
Tuesday 10 March 2015

Guest Designer.....Michele (pharmacy michele) !!!!!!!


Good Morning Ladies,
I hope you are all well, or if not I hope you are on the mend!
Todays Bags our the work of Michele (pharmacy Michele) Can I just ask why 'Pharmacy' Michele?
Anyway Michele saw Saba's brilliant post on Sunday and got straight to work on creating this lovely bag for her friend. I believe that's a Spellbinder Corner die that Michele had used to create such a pretty, lacy looking flap!

Here is another shot with the bag open, I think that
Michele used a Velcro dot to hold the bag closed.
It looks like you could get quite a lot of things
in this size bag, it would be a lovely way to give a book.
Michele said that she used a piece of A4 paper for this bag, as it was a little easier for the first attempt that is why it is little wider.

This is Michele's second bag, a little smaller I think and so pretty with the pretty edge and cute little flowers, this would be a great gift bag across a huge age range, from little girls all the way up to us big 'girls'!
It looks like Michele has used the Spellbinders edging dies for this fancy little front.
You have used lovely colour combinations too Michele.

I would love to know what the cute flower is that you have used Michele, it looks like it is multi-layered, very effective as the decorative element on the front of your bag!
Thank you so much Michele for allowing me to share your lovely bags with everyone, I hope that this will be the first of many Guest Designer spots for you.
If anyone else has got their bags made, please email me a photo so I can share it with everyone, especially Saba who simplified the instructions
for us, and maybe Izzy may stop in sometime to see what she has started!  I am more than happy for you ladies to invite her along.
Sue and I are going to have a go at Bag today, after we have been to visit Pat, you never know ladies I may even get Mrs B to show one of her designs, fingers crossed though!
Our lovely Patricia would like to donate the Sue Wilson Cornflower Die as a prize, so all you have to do is say whether or not you would like to be included in the draw for it.
It may be easier if I leave this as a comment and then you can all add your name in the reply box below, that will save having to go through every post.
Pat you are very kind and thoughtful, particularly as you have your own blog too!
You amazing ladies, warm my heart a little more every day!
On the down side, the laundry pile is getting larger, as a consequence of all the outrageous laughter!
But hey, I can live with that.
Love you all,
ps to anyone looking through the window into this crazy place, just open the door and step in, you won't regret it, everyone here is so genuinely friendly. Come on!!!!



  1. Good morning Sandra and all that call in. As Sandra says " those who stand outside and look through the windows do come in we don't bit, but oh boy we make you laugh" Michele your bags are gorgous, I bet izzy didn't know what she was starting. Look how different everyone has their bags??? I must have a go, but first of all I need to do the 10 other evening invites that Gillian and Andrew have asked for.
    Brenda ( littlelamb) it's not your G.C. Believe you me, I sent my G.C. Away for repair because Sue had said if her dies don't cut on your machine it's not the die it's the machine, sorry no it's the die! I tried about 10 times on all different parts of my plate and it didn't cut, I then took it down to Adrian at my local craft shop he ran it through his machines - no luck, so I sent it back up to Aberdeen where I bought it from, they put it through every machine they had, no luck so I got new dies, I didn't have faith in the ones I had first of all so got others instead. So don't be fobbed of with being told it's your machine, Steph had a problem with I think the same set as yours or one in the range any way, she got here replaced. Adrian has since had one returned to him. If you run your fingers across the die you will find its not deep, do the same with one that you have that cuts well and you will feel what I mean. As Patricia husband John said the die that cuts the die at the factory was needing replaced it was worn. That new die that I have made the card with that's up in my blog cut clean out on two goes ( forward and back again) but I do think it would have been ok with once and then embossed, as it fell out. Try an, old faithful through your machine you will see your machine is ok.
    Steph. I hope you are doing ok and that you have felt a bit better and been able to do some crafting.
    Margaret. Was your vet visit just a routine one? I really am hoping so.
    Thersea, I noticed you haven't been in for a few days, is this because you can't type with having to rest that shoulder? I would hate to think you are in even worse pain than you already were. Take care.
    Barbara ( Saba). I do hope you are going to behave today, as Sandra has said the laundry pile is getting big here too, with all these tens lady moments!! To much laughter they can't cope any more?
    How is Val doing? I think of her every day, and in a way I am glad she is not reading this fantastic blog onky because when you have stitches etc laughing is not good, it hurts!!!
    Now, I will have to make a move so to every one else who is under the weather the basket of (((((( hugs)))))) by the door has been topped up so just help yourself.
    In work for 7.15 this morning, I am not looking forward to going as I bet there will be a lot of branches etc on the road with the terrible gales we had here last night, but needs must, I am on a 12 hour shift today. Not working all those hours just that I will not finish till I bring Beth back from her vaulting tonight. It's parents night and rather than Beth miss out Anna and I will drop her off and go to Asda and I will get some bits then go back for her, no way am I sitting watching, far to cold infact it's freezing !!!
    Have done all the putting on of things while I have been in enjoy the tea cakes they are really yummy this morning. Hazel x

    1. Thanks for your comments Hazel. I will give it a try. I bought mine from Icon. Has anyone sent anything back to them as I haven't bought from them before. If I find it's not my machine I will take it to craft on Saturday and get someone else to run it through there machine and see what happens. Hope you don't get too cold today.

    2. Good morning Hazel,
      I look forward to seeing your Izzy bags too, You really motoring through all of those invitations etc now aren't you
      Its going to be a very long day for you I see, you do put yourself through it don't you!
      I know what you mean about the tena lady moments, I am not sure what caused my 'lack of control' it started after I had the twins, and got worse as time as gone on! I spend a lot of hours with my legs crossed!
      I think the laughter on here is very therapeutic though, it brightens even the dullest of days, we are so lucky to have such a fun bunch of girls!
      Hopefully catch up later,
      Love and Hugs
      ps try and take it easy!
      thanks for helping Brenda too!

    3. It's me again Hazel. Have just tried the Bevelled window Striplet die which I bought at the same time as the Times Square. Ran it backwards and forwards and no problem. It cut fine so must be the dies:-(

  2. Good Morning Sandra and all who pop in.
    I have switched tea urn on, ground the coffee beans and emptied the dishwasher so I'll just sit down for a few minutes and watch the door to see whose coming.
    Michele, lovely to see your bags, they are gorgeous and I love the dies you have used to create them. Just shows they can be made using whatever we have at hand. Pretty flowers, do I spot the camellia open petal there?
    Talking of flowers, I didn't really understand about Patricia's prize draw, do we have to make a handbag for her to judge or just say we would like to be included in the draw. I'm sure it will all become clearer later.

    Hope you all have a happy Tuesday especially.....
    JESS ......HAPPY BIRTHDAY. hope you in particular have a wonderful day.
    Love and hugs to all

    1. Thanks for your instructions on making the bags, the flowers are made using a free flower die. I cut the two colours & snipped the outer part of one of them away then layered it up.


    2. Good morning Saba,
      Just leave your name below Patricia's post below to be included.
      no judging involved!
      Look forward to catching up later,
      love and hugs

  3. Good morning Sandra hope you are well today.
    Thank your for announcing the DIE GIVE AWAY!!!!
    Right ladies!!!. I bought, have opened and used Sue's Cornflower Die once .... I love making flowers but this one does not do it for me. I am offering it in a little Draw only for the ladies in the Coffee Shop NOT on my Blog.
    Leave you name under this comment if you want to be included.

    Patricia xxx

    1. Morning, I would love the chance to win this die set. I hope you get lots of comments.


    2. Good morning Pat,
      I also would love to be in the draw for very kind prize of the cornflower dies.
      Cheryl xxx

    3. Hi Patricia
      I really would Love to be part of the draw
      Thank You For Your Kindness
      Love and Hugs
      From Sam xxx

    4. Good morning Patricia
      Aren't you a kind lady. Thank you I would love to be included in the draw please.
      Love Diane xxx

    5. Hi Patricia just wanted to say your very generous giving the cornflower Die as a prize but as I have it already it wouldn't be fair of me to enter. Hug's Lynda xx
      Good luck everyone xx

    6. Hi Patricia. It is really kind of you to offer this die to us Coffee shop ladies, thank you. I would love to be included in the draw please. Good luck everyone : ) Take care. Mrs B /Sue xx

    7. Good morning Patricia you really are so very kind offering these set of dies to the coffee shop crew even the naughty ones! I would love to be included in the draw thank you so much.
      Margaret corgi owner
      Good luck everyone

    8. It's very kind of you to offer this prize to us. Thank you. Please count me in

    9. Patricia you are so kind. Yes please, I would love to be included. Thank you so very much.
      Good luck ladies, how exciting.

    10. Hi Patricia, what a lovely lady you are.Yes please I would like to be in the pot of luck. Good luck everyone!
      Maria x

    11. Thanks Patricia, and must say I love your rose tutorial today on your blog.

    12. Patricia this is very nice of you and I would love to be entered into the draw
      Wendy x

    13. Hi Patricia. It's very generous of you to offer your die as a prize, and I would love to be entered in the draw. Thanks Sue xxx

  4. Good morning all, hope you are feeling well if not here are a few (((((hugs)))))
    STEPH:- missing you, hope you are getting there and will back with us very soon.
    PAT:- remember NO dancing today. Hope you are prepared for your visitors
    JESS:- just noticed its your birthday HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you .
    EVERYONE else needing a wee HUG there is a basket of them at the door.
    SABA:- Barbara I hope you are going to behave today. Well maybe not I just love your sense of humour. You and Maureen are like a "double act"
    I will have to move my Butt, I am teaching a Card Class this morning. When I started this there were a few ladies that were a right "pain" they just complained at all the "different" things I was teaching them. They just wanted to make "cards" how boring........!!!! However after 2 years I am winning, I doubt they will even consider making an IZZY bag. Well maybe a few would we will see.
    Be good ladies, enjoy chatting to one another, passing on all your hints, tips and help to each other.

    Patricia xxx

    1. Hi Patricia. I cannot believe that it is 2 years since you started your card making class. I remember you mentioning it in your blog as I have followed that for a long time but only from the sidelines and not commented until recently. Hope it goes well today.

    2. Hi Patricia,
      Thank you for your generous offer but as I already have the die I don't wish to be put in the draw.
      Good luck everyone!
      Love Myra xx

    3. Hi Patricia
      No dancing today for me. Sandra and Sue made me lunch and a drink today. Sandra brought Pete and I soup and some cakes for afters. Haven't eaten any cake yet but Pete says the carrot and ginger was yummy. I'm suffering from CRAFT. That means CANT REMEMBER A F---- THING? Excuse the language ladies but that's what fits. We had a great laugh and chat, and they soughted my chair out for me. How lovely are they. Please don't include me in the draw, as I don't think they're quite my thing.

    4. Hi Patricia,
      I don't want to go in the draw - well I do, but as I got the beautiful die from Cheryl in the last draw, it would be most unfair. I do thank you for your generosity though.
      Muriel xx

  5. Ooopps!!! MICHELE I am so sorry I forgot about your beautiful rude of me. Please forgive!!!
    Love how you have used the Dies you had to make them, absolutely stunning,
    HVe a great day
    Patricia xx

  6. Morning ladies- had a lie in today.

    Thanks for letting me show off my bags but it wouldn't have been possible without the clear instructions from Saba.

    The first bag is A4 width as I wanted to make it easy, the flap uses Gold Elements corner die. The rest of the dimensions are as Saba stated.

    The second bag is only 6 inches wide but same dimensions as tbe other bag. I use the classic ricrac die for the edge and both bags have a tiny velcro dot as a fastener. I used brads on both bag handles to allow the handle to move out of the way to open or fill the bag. Hope that answers your questions.

    I chose PharmacyMichele as I work in a Hospital Pharmacy,my name has an unusual spelling and it's better than my nickname at work = Captain Coffey! I'm a supervisor and a bit bossy, my surname is Coffey hence the title.

    I'm off to make a cuppa and mooch round blogland, might pop back in later ladies.


    1. Hi Michele. Congratulations on your Izzy bags, they are lovely, you've inspired me to try an A4 width one now. Hope that you're enjoying your week off work.Sue xxx

  7. Morning SANDRA my lovely
    Also my very dear friends
    I'd Love my usual if you don't mind, Thank You so much.
    Michele I'm truly Loving The Bags you've created I Just Love The Colours I have the same Spellbinders Die that you used in the first Bag I Love The True Rich Colour. Izzy has started off a new collection although our lovely Pat on her Blog did one a long time ago, her Creations are just Terrific from Cards,Boxes, Bags of all descriptions.
    PAT: I hope your alright please continue to rest up, please take great care.
    NORAH: It's so great to have you back I so hope you get your Blood Level under control very soon.
    STEPH: Just to say thinking about you take great care.
    SHEILA AND NIKKI: I'm thinking of you please take great care my lovely.
    MARGARET: I really hope your wonderful Dog went on well at The Vets my Dogs have always felt uncomfortable going I think They've known its for something! the worst was when I had to change Vets as my Vet whom was a really lovely Lady sadly passed away, so we changed,
    The Vet is great but we were having the Boys Micro Chipped as they were pups and his Nurse did it they both Screamed it was awful I walked out the Vet apologised as when I've had previous Dogs done they've not even felt it, so now The Vet knows I won't see that Nurse.
    THERESA: I hope you are well please take great care.
    SABA: My Lovely how is Val I do hope each day is getting better.
    I really hope everyone is well,
    Hazel, Patricia, Steph, Jacquie, Mrs .B. Norah, Janet, Jess, Theresa, Saba, Maria, Wendy, Barbara, Craftysue, Brenda, SNeil's and Nikki, Pharmacy Michele, Barbara AND NEVER FORGETTING OUR WONDERFUL "SANDRA"
    Please forgive me if I've forgotten anyone I've not done it on purpose it's the old grey cells!!!
    Jess HAPPY BIRTHDAY Have A Truly Wonderful Day.
    Well everyone have a really good day and all please take great care.
    Love and Hugs
    From Sam xxx

    1. Hi Sam,
      bless you sweetheart for your kind words, you are such a genuinely lovely person and if there has been one major benefit of this blog it is that I have got to know you better, it is a pleasure to call you my friend!
      I was very much like you at the vets, luckily I got the Vet to put Bella's chip in while she was having her spay surgery so she didn't feel it, but we had to take Milo in for his, the needle was huge and really thick, I felt so terribly guilty, I had to step out as I didn't want him to think I was anything to do with that incredible pain, I just wanted to comfort him afterwards, but its for his own good!
      I think we are too soft, I am still too scared to let them out on their own, in case they get hurt.
      Hopefully catch up later my lovely,

  8. Janet Ecco of Sheffield10 March 2015 at 08:24

    Morning everyone - sorry can't stop this morning as I've to go and have my annual bloods taken as the start of my MOT. I loathe having to do this. As I said to Sue this morning at one time it was work that got in the way and now it's medical visits. Oh well. Michele your bags are just gorgeous. I love the colours and your dressing of them. They outdo any of the commercial ones I've seen recently.
    Sorry have to fly. Hope to see you later.
    Janet xxxx

    1. Hi Janet
      Hope your blood test goes ok & they are gentle with the needles.
      Hug's Lynda xxx

    2. Morning Janet, I hope all goes well with the Nurse, I hope she is gentle, I always end up black and blue as my veins are rubbish, when they eventually find a vein, they start taking the blood and then it just stops, because me veins collapse or something! its so frustrating, specially when you are a needle phobe, you sigh with relief when they strike gold only to be disappointed and have to go through it time and time again. But I guess that's my fault for funny veins not the poor nurse!
      Hopefully see you later, how long until you are off to France?

    3. Hope all goes well for you Janet. Not long had my MOT as I call it.

    4. My turn for the MOT next week, thank goodness we don't have to pay for it, and they don't check the under carriage for rust, the wearing joins are already recorded. Hazel x

    5. Hi Janet, hope all goes well with the tests today! Thinking of you.
      Love Myra xx

    6. Hi Janet, hope your bloods goes fine. I haven't got any good veins either so it's have to be a very good nurse to get any out or they sometimes have to take it from my hand.
      Hugs Maria x

    7. Hi Janet, hope your blood test went Saba

    8. Hi Janet, hope everything goes fine with the blood test
      Wendy xx

    9. HimJanet
      Hope your blood tests go ok.

    10. Hi Janet. Hope you passed your MOT! Know the feeling when you need a blood test but your veins disappear, I work on the 3 strikes and that's enough, usually because I've fainted by then!!! Sue xxx

  9. Hi Janet
    I hope all goes well with your annual Blood Tests
    Take great care.
    Hugs from Sam xxx

  10. Hello Sandra,
    I'll have a latte and a piece of toast with butter and cinnamon. No, just sit still, I'll do it and you can sit and craft at the big table. I've put my money in the pot.
    Michele - Captain (see last night''s post) - your bags are gorgeous. What a great way to use a corner die, and the colours are so lovely.
    Margaret - I hope Tomas's eye is soon better, and that the drops do the trick.
    Sheila - thinking of you and Nikki
    Saba - hope you behave today, I'm sick to death of washing my underwear, and the size I wear it doesn't take many to fill the line!! (seriously, I hope that Val is keeping better).
    Cheryl - lots of hugs x
    Wendy - keep on taking the tablets!
    To all the wine lovers and champagne guzzlers, I used to work for the AA!!!! (Automobile Association).
    Pat, I hope you are continuing to improve.
    Steph, I hope you are doing well and driving them mad in hospital.
    Norah, I hope you are feeling better.
    Janet, Hope the blood tests are fine.
    Love and hugs to all on the blog, and thank you Sandra for putting up with me.

    1. Hi Maureen. I also worked for the AA. Automobile Association.

    2. I worked for the RAC - Rescue - All - Crafters! Xx

    3. I am still working for the HLM association., Help Love Myra.
      You thought you'd got away with that one didn't you lol.
      Saba xxx

    4. I didn't really think I'd get past you . You're too sharp for me!
      I would resign if I were you - thankless job! Lol.
      Love Myra xxxx

    5. Resign? I love my job, it's so challenging.
      Only kidding, no one needs any help loving you.
      Hugs Saba xxx

    6. I worked in a mental hospital for 16 years, so its nice to feel at home here (we all had great fun there too) the staff was a lot worse than any of the patients lol.
      Wendy x

    7. Thanks Maureen. Had a visit from Sandra and Mrs B which cheered me up no end.

  11. Ooh, Jess HAPPY BIRTHDAY, can I treat you to one of Sandra's delicious calorie free cakes. They are no sugar as well for anyone who is diabetic. Have a lovely day, isn't it great to be 21 (again). Maureen xxxxx

  12. Good morning Sandra and all the lovely ladies.
    I've done the washing up now so the place is tidy again. It's a beautiful sunny morning here with a lovely sunrise so it feels as though all is good with the world! Hazel I hope you didn't meet too many trees lying in the road this morning.
    Michele your bags are wonderful, love the colour choices. That's a good tip putting brads on the handle so it can be moved. I haven't had a go yet, crafting mojo went AWOL with tooth ache so I must give myself a talking too. I too have the corner die, it's pretty isn't it. I have some of the deep Martha Stewart punches which would look lovely on the front of the bag too - if they go through the card! Thank you so much for sharing. I hope your car passed it's mot and you are enjoying your much deserved break this week. Xxx
    Steph I hope your treatment is going well now and you will soon be home. Xxx
    Norah is it liver and broccoli for breakfast this morning? I hope you are feeling a bit brighter today. Now this sounds mad but I think it's Special K breakfast cereal that has got a lot of iron in it - saw a science program once where they moved a piece around a bowl with a magnet because of the iron content being so high! Xxx
    Margaret I hope your dog is feeling better this morning and you are not having a fight over the eye drops . Xxx
    Sandra thank you for showing us Michele's bag and for the die offer from the lovely Patricia. We will try to behave today and not eat all your cake! Xxx
    Janet hope all goes well at the vampires xxx
    Pat hope you are resting and not dancing around the room. Hope you don't feel so woozy today xxx
    Sandra and Nikki thinking of you both and sending you a big hug xxx
    Jess happy birthday, have a fab day and eat as much cake as you like! Xxx
    Saba I hope val is making good progress xxx
    Muriel are these your pants on the radiator???? Who would have thought, French lace and satin ! I had you down as a sensible M&S lady! Now we know! Xxxx
    Sending everyone a big hug today especially if I haven't named you all. I will pop back later to see how everyone is today. Take care everyone.
    Love Diane xxxxx

    1. I am scared to admit it but I may be having a senior moment or six! Just read Diane's post ! Who is Muriel ?
      Is this yet another split personality ?
      Love Myra xx
      PS - I nearly put help love Myra on the same line but that would have been asking for trouble here . X

    2. Haha yes I've just realised what I've done!!! I meant MAUREEN ! Definately having a senior moment this morning! Sorry didn't mean to confuse you, I'm confused enough already. Definitely in need of help, Diane xxxx

    3. Phew! Thank goodness for that! - not that your confused - you're not really ! Just when I'd given up virtual alcohol too! Xx

    4. I am having enough problems with names now I am completely confused xx

    5. Don't worry Wendy - so far as we know there is no Muriel!
      I think!
      Love Myra xx

    6. Thanks I'm feeling a bit better today, after a lovely visit from Sandra and Mrs B, seems like we're all suffering from craft.

  13. Good morning ladies of the best Sandra Coffee Shop.

    Michele, your bags are so vibrant in your glorious choice of colours, reminds me of my crocuses that I can just about see at the bottom of my garden peeping their little flowers above the rockery.
    Well, after a marathon effort yesterday, Jamie & I are having to have a break today. He works on the railways and there was a serious hold up in the works which means he can't get home til later today, as all the passengers trains also held up. So I will be mostly pottering around tidying up from yesterday's efforts and perhaps a little bit of crafting downstairs.
    I looked in on yesterday's comments and I must say, you ladies are hilarious. Wet myself laughing so much, like Sandra, I also have a tad more washing to do now. Tena lady moments indeed.
    Jess, Happy Birthday my dear. I wish for you to have a day that's happy and bright.
    To all our ladies who are under the weather today, have a gentle comfort blanket healing hug from me.
    Sheila, I thought of you & Nikki today and said a little prayer for you.
    Will pop in later to see who is going to start the misbehaving off today.
    Will it be Myra, Maureen or Diane??? let's look through the window today, which one will it be?
    Love & hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. But isn't great to laugh that much, it makes you feel so much better. Hazel x

    2. Diane - now look what you've done! Xx

    3. HELLO Dear Cheryl,
      They've been fairly quiet today, haven't they. Must do something about that!
      Love and hugs Muriel xxx

  14. Morning Ladies, fab bags must have a go at these I have about 5 projects on the go so aim to finish them all off today so I can get on with some bags!

    Hoover still in the corner must make it feel loved today! Probably not!

    Hot vimto whilst I watch heir hunters! Waiting for the knock on the door! Love that programme that's one job I would love!

    Will pop back later to catch up with you all xxx

    1. I am sat waiting for a Gas Service man to finish and the tv is on, C & C is crap, so Jeremy Kyle is on, what a load of trollop! I never in all my days seen such a load of all tripe!
      I hope you get some of your projects finished, don't forget the photos!
      Love and hugs

  15. Good morning Sandra and everyone who stops by today,
    Michelle I love your bag, it actually coordinate with what I'm wearing today. Please may I borrow it!
    JESS Happy birthday hope it's a good day, LOL
    SANDRA, there was a lot of shenanigans going on in the Caf last night. In fact it was I was in hysterics. But sadly too tired to join in.
    Well this is got to be a quick one will be back later. Going with John he has to have a bone scan today. Think it be a lot of hanging about than anything.
    Big hugs all round, especially Sheila NORAH Steph and everyone else not feeling hundred percent. Take care everyone love Brenda XXX

    1. Hi Brenda,
      I hope all goes well for John with his bone scan, I feel for you as I know you are probably going to spend most of the day twiddling your thumbs, its a great place to people watch though!
      Hopefully catch up with you later!
      love and hugs

    2. Wishing John well today for his scan Brenda, if you have knitting or crochet both are a great passer of time while waiting and it is amazing the amount of people that stop to talk to you about it so it just might go faster than you think flower. Anyway i am sending John a hug just because flower. I hope that you have as good a day as possible and thank you Angel,
      love and craftys hugs

    3. Brend Thinking of you both today, hope all goes well love.
      Saba xxx

    4. Brenda,
      Hope all goes well at the hospital today. Really hope you are not there for hours! The shenanigans on this blog as you so rightly call them are just terrible! I blame the parents! Lol.
      Love Myra xxx

    5. Hi Brenda,
      Hope all goes well for John. Hopefully you might be finished now and can spend some time out in the sunshine but do keep your coats on as the wind is still cold. Hugs to you both Maria xx

    6. Of course you can-quick trip to the seaside?!


    7. Thank you everyone, the day has been long, everything went well, now we just have to wait and see the consultant in a few weeks time.
      The weather was lovely, after John had his injection, we had over 3 hours to wait before the actual scan, we went out had some lunch and enjoyed the lovely bright day.
      Thank you again my lovely friends, you are all true angels
      Love Brenda xxx

  16. Hi Sandra and all in the cafe today. Don't know what happened to my comment yesterday but it is nowhere to be seen! Fingers crossed todays appears.
    It is annoying as I had left comments for lots of you but sadly can't remember them now so will just say that I always read the previous days comments, with lots of tears of laughter, and sometimes sadness too. It takes ages as you are all such a great bunch, I just don't seem to have managed to get back into the cafe later in the day for a while lately but love to see what you have been up to. Thank you my lovely Sandra for creating such a wonderful place for us all.
    Michele, I love your bags (purple is a favourite colour of mine) and will be having a go today with Sandra after we have seen Pat.
    Sandra, I have the flower die so you can have a go with it later on : )
    Pat, it is lovely to see you back. You must take it very easy for a while. No Superman dives to get to sleep please! See you later on : )
    Sheila, I have left a little comment on yesterdays post, you are in my thoughts.
    Maureen, we have been coming in at different times haven't we? I am having my usual mug of tea and a toasted teacake today, I hope you are at the table so that we can have a catch up.
    I must go now and get ready to try and get to Sandra's for 11am.
    Have a good day everyone, and I hope you have the same blue skies as we do here today : ) Take care Mrs B /Sue xxx

  17. Good morning Sandra and lovely ladies, thank you so much for all your birthday wishes, I wish I was 21 again, maybe not!!! I have left a big squishy gooey cake for you all to help yourselves to today, there are no candles on the cake as we would have to have the fire brigade on standby!, ( hunky firemen oh yes please)
    I will pop back later to catch up on everyone, this is my day to help out my friend in her craft shop.
    Michelle your bags are lovely, haven't attempted them yet. Take care everyone, Jess x

    1. Happy Birthday Jess. Enjoy whatever you plan to do today.

    2. Hope you have treated yourself to something special in the craft shop,
      Happy birthday again. If that fireman has a friend it's yes please from me as well!!
      Saba xxxx

    3. Happy birthday Jess, enjoy your day and I hope you get spoilt. Hazel x

    4. Happy Birthday Jess! Hope you have a great day! Are you doing anything special?
      Lots of love Myra xx

    5. Hope you treat yourself to something nice today - make sure you have warm hands before you grab that fireman!!! Tee hee
      Love Diane xxx

    6. Happy Birthday Jess, have a wonderful day !
      Thank you for the squishy cake,tihi
      Hugs Maria xx

    7. Happy birthday Jess, and thanks for a slice of cake, it's really good.
      Is that Fireman Sam iced on the top?

    8. Happy birthday Jess hope you have a nice day
      Love Wendy xx

    9. Janet Ecco of Sheffield10 March 2015 at 17:42

      A very happy Birthday Jess - hope you're having a good day. Sorry it's a little late. Hugs Janet xx

    10. Happy Birthday Jess hope you had a lovely day.

    11. Happy Birthday Jess, hope you've had a lovely day. Sue xxx

  18. Good morning dearest Sandra and the mad coffee shoppers,
    i knew if i waited long enough that i would find other equally as nutty people as myself and at last i am home. haaaaaaa, bliss to be somewhere and feel quite normal at long last. What was that film" Far from the maddening crowd", well we seem to go as close as we possibly can to the epic centre and i am no where near as mad as you lot are( well that is my story and i am sticking to it). When i worked at Thomas Cook and then in the CSA(i know, you are going to boo me as one of the baddies) i used to say i was quiet, shy and retiring(which i was until Jim was gone and i left college) but for some reason that lot only ever seen me as "quiet, shy and retarded" which i think was a bit mean since i just had a strange sense of humour, that's all.
    Michele, thank you flower for your beautiful bags that are as different yet again and giving even more inspiration out to us. It has given me an idea for my friend you is more casual style than me(a twinset and pearls person literally me) as she likes big slouchy bags and combats. Now in case you think what on earth has that got to do with my bags i will tell you. I have craft card but just don't like it much as it always reminds me of waste card and seeing your bags made of it has given me an idea for my friends' bag done in craft card which would suit her right down to a T, so thank you flower for your lovely bags and the idea.
    Little Lamb, i am so sorry that i haven't seen your sad news of your lovely friend. My only excuse is that i hadn't been able to retain a lot of things the now but can i now send you my very sincere condolences on the loss of your dear friend. Sending you a big hug to wrap around you flower at this time. I too lost a childhood friend on the 12th of last month to that horrible disease and he was so funny warm and generous with his laughter and wit, so i hope that you can have the same solace from your memories and i am hoping that i have now had my 3 as i don't think i could take much more at the moment. I am with all you girls now dreading Mothers Day this year. I will still get mum her flowers,it's just she wont be able to smell them now and then the 20th of March would have been mum and dad's golden wedding so i am still on that hill at the moment getting nearer the bottom each day but i will climb up again. I think a good dose of you lot is just what i will need these next couple of weeks so don't spare the pants/knickers/drawers.
    Patricia, thank you for your kindness but i will not enter your draw as i already have the die but just wanted to say thank you for the kind thought. I hope that you get a more polite response than poor Janet did with her knit and natter class(which was downright rude and unjust in my opinion). Can i ask a silly question here? Why do they bother to go to the class if they don't want to open up their horizons?

    1. Thank you Norah for your kind words. Sorry to hear that you have also lost a friend recently. I seem to be losing to many lately to the same thing. Don't worry about not replying earlier. You are feeling low at the moment and hope you soon get your iron sorted.

  19. JESS, happy birthday flower and i hope that you have a fantastic day to remember and get treated like the princess you deserve to be today.
    Well today is a gorgeous day at the Wee County looking out onto my beloved hills that are showing off their beauty as far as the eye can see. Last night the gales were so strong i thought my french doors were going to come in on me, it was that fierce. You know i must live in a village of complete and utter numpty's as with the high winds someone along mums street lost their bin rubbish. Campbell cracking up because it has blown up and into our driveway goes out and picks it up. It was only some daft woman's bank details with how much was in her account, her wages and where she had been spending what. His nibs had a rare good read through(which i disagree with) as his thought about it was if she is stupid enough to put account details ripped in half only into her bin then lord help her. Me, i would have taken them back down to her and told her of her folly in a nice way but not Campbell, he has just put them back in the bin. anyone going through mine is welcome to as it gets shredded into the smallest pieces and then used as fodder for my fire, so if they can decipher my details after all that then they are welcome. It never ceases to amaze me after everything that is being put about out there about security and fraud that stupid people like that still do stupid things and believe me this particular lady would be the first to jump up and down at the outrage of it all. EEJIT.
    Well i having heard about injections and alsorts yesterday for my little problem i think i will get myself some tablets after having a word with the Pharmacist as me and needles have never seen eye to eye :). Going to my doctors is knowing a fortnight in advance that you are going to be ill and needing them to get an appointment and you always come away with the feeling that you are wasting their time so i only go now if i have no other option around. Thank you girls for really making me feel loved with my welcome home yesterday as it really did make me feel wanted again somewhere which is the reason that i come in and see my lovely angels because that is what each and every one of you are to me which i thank you from the bottom of my heart.
    I am going to my wee corner to sit and watch the world go by and hopefully stay dry pants otherwise i am going to have to go onto the Tena ladies. Sandra, i hope that you and the other two graces have a great day but don't tire poor Pat out as she can't run as fast as you two to the toilet. Pat, you rest flower and get one of the other two to make the tea and coffee. I hope that your pain is easing and you feel the benefit from your op.
    Steph, i hope that you are feeling a bit more get up and go since your infusion flower, but the get up and go doesn't mean to go at it at 100 mph, take it easy ok.
    Right what can i have to drink today i wonder, mmmhhh
    basket full of hugs of all shapes and sizes lying here just for the taking, a perfect match guaranteed.
    Love and crafty hugs
    Norah (glenochil)

    1. Hi Norah. It may take some time to get an appointment with your doctor but you need to get checked out properly, you need to know why you're anaemic. On the positive side, after a few weeks of taking the iron tablets you do start to feel better. Take care. Sue xxx

  20. Hi All
    I know Sandra won't mind I've just visited Patricia Blog she has placed a Tutorial of making a Flower it's truly excellent .
    Love from Sam xxx

    1. Hi Sam ,
      You were so right! I called it a Masterclass. The rose looked gorgeous.
      Love Myra xx

  21. Happy Birthday Jess,
    I hope you have a truly amazing day, we are celebrating today too, as it is 27 years ago today that Paul and I first met! That's definitely worth celebrating, It was the luckiest day of my love, I truly found a treasure and I have loved every minute of everyday that I have spent with him, we have had more that our fair share of bad luck, but it has just bought us even closer together, I still think most men would have up and run if they had to go through all the stress of the medical issues we have gone through, but not Paul, he is my rock!
    We haven't really planned anything special, I wish we had as it is well worth celebrating.
    Right I must go, I promised Pat that I would bring her some fresh home made leek and potato soup, so must crack on!
    catch up with you all later, good luck in Patricia's draw!
    love and hugs

    1. Sandra Congratlations on your 27 th anniversary meeting Paul your the most lovelyist ( not sure that's a word but it's mine ) couple you defently are such a special couple.
      Love & Hugs Lynda xxx

    2. Sandra and Paul how lovely to here that you two have been together that long and still truely love each other. As this is an important day for you both. Charlie have known each other for 46 years this June and we will have been married 45 years this June. But if you take the times Charlie was away when in the army and when he came out and worked away from home, we like could take 10 years out of that. Hazel x

    3. Have a great evening, LOVE is a wonderful thing.
      Patricia x

    4. That is so lovely Sandra, congratulations, enjoy your evening whatever you do. Sounds like it was love at first sight.
      Saba xxx

    5. 27 years!!! makes me feel so old. 47 years since I met Derek at High School, and we have been married for 40 years.
      The younger generation just looks at us funny, like, how can you only be with one person, but it works when you are best friends as well as life partners.
      Enjoy your celebrations tonight, guess you won't be mooching around the coffee shop late tonight then.

    6. Congratulations my flower to your lovely news. 27 years eh? well done for lasting the course. You truly to deserve to have a wonderful day to remember.
      love & hugs
      Cheryl xxx

    7. enjoy your celebrations. It makes me feel a bit old we have been married 48 years this July. x

    8. Many congratulations to both of you Sandra that is a wonderful achievement, the gift of love is such a special thing, hoping you have a lovely evening together
      With love
      Margaret xxx

    9. Comgratulations Sandra on your special day, I have known Ronnie for 59 years!!!, he is the brother of my best friend, and lived across the road from our house. We started going out together on my 16th birthday, fell out a year later, got back together again the next year, got engaged when I was 18 and married at 20. He is my best friend and comforter. I love him to bits but sometimes I don't like him especially if we fall out. We have had a lots of ups and down but worked through them,
      Thank you ladies for all you birthday wishes, I have had a brilliant day
      Jess x

  22. Hi
    It's me once again, I'm at present watching Sky News and I'm so "Very Cross" they are talking about how many Hundreds of Sex Offenders that have slipped through the net, there was a so called Lady on that said we need to find these people and give them the Help and Guidance they need, and help them get back into society
    They are the people we need to concentrate on.
    Sorry I'll watch something different now.
    Love from Sam xxx

    1. Exactly what I said when I heard the news
      Patricia x

    2. Help and guidance, what rubbish.They should all be castrated and put on a island somewhere so they couldn't do it again. Sorry,just how I feel about it. Take care Sam , Hugs Maria xx

    3. Agree with you there Maria.

  23. Good morning Sandra and all the coffee shop crew
    Just arrived back from the Ancient Greek assembly at my grandson's school, it was wonderful, I was given a special invitation as I made all the bread yesterday for their Greek feast this afternoon, so really had to go.
    Still having problems with the internet so going to try and get it sorted today wish me luck!
    Tomas's eye is looking a little better thank goodness and thank you all so much for your good wishes and enquiries for him, he really is a sweetie.
    Michele your bags are quite simply wonderful if these are the first two what are you going to be doing by the end of the week I ask myself!
    A big thank you to Maureen for being so kind and posting me the printed instructions from Saba I will be giving these a try but first must get the internet sorted.
    Wonderful to have you back Norah that corner was not the same with you missing, I have paid for you a latte do enjoy it sweetheart, would you like some fruit cake too?
    Wishing our sick visitors a safe journey, have a lovely time now the three graces are reunited, but don't over excite the patient please!
    I will call back later for my usual latte until then please try and be good girls, no bun fights today remember!
    Steph hope you have your exit all planned!
    My basket of hugs are over in Norah's corner help yourselves.
    Sandra I have trouble parting with my blood too, I wear extra warm clothing and gloves and a scarf, even in summer so I am extra warm and this does seem to help I only take the gloves off at the very last minute, when dracular is ready.
    With love
    Margaret corgi owner

  24. Good morning Sandra & all the lovely ladies,
    Sandra how very naughty of me your card you sent was gorgeous thank you so much My lovely, it's right next to Sue's one on the shelf in my not so tidy craft room.
    I did pop back last night. When I looked back at last night's posts this morning it wasn't there think it's floating round cyber space with Sue's ( Mrs B) one.
    Well I have come to the conclusion your all barmy. I love it you made you me laugh so much so it could be my BIG pants on the radiator:0)) Maureen last night explaining to Wendy who everyone was well I'm
    LYNDA WITH THE DROOPY BIT'S like Sandra's stick pins gosh they hurt after laughing so much kept bouncing on the knees hihi.
    JESS HAPPY BIRTHDAY have a lovely day.
    PAT good to have you back hope your improving with each day. Enjoy your visit with Sandra & Sue hope they behave.
    MICHELLE your bags are gorgeous well done love them.
    NORAH glad to see you back is it liver & spouts again for dinner,you will be dancing round the cafe soon with all the iron your getting,how's the no twos going or not ( has constipation set in yet ) take care Hug's xx
    Margaret hope Tomas is ok poor baby wish him speedy recovery Hug's xx
    THERESA hope your ok missing you is your sholder giving you extra pain Hug's xx
    STEPH hope your infusion is helping you lovely lady not long now & your be home with Andy.Hug's xx
    SHEILA as always your in my thoughts & prayers my lovely Hug's & special HUG'S for NIKKI.xxxx
    Sandra have a lovely day visiting Pat & crafting with Sue well hope some crafting gets done in between laughing.
    Try & pop back later have to go & see my friend it's her birthday .
    Oh we went to Oysterstamps open day Sunday not sure if I told ( memory thing )
    I bought a couple of stamps & two new ink pads,could have got more but need to save my money for AP. My friend spent £100.40 ahhh.
    Have a good day ladies oh I'll just have a cup of tea & toast before I go money on the side left some Hug's next to Patricia's if needed.
    Love droopy Lynda xxxx

  25. Sam. You are so right!!! Me I would put them in a room with there victims or they would get there bits chopped off. Either way they wouldn't do it again. Help you cant help these people.
    Well I am back home having run round like a lunie, got to the school spoke to France's the housekeeper ( that's not what I'd call her) any way it turns out she isn't going into day, so it was back to the house white wash on Moss let out, spoke to Jen the groom she is going to take him for a walk before she goes, Anna and Beth's old collie Jack had to be put to sleep last Tuesday he was 15 and went down hill very quickly from Sunday to Tuesday morning. So Moss is still feeling the loss. Then I had a dump run to do, then it was back here washing out and another load on. So now I am ready for a cup of tea and a scone, and now I am going to do nothing for the next half an hour. Hazel x

  26. I'm with you Hazel chop there bit's off they are low life's.
    Just here'd on the news a police man stopped a lady with her 4 year old daughter on her bike & said she was breaking the law as she was riding her bike on the pavement how ridiculous is that. The worlds gone made.
    Lynda xx

  27. Sandra, thank you for showing Michele's bags. They are Gorgeous. I mifgr have a try later will see how the wrist is. Haven't heard anything from the physio yet and although I am doing the exercises there could be more I can do and the longer I wait it is not going to get any easier. Think if I haven't heard tomorrow which will be a week after the plaster came off I will ring the fracture clinic to see what is happening. Hope you find Pat improving and she enjoys your visit and you get some crafting done with Sue later. Look forward to seeing your bags. Hope everyone is ok today. I will have a Leek and potato soup with a cheese scone as it is lunchtime. Hope to see you all later.

  28. Hi Sandra,
    First of all , Congratulations to Paul and you on 27 years! Have a lovely day.
    Hope you have a lovely visit with the Sue and Pat! Sending some hugs to you all.
    Michelle - your bags are lovely and it's so nice to see how everyone has their own take on Izzy's idea. Hope you didn't get soaked yesterday as it got very wet here and as you know we're not far away! Lovely day today though, gorgeous sunshine.
    Sandra - this blog is becoming addictive - but I've decided to sign the virtual pledge! No more virtual alcohol for me!
    Steph - please come back soon! We miss you and you may be able to keep order - though I'm not sure - you might add to the mayhem! Anyway - hope you able to get home very soon. x
    Norah - you are right we are all mad but we are happy and not causing any trouble to anyone. Lovely to have you back! You have had such a lot to bear in a short time and Mother's Day is a hard day after you lose your Mum. I know I didn't want to look in the shops as there were cards , gifts and flowers everywhere. However it does get easier as time passes and you like me have children of your own and they want Mother's Day to be special too. That's how we were brought up and how we brought/are bringing our children up. I will be thinking of you on Sunday my friend! Special hugs for you and thank you for mine!
    Love to everyone,
    Will be back later! That's really not a threat!
    Love Myra xxx

  29. Well ladies I have made a little " Izzy Bag". Found it easy and I have put it up on my blog - a quick post. Hazel x

    1. Hazel it's gorgeous and love the 'Hazel' touch. Don't want to spoil it for others who will go to see it! Love Myra xx

    2. Love it Hazel, well done for taking the plunge, but you do realise they are addictive.
      Saba xxx

    3. went over to your blog and joined, your bag and card is gorgeous, must really try and make one xx

  30. Hi everyone
    If you are having any broadband problems like us our internet provider SKY have told us it is our micro filters that are at fault and they should be REPLACED EVERY SIX MONTHS! Well this was news to us but new ones are on the way thank goodness, so keep this in mind if you have any trouble.
    Now while I was talking to the engineer I did think of asking him if he had a solution for a tuppence giving trouble but thought better of it! My mum always used to say zinc and castor oil were the best.
    Norah I do agree with Myra you have been through such a lot but we are always here for you. My doctor once told me you are never sent a cross that you cannot bear my reply was how come they are so heavy, but remember we are here for you.
    Sam I do so very much agree with you some lady indeed these goody, goody, folk do annoy me never a thought for the victims, ok I'll put Steph's rant box back in the corner.
    Jess hope you are having a wonderful day, Happy Birthday!!!
    Well I'm off to get the ironing done washing all dry in the sunshine today, then off to do the school run.
    If you have the sun too enjoy it as more rain is on the way they say.
    Take care
    With love
    Margaret xx

  31. Good afternoon Sandra and all the lovely ladies
    Gosh haven't you all been busy this morning! I'm exhausted just reading about what everyone has been doing. I've just sat down with a cup of tea. I've got washing on the line and the Hoover has had an outing and I've put the world to rights with my lovely neighbour. Oh Norah yes I know how hard Mother's Day is for you. My mum died in February 19 years ago, we had just found out we were expecting Emma and I took a knitting pattern to the hospital when I visited her and asked her if she could knit it for me. She and dad were so excited when the penny dropped. Unfortunately she never got to see her only granddaughter . 3 weeks later it was Mother's Day and I got so upset seeing the cards in the shops and could have hit Julian when he asked me if I could get one for his mum! Bless him, the following year he didn't buy a Mother's Day card from Emma in case it upset me and that was wrong too! He hasn't forgotten since. I will send you a big hug on Sunday sweetie because I know how painful it is.
    Sandra I hope you and Paul have a lovely evening, it's good to celebrate when you met - we always celebrate our first date, we knew eachother for ages before we went out. I was talking to my auntie and uncle on Friday, they have been married 65 years this year and uncle was still holding her hand. Julian and I said we hope we are like that when we are their age!
    Oh Lynda were they yours? Oooh bit posh for a week day! As my mum used to say, they wouldn't keep you warm!! Lol xxx
    Oh Margaret how lovely being a special guest. I do love assemblies, the children are so sweet aren't they. I hope they had a good feast this afternoon xxx
    Brenda I hope John gets on well at the hospital today and you don't have to hang around too much. Xxx
    Jess that cake was lovely thank you. Xxxx
    Oh I must get on, I'm being lazy again! Now was that Murial or Maureen I saw coming in the door??? I must get my eyes tested or stop having senior moments! Have a lovely afternoon everyone. See you later.
    Love Diane xxxx

  32. Sandra, I am sorry I forgot to congratulate you and Paul on your 27th Anniversary of meeting on another. My partner and I always celebrated the day we first met. Congratulations. Hope you have another 27years together at least.

  33. Hi Sandra,
    hope you are having a good day and congrats to you and Paul. where did you two meet ?
    Michele you have done a great job of doing some Izzy bags! I love the colours you have used and the flowers on the second one are sooo sweet.well done you.
    I have not got around to make much at all after Saturday as my shoulders and arms are still in pain so even if I enjoyed the day I do paying for it now.
    Glad to see Tomas is ok and hopefully the drop will help. wow you did some baking there Margaret lol must have been lovely to see Ben this morning. Hope he enjoyed the greek day. Was he dressed up at all ?
    Mothers day, many of you will have a mixed day,can I call it that, anyway you all will miss your mum if she's not longer here but you will also be celebrated by your own children so it will be mixed feelings. My OH and I light a candle for his mum who no longer with us and remember all the good times. She was a wonderful MIL. Norah, I'm sending extra hugs to you and to everyone else who are missing there mum on Sunday. Mother's day is not until end of May in Sweden.
    Myra what were you trying to do with my surname ? lol Saying that when I was working in a first school all the children thought my name spelt Older. Funny enough when my father-in-law came over from Vienna his surname was Adler ( eagle ) but he changed around it a bit for some reason we don't know, maybe because people always spelt it wrong as alder but now they spell it wrong the other way instead so it doesn't really matter lol I'm rambling sorry just so tired and still can't sleep, so stupid... but hoovering and dusting did get done yesterday, thats always something.
    Many hugs also to Steph, Sheila and Nikki, Val ,Pat,ToB and to everyone else who are in pain etc. Take care!
    Hope you three ladies are having a nice time crafting, is it Izzy bags I wonder ?

    Oh Diane just one more thing before I go for a break tihi I saw this lovely older couple in town the other week and he was holding his wife's hand and they looked so sweet together so I went up to them and said how lovely it was to see him holding her hand, he's reply stumped me when he said . He was only holding her hand so she didn't went in to the cloth stores and spent more money as her wardrobe were already full of !! hehe and then he winked at me so I know he was joking and off the went into M&S together See you later Maria xx

    1. Probably holding each other up!!!!!

    2. Oh Maria that's lovely, yep that would be my uncle! He's 90 this year and is telling everyone he meets and inviting them to his party in July!
      Love Diane xxxx

    3. Oh Diane, can I come to his party, I love old men. Some of my happiest moments as a nurse were spending time in the bathroom giving a bath to some old gent or other. They had such tales to tell.
      Love and hugs for your uncle.
      Saba xxx

  34. Just to let you all know, I've just spoken to my beautiful brave sister. She has just arrived home!!!! Bit emotional so I'll be back later. Xxx

    1. Hi Saba,
      Fantastic news! So thrilled for Val and you. Wow she has made good progress and it won't be long until you see her!
      So thrilled for you both, my friend.
      Love Myra xxxx

    2. Oh Saba, I am soooo pleased for you to hear such wonderful news. Val must be over the moon too. Such a brave lady. Look forward to the day when you will be over here and seeing her again. Love & hugs to you both.
      Love Cheryl xxx

    3. So pleased to hear this fantastic news. I can imagine how you feel having been there in the past.
      Not long now, you will soon be counting the "sleeps"
      Patricia x

    4. Great news Saba, So pleased for you both
      Janice x

    5. WOW Saba wonderful new's so very pleased for you both
      a basket full of hug's coming your way love Lynda xx

    6. Oh Saba that's lovely, I'm so pleased for you both. Send her a big hug from me when you next speak to her and I'm sending one to you too. It's hard when you are so far away. You should bring her into the cafe when she feels up to it, we would love to meet her xxxxx

    7. So delighted to hear your wonderful news Saba Val will now be feeling so much better even just sleeping in her own bed, and being able to have a cup of tea or coffee just when she wants one. Well done to her and all the medical team who have looked after you precious sister so well, so pleased for you too.
      With much love
      Margaret xxx

    8. That's fantastic news. Except you can't wait now to get over here to see her.

    9. Sorry meant expect you can't wait to get over here to see her.

    10. Great news Saba, she will get stronger every day
      Jess x

    11. Barbara, what fantastic news, all Vals positive thoughts have got her home early, she will now be able to talk to you again each day. I am so pleased for you all, as Vals family must be over the moon to have her home where they can pamper her. Hazel x

    12. Hi Saba, what wonderful news, communication will be much easier now, and there's really no place like your own home to recover. Sue xxx

  35. Well, thanks everyone in the coffee shop, just had another fun afternoon with gossip and laughs.
    I loved seeing the new selection of bags, but I am not sure if Michele has measured them correctly for the half bottle. Only joking Michele, they are lovely.I'm sure the bottle will fit.
    Might pop in later.
    Cheers all

  36. Hi Maria,
    It's all Maureen's fault , or was it Diane? Anyhow one of them said you and I were actually the same person and that we were trying to confuse people! It had something to do with champagne versus red wine ! You said yours was red wine as champagne had too many bubbles. Oh I can't remember the rest it was all just daft! However I said that you were probably younger than me although your name was Alder! How I wish I'd kept quiet! Saba will have a reply to that already or Maureen will. Just want you to know that I'm the innocent party here!
    The funny thing is Maria -- my surname is Young!
    Love Myra xxxx

    1. So Myra .... your just a "youngster" .... LOL!!!!
      Patricia x

    2. Pressed the button too quick......
      Poor Maria is an "Aldie",,, LOL!!!
      Patricia x

    3. Oh Patricia!
      No - not really! One of my husband's "jokes" is that we'll always be young! It's no laughing matter! I suppose I could have on my tombstone - she died young!
      Must stop, promised to behave today!
      Love Myra xx

    4. Don't be silly Myra ,who what's to behave!! Never have, never will why be boring!!! Life is to short and I am on the downward side on the age thingy. You stay young that's the best way!!!
      Patricia x

    5. Thanks Patricia, - A girl after my own heart! I truly forget my age most of the time. Lots to thankful for and life is better with a smile!
      Love Myra xx

  37. Wow Saba, that is terrific!!

  38. Hi Sandra
    Just decided to call in a hot chocolate would be nice please. Could one of the ladies present make it for me as my arms are permantely attached to a pair of crutches. Well I started to read the posts after looking at Michelle's bag. What a stunner Michelle, when I'm up and about I'll have a go with the help of Sandra and Mrs B who are having a practice when they get home from their visit. Well I started reading the comments and then for the life of me couldn't remember who made the bag. That's called CRAFT ladies, which can be after anesthetic, tablets etc. or just plain CRAFT for the sake of it. It means ladies CAN'T REMEMBER F------ THING. At the moment I'm blaming the after effects of the op and the drugs I had. As I've never had an op before, I hope I don't ever have to have one again. It was lovely to see Sandra and Mrs B today, what a wonderful difference they've both made to my life. These two are such special people, we talk about everything from my big pants hanging on the line blocking out the sun. To our lack of pointy bits and the lack of my SEX life since Pete had to have a catheter fitted because of kidney problems. Why are victims made to feel like the perpratator by all the agencies. These poor hard up people who have had a bad start in life and it's not their fault but societies. My god give me strength, I could borrow the soap box and stay on it all day. I lived in a corrugated tunnel, like a large pig house ladies that they built in the war, had nothing and it did us all no harm did it. My god better get off now. Anyhow this is probably quite disjointed but that's how my brain is as the moment ladies. Caused as I said by me having CRAFT. Not to sure if these flowers are quite my thing Patricia, so I'll abstain from the draw please. Thanks for the generous thought anyway. What a lovely bunch you all are, I'm honoured to be a member of the Cotswold Cafe.

    1. Pat, Great to have you back with us! However I don't want you standing on a soapbox with crutches! Do you think you could perhaps help keep some order here?
      Just take care and get well very soon!
      Lots of love,
      Myra xxx

    2. Good evening Pat, good to hear there was NO dancing on the tables this afternoon. You still need a few more weeks yet. Glad your visitors were the Tonic (no not those Dies) you needed.
      The Cornflower Die is a No, No for me but I am sure one of the Ladies who has popped their name in the hat will love it.
      Patricia x

    3. Welcome back Pat lovely to see you here again. You have been missed. Glad you enjoyed Sandra and Sue's visit.

    4. Lovely to have you back with us and glad you enjoyed your visit.
      Craft will never have the same meaning for me again lol.
      Love and healing hugs Saba xxx

    5. Welcome home Pat, to the bestest cafe in Blogland . Guaranteed to make you laugh or wet your knickers.

      Healing hugs
      Cheryl xxx

  39. Hi Sandra
    Me again. Forgot to say congratulations you you and your lovely Paul on your 27th. You kept that quiet today when you came over. Your the best couple ever.

  40. Hi Sandra
    Reading through the blog and comments we all seem to be suffering from CRAFT. Welcome one and all, I'm glad I'm not alone.

  41. Hi Sandra and all the ladies
    I spend too much time in here, it has taken me about an hour to read all the comments, but I am still having to go back and fore to check who is who (learning slowly) The bag is beautiful and I love the colours. Have made a few comments on my way down the list so had better go and make something to eat.
    Love to everyone
    Wendy xx

  42. Fab bags still need to have a go! Have had a crafty day! One candle and matching sign for new baby saying born 2015 still working on matching card! 2 cards completed. 3/4 of Easter basket done and Mother's Day card still to do!

    Did get Hoover out - yes to Hoover up the die bits!!

    Fat club tomorrow it's like being here we've renamed that AA too! Won't lose anything keep visiting this cafe!

    CRAFT is great! Though I am not quite as old as some of you ladies well I think not!

    Must rush to finish tea then homework and back to crafting! Xxx

  43. Hello ladies
    Just wanted to leave you with something before I go in my kitchen.
    Maria is an Alder, but really she should be an Adler which is an eagle however, an eagle (slightly different spelling but same pronunciation) in Germany is actually a hedgehog . So there you are. Now don't go getting all prickly on us Maria. Oh and Myra is a member of the young ones!!
    Xxxx Saba

    1. I'm not afraid to live , love while the flame is strong - for I may not be a young one very long! Boom boom!
      Love Myra x

    2. Myra, don't tell me you like him?
      Muriel x

    3. No, I don't! Muriel but I refused to be one f the other Young Ones! They were all male and I disliked all of them! I've missed you today. Love Maria x

    4. There is nothing wrong with Cliff.

    5. Oh Jess, now if it were Pat Boone, now we're talking.
      Muriel xx

  44. Ladies I will be making the Draw for the SW Cornflower Die at 10pm.
    Pop your name under my post offering it, the post is nearer the top of the day.
    Remember:- it has been opened and used once ...... it is just not my thing.
    The lights are still on so think I might have a Cuppa and a bit of something gooey & sticky. Money is in the pot. I really shouldn't but Hey! Ho! lifes too sho
    Patricia xxx

  45. Good evening everyone I do hope you have all had a share of the lovely sunshine we have had today.
    You will be pleased to know the Greek feast went really well and my grandson was delighted that everyone loved the different breads we took in, all the children in his class were dressed up for the whole day so it was sandals and extra large teeshirts or bed sheets wrapped around them with home made garlands around their heads some of them looked so funny. There is plenty of everything left for another feast tomorrow the teacher was telling me, so the fun will go on for them all tomorrow too.
    Well I have tidied up ready for a new day in our favourite café tomorrow folks so have a lovely evening and sweet dreams.
    Margaret xxx

    1. Hi Margaret,
      Did you get dressed up?
      Maureen/Muriel x

  46. Hello All,
    Well. I've been out quite a lot of the day meeting an old friend who I worked with over ?? years ago. We meet every two weeks and talk for England, which I know will surprise a lot of you.
    What with one thing and another I haven't long been able to post but have made a note that
    Mrs B is Sue
    I am now Muriel
    Lynda has droopy bits (poor dear)
    Sex offenders should definitely be castrated with a blunt knife, and I will do it if they let me.
    I had posted yesterday before I lost it to cyber space TWICE that Patricia and Hazel were sisters. Patricia who lives in Scotland likes to make boxes, bags, and well anything crafty. Hazel lives in Australia sometimes because she goes to Perth and babysits - I really cannot keep up with her because I don't know any of the people she talks about, and then when she's finished babysitting she comes back to Scotland - and she does it all in the space of a day!!!
    Wendy oh my word, we have so much in common it's frightening. We have been married 48 years in October and known each other for 50 yrs this Sept. and I can honestly say the first 3 months were idyllic lol !!
    Saba/Barbara/Gerta come on let down your braids, we'll have a drink even though I'm TT to celebrate Val coming home. Someone put the music on and we'll have a dance, no not an Austrian waltz, we want to rock the place and do our thing. (My word, they'd better call NHS direct for assistance).
    Pat, I'm with you on CRAFT, George and I often have to finish each other's sentences or words because I get half way through and that's it. I used to know the Latin names of most plants, can't remember the common name now.
    Anyway, it's lovely to have you back - whoever you are!!!! (just kidding, I think)
    Myra/Maria - I never cast aspersions about you. All I said was that you were a bald eagle and a young bird, or was it the other way around, and that you both liked a drink, although I am sure you are one and the same person !!!
    Oh Sandra, I've never congratulated you and Paul on your 27 years of knowing each other. As you say, with all your trials and tribulations it is a testimony to the human spirit that you are still together.
    Cheryl, I hope you are more rested today and recovered from your marathon gardening session. I can't wait to see your Craft Room inn House and Homes. Mine was published a few years ago under the heading "Is She of Sound Mind".
    Love and hugs to you all.
    Muriel - Member of the H L M club xxxxx

  47. P.S. Got a bumper load of new undies and extra large tenna ladies when in town.
    Muriel xx

    1. Are they just average sized tena ladies when out of town? Xx

    2. Ooooooo, ok, so the grammar could be better. 100 lines for me, must do better, must do better, must ....................
      Muriel xx

    3. Sorry my dear I'm very cheeky! You that already. Once a Primary School Teacher! -----------.
      Please don't change ! Love Maria xx

  48. Good evening ladies or should it be recycled teenagers? Jury might still be out on that one. Whatever rocks your boat.
    Craftroom slowly starting to take shape, good job too as TV now on the blink. I've been without my home phone since Sunday. Nobody thought to ring me on my mobile to tell me they couldn't get through so I've been in blissful ignorance of everyone's annoyance. Now got a super duper CALL BLOCKER one, so hooray, no more telling James from India or wherever in the world he is to 'F ORF' oh so politely. I really did do that once, I must have had the same guy 3 times in a row, I got so annoyed it just slipped out. Trouble was I forgot my electrician was doing something with my hall lights and he nearly fell off his ladder!!!! He didn't know I knew words like that, now he knows.
    Well as there is nobody to join me, I'll turn out the lights and have an early night. Sleep tight ladies, see you tomorrow.
    Hugs Cheryl xxx

  49. Forgot to mention, Good Luck to everybody in the

    1. OOOOH Cheryl, how awful ha ha ha ha ha
      Murielx xxxxx

  50. Sandra, what exactly was your gas man doing, you were waiting for him to finish, to finish WHAT.
    Now that's a cliffhanger if ever there was one!!!!
    Muriel xxx

  51. Sorry Dear Heart Maureen, I didn't know you had snuck in behind me with your new knickers and OS Tena pads. Did you get the extra long ones as well? Really handy in case of emergencies or so I've been told.
    I've totally lost the plot with all these shenanigans going on, it's hard to keep up with the Jones never mind who's who in this cafe cos you all seem to change names too quick for my poor dead brain cells to assimilate. Good job see my nut nurse every month, it's great being certified. Nobody bothers you.
    I think I was going to go to bed and now the clock has struck 9, it's tea and tablet time, so I think I better had before I start to rumble or was that supposed to be ramble? I forget.
    It seems the faster I go the more behinder I get. And I can give J LO a run for her money, but not the Cardassian girls. Boy have they got big bums!
    Anyways, good night all
    Cheryl xxx

  52. OMW!!! Maureen will you STOP it, unless you bought some extra undies and Tennas for me!! Had to run, did not quite make it, have had a shower and got my PJs on. Now PLEASE!!! the Tennas are not much good with PJs.......LOL!!
    Looking forward to tomorrows episodes, I will be prepared!!!
    Good night, don't let the bugs bite
    Patricia xxx

  53. Myra lovely young one that you are I actually meant the young ones as in Rik Mayall and Neil and Mike and I cant remember the other one. They all lived together in a flat.
    Muriel, I knew you and Wendy had a lot in common. She was in a mental home for 16 years, claimed she worked there! Yea and I'm the queen of
    Oh by the way, Diane is throwing a party for her uncle, we're all invited and I'm invited especially cos im going to give him a bath.
    I remember clearly the day I met my husband, love at first sight, mind you I'd had a few. It was July, or June in Greece or was it Spain? Anyway wherever it was I was wearing blue,or yellow and I think it was snowing. Yes I remember it well.
    Love and hugs. Saba xxx

  54. Anyone know where Sheba is on the world map? Think I need to go there and get some proper respect.

  55. SABA:- I have just got myself sorted out after Mureens contribution!!
    Patricia xxx

  56. Patricia, don't you dare go to bed. If you do set your alarm for 10pm were all chewing our nails here.
    Can I hear rumblings in the distance, oh no it's only Cheryl, bye the way Cheryl, who are those Cardassian girls with the big bums.
    I have left a big basket of tennas by the door ( not the money ones Maureen so don't get giddy) and I got those with the sticky backs so they'll be ok with your PJs Patricia.

    1. Ethiopia or Yemen! The scholars are out - a bit like the jury! Get I! ?
      These poor people won't understand a word you are saying! However you could teach them to make Izzy bags and baste ducks!
      Love Myra xx

    2. Where's Ethiopia, it that where the big bottomed ladies come from?
      And what Jury? I thought Patricia was doing the draw.
      Can I teach ship to shore radio communication instead please.

    3. Queen of Sheba's neck of the woods! Only they - the so- called scholars can't decide whether her Kingdom was in Ethiopia or Yemen!
      Don't say you never learn nothing here, it might be useless - but hey so what! Oops bad grammar - Muriel will pick me up on that!

    4. You mean to say they don't know where I come from silly bug..s, they're not very clever are, I even I know I come from ...the kingdom of Yorkshire.

  57. Saba, I have helped my self to a couple, much more comfortable now thanks
    Am I doing something special at 10pm?? . Oh! this getting old is a bummer!!
    Patricia x

  58. Ladies I will have to get some of those over sized overly long tena lady??? I have been trying to read the comments and I can't for the tears of laughter. I have been trying to go back into yesterday's to see what you lot got up to late last night, but seem to get distracted. Ok it doesn't take much to do that. Well I am going to go, been a long day. Hazel x

    1. Hazel - so sorry ! I had such good intentions today! Will try harder tomorrow - promise!
      Night night , sleep well you've had a long day.
      Love Myra xx

  59. Is Sheba not near Timbuktu??? Our Dad used to tell to take a trip there when we used to annoy him. Think I was about 21 before I Realised it was a real place!!! John who is excellent at Geography always says it's because I was educated in N. Ireland. Ooopps!!! hope there are no Irish calling in this evening.
    Patricia x

    1. Does the name Killen not tell you anything, and my mother was a red headed McGill. But dad always said that we were of Scandinavian descent, didn't like to tell him that 95% of the North East population are!!
      Muriel xx

  60. That reminds me of singing hymns when I was tiny. I could never understand why we were singing Gladly my cross eyed bear. It was years before I realised what the real words were. Xxx

  61. Hope there's no one with a squint in tonight.

    1. How about "Can't afford a cabbage" from - Daisy, daisy, give me your answer................
      Muriel xx

  62. HELLOOOOOOOO, come back Hazel, we need you.
    This is a very carefully worded ALERT, ALERT, ALERT. Don't think thtat I'm ignoring you but I won't be on the blog tomorrow until after lunch as we are up at 6.30 (as usual - oh it's too much) get ready, go to my granddaughters house to get them sorted for school, but instead of putting them on the school bus we are taking them as it's Zoe's class mass tomorrow at 9.30 and we are going. She is doing a reading and taking part in a small play, then it's coffee and cakes (real ones, yippee) for the visitors.
    The mass is a special one for a special friend.
    After that, we will go to do some shopping - Aldi have special offers on industrial size "you know whats" so I'll get a bumper load when George is with me to carry them. May force him to take me out for lunch, and then will come up to my little haven and read what you have all been up to.
    Aren't we so lucky to have SANDRA, who let's us meet like this and enjoy each other's company. Thank you so much Sandra, you have no idea the pleasure this gives me to know that so many other, er, ehm, eeh, ladies join in the fun.
    Muriel xx

  63. Oh! Dear I hope Sandra does not mind all these gongs on!!!
