
Wednesday 27 May 2015

Happy Birthday Maria !

Make a wish!!!

Good Morning Ladies,
Well as you can see its our Maria's Birthday, I hope you have the happiest of days, I also hope that you have been spoilt, just as you deserve!
I have put your cake behind the counter, remember to make a wish when you blow out the candle, I wonder what you would wish for?
Well I would like to hear as many hints, tips, storage ideas that you might have today.
I am pretty sure its this week the card is in Lidl, that's a bargain tip!
You can use Talcum powder (that can be bought from 99p stores) and a cheap paint brush instead of
anti static bags, they work for both stamping purposes and for dusting over your Tan (embossing )
mat, this prevents the card from sticking after embossing.
A storage tip that I use is for ribbon reels and bakers twine, threaded onto a cane of wooden dowel and supported by two cup hooks!
Do you remember when we had CD storage Wallets/folders, well buy cutting up a magnetic sheet to fit inside the individual wallets you have made yourself a perfect Die Storage Wallet !
Sharpen your Scissors by cutting up strips of sandpaper!
Well that's it for now, I look forward to reading some of your hints and tips!
Have a lovely day everyone, especially you Maria!!
Love and Hugs


  1. Good morning Sandra and the Coffee Shop Gang. Hope you are all well, and looking forward to the day ahead.
    HAPPY BIRTHDAY MARIA, hope you have a fantastic day a few (((((hugs))))) just for you.
    Well, there are a fair few tips there for us to digest, thank you Sandra. Like the Tan Embossing Mat one, will be trying that.
    Everyone keeps mentioning the Lidl Card which is a fantastic buy. I have loads .... I don't NEED any more ..... well it's always handy to have isn't it???
    Tables all done, new flowers for today. There were tot a lot of flowers so I have added lots of greenery, looks OK though.
    Made myself some Tea, Toast & Jam, money in the pot. Over in the corner watching to see who comes in today. Will miss chatting with Sis till she gets hooked up on WiFi somewhere.
    PAT:- always keeping you and Pete in our thoughts and prayers.
    Looking forward to hearing the BABY news......will be great to have a new baby to "oooooo!!! & aaaaaa!!! over.
    Right off to get a move on, see you all later xxx

  2. Morning Ladies

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY MARIA!!!!!!!!!!!! Hope you have a lovely day-doesn't that cake look delicious?!

    Sandra-thanks for the top tips. I get really annoyed when my diecut card sticks to the embossing mat-don't know why I hadn't thought of an anti-static bag or talc. I'll certainly try that one next time I'm using my G/C which should be this week as I still haven't started the wedding card I was asked to make.

    Yesterday was very busy at work-we started using an electronic prescription system for chemotherapy so that caused us a few issues, luckily it was only 2 patients it was used on. Each week this will increase which helps patient safety as no more trying to decipher doctors handwriting.

    I'm so glad it's only a short week this week-can't believe I'm saying that as I've only been in work one day so far!!!


    1. Hi Michele
      I know what you mean about drs writing. I didn't know they were testing Pete for Alkaline Phostase, or however that is spelt, until last month at it was printed out of his form. Hope your new system gets sorted out soon.

  3. Good morning ladies,

    Oh, you don't know how much I have missing writing to you all.

    Happy Birthday to Maria, I wish for you to have a day with love & laughter.

    And it is now official, I am a Great Grandmother! 'I'm so excited and I just can't hide it!'
    Milly-May made her appearance at 11.35pm last night weighing in at 7lbs 9oz.
    Mum & Dad are spending today getting to know their new baby daughter and enjoying their new found status as first time parents.
    I've been up since 4.30, couldn't sleep but Mr Sandman has now decided I need a little nap, so I'll pop in later.
    Love & hugs to all,
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Congratulations Cheryl on becoming a great grandma, I would ask if you've got your lace cap and rocking chair ready, how times have changed! It did make me laugh when you said you needed a little nap, I'm not surprised after being up so early but then again I would have been excited too. I hope you get to see Milly May soon - what a pretty name. Sending you a big hug, how lucky you got your computer sorted just in time to tell us. Enjoy your snooze xxx

    2. Janet Ecco of Sheffield27 May 2015 at 08:23

      Morning Cheryl - many many congratulations on becoming a Great Grandmother for the first time. Welcome Milly-May to your wonderful family and one GGM who will spoil you wonderfully.
      So from one GGM to another welcome to our special club.
      Hugs to all. xxxx

    3. Believe it or not, Diane, I actually bought a rocking chair 24 years ago when my No1 grandson was born. although I thought the lace cap was a tad too much. xxx

    4. Congratulations Cheryl!
      So pleased Milly-May has arrived safe and well and a good weight too. Congratulations to all the family but especially to you on becoming a Great Grandma! Have a nice snooze! Xxx

    5. Congratulations Cheryl and to all your family on the save arrival of Milly-May, I know she will be spoiled by her Great Grandmother.
      Love, Jess x

    6. Hi Cheryl,
      Many congratulations on becoming a Great Grandma and on the safe arrival of Milly May and to the new parents too. Wishing all three of you much happiness as you enjoy the wonderment of little Milly-May's arrival.
      Enjoy your well earned sleep Cheryl.

      Love Sheila xxx

    7. Many Many congratulations Cheryl best wishes to all the family, bet everyone is buzzing -
      Jean x

    8. Congratulations Cheryl. As Diane has said how times have changed I'm a Great Aunt but they're not allowed to call me that - feel too young! She has a beautiful name too I bet you can't wait to spoil her

    9. CONGRATULATIONS Cheryl, and to all the family.
      Wishing Milly-May Health,Wealth and Happiness all the days of her life. xxx

    10. Congratulations Cheryl & family welcome Milly May wishing you health & happiness ( I love the name ) Hug's Lynda xx

    11. Congratulations Cheryl. What a beautiful name. Best wishes for all the family. Yes times have certainly changed. My Great Grandmother was a lovely, but formidable lady, white hair and dressed in a long black dress.

    12. Congratulations on the birth if Milly May. Two gorgeous names. Best wishes to all the family.

  4. Quick cup of tea please will be boarding soon. Happy birthday Maria.
    Congrats Cheryl on the birth of Milly-May
    Hazel x

  5. Hi Sandra and all in the cafe today.
    What a wonderful happy day for us all. Lots to celebrate with a big HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Maris, have a great day and enjoy that gorgeous cake that Sandra has baked for you : ))
    And also CONGRATULATIONS to Cheryl on becoming a great Grandmother. Fantastic to hear that Milly-May has arrived safely. Please send my love and very best wishes to Lucy and Joshua. Enjoy that special first cuddle : ))
    You can ask Sandra for a reminder of how to make bottles up as she is busy making them up for with those little lambs : )
    Right, I have lots to do before meeting Sandra and Pat so must dash. Have a lovely day everyone.
    Hazel, I hope that the flight is uneventful. Have a great time xx
    Take care xx

  6. Hi Sandra and all the lovely coffee shop ladies
    Happy birthday Maria, hope you have a wonderful day today - in fact try and make it last until the weekend if you can! Are you doing anything special? What ever you do have fun and enjoy yourself now I know we have the obvious song for you involving mountains and nuns but I've got another Maria song in my head, I want to say Chrissy hind sang it but I'm not sure - I'm off to check Spotify! Xxxx
    Sandra how are those little lambs today? How lovely they will go to the school farm. When the school I worked at first opened the local farmer kept sheep there to help cut the grass - at one stage there were more sheep than children! I hope the girls aren't driving you too mad with revision xxx
    Well I've racked my brain cell for a tip so here goes - when I cleaned the oven the other day I used cheap biological washing powder instead of oven cleaner and it worked really well (MIL tip!) also imperial leather soap is really good at getting ink stains out of your hands and a combination of a small amount of lard, sugar and lemon juice rubbed into your hands for at least 5 minutes then washed of in warm not hot water leaves your hands feeling lovely and soft.
    Enjoy your day everyone, the sun is out here and there's a blackbird singing his heart out outside the open window - what a lovely start yo the day. See you all later.
    Love Diane xxxx

    1. Hi Dainty, did you make the washing powder into a paste to clean the oven? xx

    2. Hi Maureen I had a washing up bowl with hot water and washing powder to soak the top bits in and wash the top, took the grease of really quickly. Inside the oven I washed it with hot water and soap powder the sprinkled in extra powder and mixed it into a paste with hot water on the baked on bits and left it for an hour, then wiped it away. I bought a cheap packet of Sainsburys own bio washing powder which worked fine and was much cheaper than the oven mate I usually buy from Lakeland . I would offer to come and show you but I'm a bit busy this week!!! :) xxx

    3. Bio powder works on burnt pots, fill with hot water and powder leave to soak for an hour or so pot comes clean, Hazel x

  7. Janet Ecco of Sheffield27 May 2015 at 08:40

    Morning to one and all
    Sandra - how are the lambs this morning and I hope they're feeding well.
    Thank you for all your tips. I will find them really useful. As for me at the moment the only thing I can think of is:-
    I rub my dies over with Tumble Dryer Sheets. Not the cheapest way I suspect but it works every time and one sheet lasts for ages.
    Don't use a bow maker - use your OH or friends index fingers. Bows come out just as good.
    If you have a problem storing cut outs etc use envelopes. I have an old book which I stick envelopes in front down and then use these for my offcut dies. Depending on how big the book is depends on how many envelopes you can get to one page of course but the die cuts stay flat and safe.

    Sorry cannot think of any more at the moment but I hope at least one will help.
    The latte was good as usual. Will see you later to look for more hints and tips.
    Hugs are in their usual place. I wish Norah would pop in. I'm really worried as it's been so long.

  8. Janet Ecco of Sheffield27 May 2015 at 08:42

    Sorry Sorry It's me again.
    HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU MARIA. Have a wonderful day and I hope you're spoilt just as you should be.

  9. Every one ready .... 1 2 3

    HAPY BIRTHDAY to you

    Your are safe we won't give you the bumps, after all the pain you have Ben in lately.

    Good morning Sandra and all the coffee shop ladies,
    Well it's lovely and sunny here . Hope it lasts, but think we are due some rain later. Well it was up with the lark this morning for us, we are now at our daughters, because its half term. Only two children to look after today. Big sister is going into school, extra lessons for GCSE students. These teachers really put in many extra hours. Mind you I asked our other daughter, she is a Primary Head. If had she any plans for this week apart from a trip to the theatre, her reply was work - work!!! The dreaded Ofsted could be happening at any time. Schools don't get the notice they used to get.

    CONGRATULATIONS Great Grandma CHERYL. It's lovely when a new baby
    comes into the family. Hope you get a chance to have lots of cuddles.

    Sandra, Thank you for your tips. I have some of my dies in CD cases. Will try sandpaper on scissors ( do you use fine grade) I remember using foil on the old punches (but Ciara now has them) it did stop them sticking.

    Can hear children moving, must be breakfast time! It's that tummy clock that kicks in and wakes them up.

    Wonder if Hazel has taken off yet, hope you have a fantastic holiday.

    Pat and Pete thinking of you both, sending love and prayers. Xxx

    Will drop in again later, hope everyone has a good day.
    Love and Hugs, Brenda xxxx

  10. Sorry Maria, don't know how Ben got in there !!!!!'
    You realise I did mean - after all the pain you have BEEN in. BUT if you want BEN He's yours! Happy Birthday LOL xxx

    1. Brenda, Ben is to keep Brendan company!! xx

    2. Nice one Mayreen, Our youngest grandchild Ciara, when she was learning to talk used to call us Ben and Dom!! (Brenda and John)

    3. OMG I've just given you ANOTHER name !!!!

    4. Oh Brenda! Now Muriel has another alias! Ha ha ! Predictive text strikes again! Xx

    5. She will have the police after her soon with all these fake names! We know she's a master criminal after the robbery at Easter !!! Haha xxx

    6. She'd better write them all down in that notebook because at this rate she'll never remember half of them!
      I can just hear the question now? Who's she? xxx

  11. HAPPY BIRTHDAY Maria! I hope you have a really lovely day! No weeding today , please! It's your Birthday ! Hope you do something nice and relaxing too!
    Lots of love Myra xxxx

  12. Good Morning Sandra !
    Well I'm a bit earlier this morning! I just had to get here early for Maria's Birthday!
    Love the hints and tips Sandra! Especially the tan mat one! It can be a real pain!
    I can only think of one at the moment as you must realise it's a bit early for brain cell to work!
    If like me you have lots of phone, iPad, Kindle, camera etc etc. chargers - if you wind some washi tape around the cord it is easy to find, you can prove it's yours and it prevents the plastic cord from cracking when it is rolled up!
    Just thought of another one - to really clean the inside of narrow glass vases pour in a mixture of bicarbonate of soda, lemon juice and hot water. It will fizz. Leave for a while and rinse with more warm water. Your glass vase will sparkle like new! You probably all know this!!
    I have a really pretty little crystal dish which was Mum's. It is really fine and unfortunately the crystal was white and cloudy in places. Well, I took a cloth with a paste of bicarbonate of soda and gently rubbed it into the white marks. It took a few goes but that little dish is now like new! It was a case of - if this doesn't work I'll throw it away - so pleased I didn't!
    Will go now and read what everyone else has got to say!
    Have a good day, everyone!
    Myra xxx

  13. Good morning Sandra and all the coffee shop crew
    Happy Happy Birthday Maria hoping you have a day filled with sunshine and laughter, enjoy your day and that yummy cake! xx
    Cheryl many congratulations on your new great grandchild wonderful news! The gift of love is such a special thing to know the joy a child can bring. enjoy every minute xx
    Well Sandra they are some great tips to try while you have the talc out for discussion it can also help if you use an old makeup bush to apply a layer to new or intricate dies this helps to stop them sticking and leaving those brown marks that sometimes occur which are so annoying.
    On the food front if you get a bottle of malt vinegar and pour half out into another bottle then fill both bottles up with water and place in a dark cupboard for two or more weeks you then have 2 bottles of full strength vinegar, this came from a chef and it really works!
    Well I am off now to make some bread and rolls and have some sewing to do. Thank you my latte was lovely, money in the pot and my hugs and cuddles are over in the corner just help yourselves I will be back later to catch up hope Hazel has had a good take off.
    With love
    Margaret xx

    1. Margaret, like the one about Vinegar, never heard that one

    2. Great vinegar tip , Margaret! Xx

    3. Margaret like the talc tip - I hate those little brown marks - really spoil the card - spend ages trying to brush them away - Jean x

    4. MARGARET:- thank you for the Talc & Die tip, will definitely try that.
      I just hate that "mask" of brown you get on your card, spoils the whole effect. xxx

  14. Morning Sandra and everyone,
    Happy Birthday Maria, have a great day, enjoy your cake it looks delicious.
    Everyone's tips are amazing, I can't think of any at the moment, and us Scots are supposed to be canny!!!
    Will pop back later, coffee finished, money in pot take care meantime, Jess x

  15. Just thought of one tip to share, I always dust with a damp duster, a dry duster just spreads the dust about. Also I don't use spray polish. I mix my own polish with equal parts (using the 'ish' gauge) of olive oil and lemon juice you have to shake well (frequently) to keep it mixed. I apply this with a children's painting brush. Got a big mixed pack in Lidil ages ago. Then buff with a soft cloth, just don't be to heavy handed with the mixture. Although you can put some on a cloth and use it . This works on bare wood too. Xxx

  16. Hi, nap over and back again,
    Thank you all so much for your lovely congratulations.

    For a chemical free weed killer use....

    1 pint of White vinegar, I cup of fine table salt and a splash of washing up liquid.
    Pour all ingredients into a plastic spray bottle and shake well.
    Wait until the salt has dissolved then spray your weeds in FULL sun.
    After a while the vinegar smell will evaporate and you should see good results in the a few hours.
    I tried this on an massive invasion of bindweed last year and a week later it had all but disappeared.
    Love & hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Thanks for that tip Cheryl. Sounds good especially if it gets rid of bindweed.

    2. Thank you Cheryl, will defiantly give that on a try. LOL xxx

    3. Thank you Chreyl must try this x Jean

    4. Oh Cheryl this sounds fab, bind weed is the Bain of my life! Thank you xxx

    I haven't ready any comments as I have to get to the Doctors, then going out, so will play catch up later (been on the e-mails too long this morning)
    Maria, I left an extra special cake for you last night and If anyone wants the recipe just let me know!!! ha ha. Have a super duper lovely day.
    Muriel xxx

    1. Is it a Mrs Cropley special Maureen - don't tell me anchovy and chocolate with a lovely courgette filling - yum xxxx

  18. A Very Happy Morning to the Sandra and the cafe crew ,
    First of all Happy Birthday Maria have a lovely day whatever you are planning.
    Then many congratulatons to Cheryl on becoming a first time Great Grandma and a huge 'hello' to Milly-May.
    Many thanks Sandra and all the ladies for the great tips today I will watch avidly for any more that follow....have a lovely day Sandra with your crafty partners. Glad your little lambs are doing well, it's lovely to hear about them.
    Pat I'm so pleased for you and Pete about his results and here's to many more good results in the future
    I had a flower-free day yesterday so I didn't do much at all except for putting the ones I had done on Pinterest.
    Have a lovely day everyone whatever you may be getting up to...I'm sure I have forgotten someone please forgive me if I have . I will pop back later and I've left some extra special hugs in the basket for wveryone to take.

    Love Sheila xxx

  19. HAPPY BIRTHDAY MARIA, Hope you have a lovely day.
    Congratulations CHERYL from one Gt.granny to another. enjoy.
    SANDRA. Thank you for the tips and everyone else. The only thing I can think of at the moment is that if you are looking for cheap rice for Margaret's heat bags I got some in Lidl for 40p for 1kilo. Others might have seen it cheaper. Would be interested to hear. Busy cutting out gift bags today. Be back later.

  20. Wow ladies, all these tips are amazing, I knew this would be a good idea!
    Not sure how many weeks we will be able to keep it up for!
    Cheryl, Milly May has had us all in suspense for so long, I am so thrilled that she arrived safely, I hope that Lucy is not too exhausted, these first few days seem to just fly by!
    I am sure that everyone would love to see a photo when you get chance!
    We'll of to make up the baby bottles!
    I hope you are having breakfast in bed this morning Maria!
    Love and hugs
    Sandra xxxx
    Ps I have some hints and tips to upload from Michele later!

  21. Good morning Sandra and everyone who pops in, Congratulations Cheryl on the safe arrival of Milly May, you must be thrilled. Hope Lucy is getting plenty of rest when she can. Happy Birthday Maria, hope you have a lovely day doing things you enjoy. Need to have a good look through the comments for tips today. I have just two - the exfoliating gloves from pound shop are brilliant for polishing gilding flakes when you lose the scrubbit thingy. Also I store my dies on magnetic sheets (magnetic photo paper when I can get it) then stick magnetic sheet to the original backing card and keep them in their original packaging- The thick plastic packs I keep in Really useful boxes but now the packaging is thinner I bought some A4 plastic drawers (sets of 4) from the Range and have labelled the drawers - not usually so efficient..Sandra it was lovely to hear about the little lambs and nice your son is doing the work he enjoys, Hope Hazel set off without any delays and she enjoys her holiday - no doubt she will pop in when she gets organised at the other end, if shes not interrupted by the mounties. Must press on - want to cut the grass and its forecast rain later for us. Will pop back - have left hugs for all who need them in the pot by the door and an extra one for Maria for your birthday (hope you get your wish granted when you blow your candle out - Till later -
    Jean x

  22. Good morning Sandra and our amazing ladies,
    It looks lovely in here with all that greenery, thank you Patricia.
    HAPPY BIRTHDAY Maria, hope you have a wonderful day and get spoiled rotten.
    CHERYL, Congratulations on the safe arrival of your great granddaughter, I hope you get to see her very soon. Milly May welcome to the world little one, we have been waiting for you.
    PAT so very pleased to hear Pete's results are improving, brilliant news, enjoy your day with Sandra and Sue.
    I am loving all these tips.
    Mine for now are
    Use a notebook and write all these tips down for future reference!
    Buy old videos from charity shops, chuck the video and use the empty cases for storing cling stamps. Many of the cases don't have the little Spurs for holding the video in place, and if they do just nip them off with a pair of pliers.
    Well that's mine, not much but it's early yet!
    Norah, hope you will be back with us soon, we are all missing you.
    Love and hugs
    Saba xxxx

  23. Congratulations again to CHERYL on the safe arrival of Milly May - did put something on further up
    MARIA - Happy Birthday I didn't spill the beans honest
    The tips have been very helpful and lots of new ones to me - the vinegar, polish, exfoliating gloves - brilliant
    These are mine
    Jodie Johnson from Tonic suppied this first one. If a corner/intricate die cut hasn't stuck down, rather than try and raise it to get Quickie glue pen or a fine tip nozzle (the one Christine Emberson is supberb by the way) place some glue onto a piece of scrap card (not thickly) and slide under the offending piece, tap gently and remove the scrap card. It will stick down beautifully
    2nd one from Mel Heaton. If you have a little bit of glue in the wrong place, place a small dob of Collall PHOTO glue and gently rub it all away - works for me

  24. Hi, I can't stop posting now I am back in the café.

    I've had my hour in the garden weeding one half of the front, other will get done tomorrow. It's getting rather warrrm out there so good excuse to come in and craft for a while before lunch.

    Another tip on the die front mentioned earlier. I have done the same with the sticky magnetics sheets but placed mine in the cello bags you can buy in any craft shop. After that I use the packaging for apertures on boxes instead of acetate. Being that much stronger, it makes the box lid more rigid too. Of course you will have to make sure you haven't got scratches on them, so be careful when cutting them up too. Paper cuts are nothing compared to an acetate cut, believe me!
    Cheryl xxx

  25. Hi Sandra and everyone,
    Congratulations to great-grandma Cheryl ! Pleased all went well. So closed she would have the same date as me tihi. Thank you sooo much for my birthday wishes today and oh wow thank you for the cakes ! Sandra yours look real tasty mmmm and Maureen I'm up for anything Lol !
    I was unfortunately really ill yesterday so any partying will have to be low key today but I'm going for a slap-up meal in London tomorrow so looking forward to that. I'm still seeing the bone cracker 3.30 so blowing out the candle didn't work except we now have the fire brigade outside our door hihi
    Sunny and warm outside so sitting in the garden, dreaming of a Mountie, riding on a stallion (colour resembling gravy ,oops) and four little lambs playing around, not for eating! Popping in later this evening. You all have a nice day!
    love and hugs Maria xx

    1. Maria, so sorry you had a rough day yesterday and it means you are having to have a quiet day today, but I do envy you going into London for a slap up meal tomorrow. I just love London so much.
      Hope your bone cracker wasn't too hard on you, hope you can enjoy this evening. Xxx

    2. Hi Maria,
      Do you think it was my cake that made you feel poorly? I also hope the bone cracker wasn't too bad, but you be careful dreaming of Mounties, and just you leave my gravy out of it ha ha. George is busy doing his Pie and mushy peas (home made) with chips and gravy. He's not happy, grumbling about there being no gravy so I suppose I'll have to be a proper housewife for 10 minutes and make him some, but it's not the same without the beef essence.
      Enjoy tomorrow, I'm with Saba I love London. Well, I'm not exactly physically with Saba, I mean I agree with her (red letter day).
      I hope the Fire Brigade can handle the inferno that is your cake candles!!!!
      Love Muriel xxx

    3. Hi Maria,
      I hope you managed to have a good birthday despite feeling rough,
      have an early night tonight and make sure you make the most of every moment of your special day tomorrow!
      Its sounds like you were hallucinating, not dreaming!
      Love and Hugs

    4. Hi Maria,
      Sorry you weren't well yesterday! Hope you feel better now and will really enjoy your meal in London tomorrow! Xxx

    5. Hi Maria sorry to hear you were feeling poorly yesterday, I hope you got on ok at the chiropractor. Enjoy your meal in London - are you going anywhere special or just a day trip to London with a meal somewhere? Look after yourself xxx

  26. Helloooooooooooo
    I'm back and having read all the comments and tips, I'm glad I bothered!!!
    I have already wished Happy Birthday to our Maria, and congratulated our Cheryl on being a Great Grandmother (far too young) but I send you both all my love and best wishes again.
    Sandra you had an inspired idea when you decided on a Wednesday Top Tip Day (WTTD). Ladies, your tips are fabulous, and money saving, and I'm going to implement a Saba tip and write them down in a notebook. Definitely going to try all of them!!
    Now my tip is pretty ordinary, but may save a penny or two. A 7.5 metre roll of Tommy Walsh lining paper from Decorating Section of the £1 shop is a good weight for making white envelopes for any awkward sized card that you make, which doesn't require a box. If I think of anything else, I'm keeping it for next week!!!!
    I've been out for lunch with Karen, who was the School Bus Chaperone, Rachel and Zoe. We've had a lovely time, put the world to rights, and Zoe was very happy because the proprietor gave her TWO sweets! It doesn't take much at the age of 8 does it?
    Love to all, hope you are all having a good day - now where did I put that notebook????
    Muriel xxxx

    1. All tips written in a notebook under relevant headings:-
      Oven Cleaner, Crystal cleaner, 2 for 1 malt vinegar, etc. etc. I'll be able to put the extra pennies in my Retreat Pot. yay xxxx

  27. Blimey Muriel you're a fast cat! My idea and I haven't even got the notebook out yet.
    Zoe's 2 sweets reminde me of when Oliver was here last year and we went to the butchers. It is the norm at the butchers for them to give
    Children a slice of Gelb würst (yellow sausage) to eat whilst their mum or whoever is being served. Oliver was delighted. Of course he liked it so much that we had to buy some, so the butcher is not daft. Xxxx

  28. Hello Sandra & all that pop in today
    HAPPY BIRTHDAY MARIA Hope your having a good day hope OH has spoilt you did rotten.Did you get any Sue Die's.? Hope Hazel got off ok for her holiday & has a fabulous time.xx
    Tip too make cheep ribbon buckles with a pull ring from cans paint with nail vanish add glitter if like once dry thread ribbon through add onto card.
    A few tips for Using dryer sheets they make bathroom mirrors sparkle,& get's sticky dust off blinds,soak paint brushes with warm water & a dryer sheet paint comes right off. Use to Wipe pet hairs off furniture & clothing.
    How are the lambs Sandra I would love to see a picture of you bottle feeding them. Hope you had a lovely day crafting Sandra,Sue & Pat.
    I had to go up to the hospital for blood test at 1 o'clock just got home they were so busy waited over two hours,then takes not even 5 minutes for test.
    Take care love & Hug's Lynda xxsee your later.

    1. Ooh Lynda, I'll have to write those hints in my book - how exciting this is!!! xxx

    2. Wow, top tips Lynda, thanks, will be trying those!
      Hope your test results are all ok, so sorry you wasted so much time there!
      sending you hugs
      pics of lambs coming soon x

    3. I need a notebook too! Think I'll decorate one! Not tonight mind you! Thanks Lynda. Xx

    4. Thank you ladies glad you liked the tips.Good idear Maureen about putting them in a note book I'm going to buy a TIP book tomorrow
      Hug's Lynda xx

  29. Happy Birthday Maria. Sorry you are not feeling so good, but hopefully you will enjoy your trip to London. The rest of us will help you eat this lovely cake. Wouldn't like to see it go to waste.
    There are some great tips here. The only one I can think of just now is to use the plastic mesh sheets you buy in a roll in the pound shop. It's sold to go on shelves, but stick a piece under your die cutter and it won't move. I use it under cutting mats, or chopping boards too.
    See you later,

    1. Nice one Janice, got some from Idea which I'll try as soon as I go downstairs to get it!! xx

    2. Still haven't been downstairs Janice xx

    3. So pleased you've had an Idea! Xxx

    4. Janice, I still haven't been downstairs, and George is up here in bed, so I'll have to get some in the morning
      Ooh Myra, how can you be so cruel, although I must Ideas do not come very often!!! xxx

    5. Myra, you've put the heebie jeebies on me. I must ADMIT Ideas do not come very often xx

  30. Hi Sandra
    I'd like to thank everyone for there kind wishes re Pete. His PSA went down from 29 to 4.5 so that's really good news.
    Hi Maria
    Happy Birthday to you, I hear that your not feeling to good today, but hope that you have a lovely day in London. We'll all help you eat your cake, and have a drop or Two of something to wish you well. Have a great day. Well you've probably had it by now. But cheers for later, I'll join you in a drop of something nice later. We all had a great day, and we gave Sandra some hugs to keep her going. Saw Matts lambs when I dropped Sandra off. How cute they are.

    1. Your hugs were so very comforting, I don't know what I would do without you all right now! Such amazing friends xxxx
      Mind you I have been a good friend too today, I am keeping Pat's dies here with me to keep them safe whiles she is in Italy, don't you all agree that's the sign of a true friend!!! hahaha, yipppeee all Pat's dies to play with!!!!!
      Hugs Sandra

    2. You lucky girl, but please don't over do things making lots of die cuts xxx

    3. WOWSER! of course you've done the right thing. They need to be stored safe and sound

    4. Sandra! Great idea and very thoughtful of you!
      That should keep you out of mischief for a bit! Xx

    5. Sandra, you won't have time to play with the dies AND see to the little lambs, better post the dies to me!!! lol xxx

    6. Hi Pat glad to hear Petes levels are going the right way, sending you both a big hug. Now that's the best tip, send your dies on holiday to a friend so they don't get lonely! Xxx

    7. Hi Pat pleased to hear Petes PSA levels have improved
      Hug's for you both thinking of you with positive thoughts.
      Lynda xx

  31. Patricia,
    if you look in, has the eagle landed yet?? Can't remember what time the flight was and have not the faintest idea how long it takes to fly to Canada?

    1. Oh Saba did you not know it all depends on how fast you wave your arms up and down as to how long it takes to get to Canada ask any Canadian goose!!!
      Sorry just could not resist that one xx

    2. Margaret, wish I'd thought of that, I answered in all seriousness. You get double points for that one!! xxx

    3. Oh Maureen you are too kind thank you!! xxx

    4. Nice one Margaret, I thought it was a Muriel comment at first then realised it was you! It's always the quiet ones you have to watch :) xxx

    5. Too right Diane, we will have to keep a close eye on her, and she speaks goose!!

  32. Hi Barbara,
    It takes about 11 hours from Newcastle, but I think from Glasgow it might go via Iceland. Hazel posted about 8 a.m. this morning, and said that she would be flying soon. I'm flying now with the Baileys hooked up ha ha xxxxx

  33. Good evening Sandra and everyone
    What a great day for good news and no mistake, Congratulations to our special great grandmother, really great to have her back with us. Maria do hope you had a lovely time on this your special day. Pat fantastic news on Pete's blood tests just goes to prove what can be achieved with positive thoughts and prayers.
    I do hope our three graces had a great day with plenty of chatter and crafting lucky you.
    Well I have got the washing all done, ironed and put away, my baking is all done, five loaves of bread, twenty bread rolls, sponge sandwich, sixteen fruit scones, a round of shortbread, some raspberry buns and three lemon drizzle cakes, along with plenty of chocolate chip cookies and chocolate chip buns( for my grandson he loves them) so we are well stocked up in the cupboards once more. I have put a lemon cake in the cupboard for tomorrow so just help yourselves folks and enjoy a slice with a latte.
    Well I must get some cards finished tonight as my friend will be calling to collect them tomorrow, I will try and pop in later but making no promises, if I don't make it, sweet dreams everyone.
    Margaret xxx

    1. My goodness me Margaret, you must have spent the whole day in the kitchen, could you please squeeze one of those lemon drizzle cakes in with my Heat bags, its my absolute favourite, my mouth is watering just at the thought!
      I so wish you were coming with us in October, I was so looking forward to throwing my arms around your neck and giving you the most HUGE hug ever!!!
      Love and hugs

    2. Gosh Margaret you have been busy, can I come for tea please, if it's anything like our house cake can vanish overnight! Xxx

    3. You are more than welcome any time Diane xx

  34. Hi Girls, I have just popped in to wish our lovely Maria a very happy birthday. I hope that you have had a wonderful day lovely lady and enjoy the beautiful birthday cake that our Sandra has lovingly made. 21 again plus vat but just not saying what rate the vat is at. :-D xx

    1. Welcome home Norah, good to see you xx
      pheweee that's some VAT rate!!!!! hehehe!

    2. Hi Norah, love the +VAT never heard that before. If it's ok can I use it, it would be so fitting for one of my friends. LOL xxx

    3. Hello Norah lovely to see you welcome home, I love that about + VAT just like Brenda never heard that one before. xxx

    4. That's very good Norah. Good to see you back. Have missed you.

    5. Wow! Norah I've never heard that one either! Doesn't half put the price up! Xxx

    6. Hello Norah, lovely to have your cheery voice back here. Does VAT stand for variable age tax by any chance.

    7. i've not heard that one either. Good to see you back in the cafe Norah

    8. Welcome back Norah
      Jess x

    9. Welcome home Norah, love the vat comment, must use that one if I may xxx

    10. So lovely to see you Norah....must remember the vat comment in case I get asked my age!!
      Love Sheila xxx

    11. Welcome back flower lovely to see you Norah. Love the vat comment too. Hug's Lynda xx

  35. Also was going to say there have been some super tips this week, thanks everyone and this is only the first week I wonder what we will learn next week after everyone has had time to think?
    Does anyone remember DB when she was on QVC she was always going on about those funny looking rubbers to remove her sticky dots, well that same rubber will remove those brown marks from dies, but do take care if it has an ornate edge.
    Margaret xx

    1. I remember that Margaret and I've still got one of those rubbers and they are great! Xx

  36. Well just got back from the craft session which was a success. Sorry to put a dampener on things as everyone sounds so happy. Had an email from a cousin to tell me that my Aunt (not her mum but her Aunt as well) has Lung Cancer and is going into a hospice tomorrow. My Aunt's son and my cousin are all convinced I knew as it was diagnosed about 3 years ago. Well my Uncle (her husband) died from lung cancer 4 years ago in October so I am sure if I had been told I wouldn't have forgotten. Don't know what my Aunt must think of me not getting in touch and sounds as if too late now. I feel awful about it. My Brother and sister don't know and nor does another of my cousins. Will have the job of telling them tomorrow. Both my son's and my friend next door are all away so here alone and needs some hugs. Will take some from the basket.

    1. Brenda,
      How awful for you! That is so sad and it's at times like these you just need someone with whom you can share how you feel! I'm sure you haven't forgotten at all. You probably weren't told and if you didn't know how could you do anything! I m not sure I'm making sense but please , my dear, try not to upset yourself. Easy for me to say - I know! I just know you are a very caring lady and there has been a misunderstanding somewhere along the line! I'm sending you a big hug! Wish I could do more! Lots of love, Myra xxx

    2. Oh Brenda sweetheart, so sorry you feel very alone right now,but you are not, we are here for you and although it is not the same as having your family around you I hope it will help to know we are thinking about you. Your cousins are wrong to assume you knew and your aunt will not be thinking badly of you at all. Maybe a phone call to the hospice to assess the situation and to send a message to your aunt to let her know she is being thought of via one of the caring staff there might help.
      Biggest hugs
      Saba xxx

    3. I agree with Saba Ring the hospice they will be as helpful as possible. Even if they can't tell you a lot bout your aunt's condition (patient confidentiality and all that) but they will definitely pass a message on You might even be allowed to speak to her
      Take care and lots of (((hugs)))

    4. Thank you all for your kindness.

    5. You are so welcome! We can be very silly sometimes but we genuinely love and care about one another! I hope you sleep well , Brenda! Will be thinking of you. Xxx

    6. Oh Brenda how sad, I agree with Saba perhaps they will pass on a message or you could send her a card. I presume the hospice is too far away for you to visit. Sending you a big hug, not the same as a real hug, but I hope it helps. Do let us know if there is anything we can do xxx

    7. Brenda, don't ever be sorry for asking for us to listen, after all that's what friends are for, we are all here to listen and help however we can, why do these things all happen when we need it the least?
      I am so sorry to hear your devastating news, I am pretty sure you wouldn't forget news like that Brenda, however much is going on in your life, you remember that news! So please don't beat yourself up about not remembering, why would they say such a terrible thing, and what could you have done if you had of known.
      Tomorrow is going to be a very hard day for you, passing on such heartbreaking news, you will be in my thoughts all day!
      I am sending you the biggest warmest, squishiest hug ever!
      Some love too xxx

    8. Brenda you are not alone but please do as Saba has suggested and ring the hospice they are always so very helpful at times like these you have nothing to loose and everything to gain, sending you lots of hugs and cuddles xxx

    9. Oh Brenda Honey, a HUGE HUG on it's way to you. Perhaps your aunt just wanted to enjoy everyone and everything without sympathy. I know my Dad just wanted normal conversations as though nothing was wrong.

  37. Muriel,
    If it takes a goose 11 hours from Newcastle and Newcastle is 1 hour give or take from Glasgow, however Glasgow is due north west from Newcastle and the goose left at 8 am British summer time, I am in Germany which is British summer time plus one hour what speed what the goose have to fly and has Hazel therefore landed?
    Love you

    1. Have I just landed in a parallel universe? I've had visitors again and just cleared up and sat down! Well, if you can't beat em , join em! Is that the same geese whose feathers are used to stuff duvets and pillows?
      How many feathers would you get from one Canada Goose? Xxx

    2. Myra, you live permanently in a parallel universe if you think duvets are still stuffed with goose feathers. Micro fibre my dear. It's been the rage now for about 20 years unless of course you are very very rich and if that is the case the yes poor old geese get plucked!!

    3. Mine aren't! I like to be able to wash them! Xxx
      I was fine tonight until I came in here! Xx

    4. Myra don't forget you would have to catch the goose first before you can pinch it's feathers and count them!
      I have a feather duvet it is so very light and warm.
      Talking of duvets can anyone remember feather beds?
      Night night sweet dreams
      Margaret xxx

    5. Oooh No! Does that not go back to the Princess and the Pea? Xxx

    6. Oh I remember a song!
      Go tell Aunt Rhody , Go tell Aunt Rhody,
      Go tell Aunt Rhody - the old grey goose is deadL
      The one she's been Savin'
      The one she's been savin'
      The one she's been Savin'
      To make a feather bed!! Xxx

  38. Good evening Sandra and night owls. just to say we are now at lake Louise, been a long day and it's only 3pm but we are going to just chill out on our beds and if we fall asleep so what. Hazel x

    1. Helloooo Hazel!
      Glad you have landed safely! It's been a long day for you and it's still afternoon !!! Have a nice doze and a great holiday! Xxx

    2. So pleased to know you are there safe and sound have a good rest
      Sweet dreams
      Margaret xxx

    3. I envy you, it's such a lovely and majestic area.
      Just relax and chill out, you have been rushing around too much

  39. Hi Again and thank you again for my birthday greetings.
    Feeling some better and managed to have a chinese take out,
    OH and sons cooking their way hihi
    Oh Norah so glad you could pop in. Please help yourself to the tasty cake Sandra made me. Truth or dare to the one Muriel is treating us too, sure it's lovely Lol
    Sorry but you all coming up with so many good savers and my brain is not working, but will have a think for next Wednesday. Hope you three graces had a nice day! Prost to you all and good night,
    hugs Maria xx

  40. Oh heck
    If it's 3 pm in Canada, and 11pm here but 10 pm where you lot are, has Hazel landed earlier today or tomorrow?

    Glad you are there safely Hazel , have a brilliant time. Xxx

    1. Earlier today, my dear! It's a bit crazy! Xxx

    2. Umh.... that's too complicated for me to work out especially this late in the day

  41. Hazel, so glad you landed safely, have a great time.
    Jess x

  42. Right just popped in to say to Pst, that I am so pleased to read Petes level are down, you go enjoy your holiday. I am off for a sleep eyes are have closed. Hazel x

  43. I don't know why but I've tried to post comments on the way down, but the infernal machine wouldn't let me. I reckon it's because Hazel is in a different time zone and Saba is in an alternative universe, and I'm just not with it.
    George wants me to put off the light, so as he is my Lord and Master, I'll tell him to get lost lol !!!!
    Clock out, cat wound up, dishwasher loaded - so am I got the Baileys hooked up, and going to bed.
    Hazel, I'm so pleased that you're there safely and have the most fabulous time.
    Love to all - oh Norah, I remember I did try to say "Welcome Back" but it wouldn't let me.
    Muriel xxx

  44. Good night Muriel, I still can't understand why Hazels plane called in at Iceland on the way. Isn't that the place where you go to buy cheap party food? Is she having a party and why aren't we invited?
    Sleep well xxx

    1. Oh ! That's what the mean when they say Mum's gone to Iceland!
      Night Night Muriel! Xxx

    2. Myra is it a secret a code then, do they actually mean Mums gone to Canada. It's all an enigma to me!

    3. Whatever are you on tonight! Have you been imbibing strong liqueur? Xx

    4. No my dear, I am as sober as a judge hic. It's just that when I asked a sensible question earlier Muriel replied that the time it took Hazel to get to Canada would be dependant on whether they went via Iceland and I couldn't for the life of me understand why she, let alone the pilot would want to go there. After all it's not Christmas when everyone is rushing out to buy lots of nibbles and things.

    5. Ok I believe you! Thousands wouldn't!
      Why would planes go anywhere near Iceland after all the trouble it caused with that Volcano !
      Did you notice Brenda inadvertently gave Muriel another name!
      I'm nearly as sober as a judge! Xxx

    6. No you've lost me too, it was biology revision today so I can tell you how the innards of a goose works, tomorrow I will probably be able to tell you how to make a chemical reaction with one (chemistry) and if I get to Friday I could probably work out the maths for you and Saturday will be statistics so it will be the probability of it getting to Canada or ending up in a duvet!!!! Xxxx

    7. To save you having to search - it's Mayreen! Xx

    8. Ooh missed that must go have a look.

    9. Wish I had waited 30 seconds

    10. Oh Diane - don't you start!
      Are we all sensible all day and then go slightly nutty here in the evening? Xx

    11. I'm in stitches here! Xx

  45. Oh Diane, that was definitely a tenna a moment, you poor soul. That will keep me chuckling all night. My OH is a whizz at physics so if you need to know the atomic structure of its feathers do let me know, or rather let him him know, I haven't a

  46. Barbara dear! If you are an hour ahead of us it is now quite late with you!
    You get your proper name when I'm being serious! Xxx

    1. Myra, what do you mean if? There is no if about it. It is quite late here fact. I am not tired though. Do I have to go to bed?
      I won't sleep, I'll only be thinking about the digestive system of a goose if I do, so I might just have another glass of wine instead.

    2. Do you have to get up early in the morning? I'm hopeless at getting off to sleep but then it takes a bomb to wake me up! No no! No need to take a bomb to the Retreat! We don't want an incident on the M6 . This goose business is all Margaret's fault! Xxx

    3. I don't have to get up early however Peter always brings me a coffee at about 7am (6am GMT no idea Canada time suspect it's about now) so I do waken early but can always doze a bit. Trouble is I am a night owl. Mind you at least I never feel the need to get the iron out in the middle of the night like you do. No wonder you need a bomb.
      I blame Margaret too.Xxx

    4. I did my ironing this morning!! Now that's a turn up for the books!
      No coffee too early for me! Xx

    5. I thought I was the only one who hadn't gone to bed yet. Better go now, since I start work at 8. Luckily not far to travel, just down 4 flights of stairs. It's the being really nice to idiots, sorry, lovely visitors, which is so tiring.
      OK Night night,

  47. Myra and any other night owls, it is getting seriously late (early) here so I am going to turn in. It's been a lovely evening and I have enjoyed your company, what did we all do before Sandra came along?
    Good night and God bless all, Brenda sending you extra special love and comfort hugs
    Saba xxxx

  48. Night Night everyone!
    Sleep well!
    Brenda xx
    Janice keep smiling! X

  49. Good night everyone sleep well xxxxx
    Oh I think we should share the die sitting with Sandra when Pats away haha
    Love Lynda xx
