
Friday 12 June 2015

A Beautiful Gift!

 Good Morning lovely friends,
I was feeling a little tired and fed up yesterday, it just seemed a long day, then the Postie came and the mail landed with a loud thud, most of the pile was birthday cards for Becca's upcoming 21st Birthday, but at the bottom of the pile there was an envelope addressed to me, I hastily opened the envelope and found this beautiful card from my lovely friend Lynda, just to cheer me up and send me hugs, how kind and thoughtful, I think that these are definitely the best cards to receive, as they are totally unexpected, so take you by surprise!
Lynda thank you so very much, you put the biggest smile on my face and lump in my throat, you are such an amazing friend, thank you so much.
The card is just amazing, the roses look etched and are like decoupage, look totally amazing yet really hard to describe. The row of mini dazzlers really balances the card, I love the Phyll Martyn Sentiment too.
Thank you once again Lynda xxx
Now ladies I hope you haven't all spent your retreat money on the new 'Todo' machine, I know it was tempting at such a low price! We will however get to hear all about what its really like through
Lynda, as her rich friend has bought one, I hope she has more success with that than she did her 'Cut n boss' Lynda!
I still think that if you were going to go for Foiling machine, you would be better off with the ones that work with Toner and Laser printer, because with those you can just photocopy any image, anyone's name, any greeting as many times as you like, you could even get away without the printer as you can take your pieces to the Library to be copied as they tend to use the Laser printers, whereas these hot foil thinks can only be 'hot foiled' with the dies that you buy, this is very limiting and unless you pay for a bespoke die you cant just make a card with anyone's name on!
That's my opinion anyway, what do you all think?
Well we have a very busy weekend, Paul's parents are coming on Saturday and staying until Monday, we are going for a meal with Becca for her birthday on Sunday as she is leaving for Paris on the morning of her birthday to spend a few days with Josh, she is doing all the sites and we have paid for her to go to Disneyland as she is a big kid at heart and that was top of her list!
Sophie and Lucy have a football tournament on Sunday too!
So I will keep you updated over the weekend.
Have a lovely weekend my lovelies,
Love and huge hugs
Sandra xxxxx


  1. Good morning Sandra and the Coffee Shop Gang, hope you are all good and enjoying the beautiful weather we are enjoying here.
    Wow!! Sandra you have received a stunning card from Lynda, I just LOVE it.
    Brilliant design as well.
    Sounds like a really, really busy weekend for you. Please let others help you and not being your "super woman" thing doing everything yourself!!
    That's yesterday's washing all ironed. I am off out to the garden for my cuppa and bit toast. It's cooler this morning, the sun is shining and the sky is very blue so hopefully it's the sign of another great day.
    Everything done, (((((hugs))))) in the basket by the door.
    Be back later to see how you are all fairing. xxx

  2. Morning Sandra,

    What a gorgeous card from Lynda, so thoughtful. Hope you have a wonderful weekend, don't over do it and I hope Becca has a happy 21st.

    Love & Hugs

    Jacquie J xxx

  3. Good morning Sandra and ladies. Oh Wow!!! Weren't you a very lucky lady to receive this stunning card Sandra??? For it to turn up when you were feeling a bit low was just perfect. Now as my big sister has already said..... Please, please dont be a super mum, flying around trying to do every thing this weekend!! Yes I know it's Beccas 21st, but you won't enjoy it if you over do it. Their are going to be enough people around to help, and LET them help. Becca will still have a great birthday, she is one lucky young lady, being taken to Paris and going to Disneyland.
    I totally agree with you Sandra over that new machine, it has its limits and personally it's just another waste of money, how many times is one going to want to hot foil something??? Well I have been up for a while and have made Angela my daughter in laws birthday card. I should have made this before going away as its her birthday today, but my mind wasn't on things like that, thankfully my mojo didn't stay behind in Canada. I had a baby card to make also, it's winging its way back to Canada later today. It's was an order from one of Charlies sisters she also order some baby cardigans. She wasn't bothered about the postage costs as she wanted something totally different to give. Trouble has been the baby decided to come on Monday, where as he wasn't due for two more weeks, so it's got to get off. Now I mist go and get the ironing done. I have put my money in the pot for my tea and tea cake which was lovely.
    (((((( hugs)))))) for those who aren't feeling to good or are just in need of one or two. Hazel x

  4. Morning Ladies

    Lynda-your card is lovely, very classy & elegant.

    Sandra-ehat a lovely surprise to receive such a pretty card. Hope your weekend is fun but not too tiring.

    Thank goodness it's Friday-it seems to have been a very long week. The forecast for tomorrow shows rain all day which might make me get on with some cards. At least hubby won't suggest gardening!


  5. Hi Sandra and all the lovely coffee shop ladies
    What a gorgeous card Sandra and what a lovely surprise for you. Lynda it's fantastic and I can't wait to hear from you what you have used, it's such a lovely design. Thank you for sharing it with us. Sandra it does sound like you are in for a bust weekend but hopefully everyone will muck in and help. Going out for a meal is the best idea as you don't need to do cooking and washing up. I hope Becky has a wonderful birthday and enjoys Paris.
    I have a 'day off' today as Emma has exams all day. I can finally make noise and do what I want to do!!! Mind you it's pouring with rain at the moment so I'm expecting thunder storms. I must put the Hoover round and wash the floors and make my aunties birthday card today, or that's my plan! I may just get distracted by the Todo machine and sit and watch Christmas all day! I'm off out tonight for a a Stampin up party so will try to call back later.
    Have a good day everyone and don't get too wet!
    Saba, hope the head isn't too bad this morning after all those bubbles!
    Take care
    Love Diane xxx

    1. DIANE:- sorry it's raining, Happy Crafting.
      I got the new StampinUp Catalouge, like some of the new colours. We don't have a Demonstrator in this area. I would love to go touch & feel all the goodies. Enjoy your evening. xxx

    2. Oh Diane lucky you going to a StampinUp party there is no demonstrator in our area do let us know how it goes, report please!!
      Do have a great evening xx

    3. Thank you Diane for your lovely comments on my card.
      Lucky you going to a stamping up party we don't get anything like that in our area. I have ordered a stamping up stamp on pre order, & would have loved seeing them demostating them
      Hug's Lynda xx

  6. Hi Sandra and all in the cafe today. What a wonderful surprise Lynda's lovely card was for you yesterday, just when you were not feeling so bright. Sorry I couldn't make it to see you, believe me I would much rather have spent time with you. I know just what you are going to be doing today and it's not going to be resting is it? You are going to be busy getting ready for the weekend and making Becca's cake aren't you? We would love to see a picture of it. By Tuesday you are going to be wiped out, keep taking the pain pills, you are gong to need them but I do hope that you all have a lovely time together celebrating Becca's 21st. Wish her many happy returns from me and also wish Lucy and Sophie good luck with their tournament, I know Paul's Mum and Dad are looking forward to watching them play so fingers crossed the weather is kind to them and isn't too hot, or too wet! I will be thinking of you my lovely.
    Lynda, your card is lovely, are the roses a stamp or did you draw them yourself? How is the OH today, I hope he is feeling a bit better, and you are not having to nurse him too much! Send him my best wishes fora speedy recovery.
    Saba, wonderful to hear your good news, what a relief. The waiting for the results is the worst part isn't it? I hope the celebrations last night haven't left you feeling too fragile today!
    Michele, sorry to hear the craft club was so crowded last night.....not! One to one tuition for you must have been so good. Does the crossword stamp come out clearly, it does look like a handy one to have in your stash.
    Janet, I hope the packing is going well. You are much more organised than me : )
    Diane, I hope that your daughters exams are going well. You won't know what to do with yourself once the revision is all done, will you?
    Sam, Sandra, Pat and I have all had the same problem. Go straight to the top and let Stacey know. You will have a long wait though if they do send you a new machine as their customer care is not good. You should not have to buy another machine due to poor manufacturing. Far too many people have the same few problems with the GC, but often don't complain enough and demand their money back so Spellbinders just continue to make shoddy machines. I wonder if Trading Standards would be interested to hear about them? The only thing I can think of to help you at the moment is to try using cheap copier paper as a sandwich. None of us tried that when we had the same problem but it might be worth a try.
    Hazel, making a card before 7AM! Come on, admit it, you really are Superwoman aren't you? I struggle to drink my tea before then, let alone get down to crafting! Glad to see that jet lag is not causing you a problem though : )
    Jess, I hope your sunburn is not too bad today. It is so easy to get caught out isn't it. Slap on that Superdrug Vitamin Skin Care All over Body Cream. It is brilliant for sunburn, and general moisturising, it takes the soreness away so quickly, it smells lovely(I think) and best of all it is never more than £3.99 for a big 475ml pot (in fact it is often on offer). A friend recommended it to me years ago and I still swear by it. I should have kept that as a tip for Wednesday but that won't help you would it.
    Maureen, I hope you have fun with year 2 today, shame your not in the forest school though.
    Now I have finally caught up I am off for a fresh cuppa then off to Mum and Pops. See you later Mum: ) Have a good day everyone. Take care xx

    1. Have a great day Sue. Thanks for that "tip" on the cream. I am always looking for reasonable priced cream that is good. Eveything is getting so expensive and I always feel no matter what you pay basically you are getting the "same" thing. xxx

    2. Thanks for the tip about the cream, my sunburn in subsiding now, I have been using Avon after sun and some skin so soft moisturise cream and that has helped, skin so soft dry oil spray also helps to keep the midges at bay (tip for Wednesdays)
      Jess x

    3. Jess. Patricia and I never go out without the dry oil spray on when we are in Turkey. It brilliant. Glad your sun burn it's getting better. Hazel x

    4. Many thanks for the cream tip my daughter really suffers if the sun catches her so she will try anything, really appreciate knowing about it. xx

    5. Thank you Sue,will give a run down in my post
      Hug's Lynda xx

  7. Sue, I function better before 7am, I like nothing better than to get up and get things done, I knew if I didn't get Angela's card done first thing it would just get put off being done. Nearly finished the ironing but stopped to have a break and another cup of tea. Saying that I have unloaded the dish washer and put a load of washing on, Charlie has managed to make his coffee, drink it and has taken Harris out, but seeing how he was sat drinking the said coffee for an hour, he could have done other things but no. Then he wonders why come night time I am tired??? Thanks for the tip about the cream.
    Diane, sorry you have rain, and just when you get a day to yourself too.
    Hazel x

    1. Hazel and I are from the "same mould" we are "early birds" get loads done in the morning. That gives you lots of "me time" xxx

  8. Hi Sandra and all.
    Lynda you card is lovely and very thoughtful of you. Sandra enjoy you weekend hope you do not get too tired.
    Looking forward to spending day with Sue so must finish coffee and wash up.
    Love Margaret xx

  9. Hello Girl,
    Sandra, I think you are very lucky to get such a lovely card from Lynda. It is beautiful and so kind of her. I also hope you are feeling much better and are not going to run yourself ragged preparing for the birthday.
    Mrs B, Sue, thanks for the tip on the cream, I'll have a look for some next week.
    Hazel, your mojo is certainly in full swing at the moment.
    Well, I'm going into the shower and then (when I'm dry and dressed!) going into school - I'd better hurry, got to be there for 9.30!!!
    Love and hugs
    Maureen xxx

    1. Thank you Girl haha Maureen, for liking my card
      Hug's Lynda xx

  10. That should have read Hello Girls xxx

  11. Todo machine, oh please let me get one. It must be the only machine that I will ever need again because Mel says so!
    Sandra, I am with you 100% on this Todo machine.! Sorry but I know it must be very hard to sell these items and I certainly couldn't do it but Mel does say the same things every time about each new product and it just sounds ridiculous.
    Why would anyone want to spend £300 on this when you can use toner laser printers? As Sandra said you can then do whatever you want. This will not be around in a couple of years time will it, and those that did get sucked in won't be able to buy the foil any more! A big thumbs down from me too. Take care xx

  12. Hi Jess. We always use Avon Dry Oil Spray to avoid being eaten alive by the mossies etc. too. It works much better than some of the expensive products and it smells much nicer and softens the skin at the same time. Take care xx

  13. Good morning ladies
    Sandra, what a lovely thoughtful friend Lynda is and what a beautiful surprise to pop through your door. It's going to be a busy weekend for you so try not to run yourself ragged and do let Paul's parents help you.
    Lynda your card is lovely, I love the stamped image, it looks amazing. And you have put FOUR dazzlers on!! How generous is that, I can barely part with one let alone four. Just shows what a lovely generous person you are, you have not only brightened Sandra's day but ours as well. It's random acts of kindness like that which bring sunshine into our lives.
    Diane, I am so envious, I love stamping up products. We have quite a few demonstrators in our area, sadly no crafty friends though so I can't throw a party but I can order. Have fun and spend lots, you know you need it!!
    Sue and Margaret have a lovely day together.
    Patricia and Hazel you put me to shame, I am still sitting here drinking coffee and thinking about housework. Mind you I am having difficulty concentrating at the moment.
    There are 3 men just across the way who keep looking in my window. Now ladies, bearing in mind our flat is on the fourth floor that is quite a feat. They are however on a platform on a crane and are doing something to the roof of the house opposite but it is quite unnerving. Fortunately I am showered and dressed and not walking around in my knickers because normally no one can see in our windows so I don't always put on a dressing gown after my shower. I do hope they are not there all day.
    Maureen have fun with the little ones in school. Is it mosaics again?
    Right I am going to get cracking otherwise those men will be thinking I have nothing better to do than keep looking at them. Mind you that's all they seem to be doing,
    Love and hugs
    Saba xxx

    1. Thank you SABA I know but Sandra is worth four Dazzles:0)) at the moment. Love Lynda xx

    2. SABA:- keep thinking about you and hope you are feeling better.
      Hugs xxx

    3. Saba, just got to ask, are they old balding a paunchy or young tanned and muscular? ( and before Maureen adds a comment I'm talking about the men on the platform not how You look after your shower which is of course the latter! Lol) xxx

  14. Hello all. Raining here. :-(. Could be going to a friends this afternoon if it doesn't stop to prepare things for the Wednesday class. If it is sunny by then she has said she will help someone do some weeding in the garden at the church. Must do some preparation in case I am going out but my Spellbinders Card Creator Triple flip Card die has just come. Ordered it after Saba said about it and then saw a Christina Griffiths tutorial using it so that decided me. Icon were out of stock but back in now. Post came by 10.30 today usually about 3pm so have tried out the die (cuts very easily) already. Itching to make a card but must do the other job first.
    SANDRA. I hope you do not overdo things at the weekend or you will not be able to do anything next week. What a lovely card Lynda sent you. I haven't got your address as I would have sent one as well.
    LYNDA what a gorgeous card you sent Sandra and so kind of you. Would love to know how you did it and am sure you will tell us later. Hope OH is feeling a lot better today and not passed it on to you. Well must go and get on in case the rain doesn't stop. Such a lovely day yesterday but it doesn't seem to last for longer than a day.

  15. Good morning Sandra & ladies,

    What a beautiful card from Lynda to lift your spirits. It's lovely to receive a card out of the blue like that from a special friend.

    TODO? Nah, not for me, I already have so much TO DO that another machine is quite absurd, and Mel can think all she likes about it, she's an ar****le to herself with her rubbish that comes wittering out of her mouth.

    Not commented for the last couple of days, I've been the nursing the most humongous of headaches. All started on Tuesday morning on one of my early shopping trips. I had bought some quite delicate teacups, to make the candle cups for our Church Fete next month after seeing Myra's, and opened the back door of my little Corsa to put them on the back seat instead of the boot. I put the first lot in then bent down to pick up the other two bags and BANG, hit the top of my head quite sharply on the top of the door fame. Wow, did I see stars or what? I'm glad nobody was in the car park as they would have thought it quite odd to see a recycled teenager holding her head and hopping up and down and swearing. Went with friend Judy to my doctor's surgery and the receptionist said "Go straight to hospital for an x-ray", went to the MIU of our local Community Hospital at 2.30pm and stayed there til 8.30pm waiting for an ambulance to take me to Musgrove Hospital Taunton to the A & E for a head and neck x-ray. The whole time I was strapped on a trolley with my neck in a brace and two folded blankets either side of my head so I couldn't move it until the ambulance finally came. 6 hours like that is no fun, it was so embarrassing when I needed a wee. A male nurse came to help me. Our MIU is only staffed by district nurses and Nurse practitioners and the one I saw told me "I do not have the expertise to read a head & neck x-ray and we do not have the specialised machines to do it here". I finally arrived home with Judy in tow, she had stayed with me the whole time, at midnight. I didn't get up at my usual time yesterday and spent the rest of the nursing my sore neck and head. Luckily I'd only strained my neck muscle and ligaments. But what a performance, it makes me wonder why on earth does Somerset Trust Partnership persist in building these new Community Hospitals only to send people onto the next one as they don't have the knowledge to treat people who turn up.
    So that's my little drama, have caught up with the comments of last couple of days. Saba so glad to hear your news. And Littlelamb, take care my flower.

    Head's pounding again, so I'll pop in later.
    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Oh bless you Cheryl what a thing to happened. I hope with some painkillers and rest that you will feel better soon. Take it easy and I'm sending some gentle hugs, Maria xx

    2. Hope you will feel better soon Cheryl. It's such an easy thing to do when you are loading the car. I have done that putting things in the boot and not opening it right up. Very painful. Hope you rest for a few days. The candle cups don't take that long to do. A few days but you can do quite a few at the same time. A while before July. Take care. Sending hugs to you.

    3. Oh Cheryl what a dreadful time you have had, please take it easy. I hope you will be feeling better soon, have you got a follow up appointment?
      Take care, sending you some special hugs .... Very gantle ones xxx
      Wish I could send you a Margaret bag full of hugs that you could wrap around your neck to ease the discomfort. LOL xxx

    4. Oh Cheryl what a drama for you I do hope you will soon be recovering and the pain easing please do rest up for a few days.
      We have a new local Community hospital and it has NO x ray equipment there are lovely signs and a door but the room is completely empty! Apparently they run out of money can you believe it! If you would like a heat bag to complete Sandra has my email just let me know you are more than welcome my born again teenager!!!

    5. That is so kind of you Margaret, I would love one please. I used to have a wheatbag until it got mouldy for some reason, then threw it out. My email is
      Cheryl xx

    6. Cheryl I hope your resting your poor head & shoulder what an ordeal you had. I can imagine you hopping round the car park holding your head,( oh & swearing)you was very lucky your didn't knock yourself out my dear. Take it easy over the weekend .
      Thank you for your lovely comment on my card.
      Love Lynda xx

    7. Oh Cheryl, you poor thing, that must have been a real shock for you. Hope you have some painkillers to help ease it for you. Margaret's rice bag will be a godsend when it arrives, I use mine every single day, it's my very best friend at the moment. Hope you are able to make your candles at the weekend.
      Love Saba xxx

    8. Aww!! Cheryl, that was some ordeal. Sending you some gentle ((((hugs))))
      Take it easy, and please don't be rushing about. xxx

    9. Cheryl love, hope your head is much better, what a horrible thing to happen, good job you didn't knock yourself out, take it easy over the weekend. Huggs to you (((((( )))))).
      Jess x

    10. Goodness Cheryl what an awful thing to do! It's a good thing you didn't cut your head or knock yourself out. What a palaver at the hospital but at least they kept you immobilised (oh no fancy needing a wee though!). Take it easy this weekend, I hope you feel better soon xxx

  16. Oh my goodness Cheryl, you have been in the wars!!! Oh I have done that in the past and oh boy it hurts. What a palaver about the hospital situation, we have the same here, it's a waste of time and money, it's the same with the out of hours service, we have the community hospital 3 miles down the road, but we have to go 24 miles to see the out of hours team.
    You take it easy, give your head and neck time to get better. (((((( hugs))))))

  17. Hi Sandra and all this muggy,warm and soon I'm sure torrential rain with this dark sky over us . Oh wow Sandra, that is a lovely card you got from our Lynda ! It is Beautiful Lynda and I love to know if that's a stamp or digi ?
    Please ,wish Rebecca Happy Birthday and give her a hug from me on the day!
    Don't overdo things, speaking to deaf ears here but take it easy and let others help. Have a wonderful weekend do with family and friends.
    Have done a weekly shopping this morning but a bit different from the norm as it was for our son and his girlfriend. OH and I taking the car over to Belgium and Holland for a weeks touring so going down to Folkstone Sunday for the tunnel early Monday morning. I will have my little acer with so I will still see you, don't worry, you wont get rid of me that easily hihi.
    They must have seen all the light from your flat Saba and have come to investigate , glad you have some clothing on. hihi
    Diane enjoy your Me time today. Hope all goes well for Emma.
    Mrs B and Margaret have a lovely day, hope you are both ok.
    Hazel ,making cards before 7am, are you still on Canadian time hihi
    I'm really chuffed with myself ,finished a card yesterday (only took 3 days) that's quite good for me Lol ! Going with a friend to hospital soon so I will be back later, coffee and cake was very nice thank you, money in the pot.
    love and hugs Maria xxx

    1. Thank you MARIA I will give a run down of the card in my post.xx
      Hug's Lynda xx

  18. Hello Sandra and all who come into the coffee shop today,
    What a lovely surprise for you, this beautiful card dropping through your letterbox. It gestures like this that really give us an uplift, especially when we least expect them.

    LYNDA How thoughtful of you to send this beautiful gift, it certainly gave Sandra the much needed boost. With all that has and is going on in her life recently, you went that extra mile and made a difference.
    Your card is gorgeous, very elegant and tasteful. Love the Roses, were they a
    stamp? And the mono effect is perfect for the message you were sending. LOVE IT.
    How is Terry today? Hope he is feeling better, ask him NOT to share this virus with you !!!!!! LOL

    I started this post just before 11am two long phone calls later, also John is putting an outside tap through to the garden from the outhouse, (I've said before it's not posh enough to be called utility room.) Anyway I keep getting cries from him "are you busy, can you spare a moment" ........................ Just coming dearrrrrrr !!!!!! At least it will make life easier when I water the garden. So really do appreciate his efforts. Bless Him.

    Did manage a coffee while I have been sitting here, have cleared the tables and left everywhere tidy for the lunch time visitors.

    Will stop by later, Love and Hugs, Brenda xxx

    1. Sorry Sandra, I forgot to say take it easy ... If you can! Let others help you. Sometimes it's difficult to take a back seat (I confess to being the last one who should say that, I would sooner do things myself than ask for help)
      Enjoy Beccas celebrations, it sounds like a busy weekend all round. I'm sure she will enjoy Paris it's a fantastic city. Can I join her in Disneyland. Have been there twice. Each time it was Johns treat for my sister and I and the grandchildren and parents, We had a brilliant time.
      I know this will be a brilliant time for Becca, with lots of wonderful memories. xxx

    2. Thank you Brender hug's Lynda xx

  19. Hi Sandra
    What a lovely surprise card you've received from Lynda. I love this mono look Lynda. Not yo sure if that's a stamp or not. But I expect I'll be seeing it in the flesh so to speak next week.
    Sorry Myra I missed yesterday's post as we very travelling back from Italy most of the day. I love your Rapsody in Blue card.
    I'm glad your feeling a bit better today my lovely Sandra. Hopefully you won't go overboard like you usually do when you have visitors, and end up in lots of pain. Wish Becca a very Happy Birthday from me, and I hope she has a lovely weekend away with Josh. Will read all the comments later, as I'm feeling a bit odd today, not my usual chirpy self. My hip us playing ip so I've taken some Codiene. Italian trains running late, and having to rush for the Eurostar probably did that

    1. Welcome back Pat so pleased you had a great time even though you are feeling some pain now, just have a good rest for the rest of the day. xx

    2. Thank you Pat,sorry your not 100% today but your lucky I'm a bit odd all the time hihi. Glad you had a lovely holiday
      Hug's Lynda xx

    3. Aww!! Pat sorry to hear you re not your usual chirpy self. Sending a few (((((hugs))))) Take it easy over the weekend. Looking forward to hearing some of your holiday tales. xxx

    4. Hi Pat, sorry to see you not feeling to good .Have a rest over the weekend. Hugs to you and Pete xx

    5. Make sure you rest Pat, you don't want to undo all the good work of the operation xxx

  20. Good morning Sandra and all the coffee shop crew oops! sorry good afternoon I should say time is flying today!
    What a wonderful and very beautiful surprise for you Sandra and how very kind of Lynda to be so vey thoughtful. Now please don't be trying to do everything this weekend please let the others help as they will enjoy helping and being involved in everything I feel sure.
    Do wish your birthday girl the Happiest Birthday ever from me please.
    Well two lots of washing done and hung out by his lordship! Then called at our vets to give the groomer who is leaving some flowers and a card of course from Tomas and Amy got the bits of shopping I forgot yesterday then it was off to the hospital for my routine mammogram or as a friend of mine says the boob squash! It was a young girl not the usual older lady that I always seem to get who is a farmer wife and I am sure she thinks she is handling sheep or cows she was so rough, the girl today was so lovely and chatty we had such a good laugh, talk about a breath of fresh air. Then it was lunch time
    and now it is time to do the school run!
    Well I will call in later take care I hope you are all enjoying the lovely sun we are having again today, my hugs are in the corner help yourselves.
    Margaret xxx

    1. Thank you MARGARET hope mammogram went ok I always call it a Jed clampet I alway fear the fire alam going off when clamped in that machine hihi.
      Hug's Lynda xx

    2. Oh Lynda, I love it. I can just see you running out with the machine clamped onto you. ha ha. You've set me up for the night, I'll be smiling away - George will wonder what I'm up to!!!!! xxx

    3. Very good Lynda I never gave that a thought. I do remember Derek had to have traction on his back just after his accident and asked the physio what happens if there is a fire her reply was, 'Well Derek it is every man for himself!' As he was having his treatment there was another man having traction on his neck and this man talked non stop he said until she wound up the traction device on his neck and then there was complete silence! xx

    4. Hihi Lynda I like that , it just I now got this picture of you stuck to the booby squeezy plates and can't get off LoL!

  21. Hellooooooooooo,
    Well, I've survived year 2, we were going to paint the rest of the Pirate flags, but God is good to me sometimes and I was sticking artwork in their books instead. Then just as I was thinking "ah a nice quiet job", a boy who is in Zoe's class was leaving today to go to live in Australia, came in and I had to let him help me - his class were making cards, books and preparing a surprise party for him. So what would have been about an 1 1'2 job took 3 hours!!! Still, it kept him out of the way, and we got the job done - eventually. lol
    Cheryl, I am so sorry to read about your trials and tribulations. I'll say this for you - you never do things by halves. I once did that and had the most wonderful black and blue face from the top of my forehead to half way down my cheeks (face cheeks, Myra). I was very embarrassed because I looked like a battered wife.
    Saba, I bet those workmen were looking and thinking Phoar, what a beauty!!!
    Littlelamb , Brenda that sure is one complicated name of a die, I'll have to have a look at one.
    Maria, have a lovely time away - you say you are going to Belgium and Holland. You aren't having me on again are you - you aren't going to Holland and Barrett?
    Hazel, you seem to have got into the swing of things again very quickly, I'd still be trying to catch up on sleep.
    Brenda OB, I had to laugh when I was reading about your husband calling for you, George does that, usually when I'm in the middle of something, then he will ask me where I'VE put his hammer/screwdriver/etc/etc which drives me mad.
    I'VE HAD A THOUGHT, reading the comments about the Stampin Up parties, could one be arranged for our Retreat. Is there someone down there who could do one on the Saturday? What do you think? It's only an idea and I won't be offended if you think it's rubbish.
    I wonder how Norah is.
    Maureen xxxx

    1. The day hasn't got any better with my dear OH....... I have been trying to finish my sisters monthly accounts. I'm in the middle of bank statement reconciliation I hear ..... "Can you spare a minute" ...... He wanted me to look at his pipe work (No comments, my foggy head wouldn't come up with another word.) it was beautiful!
      WELL DONE dear !!!!!

    2. MAUREEN:- that's a brilliant idea you clever girl. That would be good, possibly for the Saturday afternoon.
      We would need to find someone who knows a Demonstator in the area of the Hotel. xxx

    3. Brenda OB, wonder if your husband could do something with my pipe work, my water works are rubbish!!!! I love your restrained comment to him. ha ha. xx

    4. BRENDA why can't men multitask like we do !!! Haha xx

    5. I went to Holland and Barrett today for some things, next week I will have some Belgian chocolate. I think the place we staying at first is called something like 'knokkers 'as long it's not something with Lynda stuck in it it looks alright LoL
      OH and distractions, all the time but god help me if I ask something when he is busy, slap on hand.
      A stampin' up party could be fun, whatever it is hihi
      hugs Maria xx

  22. Very cold here and raining again. Think a storm is brewing. Nearly on top of all the die cutting. Just a few more footballers to cut out. Think it's time for a cup of tea and a piece of carrot cake and I will see who is in the cafe this afternoon.

  23. Glad to see you back safely Pat. Sounds as if you had a lovely holiday. You might be feeling a bit odd because I think there is a storm brewing. I am not feeling myself either and never do when there us a storm on the way. Sorry to hear your hip is playing up but as you say it is probably all the rushing around yesterday. Take it easy for a day or two. Have you anymore physio? Was looking forward to craft club this afternoon but it was cancelled. Got to wait until next Friday now. Hugs by the door for everyone.

  24. Sandra,
    I'm so sorry I keep meaning to send my very best wishes for Becca and hope she has the most amazing time in France. xxxx

  25. Hello again ladies, just been catching up with the later comments.
    Maria, don't forget to pay for the Bl..dy Dartford crossing before you go!! We spent a day in Belgium last year to visit the war graves, Ypres is well worth a visit but don't forget to take plenty of tissues with you. We also came across a tiny little one, they are scattered all over Belgium, and this one was where John McCrae composed his poem " in Flanders Field. It is called John McCrae memorial site and is just outside Ypres and also worth visiting. I cried my eyes out at this one, there aren't many buried there but it was the Yorkshire regiment and so many of them were so very young, but what really broke my heart were the ones which said "known only to God". Peter asked me why I was so upset and I could only answer, they don't even have a name.
    He, being made of stone replied, but they are dead so they won't be bothered!
    Pat, welcome home, sorry you are in pain, hope the codeine helps, try and get some rest. The unpacking will wait.
    Margaret, glad the mammography wasn't as uncomfortable this time. Wonder if the retired farmers wife is as rough with her cows!
    Lynda, your comment to Margaret did make me laugh, I can just picture it.
    Brenda (Lello) I think all husbands are alike, mine has a bad habit of talking to me through walls and sometimes asks stupid questions like " do you think it could be here?" Of course being nosy I have to go and see what "it" is and where he wants to put it!!
    Brenda (Little-lamb) sorry you didn't get to your craft club. Hope that storm has passed you by.
    Maureen, I think that your idea is a really good one. There is bound to be a stamping up demonstrater in the area. I'm unsure as to how they deliver but I am sure they could arrange to deliver any orders separately to each of us.
    Right time to get in my kitchen,
    See you all later.
    Hugs and lead lined aprons are on the step.
    Saba xxxx

  26. Good afternoon Sandra & everyone.
    Wow Sandra a bit of a shock seeing the card I sent you but so pleased it cheered you up lovely.
    The Rose is a Honey Doo stamp I got from the Oysterstamps open day I went too. Unfortunately Sue I didn't draw them im not that clever.I stamped it onto the base card but thought it looked a bit flat so stamped it again on a separate card & cut the flower heads out & decoupaged them up.The cut the splendid swirls & the squiggly bits from Sue W finishing touches die. The sentiment is Phil Martin.& added two stick pin side & four yes four dazzler's & a bow.
    Thank you all for your lovely comments.
    Oh is still not good he has just gone to the doctors he phoned at 8am but couldn't fit him in until 5.30pm I have been telling him since Monday that his leg looked infected as it was bright red again like it was at Christmas,but he kept saying it's ok stop fussing. Mmm he has just come in & said doctor told him he has a virus & high temperature that's why he feels drained & YES infection in his leg. Has a course of strong Antibiotics.
    Just here'd on the weather report we are in for a bad storm so looks like I will be up all night with Annie shaking in her 4 paws. MARGARET I Wonder if I could give her one of my Amitriptline tablets to make her sleep or calm her down what do you think I don want to harm her.
    Sandra as everyone has said don't get exhausted over the weekend & do to much let everyone help you,please take care my lovely.
    Have had so many interruptions while doing this post.Well better get some dinner on see you later love Lynda xxx

    1. Oh no Lynda I would not give Annie any drugs as 'our drugs' can be so very dangerous for our little 4 paws especially their liver. It is Tomas that gets nervous especially around November time we find the best thing is to turn either the radio or tv up to hide the noise.xx

    2. Thank you Margaret, I don't think I would have given it to her any way was too scared she is my baby.
      We haven't had any rain yet so hoping we won't get a storm tonight.will pop into Pet world tomorrow as they have a vet in store & see what they suggest.

    3. Sorry Margaret pressed to quick ment to say love & Hug's Lynda xx
      Hope Tomas & Amy are ok. & of course your lovely grandson.xx

  27. Hi ladies, better late than never, went to comment about 9 this morning but hubby was champing at the bit as it was our day to cover our craft shop, and he wanted to go early.
    Anyway got more time now, first, Lynda your card for Sandra is gorgeous, what a thoughtful person you are.
    Saba I hope the men across from you are a bit like the guy I the diet coke ad, and not the sloth in the sofa ad!.
    Sandra, take it as easy as you can at Becca's party, I'm sure everyone will help you, accept it gracefully, I hope she has a wonderful time in Paris, it is a wonderful city. Wish her a very happy birthday from me.
    Pat, glad you had a good holiday, back to normal now, whatever that means for you!
    Brilliant idea to try and get a stamping up demo at our retreat, we might have to pay for it though, I'm sure we could all chip in.
    Well I think I have caught up with everything, sons birthday card to do, so need to get a move on.
    Will try and catch up for nightcap
    Take care, Jess x

    1. Thank you Jess your very kind x it must be lovely working in the craft shop I would be in my element,is it a well stocked & a big shop. Hope you get your Sons card finished.
      Hug's Lynda xx

  28. Off to "plug in" my iPad only got 10% battery power. That won't get me far will it??! xxx

    1. Patricia, is that what you mean when you say "I feel drained"? I've never seen any stampin up stamps, and I thought if it was worth the demonstrator's while to come, i.e. orders, she might be happy to do a "party" for us. xx

    2. MAUREEN:- if there is demonstrator in the area she would be delighted to do "party" I am sure. I think it's a great idea xxx

  29. WHERE'S MYRA, Have I missed something. Where is Myra. Is she all right, or has she gone out for the day??? x

    1. Myra was having visitors over the weekend. Don't know if that means from today or not. xxx

  30. Wow!! That was a busy couple of hours ........ the boys arrived it was like a whirlwind
    Thomas wanted to make some of the Chocolate Peanut stuff I make......did that.
    Robert wanted to make muffins ... did that. They are away home with boxes full of goodies.
    John & John Jnr were in the attic fixing one of John's engines. Boys and their toys!!!
    We had all and drinks and some of the goodies. I hear John rattling cups oh! I hope he's not making "another" cuppa!!! xxx

  31. SANDRA:- sending Happy Birthday wishes for Becca. Hope she has a wonderful time both at her party and her holiday. xxx

  32. Hello Sandra just want to wish Becca a very happy 21st birthday & hope she enjoys her trip to Paris with Josh & her day at disnyworld she is a lucky girl.
    Hope Sophie & Lucy's tournament goes well for them on Sunday.
    Please take care over the week end Sandra & don't do it all yourself.
    Love & Hug's Lynda xx

  33. Right ladies I have sent an e-mail to a lady who is a stamping up demonstrator, she did a demo in Birmingham in April, I have asked if she does them in the Birmingham area and if she doesn't. Does she know one that would. We can see if it's going to be worth us having a party? I explained that we are on a retreat weekend. So we will see what the out come is.
    Myra visitors were arriving I think today, so she will be busy.
    Lynda and Brenda ( littlelamb) I hope that storm doesn't come.
    Maria, enjoy your holiday.
    Sandra. Please wish Beccas a happy birthday from me.
    Been busy making some more thank you cards for Gillian and Andrew. Also have been putting a wedding day card together for Gillian. So now it's feet up, the mess can wait till tomorrow. When I say mess it's my hot glue gun and my tray with the things like corner punch, double sided tape etc. I have made myself a cup of tea and I am going to sit and have it. Hazel x

    1. Thanks Hazel, I doubt I will see any bear or Mounties but it's nice not have to cook for a week hihi
      Very nice of you trying to arrange a demonstrator, we need a week not a weekend for the retreat and no sleep
      enjoy your tea xxx

    2. Well done Hazel,
      It would be really good if she does find someone to do it. I think most of the demonstrators would be really pleased to do such a big party.
      I think your idea of mess and my idea differ greatly. If you could see my crafting mess at the moment I think you would have a nervous breakdown!
      Love and hugs Saba xxx

  34. halloooo,I have posted a bit on the way here and read your comments, you all seem to have had a busy day.
    Really hope your head is ok Cheryl, no more little birdies circling around you.
    .Mammograms ,ooooh they are painful but so important. Wish they started them earlier here in the Uk.
    Lynda is Annie alright ? we haven't got much of a storm here but grey sky all day and some rain. have you found the release button yet tihi
    Sorry your class got canceled Littlelamb, what kind of footballers are you cutting out ? take care of your wrist !
    My friend got a bit upset after seeing a surgeon reg. her hips and in lot of pain every day so she hoped for a hip replacement but they will try with steroids injections first and then take it from there so not the outcome she hoped for. We went and had a coffee and cake after in town and we had a laugh again soon.
    sorry, didn't want to put a damper on in here. Hope our missing friends are ok, we miss you guys ! love an hugs Xxxx

  35. Hi Maria. I have a footballer die from JS. It is one of her dies and cuts in one pass really easily so wasn't hard work at all. Have also got a Fomula One car.

    1. They sound great for boys/men cards. Can't buy any more at the moment will have to wait until Sept. AP . Hope to see you there again.xx

    2. Yes Maria. Hope to see you at AP in September. Xx

  36. Well we have had rain but no storm so far I am pleased to say. Didn't need to water the garden tonight. Good idea agazel to sit and put your feet up. Think you have done enough today. Hope Myra is not too busy with her visitors. Perhaps she will pop in later. Maria. I hope you have a lovely holiday. Sounds good. SANDRA please wish Becca a very Happy Birthday and hope she has a good trip. Sounds exciting. Hope you don't do too much at the weekend. Take care.

  37. Well ladies,
    It's time for this old crock to go to bed but before I forget Sandra, i hope SOPHIE and LUCY have a corking football match and score loads of goals. Of course Myra is having visitors, how could I forget Alistair spraying the roses all over the outside of the conservatory, and then having to clean it off!!!
    Hazel, you are a star regarding the StampinUp demonstrator, I wouldn't know where to begin.
    I e-mailed Spellbinders regarding the oily marks and have had a reply, they would like the date and where I purchased it and photographic evidence of the marks sent by e-mail!!! Well, I've just cleaned all the marks of the blooming plates, so I'll have to wait until I get some more. Sod's law, I bet it takes months before it does it again.
    Got to go to bed, George will be fast asleep, see you tomorrow.
    Love Maureen xxx

  38. P.S. No rain and very, very warm. No air either - well obviously there is air but you know what I mean!!!!

  39. Hello Maureen
    I know just what you mean, we have got all the windows open and there is just no relief from the warm temperatures outside or in. It will be a no nightie for me. Hope those men don't appear at my window tomorrow or they may get a shock.
    I am heading off too so goodnight and God bless all, sweet dreams.
    Love Saba xxx

  40. Hi All, I've finally got to the end! The stampin up party was good tonight, it was a new catalogue so new colours and new stamps. She demoed two cards and one 3d item (a gift bag) then we made a card. There'ssome love,y new stamps out and a punch board to make gift bags. Yes that fell into my basket!
    I'm nodding off as I type so must sign off. We started with torrential rain and after a gloomy day finished with torrential rain- at least the garden got a water.
    Hope you have a good holiday Maria. Xxx
    See you later today! Xxx

    1. Thanks Diane, if I remember I'll send you some cyber Belgian chocolate, at least you want put any weight on when I will tihi Have a good night, see you later xxx

  41. Helloooooo! Shhhhh! Everyone's asleep!
    Sorry I haven't been in today but our visitors , who have been friends for over 30 years arrived just before 3pm! I was rushing around before that but everything is now in order including the table set ready for breakfast!
    We went out for a meal tonight but I'll be cooking tomorrow night and Sunday. We had a lovely meal at a favourite place of ours called Northcote at Langho ! It was very busy and good for people watching as well as food!
    I will do my best to call in tomorrow but it may be late again!
    Lynda your card is lovely and a lovely thought from a very kind lady!
    I will just have to leave it there for now
    I'm tired and need to go to bed!
    Sleep well everyone, God Bless,
    Love Myra xxx

    1. Have a fabulous time with your friends!
      Nighty night Maria xx
