
Wednesday 18 March 2015

Myra's Marvellous Masterpiece!!!!


Good Morning Ladies,
Just look at this amazing Gift Bag from Myra, Its just gorgeous, you wouldn't be bothered if there was nothing inside its so pretty, it look likes it has taken you ages.
Did you make the actual Gift Bag too?
Myra, I look forward to you coming in and telling us all about your bag.
Sue and I are off to visit Pat today, we were planning to take her the elements to make an 'Izzy Bag',
but she had Physio yesterday, so she is exhausted. So we will just go sit and chat, I think we can manage that!
Well Patricia I hope you are all packed for your sleep over tomorrow at Hazels, do you think that there will still be St Paddy's Day Celebrations at the weekend?  Its a beautiful place as you know, you will love it, I always imagine you would come back from there feeling refreshed and revitalised!
But I guess that depends on what you go out there to do? My drinking days are in the past, I can manage a glass of wine with dinner, or an occasional fruit cider (I share one with Paul as I am too much of a lightweight to manage a whole one)! So my smuggled contraband probably won't be wine, probably Horlicks!
Oh girls have you seen the new 8 x 8 embossing folders from Sue, oh they are lush, I received mine today, from a company called Craftasmic, I can totally recommend them, I ordered them Saturday and they were despatched the same day and arrived yesterday morning, along with some of the new ribbons too! Despatched on a Saturday is unheard of and amazing! So please give them a look, often they have the things that JS has sold out of. Free Delivery too.
Anyway I must away and prepare for my day out,
Love and Hugs
227 sleeps I think x


  1. Good morning, Sandra and every one who comes in today for their coffee or tea. Everything is ready. I have to be in work for 7 to take over from daddy, mummy will be soon on her way to Belfast, she is only there for the day but it will be a long one, as like with us on Friday she will have had to be up and on the road about 4.30 latest . One thing for sure those two girls will be up and down the stairs having breakfast a lot earlier than normal.
    Myra you have made a beautiful bag, love how you have decorated it, I take it I am right that it's the XCut gift bag die you have used??? I for one love that die and have made up so many of them, Sue Wilson striplets and bows look good on these. Like Sandra has said the bag is a gift on its own. Now how is the bunny cup coming on??? To all of you who are felling not so good this morning, are in pain, I have put lots of (((((( hugs)))))) in the basket.
    Will be back in later. Hazel x

  2. Morning Sandra,

    Beautiful bag from Myra.

    Please give our love to Patricia.

    Love & Hugs

    Jacquie J xxx

  3. Good morning Sandra and all you Coffee Shop Ladies. Hope you are all well, I will leave a box of (((((hugs))))))pleae help yourself.
    Myra, love, love, love how you have decorated your beautiful bag. Absolutely brilliant, I like making these bags. You can do so much with them, they are a gift in themselves.
    I will be back later for my Tea & Toast. Off along the road to take over from Dad, get the boys to school. Mum Night Shift last night again, she wil be home just before 9am. Hope she did not have too many babies to bring into the world last night.......i!! No shutting up shop at 5pm in the Maternitiy Unit.
    Be good till I get back
    Patricia xxx

  4. Morning Ladies

    Had my tea & toast so I need to get a wriggle on.

    Myra-your bag is a work of art. If I made something that beautiful I don't think I could give it away.

    Hubby rang last night with more details of the redundancies-some surprises I think. Such a terrible time for the ones affected which we know about first hand as hubby was made redundant 10years ago when Mortisons took over Safeway.

    Thats all from me for now, will try to pop in later. Didn't manage it last nght as my Uncle (my Mums brother) phone & we were on the phone for a couple of hours. He Lives in Reading, near his two sons + their families. We get on really well hence the long phonecalls.


  5. The gift bag is a real stunner Myra a gift in itself!

    Busy morning so will pop back later !

  6. Hi Sandra.
    Enjoy your day with the other two Graces.
    Myra, you don't need to put anythng in the bag, it's a gift in itself!! Super duper.
    See you later.
    Love Maureen/Muriel xxxx

  7. Good morning Sandra and lovely ladies,
    I hope you have a lovely day with Sue and Pat, it's housework this morning for me I'm afraid.
    Myra your gift bag is gorgeous. Love the eclectic mix of embellishments you have used, it makes me want to pick it up and touch all the individual pieces. Fabulous colours too. Whoever receives this will won't care what's inside, the bag is a gift in itself. Love it. How is Bugs coming along? Have you had a look on Pinterest, I looked at " punch art rabbit face" and there were some really good ideas.
    Will be back later to see what you have all been getting up to.
    Love and hugs Saba xxx

    1. Punch art rabbit face is brilliant! Xxx

  8. Hi Sandra & ladies,
    Noticed you mentioned Craftasmic, is that my little shop of heaven in Taunton? Their personal service is better than the average bear, Boo Boo.
    Just after Pete died they started to deliver my orders to me personally. Martin would often pop in to see how I was doing on his way to other disabled customers, as they knew of my increased agoraphobia. You don't get that kind of service from the bigger stores.

    Myra, what a little stunner you have produced, just loving it!!! I take it, it was made for a seamstress? That is a gift in it's own right. I have been trying to get this Xcut die for quite a while now, does anybody know where I can get it from? Have tried all my usual craft shops but no luck.

    Last day of tidying up and finishing painting of architrave and coving.
    Hooray! It has been a long job cut shorter by the wonderful help from Grandson N0.1 Jamie. He works nights on the railways so has been coming over for lunch then we have cracked on with it, a couple of hours at a time.
    Waiting now for matching desk to arrive and all will be done.
    In answer to yesterday's enquiries, no, my birthday is Sept 26th. I am in the first wave of increased State Retirement age groups. This meant I could not draw my State pension until 6th March this year (when I was 62 and a half), but didn't get it until Monday as they pay in arrears. Sorry if I have confused you Maureen, I'm most of the time!
    Steph, Sam, Norah, Michele, Sue, Sheila & Nikki, loving thoughts and hugs winging their way to you.
    Hazel, yes, I received a lovely bag of Clarins cleansing products, a No7 box of makeup and extra goodies from the end of sample ranges courtesy of Boots. Noticed from your post yesterday you are now mad saving and taking up golf whilst eating men on beans on toast. What a busy woman you are, as well as being Transport Minister, Events Organiser, and running for the PM! Slow down girl or you'll catch up with your behind!
    Whatever you are doing today, I wish for ou rday to be kind to you,
    Love & hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Should have been your day, nor or rday. xxx

    2. Cheryl, I think I was so tired last night nothing made sence? I am so glad you enjoyed you day. I haven't taken up golf, but yes we will have to go on beans on toast! No I am lucky that I still work even only a few hours, but on saying that I feel putting away s bit each month is good for the soul??? It makes you stop and think do I need more card, or that die. Even that bar of chocolate you see while shopping. I have saved £2 coins for years cashing them in before going on holiday , it's spending money. We cashed them in the other day and bought Canadian dollars the rate was really good, we are off later over there for a trip. Hazel x

    3. Cheryl, I think Craft Superstore has them in stock. Hope it helps. They are really easy to make .xx

    4. Cheryl, if you still can't get the die, I think Adrian at my craft shop still has it and I could send it to you. It's a great die, but you do need to use 300gmd plus card as it other wise just cuts through. Hazel,x

  9. Hi Sandra. Wow, what a gorgeous gift bag Myra has made. There are so many beautiful embellishments, you would spend ages just looking at it. Thank yo for sharing it Myra : )
    Diane, to answer your question re: chewing gum in hair. Luckily Mr B doesn't leave his on the bedpost overnight, blimey we are all showing our ages aren't we!, daughter Gemma got it in hair when she was about 9, there was a boy in her class who thought it was funny to stick it in other peoples hair, until a group of 4 other boys who did the same to him all at the same time. Funnily enough he never did it again!
    I am going to have a quick cuppa and some toast and catch up with anyone in the cafe then I must get ready to come on over to you my lovely : )
    Pat, I hope you are feeling abit better today my lovely friend, see you about 12ish.
    Have a good day ladies. Take care xx

  10. Good Morning Sandra and lovely ladies
    Gorgeous bag Myra the decoration on it is fantastic, must try and get the die.
    Going to check out the craft shop you are talking about. I received my 20 small dies that I managed to buy for £12.oo, a really good mx so a bargain from C&C for a change .Will sit in the corner and people watch for a few minutes with my coffee and toast.
    Love to all
    Wendy xx

    1. oh Wendy I got those bargain dies too, but haven't received mine yet what are they like? What sort of dies where they? I know they were tattered lace, but I bought them so quickly that I didn't see what dies were in the pack. I was so shocked to actually get an actual bargain from them I just clicked buy!
      I will have to wait and see!!!!
      Enjoy your bargain my lovely,
      Love and Hugs

  11. Good Morning Sandra and all who pop in,
    Well, I am a slightly happier bunny this morning as bunny is complete! I discovered that I was just making his face too big and his features were out of proportion. I have one cup with about 8 faces on it ! Thank you for caring! So ,big ears , big feet and small face!
    Well, today's bag is an Xcut one and they are really easy to make and you have scarcely any waste. It takes exactly two sheets of A4 to make the bag.mI then cut a large gift tag which I think is Szzix but I can't remember! I then just picked out bits and pieces , which my friend , who is a seamstress and loves sewing , would use. I enjoy making bags as even a small gift looks so much nicer. I know Gill will keep this as she is a crafter too! The metal scissors and other sewing charms came from The Bead and Button Company. They have lots of beads, buttons and embellishments as well as sewing patterns etc. It was just meant to look a bit of a mix almost like a mood board.
    Thank you for your kind comments, so far!
    To the Three Graces - have a lovely time - are you sure you will manage to talk? Lol.
    Pat - hope the physios weren't too hard on you. Sending hugs.
    Sandra - thank you so much for sharing this lovely blog! For showing our work as well as your own. Thank you! Xx
    Sending love to Sheila and Nikki, Steph - hope you are catching up with your orders ! Norah - maybe next year we could come to Glenochil - I know there's a prison nearby - maybe they'd let us have a Wing - not sure about the food though! Lol xx
    Sam - not seen you yet this morning - hope you are feeling a little better.
    Love too to Patwynn, Theresa , Tandy and all who are finding life hard just now.
    Alison - safe travel tomorrow and hope all goes well.
    Love Myra xxxx

  12. Morning Sandra and ladies, wow what a stunning bag Myra has made it is beautiful, so many elements t look at.
    Coffee and toast for my again today, will catch up later. Will check out the craftasmic web site.
    Take care everyone, Jess x

  13. Hi Sandra and all the ladies, just a flying visit this morning as I have a cake to make. I fell asleep last night so didn't get back to the cafe to mop the floor, must check back later. I see Muriel is sneezing in under the anonymous title this morning to throw us all off the scent!
    Myra your bag is gorgeous and what a gift in its own right. I must have a look for that die, I know the range have them sometimes so will have to go and look soon. Right must get on, will see you all later
    Love Diane xxxx

    1. Bless You, Maureen! Xx

    2. Wretched spell checker!!! That should have been sneaked! I don't want Muriel to get a cold and if she sneezes it might be a large tena moment!!!
      Just having a chuckle whilst I'm waiting for my cake to finish cooking.
      See you all later
      Love Diane xxx

    3. Sounds like experience talking. - to me!! Xxx

  14. Hi Sandra my dear friend
    Also my dear friends in the cafe I really hope your well
    Can't stay as I'm back to my bed.
    I'm thinking of Sheila and Nikki as tomorrow is going to be such a terribly difficult day for them both, I've had another message from her.
    Steph is working hard in her Den I do hope she doesn't make herself to poorly and puts her feet up I'd Love to see one of her Cards.
    Myra your Creation Today Is Truly Outstanding I Love All The Embellishments You Have Placed On Your Amazing Bag, Can I Also Say I Just Love "The Stand" You've Used, To Display Your Bag, I Love The Your Lace, Pins, Washi Tape, The Flags Where You Could Place Your Sentiment's And Your Truly Beautiful Flowers.
    I've Just Purchased Some Of The Scissors Like Yours For A Card I'm Making My Stamp Has A Mannequin, Sewing Machine Etc: And I Wanted Buttons And Scissors To Accessories For My Card.
    "Sandra" put me down to join you all for the weekend away I'll just be back from my Holidays let me know when you require a deposit it looks a great place and prices are really good, I will drive so I can bring my Grand Calibur and My Sue Wilson Dies and also some Spellbinder Dies Which I have quite a lot and since purchasing Sue's I don't use, and Card etc!
    Take Great Care Sandra
    All My Dear Friends I'm Thinking Of You All Please Take Great Care.
    Love And Hugs
    From Sam xxx

    1. Sam, you are not having a good time health wise are you, but bed is the best place to be!!! Take it easy. I am so glad you are coming along for the weekend, no deposit required, you will just get your bill for your stay when you leave on the Sunday, which I think is great. Please give Sandra your name and Sam if you need a room with disable access please say, even if you have food allergies as the manager is very helpful and he likes to know these things, that goes for any of you ladies, its one of the things I wanted to be in place as I know I have a problem getting in and out of baths with showers over them. Hazel xx

    2. Oh Sam! I feel a bit of a fraud - my Stand - is a glass tealights holder lying on it's side! That's what crafter's do isn't it , we improvise! Sorry you are still unwell but really pleased you are coming on the Great Craft Getaway! Love Myra xxxx. Thanks for your kind words.

    3. Sam look after yourself my sweet and make sure you drink pleanty. Bed is the best place for you and a good book or TV and lots of sleep. Hope you feel better soon
      Love Diane xxx

    4. Sam my dear, Sorry you still not 100%, doctor says plenty of rest and recuperation required. ((((Hugs)))) from me to you. xxx

    5. Hi Sam,
      sending you many gentle hugs and hope you feeling better soon. I love that you are coming too for our little weekend away. Take care now ,
      Hugs Maria xx

    6. Hello Sam, sorry you are still not feeling well, I do hope things improve for you soon. So pleased you are coming to the weekend meet. It is going to be wonderful.
      Love and healing hugs
      Saba xxx

    7. Hi Sam, I am so,so happy that you are going to join us for our Crafty Retreat, I so wanted you to come too!
      I am so sorry sweetheart that you are still so poorly, I hope that Lyndon is looking after you, your boys must be wondering whats going in, I bet they just want to get on that bed and snuggle with you.
      Look after yourself my lovely,
      Love and Hugs

    8. Hi Sam you have made us all so happy that you are coming on the weekend retreat. So sorry that you are still not well, as you have been told by others bed really is the best place plenty of proper rest. Your boys will be missing you if they are anything like our corgis, hope they are getting their toast, bless them. Please get well soon.
      With love, hugs and cuddles
      Margaret xxx

  15. Hi Sandra & all the ladies, sorry I never commented yesterday I have the gastric enteritis bug felt so s..t haha a pun there somewhere ,i was in bed all day.well on & off to bathroom this morning I ache all over still not great.
    Sandra Sophie's drawing was amazing you have two very talented children you must be such a proud mum.
    Myra your bag is gorgeous love all the embellishments you have used well done
    Oooo must go bathroom calling
    Love & hug's Lynda xxx.

    1. Poor you Lynda, Bed rest my girl except for the occasional foray to the bathroom. As Hazel has mentioned plenty of fluids, I find soup sometimes only thing I can take in small doses, then a Marmite sandwich ,no butter.
      ((((hugs)))) to you,
      Cheryl xxx

    2. Ooooh Lynda is that something we said. Poor you for feeling so rotten. Hope you are feeling a lot better asap my friend. Lucky it isn't the week coming AP ! Take care,and lot of hugs Maria xx

    3. Hi Lynda,
      I am so sorry you are poorly, its sounds very much like Sophie had since last Thursday, it took until Monday for her tummy to get back to normal. I hope you make a speedy recovery my love.
      I have just seen Maria's comment and I think you would go to Ally Pally anywhere, you'd have to wear plastic pants! Bless you, I know how much you look forward to going and I imagine it would take a lot to stop you. Please care my love,
      Love and Hugs

  16. Lynda, no good, and you will feel washed out. Remember to take liquids even if it's having an ice lollie, I find it stays in better than drinking water. Hope you will start feeling better soon. Hazel x

    1. Oh Lynda!
      It's not nice - that's what I had last week and I'm only just beginning to feel - I was going to say normal - but that will get all sorts of smart comments on here! Then again, I've said it now!
      Thanks for your kind words, you take care and try to keep the fluid intake up!
      Sending hugs!
      Myra xxx

    2. Oh Linda you too, you drink pleanty as well and keep warm. Bed is definitely the best place. Hope you feel better soon my love.
      Love Diane xxx
      Just realised I can't spell plenty!

    3. Thank you Myra, it's took the stuffing out of me,& there is a lot of stuffing in me hihi,wish I could feel normal too ( not much chance of that ) hug's Lynda xx

    4. Thank you Hazel & Diane for your best wishes. I just don't feel like drinking or eating anything.Terry got me some lollys this morning.
      Hug's Lynda xx

    5. Oh Lynda you poor thing, try and get lots of rest and plenty of fluids. Hope you soon feel better.
      Love and cuddles for you today I think.
      Saba xxx

    6. Oh Linda, Feel so sorry for you, Gastro enteritis really does pull you down. Try to keep warm and plenty of fluids. Pleased Terry is there looking after you. Take Care LOL

    7. Lynda so sorry you are feeling poorly plenty of rest and plenty of fluids for you today. I hope nurse Terry is looking after you, now don't overwork him! Remember good staff are hard to find.
      With love
      Margaret xx

    8. Saba,Brenda,& Margaret Thank you all for your best wishes, still didn't feel like eating today,& feel very wobbly.have been asleep most of the day it's knocked me for six.
      Hug's Lynda xx

  17. Hello ladies, missed getting in for my Tea & Toast this morning.
    Took a basket of washing from J&As to do here just to give Audrey a wee bit help. Working these shifts is hard work. She does 3 x 12 hours shifts a week.
    Anyway think I will have some of that Soup it smells really nice, oh! and some Crusty Bread. Thought Hazel might be in ....... bet she's getting her case packed!!!
    Well ladies I put a £1 coin in my box yesterday and £1 today for the Craft Retreat. I was in the Spar this morning picking up a couple of rolls for our breakfast. I resisted a Craft Magazine, I think I might just pop that in my box as well. I feel if I can put min of 50p a day in the box I will have a fair bit towards the trip.
    There a few ladies missing, I hope you are all OK if you are ill or just a bit down I am sending some ((((((hugs)))))
    Off to get some of these things ironed ready for collection later.
    I will be back in the evening to see what you are all up to.
    Patricia x

    1. Hi Patricia,
      I wish you were my MIL, bless you are so such a lovely person, so thoughtful and kind!
      Your box will be overflowing with £1 coins come October!
      To be honest the Craft Mags can get a bit samey, and you can get the same inspiration on line, on Pinterest, etc. Also you just pop them in your basket, but boy the prices have gone up! Some of them are almost £5.
      See you later,

  18. Now how did that happen? I've typed a message and it's gone and gone!!

    Sandra, I'm still just a little excited YIPPEE - I'm a sad case, aren't I?
    Myra, I posted from Rachel's house this morning (that's why I'm anonymous) because I wanted to say how fab the bag is. The embellishments are all gorgeous - I love it. Can I just also say that I don't think you'll ever be normal, but then again why would you want to be?!!
    Hazel, good idea about the lolly, but where would you put it because you talk about it staying in lol.
    Cheryl, I'm so pleased that I didn't miss your birthday, well I did miss it but I didn't know you then!
    Sam, I'm tickled pink that you are going to our little soiree. It will be lovely to put faces to names. Well it will for me, don't know if you will all feel the same when I walk in!
    Patricia, I have £3 saved for our trip, and I'm sure some "odd" bits and pieces will fall into my pot over the next few months. (I regularly rescue 50ps and £1 coins that are lying down the side of the chair - shh).
    I have to go to Supermarket before they descend from school for tea, but I'll be back later.
    Love to all and thinking especially of Sheila and Nikki, Alison and Steph, hope you are ok.
    Muriel xxxx

  19. Oh, I'm sorry, I meant to say that I hope Sam and Lynda soon feel a whole lot better.

    1. Thank you Muriel for your kind wishes. Hug's Lynda xx

  20. Yay! I found a pound on the car park beside my car! It's gone in the Jaunt Jug!
    I drove off with such a silly grin on my face! Myra xxx

    1. Myra, it's mine, I've been looking everywhere for it. Please keep it safe till we meet, I'll only charge the basic interest.
      Saba xxx

    2. Aren't you in the land of the Euro? Xx

    3. I like it "Jaunt Jug" off to name my Pot.

    4. Just noticed Sandra has counted the days ..... over 200 if you put away £1 a day it's payed for!!!!

    5. Will try! Saba's claiming today's pound with Interest! Don't think I'll find a pound too often. Never found one before! Off to check the sofas! Xxx

    6. Why not cut back on some of the Coffees when out.
      Pop the price of it in your "jaunt jug"

  21. Hi Sandra,
    Coffee and Chelsea bun please,
    Thank you for letting us see Myra's bag which is absolutely fabulous ! I love all the little embellishments you have used and materials, beads and stickpins. Those little scissors are so cute.
    So sorry to see so many are not well at the moment but really hope it soon gets better for you all ! Take care and I'm thinking of you xx
    I haven't stopped thinking about our get together and I had to tell my OH where, when but couldn't tell with who ? lol So it will be great to put a face to the name for sure. Some of you have a picture of yourself but I'm worried if Mrs B coming as a ,what is it, a badger tihi !
    Hope you are having a lovely time together today Sandra with the other 'girls'
    Had a swim this morning and that was nice but now my shoulders protesting, after we went to Waitrose to read the papers and have a breakfast. The sun came out and it felt really nice and the blossoms are coming out on the trees.Will spring at last be here ?
    Going to prep. the vegs for tonight's dinner but I will be back and see what the other 'ladies' are up too, it will be quiet when Hazel and Patricia are off to Ireland. Hope you both have a fantastic mini-break together!
    Hugs Maria xx

  22. Hi Sandra and everyone,
    Myra, your gift bag is amazing, it's a gift in itself !!! I'm sure your Friend was absolutely blown over by it. It's gorgeous.
    I hope the ' three graces' have had a lovely day today, have been thinking about you, I'm sure it's great fun when you all meet up.
    Well Please can I have a cup of tea and biscuit, before I start to think about cooking (the prep has all been done, so may vanish into my craft room for a while
    Take care everyone Love Brenda xxx,

    1. Hi Brenda,
      Thank you so much for your lovely comment today, we did have a lovely time, we chatted and chatted and chatted, it was lovely. its good to see Pat recovering slowly, she gets brighter week on week.
      I hope you enjoyed your tea and biscuits, (which ones are your favourite?), did you manage to get anything made in your craft room?
      I hope so.
      Love and Hugs

  23. If anyone interested sunrise crafts are giving 10% off Sue Wilson dies for a short time

    1. Thank you Wendy, I don't need to encouraged you know! I am waiting for the Camellia closed petal die to come back in stock! Trying to be good. It's so hard! Xxx

    2. I don't need encouragement either and looking at your bag I am going away to buy the die for it, have found a few places that have it so now just to work out which is cheapest.Just bought a heap of tonic dies so should not be buying anymore but I have to cheer myself up cause I can't manage the retreat and it is also my birthday tomorrow, well I have managed to find 2 good excuses so now I can buy it.

    3. Thanks Wendy, but I am trying to be good, I have bought 4 new Sue dies in the last couple of weeks, it's always the same with me the bargains come up after I have bought, I did get my 2 border dies for £9.99 each which I thought was a good price. Hazel x

    4. HAPPY BIRTHDAY for tomorrow Wendy.
      I got my Bag Die from Hixiy Crafts £19,99 P&P free
      Have a wonderful day tomorrow.
      Patricia x

    5. Wendy, sorry ment to say have a lovely birthday tomorrow. Hazel x

    6. thanks for the birthday wishes xx

    7. Happy birthday for tomorrow, don't eat too much cake!!! Jess x

  24. Hello Ladies,
    Please pray for us, George's identical twin brother has been rushed into hospital with suspected stroke and internal bleeding. I must confess I am worried so much for George as he loves David so much.
    If I'm not on the blog tomorrow don't worry, I will be back.
    Wendy HAPPY BIRTHDAY tomorrow.
    Cheryl, thinking of you tomorrow.
    Love Maureen xx

    1. Oh Maureen love, I am so very sorry. You are foremost in my thoughts and you, George and David will most definitely be in my evening prayers. Take all the time you need to support George at this worrying time. We will all be thinking of you, you are a very special part of this blog family and we will be here when you need us? God bless you Saba xxx

    2. Hello Maureen. Just wanted to say that you, George and David are in my thoughts. Sending hugs to you all. Sue xxx

    3. Maureen, you take all the time you need. We are always here for you and George. Hope all goes well for David,
      Love and hug Maria xx

    4. Maureen, you and George look after each other and our thoughts are with all 3 of you, hugs to you all. Wendy xx

    5. Hi Maureen,
      I have just got in and been catching up! My heart goes out to you and George . Hope David will be all right. You are in my thoughts and prayers tonight. So wish we could help you more. Take care my dear!
      Lots of love, Myra xxxx
      God Bless and praying you all get a night's sleep. x

    6. Hi Maureen, just popped in to see what was going on, so sorry to read about George's brother, thinking of you all, take care, Jess x

  25. Oh Maureen that's not good news about George's brother, and more so being a twin? They have such a bond! Will pray for a positive out come. We will understand if your missing for few days or so, you just look after George he will need your support. (((((( hugs)))))) for you both. Hazel x

    1. Maureen, will definitely keep you all in our thoughts and prayers.
      That's not so good, you take your time we will always be here for you.
      Look after George and of course yourself.
      Patricia xxx

    2. Maureen of course you will all be in my thoughts and prayers but he is in the best place and they can do wonderful things these days with new drugs etc, If I can help you know where I am sweetheart, Take good care of George and yourself.
      With love
      Margaret xx

    3. Maureen I am so sorry to hear about George's brother. Think on the positive side we can do so many wonderful things these days. We'll be keeping them both in my thoughts and prayers are.
      SIL No 2 is an identical twin, the bond between them is amazing so I can appreciate what George will be going through. You can only be there for both of them. Your blog family will be here and when you feel ready to stop by. THATS WHAT FAMILYS ARE ALL ABOUT.
      Love and hugs, Brenda x

  26. Oh Maureen
    I'm so sorry to hear about George's brother. I think it might be worse being a twin as they have such a special bond. Ta care, your in my thoughts.

    1. Oh Maureen I'm so sorry to hear about George's brother, what a shock for you both. You are all in my thoughts and prayers my love.
      Sending you both a big hug. Love Diane xxx

  27. Hi Sandra
    Myra your bag is simply gorgeous. It's such a joy to see other crafters creations on Sandra's blog. We had a lovely day today and I hope to be able to do some crafting next week. Big hugs to all in need of one today. I hope that Steph and Norah are taking it easy. Cheryl you take it easy fixing up your new craft room. We look forward to pics.

  28. Glad you had a good day with your Buddies.
    Hope your managing to get about without too much pain.
    Patrica x

    1. Hi Janice, we get the northern lights here( Aberdeenshire) as well
      Wendy x

  29. Evening all....oh, sounded like Dixon of Dock Green there!!
    What a beautiful bag. I would be delighted to get the bag, even empty.
    Was looking for the Northern lights when I was out with the dog, but nothing tonight. I have seen them here a few times before though.
    I better get into my craftroom, need a couple of cards for good friends at the end of the month, but as both stay in America, need to post them early.

  30. Good evening Sandra and all the coffee shop crew,
    Sorry to be late today but we have had our Grandson here nursing his sprain again, he has been doing his homework online and creating something on Minecraft, I had no chance of getting on the laptop!
    Myra your bag is wonderful I love how you have used the different textures to great effect it is so beautiful. I too got my die from Hixxysoft, they give a really good service and they have just started stocking Tonic dies too all p & p free.
    So pleased the Three Graces were able to meet today and you all had a lovely time.
    Well I gave both our corgis a good grooming today, just in case Her Majesty Queen Saba needs them. Boy are the casting at present, their fur is so soft, so I always put it in an empty bird feeder so my feathered friends can have lovely linings to their nests. We have a lovely group of Goldfinches that come visiting too. I used to put fur under a bush for them but one year a hedgehog visited and went under the bush, it looked so funny when it came out all covered in corgi fur!
    Well I have swept up and wiped the tables over ready for tomorrow so it only remains to say Hazel and Patricia our prime minister and deputy p m have a wonderful time and a safe journey.
    Have a lovely evening everyone
    With love
    Margaret xx

    1. Thank you Margaret,
      We still have most of the day tomorrow to pop in for Coffee and see what you are all up to. I don't go over to Hazels till the evening. Approx 1hrs. journey if I go over the night before we just start off from her house, makes it easier.
      Could just picture that hedgehog with its "fur coat"
      Patricia xxx

  31. Not good news about George's brother.
    Just realised that Maureen is one of the ones that instigates all the nonsense and boy am I missing her banter.
    Thinking about them all
    Patricia xxx

    1. Hi Patricia, I'm missing her too, her news has just really upset me and I can't stop thinking about her. I love all the fun we have on here, especially in the evenings, but my heart isn't in it tonight.
      Love and hugs Saba xxx

    2. Hi Patricia and Saba,
      Me too! We do have fun here in the evenings and I got quite a shock when I came home.
      Night night , my friends. Love Myra xxxx

  32. Good evening, it's gone 9 o'clock and I haven't done a lot all day, the time has just disappeared??? Bag nearly packed, had to iron bits that I will need. Now I have to give Charlie the job of doing the on line booking in for our flights and hotel, got to make him feel useful. Working tomorrow so another early start and a bit of a late finish, but then that's it till Monday. Beth has her piano examine on Monday, I have no idea at what time, but mummy is taking her to that, so I might not be needed on Monday when I think of things.. It would be lovely to have the day off. Sandra I am glad the three of you had a lovely time together today, and Pat it's good to hear you are getting there, baby steps as you don't want to over do things. Well I enjoyed my cup of tea, I have washed up my cup and saucer, and cleaned out the counter ready for refilling it in the morning, I will see to that as I will be in early. Hazel x

  33. Hi Sandra and co. Glad that the three graces had a good chat. Meant to say yesterday don't worry about your blog numbers; as others have said sometimes there are just not enough hours in the day, or the internet is rubbish, or any number of other reasons. But it doesn't mean that people don't care or that they have been upset - I think that's one of the great things about your blog, we all seem to have a slightly oddball sense of humour!
    Myra your gift bag is beautiful, you won't need to put anything in it, it's a gift in itself.
    Wendy - happy birthday for tomorrow just in case I don't get in to the cafe.
    Patricia and Hazel - I hope that you have a wonderful time together in Ireland.
    Well, I'm away to my bed , it's been a very long day (3am start) and quite frankly I'm knackered. Hugs to all. Sue xxx

  34. Hi Sandra,
    just popped in to say Good night to you all. Glad you had a nice time with Sue and Pat and also glad you are getting better. So looking forward to meet you all soon.
    Going out for the day tomorrow, toward Frinton so I'm saying Happy Birthday for tomorrow Wendy ! Have a lovely day.
    Hazel and Patricia have a fab. time in Ireland, don't do anything I wouldn't do !
    Maureen bless her I really hope all goes well for her brother-in-law, such a worrying time.
    See you again tomorrow, hopefully not to late.
    Love and Hugs Maria xx

  35. Oh Dear ! I have just come home and tuned in to catch up the day's goings on and can't quite believe what has happened. I feel so very sorry for Maureen. My heart goes out to her. It's so hard to see the one you love suffer like this.
    I'm guessing you've all gone to bed. Take care everyone and sleep well.
    See you in the morning all being well.
    Lots of love, Myra xxxx
    God Bless. Sandra, pleased you had a good day and thanks again. x

  36. Myra, hello love, thought you must have been out. I can't begin to tell you how sad I feel for Maureen, it's a measure of the friendship we have found together on here because it has really upset me tonight to think of her in distress and not being able to do anything to comfort her.
    See you tomorrow love, sleep well, hugs Saba xxx

  37. I totally agree! Night night, dear! Love Myra xxx

  38. Coooooeeee anyone in tonight? I've just helped myself to a Horlicks (run out at home!) and I'm watching 30 years of neighbours. They all look so young!!! Was that really 30 years ago? Oh my goodness where has that time gone? At least the scenery doesn't wobble like cross roads. It's been another busy day, I'm making a birthday cake for my uncles 80th at the weekend. I've made the basic Madeira cake today so basic decoration tomorrow and titivation on Friday. Also got to make cup cakes for Emma to take to college on Friday, it's her turn for cake Friday in tutor so another busy day tomorrow .
    Night night everyone sleep tight, I've washed my mug up and tidied round, will pop the key in the usual place in case we have late night visitors. See you tomorrow everyone.
    Love Diane xxxx

  39. Sorry I have been missing this week. Not a good week. Sandra thank you for showing Myra's gift bag it is gorgeous. Loved you daughters Mothers Day presents. Glad you had a lovely day. Maureen I am sorry to hear about your brother in law. You are all in my prayers. To all who are unwell I hope you will soon feel a lot better. Patricia and Hazel. Hope you will have a lovely time in Belfast. Had physio today. No driving yet. No crafting either. Getting boring. Sandra I cannot really see that far ahead to the weekend away. As it is half term I will probably be looking after 2nd Granddaughter while her parents are working as by then she will have started school. The way things are at present I could end up looking after both Granddaughters. Hope to see you are AP. Sandra if you don't see me on here every day it's no fault of yours. It's just how I am feeling at the moment.
