
Tuesday 9 June 2015

Margaret's Gorgeous Wedding Card x

Good Morning Ladies,
I want to take this opportunity to apologise for my absence over the past few days, its just this pain in face is making life miserable, I was at the hospital until gone 11pm last night, after waiting agony for 5 hours I have to go back in the morning for a CT scan, they are thinking it could be Trigeminal Neuralgia, but are doing a scan to rule out sinus problems, they thought I may have got Bell's Palsy,
but its only my eye that's been a little droopy (well that effects this issue wink wink Lynda)!
I wondered if it could have been bought on by all the stress the other weekend with Mum and the whole 'stress about upset on the blog' carry on!
But we will have to wait and see what tomorrow brings, hopefully we should know the answer then, although the Dr we saw did say prepare for a long day!
Lynda I hope your appointment at the eye hospital goes well, I will be thinking of you my lovely!
Thank you to all of you that sent in card photos I will use the man ones for next week and the week after, thank you all so much for you love, care and support!
Welcome back Sam, so lovely to have you home where you belong, we have been keeping your seat warm!
I will update you when I get home, have a mug of tea and cake waiting for me please, (I am rather partial to a chocolate dipped Viennese finger!)
Love and hugs


  1. Sandra, I am so sorry to read that you have had a long day at the hospital, and that you have another one today, at least they are scanning you to rule out or find what the causing all this??? I will keep my fingers crossed that it's sinuses, and none of the others. Also that all the unset you have gone through in the last couple of weeks is not the cause of it all???
    Margaret. This is a truely beautiful card, I just it love, if iam right that's a LOTV image? And your use of those die cuts is just perfect.
    Everything ready for the day, I might pop in when I get up, to see how you lot are behaving seeing the boss is away,but remember she isn't off enjoying herself so no getting up to mischief like you did when she went to Ally Pally. We have to all think positive thoughts for her today!!! Well don't know how much sleep I will get, it's late but still very warm, don't do air con, but have the fan going, not that it's helping any. Hazel x

    1. Safe journey Hazel! You'll be tired at the end of it but you've had a lovely holiday and we enjoyed it too !!! Thank you.
      Myra xxx

  2. Morning Ladies

    Margaret-your card is beautiful, a lovely keepsake for a wedding.

    Sandra-goodness, long day indeed. Lets hope the hospital find out what's causing your pain so it can be treated properly. I'll be thinking about you today as I head into my hospital (luckily for work).

    I'll try & pop back in later to see if theres an update from you-take care.


  3. Hoping they find out soon, sending hugs xx

  4. Good morning Sandra and everyone, Sandra so glad at least something is happening to find a reason for your pain, maybe then treatment can start and relieve you. The constant pain is so draining isn't it. Will check back to see how you got on.
    Margaret your card is beautiful.
    Had sometime crafting yesterday afternoon as the rain came in bucketfuls. Will try and send some in but don't hold your breath may be gone some while haha.
    I've popped some chocolate dipped veinesse fingers to one side for Sandra if she feels like one when she gets back from having her scan, there are plenty of hugs in the basket and have left everything tidy for the next person
    See you later
    Jean xx

  5. Good morning Sandra and all the gang!!
    Oh! My! Word! Sandra, what a time you are having. Hopefully the Scan will let the Doctors finally get to the bottom of the problem. Will be thinking about you, sending Positive Thoughts and (((hugs)))
    MARGARET:- love your beautiful card. I really like using LOTV images they are usual for so many occasions, this one is just perfect for a wedding card. Very delicate and wonderful use of all your Dies.
    I am late today, however I see Sis has been in and got things sorted.
    Nothing much planned for here today, might try to re-make the card I spoilt yesterday. It was just one for my box so nothing exciting especially when people want "flat cards" for posting. Other than that ...... we will see!!
    (((((Hugs))))) in the basket by the door as usual. Cup & plate washed, money in the pot and I will see you all later xxx

  6. And another sunny Good Morning to everyone,

    Sandra, I hope they find out for def. exactly what is causing you so much pain.
    Doesn't help too much how long it takes either. At least they are trying to rule out a couple of things, so chin up girl, I wish I could take the pain away for you. Good luck today with the scan.

    Margaret, oh such a lovely gorgeous card. I am sure they will love it.

    Well, my day out yesterday was tiring because of the amount of walking but very, very enjoyable. And we didn't go to Hinchcombe House, it was called Orchard Wyndham House dating from the 13th century. My friend totally got that wrong! A lovely rambling old house and working estate that is still lived in and owned by the Wyndham family. Nothing to do with the National Trust or English heritage, they hasten to add. It is either family members or their close friends that give you the guided tour. Rather a personal touch I thought as our introduction to the family's varied history was given by Sylvana Wyndham, sister of the present Lord, a very knowledgeable lady and rightly so, proud of her family history and roots. Not posh at all. At one stage they owned country houses and estates as far up as Northampton and York and down to Devon & Cornwall. Inter marriages brought in other estates to the family coffers. At some point they ran out of male heirs so the daughters had to look for landed marriage partners. The house is only open on selected dates during the months of April through to September. To make us feel more inclined to wander, we had spectacular sunshine all day. It was relief to do the house tour just to cool down.

    More tidying up to do today, I'll pop back later to see how you all are. I was so tired last night, I caught up with all your comments and left a few of my own before Mr Sandman and my bed called out to me.

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Hi Cheryl so pleased you had a lovely day out ! It sounds most interesting! I wonder if it's the same Wyndham family who owned property in Cumbria ! They once owned Scafell Pike and It was given to the National Trust at some stage! Great what you remember from history lessons - wherever that came from! If I'm wrong - sorry! It just rang a bell! Xx

    2. I do believe it is the same family. She did mention there were other sons who also owned property up North. And the young ladies sometimes married their cousins to keep the estates in the family. xxx

    3. Glad you had. Good day, even if it was a bit tiring. Sounds really interesting. xxx

    4. Sounds like you had a lovely day Cheryl and very interesting.

    5. Sounds an interesting but tiring day, it is nice to find out about different people and places xx

  7. Janet Ecco of Sheffield9 June 2015 at 08:24

    Morning to all.
    Sandra - Please stop worrying and concentrate on today and hopefully by the end of the day you will know what's causing your horrible pain and that the hospital can do something to get you back to normal (oh did I really say 'normal' well you know what I mean we really cannot have any 'normal' in this wonderful cafe can we ladies?).
    Margaret your card is just beautiful in every possible way and I bet the lovely couple really loved it.

    I'm just finishing my latte and then it's back to organising for next week-end; it's also my Knit & Natter this afternoon and it's my turn to do the demo so I've everything crossed that they all just get down to doing what they need to do. They have some measuring and cutting to do so I'm expecting some problems. I suppose I'd better take one or two extra embossed sheets with me!!!! Then to finish the day it's my GP visit to try and sort out my meds, report back re Physio and let him know that I've another Physio visit on Friday morning. Who said yesterday that retirement was to slow down!!!!!

    Hugs are in their usual place so please take as many as needed. Sandra I've left yours in your Kitchen for you to take with you this morning and my Healing thoughts are already with you.

  8. Morning Sandra and all,
    you did have a tough day yesterday, hopefully the scan will tell what's going on and you will be back to normal.
    Margaret, your card is Beautiful !The happy couple will Love It .
    I too have taken shine to LOTV images, they are so cute .Didn't they used to have some you could colour in yourself ?
    Doc. this morning then helping a friend out with some shopping. Probably hopping into Ikea (no mug buying) Hobbycraft and then looking for some tee's for myself so a full day out. Lovely to hear how your outing went Cheryl, glad you had a nice day. We like going to houses and gardens and we are lucky to have some nearby.
    Better get a shake on, hope all the fishes feeling fin today (you did make me laugh) Take care and hope to see you again tonight sometime,
    Love and Hugs Maria Xxx

    1. Nope!! Maria please don't buy those mugs. Look good BUT!!! xxx

  9. Hi Sandra and all the lovely cafe ladies
    Oh you poor soul Sandra (Maria no I am not starting up the fish puns again!) what a long wait and another one today, I hope you've got a good book to read. At least they are being thorough and will hopefully find the cause. Sending you a big hug and I will be thinking of you today. Will pop back with the choc I dipped Viennese fingers later when they have cooled ( now I really want one! You are a shocker!). Try not to worry too much, you are in the best place (again! No Maria!). Hope to hear from you later xxxx
    Margaret your wedding card is beautiful, love the way you have included the names on the front. I do like those LOTV images. Xxx
    Hazel is it today you come home? If so have a safe journey. Hope you get the Mountie through customs ok xxx
    Well more revision planned for today, I didn't sleep well last night so I will have to try hard not to nod off in chemistry! I've got washing in the machine ready to go on the line and a pile of ironing that needs to be tackled so that's my plan when she starts on maths papers.
    Cheryl your day out sounds lovely, there's something special when it's a family run house isn't it. Do have a rest today though because you will be tired xxx
    Maria Cod you have any more fun with your friend me old kipper? Have a lovely day shopping, hope you find lots of goodies xxx
    See you all later
    Love Diane xxx

  10. Hi Sandra and all in the cafe.

    Sandra I have been thinking of you and am so pleased that at last you are getting some action hope you get result today lots of hugs for you.
    Margaret your card is lovely.

    Sunny but windy here off to play boule this morning.
    Had my coffee and toast washed up extra hugs in basket for all who need them.
    Love Margaret xx

  11. Sorry me again Linda I hope your hospital appointment goes well too xxx

  12. Good morning Sandra and all the coffee shop crew
    so sorry I just don't know what happened to yesterday but all the cards were super and give lots of inspiration to us well at least they do for me.
    My card was made for two little girls to give to the wedding they were going to, their first weeding and they were so excited, I also had to make one for their parents so both had to be very different. The image was LOTV that I find so useful all the dies were Sue Wilson's as was the embossing folder, what would we do without Sue? Thank you all so much for your very generous comments.
    Sandra I do hope you get some answers today but try and keep calm and more importantly, that at long last you get some help and relief form all the pain, do let us know how you get on.
    Lynda hope all goes well for you at the hospital too.
    Sam so pleased you are back safe and sound lovely to have you 'home' with us.
    Hazel have a safe journey home I do hope you don't have to pay too much extra tax on that Mountie!
    Well my coffee was lovely have popped my money in the pot must get on bathroom and utility room all done now to get the windows cleaned with my new window vac, I just cannot believe how little time it now takes, wonderful!
    Will try and pop in later have a good day everyone.
    Oops nearly forgot, my hugs and cuddles are in the corner just help yourselves.
    Margaret xxx

  13. Good morning Sandra & all the ladies,
    Sandra Sorry you had such a long wait at hospital yesterday but at leased they are giving you a scan this morning,& hopefully see what's causing all your pain & Droopy bit's mine are more droopy Ha ha. Thank you Sandra for thinking of me today,& hopefully you don't have such a long wait today sending you healing ((((Hug's my lovely )))))
    Cheryl,pleased you had a lovely day with your friend the house sounded beautiful. Xx
    MARGARET wow your card is so very beautiful I love your image it's so gorgeous & i love the die's you have used,the pink is just perfect I'm sure the happy couple will love & cherish it
    MARIA have a good day helping your friend & shopping but don't do too much
    Hopping here there & everywhere hihi. Sending you hoppy Hug's xx
    Well better get housework done & washing out before I go hospital.
    Will see you all later, hopefully Sandra might have Might be home.
    Hazel table's look lovely & the flowers are very pretty on all the tables. Had my tea & toast money in the pot washed my cup & plate,think I had one of Patricia's wobbly bottom cups :0)).
    Love & Hug's Lynda xx

  14. Hi Sandra and all in the cafe today.
    I'm nt surprised that you didn't let me know what the hospital said last night as it was so late when you got out. But at least you are getting a scan quickly, thank goodness so lets hope you know what is going on by the end of the day. I am thinking of you my lovely. Try not to stress too much as I know hospitals are not a good place for you. Sending you all my love and big hugs.
    Margaret, your wedding card is beautiful, perfect for little girls to give : )
    Hazel, I hope you have a safe and trouble free journey home : )
    Lynda, hope the appointment goes well : )
    Sam, welcome back. I bet you are feeling the cold winds that we are having today after all that lovely heat you have had! : )
    I hope everyone else has a good day. Take care xx

    1. Thank you Sue,hope your feeling better now Hug's Lynda xx

  15. SANDRA. Hope all goes well at the hospital today and they get to the bottom of the problem. Will be thinking of you today
    LYNDA. Hope all goes well with your eye appointment. I was putting drops in my eyes because of the glaucoma for several years but now I have had the cataracts done it has relieved the pressure. Have to go back at the end of this month to have it checked again. Hopefully will not be back on the drops.
    MARGARET. Sorry to have left you until last. Not intentional. Your card is very pretty and I am sure the little girls were delighted with it. Heat bags came in very useful last evening after my session in the garden.
    Well off for my blood test soon. Still windy here with a little sun but it doesn't stay out for long. Hope it warms up a bit. Think I will try cutting out a few more bits for the ladies next Wednesday. Best to do a few a day I think. Better get ready for this blood test. Will have a cup of coffee before I go then see you all later.

    1. Thank you Brenda,appointment went ok but my visual field test I had a couple months ago wasn't very good ( I'm not good at it ) I have got to keep doing the drops in my right eye & go back in 4months. Xx

  16. Hi Sandra and Everyone,
    So glad you are going for a scan today and that you will hopefully know a lot more about why you are suffering such pain and what can be done to alleviate it.
    I do hope stress has not made things worse. It's at times like this I wish you had a real coffee shops because we'd be able to help you more and visit and cheer you up, hopefully!! Sending lots of love and hugs today and hope the day isn't too physically exhausting for you. Xxx
    Lynda - hope all goes well for you today too! Xx
    Margaret , I missed you yesterday . I thought you were sure to add to our fishy quotes! Pleased you were just having a busy day!
    I began this shortly after 9 40am ! Been interrupted a fair bit!
    Will stop and send and then call back later!
    Have a good day everyone,
    Myra xxx

    1. Oh Margaret, Sorty , with all the interruptions I forget I hadn't mentioned your card! It is lovely and I do like LOTV images. They are cute but somehow they get the cuteness just right! Thank you for sharing your lovely card! Xx

    2. Think I'll go back to bed - "Sorty" "forget" . I surrender! Xxx

    3. Thank you Myra hope I'm sorty soon & not there too long hehe.

  17. Hello Sandra,
    I'm with Myra today - Nothing but interruptions started this at 10 am
    ANYWAY so pleased you were seen at hospital yesterday and are going back today for a scan. Lets hope you get some answers. sending special hugs and lots of love your way xxx

    Margaret love you card, it is really beautiful. Thank you for sharing.

    Cheryl really pleased you had a great day yesterday.

    Sorry keeping this short OH wants to pop over to Wimbledon (Shopping not Tennis) will be back later,

    Left lots of hugs in basket, Love Brenda xxx

    1. Thanks Brenda! I need all the friends I can get! I would love to go to Wimbledon - to the Tennis! Xxx

  18. Hell Sandra and ladies,
    Sandra, hope all goes well for you at the hospital and they can get you on the right treatment, thinking of you and sending you loving hugs.
    Margaret what a beautiful wedding card, the image is so sweet and perfect for two little girls to give to their auntie Di and her new husband John. Love your stick pin as well.
    Lynda good luck with your eye appointment.
    Janet hope your meds finally get sorted.
    Brenda good look with your blood tests.
    Maureen, don't forget to give David my hug, better give George one too, don't want him feeling left out.
    Diane, I don't envy you with chemistry on the agenda today.
    Hazel have a safe journey home, I have really enjoyed being with you on your journey.
    Myra, don't stay in bed too long!
    I have been chatting to Joanne for over 2 hours so I need to crack on.
    Love and hugs
    Saba xxx

    1. Saba my dear, I was so pleased to see that I'm not alone today!
      Whatever happened to your. O. It changed the entire meaning of the greeting! Xxx

    2. Oh dear, don't suppose I can blame predictive text either!

    3. Thank you SABA, hospital went ok.Glad you had a nice chat with Joanne hope she is ok.Hug's Lynda xx

  19. Hi All My Very Dear Friends
    Thank You For The Warm Welcome Return, I Love Today's Stunning Card,
    Sandra What Stress On Your Blog!!!
    I've Had CT Scan When I Had My Brain Aneurysms I Have Another Scan On The 20th June As They Have Found A Shadow On My Left Kidney And They Operate On The 22nd June.
    Take Great Care All
    Love And Hugs
    From Sam xxx

    1. Sam love you are in my thoughts and prayers, try not to worry too much.
      Love and hugs hugs
      Saba xxxx

    2. Sam, you are in our thoughts and prayers, also sending you some (((((hugs))))) xxx

    3. Sam your in my thoughts & prayers sending you Hug's & cuddles
      Love Lynda xxx

    4. Sam , sorry you have had to come home and face an op but praying all goes well and hopefully your holiday will have done you good. Xxx

  20. My comments aren't arriving So will try again SANDRA Hope you get on ok at hosp In case it wasn't seen thank you for your lovely comments re my cardi and I'd live to send one to Milly May Just need an address Not got access to email at mo but will sort it

  21. Hi Sandra
    My word what a long day at the hospital for you. Hopefully today they'll find out what's causing the pain and treat accordingly. A massive big hug from me in sunny Sorrento. Today we went to Paestum. A truly awe inspiring sight. MARGARET I just love your wedding card that Sandras showed us today. Hazels on her way home after her lovely vacation. Welcome back Sam. Good luch with all the appointments.

  22. Hello folks, Sandra have had you on my mind all day. Hope everything is going OK.
    Well, well, we are having a cracking day here in Perthshire. Even managed to have lunch outside, last time we did that here was back in APRIL!!!! Yep! April do you remember that week of good weather?? I was beginning to think that was to be our only share of "summer". The big question is ...... what will we get tomorrow??? I hope it's good for Hazel coming home. They land early in the morning, it would be nice for it NOT to be raining.
    Sandra I am having a nice cup of tea on that lovely Patio area you have created for the summer. Don't see anyone else here at the moment so I will just enjoy the sunshine!!!
    Will be back later to see how you have all got on with the day. xxx

    1. Hi Patricia they said on the weather tonight the best weather was up in Scotland today. It's been blooming cold down south! Glad you were able to enjoy it. At least I managed to get 2 loads of washing dried and ironed as it was so windy xxx

  23. Sandra, hope everything is going ok for you today, and they find out what is causing the problem.
    It has been a lovely day today, went to Ikea and got a bookcase for my craft room to keep several things in off the floor!!! Some plastic boxes as well.
    Managed to strim the grass on the shrubbery until the cord ran out, a wee trip to B&Q tomorrow I think.
    Need to think about dinner now, possibly a salad, easy peasy.
    Take care everyone, will catch up later hopefully, Jess.

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Whoops hit the wrong button, will try again
      Sandra, hope you are ok. Also been thinking of you all day.
      Well Patricia, I must say this patio is lovely, I think I might just have an iced tea and join you for five minutes before I go and start dinner.
      Jess we are a bit fed up with salad, had one nearly everyday last week, but hope you enjoy yours. I can't decide whether to go out or not this evening. Peter has arranged to meet a friend for a drink in a beer garden, she has recently separated from her husband and they have been friends of Peters since University. I will decide after dinner.
      Well that iced tea was lovely but I had better get a move on.
      See you all later
      Love Saba xxx

  25. Hi Sandra, Like everyone else I have stopped by to see how you got on at the hospital. Hope you don't have the wait you had yesterday.

    LYNDA I really am so sorry, I didn't send YOU best wishes for today, Hope everything went well. Have been thinking of both you and Sandra, praying everything has gone well for you both. LOL xxx

    1. Hello BRENDA thank you for your best wishes just keeping an eye on my eye have to go back in 4 months. Hug's Lynda xx

  26. Hi Sandra, Just popped in while making dinner to see if there was any news! Been thinking of you all day. Hope things are going well.
    Lynda hope you got good news too!
    Myra xx

    1. Hi MYRA thank you no Change hasn't got any worse so I have to go back in 4 months for another check up & too keep using the drops they are keeping a eye on it Haha Lynda xx

    2. Thanks Lynda , I'm pleased the problem is at least no worse! Xx

  27. Just thought I would stop by and see if there was any news as to how you are Sandra. At airport, we are early but with having the car to return and getting here through the traffic we decided to give ourselves plenty of time. Bags checked in through security and just relaxing now. Hazel x

    1. Have a good journey home, love and hugs
      Saba xxx

    2. Have a good journey back Sis.
      Weather forecast good for you retuning home. xxx

    3. Hazel I hope you have a good and trouble free journey home
      Margaret xxx

    4. Hi Hazel, have a good journey home. Fly carefully !

    5. Hazel hope you have a good flight home, weather is to be ok for tomorrow. Xxx

    6. Hazel safe journey home hope flight is on time. You will be tired tomorrow so no rushing around doing washing excetra,
      Hug's Lynda xx

    7. Safe travels home Hazel, xxx

  28. Just lost my message. Have also been wondering how Sandra and Lynda got on today. Been thinking about them. SAM. I hope your hospital appointments go well. Aunt not so good. Very tired and a bit weaker. Not sure whether to visit again as too many visitors will make her even more tired. She has her own family nearby who I am sure want to visit and don't want to make her anymore tired. Better go and get my dinner. Back later to see if there is any news
    HAZEL. safe journey home. Will be good to see you at the cafe.

    1. Brenda I'm sure she apreciates seeing you but I know how distressing it must be for you to see her like that. It's also difficult as you know her immediate family need to visit too. Sending you a big hug tonight my sweet xxx

  29. Hi folks
    Once again thank you so much for all your lovely comments, I have seen the two little girls at school this afternoon they told me they had a fabulous time the best ever at the wedding loved every minute of it and Auntie Di was so, so, very beautiful and really loved their card, so I was pleased.
    Sandra I do hope you are still not at the hospital and by now you have some answers, thank you for showing my card too.
    Lynda how did your hospital visit go well I hope?
    We have had two lovely days of sunshine such a welcome change from all that cold but the weather man is saying it will not last, trust him to wee on my bonfire!
    After years of being with the same insurance company for house and contents we decided to change, what a disaster that was! We have never had to put a claim in but sure enough we did last year with this new company, they were absolutely dreadful and to cut a long story short we contacted the Insurance Ombudsman who was fantastic, he sorted everything out, got us much more than we ever expected and to top it all made them pay us interest on what we received. So never be afraid to take a case to them should you ever have a problem, but I hope you don't. We have spent 2 hours today sorting out new insurance but thankfully it is all completed.
    Oh some visitors have just arrived, so will pop back later to see if there is any news of Sandra or Lynda.
    Margaret xxx

    1. Hi MARGARET yes appointment was ok my eye haven't got any worse have to go back in 4months as want to keep a eye on it.
      Thank you love Lynda xx

    Just had an email from Craft World in Scotland to say LAST YEARS Sue Wilson dies have been re-released, so perhaps we are going to have a little more time to build up our pennies before Sue launches this year's dies for Christmas. Just sneaked in my kitchen to let you know this, I am supposed to be making coffee for our visitors!
    Margaret xxx

    1. CHRISTMAS!!!
      Here was me thinking it was good getting some "summer" like weather today!! xxx

    2. My Let It Snow Die arrived today! Sorry!!! I've waited a long time for it! Xxx

    3. MYRA your love that die I had it last year it's beautiful.Xx

    4. It sold out everywhere didn't it! I really didn't want to miss out this time and I love Sue's Christmas Dies . I obviously don't have them all but her dies are tasteful! I won't mention Christmas again, promise - well - "Not Until The Next Time" xxx

  31. Hello everyone,
    Sandra and Lynda, I hope you have both been sorted out at the hospitals and that you are feeling much better, or at least got some answers and treatment.
    I'm shattered, we've been at David and Trudy's all day and it's been lovely. We went to a garden centre this afternoon, just having a leisurely walk around and then went for a coffee in the sunshine. It was just beautiful.
    I meant to pop in early Hazel to wish you a safe journey home, and I hope you manage to last until night time and get a good night's sleep. I sincerely hope you made the Mountie comfortable before you packed him!!! Patricia will be glad when you're home!
    Patricia, the weather forecast is good so Hazel should come back to warmth and sunshine.
    Margaret, your card is stunning, and the children would be as proud as punch to give the Bride and Groom something so beautiful. Whatever did you make for the parents to give - now that would tax the brain. I'm glad you got your house insurance sorted. It's sod's law that something happens when you change anything like that.
    Saba, I gave David a hug from you and he enjoyed it very much!!! I didn't give George one, I didn't want him to get used to things like that ha ha.
    Sam, love and prayers to you.
    Myra, dear, I gather there were lots of "fishy" comments on the blog last night after I had gone to bed. Whale all I can say is that you should tuna into the radio and scampi along.
    Got to go and start my ironing, two loads of it, oh woe, woe and thrice woe.
    Maureen xxx

    1. I just knew you'd have to chip in! Xxx

    2. Thank you MAUREEN hospital went ok I'm still suspect ,eye hasn't got any worse i have to go back in 4 months they are keeping an eye on it.
      Hope you got your ironing all done. Now put your feet up & have a Double tipple. lynda Xx

  32. Thanks for the info Margaret, goodness Christmas already, don't know if I want to start Christmas cards just yet.
    Hope we hear from Sandra and Lynda later, as to how they both got on at hospital.
    Take care, Jess xx

    1. Jess!! I am with you. ...... CHRISTMAS!!! Come on we have just had a wee glimps of summer today!! xxx

    2. Bah - Humbug!!
      Sorry I think I may have started Boxing Day early! Xxx

    3. I promise to be good ! So pleased you had lunch in the garden! Xxx

  33. Hello my lovelies, back home at lady, I have a diagnosis, sadly it's the one I feared, Trigeminal Neuralgia, there is no cure, no idea what bought it on, it could be any number of things, the drugs needed for relief are either Epilepsy drugs or Amytriptyline/pregabalin which I already have for my existing nerve pain!
    I am exhausted after two long days at the hospital, so a bed day for me tomorrow!
    I don't have time for resting, it's my daughters 21st at the weekend, she wants the moon on a stick basically, I have sorted her gifts, she wants a princess castle cake, the same as I made her for her 5th and thirteenth birthdays, just need to find the time and energy to do it!
    Anyway tomorrow is Wise Words Wednesday, so get those thinking caps on girls!
    Right I must go and get blog organised for tomorrow!
    Thanks for all of your kind, caring thoughts,
    Love and hugs,
    Sandra xxxxx

    1. try using heat, Sandra, thinking of you xx

    2. SANDRA. So sorry to hear that. I hope the drugs will help although if you are already taking them they weren't working for that pain. Hope they can get the dose right and you can get some relief. Definitely a bed day for you tomorrow. You must be exhausted. Will be thinking of you. Take Care and lots of hugs.

    3. Hello my dear heart Sandra, oh what a relief nothing untoward other than the diagnosis you thought it might be. Would they up the dosage of what you are already taking for nerve pain I wonder? Or is there anything else? I take Zapain for when Mr Arthur Ritus visits me, one of the best pain killers that work for me. Maybe they could trial that for you? After all you've been through with your two visits to the hospital, please try to have some deep sleep tonight. Love & ((((hugs)))) on their way to

    4. HinSandra
      So sorry to hear about the prognosis. Not to sure what drugs will work for that. As your already on those already. Hope you don't knock yourself out on Becca's birthday, seeing as she wants the moon and stars all rolled into one. One day she'll see how much all these things cost to do ( hopefully a). You make sure everyone helps you. It goes without saying that Paul will anyway. Take care my lovely and I'll see you next week. Perhaps we can go out for a coffee, just yo cheer uou up. Lots of like love. Pat x x x

    5. Hi Sandra,
      I'm so sorry it's trigeminal neuralgia but sometimes you can have months free from pain. My friend Pam has is but she is always worse in very cold winds and frosty weather. She wraps a scarf around her face and mouth. At the moment she is fine and she can be for months so hopefully this is a flare up which will calm down again. Stress does seem to aggravate it. So we will have to keep you stress free! Easier said than done methinks! I hope the drug treatment helps as it may take a wee while to get the dose just right! Sending lots of love. Have a rest tomorrow , please!
      Myra xxx

    6. Hi Sandra definitely a bed day for you tomorrow , I'm pleased you have got a diagnosis though even if it's one you could do without. I hope the pain can be managed now. I hope you manage to get the cake made, if I was nearer I would offer to help.
      Hope you sleep well tonight.
      Love Diane xxx

    7. Hi Sandra,
      Sorry to hear that they think it is Trigeminal Neuralgia, I hope they have given you something extra at the hospital to help ease the pain, I know you said you already take some but as Myra said maybe it will take a little while for them to readjust your dose to get your pain under control. I do hope you manage to get some sleep tonight. Have you tried using one of Margaret's heat pads to see if it helps at all?Sending you lots of love and gentle hugs,
      Saba xxxx

    8. Oh Sandra,
      I'm sorry that it's what you thought it was,, and that you already take the medication needed, but I'm with Myra and Saba in that the dosage maybe needs adjusting. Hugs, love and prayers are winging their way to you. Rest up and get the girls and Matt to help with the birthday preparations.
      Love Maureen xxx

    9. Dear Sandra, I am so sorry to read this diagnosis, I hope your doctor(s) can come up with some medicines that will offer you some relief. Stay strong xx
      Sending you love and very gentle ((((HUGS)))) Brenda xxx

    10. Hello Sandra so sorry it's the diagnosis you didn't want my lovely,please rest tomorrow you have had two tiering day's sitting in those uncomfortable chairs up the hospital,you must ache all over.
      I hope they can sort extra pain relief for you.......
      I hope you get some help from everyone.Is Becca having a party? Hope you haven't got to organise that,if she is.
      Please take care my lovely.
      Love & Hug's Lynda xx

    11. Sandra,
      So sorry to hear your diagnoses hope they can sort medication out for you. Look after yourself and do not wear yourself out for Becca they should be looking after you. Take care lots of hugs.
      Love Margaret xx

    12. Hi Sandra, oh so sorry that you have this problem .You have a real rest tomorrow. Know you want to make all these things for Rebecca but if you do make sure you get some help from the others or you want be any good to celebrate her day,love and hugs Maria xx

  34. Hi Sandra and ladies
    Sandra just keep thinking that after today you will be on medication to ease your pain, so it will all be worthwhile.
    Have been trying to reply to some things but the reply button doesn't seem to work for me today.
    c&c were saying they are starting there Christmas shows tomorrow, I think.
    Hazel have a good journey home and hope the sun is shining for you when you get here.
    Have been bowling all afternoon, the first time this year in short sleeve top, now that's what I call summer bowling lol.
    Love and hugs to everyone, as I said I wanted to reply to a few folk but it wouldn't let me.
    Wendy xx

  35. Hi all, No news yet from either Sandra or Lynda, hope everything has gone ok. Have thought about you both all day while taking my friend around different shops. She is due a double hip replacement so it's slow walking. Not much my doc. could do then give me more pills, if you hear anything like marracash around then it's probably me walking past. Oh yes she kindly will arrange for me to see a physio, how much good that will do but maybe she can fix the trapped C7.
    Hope your Knit & Natter went without to many hiccups and you had a good time.
    Wonder how many fishy puns you can come up with Diane tihi
    How do you feel Saba, not going with P to the beer garden ? Do they play the yodel / umpa,umpa music in there ?
    Can't wait until you back on properly Karenlotty. What happened to your computer ?
    Brenda-hope you had a good day shopping. I was completely pooped by the time I got back so I'm sure you were too, It's hard walking on hard flooring a longer time. Had lunch and coffee out but still tiring. Did you buy something nice ?
    Sam- I will be thinking of you. I'm on holiday but you will still be in my thoughts . Wish you well while in hospital, hugs.
    I can see that Hazel is on her way back, didn't the weeks go quick. Sure you can't wait to see your sister again Patricia.
    Pop back later, maybe S & L has been in while I been Writing xxxx

  36. Hi Sandra
    Sorry ladies meant yo say that I hope all your hospital appointments went well today. Sandra, I've already replied yo you comments on the blog under you.

  37. Cheryl my dear, I'm so sorry I realised I hadn't said that your day out sounded so interesting and I'm pleased you had a lovely day.
    I'm afraid I've only popped in to say goodnight.
    Lynda, I'm pleased they are keeping an eye on you (was that a deliberate pun when you wrote that?) and haven't just not bothered.
    Goodnight all, sweet dreams.
    Maureen xx

  38. Well Ladies!
    You've got something for which to look forward tomorrow!
    I'm going out for the day - so you'll have glorious peace!
    I'm going on a Ladies Outing - I have to say , generally, ladies en masses are not my thing, however , some from our Ladies Group really look forward to this Outing so I go. I think it's coaches I dislike - prefer to drive or be driven in a car.
    I'm off to Lakeland Centre in the Lake District then to a country pub for lunch then a Garden Centre on the way home! Alastair is in charge here tomorrow!
    Hope the Insurance is ok Margaret! I'll be home for dinner so he should manage to eat a sandwich without too much assistance! Have a good day and enjoy the peace ! Night Night all , I've to get up early Ugh! Xxx

    1. Myra, have a lovely day out despite the coach trip! I don't know if you have been before, but if it is the Lakeland by Windemere it is really interesting and has a fabulous restaurant. Wish I was coming with you, we could have a giggle on the journey there and back
      Sleep well, night and God bless
      Saba xxx

    2. Thank you, wish you were coming too!
      Night Night! Having my bedtime hot drink!
      Myra xxx

    3. When John and I went to Wimbledon today I said, "as we are hear I would like to pop into Lakeland" (not a big as the one in Windemere) £50 + pounds later - I had only wanted a tub of Bar Keepers Friend, it brings the copper bottoms of saucepans up a treat, no effort at all! We then went on to the shop he wanted to visit, only to find they were out of stock, but it was available in the Putney shop. So a bus ride later and he was able to get what he wanted.............. Suet blocks for
      the Bird feeder !!!!!! Well he did have a voucher for Robert Dyas - £5 off If you spend £25. The birds will be fine for a few week now LOL

    4. Oh Brenda!
      We have a lot in common! I love Bar Keeper's Friend - maybe could rename it Maureen!!! It is just so useful! Love it for my sink , my hob, and so much more! Suet Blocks arrived here by Yodel today!! Also the pink pellets that come in huge tubs! Forgotten what you call those - these are for the sparrows, Alastair's tame blackbirds and the nuthatches! Rabbits and baby grey squirrels are not so popular here just now! Ha Ha!
      Myra xxx

  39. Ha ha MAUREEN yes it was deliberate eye eye.
    Sleep well my dear.Hug's Lynda xx

    1. Hi Lynda
      Glad to hear it hasn't got any worse, hope the eye drops keep helping so that next time you go back there might be an improvement.
      Hugs Saba xxx

    2. Hi Lynda, good your eye have not got any worse. I guess you just have to continue with the drops to halt the problem.
      Think I missed something on your blog so it's time to look in there and Sue's then and then and then tihi who have got time to sleep.
      Sleep well droopy bunny, Muriel and Myra have a fab. day tomorrow (spill,spill ) and to everyone I also wish you a good night as possible!
      See you tomorrow girls, hugs Maria xxx

  40. MYRA have a lovely day out tomorrow sounds like a full day for you. Tell Alastair he can join us if he likes & he can have lunch in the
    Hug's Lynda xx

    1. Thanks Lynda!
      Having my bedtime hot drink then it's trying to sleep!
      Will report back tomorrow! Xxx

    2. Hi Lynda,
      thanks for your kind words earlier, good news that your eyes haven't got any worse, did the drops make your face sore? Paul's dad has it and he struggled with the drops at first, I was a bit concerned as they hadn't told Paul to mention to his optician that his father had glaucoma?! I thought that you had to let them know if you had it in your family history!
      I had a quick look at Harry's christening pics earlier, but I am going to have a proper look in a few minutes, did you have a good day?
      love and hugs

  41. Hi Ladies,
    thanks for all of your lovely comments earlier, you bunch certainly keep my spirits lifted!
    How can it possibly be that it is time for Hazel to come back already, it only seems like she has been gone a week!
    This year is whizzing by a little too fast!
    I am going to bid you all goodnight, I have showered that hospital smell away,
    scrubbed off the sticky marks from the sticky pads that they cover you in for monitoring, oh I wish I had shaved my legs!
    Love and hugs

  42. Hi Sandra. Yes you should let the optician know if there is Glaucoma in the family. They then make sure they test you for it when you have an eye test and the eye test is free because of the glaucoma. My boys both have free eye tests because of me having glaucoma. I did reply earlier about your diagnosis but again I hope that they can sort out your medication to help the pain. Take care and have plenty of rest. Hugsxx
