
Wednesday 10 June 2015

Wise Word Wednesday #3

Good Morning ladies,
Welcome to another Wise Words Wednesday, today we have some great ideas and storage tips from our Michele.
First up today Michele's fabulous Desk Calendar, made from an old CD case, some pretty paper and a tear off calendar thingy! What a genius idea Michele, for an old case and a square off cut of paper you have a super cheap gift or something that would be a great profit earner on a Craft Stall!
Next up we have Michele's die storage, now you see those magnetic sheets?? well they were free ones that Michele got from work (they have an old advertising item on one side, but perfectly good
magnetic back, now Michele has very kindly said that she has a box of these magnetic sheets that she is happy to donate to us here in the Coffee Shop, we could try and arrange to get them collected to take to the retreat, we could save some for people that aren't coming too!  Anyway I think that Myra may be closest to Michele but I may be wrong, if so maybe we could sort out another meeting?!
As you can see Michele has just put them into A4 sleeves and popped them in a ring binder, another method would be to stick the magnetic sheet to a piece of mount board or something similar and pop your dies on them, it looks like that's what Sue does as she just has the dies on the sheets in front of her, maybe store them in a box, where you could flip through them?
Lastly Michele has many cups with cute little dogs on that she has received as gifts over the years, so to get the best use out of them she has turned them into storage pots for pens and crafty bits and bobs!
Thank you Michele for all of your Wise tips and tricks and for the offer of the free goodies too, we are so lucky to have such an amazing bunch of ladies in our little café!

Margaret, I just wanted to let you know that Sophie and Lucy have been so attached to their heat bags, they are using them as for relaxation therapy as this week they have had three GCSE science exams, they have taken their heat bags to bed with them every night and swear that they help them relax and sleep, so two very, very grateful young ladies, thank you, they both had the burgundy bear bags, they thought it such a lovely touch that they had matching ones! you are an angel, thank you so very much xxxx
Well that's it for now, I will be back with some tips and wise words later on, a little sad today as I had to cancel my day with Sue today as I am just too exhausted, I think its the hospital air, or it may be all of these extra drugs i'm taking! Hopefully we can get together tomorrow.
Have a fab day everyone,
love and hugs


  1. Good morning Sandra and the coffee shop crew. Sandra I hope you had some results from your hospital visit yesterday and will get some peace from the pain, Michele your ideas are fab, I stored my dies the same way but the sleeves ripped at the point where the rings fit so I store them in A 4 drawers from the Range. I didn't realise the dies I had till I sorted them out I had been going to the new ones automatically. I hope it stays dry today as its garden day today, our bin day tomorrow and if poss I like to get the grass cut and anything trimmed down before the bins go out tonight. I really enjoy the garden but my joints don't like it as much as they used to do.
    Bonnie and Ruby went for their groom yesterday and look gorgeous now, Wayne ( groomer) is a natural with them, he does shows and grooming session exhibitions all the time and has 7 dogs of his own, so a dog person me thinks
    I hope anyone who is going somewhere nice today thoroughly enjoys themselves
    Sandra I hope you soon feel better and get as much rest as you can,
    There's extra hugs in the basket
    Till later
    Jean x

    1. Hi Jean, do you think Wayne could do anything for me!!! xxx

    2. Hi Jean,
      enjoy your day in the garden,its lovely but very windy out.
      cuddles to Ruby and Bonnie ( if you like dogs, do have a
      look into and you can see my sisters kennel)
      Take care xx

  2. Good morning Sandra and the coffee shop gang.
    SANDRA:- please take it easy today. You have been through the mill over the past couple of days.
    MICHELE:- a super selection of great things and ideas. Love the CD Calender, I made a few using Card, yours is really different. Good storage ideas as well.
    Well folks believe it or not the "sun" is shining. I am off to have my cuppa out in the garden.
    Hazel comes home today, really looking forward to chatting and finally meeting up with ther. I know meeting will be a few days a way she will be busy and also have that awful thing "jet lag" That's the thing I hate after long haul flights.
    Right that's me (((((hugs))))) in the basket by the door.
    Will be back later xxx

    1. Wow Patricia, Hazel is back, I bet you are pleased xxx

  3. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-I hope you are feeling ok today, a nice lazy day recovering from hospital appointments should help.

    The CD case/Calendar is so easy to make & its such a lovely gift as you can plan the colours to suit the recipient. It's also a cheap gift.

    The magnetic storage sheets work a treat-the ones from the £shop aren't sturdy enough and I'm too mean to pay for the proper ones. I'd rather use the money to buy something crafty, not that I need anything more-ha ha! As Sandra says, I have a large box full of them going spare which I would be very happy for you all to have. Just need to arrange to deliver them to someone going on the retreat-anyone lives/visiting Southport please let Sandra know as she has my email details.

    The mugs used as pen pots are to avoid throwing away chipped/cracked mugs that have been gifts but are no longer safe to use.

    Lovely sunny day here which makes s change as yesterday turned out dull & cool.


    1. Great tips Michele, I wish Newcastle was nearer to Stockport! xxx

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Great ideas there MICHELE. I have made the calendar cards out of card but hadn't thought of using CD cases. I don't like throwing mugs away when they have been bought by someone special. Will try this idea.

  4. Hi Sandra and all the lovely ladies
    Sandra you make sure you have a resting day today after all the hospital sessions and let the meds do their job. I hope the pain starts to subside now they can treat it. Good luck to the girls for their exams too, it's good they are managing to relax xxx
    Michel I love your calendar idea, what a great use of cd cases too. You are organised aren't you. The mug idea is good, I hate throwing away chipped mugs that have special memories. Xxx
    Well the sun is out again today but it is still quite windy. Chemistry exam this afternoon so off we go again. I might go book shopping today to stock up on summer reading. I often download free kindle books as a backup, some are quite good. I read one not so long ago which was a detective story but the girl ran a vintage dress shop. It was such a good read I downloaded the two follow on books as they were less than 3 pounds. Now is that a top tip? I don't know but it's the only one I can think of at the moment - sorry. I could tell you a couple of filtration techniques and give you a couple of equations but I don't think you would be interested!
    Have a lovely day everyone, see you later.
    Love Diane xxx

  5. Janet Ecco of Sheffield10 June 2015 at 08:58

    Morning Everyone and all who pop in today
    Sandra - at long last a decision and so now you should be able to get some meds to help even though you do take some of the needed ones. Me thinks R&R is called for today because as you say it's Becca's big day at the week-end and you don't want to be 'laid up' for that.

    Michele - all your tips are really good ones and I've certainly made notes of them so thank you for sharing.

    Well yesterday was just one of those days. I started by completing my craft stuff ready for packing at the week-end. That's one job off the list.
    Then it was off to K&N and as I said it was my turn for the demo etc. Again I wasn't the groups favourite (now don't get me wrong I'm not one of those who wants or needs to be at the top so to speak but sometimes I wonder why I bother) as they thought the card I'd done was 'too difficult' and 'how do you think we can do that'. Sandra showed the card the other week -it's the one with the free standing piece in white/aqua. I'd cut everything out for them. They only had to cut the aqua piece down from 8in wide to 6in and put two folds in it; cut a piece of white card to stick onto the aqua to make the free standing bit and then stick on the other elements I'd provided. But oh no it was difficult. One decided that she just couldn't understand what to do even after I'd been and sat with her showing her and then just did a straightforward square card. Another's complaint was that there was too much to do etc etc.
    So I really didn't enjoy the afternoon and finished up with more aches and pains than I really needed as I'd got my GP visit just after tea. He had had a letter from the Physio lady and between them they have decided that I need some scans on my spine so these are to be sorted for when I get back in Sept. He also has increased the strength of my pain patch so hopefully that will help. All I have now this week is Physio on Friday morning and then I can concentrate on next week.

    Re storage - I use the magnetic mats from my Ebosser (when they are at the end of their life for the machine) for storing my dies on. They still have enough power to hold the dies and then are cut down for my 'storage bin' which I bought. I also have a 10 drawer free standing unit with wheels on in which I store paper,card, glues -all the daily things needed to be on hand when crafting-and because it has wheels can be moved easily.
    I have to say it's one of the best things I have bought for storage.

    Off now to put some more laundry in and then we'll see what the rest of the day brings. The latte was extra nice this morning.
    Healing thoughts to all in need. Has anyone heard or seen Norah around lately?

    1. Janet, sorry you had such a frustrating day yesterday. Makes you feel like screaming. Take care, I hope the pain patch kicks in. xxxx

    2. Janet if I do any classes the first thing I tell people is, 'I don't do difficult, so you will be able to do this' It is so frustrating when people are so negative, especially when you have put in all the hard work for them. You really have my sympathy, but really at the end of the day it is their loss. Really hope the pain patches do some good for you. xxx

    3. Janet ,no sorry you had a frustrating day with some of the K&N group. I think some people were born to moan!
      Hope your pain has eased a bit by now. Xxx

    4. So sorry Myra that you had such a frustrating time at K&N. I must say that the ladies at my craft session never complain. Even when one of the first things I gave them to do was a pop up card. The only think they ever complained about was DS tape. This session we used glue. When you have worked hard and cut most of the things yourself it can't be difficult for them. Most if the job is done. Expect you are glad if don't be your turn again for a while. Have a good trip and look forward to your comments from France.

    5. Janet, so sorry they all moaned, what a pain they are. Next time take them some colouring sheets and treat them like little children! Mind you colouring isn't just for little children, it might calm them all down! Xxx

  6. Hi Sandra And My Wonderful Friends
    What A Great Array Of Storage Ideas, I Have Also Got Three Sets Of Drawers
    From The Range, But In The Main I Keep My Copics In There Original Holders As They Have To Lay Flat With Being Alcohol Pens,
    The Mugs Are Great I Would Cover Them With Decorative Papers As I Have Done With My Empty Large Yankee Candle Jars And They Look So Pretty I Also Added Lace Etc:
    I Have Shelves For My Glues And Creative Expression Products.
    I Keep All Cutting Dies Only "Spellbinders" And Our "Sue Wilson's"
    And All My Stamps Under The Name Of The Brand Example:
    (Lili Of The Valley). I Have Well Over 70 A4 Plastic Boxes That Store Up Against My Wall, I Just Make Sure The Ones I Don't Need Are At The Bottom Of The Piles, As Its Very Frustrating Looking For Something And It Being At The Very Bottom. Lol!
    I Hope All Is Well In The Cafe And Sandra How Do You Feel!
    Love And Hugs
    From Sam xxx

    1. Great to have you back Sam you really sound like one seriously organised lady in her craft room, oh wish I was!
      Hope all goes well for you at the hospital I will be thinking of you xx

    2. Hi My Lovely Lady Margaret
      How Are Those Delightful Beautiful Dogs Of Yours Amy And Tomas My Two Haven't Left Our Side Since Our Return Lol!
      Love And Hugs

    3. Thank you so much for asking Sam.
      Tomas and Amy are fine, as I have said before Amy is the boss and Tomas just stands back and lets her push him out of the way I keep asking her how she does it lol! Just like your two they like to know where we are and what we are doing, they always stay close.
      With love xxx

  7. Good morning Sandra and all our ladies
    I'll just have a coffee to go if I may as I need to rush off. I am meeting a friend for lunch in the city.
    Sandra, hope you managed toget a good night sleep and your pain is easing. Try and rest today, you've got a busy weekend ahead of you.
    Good luck to all our children and grandchildren for their exams today.
    Janet, sorry your K&N group were so negative, it really makes you wonder sometimes why they bother coming if they are not open to trying something new or slightly outside of their comfort zone. Hope the new pain patch helps.
    Hazel, welcome home, hope your jet lag is not affecting you too much.
    Well it's a quick tip from me which I thought about last evening when " the Bar Keepers Friend" was mentioned by Brenda and Myra. A cheaper alternative is to boil rhubarb leaves. They contain a chemical called Oxalic Acid which is the active ingredient in Bar Keepers Friend and it will bring your pans up a treat.
    Right coffee in hand off I go
    Love and hugs for all
    Saba xxx

    1. Nice one Saba, have never heard of that. Thank you xx

    2. Well I have never heard of that one but it will not break the bank to give it a try! Thank you hope you enjoy your lunch and natter xx

    3. Saba, thanks for that, I'll give it a go next time George burns the pan!! xx

    4. Thank you for that! I bought some more Bar Keeper's Friend today!
      Not everyone stocks it! Only a woman would go on a day out and buy a cleaning product! Xx

    5. Myra you can buy it at Lakeland limited, it's fab and cleans so many things xxxx

  8. Morning Sandra, from reading the comments you seem to have had a stressful day yesterday, ( will pop back and read the last of last nights comments later), take it easy today, tomorrow will come soon enough.
    Michele love all your ideas, it makes me look at things in a different light.
    Sun in shining here again today, but need to go to B&Q for replacement cord for grass strimmer, more work in the garden calls.
    Will call back later, take care everyone, Jess xx

  9. Hello Sandra,
    I hope you will be having a duvet day today, let you body recover ( at least for a while anyway ) Before your busy weekend. LOL

    Janet, what a disappointment your K&K group are, after all that prep. I wonder why they bother to go at all.

    Sorry haven't any tips in mind at the moment - But I am thinking hard !!! ( that's not a tip) will be back later when my brain gets in gear .

    This morning am making Strawberry Jam, they are ripening so quickly and don't want them to go to waste.

    Be back later, Love and Hugs, Brenda xxx

    1. MICHELE, I am SO sorry - I didn't say how much I loved your 'makes'.You are a girl after my own heart. I love to recycle items if I can, yours are really inspiring. Thank you xxx

  10. Good morning just Samdra and ladies. Back home, load of washing on and I have let the sunshine out of one of the cases, will keep,the other closed up till later. Good flight home, but oh boy the traffic coming home from Glasgow was nose to tail. Sandra sorry you have another pain to deal with on top of the others, take it easy today please. Made myself a tea and I will sit and enjoy it. Hazel x

    1. A very warm welcome back Hazel take it easy today there is always another day for washing! Is there ever a good time for traffic around Glasgow, the only good thing is the roads in Scotland are very good quality unlike here in England. xx

    2. Hello my dear, glad you're back safe and sound. Did you bring Charlie home with you, or is he still with the Bears!! Take it easy, relax and have a Baileys!!! xxx

    3. Welcome back Sis,
      Yes!! Please keep that other case closed just in case this sun does not last too long. Good to have reserves!!.
      Oh! Just had a thought ...... I hope Maureen's Mountie is not in that case. xxx

    4. Welcome home Hazel, so glad you had a wonderful time, take your time and unwind, washing and ironing can be done another day. Get over your jet lag.
      Thank you for all your wonderful photos. X

    5. Hello Hazel, nice to see you back and that you had a good flight, don't do too much too soon in case jet lag sets in, hope the sunshine you brought back stays for a while
      Jean x

    6. Hello Hazel, so pleased you are home safe and sound. Have been checking out your photographs, you have been to some fantastic places. Hope you have brought some sunshine back with you, Patricia said it has been freezing up in Scotland. LOL Brenda xx

    7. janet ecco of Sheffield10 June 2015 at 17:48

      Hello Hazel. Lovely to have you back. Have loved your holiday along side of you. Canada is one of the countries I've always wished to visit. xxxx

    8. Hellooooo Hazel, glad to have you back home, hope you not to jet lag . Have been great to follow your adventures in Canada and to see all your wonderful photos, loved the bears. hugs Maria xx

    9. Welcome Home Hazel! I have enjoyed your trip to Canada immensely! Hope the jet lag isn't too bad. Xx

    10. Welcome home Hazel, lovely to have you home. Now don't go rushing around too much and undoing all that good the holiday has done. Xxx

  11. Hello everyone,,
    I don't know what's happening as I've lost two posts. Let's hope it''s third time lucky.
    Sandra, Sam, Lynda, Janet and anyone who is feeling under par, I hope you have a less painful day today.
    Tip which I saw in a newspaper and have tried just for you ladies.
    Use the cheapest shaving foam possible to clean everything from the outside of kitchen cupboard doors, stainless steel splash backs, ovens, microwaves, jewellery, the list is endless. Some of the above were not mentioned in the paper but I have experimented on your behalf and it was amazing. George is even bringing his bowling shoes for me to have a go at. I think the foam was about 50p and there's loads left, and I've been using it to make background card and paper, so - as they say - "cheap as chips". I may even try it next time I have a shave ha ha.
    That's it for the time being, as I'm frightened I'll lose this post at well. I've written the other tips in my little book.
    Love to all Maureen xx

    1. I saw this tip too and tried it on a carpet stain I couldn't shift. It worked really well. Didn't make the carpet too wet either. Xxx

    2. Hi Maureen
      Thanks fir that tip. Might just gave a go on my kitchen cupboards when I get home. They never look right as they seen to have smear marks on them. Thanks for the tip.wish predictive text wouldn't play up.

    3. Now that sounds interesting and I should think it smells lovely too xxx

  12. I know we keep saying what a wonderful "gang" we have on this Blog.
    Every day someone gives each other great hints and tips. Sends Hugs & Cuddles when we need them. Today I received some Happy Mail a RAK letter (Random Act of Kindness) letter.
    MARGARET :- (corgi owner) sent me a beautiful embossed envelope containing a "tutorial". I am sure she could have e-mailed me these instructions but I was so delighted to get the letter ..... THANK YOU:-
    The "tutorial" is for Kusudama ...... Folded Trees. I had posted a project on my Blog using these and mentioned I had misplaced the instructions. Now I have them I must make something.
    Wow! It's hot out there today!! NOT complaining will, sit in the shade for my cuppa and enjoy every moment. xxx

    1. Patricia you are more than welcome when I saw your project on your blog in March I was sure I had the instructions for making these flowers in a patchwork book but my search through my books came up with nothing. At the weekend I received an email from Pinterest showing some things I may be interested in and bingo there were the flowers and the web site for the instructions! Well you seemed a little at a loss since your holiday so I thought print a copy and post it as a wee surprise. So pleased they arrived safely for you, not a problem you are more than welcome.
      Yes it has been super weather today too,enjoy it while you can.

    2. How kind of you Margaret xxx

    3. That was very kind of you Margaret. I have just gone and got my heat bag as was feeling a but chilly. That was another if you RAK.

  13. Good afternoon Sandra and all the coffee shop crew
    Oh Sandra that is awful news for you from the hospital I do hope they are able to give you something to get some real relief. Delighted to know your lovely girls are working hard and getting some good relaxation, perhaps their Mum needs to do the same today don't you think?
    Michele thank you for your wonderful ideas I do like thrifty people I hate spending money when there is a good alternative that leaves me with money for buying paper card and dies!
    Well we have yet another lovely sunny day today so I will have an iced coffee if I may, there is nothing more refreshing, I have put my pennies in the pot thank you.
    A little cooking tip for anyone who makes bread or rolls after mixing and kneading the dough before you put it back into the bowl to rise pour a little oil either sunflower or olive oil into the bottom of the bowl put the dough in, then rub it around the bowl a few times to coat the bowl, then turn it over and cover to rise, this stops the dough sticking to the bowl, as well as the cling film covering the bowl and makes washing the bowl afterward so easy!
    Well my iced coffee was wonderful must dash I have to finish icing some cakes before our grandson arrives from school, will pop in later.
    Margaret xxx

  14. Good afternoon ladies,
    Just thought about a bit of a bargain tip I saw yesterday.......
    This months Papercraft magazine has a lovely "Happy Birthday" Die on the front, it has a butterfly on it too, but it isn't attached so could be used seperately, the mag is £4.99 which works out a good price for a die, the good thing about the die is the two words are separate too so you can use them in whatever configuration you like!
    Orange/lemon candles...... The most natural candles ever, cut an orange, lemon or any citrus fruit in half, CAREFULLY remove the flesh, making sure you leave the central white core piece intact as this acts as a natural wick, you then fill the fruit half 3/4 full with olive oil/sunflower oil, making sure to soak the central core/wick, you can use the other half of the fruit as a lid, you just cut a fancy design into it with a knife or cookie cutters! The candle will burn for a least 6 hours and fill your room with natural scent, I am think that this must also be a natural source of Citronella therefor good for keeping bugs away outside in the evenings! What do you think????
    More later
    XxxxxxGold morning a Sue &.friends,
    I must apologise for my absence this past few days, I have been really poorly, I spent last night at the Emergengy Assesment Unit and today I am waiting for a CT scan, they are not sure whether I have a severe sinus problem, bells palsy (bought on by huge amount of stress recently) or Trigeminal Neuralgia, I have everything crossed it's not the last one although it is the one they think it's most likely to be, they think it's caused by blood vessels in your head pressing on the nerve that crosses your face! I don't think I am ready to take on another long term pain problem, I have already got my fair share!
    I am saving your video to watch during my long wait Sue, your card is as always stunning. Xx
    Thank you to my cafe ladies, for keeping it going in my absence and for your continued love and support.
    Love and hugs

    1. Not sure why it got my post from sues blog on that post too ladies, just read the top bit !

    2. Sandra hope the girls coping & not stressing with the exams have they got many more to do wish them luck & sending Hug's & cuddles for them.
      Big Hug's for you my lovely Love Lynda xx

  15. Sandra, so sorry about your rotten diagnosis, now you know what you are dealing with will be a great relief and your meds can be sorted to deal with the pain.
    Take time to relax, I'm sure Becky will understand if you are not 100% for her birthday.
    Lots of hugs and cuddles (((((((( ))))))) x
    Jess x

  16. Sandra,
    Strange things happen and sometimes we never know why just like your comment for Sue's blog ending up on here. The other day I had been on here then switched off as usual, then low and behold when I switched on later your background with the ribbons was on my background when I first switched on, the funny thing was I have a picture of our grandson with the corgis as the background, he asked, 'Nanna where have I gone? ' Strange but true!
    Maureen I know a little of how you felt when all the gravy spilt, I had melted a bowlful of chocolate to put on some buns what did I do yes dropped the full bowl half the kitchen floor was covered and the bowl smashed. I called to Derek NOT to let the corgis through, he came to see what had happened and little miss pushed through heading straight to the chocolate, I swear she had a gleam in her eye! Luckily she did not get any chocolate as it is a poison to dogs. Believe it or not it cleaned up really quickly being melted I think that helped, at least I had more chocolate which got quickly melted and then the job was done and the buns were ready for our grandson to eat coming from school.
    Does anyone know if Sheila is ok she seems to have been missing a few days or have I just missed seeing her?
    I hope you have been resting today Sandra and trying to relax then just perhaps you will be able to cope better with the birthday cake and party. Don't know if this will help but if you are having those round pointed turrets things on the corners of the castle, if you coat ice cream cornets with icing and a little glitter and turn them pointed end up they look fabulous and are so quick and easy.
    Well my iced coffee again was lovely I have put my money in the pot and left some more hugs and cuddles in the corner, I will try and call back later.
    Margaret xx

    1. Oh!! Margaret what a disaster, what a mess!!! Glad you got it all cleaned up and the dogs did not get at it and make themselves ill. xxx

    2. Oh Margaret, pleased it cleaned up easily!
      I guess it's what you call a big chocolate drop! Xx

    3. Margaret, I'd have just laid on the floor and licked it up!!!! (Not really, and I know it's poisonous for dogs, good job they didn't get to it), but I'm glad it cleaned up well.

    4. MARGARET Sheila is ok but a bit down at the moment she left a comment on my blog. Xxx Hug's xxx

    5. Sorry about the chocolate MARGARET glad it cleaed up easy. X
      Myra every one a gem xx

    6. Oh Margaret what a mess, hopefully you have an easy wash floor! When we first moved to this house they had carpet in the kitchen - looked lovely, but once I has dropped 4 pints of milk on it we decided it wasn't practical! Xxx

  17. Maria
    I have been nosey and had a look on your sister's web site, there are some wonderful pictures on there I really love the puppy ones and those in the snow, your sister has some beautiful dogs.
    Thank you for letting us know about her web site xxx

  18. Oh Wow! I'm home - tired but had a really lovely day! We had glorious sunshine all day! What a difference it makes to everything. The rhododendrons today were lovely as well as the bedding plants and hanging baskets. At least when you aren't driving you get the chance to look around at everything. Windermere was busy today and I saw a tourist trying you sit astride a swan! She was - trying to " ride a white swan" . Maybe they don't realise how vicious swans can be sometimes but my heart was in my mouth watching this! My sympathies were with the swan!
    We had coffee at the Lakeland Centre then went into Windermere . Back on coach to a country pub whose gardens went down to the canal! So pretty and tranquil today. Got home tired and not feeling like cooking! However it's done now and I'm relaxing!
    I will read the comments later.
    Sandra - I do hope you are a bit better today and have had a rest !
    Michele - love your storage ideas and I could perhaps meet up with you nearer the time of the Retreat and pick up anything you'd like me to take. I'd love to meet you anyway so this would be a lovely excuse!
    Will go and read what everyone's been up to!
    Hazel - hope you home safe and sound if a little jet lagged . At least the weather is good.
    Love to all,
    Myra xxx

    1. Myra, glad you had a nice day, and pleased to see you back.
      Maureen xx

    2. Oh thank you! Maureen. Xxx

    3. I have been thinking of you, so pleased you had a lovely day. I think the coach drivers stop at Lakeland for a comfort break. If you are quick you may have a little time to shop!!!!! Sounds like you managed to fit quite a lot into your day. Sleep well xx

    4. Hi MYRA glad you had a lovely day even though it was tiering put your feet up my friend xx

    5. Hi Myra
      Now I read you've been to Windermere to the home of Lakeland ! It's a lovely shop isn't it, did you spend loads? Some people are mad aren't they, trying to ride a swan!! I ask you! Sounds like you had a great day, make sure you rest tomorrow though. Xxx

  19. Hi All,

    Beautiful creations on here, love the mugs! Thank you Ladies for your wonderful comments the other day, its such a lovely coffee shop to visit, in fact the best, I must try to visit more often.

    Sandra I wish your girls well in their exams, have they got many left to do?

    Love & hugs

    Jacquie J xxx

  20. Hi all, it's very quiet in here. Everyone enjoying the lovely weather and doing gardening and washing so it could be hanged out. It has been dry here but so windy and cloudy so it was dusting and hoovering instead. Managed to prep a card and glued some bits together. Bought some sticky sheets yesterday to get some snow glitter onto the card but cocked it up as usual grrrr me and these things do not go hand in hand Oh if I had been at your K&N with you Janet I would have had a lovely time and learned something new. So sorry they were b-----s and didn't preciate all the you made for them.
    Have you taken it easy today Sandra ?
    I saw the thing about the shaving foam and it sounded great so thank you for testing it out for us Maureen.
    Your idea for storing the die's is a good one Michele. Agree that some the magnetic sheets are to flimsy so I have used backing of cereal packets to sturdy them up a bit but will have to put them inside a plastic sleeve as they still falling off sometimes.
    My little tip for today is , if you have thread bobbins, not sure if that's the word, oops anyway to prevent them unwinding you can use mini pony tail holders around them.
    Your fruit candles sound good Sandra, must smell lovely when lit.
    Off to see Strike Back with the 'boy's back later Xxx

    1. Maria, it really was great. I was especially impressed with the kitchen unit doors. When I clean them usually, there's wipe marks or they sort of have a "bloom" on them, whereas the shaving foam was brilliant.
      Maureen xx

  21. Hi Sandra
    I do hope your feeling better today. Had a long day travelling from Sorrento to Turin. At least we travelled 1st class and had plenty of free drinks and snacks. Lovely hotel and meal tonight. Drinks included. Five star hotels as well.Hope the girls exams go ok.
    Michele I just love your tips, especially love the calenders that you made out if CD cases. Hope your ok Hazel after your long journey home. To tired to read all the comments today but will read tom marie. I tell a lie as it will be the day after as we don't get home till around midnight. Will need a holiday yo get over thus holiday.

    1. Hi Pat, how the other half live eh? Glad you're having a good time and I hope Pete is coping well.
      Maureen xxx

  22. Good evening. It's very quiet in here tonight. I have a feeling that with all this sunshine and good weather everyone is out enjoying it. Well I am feeling it bit more human, I tried to keep going, but I had to give in after we had an early tea. I think a lack of fluids didn't help me either? They kept bring drinks round on the flight, but they are these very small cups and I think over all you don't drink more than 500mls, I had a bottle of water with me, but when it got warm I stopped drinking from it, so over the 10 hours I just hadn't had enough. So I am sitting here with a bottle of water which I must drink before I go back to sleep.
    Sandra I hope you aren't trying to do to much, it won't help,your pain if you are getting stressed???
    Margaret. Oh what a mess, like Maureen's gravy it will have got every where. Yes chocolate isn't good for dogs, but when our old lab was a puppy, he came with us in the car to go visit friends for the weekend, he didn't travel well in the back, so he got to lie on the back seat, we had left him in the car while we went in for a coffee at the services, got back in drove for the other couple of hours, he was fine no problems at all. That was the Friday on the Sunday I went out to the car to get Tammy's Easter egg - yes all that was to be found was little bits of card board and silver paper. Hamish had eaten it and the only time he was on his own was when we went into the service station, he was ok but oh boy I was a bag of nerves, vet told us we were lucky. Then again he ate lots of things he shouldn't have those first months?
    Yes I to was wondering if Sheila is ok? I do hope she has just been busy?
    Pat, I hope you and Pete are still enjoying yourselves.
    Brenda, little lamb I hope you aren't over doing it? Your wrist and shoulder aren't as strong as they were! So please take it easy.
    I have put lots of ((((((hugs)))))) in the basket, for those who are in need of them, right that's me. Hazel x

    1. Thank you Hazel. Yes I am taking it easy and not overdoing things. I stop when need to now. Only did two hours gardening the other day when I should have done a lot more but both wrists were protesting so stopped. Glad to see you back. Yes you must drink plenty. Hope you get over your jet lag soon.

  23. Hello everybody, I found my mojo a little bit so have been making a card for a friend who is going into hospital for "investigations". Then I sort of did a bit of stamping and colouring, and gradually got into the swing again. In fact I think I'm the oldest swinger in town ha ha.
    I'm dog tired so I've heated my Margaret bag and am going to bed, I just hope the late comers into the Cafe don't wake me up.
    As I said before, Hazel I'm pleased your home safe and sound.
    Love to all
    Maureen xxx

    1. Sleep tight Maureen, sweet dreams. I remember that song! Xxx

  24. Good evening Sandra & ladies
    Sandra I hope you have been resting today,& the extra med's are kicking in,
    When is it Becca's birthday? Is it this weekend.
    Well some great tips today. Mine is.In the works I got some magnetic strips only a pound I cut to size & stuck them across & spaced down a thick piece of A 4 card & put my older die's on,then store them in a box folder or ring binder with the plastic sleeves in & with the contents written on front of box,they also sell the magnetic strips in the Range & Hobbycraft but not sure how much from there.
    MAUREEN thank you for your kind words. JANET sorry you had a stressful day at K & N it's not rocket science cutting a piece of card are they not crafters frustrating for you. Hope the extra strength patches are working (((hug's )))
    Welcome back HAZEL glad your home safe & sound. Glad you had a wonderful holiday you certainly packed a lot into it.Now no rush to get washing & ironing done take it steady plenty of time for that.
    I have finished Harry's 1st birthday card & box today,then we went for our walk up the park & I got another order for a card to make for the same lady it's a 40th birthday card she wants it in that's my project for tomorrow.
    Well at the moment I am writing this under Jess at 16.27 pm bet there will be lots more of you when I press publish haha.
    Will look in later for a cup of tea
    love & Hug's Lynda xx

  25. Sandra I do hope things are starting to ease for you, please wish Sophie and Lucy good luck with their exams.
    Maureen so pleased you got some crafting done if you are anything like me you will feel better having had a good 'play'.
    Myra so pleased you had a good day and got home safely.
    Pat so pleased you are being so well looked after enjoy it all.
    Hazel hope you get a good sleep tonight, sweet dreams.
    Well I'm off to bed now before I fall asleep sweet dreams everyone
    Good night and God Bless all.
    Margaret xxx

  26. Just poped back for my up of tea but everyone has gone to bed so I think that's where I'm going now
    Good night ladies Hug's Lynda xxx

  27. Night night everyone sleep tight, must be this sunny weather sending everyone to be tonight, that or we need another Baileys delivery! Hope you sleep well tonight Sandra, hope the girls aren't stressing too much about their exams. It's such a trying time for them isn't it. Sweet dreams xxx

  28. I am still here Lynda. Well haven't been here long. Went on a trip today to Worthing. There were spare seats on the coach on the Over 60's outing. Of course I am not older enough to belong. If you believe that you will believe anything.:-). Well a lot of them are a lot older than me. Was windy but when you were out of the wind it was warm and the sun just got better as the day went on. First stop was Harry Ramsdens for fish and chips. Very nice. Then we looked round the shops and I bought a couple of wooden boxes in The Works and some reduced jewellery in the Edinburgh Woolen Mill. Purple if course. Then it was a walk to the end of the pier and we had a cup of tea and watched the sea. Then we went for a prearranged tea and then home. Just catching up in here now.
    SANDRA. Hope you have had a lot if rest today. I sorry I don't have any tips today. Will try grader next week. Thank you all for your tips. Glad Hazel got back safely and wish the same to Pat. Janet I hope the increased dose on the patch works. Sam I hope you are feeling ok and Lynda. Hugs to all. Didn't sleep well last night. Probably worried the alarm would fail so think I will go to bed now. Didn't realise it is neatly the 'witching hour' better go.

    1. Just popped in to say GOOD NIGHT,
      see you tomorrow
      love and hugs Maria xxx
