
Tuesday 26 May 2015

Tuesday Cuteness from Margaret!

Good Morning Ladies,
Well where did that Bank Holiday Weekend go?????
I swear any day that Paul is off work the time goes twice as fast as normal!!  Its seems only five minutes since Thursday night, (maybe that's because I keep replaying that telephone conversation)!!
I can hear you all joining in Chorus to sing "Let it go", "Let it go"! haha, I am trying to let it go, honestly!
Thank you for all of the amazingly supportive emails, you are such amazing friends xxxx
Now to this fabulous card from our Margaret, I just love that cute little girl, cuddling her little dog!
Margaret you have framed it perfectly with that gorgeous die, the Butterflies  and the bow, trimmed perfectly with that little flower, finish the card, adding just the right amount decoration without over crowding the card, that border placed flat against the card gives that look of a lace trim, now usually I don't go for 'Mirri' card but on this card it works perfectly, it is just a hint and trims the edge of the card so neatly, picking up the gold beneath the Butterfly wings!
Margaret, Lesley must have been so thrilled to receive such a gorgeous card, thank you so much for allowing me to share it with our friends here in the café. xxxx
Now I have a bit of an idea, please feel free to say if you think it won't work, these ideas are just that ideas that come into my brain in those long periods of sleeplessness!
The idea is "Wise Words Wednesday" (we can change the name) but I thought that we could feature Hints, tips, storage ideas, cheap alternatives to expensive gadgets, anything thought, idea, bargain, that could save us all time, space and most of all Money!!!
What do you think, do you think that between us we can think up something each week??? we can have photos of your space saving ideas, or storage tips, if you like. 
I like my blog to be interactive as you know, so your opinion is very important to me!
Now Cheryl is still having trouble accessing the blog, which is driving me crazy as, as far as I can see my settings are all as open as possible, anyone can leave a comment, Cheryl has looked into the problems and it says I have to go to layout settings and click "revert widget to templates to default"
but I don't have anything that says that in settings or layout or anything, has anyone that has any knowledge of this kind of problem got any ideas, as we all want Cheryl back amongst us asap!
Please let me know if you can help, |Cheryl can read what we write but can't comment!
Well I am off to make the bottles up for our new temporary family members,  4 new lambs!!!
So cute, yet very loud!
Catch up with you all later,
love and hugs


  1. Good morning Sandra and the Coffee Shop Gang. Hope you have all enjoyed your weekend ..... gosh it went quickly did it not??
    MARGARET:- your card is beautiful, love it. I find the LOTV images so useful and the one you have used is one of my favourites. Suitable for both child and grown ups.
    SANDRA:- great idea, like that. We learn a lot on here anyway but to have a day to "focus" on one good tip or tips would be really good......go for it girl.
    Awwww!! little lambs, you lucky things, have fun. They will be a lot of work but well worth it when you see them fattening up and jumping about. I love watching lambs at play they are so funny, especially when the play at chasing!!
    Right place all set up, some really nice goodies in for today Mmm!!!
    Made myself some tea & toast, am over to the corner, someone might pop in early. Could be Hazel she will not have slept last night. She will be worrying more about leaving Harris than getting off on her holiday.
    Basket of (((((hugs))))) by the door if anyone needs them.
    See you all later, off to look back see what I missed later last night. xxx

  2. Morning Ladies

    Margaret-what a beautiful card. I love the butterflies on the corners & the main image is so cute.

    Sandra-love the Wednesday idea. I'll be thinking of ideas all day at work now. Don't panic-I can multitask so no patients will be at risk!!!!! We have a locum who can talk for England so I can switch off when she starts wittering.

    I hope you managed to enjoy the long weekend, as you say-didn't it go quick! I had computer issues last night as it was telling me there was no internet connection (all lies) so thank goodness Phil was home. He's so patient with me + computers. All I wanted to do was leave feedback on Ebay, anyway he eventually got it working so I was quick then decided to finish reading my book.

    Fingers crossed for first weigh in tonight-not expecting too much as I've eaten + drunk well this week.


  3. Hi Sandra and all the lovely coffee shop ladies
    I'm back !!!!! Sorry I've been AWOL, will tell you all about it in a mo, I've tried to comment but internet connection was so slow at the hotel it kept timing out. I spent yesterday reading back over what I had missed but fell asleep before I could comment!
    Sandra your cards over the last few days have been wonderful, especially the Celtic tonic one, what pretty dies, no wonder you had to have them. Definitely send them off to tonic and C&C. The pet photos were lovely too, what a gorgeous array of animals and Freddy has to have his own mention, isn't he a lovely colour. Sandra I was so sorry to hear you had an upsetting phone all and from your mother too. I bet she has completely forgotton what she said to you by now and has no idea how much it hurt you, I know people like that who make comments and don't realise the hurt it has caused. All I can say is try and put iy out of your mind and move on - hard I know but it must be done. You did make me chuckle at the thought of shuffling along on your bottom , I hope your knees are clean now! There's nothing like getting down and dirty with Paul to take your mind off things, and in this case you were taking it literally! Sending you a big hug my love xxx
    Janet your card was beautiful too, love the colour you have used and that bow is fab. I'm sure the ladies will love making it xxx
    Margaret your card today is beautiful too, those lily of the valley images are really pretty aren't they and make a great focal element. Thank you for sharing xxx
    Maria and Karen what a great photo, it's good to put a face to a name and your blind date made me chuckle too. At least the other ladies could see the funny side of it too! I'm looking forward to October to meet you but what a shame Karen can't make it. Xxx
    Hazel I hope you have a wonderful holiday, it sounds wonderful xxx
    Cheryl what a shame you can't comment, it's like you are looking in but someone has put the catch down on the door and although you are banging we can't hear you - bet it was that naughty Muriel and Brendan playing games ! Xxx
    Maureen good to see you have been behaving yourself and sharing the baileys - can I send George a kiss too? I can see him blushing from here! So glad his team stayed up xxx
    Saba it sounds like your ompa bands are an equivalent to our Morris dancers at May time are your ears still ringing? Prost ! Xxx
    It sounds like everyone had a lovely bank holiday weekend, Michele got the time off which was good but Jess was up to her eyes in sheets, which although tiring is good because it means trade is good. I've got a big pile of ironing to do so I think that may be this afternoon sorted!
    I've left some scones with clotted cream and jam on the counter, help yourself and a bottle of bubbly is in the fridge for later if Muriel doesn't find it first. I'll be back in a mo to tell you where I've been.
    See you soon, hugs to everyone.
    Love Diane xxx

    1. Hi Diane,
      Good to have you back! Thank you for the scones with jam and cream! Yum! Thanks for the Champers too! Will have a glass later and wish you a belated Happy Birthday! We'll try to make it last for as long as possible - the birthday - NOT the Champagne! Xxx

    2. Hello Dainty,
      I second Myra's post, and just you keep your kisses to yourself, there are too many women on this blog sending him kisses. He'll be expecting some from me next - no chance!!!!
      Muriel xx

  4. Hi Sandra and all in the cafe today. I agree with you, blink and you miss weekends and Bank Holidays don't you! Where does the time go when we are having fun? Wish it would go as fast when we are tossing and turning and sleepless in bed at 3.15 in the morning! Oh well, we are used to it aren't we : )
    Right, onto today's beautiful card.
    Margaret, Lesley is a lucky lady/girl to receive this card, it is so pretty and ideal for any age. The little girl image is as cute as a button and beautifully coloured. What did you use to colour her, or was it already done? Thank you for sharing it : )
    Hazel, have a wonderful holiday. You certainly deserve a break considering how hard you work at home. Sit back, relax and enjoy the beautiful sights and sounds. We will be waiting to hear all about it when you get back : )
    Cheryl, it must be so frustrating to be able to read the comments but not reply, you poor thing. We all miss you and hope you get your gremlins sorted very soon. Sorry but I am a total dunce when it comes to computers. Now give me a hoover to mend and I'm fine. I'm sure someone will be able to help you though. look after yourself and hope to "see" you very soon : )
    Sandra, bottle feeding 4 lambs! Well, I know you love babies but that is even more work than feeding twins isn't it! I can't wait to see them and give a hand. Haven't fed lambs for ages and as for helping calves learn to drink from a bucket, that is even longer ago. So lovely to do though : ) Please be careful that the lambs don't knock you over as they get bigger as they are very strong, especially when they are hungry and see that bottle of milk. The girls will love to see them too. I will sort out which day I can bring them over later on.
    Pat, I will be thinking of you and Pete today, first at the funeral and then at the hospital. Everything is crossed that Pete's results are good. You will be able to relax and go off and have a good holiday. See you in the morning (Remind me to give you your cushion, I have left it in the car so I don't forget it but you know what my memory is like, don't you!)
    For anyone that didn't see my comment about Lidl card yesterday it is in store starting on Thursday in our area. They have it in different stores at different times that is why some of you won't have it until 1st June. They do 150mgs paper and 270mgs card packs of 25 mixed colours, slightly larger than A4 size for £1.99. There are other papers and cards also avaliable. It is such good value for money. I know where I will be Thursday morning! I think I will have a shopping list from Sandra and Pat too : ))
    Sandra, I love the Wednesday Words of Wisdom idea. I think that part of the reason that I love card making so much is that everyone is so keen to help you and give you tips and hints on crafting and also on saving money so bring it on please. Remember ladies, share those tips and hints, even if you think everyone already knows about them as it will be new to someone. Sandra, sorry you were sleepless but you have come up with yet another great idea for this wonderful blog, it just gets better and better : )
    I have enjoyed my tea and banana on toast so will have to think about starting my day. I have a couple of cards to make so a craft day for me : )
    I hope you all have a good day, or as good as possible. Take care xx

    1. Hi Mrs B,
      I'm hoping to pop to Lidl too on Thursday - I checked and it's Thursday near me! I see you have warned Sandra about danger of lambs and falling! Great minds - I did too! I hadn't read any comments then. Have a good time tomorrow! Xxx

    2. Hi Mrs B,
      Im going to Lidl on Thursday to check as the leaflet only says from 28 May-3 June- If its not in I will go Monday - its brilliant cardstock and die cuts really well. thanks for the heads up x
      Jean x

  5. Good morning Sandra and everyone who pops in today, it was lovely to see the photo yesterday of Maria and Karen on their "blind date" we all have to same thing in common - crafting and chatting - so there's always something to talk about isn't there, I have loved looking at the cards over the last few days but we have had hiccups with our internet - kept needing rebooting ( no I'm not the clever) john does all that tetchy stuff, so I couldn't leave replies, sorry. Sandra I think your idea of wise words Wednesday is great - I always go to the tips section of magazines to see if I can pick ideas up. The little lambs sound so cute but bet they are growing fast. Hazel, hope you have a lovely holiday, enjoy some me time, we'll have left some more hugs by the door and hope to pop by later to see who's been in today, take care everyone,
    Jean xx

    1. Hi Jean! Isn't predictive text wonderful!! You said your husband was tetchy! I'm sure he is very sweet really! Hope he doesn't read the blog!
      Predictive text gets us all and has even changed Brenda to Brendan! - that can be tricky . Love Myra xxx

    2. Hi Myra - I posted this morning on the i-pad and as John has rebooted it there are a few different things going on - yes hes very easy going (needs to be with my crafting) not tetchy at all hahaha xx
      Jean x

  6. Janet Ecco of Sheffield26 May 2015 at 08:38

    Morning Sandra and all who pop in today.

    Margaret I love every little piece of your beautiful card and who wouldn't want to receive such a beautiy. The little girl is so cute I just want to cuddle her.

    Enjoy the lambs Sandra. Like children they grow so quickly but also bring much joy to those who Foster them.

    Well it's Knit and Natter day today and it's the turn of one of the ladies who loves to get some-one else to take her turn. She tried it on with me last time when we found out today was her day so we'll see whether she has managed to get a card done for today. I just cannot understand people who profess to love craft and attend a lovely afternoon but then not want to take part. Oh well 'there's nowt so queer as folk'.

    Latte was lovely as usual and money in the pot. Hugs are also in their usual place so please help yourselves with as many as needed.
    Will try and pop in after K&N.

    Safe journey Hazel.

    1. Hope K& N goes well Janet! Look forward to hearing what you made . As you say there's nowt so queer as folk! Still - they make life interesting! Lol! Xxx

  7. Morning Sandra and ladies, Margaret your card is lovely, I love LOTV stamps, they come out so crisp and clean.
    Sandra brilliant idea for Wednesdays, I'm sure we will all pick up some fabulous ideas from everyone.
    Off to see how our little shop is today, we have a new committee for the association and they have decided to move everyone's stuff around, I hope they have not messed up my cards or they will be hearing from me, I wont be too pleased about it.
    Hazel, have a great time, remember what I said about the Mounties!!!
    Will read last nights comments later, take care, will be back later, Jess x

  8. Hi Sandra and all the lovely ladies
    Me again! I know just like a bus, don't comment for days then 2 turn up! Haha
    Well after tidying the house on Friday morning and putting all the hired china wrapped in cling film back in the boxes and waiting for the man to collect it (Julian had hired all the tea cups and saucers, plates, cake stands lemonade dispensers tea pots etc!) we headed off. I'd been told by this time we were going to our favourite hotel in Sidmouth so knew what to pack! Emma went to granny's to do revision (and have a good natter!). We got as far as Dorchester when Julian remembered his suit bag was still hanging on the wardrobe at home! We took a diversion to find a shop and luckily M&S could do shirts (not a suit in sight though!) and there was a gentle men's outfitters who took one look at Julian and said they might be able to help at a push ( he's rather large!) . An hour later we came out with a new suit, ties and belt - thank goodness he had put his shoes in another bag because they didn't do size 13/14! We eventually got to the hotel to find more flowers in the room and a note to welcome us back. We have just had a wonderful relaxing weekend wandering around Sidmouth, eating lots of ice cream swimming chatting and beautiful meals at the hotel. Back yo normal today, but what a lovely birthday I've had. I've now got lots of thank you cards to make!
    Sandra your lambs sound so cute- I presume they are in the house at the moment? What do the cats make of them. I'm looking forward to hearing the tales (or tails as they are lambs!).
    Enjoy your day.
    Love Diane xxx

    1. Hello again! I don't think there's any need to compare yourself to a bus!!
      I've had a good laugh about your husband's lapse of memory! Poor chap he's had so much to organise and remember he tripped at the last hurdle! It was nice to know he cared about being dressed smartly as nowadays people don't seem to bother! We went to a nice restaurant last night and a man sat wearing a baseball cap all night! Ugh! No manners!
      I'm so glad you had such a lovely time for your Birthday. Such a lot of love and thought went into all your lovely surprises. Thanks for sharing them with us! Myra xxx

    2. Hello again Dainty,
      I second Myra's comments again (this has got to stop!), but you were slow. Could you not have said that you'd forgotten your favourite dress/blouse/trousers or all three!!! Pleased you had such a lovely time and I agree with you Myra regarding men with caps and no manners.
      Love Muriel xxx

    3. Oh! DIANE:- men ....... !!!
      Glad you had a wonderful time. Xxx

    4. I think Maureen is on the ball about you should have said you had forgotten things too. Charlie keeps telling me if we have forgotten anything we can buy, as long as we have money, passports and paper work we are fine.
      I will put photos up on my blog it will be more a journal than anything else. Hazel x

    5. Haha he saw me pack, I wouldn't have hot away with it! Xxx

  9. Glad you had a good weekend Diane. My brother in law lives in Sidmouth. I also have two lots of friends who love going to Sidmouth. One stays in a cottage where they have stayed for many years, and usually go twice a year, and the ither couple stay in a hotel on the seafront. They like it there so much that they went there for Christmas.
    MARGARET. love your card today. I am sure I have that circle die. Is it a Spellbinders die? Was only looking at it the other day. Making good use of my heat bags. Have one on my neck at the moment and it is very soothing. Got the Dentist, for a checkup, this morning then I must go to the Post a Office and Lidl to get more rice. From the looks of things our Lidl won't be having the card until Monday.
    SANDRA. Hope you are feeling a bit better and managing to put the awful happenings of the other day to the back of your mind. Not easy. Enjoy the lambs. They soon grow.

    1. Hi Brenda
      I love Sidmouth, we started to go to this hotel with my parents when we were children and they took Julian and I after we were married, so it is a special place. They insist men wear jacket and tie for dinner in the restaurant , when we've been before Julian sometimes takes his dinner jacket, very smart ! The service is wonderful and nothing is too much trouble for them so a place to go back to! Xxx

    2. So unfolds very nice. It's nice it dress up for dinner but no one seems to do it anymore. Sometimes you buy an outfit for something special and then don't get chance to wear it again.

    3. Should be. Sounds very nice. This predictive text. Urghh

    4. Yes it's lovely to dress up now and again isn't it, you feel very special don't you xxx

  10. Morning Sandra and all the cafe crew,
    Margaret your card is so gorgeous, love the image and it's coloured to perfection and I love how you've added mirri card at the back of the butterflies it really balances it with the fine mirri border. try and put that 'call' out of your mind, otherwise they are 'winning.' I understand it must be terribly hard for you as you really didn't deserve it. Hope those dear little lambs can keep you occupied enough to stop you thinking about it. They must be so cute. By the way it's a great idea about Wednesdays.
    Pat and Pete....thinking of you hope the results are good and then the funeral goes as well as can be expected.
    Diane... it sounds like you and hubby had the perfect weekend and I'm so glad he managed to get a new suit after leaving his other one still hanging on the wardrobe.
    Missing Cheryl and Norah.
    Didn't get up to much yesterday after a flick of the duster and and a quick once over with the hoover I made more flowers ( about 60 in all ) I had already cut them out so it was just a case of making them up....nothing special just handy that they are prepared ready to add to a card...but I now need to make some white pearlescent ones as I use a lot of those.
    Oh and the Red Arrows flew over yesterday on their way to do a fly past for the Three Queens arriving in Liverpool...such a wonderful sight. They'll be back in August for the Rhyl airshow when they do their displays and I can see them from our garden....I get so excited when I see them just like a little sad is that!!
    Have left money in the pot and hugs in the basket for anyone who needs them...will pop by later.

    Love Sheila xxx

    1. Hi Sheila, the Red Arrows are a wonderful sight. We have had them fly ov our garden, I thing the last occasion was for a fly past at Buckingham Palace, I quickly came indoors and turned on the TV and they were just coming into view for the Queen.
      Hope you looked at the blog yesterday after you had posted, you had said abou your lack of confidence when meeting people. You are not on your own - please be assured of that. sending Love and Hugs xx Thought I would also send you some flowers💐🌺🌻🌸🌷

    2. What a pity the flowers didn't publish. xx

    3. Hi Sheila , know what you mean about the Red Arrows! We see them when they come to the Southport Air Show! They give me goosebumps!
      Your flowers sound beautiful and you definitely have had a marathon!
      I have cut out an exploding box! Watch this space as they say! However, don't hold your breath for any sake! Xxx

    4. Hi Sheila,
      We love the Red Arrows too and see them when they fly over during the Great North Run, the come in and seem to turn in front of our house to go over the Tyne Bridge, they are spectacular. Then when the air show is on during the summer, all the planes fly down from the north to Sunderland, some of them we hear long before they come into view, it's fabulous.
      We've also seen Concorde a couple of times when it flew over the top of our Street. Well it seemed to be just at the top, it was probably about a mile away!!! Now that WAS exciting.
      Funny thing is, we are miles away from any flight path normally!
      Muriel xxx

  11. Hello Sandra and all the coffee shop crew,
    Sandra how do you come to have baby lambs? Are they in the house and who was going to get up to give them the night feed? There has got to be a story there, please share it with us.
    Great idea WWW you have so many ladies with many talents also they are canny shoppers (shopping tips could come under WWW) racking my brain to think what I could offer. The daft thing is we do things a certain way, it's not until someone else sees you doing it and says "that's a really good idea" Anyway still thinking !!!!!
    CHERYL and NORAH, Hope you are both well, missing you and your lovely tales and adventures.
    DIANE, Have you come down to earth yet after such a lovely birthday and all the extra event, it really sounds as if you had a fantastic time.
    MARGARET, your card is gorgeous, I am sure Lesley loved it. The stamp is really cute and the whole design is so well balanced. Love it , thank you for shareing. This for George xxx OR you with the other fella today?
    Well I have enjoyed my coffee and a slice of Mocha Cake. Tables all nice and tidy, Patricia's flowers still looking lovely.
    Will drop by later, love and hugs to all, Brenda xxx

  12. Morning Sandra and all,
    well my little prayer was heard for some sunshine and load nr:2 is hanging on the line, also started to do some weeding on the patio but gave up after twenty minutes.
    Margaret- I love this sweet little picture and you have made a lovely card.
    Aaaa Sandra, four little lambs hihi you are going to be so busy with all that feeding. They are a joy to watch just take care so they don't go under your feet and make you flying!
    Hazel- Bon Voyage !
    Diane- you lucky girl what a lovely weekend and a added bonus for your hubby to get something new .
    Have a nice day Sheila !
    Cheryl- what a nuisance ,hope you can post soon.
    Littlelamb- hope the dentist went well.
    Lovely scone and cup of tea thank you, Have a good day all
    hugs Maria xx

  13. Right Sandra and ladies, I am taking 5 minutes out to sit and chill with a nice cup of tea. Every thing done and Harris is away on his holiday seems weird without him coming up for a pet as I have sat down. Been the bank, we have all our money but decided that some English notes might be sensible to have just incase. We need a few dollars at the end, so we can exchange. Don't like using credit cards in the likes of petrol places. Now you would think we were away for a month but it's the over night bag, clothes for tomorrow that sort of thing. Once we put those into the cases we will look normal - well as normal as possible. The other prblem is Charlies camera, it's in its bag but I like it to be out of sight when on the plane so it has to go in the hand luggage bag too. Charlie will carry it through security then it will go in. Plus it's all my pills they have to be in there packets so take up so much room in the hand luggage, but needs must, then I take a small cushion to put under my leg, can't fly without it but again it's the room it takes up. Charlies hand luggage has the Chargers paper work and I pads, I am so glad that once we get the car at Calgary it goes in the boot and we don't have to lug it every where, well yes in and out of the hotels but that's it. The dishwasher and washing machine has the cleaners going through, Mr Dysons pot is empty and washed out bin done so I think apart from the bleach going down the toilet and plug holes we are done, we are going to pick Tammy up from the station and going for lunch then she will head home using our dog car as we call it, they are having the luxury off two cars. She gets the boys up every day so they can take dad to work, so a wee lie in for them.
    Diane, what a wonderful birthday you have had, Julian did you proud then? But was the air blue when you discovered he'd left his bag? We were once half way up the M6 heading home when we discovered the suit carrier was still at the hotel, cost us a good bit for postage.
    Margaret, I just love your card you can't go wrong with LOTV images. They cover so many occasions. My heat bags are packed a medium and a small.
    Well Id better make a move, will pop in tonight if internet is available? Hazel x

    1. Hazel! Safe journeys - today and tomorrow! Hope you have a really wonderful holiday . I'm sure you will. Hope Harris has a good time too in his Holiday Hotel! Phew - it's checking everything isn't it - I make lists and I'm told I have lists about lists!! Take care and Bon Voyage!
      Sending lots of hugs . We'll miss you when you can't pop in but we'll look forward to all your news when you get back!
      Lots of love, Myra xxx

    2. Have a lovely time Hazel and a safe trip.

    3. Hazel. Have a lovely holiday and safe journeys.

    4. Hi Hazel,
      You and Charlie have a wonderful time and safe journeys there and back. I bet Harris has a great time too. Don't forget to ask a Mountie if he'd like to come home with you!!!
      Love Muriel xxx

    5. Hi Hazel have a wonderful holiday, you deserve the rest and yet again cleaning but I'm with you there it has to be done before the holiday! Safe journey xxxx

  14. Hello Sandra and all who pop in today!
    Well, what a lovely cute card! I love LOTV as they get cuteness just right I think! They also do nice ones for boys which aren't twee! Love how you have put it all together Margaret and your butterflies look beautiful. Thank you!
    Sandra - please, please, take care when these lambs get a bit bigger! They are strong and will bowl you over - especially if they rush towards you for food!
    So pleased you have had a good , if busy, weekend!
    Think your hints and tips is a good idea! As for names - will try to think! It gets harder when you get old you know! Wednesday's Whispers! - all I can think of at the moment!
    Will go and read what everyone has being saying now!
    Lots of love,
    Myra xxx

  15. Finally got to the bottom of things!!!
    Hello Sandra, what a brilliant idea for Wednesday, but don't expect any brain waves from me!! My brain takes forever to get into gear. Sandra, take care with the lambs, and what's the story behind FOUR to take care of.
    Margaret, what a lovely card, it's so pretty. I also like LOTV stamps, they do such great stamps.
    STOP PRESS Cheryl e-mailed to say that Lucy's waters have broken so the baby could arrive soon. I'll keep you informed. She's got someone trying to sort her problem out.
    I have posted on the way down, and will pop in later.
    See you
    Muriel xxx

    1. Muriel!
      I think your song to George must be Save all Your Kisses for Me! Xx

    2. Myra,
      His for me is Trini Lopez's song "I love your beautiful brown eyes"!! We only realised last year that my eyes are Hazel, not brown!!!!
      Muriel xxx

    3. Haha it's a shade of brown! At least he wasn't singing Blue eyes to you! Lol xxx

    4. Pete's was Santana's Brown Eyed Girl for me Muriel. He loved his guitar work. I had Samba Pa Ti played as we walked behind Pete's West Ham coffin into the church. That was his favourite Santana

    5. Cheryl,,great to see back (((hugs))) xxx

    6. Yeah Cheryl lovely to see you xxx

  16. MARGARET - beautiful card I love the image. When my daughter eventually makes me a Grannie I have an LOTV cross stitch kit in mind Their images are so cute without being syrupy sweet
    SANDRA - great idea. I'm all for saving money or tips that will make me feel less cackhanded when doing things. I like hearing about pieces of kit that people feel are a waste of time and money or are a brilliant piece of kit AND tricks and tips

  17. Oh it's that last hour, when the children were little and they would go on and on " is it time to go". Cases all weight checked plenty of spare weight, ribbons on the zip things ready to be tied in the morning once the over night stuff is in, Charlie laughs at me choosing which colours to have this time? He reckons most folk reuse the same ribbon over and over, me I just go get some from my stash. Cheryl if you look in I hope Lucy isn't to long in labour.
    Yes I will remember about the Mounties. Hazel,x

    1. Have you left yet,? Need 5 mins of your time if you can spare? Xx

  18. Good afternoon,
    I am hoping to catch our Hazel before she disappears!
    I don't have your number Hazel, do you gave mine?

    1. Sandra, I've sent her an e-mail telling her that you are trying to contact her. xxx

    2. SANDRA:- did you catcher???
      Can I be of help or is it strictly Hazel??? xx

    3. That of course should have been "catch her" xxx

  19. Good afternoon ladies,
    Phew what a busy day day, right the story of the lambs........
    My son Matt has been in farming for many years up until a few months ago, when he had a career change, but Paul and I knew his heart was still in farming, anyway a girl he was at college with works on a Sherpa farm and offered him done lambs to rear and sell on for meat :(, so he has got together the bits and bibs he needs for that, in the mean time another lady has approached him and asked if he would take on these four abandoned lambs, he is keeping then in the pen he has made in his shed in the garden, we are bottle feeding them four times a day, until they are down to two feeds, which should be next week, then they are going to Sophie and Lucy's School, which has a farm, the children will benefit from nurturing them and it's good for them to understand where our food comes from too.
    So that's the story of how we came by the little cuties!
    I hope you are all having a lovely day, it's windy here but sun is shining, good job too as I have just ventured into the girls bedroom, my lord what a mess, I think the washing machine will be on for the next five days constantly!
    Good job I bought some new pegs!
    Catch up later
    Sandra xxx
    Ps I will be emailing all of you going on retreat with a question xxx
    Love and hugs

    1. Thanks for letting us know Sandra, I was wondering where four lambs came from. Well I know where they come from, I just wondered how you came to have them.
      Muriel xx

    2. Thanks Sandra!
      I'm so glad they will go to school ! Just like Mary's!!
      Mind you in Mary's day it " against the rules" .
      It's ok I know - I'm mad! Xxx

    3. Great one Myra : ) I wish I could think of quite relies like you do! Thanks for giving me a giggle x

    4. Mrs B,
      Thanks for being so kind! I can be a bit nutty at times! That should get Muriel going!
      Mind you she's a bit obsessed with Mountie's at the moment! Don't ask me how she's going to get up on that horse! Xxx

    5. Myra have you not heard of Shetland ponies? I am sure even our Muriel will be able to get up on one of those dear little ponies!!! xx

    6. Margaret! Thanks to you I now have a picture in my head of a great big Mountie on a Shetland pony! It looks as if the pony's got six legs!! Xxx

    7. Do you remember Therwell ponies? Very round ponies with little children on top whose legs stuck out - now I can see a Therwell pony with a Mountie on it with perhaps roller skates on his feet! Xxx

    8. Diane I do , they were great! My sons once had a great jigsaw puzzle with them on it! The ponies had great expressions on their faces as well as the riders! Xx

    Someone within the last few days gave a blog address of a company but I didn't write it down, and I've looked over the last couple of days, but couldn't find it. Please have pity on me, and if it was you, will you let me have it - I'll rephrase that!! Please will you put it on this blog again?
    Thank you Maureen xxx

    1. What was it for my lovely?

    2. Hi Maureen,
      Was it! that's one I made a note of on Sunday I think it was! Xxx

    3. Myra, you're a blooming marvel "Just the way you are" xxx

    4. Steady now! I could blossom under such praise! Xx

    5. Ah Myra, it's a case of "Days of Wine and Roses" xx

    6. Shall we call you Ramblin' Rose!! Or is that me? Xxx

    7. I told about as they have 20%off Sue Wilson dies and they are already discounted prices and lots of other goodies too. Tut tut must be the gravy shower that caused the problem! xx

  21. Replies
    1. Way hay,
      Great, you're here. How's things on the baby front? It's lovely to see you.
      Muriel xxx

    2. Helloooooo Stranger,
      Welcome back, we have missed you so much! Xxx

    3. PS ! You haven't seen Norah wandering around cyber space have you? Xxx

    4. Yay, yay HOORAY!!!!!!!! YOU ARE BACK !!!!!!!
      I am so pleased!!!!!
      Let's hear all about what we have missed!!
      I spent hours last night trying to find 'widgets' but no luck, what was the problem on the end???
      Love and hugs

    5. YIPEEEE you have been so missed.
      You have made my evening.

    6. Woweeee!! welcome back, missed you xxx

    7. janet ecco of Sheffield26 May 2015 at 18:42

      Cheryl Welcome home. You have been sorely missed. Waiting for baby news. Hugs xxxx

    8. HELLO Cheryl, you have really been missed. So pleased you have sorted out your problems. Welcome back to the Cafe ........ Think the tanker is due in this evening. Sending big hugs xxx

  22. Hello all,
    So sorry I have been awl again, I will have to be brief but will come back after dinner for a longer read and post.
    Margaret, I love your card. My granddaughter would love it too and I bet Lesley was thrilled with it. It is so sweet and gentle. My rice bag is fantastic, it is helping so much, bless you once again for your kindness.
    Janet, I loved your card yesterday as well. Sorry I never got chance to say so earlier. I must read the instructions again though as I wasn't entirely sure just how you had achieved that shape.
    HAZEL, I do hope you haven't already taken off into the wide blue yonder as I really want to wish you a safe journey and a wonderful holiday. Please don't bring Muriel a Mountie back with you, she wouldn't know what to do with him.
    Right I am now going to crack on with dinner and try yo catch up with all today's comments before coming back. It may be a while!!!
    Love to all our lovely coffee shop sisters.
    Saba xxxx

    1. Saba,
      I do so know what to do with a Mountie. I stand on a mountain top and sing "When I'm calling You hooo hooo" and he'll answer "Get Lost" ha ha xxx

    2. So pleased they have helped you really are more than welcome xx

  23. Hi my dear hearts,
    You just don't know what a relief it is to come back and leave my comments! I can thoroughly recommend a team called Expert Help. You pay a price that you are happy with but they are so courteous, helpful and explain what they are doing as you go along. I have had a wonderful young man called Charles ring me (from America no less) and via remote control of my computer he has put me back in the Café!!! And he has linked all my accounts together so when I sign in now, they are all on the space bar and I can click from one to the other. Yay!
    He has got rid of Google ( who were about as useful as a fart in a colander on their help forums) for me as it was them that caused all the problems by updating Chrome and cutting my links to you all. I can now post on everybody else's blogs too, so look out ladies you will be getting 6 weeks worth of posts!
    No baby news yet, but Lucy is now on Bracken Ward, which is the labour ward in olden times. Milly May is certainly taking her time, she's obviously feeling fine and relaxed about the while idea of being born while Mum is very nervous. Joshua not much better either!
    So I can now finish her card and her Welcome to the World wreath. Once I've finished here that is.
    Sorry ladies, I haven't seen Norah on my travels through cyber space, I thought she had gone on holiday? How long has she been missing?
    I must say you are a very talented group of ladies, all that I have seen from a distance has been stupendous and while I can't leave individual comments as the post has gone, take a bow or curtsey, whatever you fancy, all your creations are spectacular.
    Love & hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. I'll try again, welcome back Cheryl. as you can see you have been missed. I hope all goes well with Lucy xxx

    2. Welcome back Cheryl. It is so good to see you back. Thank goodness you finally found someone that knew what they were doing. It is a shame that you had to pay but it was worth every penny to have you back : ) Take care x

    3. Thank you for the news, or lack of it, about Milly May. Poor Lucy and Joshua must be feeling so fed up. It is the waiting that gets to everyone isn't it. I bet you jump every time the phone rings don't you? I got both Tim and RJ to say "No news" before saying anything else when they called in the last couple of weeks of waiting for all our grand children to arrive : ) I do hope that you have wonderful news very soon, for all of your sakes. x

    4. Welcome back so lovely to have you with us all again darling Cheryl we have missed you so much xxx

    5. Hi Cheryl,
      Oh it's great to see you back and hope Milly May will soon be popping out say 'hello' to her Mummy and Daddy and giving them a big hug.

      See you tomorrow
      Love Sheila xx

    6. welcome back, you have been missed
      Jess x

  24. Cheryl my dear,
    You have a lovely way with words!!! Now, now, less of this Charles in America, it's not good for you to be excited!!!!
    I'm so happy that you are back with us, it'll be nice to have someone sensible on the blog again (oops, hard hat and flak jacket called for I think!).
    Keep us updated with Luy and Milly May.
    Love xxxx

  25. Good to see you back Cheryl. Glad you got it sorted eventually. Hope Milly May arrives soon.

  26. Maria, incase I don't get in tomorrow have a lovely birthday. Hazel x

  27. Cheryl. Welcome back it's lovely to see you again. Hazel x

  28. Good evening Sandra and all the coffee shop crew
    So sorry to be late yet again but I was at the hairdressers this morning and then just as I turned the computer on after lunch to get my usual latteyes you have guessed right, visitors arrived! They have just gone, so when I opened the café door and there to my surprise was my card! Thought I had better leave a comment before reading every ones notes.
    Sorry ladies as I have said before I don't do difficult so the picture of the girl is a colour printed one from LOTV art pad, I am none to good with stamping and even worse at colouring/shading. It was difficult to make the card bright looking without using the gold mirri card but I really wanted to use that particular one for Lesley, our younger daughter's birthday card as she has three little dogs and really dotes on them and is always cuddling one if not all of them, so the picture was perfect for her. I hasten to add she was delighted with it! Sandra you really described it so well there is really nothing more to add except the inside was layered the same as the front but without the pearls and a sentiment added and it was in a decorated box. The other thing Lesley asked for money for her birthday as she was going to the Metro centre and wanted to have a good spend! I actually stamped the envelope with the Stampin up rose stamps that are like the JustRite ones which are double stamped, and for me turned out quite well! I did need two attempts I must admit but I am getting better at it but have a long way to go to catch up with Patricia.
    Right, I will now read all your comments and be back.
    With love
    Margaret xx

  29. Hi, I'm back again just to make sure I CAN post xxxx

    1. Welcome back Cheryl you have been missed Hug's Lynda xx

    2. Hi Cheryl lovely to see you, hope all goes well with the birth and they don't have to wait too long for their daughter to arrive xxx

  30. Hi everyone,
    So glad to see you back with us Cheryl. Some of this lot are getting out of control.
    That's a lovely card, Margaret, such a lovely image and perfectly set and embellished.
    Sandra, are you really going to manage to eat your lambs? My brother in law used to hand rear lambs too. Went to their house one time and as we sat to dinner, roast lamb, their daughter told us all, "that's Bedlam's leg you are eating". (Bedlam was the lambs name) We all ate the dinner, but my niece is a vegan now.
    Sorry I didn't get in in time to wish Hazel a happy holiday, but I'm sure she will. We have gone to Vancouver and Edmonton several times since we both have family over there. Fantastic area.
    I like the idea of a hints and tips day. Big problem is that we often do things by instinct, but not realise that we are doing anything special. But then that's because everyone here is special, isn't it. It will be interesting to see what we come up with though.
    Hugs all

  31. Hello again ladies,
    I am so excited, we are having a baby! Cheryl I can feel your excitement from here.
    Diane your birthday treat sounds fabulous. Please can you ask your lovely husband to get I touch with mine as soon as possible. He has been known to ask me on Christmas Eve what I would like and one year for my birthday asked if there was anything I particularly would like, when I foolishly said nothing in particular he took me at my word. I got nothing. I will forward my husbands email, phone no. And works no. To yours!!
    Janet hope your lady at knit and natter didn't let you all down.
    Hazel, I thought I was the only one who tied a ribbon to my suitcase, seems we all think alike here.
    Sandra, I like the idea of Wednesday's tips, my brain is a bit scrambled at the moment though so can't for the life of me think of a title. As to your lambs, my friend once hand reared a Black Welsh lamb, who she christened Shirley Bassey. She ( the lamb) was so ill that she needed to be fed every couple of hours and kept warm. You would not believe where she spent the first few nights.... In the range oven. My friend had it set on a very low temperature and with the door left open made her a bed in there. She survived, grew, got fat and ended up back where she had began her nights!!!
    Muriel, it is not surprising to me that not only did concord alter its flight path to fly over your road but that the red arrows also do you a special flyover. Your notoriety goes way before you.
    Myra, glad you had a nice Italian evening, I have a lovely picture in my head of you giggling and people watching.
    Love to all,
    Saba, xxx
    Ps. Extra special love to Pat and Pete, thinking of you.

    1. Hi Saba
      He does like to spoil me, I am very lucky and wouldn't change him for the world. He sends me huge bouquets of flowers too, sometimes just because!!! I've often been asked if I could hire him out to give lessons - he just gets tutted at by other men ! He did slip up one year, it was the first year Emma was born and all my friends got Mother's Day cards/flowers from their babies via their husbands but I didn't. His reasoning was I wasn't his mother!!!! It's the only time he's forgotten! Xxx

  32. It's me again!
    What an evening! I've been on the phone for an hour and thirty five minutes! I was just listening you understand!!!
    I was doing so well with my exploding box as well!
    Tomorrow is another day, all being well!
    Alastair is now rattling bins as tomorrow is bin day - well it's usually today but the Bank Holiday happened! I do hope you are following this - not that it's of the slightest importance.
    I'd better just go and supervise !!

    1. Myra dear,
      I always did like "My old man's a Dustman"!!! xx

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Well the Cor Blimey trousers bits fits! Xxx

    4. Too much information!!! xxx

    5. Thought you'd gone to bed? Xxx

  33. In all the excitement of being back I forgot to mention Margaret's card. it is lovely my flower, so delicate and I'm so pleased Lesley loves it.
    Well still no news, she sure is one little lady in no particular hurry. I'm off to bed after my eventful day. I'm going to tape my mobile to my ear in case I get that all important call.
    Nighty Night, Sleep Tight,
    Love & hugs
    Cheryl xxx

  34. Thank you all so much for your very kind and generous comments on Lesley's card you are all so kind.
    Sandra what a great idea for Wednesdays can it also include things to save time then at some point I may, just may, catch up with everyone ! My what lucky little lambs to be given a home with you, Derek's cousin used to have some sheep but she always used to say if eating was mentioned, 'Oh I could not possibly eat something I have been good friends with and talked to.' She fed her lambs even when they were able to feed themselves because they said they were hungry! When the lambs went to market they made the best price of the day and she got a letter of congratulations from the market manager. Have fun with them and enjoy the feeding.
    Hazel if you happen to look in have a wonderful time and a safe journey come back to us safe and sound. xxx
    Now Muriel will you please calm down and stop getting so excited about these Mounties think of your blood pressure dear lady they are not all they are cracked up to be you know. Even if Hazel does find one for you he will get all crumpled in her suitcase!
    Cheryl any news yet? Now you have enough to contend with a new baby on the way at last so just keep calm about this Charles, think of your blood pressure my dear.
    Well my latte was lovely my cup is washed and money in the pot, I will try and call back to see if there is any news.
    Margaret xx

    1. Margaret sorry I'm late we have been out with friends & didn't get back till late Your card is Gorgeous it's lovely to see your cards exetra your very talented. I also wanted to thank you very much for your rice bags they have been a godsend at the moment with my back pain. Love Lynda xx

    2. Margaret do you think that Mountie would dare to get creased in Hazel's suitcase? If so he's in trouble! Xx

    3. I'll have one, creased or not, but then I'm a hussy!!! xxx

    4. Lynda, I know just what you mean, Margaret's bags are my go to painkillers. I don't know how I enjoyed my evenings before I had the luxury of having them. She should win an awkward.
      Love Saba xxx

    5. Margaret, thank you so much for sharing your cards with us xx
      Time saving tips are an amazing idea too!
      Margaret can I buy a couple of your famous heat bags, it sounds like the one thing I haven't tried that might work, alongside the morphine, what do you think! Anything to try for a good nights sleep !
      Let me know how much they are please ( if you have any)!
      They come so highly recommended!
      Love and hugs,

    6. Sorry Sandra no you cannot buy them, they are not for sale, but if you email me your address I could send you some. I have more fabric than I know what to do with and it is taking up valuable card space!
      Margaret xx

  35. Arrrrrgggg
    I've just lost my post, and can't remember what I was wittering on about.
    Cheryl, don't wake me when you get the telephone call, but I hope it's all over by the time I get in tomorrow. It's lovely that you're back!!!!
    Margaret, what a pity you can't come over to the Metro. I'd be able to meet you. Can you not cadge a lift?
    Well, I'm tired, so I've tidied up and wound up the cat and put the clock out. I've baked a lovely Beetroot, Gravy Salt and Strawberry cake and put it in the tin (anyone else remember the old woman in "The Vicar of Dibley" who made the horrendous cakes), well she was modelled on me lol.
    Maria, you are quite safe the dishwasher is not on yet.
    Love to all, sleep tight and sweet dreams.
    Muriel xxx

  36. Forgot to say that I'm going down to heat my Margaret bag - it really is great.
    Muriel xxx

    1. Lord, I've just read Lynda's post. Margaret, you'd make a fortune selling these bags, we are all using them!!!

    2. Night night , dear! Sleep well!
      Think I'll give that cake a miss! Xx

    3. Lord, you keep getting thes odd messages from Muriel, don't judge her too harshly, she is waiting to be mounted.

    4. Saba you are both naughty and wicked! Xxx

    5. Haha Sabas comment was the first one that came up when I opened the Dior just now- I wondered what I had missed with Muriel being mounted! Thought I'd found one of those funny sites then - very 50 shades of grey, or in our case, if you have a Cameleon pen you can achieve a whole range of shades of grey!!!!! It's ok Margaret, if Muriel's Mountie is creased she will give him a good iron, but we will have to watch out that George doesn't put the temperature up on the iron before she starts!
      What a thought !!! Xxx

    6. Now Maureen you know I don't mind making the bags for anyone BUT I'm not making one for your Mountie!!

    7. Diane, please explain where Monsieur Dior comes into this debacle! I'm confused now! Xxx

  37. Good evening Sandra will have to read comments tomorrow as we have been out with friends had a lovely meal ,didn't get back till late.
    Hope your ok my lovely. Love Lynda xx

    1. Hi Lynda,
      Glad you have had a great night out, I'm fine, with friends like you lot who wouldn't be?!
      Love you all,
      Sandra xxxx

  38. Hi Sandra
    Not to sure if I've been on the blog yet. It's this CRAFT thing getting in the way again. I'm glad to see Cheryl back on the blog.
    MARGARET your card is gorgeous. Just love the little girl with her dog. Better go back and check it was a dog. Would be a lovely card for my GrandChildren as their Mum has just bought a Springer Spanial Puppy. It's just had its first outing, also my eldest Grand daughters cat has just had her first set of kittens. They just add to the chickens, two other dogs, they did have three but one died. 5 other cats, gerbils, rats etc, oh nearly forgot two horses. Not kept in the garden I might add. Hope everyone has had a few hugs today.

    1. Hi Pat. Hope all went well at the hospital today. Thinking of you both.

    2. Oh yes I know all about animals, we have had rabbits, a hamster fish, dogs several corgis and one Red Setter as daft as a brush but so lovable, he once caught a crow and tried to swallow it whole! He loved going in water and would break ice in winter to get wet then would come back from his walk with icicles hanging from his fur!

  39. Maureen,
    I am just curious to know what you would do with this Creased 'Mountie'
    Should Hazel manage to 'bag' you one?!
    Sandra xxx

    1. Now Sandra, I think you are too young to be given such information as that!

    2. Margaret, I am intrigued, what is a hamster fish?
      And Myra, Diane's Dior is obviously another lovely present from her lovely husband who I have been telling my startled husband all about.

  40. Right ladies, I am off to bed to dream about miniature Mounties riding around Muriel's garden on a Shetland pony whilst George is trying to tie scarves around her neck to stop her getting to him.
    Night and God bless to you all
    Saba xxx
