
Wednesday 11 March 2015

My Attempt at an 'Izzy Bag'

 Good Morning Ladies,
Well this is my attempt at the infamous 'Izzy Bag', Sue and I had great fun playing yesterday afternoon.
Sue made hers just as a 'Prototype' so she wouldn't let me photograph hers, but I kind of knew that before I asked, I will get a Mrs B Guest Designer day one day!
We had a lovely couple of hours with Pat yesterday afternoon, it was so good to see her up and about
and eating too. 
Right back to the bag, I found some dark brown card that had a almost leather type pattern and feel
about it and cut and scored it to Saba's guidelines.  I them used some Cream card to make the top section, I embossed it with an Embossalicious Rose Embossing Folder, then used the Phoenix Die from the Gemini Collection from Creative Expressions, to cut the border on the flap of the bag,
I then cut the two side panels, and stuck them in, I think I noticed on one of the original bags that
you can score a line down the centre of these side panels and it allows some give in the side of the bag.  I cut the handles as per the instructions and decided to stick them on the front of the bag because for this bag it looked better.  I then cut the Itty Bitty Dotty Bow to make matching bows for the handles, I also cut another handle for the back to balance the design.
I the cut a whole Phoenix die to finish the front of the card and filled in the die cut areas with a matching peachy coloured card and finished it with a peach pearl.
So what do you think?
I Look forward to reading your comments as usual.
I am also looking forward to seeing all the photos of your bags as I am sure Saba is too.

Well I am away to make another bag, I have truly got the bug now, Thanks Saba, & Izzy of course.
Lots of love and Hugs to all of you,
Sandra xxxxx


  1. Morning Sandra my dear friend
    Also All my friends who come to the cafe I do hope your well.
    Sandra could I please have my usual please many thanks, well Sandra your comments were "TREMENDOUS" Yesterday 245 and you only commented a couple of times so it was other people coming in to The Cafe and joining in the fun.
    Sandra your Izzy Bag is "Truly Amazing" I Love "The Fantastic Colours" And The Rose Embossing Folder You've Chosen It's Truly Extremely Very Beautiful Now You Need To Do Two More So Each Of Your Daughters Have One!
    I'm thrilled you spent time with Pat yesterday and had a great day.
    Norah I hope your resting and eating/drinking the correct things to help your Blood level.
    Steph my lovely I'm thinking of you please do take great care.
    Pat don't forget to rest after your hectic day yesterday.
    Margarget I hope your well.
    Sheila and Nikki thinking of you.
    Theresa I hope your not in too much pain.
    Patricia/Hazel I hope your both well.
    Cheryl I hope your well.
    Saba hope your well and Val is doing well.
    Wendy I hope your well.
    Jess I hope you well.
    Jacquie I hope your well.
    Pharmacy Michele I hope your well.
    Barbara I hope your well.
    Mrs B. I hope your well.
    Diane I hope your well.
    Janet (Sheffield) I hope your well.
    Brenda I hope your well.
    Maria I hope your well.
    Sandra Thank You for sharing your wonderful Blog with everybody
    If I've missed anyone's name out Please forgive me.
    Take Great Care All
    Enjoy Your Day
    Love And Hugs
    From Sam xxx

    1. Wow! Sam I am amazed how you remember everyone.
      You are so sweet, makes my heart sing when I see your posts.
      Hope you are well and enjoying some sunshine. We have it at the moment but the forecast for later is not good.
      Have a great day
      Patricia x

    2. Good Morning Sam,
      You are my little ray of sunshine!
      I look forward to opening up and seeing your posts everyday!
      Thanks for the lovely comments about my bag, I really did enjoy making it. You should have a go too Sam, it's quite straightforward, I have seen an amazing box with draws that you made on Pinterest, so I know you will f'ind the bag quite easy.
      Thank you Sam for being a part of this lovely blog and making it such a special place to be.
      Love and hugs

    3. Hi Sam
      I'm feeling much more human today. Have actually eaten a slightly larger then minute meal at lunchtime as I have the nurse I see this afternoon to look at my wound and hange the dressings. How on earth do you remember all the names and what is happening to each person. I am totally in Orr. Is that a word, or even how it's spelt. Oh we'll never mind the brains on the blink again.

    4. Hi Sam
      I 'm ok, just the normal aches and pains plus just a bit more in the right shoulder after cranking the handle on a GC about hundred times last Saturday but worth it somehow because I got to meet Julia W properly for the first time and learning something new in cardmaking so it was a good day. You take care Hugs Maria xx

    5. Sam what a wonderful posting for today hope you too are well dear friend.
      With love
      Margaret xx

    6. Thanks Sam, hope you are well too. Very wet and windy up here in Scotland.

    7. Thank you Sam, I am fine and Val is doing so well. Hope all is well wth you too. Bless you
      Saba xxx

    8. Hello Sam , I am fine, survived the birthday yesterday. Back to Normal today,take care, Jess

  2. Morning Sandra, I'll get the urn filled and the toaster warmed up. Your Izzy bag is more than an attempt, it's gorgeous. Love how you've done the handles and filled in the Phoenix die with a contrasting colour. Well done on getting over 200 comments yesterday.
    Congratulations Alison on winning Patricia's prize draw, and thanks to Patricia for offering the prize.
    I probably won't be able to pop in to the café until the weekend as the rest of the week is filled with various school/university trips, tomorrow I have a 120 mile round trip before I start work at 8am, then the same again after work - fun!!! Sending special wishes to anyone in pain. Sue xxx

    1. Sue, I thought I did some miles in a day, but you will match what I did yesterday with your 120 mile round trip. Oh just reread you have that to do twice, that's even worse, you take care. Hazel x

    2. Oh Sue, you poor thing, that is some amount of miles and hours to put in in a day and that isn't even work. You must be shattered by the time you get home. I hope that some kind soul has a meal ready for your arrival so that you can have that and get back to bed ready for the next very early rise. Really and truly you should give up the milk round now as it puts a definite strain on your day and then for the night chauffering job as well on top of it all.... see you at the weekend if i have not been committed to the local insanity hospital which i fear i maybe headed to because of the nutty insane people i seem to hang around with in a certain cafe.
      Drive carefully flower
      Love Norah

    3. Hi Sue,
      Take care on the roads and safe travel! I'm exhausted just thinking about it!
      Love Myra xx

    4. Sue,please be careful on your 120 mile trip there are some mad drivers about.
      Hug's Lynda xx

    5. Oh Sue, you go careful my lovely, you will be exhausted after that lot, which university are you off to visit ? I hope it's not too far!
      Maybe you should have booked a day off as after driving that distance at that time of the day is going to be exhausting, but having to start work after doing it is really crazy!
      I will book you a bed at the local 'nut house' you can go between me and Norah!
      Please, please take it easy,
      Lots of love panda a huge hug
      Swansea xxxx

    6. Hi Sue,
      where are you off to driving around so much, any of your young ones going to uni? Drive carefully and we see you back at the weekend
      Take care Maria x

  3. Morning Ladies

    Been up & about since 6am, just couldn't sleep. Had my tea + toast, thanks.

    Wow-Sandra your bag is just gorgeous! I might just have to have another play this afternoon!! Popped back to look at yesterday's comments and I have decided you are all slightly bonkers-suits me just fine.

    Visited a crafty friend yesterday afternoon & took my "bags" along with some cards to show her and she ended up buying two of them.

    Hubby came home earlier than expected so we went to the local Toby Carvery for tea which was nice. He should hear about his job next Monday-his allotted time is 9.45am to be called in which means he has to travel down south on Sunday evening. He's then going on to Scotland and won't be home til Thursday night.

    My poorly friend has now started on the Vigil medication (end of life) so it's now only a matter of days for him. My boss went to see him yesterday and said he was awake & seemed comfortable but she came away so upset as he was in the same room at the Hospice that her husband had been in just 5 years ago.

    I think I'm going to attempt some gardening this morning before the predicted rain arrives.


    1. Michele, I am so sorry that your friend has now been put on Vigil meds, but he will be pain free and comfortable.
      Your poor husband having to wait till Monday to know if he has his job or not, why can't they just make up their minds then just tell folk. Is he coming up here to do with work? As if he is it will be so dishearting if he gets told on Monday he isn't getting kept on. We will be positive and keep fingers crossed that he gets good news. I think you might need a few of those hugs this next few days. Keep busy it will help, and oh yes good for you selling your bags, I loved making my one yesterday, the girls got me to get mini " simple " face products to put in it so they can give it to their mum on Sunday, I wonder when I will get the money from them??? Hazel x

    2. Janet Ecco of Sheffield11 March 2015 at 09:02

      Michele - Life is so hard and very unfair. I ask myself frequently why is it. I know that we are given the load we can carry and manage but sometimes I wonder. At least your friend is pain free and he knows how much he is loved. Stay strong as I know you will be. My prayers are for you all. Janet xx

    3. Thinking and praying for you and your friends.
      God Bless
      Patricia x

    4. Dear Michele, i am so very sorry to read about your dear friend that no words can describe what i know you must be going through at this moment and his poor fiancee. Sending special hugs to you all
      love Norah
      Ps i have everything i can cross crossed for your husband as i know just what that waiting is like and it puts a tremendous strain on a person, even the stronger ones of our kind. I am thinking of you all flower.

    5. Sorry to hear about your friend Michele. I am thinking about and praying for them and you.x

    6. So sorry about your friend, my thoughts are with you and his family.
      Jess x

    7. So sorry Michelle. It is very sad and I thought it was very brave and kind of your boss to visit considering what she had been through herself. Thinking of you all at this time and praying for strength to cope.
      So pleased you sold your bags! Not at all surprised they were lovely.
      Take care,
      Love Myra xx

    8. All you can do is stay strong, it is very sad, makes you wonder what life is all about sometimes. My thoughts are with you
      Wendy x

    9. Michele, I am so sad for you, you are having such a worrying time waiting to hear about your husbands job and the sorrow you must be feeling about your friend must be so hard to bear. You are in my thoughts and prayers. God bless you love.
      Saba xx

    10. So very sorry Michelle, for your friend so very sad my thoughts & love
      Are with you all. Stay strong.
      Pleased you sold two of your bags,they were gorgeous.
      Hug's Lynda xx

    11. Hi Michele,
      Sweetheart I am so sorry to hear about the deterioration in you dear friends health, it must be so heartbreaking to see, his poor wife must be distraught too, why do such terrible things happen to such lovely people? It just seems so unfair! My thoughts are with you my lovely .
      Sounds like your hubby gas a busy, stressful week ahead of him too,
      Just when you need him the most. But he had to get this work business sorted, is it work that will take him to Scotland too?
      What great news about your bags, it just goes to show how fab they were if your friend wanted to buy there and then, a great confidence boost for you, so keep yourself busy and keep your mind off of all the other worries. Be sure to photograph them though!
      Sending you the biggest comforting hug,
      Lots of love too, we are all here for you,
      Sandra xxxxx

    12. Michele my prayers are with you and your friends, i know exactely what is happening as i used to work for the Macmillan nurses on the district, it is a privilage and an honour to work for them, hugs Johanna

    13. Hi Michelle
      So sorry to hear about your friend, at least they are pain free now. I'll be keeping my fingers crossed that you husband has a favourable outcome with his job.

    14. Michelle I am so sorry to read you update today you and your friends are in my prayers.
      Margaret xxx

    15. Hi Michele,
      My thoughts are with your friend and his wife. I'm also thinking of you and for your husband that the outcome on Monday will be good.
      Well done for selling some bags,no wonder, they are beautiful!
      Hugs Maria

  4. Good morning, Sandra and the all those who pop into the coffee shop this morning? Sandra your bag is gorgeous, love your design and colours, again it's different, it's a " Izzy Bag" but your design. I too had fun making mine. It's a pity Mrs B won't show hers, come on Sue!!! Sandra congrats on getting more comments than Sue yesterday. Oh my side was sore with laughing so much last night, the thing is I couldn't read that quick as I had tears in my eyes from laughing, but what great medicine it is. Not only do you get calorie free cakes in here but free pick me up meds! I am not working this morning, but does this dog know that, I did tell him last night to make sure he went round to "dads side of the bed". My fault I get up at 5.15 when I am working. So I suppose he get confused. I bet if the power went off and I was working he won't have woke me then??? Right I have helped myself to my usual tea and I had two toasted crumpets this morning ( delicious) washed up my dished and put money in the pot. ((((((Hugs)))))) in the basket for those who are needing them today.
    Any word if Steph has been allowed home??? If you are at home Steph but still not feeling up to calling in I am thinking of you, take it easy.
    Theresa, I hope you aren't in to much discomfort.
    Right I am off to do some housework, got to show that I have done some. Hazel x

    1. Good Morning a Hazel,
      It's still bright and beautiful here at the moment but we are forecast some quite heavy rain later today!
      Thanks for your lovely words about my bag, I really enjoyed making it, specially either Sue, we did have a giggle! Like silly school girls!
      I am not sure quite what got into this lot on here yesterday, they all went loopy later on in the day, it was hilarious to read though! I love how a group of strangers gave become so close, it's such a warm & fuzzy feeling! I feel like I know you all so well, well enough to invite you to stay in my home, that offer still stands, so after you have completed your extensive travel plans maybe we could organise something for later on in the year, there is another Ally Pally Show in September! It would be fab to get as many of the girls together as possible.
      I have been texting Steph most days, she sounds fed up, I think she will be glad to get home!
      I am hoping Theresa will pop in today too as I have missed her too!
      Will hopefully catch up later,
      Sandra xxxx

    2. Sandra. September is out as we are just back a couple of days from Turkey then, but I / we are looking at flying down to East midland and staying in a travelodge or that for a long weekend, is that far for you to travel? Oxford is out we can't fly from here to there? Granted we could likely drive down, but I dont know how I would be after sitting driving that far these days. Now we normally do the NEC in November but are giving it a miss, but that doesn't say we won't still travel at that time. We love the fact you would have have us to stay, but we are more than happy to be in a travelodge or what ever. We thought if there was an eating place near where we could all have lunch it would be fun! I am going to get the old road map out and have a look see? Poor Steph she will using her craft tools to try and dig a tunnel to get out. Hazel x

  5. Good morning Sandra, OMW!!!!! your bag is truly AMAZING. Love, love, love it. You are so clever, great colours.
    Morning ladies of the Coffee Shop, hope you are all well.
    The winner of the SW Cornflower Die is ........... Alison ... (Barbarapinkfairy) Congratulations. If you e-mail your postal address to ... I will get it in the post to you.
    I did try to post this last night but all my comments just disappeared. There was a it of nonsense going on in the Coffee Shop I think someone put the lights out and shut the door!!!
    I will have a quick cuppa a Toasted Teacake with Jam. Will just help myself and take it over to the corner. I do hope these Rebles don't come in till I have finished. I might make such a mess with all the spluttering at their comments!!!
    Not much going on today, well that's at this point in time. john has to take his car for its annual service, I will get complete quietness for just over an hour. ,Same again when he goea back to pick it up. Wonder what car they will give him while they do the service?? Last time he bought the one they lent him..
    Ok folks I will leave you and love you till a little later
    Basket of (((((hugs))))) at the door, please help yourselves.

    Patricia xxx

    1. Hi Patricia,
      Thanks for your kind words about my bag, they are found fun to make,
      Very addictive too!
      Thanks once again for your lovely gesture yesterday, the buzz of excitement made the number of posts rise to the two hundreds! Unbelievable!
      It makes a change for you to have a quiet day, make the most if it!
      I hope John's car passes and you don't end up having to spend precious craft money on tyres etc!
      Hope to catch up with you later,
      Love and hugs
      Sandra xxxxx

  6. Hi Sandra. Wow, you finished your bag off beautifully, I see you went for the spotty bows in the end and the peach touches are lovely. I do wish I had your talent for picking the right colours, you are one clever lady. One question though about the text you sent last night at 6.30 this morning. Did your flaps give you any trouble? One of mine was hanging over the edge : )) Once I have had a chance to make my first "proper" bag I will send you a pic of it, ok.Thank you for a lovely day yesterday, and for the yummy leek and potato soup and those delicious Digger bars and Carrot and orange cake. Chris loved them too, especially the digger bars, which I thought he would as he loves flapjacks. I must get the recipe off you next week so we can have a go at them.
    Well ladies I think I can safely say that some of you are as mad as hatters! I have only got time at the moment to read a few of the later comments from yesterdays blog and gave up because I couldn't see to read any more because of the tears of laughter. Please don't ever change, talk about a great way to start the day : ))
    Jess, so sorry, I forgot to say Happy Birthday to you yesterday. I hope you had a lovely time : )
    Pat, it was lovely to see you, I hope the cushion has made your chair a bit comfier. You will soon be crutch free and back to being the only fit one of the Three Graces as your walking is coming on really well : ) I hope Pete doesn't have too much packaging to deal with today. Just zone him out by thinking of the fun you me and Sandra will have next week making Izzy bags : )
    Thank you for sharing remembering to tell the ladies about having CRAFT. I spend my life in this state and now I can simply say I have CRAFT......if I can remember!!! : ))
    Have a lovely day everyone. I will come back at some point to catch up on yesterdays and todays happenings, but only once I have sorted out the super strong underwear : )
    Take care. Mrs B / Sue xx

  7. Good morning dearest Sandra and the nut house crew because that is were you lot are going to land me with all the different names and things that are going on or not as the case maybe. Cheryl i too got certified a long time ago but boy i now have Dick Emery, Cliff Richards, Larry Grayson and his catch phrase going around in my poor head and it is definitely suffering from the dreaded CRAFT to which i had to go back and read what it stood for. I am turning into a wimpering simpleton with all the different changes both of name and knickers. Cheryl please can i come with you to see your special friend the nit nurse sorry nut nurse as i think she will definitely take pity on this poor shattered shell here.
    I definitely lost the plot yesterday with the conversations in the cafe here but i don't know if could even help me work out what is going on. If Campbell read what went on in this cafe he would think it was me with a whole lot of different aliases because he wouldn't believe that there were others out there more mental than myself.
    Wendy, they were all quiet and shy when Sandra started the cafe but they have come out of their shells and now showing their own true mixed up nutty selfs. Now having been the quiet, shy kind until i was half way through college and found you either join in or were left on the sidelines i blame that for me being nuts and the fact that i have an Irish first name which made me half daft to start off with and then getting married managed to get and Irish surname so that is my reason for being totally daft/nuts/eejit have what you will. Now i have kept my silly side of me quite well under wraps for it to escape only occasionally, but coming to the cafe and this lot, well they are just trying to get me and all the rest of us good, sweet, shy people into trouble and it's working.
    I will be back in a minute when i have tracked down my brain again
    Norah (Glenochil)

    1. Hi Norah
      Now I know where I get my nuttiness from, it's my Irish side as well. I always loved the word edit, and it's nice to see someone else use it. Pete always marvelled at the Irish broge. Why he always asked does your mum God bless her, say tree instead of three. I just laughed and said it was the accent. She would have loved RiverDance as she was an avid Irish dancer when she was younger. She always talked about throwing her legs around when she was younger. Don't you just love it in the madhouse.

  8. Janet Ecco of Sheffield11 March 2015 at 09:17

    Morning everyone - Sandra what a magnificent piece of art work. I love love love your colours and your little bows are just the finishing touch needed. You are definitely a 'First Class A' student. I'm looking forward to seeing many more from my lovely friends here in the cafe. Wouldn't it be fantastic to have a 'bag' exhibition!!
    I'm so glad that you found Pat in good health and getting around. Please just encourage her to take baby steps at first. (OK I know I'm teaching my Grandmother to suck eggs) and non of that is aimed at your age lol.
    Now you lot who are creating havoc in this wonderful cafe of ours on a daily basis will you please tone it down a little - afterall my laundry basket not to mention the washing machine just cannot take much more and to cap it all I have had to go and buy more knickers to keep me dry!!!!!! Apart from that I've tried reading back comments again and I'm still getting somewhat confused!!

    You really don't know how wonderful it is to walk in here and well before leaving are smiling and everything looks much better. So a BIG THANK YOU for that wonderful friendship and love.
    I made my first bag yesterday and will send a pic and so am going to have another go this morning. Hope everyone is feeling a little better today. Take care; stay safe and I hope to see you later - that is if I haven't been carted off by the men in white coats lol. Janet xxxx

    1. The men in the white coats changed their mind with me and left me behind!!! They thought my planet was better the the nut house!

    2. What are you like Cheryl ?? You take care, remember you have to take thing easy still. Hazel x

    3. You can join me anytime Janet. My planet is fine but I do get a bit lonely here on my own. I don't have room for your head people though. At the moment I have Eric Idle and "Always look on the bright side of Life." I especially like the line "life's a bowl of sh*t if you only look at it" I'm having that played at my funeral when I get to the Crem. That'll have them all creased up. Haha
      The day I was told of my breast cancer, Pink was on the radio during the drive home and her line was " I've had a sh*t day" which just about summed up how I felt, it made me laugh though.

      I know Hazel, I really needed that early night last night. Woke up about 4 to use the throne and couldn't get back to sleep. Crafting that time in the morning is so productive. I get so much more done.
      Cheryl x

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. Hi Cheryl. This planet is wonderful isn't.I'm with you regarding knickers, I have to try and get out before I need the loo. As by the time I managed to get out if bed, I need to walk crossed legged, which I'm not supposed to do. I'm also not sleeping either, but managed a bit better last night. I'm so glad I joined this nutty bunch aren't you.

  9. Morning Sandra & ladies,
    I have sent you email Sandra & photos.Well if this is your 'attempt' of an Izzy bag, then you can give yourself a big pat on the back. The colours are right up my street. I just love the 50 Shades of Autumn. fantastic my dear.
    Must fly Jamie and I are having the big push today with the painting, then all can be revealed re my new craft room. Happy crafty days will be here to stay.
    I will pop back later for a well -earned cuppa.
    Love to everyone
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Hi Cheryl,
      You just gave me an idea, 50 shades, I could do a grey bag and think of the interesting things I could put in it, .........................................................
      Tie Wraps.....
      Now you lot can take over!......
      (It could be like the "I packed my vag and in it I put"
      Don't be restricted by size.....!

      That was supposed to read
      " I packed my 'BAG' and in it I put"
      I am not sure if that was predictive text or a typo!
      Sorry xxxx

    3. I think that is what they call a freudian slip.
      But you need duct tape, apparently , or would double sided sticky tape do? I have that.

    4. oops, was too busy laughing to say...I LOVE this bag. Woud not look out of place at a posh wedding.

  10. Morning Sandra and ladies, what an amazing lot you are, I don't think I have laughed so much trying to read all the comments, I feel that we have all become good friends lately, discussing several body parts etc.
    A friend of mine was making a card for one of her friends and wanted to ink around the edges, she could not find a sponge or brush to do this, so guess what she used,.......a TENA LADY.......(a new one!!! ) lol, we were in stitches when she told us about this.
    Thank you for all my birthday wishes I had a great day.
    I think I will have my coffee now and go and sit down and behave myself, take care. I need to go back and read the rest of last nights shenanigans.
    Jess x

    1. So pleased it was a "new one"' Jess. Love Myra xx

    2. Jess, that has just made to laugh so much - your friend inking the edge of her card with one??? Was it one of those new reusable ones? Tammy my daughter has just seen a thing posted on facebook promoting reuse able ones along with reuse able wipes!!! Now I did not laugh at that, the thought made me shudder!!! Did that not all go out many years ago??? What next??? Oh by the way I don't think any of us want you to behave, as it will make us look so bad. Patricia and I were thinking we could find a travelodge somewhere say around East Midlands airport, stay there and others could come and meet up and have a long lunch ( it will take us hours as we will be chatting, laughing and running to the loo to much ) BUT now we think we would better find a holiday home miles from neighbours so we don't get the police coming telling us to cut the noise!!! Hazel x

    3. Jess, that also made me shudder. I would not like to reuse mine. I leak too much with all this hilarity, and where are you supposed to dry them? I'm NOT hanging them out on my washing line.
      Although there was nothing better than seeing a whole line of bright white nappies flapping gently in the breeze. I shuddered when I read that over 1 MILLION disposable nappies go to landfill every week or month, and that's in THIS country. Ugh! Imagine the Time Team of the future digging them up! Whoa!
      Cheryl x

    4. Oh Jess, that takes distressed edges to a whole new level. And Hazel I've heard of using old teabags but old pads, ughhh.
      Wouldn't it be wonderful if we could all meet up somewhere.
      Saba xxx

    5. Yes! It would be lovely if we could all meet up. Maybe somewhere with sound - proofing!
      Myra xx

    6. Jess, that also made me shudder. I would not like to reuse mine. I leak too much with all this hilarity, and where are you supposed to dry them? I'm NOT hanging them out on my washing line.
      Although there was nothing better than seeing a whole line of bright white nappies flapping gently in the breeze. I shuddered when I read that over 1 MILLION disposable nappies go to landfill every week or month, and that's in THIS country. Ugh! Imagine the Time Team of the future digging them up! Whoa!
      Cheryl x

    7. Just to interject here, i thought reuseable wipes were called face cloths back in the dark ages or in my mum's case a cauld wet cloot aroun the coupin'.
      Sorry to bring the tone up a tad with sensibility but you know what these old brains are like when they remember back, the might not remember what happened half an hour ago but give 30-40 years and it's good to go
      Norah x

    8. Hi Jees
      I lost the plot somewhere along the line. But what colour edge was your friend aiming for. I know Tena men are white, but aren't ladies as well. I've heard of re- using most things, but not Tena ladies. I also remember back 30-40years ago rather than. Now what was I saying.

    9. Oh Norah where are you from that saying took me right back

    10. Hi Jess,
      hope you ok after yesterdays going on's lol.
      I have been to Asda and Tesco this morning to get some Tena ladies but they told me they were sold out , Now I know where they got to!
      Hope your day been good , Hugs Maria x

    11. My granny had a rough black face cloth, you didn't dare let her see you with a mark on your face, she held your head with one hand while the other "dichted the dirt off"

    12. Norah. When Tammy my daughter was telling me about the thing on facebook about reuseable personal hygiene products and wipes etc as she put it, she said mum " you were so Eco when you had us as you used reuseable nappies and wipes I.e. Terry nappies and face clothes. When you think of it we were. The personal hygiene products we both decided that was taking it a tad to far, and Tammy being Tammy came away with ". Oh look!!! Mrs next door has been doing her Tena Lady wash??? Well I just shudder at the thought but laughed as I could just picture them all on the line in size order! But oh yes the old face cloth was used on ever ones face. Hazel xx

  11. Sandra sorry forgot to say your bag is gorgeous

  12. Good morning Sandra,
    Wow. Your bag is truly fabulous. I love the embossed flap, it gives it a real designer look and the chocolate coffee and cream well, there couldn't be better colours for displaying in in your coffee shop. The leather look card is lovely, perfect for a handbag. Did you notice Sue's card for her dad the other day, she had used one of her new embossing folders to give her background a leather look. She has brought out a whole new range including smaller folders, I don't think I am giving anything away as she doesn't seem to do EB launches. There are one or two I definitely would like.
    Congratulations Alison and thank you so much Patricia for being so kind. I was getting desperate last evening to tell you to press "Load More" so you could see your post announcing the winner was on the next page. I could feel your frustration!!!
    Steph, hope you will be home soon, we miss you.
    Theresa, thinking of you.
    Sheila you are in my thoughts and prayers.
    Michele, so sad for you and your friends.
    Well, I had a lovely chat with Val last evening, it wasn't a long call as she is having some problems speaking, very croaky but they think that will improve with time. She said she can't wait for me to see her scar! I shall be inspecting it for perfect edges lol.
    I have booked my flights now so it won't be too long. Her daughter and her husband are looking after her and then I will be there for when her daughter goes back to work in two weeks time.
    I am going to take our youngest daughter to see Phantom in London for her birthday and then we are going to call in at Ally Pally on the Sunday before we head back up to Cheshire where she lives. Is anyone else going on the Sunday?

    That's my news for today so I'll just sit back with a nice cup of coffee and a crumpet please and see who comes in. Thank you for tidying up after the chaos in here last night Sandra, hope you managed to mop up all those little accidents.
    Love and hugs
    Saba xxx

    1. Hi Saba, pleased you had a lovely chat with Val! Thought of her this morning and wondered if she had had a good nights sleep. I do hope so.
      I made an Izzy bag last night and I'm really pleased with it! It is the clutch version and I put one of the large bows on the front at a jaunty angle. Thanks for the clear instructions! You're a clever girl. Lol.
      Love Myra xx

    2. Hi Saba, glad you had a lovely chat with Val last night,but so pleased you will soon be seeing her,you must be counting down the day's.
      It's a shame you can't make AP on the Saturday it would have been lovely meeting you.
      Love Lynda with Droopy bits lol xxxx

    3. Hi Saba
      Was so pleased to hear Val had a good night at home. No matter where you are in the world, your own bed is always the best. May she now go from strength to strength in her recovery.
      'Keeping up with the Khardashians' is an American reality show about a family. They are only famous cos everyone wants to be them. They don't seem to agree with each other which is why they need therapy. They can't spell which is why every one of their names begins with a K not a C ie|: Khloe, Kim, Kourtney, Kyle etc and et al. I only watch it when my Daughter is here. They don't seem to work so they all sit or lie lie around like lounge lizards doing not a lot except they talk a lot too. They are so far up their own backsides which is why they have big bums. One of the girls takes selfies of her big big bum and posts them online. Cardassians are a race of lizard people in Star Trek, get the connection.?
      Cheryl xxx

    4. Forgot to add, the stepfather and Dad to the youngest 3 is now undergoing a transgender whatsit to become a woman (he still looks like a man to me, but what the heck). His missus doesn't like it cos it's taking the attention away from her. xxx

    5. Saba I have not met your sister yet but would like to wish her all the best

    6. Hi Saba
      I'm so glad that you were able to speak to Val. It makes such a difference being able to do that doesn't it. So glad that you are able to come over for a visit as well. That will definately put your mind at rest.Thanks for the extra instructions following Izzy's bag on Sue's blog. What a sensation it has caused. And what a very talented bunch we have in the cafe. I'm so glad I met both Sandra and Mrs B through Sues blog. They are both such wonderful caring people, even though they both have their own traumas to hurdle.

    7. Saba flower,
      I haven't seen Phantom at London but i did in Edinburgh at the Playhouse and it was fantastic. I took mum how just loved it even more than before. Her face lit up like a star she was that taken with it so i can thoroughly recommend it for a last experience.
      Norah x

    8. Saba delighted to here the wonderful news that Val is doing so well. It will be one wonderful flight over here this time I'll just bet you are counting the sleeps already! Such a heavy weight will have been lifted off your shoulders now having actually spoken to your darling sister. I do so hope she keeps up the wonderful progress although she will have some way to travel on the road to recovery yet.
      You have both been in my thoughts especially last evening and today.
      With love
      Margaret xx

    9. Hi Saba,
      wonderful that you spoken to your sister Val and that you will see each -other soon.pleased she is doing so well and getting stronger for each day. When were you in the Uk last ?
      It's a shame as Lynda saying that you going to AP on the Sunday as it would have been fab. to meet you, hopefully at another time...Hugs Maria xx

    10. Thank you ladies,
      Norah, I certainly hope it won't be a last experience!!!
      Love and hugs Saba xxx

  13. Hi Sandra and everyone,
    Tried to leave a message last night just before 10 PM it either went into cyberspace or who knows. It just wouldn't work
    Firstly I must click regulate you and Paul on 27 wonderful years being together. You really do seem to compliment one another, the relationship that truly works in love and friendship, you are both truly blessed.
    John and I have been together 52 years so you're catching us up, we've reached the stage now where one starts conversation and the other one will say I was just thinking that - spooky.
    Haven't had chance to go through all the messages today. Did read your message Sam, well that must've taken some time to put together. Well done
    Sandra love your bag, it's beautiful love the colours and the dies you've chosen. I think when everyone goes out with a beautiful new bags they are going to look so smart.
    Sorry girls it's a quick one this morning, we are taking a dear friend out to lunch he was 82 on Monday and this is the first chance we've had, because it's been such a busy week.
    Will stop by later, love to all, Brendan XXX

    1. I loved your 'click regulate' instead of congratulate.
      Cheryl x

    2. I loved your 'click regulate' instead of congratulate.
      Cheryl x

    3. Sandra and Paul, l I am so sorry, I would never relegate the pair of you! You two are in the Premier division.
      I congratulate you both on your wonderful 27 years together. LOL

      Cheryl, being in a hurry and predictive text do not bode well together!

      Myra and Patricia,

    4. Do you mind ? I haven't finished yet!
      Myra and Patricia, I think it's one of those days when my mum would have said "you shouldn't go out the house" But I'm still in the house and keep making big faux pas . I put it down to my age. I'm allowed
      LOL Brenda

  14. 0 M G I have just heard myself into a Fella !
    I will turn myself back into a female.
    As if By magic - wave of the magic wand !!!!!! love Brenda xxx

    1. Hi Brenda,
      I noticed that but I am trying to be restrained today so I didn't mention it , but I did smile! Xx

    2. Brenda I thought you had been overcome by the comment from Cheryl left above......LOL!!!
      Patricia x

    3. Oh Brenda / n I'm still giggling , not good for my tyres, they getting out of sync just like Cheryl who posting everything twice today lol and click regulate Sandra and Paul tihi Hugs Myria xx

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. Good morning Sandra and everyone,
    Sandra your bag is beautiful! I love the colours and the fact that you embossed the flap! I noticed the new EF Sue used on her Dad's card too and I said at the time that would make an excellent Izzy bag as it would look like leather. So pleased you had a good time with Sue and Pat yesterday.
    I had a go at making an Izzy bag too and mine is a clutch bag with the Lyra die and one of the big bows at the front. Saba's instructions made it really easy.
    I think she's quite clever really but don't tell her I said that or there'll be no living with her as my Mum used to say!
    Sandra - so many comments last night - my husband thought I was watching something silly on TV.
    Laughter is very good medicine!
    Thanks Sandra for this lovely cafe .
    Congratulations to Alison on winning the die . Have fun!
    Lots of love,
    Myra xxxx

    1. Aww thank you Myra,
      But it's you lovely ladies that make it a special place to be!
      Please email me your photo of your Bag as I think I am going to have a bag gallery as someone suggested, maybe we could get Izzy to come an judge it and have a prize for the best design? What do you think?
      Paul, like your hubby thinks we are all totally mad!
      But he has seen the change in me since this blog has taken off as is so amazed at the difference it has made to my life, he now comes home to a smile!
      So laughter clearly is the best medicine !
      Love and hugs
      Sandra xx

  17. Norah what are you saying about us, we are all as good as gold !!! I can just see your face when those special ladies came up???
    I am sure it's this Cotswold water that's the problem, maybe we should start taking our own water with us, then again I do t think it will make that much difference. Well my poor fish man thought something was wrong with me " are you ok " was his words I had to tell him a friend had just messaged and I had been laughing at it!!! Hazel x

  18. Hi Sandra and lovely ladies in this crazy café
    I am so glad I popped in and became part of this, the chat and laughter is a tonic and really cheers you up, so thank you all so much.
    Sandra your bag is absolutely fabulous, love the colours,
    and the handles are the finishing touches, well done. I am going to have another go but take it serious this time, I tend to cut things out then go away on a tangent to see what else might come out of it all, so cutting the handbag out, ends up with bits that hold pencils etc. not very organised afraid. Also want to try and make some of Patricia's boxes don't know what they will end up as.
    When I worked in the mental hospital we came to the conclusion that there is not such a thing as "normal" we are all nut cases in our own way (only some are worse than others) I think I have just met the lot that are worse than others lol.
    cheers everyone, have a nice "normal" day
    love wendy xx

    1. Good morning Wendy,
      I too am glad you decided to join the craziness that this blog has become!
      Thank you for your lovely comments about my bag too, I think that there are so many different ways you could use this idea for, making it more masculine for men, make it look like a lap top bag or Sue even suggested a tool bag idea too, I really do look forward to seeing everyone's ideas!
      I total it agree either you about the 'normal' thing, no two people are the same, in either looks or thoughts but that doesn't make either of the abnormal, just different. I used to gave the support of a CPN, she used to come out once a week to try and help me see things differently as I have major issues with 'being a burden on my family' and not being able to be a "proper" Mum or Wife because of my disabilities, she was a lovely lady but to be honest she never changed my views or how I felt, after 3 years that withdrew the service and I had not made significant progress! So I guess that makes me super abnormal ! They did come to the conclusion that my depression came from being in constant chronic pain and having very little sleep continuously, so clearly in that case talking to someone was never going to help at the end of the day! So Wendy I am 'officially' mental! Hahaha
      I have to say though that thus blog and you amazing ladies are a perfect therapy and I get that every day! So thank you, one and all!
      Love and hugs
      Sandra xxxxxx

    2. Hi Sandra
      No-one can get into your head apart from you and nobody can make you love yourself apart from you but here is a little lecture from me...What is a proper mum..someone who cycles or runs or goes to skating etc with their kids. NO a proper mum is someone who loves their kids unconditionally. What is a proper wife someone who plays golf or goes to football with her husband..NO its someone who again gives unconditional love ,support and trust to their husband. You run a café for a lot of crazy people who obviously think the world of you because nobody forces them to come in here, which is all down to you giving us love, support and trust and it takes everyone mind off of their problems So I would say that your doing ok so far.
      If your in chronic pain this might help, being in pain your muscles are always tight so try to relax them a bit. Think of a special word ( I just say relax to myself) say that word to yourself and take a deep breath in lift your shoulders up to your neck an let them down slowly and breath out slowly all the muscles in your body should relax even if it only happens for a few seconds. After saying your word a dozen times a day your body will automatically relax and it should last a bit longer as the weeks go by.
      sorry about the rant but you are a very special person because a lot of people would not spend time like you do with strangers, giving hugs and love to everyone that needs it. So keep reading this and it might just sink in to your head a little bit that you are special. Also a little fact 1 in 3 people need the help of some mental health specialist in their lives mainly due to depression lack of self esteem bereavement etc. so you are not abnormal lol.
      lots of hugs and love
      Wendy xxxxx.

    3. Sandra, I am so pleased you feel the crazy crowd in your Coffee Shop are a help to you.
      However you are a GREAT help to all of us us. For me I am so grateful for the fun and laughter your generosity has bought. I am sure there are so many more think the very same.
      If Hazel had not mentioned your Blog, I would have missed out on so much..
      I would now miss my daily visits.
      Big Hugs just for you
      Patricia xxx

    4. Wendy, your words are just perfect, like you I think a mum does not have to take their children to lots of costly clubs and things, being their and listening to them and giveing unconditional love is priceless, being at home and supporting your husband and having trust in each other is also priceless. No money does not bring happiness ( it might help) but love and understanding, faith and trust no money can buy these.
      Sandra you are doing all these things and now more, this blog is testament to this. I know the friendship, fun and laughter I get coming in here is priceless. Hazel xxx

    5. In full agreement with Wendy too.
      Just remember as well, we are not crazy, we are unique. Would rather be that than a carbon copy of some of the folk I see.
      My husband and I (o, sounded a bit royal there) have never fitted a "normal" mold, but now find we have a fantastic circle of friends, dotted around the world, who are all a bit crazy compared to the average person, but all are caring, compassionate and great fun.
      Never bend to anyone else's version of proper.

    6. Wendy,
      I see myself as a quiet ,shy person who prefer to sit on the outside looking in .Never really fitted in anywhere but since starting to follow this blog some things have changed and that is I feel like I have loads of friends suddenly and we all care for eachother. I know my husband don't understand when I say I'm going to the cafe' but for me it is a heaven when I don't think about housework ,only a little bit, and stuff that's going on. We are silly some more then others, yes you are lol
      but I love that. I might say things I normally wouldn't, find it easier to write it down , so if I coming with my Acer to AP you will have to forgive me if answers to any question is delayed as I'm not writing very fast lol I will now try the relaxation method to see if it can help my sore shoulders, thank you Wendy Hugs Maria xx

    7. Wendy, your words sum up beautifully what I think we all feel. Sandra's generosity on this blog shows us just what a wonderful person she is. Through her we have made good true friends who genuinely care about each other and I for one get so much joy from being part of this unique family. We all laugh with each other, but equally we all share our sorrows and get love and comfort from each other. It's a special place Sandra has created, she is a wonderful person and an amazing wife and mother and she should never forget that.
      Saba xxx

    8. Hi Wendy like Maria I am a very shy person,I always stay in the background I especially lack self confidents. Like on Saturday we have a party to go too I don't know anyone & I already feel sick at the thought of going. Wendy I will defently try your breathing exercise as my muscle are always so tense, So I have to thank Sandra for opening this wonderful cafe as I'm just learning to join in all the nutty goings on & eaven the smutty bits lol so thank you all ladies I haven't laughed so much especially last night I defently needed Tenna Ladies then. Love & hug's too you all.Lynda xxx

  19. Good morning Sandra & all the loopy ladies,Sandra WOW OR WOS( wonder of Sandra) you bag is gorgeous love the colours you have used & the die's,
    Your a Bloody clever lady.
    I tried to leave a comment under Patricias post last night tried 3times but didn't go on. Oh well it was a bit smutty so probably good it didn't go on.
    So pleased you had a good day yesterday & seeing Pat & Sue the three graces are reunited. Well I'm going to try a Izzy bag hopefully today
    Pop back later love Droopy bits ( Lynda ) xxxx
    Sorry congratulations Alison on winning the die xxx

    1. Hi Lynda, I also tried to add a comment after Patrica's, and I added a few comments about OS Tena pads and knickers - best left unsaid at this time of day!!! I think the lady who cleans at night had to lock the door, because there were so many puddles and all the pads had been used !!!!!!!!! maybe that's the same reason our comment wouldn't post . Hope you are having a good day. Brenda

    2. I have never had to use my tenna ladies yet, friends gave me some as a 60th Along with a she-pee, well that's what the said it was, actually a plastic bottle with a funnel duct taped on (oh, that's what the tape is for!!) It was to save me getting caught short.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. Sandra your bag is sensational ,you really do have the knack for design and the flair for matching colour, i have been watching through the window there are a few of us out here, i am sorry i havn't commented on anything lately i suffer from severe depression and when it gets a hold i just cannot shake it off, but the cards and bags have been so lovely, eveyrone has done so well, i havn;t made an cards for days i have just lost my mojo and he is hiding somewhere very hard to find,
    i won't stay for lunch today i just wanted to wish Steph, Sheila, Nikki and Pat all the best and hope things improve for them every day, love to all Johanna

    1. Johanna, lovely to see to have come in, we are here to welcome new folk, it's a happy place, lots of laughter and fun going on. So please feel you can come in at any time even if it's just to sit in the corner or by the window and watch. Love,y to see you Hazel x

    2. Hi Craftynanna
      I left a comment on Sandra's blog for you to read just after your original one. I thought I was having a funny as I forgot that I had actually put two posts on.

    3. Joanna, glad you have popped in rather than looking through the window.
      This is a great Coffee Shop, lots people to chat to, fun and laughter top of the list. Help, Hugs and advice when needed.
      Lovely to see you sitting with some of the ladies. They will be good friends before you know it.
      Patricia x

    4. Hello Johanna, it's lovely to see you on Sandra's lovely blog. Pull up a chair and help yourself to tea or coffee and some calorie free cake. We do go a little mad at times, and Sandra never cracks the whip to get us back in line.
      Some of the very kind ladies leave baskets of hugs, and we just help ourselves, and I'm going to put a big box of tenna ladies to help themselves, because goodness - we sometimes have little accidents - or in my case big accidents!!! (Does anyone know the correct spelling of tenna??
      Love Muriel (I was christened Maureen, but someone has re-named me on the blog, Now who was it, Brenda Lello, Mrs B, no I will have to go back to find out. I've got to admit I prefer Muriel!!!

    5. Hi Joanna,
      It's me again, it was Diane who re-named me. Some people have no respect lol !!!!

    6. Hi Johanna
      I only plucked up courage a week or so ago, and now I don't miss a day. But a warning should be issued Everyone in here is a bit crazy (apart from me , of course) xx

    7. Hi Joanna,
      Lovely to see you! Welcome to the house of fun! Yes Maureen I know that's an old song too!
      Can I just tell you Joanna that Maria and I are two different people! Before anyone gets you in a muddle over this.
      Love and welcome ,
      Myra xxx

    8. Hi Johanna,
      so happy to see you inside from the cold outside. You got to try the calorie free cakes on offer they are amazing and Paul,Sandra's OH are using very special beans, not baked no, for the coffee so it's taste extra nice. Do come back , Hugs Myria , Myra/ Maria you get it. lol xx

    9. Just looked at my box Maureen, and it's Tena

    10. Hello Johanna, lovely of you to drop in and I hope you will feel up to joining us again. It's a unique blog, not only do we get to see some beautiful cards created by Sandra, but sometimes she shows our work too. We drink virtual coffee and eat as much calorie free cake as we want, but it's also a place of love and laughter and we would love to share some of it with you.
      Saba xxx

  21. Hi Sandra
    Before I start can I please say a big hullo to crafty anna, who is outside looking in. Depression is dibilitating. People say oh just snap out of it, but we can't can we. Just to say that at least you can have a grumble when you feel like it, as per us all, have a laugh, even if it comes out as garbage, we don't really care. Or just sit quietly listening if that's all you want. We are such a friendly bunch just take a few steps in. You don't even have to say hullo if you don't want to. Mind you we are a daft bunch, and some have more downs than ups. We don't prejudge. Just take the plunge when your able, have a coffee or whatever takes your fancy. The cakes are delicious.
    Sandra your bag is simply stunning. A new arm to your cards and jewellery. There must be a niche somewhere for this sort of thing. Doesn't Your area have a for sale site on it? I know we have. Just think of all the ladies at schools as well, wanting one for their children. Wow the mind boggles. As you can see my brain is, well I was going to say normalish, but then mines never been normal anyway. Haven't read anymore comments at the moment. But my thoughts are with you all, especially those in pain or suffering a loss.

    1. Hello Pat, hope your feeling a lot better today. The croaky throat is probably from the tubes during the operation.
      Your so right about people suffering, people who have never experienced depression just don't get it.
      Patricia x

    2. Hi Pat,
      You are so right ! Well said.
      So pleased you are a bit better today.
      Love Myra xx

  22. Sandra your bag is sensational ,you really do have the knack for design and the flair for matching colour, i have been watching through the window there are a few of us out here, i am sorry i havn't commented on anything lately i suffer from severe depression and when it gets a hold i just cannot shake it off, but the cards and bags have been so lovely, eveyrone has done so well, i havn;t made an cards for days i have just lost my mojo and he is hiding somewhere very hard to find,
    i won't stay for lunch today i just wanted to wish Steph, Sheila, Nikki and Pat all the best and hope things improve for them every day, love to all Johanna

    1. Johanna flower we are here any time you need us. There is a lot of us in here that have been or are in that same place and it is not a nice feeling at all. Even if you just come in for a look and to listen to all the lunatics just being able to be themselves somewhere without any one judging them that is fine but we do know exactly how you feel. Come and sit in my corner where i watch the world go bye with my simplistic view of the world. These ANGELS in here have brought me back to being near enough whole again. yes there are some things that will never go away but at least you get to feel like you are wanted by someone and you are missed when you are not here, so believe me you just come in when you are ready, a wee bit more each time as this mad lot are the very best tonic ever
      Norah x

  23. Afternoon ladies, sorry to be late been to fat club! As mad as this cafe let me say and then out to lunch with my fat club friend!

    Wow I am a winner!! Thank you what a great day!

    Michelle thoughts are with your friend my uncle is in the same position but at least he has had a lot more years than your friend. Life is cruel.

    Saba, glad that Val is doing well!

    Well whilst. Tena Ladies are the topic of conversation! Let me tell you there is a massive sign on the roundabout at the entrance to a retail park near here advertising .......The Incontinence Shop!!! I had to photograph it and send it to my brother! Every time I see it I just laugh but now I will think of you crazy lot too!

    Sandra, your attempt is fab still can't wait to have a go but just finishing off all my projects then I can get going!

    Have fun and will pop back later! Xxx

    1. Congratulations Alison, remember to send me your postal address.
      I will get you Die in the post right away
      Patricia x

  24. Hi Sandra
    My comment should have read Craftynanna, but the ipad changed it. And can someone please tell me how when I added my comment after Craftynanna, it came out before. It must be witchcraft, as I can't know what someone is going to write before they do so there selves can I?.

    1. Hi Pat something weird did happen cos i only posted once and it posted again by its self later on, i thought i had definately gone truly loopy and thank you all for your kind comments, at the moment i am at my daughters in the lakes for a rest and try to sort myself out, hugs Johanna

  25. Hello Sandra,
    Your bag is so lovely, and the colours are just gorgeous. What a pity we can't actually use them to go to town, but they'll be ab fab for that extra special present.
    I sometimes stamp onto leather (George's left over pieces from his upholstery days) and they give a really good effect but the leather would be too soft to use for one of these bags, as it would be too supple. I haven't tried die cutting it though, I think it would make fab flowers.
    Zoe's class mass was beautiful this morning, and all in all it's been a lovely day, then bang, I logged onto here and I went all woozy and light headed. My friends are all here and we can have a knees up (well, we could if I could get my knees up).
    You know, in real life I am the most miserable, po-faced, bad tempered oldish person you could ever meet, but here in the virtual world you are all so nice that you have changed me, talking about changing I do not fancy a wash and go arrangement.
    I didn't make it to Aldi as I took a "funny" turn after leaving the school (no change there, then), so went to the "Butterfly Cabinet" a really nice coffee shop opposite the church (but not as nice as here) so I could have a drink of water and pull myself together. George tried to help but I've told him before not to pull my scarf so tight that my eyes bulge!!!
    Now for the serious bit:
    Saba, I am so pleased that your sister Val is home and that you will soon be coming over to see her. That will be a boost for both of you.
    Pat, it's great that you are continuing to improve.
    Steph, hope things are going well at the hospital.
    Michele,, love, hugs and prayers to you and your friends. There's not much more I can say really, but am thinking of you and them.
    Cheryl, hugs to you, take it easy.
    Patricia and Hazel, I'll be visiting your blogs next - is that a threat I ask myself?
    To the YOUNGster and the OLDER eagle, behave yourselves.
    Sam, look after yourself.
    Mrs B, are we destined to forever wander round the coffee shop, trying to find each other so that we can sit and put the world to rights over a nice cuppa and a toasted teacake!?
    Margaret, I hope Tomas's eye is a lot better.
    Sam, you take care.
    Sandra, as usual I have to thank you for this blog, and the lovely, lovely people on it. I hope you feel brighter today, and in a little less pain.
    And to all the lovely people on here, I'm going for a coffee and will be back later to hopefully cause mayhem.
    Love, hugs and lots of thank you's xxxxxxxxxx

    1. I don't believe you!!! I think you are a person that is loads of fun, outgoing, smiley faced, and very young at heart. Well that the impression it get when I read your comments there!!
      Glad the Mass was good and you enjoyed it. So sorry you had to have a "funny turn" after it. Now you really had me laughing out loud at George and the scarf ...... men!!! I have one the same. John tries to help and makes things worse. It's the silly dishes your offered when you are "sick" ...... things like scrambled eggs......!!!
      Hope your fine now
      Patricia x

    2. Thanks Patricia,
      I'm fine now, I just get overcome at times, methinks it's the crinoline I've taken to wearing.
      BUT Did I tell you about the time George took me in a wheelchair to the Metro Centre in Gateshead. (I was in one temporarily, not permanent thank the Lord). It was before Christmas a few years ago and I had no present shopping in. "No problem" said George, "I'll take you to the Metro Centre and we'll get a wheelchair". "Are you sure" said I. Well we went, he got me a wheelchair and proceeded to push me DOWN THE STAIRS. My God, talk about a heart attack. A security man did the 4 minute mile and rescued me.
      I then said that I'd like to go into WH Smith, we went in on the ground floor but what I needed was on the first floor, so we went up in the lift, which was about 3ft square. After we went in, instead of just backing out with me, he did a 500 point turn, banging my legs (in splints) at every turn. When we came out he said "there, that was fine wasn't it". I'll not even tell you about the Body Shop, suffice to say that I've never let me push me since.
      And, did I tell you about the time when I had walking sticks, well............ (To be continued)
      Muriel xxx

    3. Hi Maureen/Muriel,
      It's the youngster here!
      Serious first - I'm really pleased the mass went well this morning but sorry you weren't so well afterwards. Pleased you are ok,again now!
      I have been in hysterics re- the wheelchair escapade - the trouble is I could sort of see it all happen!
      I once took my Dad to hospital to visit Mum and although his walking wasn't bad we had to walk what seemed like miles to Mum's ward. Eventually I persuaded him to get in a wheelchair and off we went . People coming towards me were smiling etc and it wasn't until we reached the ward I understood why! Dad was sitting in this chair - arms folded and legs crossed as if he were in an armchair! You should have heard my Mum!
      I've decided being a youngster I'll just stick with the Pampers!
      Lots of love Myra xx

    4. OMW!! Maureen ....... that was so funny, tears running down my face here. Ok! certainly was NOT funny for you at the time
      Ooopps!! must run all this laughing is good for you BUT!!
      Patricia xx

    5. Maureen there is no way you are as how you described yourself earlier, the tears of laughter are rolloing down my face again, ok I feel your pain from the wheelchair outing but sorry it is funny. Can't wait for the next part - you did say ( to be continued). Hazel x

    6. Maureen love, hope you are feeling alright now, you didn't feel well a couple of days ago, maybe you should have a word with your GP.
      As for being Miserable, po-faced bad tempered and oldish! You can forget that lady. Nobody who manages to make other people laugh and feel happy like you can be any of those things. It comes from inside you and shows what a lovely warm beautiful sweet natured person you are.
      Oh, did I forget something.... Oh yes Oldish, well maybe I'll allow you that one.
      Love Saba xxx

  26. CONGRATULATIONS TO ALISON on winning Patricia's DIe. Thought I'd better write that down before I forgot again for the third time.

    1. ALISON, I congratulated you last night but you may not have seen it.
      Muriel xxx

    2. If she's like me she'll have missed it!!!
      I am a right "numpty" Hazel did say to press "load more" but I could not see that anywhere.........did this morning when I looked again.
      Patricia x

    3. Alison, sorry re-read my comment, did not mean your a "numpty"
      Patricia xxx

    4. Congratulations Alison, I'm sure you'll have loads of cornflowers in no time.
      Cheryl x

  27. Good afternoon Sandra and all the Coffee Shop crew
    sorry late again do I get 100 lines? We had to take our corgi back to the vets this morning as he could not open his eye bless him but the good news is the ulcer is no larger but he had to have some treatment from the eye specialist vet and she has also given him so pain relief medicine so at least we know he is comfy. He has to keep out of the very cold winds we have at present.
    While we were out his sister decided to move a heavy stool in the kitchen and open a cupboard door and take out back to her bed a pack of oatmeal and ate the lot!! Boy is she quiet at the moment and looking so overfed just now.
    We have our grandson coming to stay the night as my daughter is going into hospital for an endoscopy she is terrified so they are sedating her, so we thought it would be better if he stayed the night with us and if she is allowed home she can have a good nights sleep, as he is often awake during the night.
    Sandra your bag is quite simply wonderful you have put so much thought into the textures and presentation too very well done.
    Thank you for giving us all a wonderful blog to visit, so very special, just like you.
    Congratulations to the lucky winner Alison and many thanks Patricia fro being so kind.
    I will try and call back later internet permitting now be good ladies please if you can!!!
    My basket of hugs and cuddles are over in Norah's corner help yourselves.
    With love
    Margaret xx

    1. Pleased Tomas not in pain and hope is well soon! As for his sister - well - she may live to regret her overindulgence! Have a lovely time with your grandson.
      I'm being good today, Margaret.
      Love Myra xx

    2. Glad Tomas is not suffering to much with his eye. Oh! My! I feel a bad night of tummy rumbles for his sister though.
      Hope your daughter gets on OK. John has had a few of them, they have always given him a very light sedative. She will really enjoy a good nights sleep.
      We are having our 2 Grandsons tomorrow night. Mum a Midwife is on a 12 hour Day Shift. Dad a Firefighter Night Shift, like ships passing those two. Easier for the boys to be here and me to get them to school.
      It's only 8 miles along the road so not far. Our 2 are here a lot, they don't bat an eye. They go to bed, sleep well, get up, get dressed, eat a hearty breakfast and off to school, no bother, thank goodness.
      Patricia x

    3. Hello Margaret,
      I'm pleased Tomas has some pain relief, his sister may need some after all that oatmeal!
      I also hope your daughter's endoscopy goes well and that your grandson enjoys his stay with you. If he's anything like Eleanor and Zoe it's like home from home.
      Muriel xx

    4. Hello Margaret,
      I'm late too, had such a busy day.
      Glad Tomas has got some pain relief, I expect his sister was just having a comfort biscuit and got carried away and ate the lot.
      Tell your daughter not to worry, it sounds really scary, but it's not and with the sedation she won't know a thing. I had one a few years ago and was also terrified but I am such a nosy person I wouldn't let them sedate me and asked them to swivel the screen around so I could watch. It was fascinating, the Dr kept telling me what we were looking at and I was so engrossed I forgot to be scared. A bit of a sore throat afterwards but otherwise no problem.
      Hugs Saba xxx

  28. Hi Sandra and Ladies

    Sandra your bag is amazing, no offence to anyone else but it is the nicest one I have seen.
    Had to catch up with all of yesterdays comments so it took a while. You are all as mad as a box of frogs, nothing is sacred on this blog. I may not need Tena Lady yet but I am pre-menopausal and really suffering with heavy periods. You have covered most subjects on this blog so lets hear from anyone who can tell me what other lovely symptoms I will have to suffer. So far I have dry eye, flushes, rash on my neck that occasionally flares up and mood swings. I was hoping at 52 I would be over and done but no luck. I really don't want to go on to more tablets as I already take quite a few with my RA. Any advice would be welcome.
    Alison congratulations on winning the die!
    Maureen loved your tales of the Metro Centre!

  29. Hi Sandra and all lovely ladies, large black please, nothing to eat as it's nearly dinner time. I just sit in the back here.
    wow if this is a first attempt at making a' Izzy' bag I wonder what's coming next because this one is Beautiful ! You have used wonderful colours together and the little bitty bows are fantastic, so sweet
    I have decided to comment as I go, hope that's ok I can never get in on time to catch up with everybody been up to otherwise, I'm not just a slow writer I also a slow reader, especially to make sense of everything thats going
    Glad I'm not alone to become a different person on-line, nothing bad I promise, but to have Maureen as a accomplish feels good lol
    Congrats to Alison for winning the cornflower die. thank you Patricia for doing that. I tried to post on your blog last night but also had problems, maybe lucky tonight. Sandra what is a Vag and why is Norha liking your back so much ?
    Hazel is your fisherman coming around after your OH gone out ?
    I'm telling you Wendy ,Norah is right the white coats will waiting for us all lol
    Sorry about little Tomas but what a little naughty sister he's got lol. Whats her name Margaret, have a lovely time with your grandson and good luck to your daughter Sandra hope your day been nice and relaxing after you graces meeting up again Might pop in later Love and Hugs Maria xx

    1. Maria, one man In my life is more than enough thank you! I sometimes think it was easier looking after our three when they were little than a husband who is at home all the time now he is retired, he does forget that for years I had to run the house on my own when he was working away all over the world. I am glad some days to go to work, but I do love him and I am lucky that he cares. Hazel x

    2. Maria, I have done the same, I am so late coming back I thought it would be easier to comment as I went along and not try to remember everything that has been going on. I'm different on line too, I'm tall, blond and beautiful, so you can all guess what I'm really like in real life.
      Saba xxx

    3. Hi Saba well I'm tall very slim & gorgeous & quite young so you can gues what I'm like too.
      Big hugs for Val hope she is loveing being home & counting the days when she can see you.
      Love & Hug's xx

  30. Maureen, firstly thank you for your lovely comment on my blog about my. Bag and card, but I could have been doing with a " Splutter Warning" too, when you thought I was fit and did vaulting, it takes me all my time some nights to put one leg in front of the other to get up the stairs to go to bed, thank goodness for hand rails??? At work young Beth has a vaulting barrel the size of a big horse and she keeps telling me I should start practising on it to get fit??? I woukd need a step ladder for a start where as she bounces on from the cushions that are all round to protect her if she falls off, oh to be young and have no fear??? Hazel x

  31. Hi all, HAZEL, my darling granddaughters used to like to go to Adventureland, which is a soft play near us. Well, of course, I had to do everything with them, while George guarded the coffee cups and read the newspaper! I would be squeezing through the rollers with my DD cups, going down the huge bumpy slide at 40 mph, swinging from the ropes, and climbing up and down the wall, then staggering back to our table where George would say "having a good time?!!!!!" Do you wonder that I go quietly insane.
    Dear BARBARA, I can reassure you that things will definitely get worse. I went onto HRT for 10 years at 50 and it was fantastic. I was a new woman, the mood swings, hot flushes, memory loss and general dithering went, and he who must be obeyed was so pleased. At 60 I came off it (of my own accord) and it was the worst thing I did. An old woman, with hot flushes, no memory and the droopy bits, oh my word the droopy bits, appeared. Oh, and the osteoarthritis and osteoporosis kicked in. Happy days. Still, you have to laugh otherwise you'd cry - that's why I think it's good for us to kick up our heels and to hell with acting our age. Am I wrong?
    I'm wondering if George has a life insurance out on me, and hasn't told me. I do have a tendency to throw myself at the feet of any presentable man who may be passing, and after attempting to ensnare a couple of male students who live in the "University Halls of Residence" at the top of our street, not far from the Cemetery !!, I damaged my hip and ankle so had to use walking sticks for a while. Whilst shuffling on my bottom up the stairs, with the sticks in one hand, George kindly rushed up, brushed past me, got hold of the sticks and bent to help me up. When I was standing he then hooked one stick around my ankle and proceeded to unbalance me so that I fell down the stairs!!! Honest, you couldn't make it up.
    Now, have I told you about the time he tried to kill me on the escalator - oh that's a doozie, I'll leave that for another day....................
    Ladies, have any of your husbands done any nice things for you lately lol
    See you later.
    Muriel xx

    1. Oh Maureen, I've done the soft play as well, it was the sliding down the enormous slide with bumps in it to then land in a pool of soft balls that did me in. It's when you hit the balls with your legs all akimbo, and, I had a skirt on, one of those flared floaty ones which by the time I was well and truly buried in the said balls was up around my pointy bits and I had one of the aforementioned balls where no ball should be.
      My other half has never actually tried to kill me, he has made me climb up,the mast on the boat to repair the top light a couple of times and I did notice a gleam in his eye at the time but just thought he was admiring the view.
      Now as for the menopause, has anyone mentioned KY jelly yet?
      Love and hugs
      Saba xxx

    2. Maureen, I am actually sitting laughing out loud at the scene you have just described it is one of the most hilarious things I have heard, thanks for a good laugh

    3. Saba,
      No wonder he had a gleam in his eye and was admiring the view if you climb the mast in a skirt.
      Now as for KY jelly, Why would I need that. I prefer the Calorie free Strawberry crystals.
      Muriel xx

    4. Wendy, honestly, you wouldn't believe it if I told you everything, but Rachel would back everything I've said. Now these things have only happened in the last 5 or 6 years, so think, we've got another 42 to go!!!! And the escalator incident - well it happened in front of a packed station, on the longest escalator in the underground - but that's for another day. And another hospital visit!!!! Is it any wonder I go hysterical sometimes.
      Surely someone out there has a husband like mine who does all the wrong things for the right reasons. At least I presume he's trying to help me, maybe I'm just incredibly thick!!!

      By the way Cheryl is very quiet. Are you all right Cheryl x

      Muriel xxx

    5. Maureen your tales are hilarious, I am looking forward to hearing lots more.

    6. Maureen / Muriel your tails are so funny I'm laughing hystericaly can't wait for the escalator incident but I will have to get some more Tenna Ladies thought Patricia put some in the corner but can't see them.
      Hug's Lynda with Droopy bits xxx

  32. What are you two up to?
    I also went in one of these play things and yes I too was wearing a skirt! A young Mum looked at me and said I've never seen anyone in here in tights and a skirt before! However I have never climbed a mast in my tights!
    As for jelly I stick , not literally, to Rowntrees!
    Myra xx

    1. Myra, what were you wearing then?
      And aren't Rowan trees something to do with warding off bad spirits?

  33. OMG!!!! Maureen when does your book come out??? May I have signed copy please.
    I am late getting back to see what you have all been up to. Had to laugh I know Hazel is my sister and I love her to bits. But the image of her on that Vaulting Horse ..... well !!!
    My DIL Audrey was here. She had dropped Robert at his Football Practice, brought Thomas here to do his Homework with Grandpa. We had a long chat and something to eat. Grandpa and Thomas went to pick Robert up, they like doing that sort of thing together. That's them off home, it's mayhem when they are all here.
    I will be along at their house tomorrow morning 6.45am (8 miles along the road) Audrey a Midwife is day shift, John Jnr will be coming home off night shift there is 1&3/4hours that have to be covered. This only happens now and again....Granny to the rescue!!
    I get them up and ready for school.
    The rest of the day is busy, busy, goodness knows when I will get I for a coffee.
    Be good ...... actually there is no hope of that is there. Anyway have fun and plenty of laughs and I will catch up with you all when I can.
    Patrica xxx

    1. Patricia,
      Enjoy your busy day tomorrow, what would they do without us eh. Still I love the girls to bits and miss them if I don't see them. How old are Robert and Thomas?
      Muriel xx

  34. Ah well! You see I could never get in a small boat with or without tights , definitely no sailor!
    Lots of Rowans berries are supposed to be a sign of a bad winter.
    Not sure about the spirits - I'm a wine drinker!

    1. Me too, nothing like a big glass of something nicely chilled to spend the evening with. Mind you, if push comes to shove I can drink it warm as well.
      Do you know, you are a fountain of knowledge. What's a sign of a hot summer then? Xx

  35. I thought Rowntrees were something to do with Witches. Which, when you think of it, it's rather apt - hubble, bubble, toil and trouble.
    P.s. If I'm not on here tomorrow - blame George and inform the police!!!!
    Muriel xx

  36. Muriel, I've got it in hand, ive put the local constabulary's number on speed dial and given them your description. Long black hair, pointy black hat and a warty nose, tends to Hubble and bubble a bit but that's just the way she is. Now if things get really worrying for you just climb on your broom and head off to a place of safety, I've heard round trees are a good place to go, me and Myra won't be far behind, my brooms out and ready to go. Cackle cackle.

    1. I have loads of rowan trees in my garden . I was told not to cut them down as they would bring bad luck, I keep cutting them down and they keep growing bigger that's maybe why I landed in here lol.

  37. Just caught up with today's comments, OMG look at the time, Im off to bed, catch you all tomorrow, Maureen, what a star you are, your stories are hilarious
    . Good night from me, Jess x

  38. Just popped back to see if anyone was in, but looks lie you're all tucked up in bed, honestly, no stamina.
    I've emptied the dishwasher and pulled down the blinds, just need to check that Maria is not asleep in the back and then I'll be off.
    I'll leave the key in the usual place just incase anybody calls back in.
    Love and night night God bless.
    Saba. Xxx

  39. Oh boy, can never any of you sending me to bed with a nice picture of cute animals and such ,is that to much to ask for ??
    I got George chasing Myra dressed in a miniskirt climbing up a mast or was that Saba ? One of you running towards a horse with KY jelly between their legs while the Tena flapping in the wind as Barbara coming down the escalator with dry eyes and sweaty paws, Bless you without the HRT ,which might give you the C, so don't take that but it might get worse before it gets better. There are some clover from the health shop you can try, sorry don't remember it's name, but they help some suffering from bad menop. now then were was I ,oh yes this funny looking woman have been hanging around the caff, if you see her again contact Saba directly as she got the police on speed dial ! Ready for a glass of red I think if I now can find any glasses . I'll sit outside in the moonlight until morning waiting for you all to come back. Will you join me my droopy friend lol Nattinatt xx

    1. I think you may need help sleeping tonight Maria,
      That's the stuff of nightmares,
      Don't sit outside the key is under the olive tree in the planter next to the door! Get in and warm up, I'm still awake!
      Sandra xxxx

  40. Good night ladies, I will be glad to close the door on this day!
    Sandra xxx

  41. Hi Sandra and all the lovely ladies. Sorry I've been missing today we've been to Bath University for their open day. I haven't read today's comments yet but thought I would pop in to say night night. I will catch up with everyone's comments tomorrow. Your bag is beautiful Sandra . Love the colours you have used. Must go now I'm nodding off. See you tomorrow love Diane xxx
