
Thursday 19 March 2015

Very Special Guest Designer.....Sue (MrsB)!!!

Good Morning Ladies,
I feel so very privileged to be able to show this Bag today as Sue is very shy when it comes to showing her work and getting praise for it, so to me that makes the fact that she has allowed me to
show this bag today even more special. Believe me shy is not a word that comes to mind in any other way with Sue she is the funniest, Loveliest friend you could wish for.
I know Sue will be in later to tell you about anything different that she did but she pretty much followed Saba's instructions , there were couple of little changes but Sue can tell you about.
Well we have another person joining us on our Weekend Retreat, I am pleased to say that Sam has confirmed that she would like to come along too, which is brilliant news, the more the merrier!
It will also raise the numbers from 13 unlucky for some to 14, a much nicer, rounder number!
Anyone else fancy joining us just let us know.
Well that's it for now as Soph is waiting to use the Laptop!
I would just like to wish Sam a speedy recovery.
Sheila & Nikki, you are in our thoughts, sending you lots of love and hugs.
Steph, I hope you are almost at the bottom of the pile? I hope so, you need some chill time.
Theresa, I hope you are ok, sending you healing hugs.
Littlelamb, Brenda, hope you are ok to my lovely, hugs coming your way x
Pat it was so lovely seeing you laugh and smile, xxxx
Well that's me for now,
Sending lots of love and Hugs to each and everyone of you.
Sandra xxxxxxxx

Maureen can I please say that you will be in our thoughts and prayers, as a Mum of Identical twins
I understand totally about the remarkable bond that they have , they almost feel each others pain,
so I can totally understand the George must be absolutely devastated and worried sick about David.
Sending love and healing thoughts and prayers to you all.  Sandra xxxx


  1. Good morning Sandra and ladies, Sue your bag is stunning, I love how you have added you personal touch with the little heart, the colours are brilliant, it could be a bag for the mother of the bride or groom. I tell you I might end up designing and making a bag for
    Gillians wedding if I can find the right one in the shops. Right I have refilled the cske cabinet, switched everything on so the early morning ones can just come in and make their teas and coffees. Remember ladies I won't be in to do this tomorrow, Patricia and I should be on the flight to Belfast, I know what was I thinking booking that ealy a flight, answer it was so we had the whole day when we got there, same with Sunday we are on the late flight back again it gives us the whole day, Bag packed,clothes laid out so really it's just a case of getting up in the wee small hours and heading of. It was very quiet in the cafe last night, I for one was having an early night, I wish I hadn't now as I woke up at 1.35 and every 20 mins after that. I also think we were a bit sad hearing from Maureen that George's twin brother had had a stroke,,we missed Maureen but we were all thinking of her and George and his brother, I hope there will be better news for them today.
    Sam I hope you are feeling a little bit better this morning, take things easy .
    You to Lynda, these bugs leave you feeling so drained.
    Brenda ( littlelamb) you sound terribly down, and I hope it's just with not being able to drive and craft. Sending (((((( hugs)))))). Sorry you think you won't make the weekend, not even for the Saturday night???
    To everyone else I hope you have a good day.
    Hazel x

    1. Thank you Hazel. Have a good weekend, my iron levels are up slightly from last blood test. Must carry on with the tablets and now starting calcium and Vit D. Can't keep up with all these tablets and when they have to be taken.

  2. Good morning everyone,

    Just a short visit today, it's a rather reflective day for me and family, as Pete died on this date two years ago. Son Robin, Jamie and I are having lunch at our local (Pete's watering hole) then going onto the Garden of Rest to lay his floral tribute.

    Sue, Your bag is spectacular, I have wondered how this die would turn out if used on a bag front and I am so glad that you have tried it.The shade of blue you have used is such a strong colour that compliments the white in a very classic way.

    Sheila & Nikki, also thinking of you on this sad day, it's not going to easy for you but take comfort that others will be sharing their thoughts and prayers with you. Your husband is a well loved person.

    I have filled the basket with ((((hugs)))) for all to take.
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Hi Cheryl. Will be thinking of you today, but what a wonderful way to remember Pete. Sue xxx

    2. Cheryl, sending some (((((hugs))))) for all of you. Remember the good times they will always be in your heart.

    3. Cheryl, thinking of you nd the family today. It's so lovely that you will be together. Sending hugs to you today. Love Myra xxx

    4. Hi Cheryl will be thinking of you today. It's lovely you can spend the time together to remember Pete , so enjoy your lunch and remember the good times and I hope there will be laughter mingled with those tears.
      Sending you a big hug. Love Diane xxx

    5. Cheryl, will be thinking of you today. Take care

    6. Cheryl, thinking of you and your family, its nice you will be together .Love Wendy xx

    7. Hi Cheryl,
      My thoughts are with you today, it's lovely that your boys come together with you on this very poignant day, we go with Mum to where we laid Dad's ashes.
      I am sure they welcome you in to Pete's local too!
      Sending you huge hugs my lovely,
      Sandra xxxx

    8. You are in my thoughts today Cheryl.
      Take care, honey.
      Love from Janice

    9. Dear Cheryl,
      it's been a sad day for you all today whoever I hope you had a nice time with your boys and remembered all the good times you had together. Big hug Maria xx

  3. Cheryl, remember all the good times you and Pete had over the years you shared, it will help you get through the day, how lovely to be going to his favourite watering hole? He will be with you all, watching you remembering him. Lots of (((((( hugs)))))) for you and your family. Hazel x

  4. Hi Sandra and everyone. Flying visit this morning while the internet is working (it's been iffy for a few days). Mrs B (Sue), your bag is gorgeous, please never be shy about showing your makes. I really love how everyone's taken Izzy and Saba's instructions but then added their own little touches.
    Patricia and Hazel - you must be so excited about your girly weekend, have a brilliant time.
    Sending hugs to Maureen and family and anyone else not feeling well or just having a "down" day. Sue xxx

    1. Good Morning Sue,
      Hope you are well thanks for popping in and leaving a lovely comment for Sue, and Maureen too,
      I hope you get your pesky internet fixed soon, we gave virgin and that can be more than a little frustrating at times!
      Have you seen details of our weekend away in October?
      Love & hugs
      Sandra xxxx

  5. Morning Sandra,

    Fabulous bag card from Sue, really stylish.

    I am still waiting for more details on the weekend retreat, i.e. dates cost so I can say yeah or neigh, I would love to come but cannot confirm it until more details are released.

    Love & Hugs

    Jacquie J xxx

    1. Jacquie. Dates 30th October - 1st November. Cost £70 per night person, that's dinner bed and breakfast. A good menu for dinner with starter, main sweet or cheese and biscuits tea and coffee. Breakfast is yoghurt, fruit, cercel,and full English, good deal I think. No deposit, each will pay their bill as we leave on Sunday. All we need is your name to be given to Sandra so I can can pass it on to the hotel.. Hope that helps. Hazel x Oh and it's Hillcourt Birmingham

    2. Thank you Hazel,
      Jacquie, I hope that info helps, it would be lovely if you could join us.
      Thanks for calling in and leaving a lovely comment for Sue,
      Sandra xxxxx

  6. Love the bag it is superb still not had a chance to gave a go!

    Will definitely come down to see you on the retreat for the day if I can will know nearer the time! If anyone wants a lift I can oblige.

    Cheryl, thinking of you. Try to enjoy the memories.

    Hope George's brother is doing OK

    Long day ahead. Driving to Harrogate again for my uncles funeral. A tiring and emotional day I think.

    Will pop back thus evening with a glass of vino I think!

    Love to all my lovely ladies xxx

    1. Look after yourself driving about today. Will be thinking about you (((((hugs)))))
      Glad you may be joining us for the Retreat that's great news.
      See you in the evening if you manage in
      Patricia xxx

    2. Hi Alison,
      A difficult day ahead for you and travelling on M62 as well! Take care my dear. That glass will be waiting for you. Hope the day goes as well as these days can. I hope it's a nice sunny , dry day as that makes everything a little easier. It's a lovely Moring here. Love Myra xxx

    3. Drive carefully, will be thinking of you today. Sending you hugs and to your family too. Love Diane xxxx

    4. Drive carefully and hope all goes well today. Thinking of you.

    5. Hi Alison,
      Will be thinking of you today, take it easy on the roads,
      The wine will be on chill later.
      Maybe Steph would Luke to come for the day with you, she has always been a huge part of both Sue's blog and mine and I am sure everyone would love to meet her too.
      Sending love & hugs
      Sandra xxxx

    6. Hi Alison
      A difficult day ahead for you. Take care driving all that way. Hope the vino is well and truly chilled for you when you come back.

    7. Hi Alison
      hope your day went smoothly ,sorry if that not the right word but you know what I mean. Not a easy day for anyone
      take care ,Maria x

  7. Good morning Sandra and all the Coffee Shop Ladies.
    Oh! My! Word! That is one STUNNING bag, love, love, love it. I have been trying to get that Die ....... everywhere seems to be "out of stock" wonder why that is!!! Maybe it's because so many of us are using it to make beautiful bags.
    Maureen I hope your BIL is getting on OK. We really missed you last night, spent it thinking and praying for a good recovery.
    Sending Love & Hugs for all the ladies that have not been in for Coffe because of illness or just not feeling their best. Hope you are all better and back joining the chat very soon.
    No Granny duties this morning, up early as always getting things ready for leaving John to fend for himself over the next few days. Over to Hazel's for my sleepover this evening, up and away early tomorrow.
    Have helped myself to Tea, Toast and jam, money in the pot. Will certainly not be giving up cuppas in this Coffee Shop to add extra £1s to my "jaunt jug"
    See you all soon
    Patricia xxx

    1. Hi Patricia,
      I have visions of you and Hazel laying awake eating sweets and giggling all night, that's general the order of things with sleep overs at our house! But I hope not as you have an early start, so early to bed.
      I sincerely hope you won't be giving up your cafe visits to save for your weekend away! I will introduce a 'saver' menu for all who need to save!
      I truly hope you have an amazing weekend away together!
      Love & hugs
      Sandra xxxxx

  8. Morning Ladies

    Oh goodness-Sues bag is just fantastic. Can't wait for her to explain just how she made it.

    Another very foggy/misty start here in Southport. Same yesterday but then it turned into a nice but chilly day. Not that I saw much of it but it waa nice for thise not stuck inside. Roll on the weekend when I hope to do some gardening-weeding really as the borders look a mess. Then I want to make a few Easter cards.


    1. Hi Michele,
      Thanks for your lovely comment for Sue, she has made a cracker!
      I hope that the weather picks up so you can get some gardening done, if not you will have to stay in and craft!
      I cant wait to see your Easter Cards
      Love and hugs

  9. Janet Ecco of Sheffield19 March 2015 at 08:42

    Morning Everyone - have helped myself to my coffee and now sat trying to find the words I want. Sue your bag is just out of this world. You should never be shy about showing your gorgeous pieces of work or receiving praise. I would more than love to see more of your pieces of art.
    Myra your show piece yesterday was wonderful. It's one of those pieces that every time you look at it you see something different which keeps you going for hours.
    To all my wonderful Friends here in this fantastic cafe who are having a really tough time at the moment my heart goes out to you all. Just remember all the good times and never never stop talking about our loved ones who have gone before us. By doing this we keep them for ever.

    Sorry I didn't get to comments yesterday Sandra - nothing would work. Swollen hands just wouldn't do what they should and the rest of my body had decided to join in. I really could do with an 'Exchange Mart' for Arthritic joints. Failing that Worzle Gummage had the best idea of having a different head for each task.Perhaps it was because my new pain patch needed changing. What do you think? Anyway have had a good night's sleep so perhaps I can get something done today.
    As usual I've left my hugs by the door so please help yourselves. Hope to see you later.
    Janet xx

    1. Sorry to hear you are in a lot of pain. Hope you will feel a bit better today.

    2. Hello Janet, I hope things get better and everything 'works' for you today. I hate having days like that, I think in my case, life is reminding me I'm not getting any younger. Although my head is still tells me I'm still 20-ish !!!! ( I WISH)

    3. Hello Janet,
      I am so sorry you are not feeling 100 %, it could well be your pain patch, or have you been running around like a mad thing packing and getting ready for going to France? I am so pleased you had a good night last night, that can make all the difference. But don't make that mistake that we all make, because you are feeling brighter you tend to go a bit mad and get all the things done that you couldn't yesterday, but its the worse thing you could do, as you will wake up in pain again tomorrow, so please sweetheart sit down, feet up and rest or sit and do some relaxing card making.
      I am sending you the biggest get well, pain relieving hug,
      Sandra xxxxxxx

    4. Hi Janet
      I do hope your feeling much better today. It's a real pain when you do to much as everyone keeps telling me. I walked up the street last night to see my grand daughter as it was her birthday and they had cake. Took me nearly 15 mins to walk back past 26 houses. So make sure you don't over do it today.

    5. Hi Janet
      I hope by now you got your pain in check, not nice to have those horrid days. Popping pills like sweets, nothing work.
      How do you find the patches doing ?

  10. Good morning ladies,
    I'll just help myself to a pot of tea and a slice of toast and sit quietly in the corner.
    Sue your bag is lovely, your buckle, faux stitching and heart embellishment giving it that individual designer look. Well done and thank you for letting Sandra show it to us.

    Patricia's and Hazel, have a fabulous time, I am sooooo jealous, love Ireland, looking forward to hearing all about it when you get back.

    Cheryl I hope memories of happy times will help you get through this sad day.
    Alison safe journey, thinking of you.
    Janet, hope your pain is easing today.
    Sheila and Nikki, thinking of you on what will be a very difficult day for you.

    Maureen, you were the first person I thought of when I woke up, your post last evening touched me deeply, it was such a cry from the heart and I wish I could give you a big hug. You are in my prayers along with George and of course David. Bless you love.

    Love and hugs for all
    Saba xxx

    1. Happy Anniversary Jess ours will be 48 yrs in July like you I wonder where the years have gone. Hope Mr Jess and yourself have a nice day. Thanks Saba for my birthday wishes just another year older definitely a recycled teenager a few times over.
      Your bag Sue is beautiful love the colour of it, very rich.
      Patricia and Hazel have a wonderful couple of days away.
      Wendy xx

    2. Hi Saba,
      Hope you are well, thanks for your lovely comments for Sue, her bag is lovely, it was for her mum on mothers day, she filled it with choccies!
      There seems a little cloud over our lovely family café today, as there is so much pain and sadness.
      Like you its the last thing you think about at night, as I always check in as I go to bed and my first thought in the morning.
      I hope you get some crafting done today and photographed for me.
      How many days until you fly over?
      Love and Hugs

    3. Hi Wendy a bit late I know but I hope you had a lovely day today. Sticky toffee pudding cake, my word Sandra is spoiling you today.

  11. Wendy, sorry, I have just remembered HAPPY BIRTHDAY. Hope you have a wonderful day.
    Love Saba xxx

      I have left you a huge sticky chocolate fudge cake, please blow those candles our asap, as the fire brigade area panicking as they can feel the heat down the road and there is a crowd gathered at the window!
      I hope you have an amazing day and have been spoilt.
      Birthday Hugs

    2. Thanks Sandra, are you possibly saying there are a lot of candles on my cake , never, there is not a cake big enough to take all the candles lol. That's them blown out and the cake has been eaten, it was lovely.

    3. Hi Wendy
      hope you had a lovely day ! cough,cough it's a bit smoky in here still lol
      had a piece of cake in you honour today, very nice xx

  12. Morning Sandra and coffee shop ladies, Sue you and I must have the same craft thoughts, I did a bag similar to yours and sent it in, maybe we could compare notes!
    To everyone feeling down today for whatever reason, hope things get better.
    Today is our wedding anniversary (49 years) where has the time gone, it only seems like yesterday, a lot of water has gone under the bridge in that time, a lot of good memories and a few sad ones. Anyway take care everyone, will pop back later. To all the ladies going to the NEC have a great day. Jess x

    1. Happy Anniverysary Jess and of course your Hubby as well.
      Have a wonderful and lots more happy years together
      Patricia xxx

    2. Happy Anniversary Jess! I hope you and your husband have a lovely day! We will be married 46 years later this year and I wonder where those years have gone. As you say good times and some sad times but better shared! Lots of love, Myra xxx

    3. Happy anniversary Jess, hope you and your husband have a lovely day.
      Hugs Saba xxx

    4. Happy Anniversary Jess (and mr Jess!). Enjoy your day, hope you have got something lovely planned to do together. Love Diane xxx

    5. Happy Anniversary Jess & hubby have a wonderful day.
      We also married 46 years July the time just seems to fly by.
      Love & Hug's Lynda xx

    6. Happy Anniversary. I would also have been married 49 years this year and am going to my friends 50th this year.find it hard going to these things on my own though. Enjoy your day.

    7. HI Jess,
      Happy anniversary to you and your hubby, 49 years is an amazing achievement these days! you are clearly made for each other, all that water under the bridge is what has drawn you closer together.
      I wish you many, many more years of happiness together
      Love and Hugs

    8. Hi Jess
      Happy Anniversary to you bith. Hope you had a lovely day.

    9. Hi Jess,
      Happy Anniversary to you and your OH, hope you had a lovely day!

  13. Happy wedding anniversary Jess and husband, I know you do go " where has those years gone ". We will have been married 45 come June. Have a lovely day and seeing how it is a beautiful day it will make it all the more enjoyable.
    Janet, oh I feel for you, your pain is not an easy one to cope with, as it effects you whole body.
    Alison, please take care driving today, it's an ok journey but when your heart is filled with sadness it's not a good one.
    Norah I am hoping that with the sun shining on your beloved hills it will lift your spirits a bit today.
    Hazel x

    1. Hi Hazel,
      I hope that you are all organised for your trip away this weekend and for your sleepover tonight, as I said to Patricia earlier, I imagine the two of you side by side in bed, eating sweets and giggling, as is expected on any sleepover! Don't forget to set your alarms, unless you are like me and hardly sleep the night before going away because you are thinking ''have I got my passport'', have I packed my knickers etc, etc, next thing you know the alarm goes off!
      Anyway I hope you both have an amazing trip away together, I am sure that you will as its you two going and that means fun! I can't wait to hear all about it.
      What information do you want me to collect from everybody? as the sooner we get this booked in the better, it would be terrible to lose out on our booking.
      Also I would really love a list of companies that anyone can suggest for me to email for some 'free samples' for our retreat. I thought of the following so far......
      Craftwork cards
      I will try Spellbinders, Tattered lace etc but I am doubting that they will give anything, but no harm trying
      Affixit (for glues/adhesives)
      Debbie Moore
      American Crafts for paper and cardstock
      just to get things started.
      So please if anyone has any more ideas just give me a list.
      Anyway I am sure you are busy,busy, busy today preparing meals etc for your hubby while you are away!
      love and hugs
      Sandra xxxxx

    2. Createative Expressions some of their glues and shimmer sprays would be good

    3. What about Anna Marie Designs and Papermill Direct for card and paper, it would be worth asking I think

    4. Wild Orchid Crafts, Hope and Chances ( do Christine have a shop )
      Pink Frog Crafts

  14. Hi Sandra and everyone,
    Well Sue, your bag is really lovely and you have added such cute little touches . It is beautiful. I love the handle with the buckle. Please don't be afraid to show your work again.
    Maureen, I think you can very safely say you have touched our hearts , my dear. You were the last person I thought of last night and the first this morning! David , George and you are in my thoughts and prayers today. Take care and look after yourself as well as George. Sending love and hugs to you. xxxx
    Sheila and Nikki - thinking of you both today. xx
    Wendy - Happy Birthday! xxx
    Littlelamb - sorry you are feeling so down. Praying for you too. xx
    It's a lovely sunny day again here and I hope it's nice where you are too!
    Janet - sorry you having such a painful time. Hope it eases very soon. xx
    Love to all,
    Myra xxxx

    1. Good afternoon Myra,
      Thanks for calling in today and for your kind words for Sue, I like you have thought of nothing else but all the lovely ladies from our little family and their different concerns, there seems to be so much pain at the moment. That is where this blog comes in to its own, I hope that the comforting words make a difference, I know they do to me.
      Love and hugs

  15. Good morning Sandra and all the coffee shop crew
    Just my latte please I will have a quick one and then must get my jobs done for the day. At least the fog has lifted here and the sun is shining it always makes me feel just that little bit better.
    Wendy wishing you the Happiest of Birthdays and to Jess Happy Anniversary just one to go till your golden!
    Cheryl you are one very brave lady it will not be the easiest of days for you but I am sure Pete will not be far away and still admiring you and your courage, I will be thinking of you.
    Maureen I do hope today brings better news, you were in my thoughts as soon as I woke this morning sending you a big hug and cuddle be brave for George's sake.,
    Sam I hope you are feeling a little better today, so pleased to know we shall be meeting you in Birmingham great news. Janet I hope you have a better day too. Lynda, hope you are feeling better, but just take it easy.
    Sheila and Nikki thinking of you on this very difficult day as you say farewell..
    Barbiepinkfairy do take care today I will be thinking of you. Littlelamb hang on in there things will get better just wait and see if we can help in any way please do say.
    Sandra hope you are ok after your day out yesterday, do have an easy day today if possible
    Sue please come out of hiding we will be extra gentle with you, there is nothing to fear I promise. Your bag is absolutely stunning, so very beautiful indeed and I love the colours you have chosen, your little embellishment really give your bag the look of elegance.
    Well that is my coffee finished lovely as usual my basket of hugs and cuddles is over in the corner please just help your selves.
    I shall be back later have a good day everyone
    With love
    Margaret xxx

    1. Hello Margaret,
      Thank you for popping in for coffee this morning, it is as always so lovely to see your smiling face, it brightens my day when I see your name on the list.
      We didn't have fog this morning but it Is a very dull and overcast day, such a contrast to yesterday when it was bright and warm sunshine, its so therapeutic feeling that lovely sun on your face. I don't get out very often, so on a Wednesday when Sue very kindly comes to pick me up to take me to Pats, its a very special day, I still suffer with the anxiety before hand but its better than it was as I now feel like Sue and Pat are family and so that makes the anxiety slightly easier.
      Roll on those glorious sunny days, It makes everything feel better.
      How is little Tomas's eye? I hope it is fully back to normal for him bless him.
      Love and hugs to you too my lovely

  16. Hi Sandra and all the lovely ladies
    Just a flying visit to catch up on the news this morning. I've got 30 cup cakes to make and a large cake to ice and a card to finish. !!!
    Sue your bag is beautiful, I love the colour you have used. Can I have a pair of shoes to match please?!
    Wendy hope you have a lovely birthday, hope you are spoiling yourself. Xxx
    Hazel and Patricia have a wonderful trip girls and don't get up to too much mischief ! Xxx
    Maureen thinking of you and George today , I hope David has had a comfortable night. You are in my thoughts and prayers xxxx
    Right mixer awaits, see you all later and Sam how lovely you can join us
    Love Diane xxxx

    1. Hi Diane,
      Thanks for flying in, blimey you have a busy day ahead!
      Thanks also for your lovely comments!
      right you get back to your mixer happy piping, oh take a photo for mixed craft Saturday please.
      Did you say you were joining up on our weekend away?
      Love and hugs

    2. Hi Sandra
      Yes as far as I know I should be there, I think I was on the list!
      Cup cakes made, just need icing and big cake has been split and base iced and I've stuck a chocolate shed together ready for putting on the cake tomorrow when I finish decorating it! I'm dreading writing on the cake, that's the bit that goes wrong! Was going to get the local cake decorating shop to write a thingy for me to stick on ( can't think what it's called!) but I'm going to be brave!!!
      I've helped myself to a quick cuppa before I go to the train station then off to hobby craft for their 10% off evening and hopefully to spend my vouchers! See you all later
      Love Diane xxx

    3. Diane, I hope you have a lovely time! Happy Voucher Spending!
      Love Myra xx

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. Hi Lynda,
    Hope you are feeling a little better today! Been thinking about you too. Love Myra xxx

    1. Thank you Myra feeling a bit better your very kind love Lynda xxxx

    2. Hope you will soon feel a lot better Lynda

    3. Hope you feel a bit better soon, Lynda
      Wendy xx

    4. Thank you both for your get well wishes love Lynda xx

  18. Good morning Sandra & all ladies in coffee shop.
    Thank you all for your get well wishes, much appreciated,still not fully recovered & don't feel like eating. ( might be a size 12 soon haha I wish ) Sandra your so right I would put two Tenna ladies on & plastic knickers over with a air freshener spray too if it was Ally Pally weekend haha. Wouldn't miss that.
    Happy birthday Wendy have a lovely day.Hazel & Patrica have a great weekend in Ireland enjoy.Sue your bag is gorgeous well it.
    Maureen thinking of you & George today hope David had a comfortable night your all in my thoughts & prayers (((Hug's)))
    Sheila & Nikki your both in my thoughts on this very difficult day saying goodbye to your dear husband & daddy my heart goes out too you sweetheart.((((Hug's))))
    I have a couple of cards to make so will try at least one today. Think I will have a shower first too try & brighten myself up a bit.
    Lovely Sandra hope your ok today after your outing with Sue & Pat. Pat hope your pain is getting more easier for you.Steph hope your ok. Sam hope you feel better today.((((Hug's )))))too you both.
    Love & Hug's Lynda xxx

    1. Hello my Darling Droopy Bits!
      I hope you are slowly recovering, our Sophie had the same bug, she started with it last Thursday and she was still suffering with 'the trots' on Sunday, but slowly improved during the day, her eating is still not right though, bless and she looks so washed out. so it seems to be a nasty bug, so please take it easy and take care of yourself.
      I had an image of you with the car air freshener things hanging from your belt, blowing in 'your breeze'!!
      I hope you manage to get something made today, I keep popping back to your blog to check, a shower or nice bath might just be the thing you need to give you a lift.
      Thanks for popping in,
      sending you a get well hug,
      Sandra xxxx (ps you smell like a pine forest breeze, everytime you wiggle your bum) from your air fresheners! xxxx

    2. Haha Sandra,thanks for making me laugh can you just picture me i think I would have to take two extra Tenna ladies with a two hour car journey to AP i would be a bit squelchy YUK would need to change them.I think I need OUST spray. Be glad to hook my droopy bits up again.
      Hope Sophie is soon we'll bless her.this is a horrible bug i just feel so drained Terry said I looked so washed out. I made a card just got inside to Finnish Lisa asked me to make a Wedding card for her,so hopefully I will blog it tomorrow.
      Love droopy & sqelchy bits Lynda xxx

    3. Hi Lynda
      Fancy calling you miss droopy bits, I wish I had enough bits to droop. Feeling washes out is awful isn't it. I felt like that in hospital and food still doesn't taste like anything much. I'll be joining you soon going a size twelve. Everyone keeps telling Pete I'll be like a new woman when I'm fit and well. He keeps saying good, I could do with a new woman. Hope your feeling better soon.

    4. Hi Linda when I had a bug a couple of years ago the doctor recommended cup a soup and dry toast with honey. They are really calm on your digestive system and help it to rest whilst you recover. Honey is a good natural healer too. Hope you feel better soon. Oh dear we will need nappy sacks for the squelchy Tenna ladies !!!
      Take care
      Love Diane xxx

  19. Sandra. Thank you for showing Sue's lovely bag. She should have no worries about showing it. Sue MrsB love your bag. The colours are lovely. I am attempting one with the Lyra die. I am so pleased I bought it after seeing cards made with it here. Lynda hope you will feel better today and Wendy Happy Birthday. Hope you have a lovely day. Very dull and overcast. Don't think we will have any sun today. It was our turn yesterday. Maureen. Thinking about you ad George and his brother. Hope you will let us know later how things are. Thinking of Sheila and Nikki today. Not an easy day for them. Saw GP yesterday and my iron level has gone up slightly so carry on with the tablets and start taking calcium and Vit. D. So many tablets now can't keep up with them and when to take them. Am pleased my iron count is up slightly if not it would have been other tests.

    1. Hello Brenda
      I am so pleased to see you in today, I know its hard to be motivated to do anything when you feel low, because you don't know what to say when somebody asks 'how are you'!
      Have you seen the details of our little craft weekend away?, oh Brenda I would love for your to join us, it would do you the world of good, as hopefully by then you should be back to normal with your wrist.
      No pressure though, I just wanted you to feel welcome.
      No deposit necessary either, you just pay when you leave the hotel on the Sunday.
      I am hoping to contact some craft companies to ask if they would kindly send us some 'samples' for us to play with.
      let me know what you think.
      love and hugs

    2. My husband take a lot of different tablets and we got one of those pill holders, any chemist has them and you put the pills out once a week into sections for each day. He has never missed any since we got it they are really helpful. xx

  20. Hello everyone,
    What a beautiful bag today, amazing how a basic idea has lent itself to so many lovely interpretations. Can we start making them in leather and sell them for hundreds?
    Wendy, Happy Birthday. Have a great time.
    Jess, Happy anniversary, enjoy your day together.

    OK, break over, back to work (for me anyway)

    1. Hi Janice,
      Fab idea, we could launch a new fashion brand, actually its a great way of playing with designs for real handbags isn't it.
      I did find some lovely leather look card the other day to have a play with.
      Hope you have had a relaxing break.

  21. Hi Sandra,
    Looked in earlier, then we had a visitor, then it was lunch time, we are going tout in about 30 mins. j has another hospital app. ANYWAY thought I had better comment - because it could be bedtime before I look in again!
    Sue MrsB your bag is gorgeous, love the extra addition of a heart. I hope you are pleased with your Showcase Masterpiece ( you should be)
    Saba, THANK YOU for working out the template for these bags, I managed to make three of them last Friday following your instructions - and though not perfect was pleased with my efforts. So a BIG thank you. LOL
    Will be back later, love Brenda xxx

    1. Hi Brenda,
      Thank you so much for taking the time to pop in, although you are very busy. It means so much to me, thanks for your lovely words for sue too.
      I will have to check why she hasn't been in!
      I hope John gets on ok at his appointment, and you aren't stuck there too long.
      love and hugs

    2. Hi Brenda, you are very welcome love, hope all goes well at the hospital, let us know how he got if you have time.
      Hugs Saba xxx

    3. Sorry meant to say how he got on, should really check before I hit publish. Xxx

  22. Hazel and Patricia,
    Not sure how busy you'll be later. Just in case you call in when I'm not here - have a super weekend! I'm sure you will. Safe travel and I hope the weather is kind to you too. I keep popping in to see if there is any news from Maureen. Just can't get her out of my mind today! I'm sure there's a song - but my heart's not in it today! I'll think of one when we have more news.
    Lots of love,
    Myra xxxx

    1. Hello Myra,
      I think we are all the same, our hearts are breaking for our friend.
      We have not met but she has captured our hearts.
      Hazel and I will be popping in when we can.
      Patricia xx

    2. Hello Myra, me too, I can't stop thinking of her. Patricia is right, she has captured our hearts.
      Patricia I bet you are so excited, hope you sleep well so that you are all fit and ready for your early start.
      I'll pop back later to see if there is any news,
      Saba xxx

  23. Yes I have also been thinking of Maureen and wondering how things are. I cannot say about the retreat yet. Too far ahead and no idea what is happening here. I could be looking after my youngest granddaughter as it will be half term and she will be at school from September. Both parents work and have said I would be there for them if they need me. Try to treat both my sons the same. Perhaps nearer the time things will have changed. For those who wanted the 8x8 E Folders from JS they are back in stock so have order 2 and the A4 Bed of Roses is back in stock which came yesterday. Now I just want to try them.

    1. Hi Brenda,
      I just a parcel too! I ordered the flower die which Patricia showed on her blog! I am going to follow her tutorial as it is extremely clear! Have cut the flower heads but stopped for now. Have cut two sets as instructed!
      I am finding the GC easier to use with the small plates. I ordered those some weeks ago and it is so much quicker. It seems to cut better as well.
      Let's hope you'll be able to join us. It would be lovely to meet up!
      Love, Myra xxx

    2. Oh dear! I'm not a parcel! I just had a parcel. Maureen would have had fun with that one! Xxx

    3. Hi Myra,
      Where did you get your small plates?

    4. I bought the junior plates as well, mine came from which is the u.s. site and they cost £13.00 C&C were charging £22.00 Wendyx

    5. Hi Myra I thought I heard a rustling in the corner, it must have been the brown paper you're wrapped up in! Well that's one way to get an enormousness cardboard box to make your pin hole camera ready for tomorrow!!!
      Not up to Maureen's standards but I hope it helps!
      Love Diane xxx

  24. Oh Crumbs, Sandra, I can't remember. I'll go and look - I didn't get them from any of my usual craft places as nobody had them . I googled them , that much I remember . Will call back in a few minutes! Xxx

  25. Me again, Sandra, it was Craft Superstore and they had 20 percent off at the time. I looked to see today and they are out of stock. Well the whole set together is out of stock. I didn't bother with the raspberry plate as its extra and most of my EF's are A4 anyway. It really speeds everything up and that entire little plate can be covered. Also had some flowers today from Wild Orchid! I love making flowers but ready made ones re handy too. Xxx

  26. Hi Sandra, I paid £12 85 for the set. Even with P&P still loads cheaper than C&C and postage to be added to their price too. Xxx

    1. Thanks for that info, Hazel and I are both needing a set.
      Must go have a look.
      Patricia x

    2. I might find these a lot easier. My GC is getting very hard to turn the handle. No idea why and am worried the handle will break. Perhaps these will be better.

  27. Hello Sandra and everyone, back home now hospital visit was quite quick which is unusual. The results of J bone scan are good - no sign of cancer (thank goodness) He has to have another bi-opsy which this time will be done under anaesthetic, that should be within the next four weeks.

    Patricia and Hazel, Have a safe journey and enjoy your time in Ireland. I love going there we have travelled both North and South. My mother was born way down south in Glengarriff and I have wonderful memories of holidays spent there visiting our grandparents. My dad would borrow a pony and cart and go to the Bog to cut peat for the fire. Water came from a well up the road. Pleased to say it's all changed now, our cousin who lives in the house now has water on tap and central heating.

    Littlelamb, lovely to see you in the cafe today. Sorry you are still not feeling 100% but you are going in the right direction. Keep going you will get there.
    When I started with my heart problems I was on so many pills I made myself a chart and ticked them off when I had taken them. Now cope without my chart but it took some getting used to.
    Maureen, thinking of you. Love and Prayers.
    Sheila and Nikki, you have been in my thoughts all day, Love and Prayers
    Linda, you sound brighter to day, Don't push yourself to hard.
    Wendy, Belated birthday wishes - well you should have had them this morning LOL
    I started this message about 5:00pm had two phone calls I'm not complaining, it's now after 7:00 thank goodness it's an easy dinner. Spaghetti Bol. And it's all ready.
    Will stop by later to check everyone is OK
    Love Brenda xxx

    1. Brenda, that is such good news about John's scan. I am truly delighted for you, what a relief. Enjoy your evening.
      Love and hugs Saba xxx

    2. Brenda, So pleased you got good news! Enjoy your dinner and the rest of your evening.
      Love Myra xx

    3. Hi Brenda
      good news regarding John's scan. You both take care !
      Hugs Maria xx

    4. Oh Brenda I am so relieved that Johns Scan went ok, just to wait for the biopsy now, it's all very tiring.
      I guess the calls were to check on Johns progress, which is so lovely, bless them they were all worried too.
      Counting down the weeks to Ally a Pally now , I can't wait to meet you again.
      Love and hugs

    5. Brenda delighted to hear the really good news of your John's scan results so pleased for you both.
      Love Margaret xx

    6. So pleased to hear this news

    7. Brenda that's such good news about johns scan, hopefully they will find out what's causing it soon. Hope you get a goon nights sleep now, night night sleep tight xxx

  28. Hi Sandra
    Sue what a stunning bag you made. Your hiding your light under a bushel aren't you. Thanks for bringing Sandra over yesterday I had a lovely time. I do hope that everyone whose unwell feels a little better tomorrow.

  29. Hello Sandra and Everyone,
    I am posting this before I read anyone's comments because I know you will all have been so kind, and I nearly broke up reading Sandra's comments at the start of this blog, so I'm typing this "blind" as it were.
    Because David's daughter got him to one of our major hospitals within 10 minutes of the stroke, the doctors got to work on him immediately. She ran into A&E straight to the front of the queue at the desk and told them her father was having a stroke. Four burly porters ran out with a trolley and he was in a treatment room before she could lock her car. (She was driving with David in the car when it happened). When her mother and sister arrived they were all put in a family room whilst the doctors worked.
    His speech was all right, but his arm, leg and foot wouldn't "work" properly, and his face was also affected. However, after a few hours when they were working their magic, he was able to gain some use in his limbs and they did a brain scan and more tests. By the time George left the hospital tonight he was able to move almost normally.
    He has more tests tomorrow, and the next 24 hours are vital, but all being well the prognosis is excellent. We are, as you can imagine, so relieved, but none more than George. His little brother (he is 5 minutes younger than George) as Sandra will know, has been the most important thing in his life. Even after we were married, I realised that David was a major part of George's life. Things did improve after David got married, but that was 12 years after us - 12 long years!!!
    They lived, ate, slept, worked and partied together. When we were courting David and (and younger brother Robert) sometimes came too. I didn't really mind, David could drive the car and George couldn't!
    I am going now to read your comments, and thank you for your kindness. We will sleep a lot easier tonight.
    Sue, your bag is lovely, it's a pity we can't make them to use.
    Sheila and Nikki, you have been in my thoughts today, I hope you have been well loved and supported.
    Cheryl, I've been thinking of you today.

    A much relieved and happy
    Maureen xxxxx

  30. Oh Maureen, I am crying from sheer relief , so I cannot imagine how you are all feeling! I am so thrilled for all of you! What a clever daughter who managed to keep her head in such a frightening set of circumstances! So much for which to be thankful. Our prayers really have been answered as we wanted them to be .
    I was out last night and couldn't believe what I actually felt for someone I haven't even met! So pleased we are going to put that right! We all love you and are so thrilled tonight!
    I said if we got good news Id think of a song!
    What a Difference a Day Makes? - seems to fit the bill.
    Relax my dear, sending you lots of love.
    Myra xxxx love to George too. X

  31. Maureen, tears here too love, you have been constantly thought of. I am so so happy. Can't tell you how much. I feel like doing a little jig and I have never done a jig in my entire life. I also feel like saying thank you to Him for listening to our prayers. One very happy jiggly
    Saba xxxxxxxxx

  32. Oh Saba,
    What lovely news! You made me smile with your jig! Made me think of another song!
    What a picture, What a photograph! xxxxx

  33. Myra, it is such a relief, not only to know David is doing wonderfully, but that Maureen is alright. The only song I can think of is "if you're happy and you know it clap your hands" and I'm clapping. Had to stop jigging it was not good for my asthma.

  34. I know that one too! Sing that one with the children. You just feel so helpless at times like these and when you can't even contact the person it makes it worse.
    Can't believe we can care so much about each other.

    1. Me neither, and the not being able to contact each other directly definitely made it hard yesterday. Maybe we should think about that.

    2. I agree! Sandra has our email addresses and maybe if we asked her nicely and we were in agreement our emails could be exchanged. After that it would be up to each one of us what we did. What do you think? Xxx

    3. I think that would be such a good idea, I am reluctant to put it in a post on the blog. Xxx

    4. I know me too, but if Sandra emailed even just one of us giving the other's email address we could take it from there. I'm sure Sandra wouldn't mind. That way it would be safe. Xxx

    5. I too agree with you, I do have Maureen's email and was able to contact her last night, although I didn't want to be intrusive and email again today but when she contacted me tonight I cannot express just how very relieved I was she had been on my mind all day I have never checked my emails so much! Now the tears have stopped I am able to see and come on here. This is what I think is called the power of prayer.

    6. Yes Margaret, never to be under estimated! I just felt helpless last night. You are right Id never want to intrude but just to be able to say - thinking of you! Also it is not so public.
      Night night Margaret! Love Myra xxx

  35. Mind you doesn't verse three have stamping of feet! Xx

    1. Think so and then verse four has you doing the lot, clapping shouting and stamping feet. I'm up for it if you

    2. Definitely but not the P word! That involves excessive amounts of alcohol! Lol xxx

    3. Tears of happiness being shed here at Hazels house.
      If your Happy and you know it Clap Your Hands. ...... Clap, Clap.
      A wee dance round the kitchen as well ...... gosh the dog thinks we're daft
      Really pleased about the good news
      Patricia & Hazel xxx

    4. It's super isn't it ! Now you can go away on your little break, happy bunnies! Xxx

    5. So glad you checked back in and heard the brilliant news, but Shouldn't you two be in bed, you've got a very early start. Very astute dog you've got there I may say so. Is that the one called Harris who I shouldn't be afraid of! Xxx

  36. Hello all my lovely friends,
    I've been reading all your posts and got to admit that my heart is singing with all your kind comments. I've also shed a few tears,
    NOW where do I start???
    Thank you, thank you, thank you to all of you, you have no idea of how uplifted I feel with all the love that's been shown.
    I would like to formally congratulate Myra on the fact that she'd had a parcel - was it special delivery?? I'm quite disappointed, I've only had a baby myself!!! Postman Pat, Postman Pat
    Barbie, Alison - I hope you got safely back from Harrogate, and that the day wasn't too upsetting.
    Patricia and Hazel, have a wonderful time in The Emerald Isle. I was propositioned in Lisdoonvarna during the Farmers' Wedding Market, but George wouldn't let me go. (Got a sneaky feeling he wishes he had now)
    Jess - Happy Anniversary, you've beaten me by 7 months.
    Wendy, Happy Birthday.
    Janet, take it easy - you want to be fit for France.
    Littlelamb, Brenda - how is your wrist, what excercises are you doing? I take my calcium and Vit D after breakfast. Please try to go to our little soiree, we could wrists!!
    Saba - what can I say, The thought of you jigging is enough to give me asthma!! You are quite right, God is good.
    I really can't thank you all enough, I know I haven't named everyone by name, but you are all on the blog above this, and I know who you are.
    Grateful thanks and much love.
    Maureen xxxxx

    1. Oh Maureen , it was easy - in spite of everything - we love you! You have given us our joi de vivre back tonight! You're right God is good!
      Did you get much sleep last night ?
      Have a good rest tonight . Xxxx

    2. Maureen, you have been back two minutes and already Myra has started sprouting French. Well two can play at that game. I am so glad you have brought our " Freude am Leben" back again.
      But seriously as Myra said we do love you.

    3. HI Myra,
      George was getting up and going downstairs a lot during the night, but I just stayed in bed, then when he came back to bed we'd have a talk which woke us up properly, then it would start all over again. When we had to get up this morning, it was a struggle. Got my nightie on and going into bed for 10 o'clock news.
      Isn't Sandra's blog amazing in that you have all supported me (and others) in difficult times. She should have a medal the size of a bin lid.
      Maureen xx

    4. Freude mit Freunden !,? Mein Deutsch ist nicht so gut! Xxx

    5. Saba,
      Wish I knew was Freude am Leben means. I hope it doesn't mean anything rude, but knowing you.............
      Maureen xx

    6. Maureen I agree! She might just find it a bit cumbersome to lug about! Maybe we could get her a halo! Like the nativity ones - we could make one! They sort of bounce up and down don't they!
      Sandra - you're a Star! Xxx

    7. Myra, so are we making a star now?

    8. Now Maureen , it's just similar to joi de vivre! Joy of life . Here we share joys and sorrows too! I knew you'd struggle last night to sleep. Sleep well tonight. God Bless! Xxxx

    9. Myra, I am seriously impressed.xxxx

    10. Maureen, can I just say - on behalf of everyone - it's soooooooo good to have you back! Xxxxx

    11. Saba, my dear, with what are you impressed? Don't be! I did German at school but that was many years ago as you know. I loved it though and had a good teacher . It's amazing what sticks isn't it! Xxx

    12. Myra, I am impressed with your command of the german language not your powers of fortune telling knowing Maureen wouldn't sleep well. Xxx

    13. I think command may just be going a tad far! Xxx

    14. Myra, English composition is not bad either. Did you do Latin?

    15. If I say yes, will you hold it against me? Xxx

    16. No, of course not, only if you said you had a beautiful body would I hold it against you. Latin never. Xxx

    17. I love words - you probably guessed that! Latin helps trace the meaning of most words. It's a fascinating language - both our sons did it to A level too. Now maths we all hate - but we can mange mental arithmetic! What about you? Xxx

    18. Or even manage - we don't eat it! Xx

    19. I love words too, particularly collective nouns. But Latin is so useful, particularly in medicine. I worked for a while as a translator of medical research for an American company and I used to spit feathers at their abuse of the Latin language. I'm not too keen on maths either but don't tell hubby, he studied maths and physics!! Xxxx

    20. Maureen my lovely,
      I hope you get a more restful night tonight, as I said earlier you have to understand the identical 'twin thing' to understand how George was feeling about David being unwell. It's a strange thing to witness, I imagine being a wife of an identical twin could be a little strange at times. Sophie & Lucy are incredibly close, they have their lives together all mapped out!
      It is so good to see you in tonight, we were all thinking about you through the day, the place seemed too quiet without you!
      Love and hugs Maureen, and a little one for George xx
      Sandra xxxx

    21. It's very useful in medicine isn't it! I'm married to a medic and I remember you saying you were a Sister, I think! Xxx

    22. Yes, I was Sister of a surgical ward, loved it (most of the time) and I still miss it. Xxx

    23. This comment has been removed by the author.

    24. Hi Maureen lovely to hear such good news, we have all been so worried about you and George and your brother in law today. Gosh his daughter was so sensible and brave in an emergency and that has probably helped with his recovery ( along with a lot of prayers to him upstairs!) . I hope you both have a better nights sleep tonight , you are probably a bit giddy with tiredness.
      Myra is it you with jiggly bits? Look at you trying to take over from Linda and her droopy bits! Don't jiggle too much otherwise it will be the plastic pants for you tonight!
      Emma loves maths and science. She's like her dad, where as in used to help with the English homework and get to proof read exciting projects like the other week to look for spelling mistakes!
      Night night Maureen and George sleep tight xxx

  37. Hi Sandra and all in the cafe today. Sorry for such a late comment, not a good day joint wise! Doped up now though: ) 2nd attempt at commenting!!! but during my typing Maureen has given us such wonderful news :)) My thoughts are with you and your family. It does show that you have to act very promptly with a stroke, how lucky that your daughter kept her cool at such an awful time.
    Happy anniversary Jess, I hope you have had a lovely day : )
    Cheryl, thinking of you on this hard day.
    Littlelamb. Glad that you are feeling just a little better. Get yourself one of the pill holders that have 7 strips, each with 4 compartments for your pills, and set a timer to remind you. You will get used to taking them after awhile : )
    Diane, oh, shoes to match, now that would be lovely wouldn't it : )
    Happy Birthday Wendy, have a lovely time : )
    Brenda, great news for you :)
    Pat, it was lovely to see you looking so much brighter yesterday, keep on taking it steady though! : )
    Thank you for all of your lovely kind comments. I couldn't refuse my lovely Sandra now could I : )
    I followed Saba's great instructions, thank you for taking the time to make them so easy to follow Saba) I did put a crease down the two side panels and also across the back of the flap, level with the back of the main part of the bag, which makes it easier to open it. I do hope that makes sense! I also added a matching card heart and a metal one that I had in my stash, sorry I can't remember where I got it from but think it may have been in a pack of 6 different hearts from a £ shop. I used the Lyra die on the front and the buckle is from Spellbinders Framed Tags. I used 2 brads to attach the handle and faux stitched with a blue fine liner pen. Thank you again for all of your kind words.
    Sandra my lovely, it is always such a great time for me to when we get together, still can't believe we haven't known each other for a year yet! You are family now, like it or not : )
    It's great to hear that there are now 14, not unlucky 13 : )
    Have to go and rest the stupid hands again now.
    Take care my lovelyxx

    1. Mrs B,
      At our "get together" I'll be able to sit in the corner with you for real!! Won't life be grand?
      Maureen xxx

    2. Hi Sue,
      Oh you, making me get all teary! I though maybe you were having a tough day my lovely!
      Thank you for your description, congratulations on NOT saying 'gusset' and for only mentioning 'flaps' once, I am laughing as I am writing this because of the laughter we had on the day we made these for the first time, where 'wonky flaps' became the phrase of the afternoon!
      Thank you for yesterday, it's my best day of the week.
      Love you lots
      Sandra xxxx

    3. so so very good news Maureen, enjoy a good nights sleep Wendy xx

  38. Oh Maureen what wonderful news. David's daughter was really brilliant getting him to A&E so quickly. She knew exactly what to do.
    You and George should sleep well tonight. Love Brenda xx

  39. Hi Sandra,
    Mrs B your little bag is beautiful, love the colour and the heart embellishment is a very sweet touch, very nice strap too with the buckle to it !
    Oh Maureen so glad to see that David got his treatment so quickly and he seem to get there, what a relief for George and the rest of the family. Hope he continue to get better ,hugs to you all.
    Reading though it has been a good day for some and a bad day for others, I'm thinking of you all.
    Pat-it was nice reading you been out walking, even if it took you some time, you got there yay!
    Lynda so good you feeling better, do you think it's a good diet to be on ?
    So many in pain right now, just wish we all have better day soon. Hopefully when it gets a bit warmer. Grey day here all day and after going with a friend out for the day it will be early night for this night owl who seem to sleep better lately.
    I'm thinking of you, Sheila and Nikki for tomorrow and everyone Take care
    Hugs Maria xx

  40. A late but very happy good evening Sandra
    Once you read all the posts tonight you will have every reason to feel so very proud of yourself for having such a wonderful and unique blog, who else can bring about singing, dancing and clapping throughout Europe with some tears of joy thrown in just for good measure?
    I think I can safely say we will all sleep a little easier one of our crafting sisters is resting and happy in her nightie tonight. Now before you all start, no smutty remarks please, lets save those for tomorrow, Maureen needs a good night's sleep tonight.
    Safe journey, have a wonderful time Patricia and Hazel.xx
    Good night and God Bless everyone and please don't forget to say a really big Thank You to Him for His help.
    With love
    Margaret xxx

    1. I won't forget Margaret! I promise! Xxx

    2. Margaret, I won't forget either. I read a quote recently which said something like, " think about what if you woke up tomorrow and only had the things you had thanked Him for "
      And on that note I think I shall head off too.
      Good night and God bless all.
      Saba xxx

    3. Nor me I won't forget either.

    4. Night night everyone!
      Sleep well, God Bless,
      Myra xxx

  41. Good girl Saba will be so proud of you! xxx

  42. Hi everyone, so glad I popped in to hear Maureen's news, so glad that things are looking good.
    Thank you everyone for your good wishes for our anniversary, we really appreciated them.
    Patricia and Hazel enjoy your break, Ireland is lovely, been once and would love to go back.
    All the lights are off, so off to bed for me, catch you all tomorrow. Jess

  43. Goodnight and god bless you all xxxx

  44. Night night god bless sleep tight everyone. Tomorrow is another day! Sweet dreams xxx
