
Saturday 13 June 2015

Mixed Craft Saturday and a Sunny Hello from Pat & Pete!!!!

Good Morning Ladies,
Welcome to another mixed Craft Saturday!
First up today we have this totally amazing Vintage Style Dress,
it has been lovingly handmade by Diane!
You are one very creative seamstress Diane,
I love both the style and the material you have used.
I would love to know how long it took you?
Thank you so very much for sharing it with all of usxxxxx
This set of jewellery was handmade by me, it is made of
Genuine Aquamarine and freshwater pearls on a rose gold chain with
rose gold spacer beads (all gold is gold plated 925 sterling silver)!
The ear rings are made with matching materials!
let me know what you think ! xxx
Next up we have Karen's cute little peg chair!
How very clever of you Karen, I love how you have put the
decorative spokes in the back of the chair,
I think this would make a fab holder for your phone
while it is charging!
Thanks for sharing Karen xxxxx
Look who we have here......its my lovely friend Pat and Pete!
They are sitting with Pinocchio, outside the Pinocchio shop
in Italy, you look like you are having fun in the sun!
Looking forward to having you back xxxxx
Enjoy the rest of your holiday x
I hope that you love all the different things we have on show today,
I will need some more for next week, or a change of theme.
Its your blog too, I love to hear your ideas!
Have a fab weekend my lovelies.
Love and Hugs


  1. Good morning Sandra and the Coffee Shop Gang hope you are all TicketyBoo! and looking forward to the weekend. Weather not so good this morning, no cuppa in the garden for me today.
    Wow! oh! Wow! how talented are our wonderful customers???
    DAINE:- I love your dress, really pretty material and I think the design would be perfect for holidays. I guess it's a wrap around which would be so easy to wear.
    SANDRA:- I love your jewellery set, the fact you have used "real" stones/beads is beautiful. I love the necklace but would need "studs" for earrings. Delicate and very elegant, really like the design.
    KAREN:- what a fantastic idea, Sandra is right it would make a great cradle to house your phone while it's charging.
    PAT & PETE looks like you had a wonderful holiday, love your friend ....... think he been telling you some "porkies" !!!! Looking forward to hearing stories of your holiday.
    Nothing much planned for today. If it's a stay indoors day I might go looking for that Mojo of mine!!! I need a few cards for me and some for my box.
    Everything looking good, fresh flowers on the tables. Someone has handed in some nice "cookie buns" think it might be Margaret (corgi owner) she's good at these iced creations. She has also left some beautiful bread for the soup at lunchtime. I would love to try some of Maragrets bread always smells good when she baking it.
    OK! (((((Hugs)))))in the basket by the door as always. See you all later xxx

    1. Hi Patricia
      Thank you for your lovely comment, yes it's the walk away dress featured on the sewing bee so it is two panels that fasten at the back and then wrap around to the front xxx

  2. Good morning Sandra and ladies, very talented ones at that.
    Sandra, I love your jewellery, very delicate as big sister as just said, it beautiful.
    Diane, I very pretty dress, love the design and the material you have used.
    Karen, your little chair is so clever.
    Pat, you and Pete look so relaxed sitting there, your holiday has been good for you both, I hope your hip is less painful today?
    Right ladies after Maureen brilliant suggestion last night about " A Stamping Up Party" or demonstration. I found s lady who did one in Birmingham in April, I e-mailed her and she got back to me, saying she was booked up for the dates we were at the retreat, but she would put a shout out to other demonstrators and see if she could find us one. We don't have to go down that route, but we can see what it would cost etc. and make a decision. At least the lady didn't say it wasn't possible to have one.
    Right of to have my cup tea. Just thought I'd let you know the out come. Hazel x

    1. Thanks for finding out if we can have a demo.
      You are so good at these things
      Jess x

    2. Thank you Hazel and thank you for finding out about the demonstrator. If we can't find anyone I could always ask Karen if she fancies a weekend away! Xx

  3. Morning Ladies

    We have sunshine today rather than rain so a change of plan needed I think.

    Sandra-your jewellery is lovely, didn't know you made that.

    Diane-great dress, vintage is so popular.

    Karen-how clever to use pegs to make a chair, it looks great.

    Pat-great photo.

    Hubby has informed me he wants to go into Southport to look for new prescription sunglasses (I'm needed to say yes they suit him etc). The rain that had been forecast for today seems to be waiting until tomorrow so we might as well go out. It's most unusual for hubby to be around on a Saturday morning as he usually plays golf but it's an invitation day today so he's not playing.


  4. Morning Sandra And All My Dear Friends
    What A Beautiful Array Of Crafts, I Love The Jewellery, And I Always Admire People Who Can Sew, I Love The Little Peg Chair, And Great Photograph Of Your Dear Friends.
    I'm Not Very Good At Other Items Other Than Stamping And My Cards, I Can Sew, And In My Early Years I Did Some Upholstery Like A Headboard And A Blanket Box To Match With Dralon And Button Them I Enjoyed Doing This At The Time, I've Made Skirts Which I Was Really Pleased With But I No Longer Have A Sewing Machine So I Don't Do That Craft.
    Well Keep Well All, It's Raining Here So Continues Card Making Yes!!!
    Take Care All
    Love And Hugs
    From Sam xxx

    1. Thanks Sam, believe me I'm no seem stress ! Thank goodness Julian's mum helped me! Xxx

  5. Good morning Ladies

    A lovely selection of crafts today, a beautiful dress, stunning jewellery and a gorgeous peg chair, we certainly are very multi-talented Coffee Shop Clientele.
    Sandra, I hope you enjoy today and let others do the running around for you. I hope you are feeling much better and Happy 21st to your lovely daughter.

    Well, my head is almost back to normal ( not that I've ever been normal but I'm still here!). A lingering pressure headache due to this oppressive weather, one that I can cope with though. Neck is stiffening up so more exercises needed today.
    Tiegan is coming over to stay for the day, she has some homework she'd like me to help her with, and I thought she was coming to craft. Oh well, time to get my thinking head on. Hope it's not too hard, she has weird and wonderful homework set for her on subjects I never learned at school. It's never too late to learn something new.

    Tiegan's calling , I'll pop in later.
    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Cheryl as they say 'every day is a school day', enjoy!
      Jess x

    2. Cheryl, I want to say thank you for your tip about wrapping cards up in Tulle, I have just don't this with my baby card that is off to Canada, and doing this way has just given that extra touch of class, so again thank you. I hope you have had a great time crafting with Tiegan. Hazel x

    3. Hi Cheryl thank you for your lovely comment, I hope you managed the homework and still had time for crafting. I hope your neck improves, if you can bear it put an ice pack on it, it will help reduce any swelling inside and reduce the stiffness xxx

  6. Morning Sandra and all lovely 'ladies' ,
    I do love Saturday's mix, you are all so talented,it put me to shame.
    I love the dress Diane, it says summer and relaxation (do it come in xxxl)
    Sandra your set of jewellery is lovely, beautiful colours. Bring some to the retreat.
    Karenlotty, I love you rocking chair ,it took me a little while to see it was made of pegs but soooo cleaver !
    Pat and Pete so nice to see you with your friend. You both look great! I hope you are feeling better today, just take it easy.
    Sweet flowers on the tables and a lovely smell from the bread rolls, coffee and croissants were very nice but must get on, the hoover is giving me the eye.
    Have a nice day everyone ,love and hugs Maria xx

    1. Hi Maria thank you for your lovely comment. The pattern comes up to size 20( might be 22 I can't remember off the top of my head!) we added some on around the middle after it was cut out as we felt it didn't fit properly but ended up altering it at the end. If you like vintage dresses try looking at a website called Lady V, they do lots of styles and cater for the larger lady ! I bought one for a 50s event last year. Xxx

  7. Morning ladies, not to nice weather wise here today, I think we might have had our summer over the past three days, ah well onward and upward as they say.
    Diane you dress is lovely the material is beautiful, I used to make a lot of clothes
    a while back, but patterns and material got so expensive and it was cheaper to buy dresses and skirts.
    Sandra your jewellery is lovely, like your design.
    Karen I remember making these chairs years ago with my dad, you brought back happy memories!
    Pat you and Pete look so relaxed, Pinocchio looks like he has told a really big lie!
    Off to finish sons birthday card, take care everyone.

    Sandra, hope Becca has a brilliant day.
    Jess x

    1. Hi Jess thank you. Yes the material is pretty isn't it but was reasonable by today's standards at £7.99 per metre! Some I saw were £22!!!! It needed 5 metres so with bias binding etc was quite pricey but was a good project. Xxx

  8. Good morning ladies,
    Sandra I hope you are enjoying the weekend and not getting too stressed with the preparations for For Becca's birthday. Enjoy your meal out tonight with your family and Paul's parents.
    Well, what a talented bunch of ladies,
    Diane I love your dress, I am in awe of anyone who can make such an amazing creation. It's fabulous.
    Karen, your little peg chair is so sweet, I know my granddaughter would find a little doll from her collection who would love to sit in it.
    Sandra your necklace and earrings are beautifully made, I really like the design and the aquamarine and pearls are lovely combination.
    Pat, loved seeing a photo of you and Pete, thank you for allowing us to see it. Hope you are not in pain today.
    Cheryl, enjoy your time with Tiegan, be gentle with the exercises on your neck.
    Hazel, as far as I know, the stamping up parties don't cost anything but maybe I am wrong.
    Myra, hope you are having a lovely time with your visitors.
    Well I am going into town to do some shopping for our holiday next week. I need some new shorts, comfy ones for sitting about in and I need some books. I usually take about 5 or 6 so it might take a while in the bookshop.
    Love and hugs for now
    Saba xxxx

    1. Hi Saba
      Thank you for your lovely comment. Xxx I would say M&S have some lovely shorts but don't know if you have it in Germany. I love taking books on holiday too and have been known to but more whilst I'm away! Hope you find what you need xxx

    2. Diane They still got one of my favorite stores in Germany the C&A !
      Not sure if you got one near you Saba but they used to have some good things, hope you managed to get some shorts and books, it sound heavy but nothing better then a real book.
      Had a look at Lady V site and I love the stile, it's only you need a waist which I have not hihi Jeans and Tee-shirt thats me normally xxx

  9. Wow Sandra, you have shown us some gorgeous crafts today, love your jewellery. Karen's peg chair is soooo cute and as you say would be great for your phone to sit in lol!

    Have a great weekend

    Love & Hugs

    Jacquie J xxx

  10. Hello friends,
    I'll help myself to a latte and fruit scone, just take it easy Sandra, I'll help myself and put my money in the pot.
    Sandra, first of all take it easy, but enjoy yourself with Paul's parents and I hope Becca has an amazing Birthday. Happy Birthday to Becca.
    Diane, This is such a pretty dress, I'm trying to figure out how to wear it, and the material is lovely and very retro. It's a few years since I made anything other than fancy dress costumes!
    Karen, love the chair and I am so pleased that all the pegs are the same colour!!!
    Sandra, your jewellery is beautiful. Aquamarine and pearls, two of the prettiest jewels.
    Pat and Pete, nice to meet your friend! I hope you didn't believe all his porkies!!!
    Cheryl, I'm glad your head is a bit better today, but don't over exercise the brain with Tiegan, or your headache will be worse.
    Saba, where are you going on holiday? Or have you already told us and I've forgotten. You know how hopeless I am.
    Well, I'm away to look for my rings and some favourite earrings which I took off last night, and don't know where I put them. Eleanor and Zoe are having a sleepover tonight, so I want to try to find them before they come. They could be anywhere, even down the sides of a chair. Oh dear!!!
    My coffee and scone are finished, and very nice they were too.
    Love to all,
    Maureen xxx

    1. Maureen the amount of times I loss my earrings and things because I take them off and lay them down. Hope you find them. Are you all prepared for the girls sleepover? Which film is it going to be tonight???
      Hazel x

    2. Hi Maureen thank you for your lovely comment. Haha yes I get lost when putting it on too! You put it on over your head and the straight front panel fastens at the back then the back bit with the full skirt on wraps around the front and does up with buttons! I hope you find your jewellery , I lost an eating 6 months ago when I was brushing my hair and although I've looked everywhere I haven't found it yet! Our bedroom carpet does eat things in the pile though! Enjoy your film and sleep over xxx

  11. My goodness is so quiet in here today, where is every one??? I have been busy and thought I'd pop in and have a cup of tea and a piece of cake, but it looks like I will be sitting on my own. Never mind sitting here it gets me away from doing more tidying up my craft stuff. Tell me where does all the bit of card come from? Yes I know we create it when cutting etc. but do we cut that many sheets of card and paper up? I have a big carrier bag hung up that I put it in to, then do an empty into the paper bin every wee while , the bag was overflowing nearly!
    I have to pack up my craft stuff out of the spare room in the next 5 weeks as one of Charlies sisters is coming to stay for 2 weeks, I can't have her sleeping in there surrounded by all my craft things. My problem is where am I going to store it. I think it will be boxes and into the loft, not much room in there either!!.,
    I have to clear all the baby things out of the drawers too, nightmare or what? Well I suppose I'd better get back to the task in hand. Money in the pot, cup and plate in the dishwasher. Hazel x

  12. Hazel your right ... very quite in here today. Is everyone at Sandra's for a piece of Birthday Cake??? Was too late to join you for a cuppa.
    My Mojo is still on holiday although I have made a box and decorated it with a different decoration. I got the instructions for what I used on the top from Maragret (corgi owner) Thank You Margaret. I will pop it on my Blog during the week for you all see.
    While I was working I had to do some Die Cutting ...... was thinking of Maureen at that point .... wondering why folks?? ..... I am a "scarf"person have not had one on for a few days. I need one today it's cold here. I was just using my wee Cuttlebug, I was busy winding the handle and my scarf stated getting tighter. Yes!! my scarf was caught in between the plates!!!!
    Right had a cuppa, washed my cup and plate, money in the pot.
    See you all later xxx

    1. Big sis, what am I going to do with you??? Letting your scarf get caught? Thank goodness it wasn't the electric machine you were using!!! Please, please, please be careful.
      PLEASE. TAKE NOTE, do not wear scarves while die cutting!!! Hazel x

    2. Oh no Patricia! I hope your husband hasn't been having lessons from George! Thank you for the warning, not what you want to do! Xxx

  13. Hello everyone sorry for being AWOL for a few days but we had no internet at all apparently it was being updated but the whole of wiga was down.
    Wishing your daughter a happy 21 St Sandra and hope you are feeling better.
    Need to do a big catch up but don't know if I can read everything as I know we have a group of chatter boxes here so I might skip a few. Just been shopping for clothes with Nic, she hates shopping, so a well earned drink is in order and a sit down for us both.
    Hugs in the basket and may talk later xx
    Jean x

  14. Hello Sandra and coffee shop ladies,
    Gosh where has the day gone? I've been busy sorting out the cupboard under the sink in the outhouse, had a major turn out of 'stuff'' now everything is stored away in marked containers, a very satisfying job done.have also spent some time in the garden. Now I feeli in need of a nap.

    Diane, your dress looks lovely, love the fabric you have used.

    Sandra, your Aquamarine and Pearl necklace and earrings are gorgeous.

    Pat and Pete, Love your new friend, hope he has been good and not telling Porkies !!! Hope you are both feeling well, and enjoyed you holiday.

    Karen, Love your little chair, it would make a lovely display stand.

    Sending my best wishes to Becca on her 21st Birthday. Becca enjoy your birthday meal and have a fantastic time in France. LOL

    Love and Hugs to everyone, Brenda xxx

    Cheryl, pleased you are feeling a bit better today. Enjoy your time with Tiegan.

    1. Thank you Brenda, the fabric is pretty isn't it. Gosh, would you mind coming round to sort out my sink cupboard ? A bottle of floor cleaner spilt under there so although I have wiped it up it does need a good sort out! Xxx

  15. Hi Sandra and all in the cafe today. I hope you are having a lovely day with Paul's Mum and Dad Sandra. And have a lovely day tomorrow too. I know you you are going to be labouring away but just think how you were feeling this time 21 years ago after a very different type of labour! : ) Love to you all on this special day.
    Diane, I love your dress, beautiful material and it looks like a really comfy style too. Iam not a dress wearer, having spent most of my life on the floor looking after other peoples babies and then my own dresses and skirts have never been practical, (ok, Mum, I can hear you spluttering : ) I will now admit that I am also a tom boy, and always have been, my Grandma used to have to bribe me to put on a dress, but only over my shorts or rolled up trousers, to go "up the street" after lunch to get the daily shopping whenever I stayed with her!) Is there any chance we can see what your gorgeous dress looks like on Diane, please?
    Karen, what a cute little peg chair. It would look great as a phone holder. I love wooden pegs as they are all the same colour, no having to match them when putting the washing on the line. Just wish they didn't get mucky and leave marks on the washing!
    Sandra, I love your jewellery, so pretty and dainty. Pat and I am lucky enough to have some of your beautiful creations already and I think the other ladies would love to see more of it at the retreat.
    Pat, thanks for sending the picture of you and Pete with your new friend. Are you bringing him home? At least he won't moan at you if you make a mess when crafting : )) Only teasing, it's good to see you and Pete are having a lovely time.
    The weather is rather wet and dreary here , I hope it is brighter in your home towns ladies. Take care xx

    1. Hi Sandra and all especially my dear daughter!!
      Would I tell tales on you Sue not likely I remember the time you were May Queen and cried all afternoon because you had to wear a dress but in the photos she looks like butter would not melt in her mouth,(mind you she was only. 3 or 4), sorry Sue could not resist telling that tale!

      Sandra have a lovely weekend and as everybody has been saying except what help you can. Happy birthday to Becca.
      Diane the dress is lovely.
      Karen the chair is great where do you all get these great ideas from?
      Good to see the photo of Pat and Pete hope the holiday did them both good, Pat please be careful with your hip it is still early days for you!
      Have a good weekend all of you.
      Love Margaretxx

    2. Sue and Margaret I love it that we have mum and daughter on here.
      Margaret, please feel free to spill the beans more often Lol.!!!!

    3. Hi Margaret,

      Just reading your story made me smile as my tomboy daughter Fiona was also chosen as a May Queen. She wore a long blue flowered dress and sat quite posh as she toured around our village in a pony & cart with her attendants until they drove into the school yard and her eyes lit up as she spied a Death Slide had been erected. As soon as she was crowned, she shot off in her dress to wait for her turn!!! x

  16. Hi all or Hi less. Now,now Sandra when you see this Do Not Panic, it's just the others are having a busy Saturday/ weekend and will soon storming through the door again.
    Hope you are enjoying having Paul's parents around and they all mucking in for Rebecca's birthday. Think to be 21 again, or maybe not when I'm thinking of it hihi
    Glad you didn't strangled yourself Patricia, we only have one. Is Muriel's OH lurking around and made a mix-up ? Wonder if she found her jewellery ?
    No cooking tonight, yippee! Chicken Biryani, Lamb Rogan Josh (no relations to Littlelamb)! and a Sizzler mix, rice and naan bread too , we are three people so it's not all for me tihi pop in later hugs Maria xx

    Well Patricia, I think George has been training your Cuttlebug! But it's true what Hazel says, don't wear a scarf when using an electric machine.
    Yes, I found my rings (sapphire and diamond - sapphire is my birth stone, and I love them, just wish I had more really BIG ones, ha ha). and my favourite earrings which a friend bought for my Christmas box a few years ago. They were in my cardigan pocket which I'd slipped on late last night whilst crafting!! It suddenly came to me where I'd put them, whilst in the middle of shopping in the supermarket!!
    The girls have just finished their tea, Zoe has brought a candle making kit and wants to make some - eat your heart out Myra!!!!
    The film tonight is a choice between Scooby Doo or Alvin and the Chipmunks - now Hazel would feel as though she was back in Canada with that one!!!! I can see it's going to be a l o n g night lol.
    Maria, I'll be round shortly to help you eat your feast.
    See you all later, if I get the chance.
    Love to all
    Maureen xxx

    1. MAUREEN:- is your birthday in September ...... are you a "Virgo" ???
      My birthstone is Sapphire. xxx

    2. Patricia, there are four of us Virgos here. And two of you share the same date!!

    3. Not a morsel left, sorry Maureen. glad you found your prized bling blings. Alvin and the chipmunks, aaah they are so cute. Did you make some candles too, hope you take a picture, love to see them. Have fun with the girls sleeping over,hugs Maria xx

    4. Patricia,
      If I remember rightly my birthday is the same as yours. Maria, a candle was made but the wax wasn't melted, it's done in layers or a pattern rather like coloured sand. But there's a wick in the middle. I don't know if we light it, if the wax will melt, but Zoe is very, very happy with the result, and it does look pretty.
      Well. we watched Scooby Doo (about the 6th time) and they had supper and have been asleep for about an hour, I've had a quiet coffee and am going to bed now.
      See you all in the morning, sleep tight.
      Myra, I hope your visitors are enjoying themselves.
      Love to all
      Maureen xxxx
      P.S. Good luck to Sophie & Lucy for football tomorrow.

  18. Hi Sandra
    What a lovely dress Diane, I think I had one just like it many moons ago. Love your necklace and earrings Sandra. I like Mrs B know first hand how fantastic they look. Love you peg chair as well Karen. Such a talented lot if ladies we have in the cafe. Loved having a chat with Pinnochio, I don't think he told me any fibs as his nose stayed the same size. Hope you have a lovely weekend Sandra with Paul's mum and dad and Becca's birthday. We came back from Italy to cold and wet weather. I want yo go back. Didn't spend enough time in Rome to see all the sites in person, rather than from the inside if a bus.

    1. Hi Pat thank you for your lovely comment. It's lovely to have you home, shame about the weather though xxx

  19. Hi Sandra and all the lovely coffee shop ladies.
    I have tried to comment on my way down but for some reason when I got to you Sue it wouldn't let me leave a comment- sorry. Xxx
    First of all Sandra I hope you are enjoying your weekend of partying and spending time with the family. Don't over do it though and let everyone help. Happy birthday Becky xxx Sandra your jewellery is beautiful, even more so because it's aquamarine. My engagement ring is aquamarine and we always look out for additional pieces but it can be quite hard to find. Love the design, you are so clever xxx
    Pat and Pete, I love your friend, isn't he lovely. It looks like you are having fun xxx
    Karen your chair is so cute and what a great use for broken pegs. I threw some out this week, would have kept them if I'd known! Xxx
    Thank you for the lovely comments about my dress, it doesn't look so good on the hanger but I did say to Sandra I will get a photo when I wear it. I'm planning on wearing it for my uncles 90th birthday party but I'm sure it will be worn before then. I'm looking for some shoes to go with it. The pattern is the one used on the sewing bee, the walk away dress. I fancied having a go at it and bought the pattern from C&C as it was out of stock in most places. Now let me explain, I cook I don't sew! My sister sews but doesn't cook (sh can burn water!). I was allowed to use Emma's sewing machine (mine died of shock many years ago from suddenly being used!). I couldn't find my dress making scissors so Jean came over and helped me cut it out, helped fit it and started me off. We did all the complicated bits which left me with hemming and sewing on the bias tape, well they said you could start it and walk away wearing it in the afternoon! Hmmm it took me weeks with a lot of stopping in between! I'm proud I've finished it, was going to wear it for my birthday but was still sewing the night before so didn't make it. Jean bought me some outrageous shoes to go with it that are beautiful but as we said they are so beautiful they are indoor shoes only.
    Sorry I'm late today, more biology revision today - reproductive system!!!! All very technical though so no embarrassing stuff! Phew. Emma is getting a bit flat now though because all the exams have been horrible this year. (Everyone says the same which is good). The best one was general studies that they all do and universities don't count! It's the last week though so we are looking forward to the end of it all.
    Right I must go, didn't realise we were watching a film on +1 so it's later than I thought so must get dinner sorted. See you all later.
    Love Diane xxxx

    1. Sorry I am a bit late again. SANDRA you have shown us some lovely things today. Your Jewellery is gorgeous. Diane. Love your dress. I haven't done any sewing for ages. I stopped several tears ago when the price of material and patterns got so expensive it was cheaper to buy ready made. I had been making my own clothes since before I left school and my children's. Karen love your rocking chair.

    2. Sorry I stopped suddenly but my granddaughter was messaging me. Pat - lovely photo of you and Pete. Not sure about the other person. Glad you enjoyed your holiday. Yes the weather here is awful isn't it. Was so cold last night I had to go and put a thick cardigan on. At this rate we will be wearing the same all year and won't need summer clothes. Hope everyone is ok and you are not working too hard Sandra. Hope the girls match goes well tomorrow and they win. Be back later.

    3. Hi Diane,
      We don't have M&S shops here but we do have European online M&S. Trouble is I have found when I am home that the M&S sizing is a law unto itself. Last time I was home, I bought clothes ranging from size 8 to size 12 all on the same day. So am always a bit wary of ordering online.
      Good luck with the biology. I love biology wish I was there to do the revision with Emma.
      Do hope we get to see a photo of you in your fabulous dress.
      Love Saba xxxx

    4. Saba you are so right reference M&S sizing, more so I think in their underwear, two bras same style meant to be same size-no way!!! Yes you need to try on. Hazel x

    5. Hazel yes I agree, I bought 3 bras the same size and one is a tad close but thought it might stretch once worn, no bloomin uncomfortable! Wish you could try before you buy with bras! Xx
      Saba, you are welcome to come and share the revision anytime! :) xxx

    6. Brenda thank you for your lovely comment. The price of fabric has shot up hasn't it xxx

    7. Hi Ladies
      Yes the bra sizes are awful in M & s. My friend works in the bra department and says never buy a bra without trying them on first. I bought two new ones before I went away. I wasn't to sure they actually fitted correctly. A young girl came when I called for someone to give me a second opinion. She said they were fine, but I'm still not convinced. Same with clothes. You can buy two pairs of trousers exactly the same except for the colour, and the leg length can be different.

  20. Good evening Sandra and all the coffee shop crew
    Well I had an early start today, I was so sure I would keep up with the day but it has just run away from me! Out soon this morning before 9, first stop was the post office to send a parcel off to Cheryl, some bags for her to fill with rice and as long as the posties get a wiggle on she should have them soon, I do hope they will give her some relief with her neck pain. Then onto the Lakes Centre that have a good gardening section to buy our summer plants, home had a quick coffee and then our into the garden with a weak sun for company and two corgis. Everything takes me longer than usual with my shoulder but I have got them all planted, had a shower and washed my hair wrapped the towel around my hair and thought |I would have a five minutes on the bed. But fell asleep then it was time to make dinner!
    Sandra I hope you are all enjoying todays get together for your family with the star of the show Becca! Please let the others help and enjoy this special weekend.
    What a wonderful collection of crafts today Diane your dress looks wonderful I do hope you enjoy wearing it, and showing off your glamorous creation.
    Karen what a lovely little chair I can just see a little doll sitting there, any little girl would love it.
    Sandra your contribution today is fantastic who would not love to wear such a lovely set for a posh day out all dressed up you really are so very talented.
    Pat so lovely to see you and Pete having such a wonderful time with your little character for company, I hope you didn't believe a word the little man said!
    Patricia looking forward to seeing your new project next week, you are such an inspiration with your creations.
    Well enjoy the rest of your evening, it does seem quiet tonight, hope everyone is ok, my hugs and cuddles are over in the corner as usual.
    I will try and pop back later if I don't fall asleep again!
    Margaret xxx

    1. Thank you Margaret, it does sound like you have had a busy day but doesn't the garden look lovely once it is planted up. My baskets are started to fill out and look lovely now, but the very heavy rain last night has ruined the peonies and one rose. Hope you sleep well tonight xxx

  21. Hi ladies,
    Just a catch up before I turn in for the evening.
    Tiegan's homework is a follow-up to a book they are reading in class. Trash. It's all about the orphan children living on tips in the Philippines and the charities that help them.
    Instead of them researching those charities, her class were asked to find out from a family member which charity they supported, why, what help did the charity give them and the history of them?
    So she chose Cardiomyopathy UK because Granddad Pete died from this heart muscle disease and she knew I raised monies from selling my crafts for them. How sweet is that? She shed a few tears remembering Granddad and we had a few cuddles. Then she made Daddy a father's Day card and then Robin arrived to take her home.

    I forgot to mention earlier the lovely photo of Pat and Pete, how relaxed and happy you both look on your travels around Italy.

    Mr Sandman has arrived so nighty night everyone,
    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. What a really sweet thing for Tiegan to do. Glad you managed a few cuddles and happy memories xxx

    2. That's lovely Cheryl, what a thoughtful granddaughter and some lovely grandma time with her today with lovely memories. Night night sleep tight xxx

  22. Cheryl, you are so right. I think schools don't stop and think these days. Good for Tiegan choosing to do it on one that's close to her. At least she can connect to it. I am dropping biscuits, cofee and bottles of juice at the chemo unit on Monday, it's part of the money I got for making Gillian's friends wedding invitations. I do this as so many people benifit from the tea trolly going round while they and any one who sit with them get a drink and a biscuit. Hazel x

    1. Bless you Hazel,
      When Val was having her Chemo, it was one of the things that really made a difference to her during the long and anxious day. Sometimes it really is the little things that mean such a lot.
      Biggest hugs Saba xxx

  23. Well it's been a very quiet day here in the coffee shop, Myra you have been missed, Sheila I hope you are ok? Janice you are likely chasing your tail? Wendy have you been bowling? Brenda you must be exhausted from all that clearing out, so take it easy tomorrow. Janet are you on your way to your little bit of heaven? We haven't heard from Alison for a while!!., Lynda I hope you haven't gone and caught OHs virus, either that OH is demanding you to see to his needs, and of coarse or hostess is over doing it, we know she will have taken not one bit of notice of what we told her, she has all these mother figures in here telling her to be good but NO. She is being Super Women !!! So we will just have to except it we can't change her? We will keep the place going Sandra and please is you are tired and sore don't worry about the blog, we keep telling you we will manage. You are the most important one. ((((( hugs))))) for those who need them . Oh I forgot Norah, I think she has worked her fingers to the bone and now can't type. Hazel x

  24. Lynda,
    Have I missed your comments today, Hope you are all OK. How is Terry? Hope his virus has improved AND not infected you!
    Sheila and Norah missing you. Just hope you are well. Sending very gentle hugs to you both LOL xxx

  25. Ladies,
    I am sorry but I really must go to bed, I was wandering around the city for hours and only managed to find one pair of shorts and even they weren't exactly what I was looking for. I never even got to the book shop so will have to go in again next week.
    So I'll just say Good night and God bless all and will see you tomorrow.
    Love Saba xxx

  26. Night night God bless, sleep tight, I'm off to bed too. Need to be up early for chemistry revision! See you all tomorrow love Diane xxx

  27. Tiegan is a sweetie, nice you had your day together Cheryl. Better luck with your shopping tomorrow Saba.
    It's gone past some of yours bedtimes so I will wish you all a good night and sending hugs ,warming ones to Littlelamb and anyone who need one
    hugs Xxxx

  28. Hi Sandra and Everyone! Actually I'd settle for anyone who is still awake! Ha ha ! I have been missing you all and all the interaction but hey - you have two whole days of be cheeky remarks - from me anyway!
    I have set the kitchen table for breakfast and the dining room table for lunch! I have really enjoyed the weekend and we have been out for most of the day! I cooked veal fillet loin tonight and managed to get it right so was a happy bunny.
    Roast beef and Yorkshire puddings tomorrow - must remember not to clean the tin afterwards!
    As you know I love Saturday's Crafts!
    Diane - I love your vintage style dress and the fabric is beautiful! Would love to see a photo of you wearing it! Thank you.
    Sandra - you are a clever lady and your jewellery looks so elegant and I love the stones you have used. Please don't overdo things this weekend!
    Karen - I love your little chair! My daughter in law has a similar one which her Grandad made. He died some years ago and that little chair is one of her treasures!
    I'm sorry I haven't been able to leve comments on the way down as its really too late and I need to be up in the morning vaguely bright eyed and bushy tailed!!
    No one may read this, but just in case!
    Love to everyone of you special ladies!
    Myra xxx

    1. you seem to be well organised for tomorrow Myra, have a lovely day with your visitors. Good night my friend xx

  29. Yes I have read it Myra if you are still there. Glad everything is going well with your visitors. Think everyone has been busy today one way or another.

  30. Hi Brenda!
    I'm a bit tired as although it's lovely having friends it's all go from morning until night! I need to be organised so I plan menus etc. I've missed chatting to you all and adding my little bits and pieces but there has been no time for that. I lit one of my little teacups this evening and it did look pretty in its little corner . My friend couldn't believe I'd made it. That was nice! I think! Are you tired tonight or struggling to be able to sleep?
    Love Myra xx

  31. Myra, You sound very organised, it sounds as though you have done a lot of forward planning and the weekend is groing well. Well done you. LOL XXX

  32. Should have said ....... Night, Night everyone hope the sandman comes soon LOL xxx

    1. Brenda,
      I hope he turning up soon too, sat here to 3am this morning and up at 8am so it has been a long day. nighty night xxx

  33. Night Night to both lovely Brendas !! Sleep well, Brenda Littlelamb , hope you sleep a long time before 3am!
    God Bless, xxxx
