
Saturday 14 March 2015

Mixed Craft Saturday!!!!!!

Good Saturday morning Ladies,
Mixed Craft Saturday is upon us again!
Boy have I got some treasures for you today.
First up we have this absolutely Gorgeous pair from Janet
How fabulous are they, I think that they could be either pyjama
cases (and before mrs b pipes up, no I wouldn't need one!)
or they could be hot water bottle covers, which I would love.
Janet will hopefully call in today to tell us all about these lovelies.
Thank you Janet, xxxx
Next up this fantastic Altered Notebook is from Maureen,
It just proves that Altering doesn't always need to be dark and brown
and grungy, this is pretty and feminine, I love the embedded lock and key
It looks Just as beautiful on the back, I know that any one of my girls would
love this as a diary or notebook.
Thank you so much Maureen, I hope you can
stop in and tell us all about how you made it,
Saba has kindly sent me this gorgeous fabric box to share with you today
Wow Saba it is stunning and so neat, it looks as beautiful inside as it does out.
I love the way you have staged your photo too.
Thank you my lovely I look forward to hearing all about it.
This gorgeous back, almost matches Saba's box!
This gorgeous bag was made by Margaret, my goodness Margaret how
very neat, your patchwork is stunning and the fabrics are so well matched.
Again a bag that would work across the generations, thank you so much
for sending me your lovely projects to share Margaret.
I look forward to hearing all of your lovely comments on the amazing range
of crafts we have showcased today.
Thank you so much Ladies for giving me such beautiful projects to share.
Love and Hugs


  1. Good morning Sandra and crafty friends. I've vaguely back to normal today so I've been trying to catch up with all I've missed.
    Firstly, I've loved the cards over the last couple of days and today's mixed crafts are amazing, what a talented bunch you all are.

    Sandra - my blood was boiling when I read about what had happened to Becca; it must have been so frightening for both of you. My question is: if they were able to trace the culprits by DNA, then they must already have a criminal record - so why were they let of with a caution? I think you and Paul need to write a letter to someone high up in your local police. I can't believe that Lucy was mis-diagnosed for so long, I agree with the comments that from now on you insist on seeing the head honcho.

    Michele - I hope that your husband had positive news yesterday.

    Alison (Barbiepinkfairy) - I didn't realise that we had a celebrity in our ranks, I bet you have some tales to tell! I hope that you have a safe journey to Harrogate, sending hugs and special wishes to you and your Aunt.

    Izzy - I hope you keep popping into the cafe, you've really started a trend with your bags. I'm going to finish my first attempt today as I've been waiting for some sticky velcro dots to arrive.

    So to summarise what I think I've missed: Saba spends her nights in a knocking shop eating Bambi (or possibly Simba, Dumbo or Free Willy); Maureen might really be called Muriel or is that Myra? Maureen's husband George is either very accident prone or is trying to bump her off; Cheryl got locked in her craft room and had to be let out by Maria; and whoever is last in the cafe has to mop up the puddles of piddle!

    I did think about going to the Northern papercraft show at Harrogate today but I just can't face the 2 hour each way drive, and I really need to do some housework! Have a lovely day. Sue xxx

    1. Hi CraftySuetoo
      Yes, I think you've just about summed them all up. Wouldn't you just love to be a fly on the wall.

    2. I certainly wouldn't want to be a fly on the floor! Ugh! xx

    3. And I wouldn't want to be a fly on a man's trousers!!! Ughhhhhh
      (That's the way to lower the tone in one second flat lol)
      Muriel xx

    4. Muriel your a lost cause - but a talented , funny one!
      Myra/Maria xx

  2. Good morning Sandra and all you wonderful ladies. Oh what an array of fabulous crafts this morning! Where does one start? JANET your pj cases or hot water bottle covers are gorgeous, I think I would use them as pj cases as then they wouldn't get spoilt, just sit nicely on the bed. MAUREEN not only do you make us all laugh that much we end up having little accidents, then your wonderful stories that you keep leaving us with cliff hangers ( to be continued or next time ) you do altered note books that look terrific, a gift that anyone would love to own. SABA, you are another one that makes us all laugh with how you can turn things to have new meanings, you give us all these wonderful detailed instruction on how to make the " Izzy Bags". And you have made these little beauties that are shown today. MARGARET your bag is gorgeous, what a treasured gifted this is. You ladies all have so much talent, and just think if it wasn't for the lovely Sandra here at the coffee shop we would never have seen any of your work!!., this is where blogs come into their own, they are a way of showing others your work. oh I wish we all lived close enough to be able to see all these beauties in real life? Well we will just admire them here in the coffee shop, these cabinets are filling up nicely, Everything is ready to go for the day and night, it will soon be coming an all night cafe, with the time some of us are still coming in at. I see we have a good selection of cakes etc today ? (((((((Hugs)))))) are in the basket, Pat I have moved your chair around a little bit to make it easier for you to get to, so glad you are getting more mobil, but remember ?Rome was not built in a day. Steph did you enjoy getting into your own bed last night, I hope you got a good night sleep. Norah, I take it you are still feeling not so good, iron levels being low, can effect the body so much. Get eating all those greens!!! To every one else I hope you will feel well enough to call in today. Hazel x

  3. Good morning Sandra and guest ladies,

    Word salad finally disappeared from my head, shows what an early night can do.
    What a beautiful cornucopia of crafts from our very talented showcase ladies today.
    Janet, your knitted pig and dinosaur are so lovely and cuddly, I bet the children who received them are really pleased with them. where did you get the knitting patterns from?

    Maureen, dear heart, your book is AWESOME, the colours are divine. I am so glad somebody else does the mixed art media. I will be asking for many tips as it's something I have just got into. Do you follow Gabrielle Pollacco? I subscribed to her posts just after Pete died after finding her on YouTube whilst looking for something else. She is one amazingly talented lady. I have pinned many of her posts on my Pinterest board. Pop over and have a look.

    Well Saba, firstly: Following last night's hilarity, I hope you are now dried out and have clean knickers on? Did you go through 'cold turkey' after all that Prosting?
    Your box is one I would love to own. I am very into items like yours.It's truly beautiful, I can't wait for your posting of instructions.

    Margaret, your bag is gorgeous in your choice of such lovely opulent fabrics that compliment each other. Is it an evening bag? My granddaughter would absolutely lurve it.

    Your summarizing is absolutely spot on my dear.
    Sandra, I totally agree with Sue that you write to the chief Of police in your area and also to the highest one at the police Station where you reported the incident. ALSO, ring the editor of your local newspaper, to see if they would give out this warning to other young ladies so that they are aware of what can happen. Stress how much it frightened Becca and her friend and ask them to point out to the culprits that you are sure they wouldn't like this to happen to any female relative of theirs. It might just shame them into giving Becca an apology. Then sue them in a civil case for damages.One of those accidents firms would surely love the limelight on a case like this? Climbed off my soapbox now.
    However you are feeling today, my box of comfort blanket hugs is overflowing, please help yourselves to as many as you need.
    Love & hugs
    Cheryl xxx

  4. Morning Ladies

    Had my tea & toast so feel ready to comment.

    Janet- I love the Hot Water Bottle covers. You are so talented. I can't knit, sew or crochet.

    Maureen- I love the altered Notebook & you have reminded me that I bought a bargain notebook from HomeBargains (99p) to alter but I didn't so now I need to find it!

    Saba- oh my goodness, what a beautiful fabric box. That must have taken quite some time to create.

    Margaret- the bag is just beautiful. I have a friend who would just love this. Might send her the picture & see if she "offers " to make one.

    CraftySueToo - I love your summary of whats been going on in tbe Cafe. My husband hears at 9.45am on Monday about his job. He'll have to leave home on Sunday as it would be a ridiculous drive on Monday from here, he won't be home then until Thursday. I don't like it but have got used to it over the years.

    I'm off to see my Dad this morning & will take him some Daffodils. He's not adapting to being on his own too well but who would after so long together with someone. Hubby gone off to play golf but his knee is bothering him again (ligament damage) so he could be home earlier than planned. At least we have a nice fine day for once this week.


  5. Good morning Ladies,

    Soooo impressed with the mixed crafts this morning and Sandra how generous of you to make your blog a showcase for other crafters to share their arts with us....I'm sure I'll be popping in as often as I can, if only to

    I've been reading all the comments just trying to get to "know" all you ladies - totally confused still as to whether Saba was hanging by her ankles or her knuckles though!....ankles would be better as that would stretch the spine and bring a fresh supply of blood to the brain, so definitely a win/win

    Sandra...don't think I'm "qualified" to judge anyone else's work...I'm truly a very, very average crafter! good idea every blue moon, the rest of the time spent faffing about trying to produce a decent enough birthday card for one of the relies, none of whom are crafters so I'm sure they think the diecuts I use have been cut by hand!....and I don't let on how the magic happens...mind you, a gallery of bags would be a great help to inspire those ladies who still think they can't but just need a little push to show them they can cut a few rectangles and piece them together, because that's all the bags are really, very easy...and on that subject, hope you won't mind, dear hostess, if I correct the mashed-up instructions for the Orion side panels here...?...I've looked at them again and realised there's a much simpler way to get the measurement right to fit snugly with the body and that is to cut the width at 1 or 2mm narrower than the total 2.5" across - (that's 1.5" plus a half-inch either side for the seams)...but still scoring at the half-inch groove on the scoring immediately your side panel allows for the thickness of whatever card you're using...simples!....why didn't I think of that dumb is

    ...and Patricia, did I notice an improvement on my design with your Carina bags?....I'm sure I scored along the back of the flap to enable it to open more easily, yes?...that's better!....will be paying you a visit, hopefully later on today but my daughter is due down today and I don't see her often enough so hope you'll forgive me if I don't show up until tomorrow...

    Have a good day ladies...


    1. Good morning Izzy, great to see you in for Coffee.
      Thank you for your compliment, we can all learn from each other. I think that what makes this "crafting" lark so much fun. We all seem to doubt our capabilities then "wham" someone comes up with and idea and we are all off and running. Your bags are brilliant though, love making them. Robert our younger Grandson enjoyed (with just a little help) making one for his mum for tomorrow.
      Have a wonderful time with your daughter

      Patricia xxx

    2. Hello Izzy,
      I've got to tell you that I followed your instructions on Sue's blog and had no difficulty at all, only that I scored the flap over the top to match the base of the bag and that was the only "alteration" I made. The score line down the middle of the gussets (side bits) made such a difference too,
      So thank you very much for sharing your idea.
      Muriel xxx

    3. Hi Maureen,
      It had to be you that mentioned 'gussets' didn't it!
      Sandra xxxx

    4. Gussets always top of the chat list here for some reason!!!!
      Patricia xxx

    5. Hi Izzy,
      Thanks for getting back to me, I only thought of you for to judge as the bags were your baby, and it was just going to be a bit of fun, I can just do it as a Handbag Gallery instead. I have been amazed at the quality and different styles that have emerged since your bags were first aired on tv by Sue! You must have been blown away by the popularity of the bags! I am genuine thrilled for you.
      What kind of cards/projects do you usually make?
      I would live to see some more of your work sometime.
      Thank you so much Izzy for taking the time to come and join us in this 'crazy cafe'
      Love & hugs

  6. Good morning Sandra and all the coffee shop crew
    A latte would just hit the spot this morning thank you, I will pass on anything to eat trying to reduce what is showing on the bathroom scales!
    Thank you so much Sandra for showing such a lovely mix for today you are so generous in sharing your blog.
    Janet your little animals are so delightful who would fail not to cuddle them.
    Maureen what a beautiful book something to keep and treasure most definitely.
    Saba wow I too have made boxes and I know just how much work goes into them including sore fingers! I love your beautiful box and what a super choice of fabric you have made.
    My bag was easy to make, be assured I don't do difficult, the feature fabrics are stitched onto Vilene and them cut on the cross just as you would cut on the bias, and then quilted onto wadding and them the bag is made up in the usual way. As the bag was quite wide I added matching ties at the sides, so they could be tied to taper in the top part. When I constructed the handles I stitched some velvet ribbon down the centre this adds to the decorative look and makes the handles stronger too.
    Well I must go and get the washing hung out and hopefully it will get dry, still a very cold wind but as there is snow on the fells again it is not surprising.
    Michele I do sincerely hope all goes well for hubby on Monday thinking of you xx
    My basket of hugs and cuddles s is in Norah's corner help yourselves, I will call back later internet permitting.
    Have a lovely day ladies.
    With love
    Margaret xx

    1. Hi Margaret,
      Thank you so much for allowing me to share you gorgeous bag with our little crafty family, it was probably easy for you too make but I wouldn't have a clue where to start!
      There is enough of a breeze here to get washing dry, but it's very overcast and chilly, the birds are singing a fine song today though which us just beautiful to hear,
      Love and hugs

    2. Margaret, sorry these little flowers hold such sad memories for you. Sending (((((( hugs))))))) . Hazel x

  7. Good morning Sandra and ladies, what a stunning array of beautiful crafts we have today, ladies you are all so talented, everything is absolutely gorgeous.
    Cheryl, have you had a dictionary for breakfast this morning, cornucopia - where did that come from!!!! Lol.
    I will help myself to coffee and the smell of that toast is too delicious to ignore, so a slice of that would do nicely. Money in box, I will go and sit down and people watch out the window before housework beckons.
    Take care everyone, will catch you all later, Jess x

    1. I love our beautiful English language, we have so many descriptive words for the same thing and cornucopia just popped into my head.
      I have a wonderful description of the years I spent with my beloved Pete which I will share with you. And that is a rich kaleidoscopic tapestry of memories that will last my lifetime.
      Cheryl xxx

    2. Cheryl. What a beautiful way to describe what you and Pete had. Hazel x

    3. Cheryl, that is lovey, thank you.
      Jess x

  8. Good morning Sandra and all lovely ladies,
    Shiver my timbers what a lot of amazing craft you are showing us this morning !
    They are all truly wonderful and I want that Pig hihi it's adorable (just like me) and the little Dino is not bad either Janet !
    Oh Sandra ,could I have a coffee and some toast before going on please, yes It's me and I'm early-ish in for once, not a wink again only the magpie on the roof giving me the beady eye lol Maureen that Notebook is a dream, fantastic colours and so different looking, was it just a normal pad from the beginning ? Saba your Box is gorgeous ! and Margaret your Bag is lovely ! Thank you Sandra for showing us sooo many wonderful things on this Saturday morning ! You want believe me but I think I will try a Izzy bag today oooooh if you can all make one I can't be any stupier surely not to be able or ??? lol we will soon find out. You see what you have started Izzy, I blame you if I laying in a pile later in a corner with my hair pulled and dies, cards and other bits and bobs around me or should I blame our lovely Saba for giving us the 'easy' measurements ! Shower calling me but I will be popping in and out, hopefully again Love and Hugs to all, Maria xx

  9. Good Morning Sandra and our wonderful ladies
    A pot of tea and a toasted teacake for me this morning please.
    Sandra what a diverse collection of crafting we have today.
    If I may, I'll start with my Trinket Box. I have been wracking my brains to try and remember just how I made it, it was so long ago. I do remember it was Val who sent me the instructions, sewing is her passion and painting which she is really talented at.
    The box is made of quite sturdy MDF and each of the five diamond shaped segments is made separately. The sides and base of the inner segments are each covered with cerise fabric and glued together to form a diamond and then these six diamonds glued together to form the star. The star is then put onto a piece if the patterned fabric and drawn around leaving a about a half inch seam and this is then cut out and folded and glued around the star shape to form the base.
    The lids are made in the same way, one slightly smaller diamond shaped piece of MDF for the inside, covered with fabric which is glued together but leaving about an inch of fabric free on the fourth side. These lids are are then glued to your star shaped box sides. The edge pieces are really easy. Again MDF, this time cut in a long strip, scored so that it can be wrapped all the way around the star, covered in fabric allowing enough so that it will bend nicely around the star and simply glued on. I did use wadding in between the fabrics on the lid, outsides and base to give it a padded look.
    At least that's how I think I made it!! Message to self... Next time send a picture to Sandra of something less complicated to describe.

    Janet, I adore your knitted creatures, whether they are pyjama cases or hot water bottle covers they are gorgeous.
    Maureen, your altered art notebook is fabulous. It's right up my street. I have been wanting to have a go at something like this so can't wait to hear how you did it. I love it, every single thing about it is singing to me.
    Margaret, what an amazing bag, bet there was no glueing involved there . Lol. Sandra is right, yours and mine do coordinate very well. It is so beautifully made, it's gorgeous.

    Right now need to go and read all the comments, this has taken me over an hour to write and I bet the cafe is full up and I won't get a seat anywhere.

    Janet love before I do just want to say I am thinking of you today and sending you all my love and comforting hugs on this sad day.
    And Margaret, my love and comfort hugs for you too, I know Janet's pain will be bringing back your own sadness.
    Love Saba xxx

  10. HinSandra
    My word aren't our ladies talented. Janet's knitter offerings are wonderful, so is Maureen's notebook, these are my favourite colours. Plus Saba's lovely box and Margaret's bag. Such work and detail that's gone into all of these is amazing. Hot chocolate for me this morning Sandra, I can make it , if one of the ladies could kindly carry it to a table for me please. Well Pete's sister in law in Australia emailed to say that his brother Bryan went out sparklers yesterday in the hall. They'd just bought a new runner for the hall and put it down. He'd obviuosly got up to quick and just collapsed unconscious. Good job he was as he'd just missed a filing cabinet, chair and table in the bedroom they use as an office. If he'd been conscious he would have tried to grab something and then hurt himself. Full of sympathy his eldest son said when he came over to make sure he was ok. Don't fall off the perch yet dad, you haven't labelled all of your work tools yet with how much we could sell them for when we have a garage sale after you've gone.

    1. Hi Pat,
      I hope you're more comfortable today, and that your sister in law's brother!!!!??? is ok. His son is full of typical Aussie humour isn't he?
      Muriel xx

    2. Hi Pat,
      I hope you gave taken things easier today and are in less pain!
      Poor Brian, Can Pete Skype him to check up on him?
      Maybe it's his blood pressure!
      Hope you ave had a good day
      Love you lots
      Sandra xxxx

  11. Hi Sandra,
    Hope you are feeling a lot better today and more relaxed. Thank you so much for your lovely blog and your generosity in sharing it! What a lovely opportunity you have given us to share our love of making things!
    Where to start on today's goodies! I'll start at the very beginning - a very good place to start - and it fits with my persona of loving old songs as my dear friend Maureen says! At least I think it was Maureen?
    Janet those pyjama cases are gorgeous! I just love that piggy and the expression on her face is great . I'm calling her a she as she has a bow in her hair and Im sexist! Lol. You are a very talented lady. Thank you for sharing your lovely work.
    Maureen - I love, Love, your book. I love doing altered art, up cycling or whatever you care to call it . I love your colours and anyone would be proud to own such a lovely book.

    Saba - how's the head? Your little box is a gem - a little diamond! It is so neat and beautifully made . No wonder you were able to help we lesser mortals with the Izzy bags. It looks so professional. I like it - can you tell?lol.
    Margaret - your gorgeous bag! It looks so sumptuous. Your colours , too, are beautiful and it is a thing of real beauty. What a treasure for someone.
    Well ladies I loved them all. You have given a lovely start to the day. Thank you.
    Cheryl, my dear! You went to sleep with salad and woke up with cornucopia! Do you sleep with your mouth open? Wow! Have a lovely day in Cheryl's Crafting
    Lots of love everyone, especially Steph and Norah.
    Special hugs today too to Janet, Margaret and families.
    Lots of love, Myra xxxxx

    1. I honestly don't know the answer to your question. I'm asleep so how would I know if my mouth's open or not? Had a lovely day thank you. Bit of housework then putting some craft items into their new boxes.
      Cheryl xxx

  12. Hi Sandra and all the lovely ladies.
    Good heavens it's after 12 already! It's taking ages to read all the lovely comments !
    Janet your knitted animals are beautiful and look lovely and cuddly. Xxx
    Saba what a beautiful box, love the colours you have used xxx
    Margaret your bag is beautiful too, aren't you clever and I love the colours xxx
    Maureen love your altered art notebook I haven't played with altered art yet but love they way it looks. I know you follow Barbara's blog and she does some lovely altered art so one day I will try it. Xxx
    Janet thinking of you todayxxx
    Pat I hope you are feeling a bit better today. Your poor brother in law, I hope he is ok. Yes that sounds like a concerned son to me. My sister used to joke about labelling items around the house and if you knocked the cupboard the Poole pottery was in she would say 'mind my inheritance!'. We did share when it came to sorting things out.
    Steph I hope you had a good nights sleep . Don't get too stressed out making your cards today xxx
    Michele I hope your dad likes his daffodils. It is hard when one parent is left on their own after so many years of being married. My dad found it quite lonely but he was quite in demand from all the widowed ladies around him after a while!!! I will keep my fingers crossed for your husband on Monday xxx
    Right I must get on, so much to do and already half the day has gone! I hope everyone has a good day - it's quite well behaved so far. I think Sue and Izzie have got the measure of everyone to a T !
    Sandra, I hope you have a lovely weekend and get to cuddle your lovely daughter soon. Hope you don't get too cold at football today, the sun has just gone in here but it isn't raining...... Yet!
    See you all later you lovely talented bunch and oh yes Sandra thank you for showcasing such lovely things today.
    Love Diane xxxxx

  13. Me AGAIN - I know!
    Patricia - Cheryl left you a question last night. I don't trust myself to answer it! Over to you!
    Myra xxx

    1. Off to look ...... bet it's a question caused by a stupid typo error from me!!!
      Patricia x

    2. Knew it!
      As if Boar could lay eggs with its "bits" being roasted on the "spit"
      Patricia xxx

    3. Oh that made chuckle Pat, hahahahaha
      hugs Cheryl xxx

  14. Good afternoon Sandra and all you wonderful ladies who have been in or are still in this fantastic Coffee Shop.
    What a stunning aray of beautiful Crafts on Show today. Everything is stunning, those knitted creatures are adorable, could adopt one of them anytime.
    The Journal is beautiful, love the colours. Now where the heck did I put the one I bought to decorate???? Well it was to be for a Christmas gift although I did not state which Christmas!!!
    Those little boxes are works of art, absolutely stunning, love them.
    The bag is so pretty, great for all occasions.
    A crowd of real talented ladies congregate here.
    SANDRA:- you are a JEM no a DIAMOND for all the work you put into showcasing these wonderful works. Also for putting up with all the nonsense from the rebels that seem to come in the evenings!!! Great fun though, where on this earth is there a place to beat it???
    I hear John coming down from his "playroom" where he has his Model Railway. He managed to get the attic before I did. Mind you I only had a plastic crate with a few bits and pieces of crafty stuff at that time. I could kick myself, now I have to craft in the kitchen with my STUFF dotted throughout the house.
    Will be back later for "afternoon tea"
    Be good till then .......that's asking a lot is it not??
    Patricia x

  15. Janet Ecco of Sheffield14 March 2015 at 13:57

    everyone - Just got around to pop in and rest in a corner after a hectic morning. My youngest Daughter Nichola Jayne has just left for home. We've had our cuddles and so it's back to a normal Saturday now.
    What can I say about my talented Sisters. Saba your box is just out of this world and Oh how I'd love to be able to create one. Maureen your Altered Notebook is just so elegant and so inviting to anyone who loves to write a diary or just to collect verses etc. I admit to impulse buying notebooks with the thought of doing something with them but never get around to doing so. Having seen your beautiful creation you have given me the nudge I needed.
    Margaret your bag is just wonderful and so much better than some I've seen in very expensive shops. I'm drooling over all today's goodies.
    My two little 'critters' are indeed PJ cases. The patterns are from a company called - You can either download or send for them by post. I wanted to keep the pattern and so sent for the traditional knitting pattern. They do a range of animals so there is a big choice. The Piggy I knitted for our Great Niece who lives in Holland and the Demon was done for her Brother. We put a T-shirt inside each one for them and took them when we visited last May on our way back from Marigny. Each PJ case takes 200g of the main colour and 100g of toning colour - the wool is Chunky needle size 4.5mm and I bought the wool from Deramores via the net.

    Off for a quiet afternoon. Thank you wonderful Sisters for today.
    See you tomorrow. Janet xxxx

    1. Hi Janet,
      Thank you so much sweetheart for finding the strength to come in and comment today, you have no idea how much I appreciate it.
      Your pj cases are just amazing, so bright and fun!
      I hope you have a lovely afternoon,
      Love & hugs
      Sandra xxxxx

    2. Janet. Thinking of you and your family today. Hazel x

    3. Thinking of you today, my dear and Margaret too. Sending you lots of hugs xxx

  16. Hello Sandra,
    Thank you for honouring me with a place in the Hall of Fame, with my illustrious sisters in the craft world!!
    Janet, I absolutely adore the Demon, and when you think about it, it just fits my personality. The pig is lovely too, but give me a demon any time!!
    Saba, have you finished swinging by your ankles and sobered up yet - No - I thought not! You box is so pretty, my granddaughters would love it to put in their little treasures.
    SORRY have to go, Eleanor has just descended and needs me, will come back soon - and that's a threat - not a promise.
    Muriel xxxx

    1. Maureen,
      The honour is all mine, thank you for allowing me to share your amazing talent with our lovely craft family!
      Love & hugs

  17. My second attempt to leave a message today. Had to go and watch the Rugby but it is now half time so came back again. Thank you Sandra for showing all those lovely crafts today.
    Janet. Hope today isn't too stressful for you. Love your PJ cases. Think I would use one for a hot water as I love my hot water bottle. The cover it has now looks like a jumper with cable on it and a polo neck. Came from Asda so not as good as yours.
    Saba. Love your boxes. You are so clever.
    Maureen. Love your bag. That sounds a good way to make it rather than cutting on the bias. Very clever.
    Well better get back to the rugby. Probably be back later.

    1. Hi Brenda,
      Welcome back, I really missed you!
      What have you been up to today? Did you see Scarlett.
      I hope you can manage something crafty.
      Enjoy the rugby my lovely
      Sandra xxxx

  18. Sorry Maureen forgot to say how much I like your book. Got carried away with the Rugby. I have had my book ready to do for a few weeks. Just waiting for my arm to me more mobile. I am sure it won't be as good as yours.
    Steph. Please to hear you are home. Don't overdo it today

  19. First of all, I hope Janet and Margaret feel the love and hugs I'm sending them, and they have been included in my prayers last night and this morning. +

    Right, let's get this show on the road, where was I before I was so rudely interrupted by Eleanor (well not rudely really, she was very polite but worried).
    Brenda - Littlelamb, thank you so much for admiring my bag, it was quite difficult to make but Margaret explains the process so perfectly!!!!
    I have to say that I'm definitely going to hospital to see about this little problem I have when catching up and reading all your posts. I reckon Noah would be building an Ark if he lived anywhere near me at the moment!
    Steph, it's great that you are home,
    Captain Michele, although I used to be a very precise, straight lines and clean hands type of crafter, I'm a bit like Saba in that I'm free and easy these days lol. I don't mind getting down and dirty on some projects, and it's all happened since I started using the Gelli Plate.
    I hope that whatever happens on Monday will prove to be what you and your husband want and I'll be thinking of you. We've been there and got the T shirt, redundancy at the age of 55 was the best thing that ever happened to George. He went to work for a bespoke company who made furniture for Barbara Streisand, Oprah Winfrey, Robert de Niro and.................I'll tell you about that tomorrow!!
    Saba, yes his Christian name was Enrico and my father absolutely adored him.
    Myra, Well bless my beautiful hide, I don't know any old songs, I'm too young,
    Diane, this was my first attempt at Mixed Media, and hold on to your hats ladies, I'll make this as short as I can - which will be a miracle for me.
    Set the Scene,
    Lights, music, clapper board.
    A few years ago it was the 150th Anniversary of M & S. Among the freebies was a hard backed book, with a spiral binding, covered with striped red and white paper showing advertisements.
    I dissected the book, opening the spiral binding and carefully removing the front and back covers, I put the binding with the innards to one side out of the way so the pages wouldn't get messed up, stripped all the shiny patterned paper off the front and back and painted them with two coates of white gesso.
    I hunted in my stash and found some chipboard die cuts which I'd got from QVC about 40 years ago (well it seems that long) and cut some shapes with the old thick type Sissex dies. I also had odds and ends that I'd acquired over the years and was too mean to throw out.
    I laid them out and when happy with the design I stuck them onto the front of the book with Sue's glue that she always uses. When I'd finished and was satisfied, I coated the whole lot with another two coats of gesso (allowing the 1st to dry first).
    Then I did the same with the back of the book, bearing in mind where you'll be holding it, and avoiding those places so the pieces don't get in the way.
    When it's all dry, lay down plenty of copy paper, wear those thin disposable gloves and spray with various Mica paints.
    Leave to dry and add pearls and jewels to the front, but not the back because you don't want the book to wobble when you write in it.
    Find some nice card or thick paper to cover the inside of the front and back covers and glue down.
    Then, put the book back together, putting the back on first, then the front.
    Got to go, back in 2 minutes xxx

  20. Sorry should have said Margaret like your bag. Worthy about the mistake there. Playing Dominoes with my granddaughter and not concentrating.

  21. I don't like this predictive text. I was saying SORRY about the mistake. Think I will give up here. I can't get anything right. Bad week.

    1. Please don't worry! I think predictivetextitis is rife here! We've all got it! Love Myra xxx

    2. Littlelamb Brenda, I feel a whole lot better if anyone makes a slight mistake, because believe you me I make some absolute doozers.
      Muriel xxx

  22. Well, Bless my Beautiful Hide! - that could take off as a song title? Just so long as no picture of moi was attached! Myra xxx
    PS - where has the would be Julie Andrews - Maria - gone? Oh no not another name that would be two or is it three Maria's.

    Just lost a bl**dy great long explanation of the Nun story, and how to finish the book. Can't remember, and you'll get none of the Nun now. It'll have to be tomorrow and George's chance to go on a Yacht in Switzerland with.............
    ah well, that'll have to be next week. Unless I decide to go with Crinkle Head.
    Oh I've just remembered I was telling you how I came to be helping Father so much at the church, but that is included in the Nun's story, so sorry, will have to wait.
    Myra - don't worry about Maria, I think she's with the lonely goat herd. Now who was making a Tena box, I've forgotton.
    I've had such a day, I haven't even been to see what Patricia and Hazel have been doing, so off I go. See you later because I've just realised I haven't had my coffee today.
    Love to all
    Muriel xx

    1. Oh Maureen you've left us all in suspenders here. Well you and George have certainly lead the life haven't you!!!! I can't wait to hear the nun story and the crinkly head?! Thank you for the how to on your book covers. I need to get on with some messy crafting and go outside my comfort zone. I bought some grunge paste the other day but haven't played yet! I love my gelli plate too but again I don't play with it enough . Right back to the rugby again and I must take my washing in off the line.
      See you again soon love Diane xxx

    2. I love embossing paste, is that the same as grunge paste? I'm supposed to be up here ironing - George is downstairs -silly man!

    3. What a picture - us in Suspenders! Calendar Girls eat your heart out! Xxx

  24. Oops, (I can hear your groans from here)
    I got some empty Pringle crisp tubes from the children on the School bus and am busy making mixed media pencil holders for the girls to match their little books. I just love it. It makes such a change from making cards - I'm addicted.
    Muriel xx

  25. Oh Maureen, I'm not alone - I love doing that! I've also got a stash of long match boxes! What are those for - OH - bad grammar - I'm going to make little chests of drawers out of them said I . Oh MYRA ! Was the reply with a shake of the head! Kids love those too!
    Never mind Maria - the Nun's Story can wait , don't stress yourself!
    You have a peace and quiet warning! I'm going out later!
    See it's not all bad news.
    Myra xxxxx

    1. Myra,
      Whatever you're doing tonight, I hope it's legal and I hope you have a good time. The politicians are droning on in the background on the TV, may have to throw something at it.
      May you have lots of "Happy Talk" when you are out.
      Muriel xx

  26. Thank you my dear! Just meeting up with some friends for some supper! Xx

  27. Myra now you mention what can be made out of long match boxes, there was two at work the other day and I looked at them as one does and think " now what I do withn you?" Nothing came to mind so they went on the fire. I will know the next time what to do. I hope you are going some where nice? No wild partying we have had enough of that this week with Saba!!!
    Has any one heard from Sam I noticed she hasn't been in today?
    Hazel x

    1. You can get lovely little handles for the drawers or even just special brads! Girls love them for putting hair clips etc. We're all so alike - no wonder we get on so well!
      Enjoy Belfast - the Craich will be good!
      Myra xx

  28. I have a "store room" at the back of the garage full of "things" for projects.
    Pringle Tubs, Match Boxes. .... empty we don't want the garage to go on fire and destroy this wonderful stash!!!! Lots of diffentent sizes of tubs. Kept them all for a reason but have forgoten what that was!!! Hazel might be able to remind me later this week when we are together for a few days.
    Did we tell you you we are flying over to Belfast ..... look out folks in Belfast!!,
    Patricia xxx

    1. Hope you have a super time! You will as I suspect you just enjoy life which is lovely! We need to do that.
      I will limit myself to one glass ! Hopefully !
      Prost! Xx

  29. Hi everyone, don't know what happened to my last comment, it seems to have gone into cyber space. I was saying that I was at the cattery booking the cats in when we go o holiday and had a question for all of you, if cats go into a cattery why don't dogs go into a doggerty, and if nuns live in a nunnery why don't monks live in a monkery!!!
    Answers on a postcard
    Take care Jess x

    1. Good one, I like it
      Patricia x

    2. Good one Jess! But nuns live in convents and monks in monasteries which I never understood the difference. As for the doggerty, our spoilt lab goes to a home from home doggerty, we could have a good few nights in a really nice hotel for what he costs us, you must be the same with the cartery fees? How many do you have? Our oldest daughter Lost her elderly cat to day, he was nearly 20, but still sad. Hazel x

    3. What has always puzzled me - In the sheepdog trials, how many were found guilty?!
      Muriel xxx

    4. Good one too, Maureen. Hazel x

    5. Never though of the Sheepdog Trials in that way.
      Love it
      Patricia x

    6. That's me missing out letters again

    7. This comment has been removed by the author.

    8. Ans = None cos the sheep all ran away. xxx

    9. True, Cheryl. They are the smart ones, not the sheep dogs!!., Hazel x

    10. Good one ..... and they tell is sheep are daft!!

  30. HI Sandra & lovely ladies missed you all yesterday i lost a long post then they kept freezing up then the Tenna ladies kept falling off holding the D B ( no Maria not Dawn Biddy )Dangley bits, who said put elastic loops onto them to hook over my ears i was getting strange looks in Tesco hihi. OH thinks i'v lost the plot as passing a shelf full of T L i started laughing i nearly peed myself & left a puddle

    first Cheryl your card yesterday was gorgeous loved the colours so pretty'Hugs.
    Well what a lovely lot of craft items on show today.
    JANET your Pig & Dinosaur P J/hot water bottle cover's are just gorgeous so cute
    SABA your fabric boxes are beautiful love the colour,defiantly a work of art,
    your so clever
    MARGARET WOW your bag is amazing such gorgeous colours you have used must have taken ages.what a beautiful gift.
    Maureen/Muriel i love your altered Art books they are beautiful such lovely colours.
    Well mist you all yesterday will have to read all of the comments. but now i must get ready for a party tonight. Maureen your story's are sooo funny bless you. Love you all Lynda With very droopy bits xxxxxx

    1. Lynda! Good luck in trying to make sense of it all! I have to cause just a little trouble before I go!
      Warning Sandra!
      I will be back, hopefully, even if it's late so I'll take my stilettos off and tiptoe in!
      Myra xx

    2. Why do I keep losing messages - is my machine trying to tell me something?
      Lynda, thank you for your kind comments, I think I'm the only "normal" person on this blog. You are obviously not "double looping" your bands over your ears and this is causing your little trouble. I nearly wet myself when I read that you'd seen a shelf of the popular T L in the supermarket. I've never noticed them so I'll have to have a look out. May even have to get some if we keep on like this!! May your droopy bits have a lovely night!!
      Muriel xxx

  31. Good Evening Sandra and Ladies

    JANET I love your little knitted creatures especially the little devil, so cute.
    MAUREEN your notebook is amazing, I love altered art and getting messy.
    SABA such a pretty box, MDF is fantastic and great to experiment with.
    MARGARET your little bag is so pretty, you are very talented.
    What talented crafters you have on this blog Sandra, their amazing. One day I will send you a photo when I have made something half as good as this lot.
    Have been very busy organising my MIL for her house move and spent 3 hours in a Dulux Centre helping her pick wallpaper. She couldn't believe that wallpaper was so expensive and thought it would be about £5 a roll.
    My friend and I took the dogs swimming today, she has two mini dachshunds and because they have a long back she wants to keep them fit. My Bichon Frise was just an observer as he hates water. Truffle and Rosy had their little life jackets on and were so cute swimming up and down the pool.
    Just going to have my curry and watch the Voice and will pop in later to see what shenanigans have been going on.

    1. My word £5 a roll, I still expect it to be £1.99d - and that's old money! Oh, oh, the politicians are on again, steady Maureen, don't scream because George may come running to help you, Aaaarrrrrrr
      Muriel xxx

    2. Barbara, does your local swimming pool allow dogs in the water?

    3. Sorry but I don't fancy going in the pool after a dog!!
      Maybe it a swimming pool at their house, possibly heated.
      Patricia x

    4. Patricia, Myra is going to have a breakdown at your grammar, she struggles if we don't get the commas in the right places. Lol.

    5. SABA:- not a lot I can do to make it any better ...... I was educated in Ireland!!!
      John says there was no hope for me when we met. Not telling you how long ago that was. He says I am now a "hopeless cause"
      Count yes!! especially money ..... spelling & grammar not a hope in "hell"
      Patricia xxx

    6. Maureen, what on earth is £1.99d. There were 20 shillings to the pound, 12 pennies to the shilling or 24 half pennies or 48 farthings. And I can't for the life of me remember what a guinea was. So by my reckoning that was £1, 8 shillings and 3d. I miss the old

    7. Guinea was £1.1shilling
      Patricia x

    8. Its a dog pool!!!!!!! No humans allowed.
      What are you all like, its like hydrotherapy for dogs.


    9. Oh Saba, |I sit corrected, it was £1.19.11d, i.e. 1d off £2 = £1.99 1/2p.
      Do you agree, Prost.

    10. Wow!! swimming pools for dogs how POSH is that.
      Is it busy??
      Might be an idea for a new business.
      Patricia xxx

    11. No no my dear! £1.99 is almost £2 in new money so it clearly was in old money - around £1.19/11. £1. 8/3 is less than £1. 50. - as that was £1. 10/0 . A guinea was £1 and 1 shilling.
      That's not too bad after a glass of wine! xx

    12. Oh gosh, Barbara, I've been in fits reading this lot! What made it worse was that with all your exclamation marks I thought you typed dog poo . Oh dear! What a place this is.
      It gets worse be worse! Xx

    13. Barbara, you should know that this lot will think the worst, but personally I often wonder if it's save to swim in some of the human swimming pools here??. Hazel x

    14. Just screen Myra has returned, did you enjoy your meal out? Hazel x

    15. Yes I did thanks Hazel it wasn't anything fancy and I know this is going to cause more hilarity but it was just drinks and canapés ! It wasn't a meal .
      There was no banging on tables or Prost and although I thought about introducing the custom I chickened out!
      Myra xx

    16. I can tell you I was in the swimming pool once there was another woman in their too, I think that was the only water she had been near for years and I mean bath, shower or anything, now I was swimming lengths and she was always on the opposite length to me, all I can say is that I had to get out as there was like an oil slick and a stench the kind that gets in your throat, I was all but gagging(wretching) or whatever you call almost vomiting ! As I kept thinking did any of her DNA soup enter my mouth whilst she was splashing about! I was almost crying in the changing rooms and showered for longer than I swam, it as put me off pools full stop! So I can't imagine a dog pool could have been worse than that!

    17. Oh Myra they are only jealous? But I bet you either eat before you went out or came back starving? Oh I would have loved to have seen their faces if you had starting banging on the table, then again if you had danced on the table their faces would have been the same! Glad you enjoyed yourself. Hazel x

    18. Thanks Hazel!
      We decided to actually have our main meal at lunch time today because of this as it is a bit late to eat afterwards. That way we weren't too hungry. Night night! Love Myra xx

  32. Hello my lovelies,
    I have returned. I have been perusing the city. Went into my local craft shop which is the most rubbish craft shop in the entire world ever and I am truly fed up. Since when did styrofoam balls, fuzzy felt and pipe cleaners count as crafting. I cannot wait to come home. It won't be long before I an leaving on a jet plane, and am homeward bound.
    Myra, how posh are you... Supper with friends and then you wished Patricia a " super time" , it'll be jolly old hockey sticks next.
    Maureen, they were all found guilty and sentenced to death, poor things it was like lambs to the slaughter.
    I've just had gold fish for tea (that's dinner to you Myra) and as everyone knows, when you eat fish it should be allowed to swim so I think I'd better get a glass of something nice.
    Jess, can't resist testing predictive test to the limit so how about tortoisery, duck billed patipussery and coatimundiery. I once had my back ripped to shreds by a coatimundi. I can tell you it was not a pleasant experience.
    Can I take these suspenders off now, the rubber bit are Killen me.
    huggerys to you all Saba xx

    1. Eek, Myra, they were typing errors, not bad

    2. SABA:- when do you get back to the UK??
      How long are you here for??
      How is Val doing these days??
      Sorry about all the questions, just being nosey.
      Patricia x

    3. Hi Saba,
      Are there any decent craft shops at all around Bavaria?
      I don't think that Europe has craft shops the same as we do here.
      France don't have that many either (in the parts I have been) .
      Although I thought paper crafting was big in Europe, maybe they gave different styles, I am not sure quite what you would create with styrofoam balls, fuzzy felt & pipe cleaners! But I am sure you would manage something Saba!
      Sorry to hear you suspenders are chaffing, take the darn things off and go 'Nora batty' style!
      I don't think they were designed for comfort!
      You will be in craft shop heaven when you get over here, I am a bit worried about your excess baggage though!
      Sandra xxxxx

  33. Saba, sorry you had a Terrible craft shopping trip, just think of all that money you saved? And you will be able to spend it while your home without feeling guilty having spent money before you came home - if you know what I am getting at. I keep meaning to ask how is Val doing now she is home? You going home will be such good medicine for her? And you will be so happy to see her, and your own daughters and grand children. Your son- inlaw must be able to cook, seeing how he got a frying pan for his birthday, Derek does not cook, takes him all his time to put a pizza in the oven? Even then he usually phones Tammy to make sure what temp and time it needs? Tammy blames his mother as she disn't allow him or his dad to do anything!!! Hazel x

  34. Snap Hazel, just asked Saba the same question about Val

  35. £1.99p. Was about £1.19 shillings and 5 pennies I think, that was a long time ago I have had three children since then, and a strong coarse of chemo. Hazel x

    1. £1.99d was 1d off £2, which in new (by God, new. It changed in February 1971) is £1.99 1/2p.
      Muriel xxx

    2. I am seriously worried now, IGNORE what I've posted at 21.31 cos it's a load of rubbish. It should have been £1.19s.11d which is £1.99 1/2p (I hope). I used to be so good at figures as well.
      Muriel xx

    3. I remember John's granny saying how we were all cheated that day in 1971 when the money changed. She was a real smart cookie .... tell me how we have not been cheated. Yesterday I was getting 240 pennies to the pound today I get 100. I might be old but I am certainly NOT stupid.
      Patricia xxx

    4. I've just said all that higher up - apart from you being good at figures!xx

    5. Look you lot, are you thick or what, forget the £1. If there were 12d to the shilling and 20 shillings to the pound, then 99d divided by 12 = 8 and 3 left over. That in anybody's book makes £1, 8 shilling and Thruppence! And I read dog Poo as well.

    6. Never mind the number of pennies old or new - concentrate on what remained the same - ie. £1. You got either 240 old pennies or 100 new pence but either way you still get a pound! I'm losing the will to live here! Xx

    7. Yes, but she didn't say £1, 239d cos that would have been daft. Xxx

    I forgot to say that before you stick anything on your Gessoed bits, emboss paste through some stencils, let dry, and gesso again. Then you can go mad with your bits and pieces. Prost.
    In which city did you peruse the crafting goodies, Saba.
    Patricia, my mam did not have much schooling. She only went to school a couple of days a week, and no one seems to have noticed! She worked in one of the family Butchers Shops. Reading a shopping list when I was a child was like deciphering the Enigma code. But, by heavens, when I got back she could reckon up in her head to the nearest halfpenny in no time. And if the change was wrong, I had to go back to the shop and tell them, even when I was in my 20's ha ha!!! Consequently, I usually have the bill worked out in a shop before they put the things through the till. George is good with figures too, that's why he married me!!!!!!!!!!
    Muriel xx

  37. Now I can picture you Maureen.
    Legs up to your armpits .... Hourglass figure 36 .. 22 .. 36
    Wow you lucky lady. Tell me why in heavens name would George want to keep pulling on that scarf!!!
    Patricia x

  38. Patricia, you don't know how close you are but the middle measurement was 19! and the inside leg 18", Now, its 41 - 41 - 41 or near enough!! I just don't know what happened!!
    Love Muriel xx

  39. That is so spooky. You too think alike. Have you read Midwich cuckoos.
    I fly home on the 26th and am staying for 5 weeks. Yipeeee.
    Val is doing brilliantly. She is managing to get herself up, showered and dressed albeit it takes her a long time. Dietary wise she can only eat soft food and her voice is awful. Sounds like she has smoked 40 a day and she never smoked in her life. She has got more chemo to come and that was bloody awful for her last time. She has lost her lovely hair, and that was her pride and joy, she had such lovely hair and I know it's daft but that just breaks my heart.
    Both my sons in law cook. They are both such wonderful men and I am so lucky we get on brilliantly well.
    As for my grand babies. I simply cannot wait. Max, 7 years face times me regularly. Abi is 5 and she is such a girl. Loves everything pink and sparkly, and Oliver 4 is adorable. His dad videoed him last night night and sent it to me via what's app. I miss them so much.
    Thank you for asking.
    Saba xxx

    Love Saba xxx

    1. That is such good news! It will be lovely to have you here is good old blighty! It won't be long now. I understand about your sisters hair as I felt exactly the same about Mum's but it grew back just as nice as before. One of my grandson's is called Olver too. It will be lovely to spend time with everyone. So pleased Val is doing well.
      Myra xxx

    2. Saba, that brilliant, ok it takes her time to do these things but she is doing them? Her hair will grow back, lossing my hair got to me a bit, I got a wig and had it cut by a hair dresser and I wore it till my wee grand son told me he didn't like the feel of my hair and thought I should wash it, he was only 3 and always played with my hair, plus he was staying over night and I needed to take my wig off to go to bed so I told him I was going to shave all my horrible hair off and grow it again so it would be nice again. He excepted that and when I came in he felt and said " that's better granny". So Vals will grow again. Hazel x

    3. SABA:- we do this all the time.
      When we are going out together we have to phone to see who's wearing what. Not the first time we have shown up at something wearing the same colours. Our styles are very different but colour choices very, very similar.
      Glad Val is getting on even if it is slowly, one day at a time. More Chemo is not so good, it's a horrible thing. However if it gives her a longer life it is well worth it. I remember the trauma Hazel went though loosing her hair. I used to call her Iggle Piggle,she had this one long bit at the very top of her head. I.wanted her just cut her hair off rather than experience loosing it day be day. She had a fantastic wig but she said that she did not want to shave her hair it would be like giving in.
      We were on holiday and I evenutlly got her to cut off the the bits that she had left. Her hair started to grow in quickly after that.
      Face time is a wonderful thing for keeping in touch especiallŷ with the children, they grow up so fast.
      Ours are 10 & 8 Thomas at 10 is very tall ....... keep saying he sleeps with his feet in a "grow bag"

    4. Oh Lordy, I do hope I don't call her Iggle Piggle when I get home. She'd kill me. Xxx

    5. Wonderful news about Val, baby steps all the way, and it will soon be the 26th for you both to have the biggest hug ever, albeit a gentle one. Chemo is not good for hair loss and although I was lucky just to have the radiotherapy, I can't even begin to imagine how such a loss affects ladies who go through it. My cousin in Australia was diagnosed grade 3 breast cancer last Nov and she shaved her hair off in advance of the chemo and her 3 daughters cut theirs short so she wouldn't feel alone. A very unselfish act on their part.
      Good night all, I hear my bed and tablets calling me.
      Cheryl xxx

  40. Don't believe you....... You beautiful person.
    When I met John I was so thin he used to ask if I got enough to eat.
    Now he asks when I am going to stop eating!!!.
    Patricia xxx

  41. Right, have just checked back and both Myra and Muriel have said Prost. Methinks they are doing it on purpose just so I can't add up any

  42. I'm not posh! Whatever will you call me next! Cheers! Xx

    1. Myra
      did you have an aperitif before your canapes?
      that's a sure sign!

    2. Sandra! Don't you start! I thought you were my Friend!

  43. Hello again,
    I think I've inherited Cheryl's salad brain. I'm slowly sinking into a mess of lettuce. Now Saba, what brilliant news, I'm so excited for you and I don't even know you!! I get very tired looking after our girls, but wouldn't change anything. They are sleeping at their aunt and uncles tonight as mam and dad are in Whitby for Peter's birthday, and they both said to me that they'd rather be sleeping here because they love us so much. I just turn to mush!! I can't imagine how Val is feeling because of the ongoing treatment but she will be added to my ever growing list of prayers. I have a sneaky idea that you might have bought a present or two when you were in the City.

    I'm off to bed, so tired I can't think - no change there then. xx

    1. Night Night Maureen/ Muriel - sleep well. It's a big day tomorrow!
      Love Myra xxx

  44. Maureen, bless you for that, I truly believe in the power of prayer and I know He listens. Mind you I do hope He doesn't pop in here!!
    Myra, anyone who has canapés is posh. Sorry love but you must be.
    Right my lovelies, I think that's me as well. I shall be doing calculus in my sleep and dreaming of dog poo in the swimming baths. Love you and leave you, God bless all
    Saba xx

  45. Good night from me as well
    Who's doing the locking up tonight??
    God Bless
    Patricia xxx

  46. Night night all! I knew I shouldn't have mentioned the canapés ! You live and learn.
    Will pray for all our friends and family too and yes Saba , I totally agree I know He listens and understands.
    Lots of love,
    Myra xxx

  47. Losing my hair having chemo upset me more than having a masectomy. I coped with that fine but losing my hair was awful.

    1. I can completely understand that! I haven't been in that position myself but I know how it affected Mum and although she had a lovely wig she found it hot - and of course it had to be taken off at night.
      It's hard dealing with all these things Brenda. It amazes me what we do actually cope with sometimes. Hope your arm is getting better.
      Sleep well,
      Love Myra xx

  48. I've just really popped back in case Maria had dropped in and was in need of a little company! You see we are two different people! I will not be talking to myself! Hope today has been ok Maria.
    Been thinking of you and hoping you not stressing over an Izzy bag! I think you've made a winner.
    I'll be here for a few more minutes then bed.
    Love , your fellow night owl,
    Myra xxx

    1. Its still a bit early for Maria?
      you could grab a quick nap!
      I leave her to do the cashing up for the day!

    2. oh by the way Myra,
      I saw your comment earlier so I have ordered so very, very big buns!
      and a couple of French sticks for Lynda's droopy bits! Mine need tiger loaves! By the way, its the Calendar I referring to!

    3. I just got this picture of all of us in suspenders! Just tickled me. As they say - I need to get out more. Love Myra xxx

  49. Hi Sandra,
    Saw your message above and replied to that! Isn't your Blog amazing! It is so lovely getting to know everyone and to care about them. Xx

  50. Night Night Sandra and Maria!
    I hope you both sleep well and a have a lovely day tomorrow.
    Love and hugs , Myra xxx

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