy I nearly cried. Best keep it up because the dentist is not the cheapest when things needed done unless maybe if you are private.
      I feel for you Saba xx
      Myra- have a nice weekend away, don't do anything I wouldn't do tihi
      Patricia- I really hope your hand is feeling better or will it be a doc.visit you think ?
      Hazel-do you feel more relaxed now or shall we bring around the
      tanker ? We can fill it with whatever tickles your tastebuds......
      I spent the day with my friend in town but walked around like a zombie after only getting to bed about 4 this morning so if I known someone else were here we could have had a cup of tea together, will try not be so late today. Sheila- did you make your cards finished and Karenlotty how did your knitting go ? I wonder if Norah finished the blanket she was
      making ? I hope you are ok and Margaret c.own. are you totally boxed over please pop in when you get a moment, miss you xx
      I'm sending lots and lots of hugs to our new friends as old and I will see you all tomorrow, love and hugs Maria (god natt,sov gott) xxx

  31. Hi Sandra and all the lovely ladies
    Sorry I'm late it's been a busy day again. Spent the morning catching up on washing and cooking and then this afternoon went into school to watch the leavers assembly. Not too bad until they sang the last song then the floodgates opened! Battery is getting low on iPad so I need to be quick! Patricia you card is beautiful and I love the colouring in. I saw Jodie making the glue dazzlers this week and she did them straight onto her glass mat but she popped them off straight away. I haven't tried them yet but they look fun to do. Sandra hope your doctors appointment went well and your meds haven't been messed about too much. Enjoy your lunch with the girls, hope you all had your Tenas on! Maureen make sure you eat some spinach tonight to up your iron levels. I'm sat here watching a film trying to stay awake! Emma comes home from holiday tonight or should I say 4 am tomorrow morning! We dropped off so her friends parents are picking up (thank goodness!).
    Patricia make sure you get your hand looked at if it is still sore tomorrow and Hazel make sure you sit down and rest! Sorry to hear Roberta had a bad flight, can she upgrade on the way back? Not good when you can't rest or escape from noise on a flight. Well ladies I must go as I'm down to 3% battery and the charger is in use! Ho hum.
    See you tomorrow love Diane xxx

  32. Maureen, glad you had a good day, it sounded great, fresh air always makes me tired. Have a good night, sleep well, will catch up tomorrow, off to bed as well.
    Take care everyone,. xxx

  33. Thank you all for your lovely comments on my card I really appreciate it.
    That's me heading for my bed.
    Goodnight God Bless see you all in the morning. xxx

    1. Night Night Patricia and Jess.
      Sleep well! Xxx

  34. Night night Mureen. Glad you had a good day and no bruises from Dracula. Cheryl. Glad you had a good day with your family and lots of cuddles with Milly- May.
    Sandra, Pat and Sue glad you all had a lovely day as well
    Patricia. Your colouring is superb. I have trouble with faces. Perhaps I should try pencils.
    Saba. Glad you got on ok at the Dentist. I gave my friend a lift to the dentist this afternoon. Then we went to a garden centre. They may have to close because they have extended on to the green belt and the council have been arguing with them for quite a long time. It used to be nice but today was looking very tired and lots of plants were also looking tired. We went across the road to Wyvale. Had fish and chips just before they were closing the cafe so didn't need a dinner tonight.
    Michele, Lynda and Maria, hope you are feeling better today. Glad you are feeling a bit better today Maureen.
    Hazel glad your sister in law has arrived safely and has recovered from the flight.
    Well I had better get on with some colouring but after seeing Patricia's I small not too sure.
