
Friday 13 March 2015

Guest Designer............Cheryl!!!!

Good Morning Ladies,
Goodness me its Friday once again, Mothers day this weekend too!
Todays lovely card has been made by Cheryl, lovely gentle colours and so pretty.
Chery will hopefully pop in later to tell us how she created this masterpiece!
Well the idiots who gave Becca the fright of her life last night were caught and their punishment
was a Caution! That's it, the were trying to hurt her, they criminally damaged her car, they were trying to tip the damn thing over with her in it, she was terrified and for all that they get a bloody caution!! I think that is where this world is going wrong there is no real consequence for crime, the guy left the station laughing and thanking them!
Anyway lets get off that subject and am trying to stay chilled out today, I am going to have tidy up in my craft room and put away my new flowers from Wild Orchid Crafts, oh by the way for those of you that like using the American Seam Binding that Sue uses they sell that too, its a very good price too and you can choose the colours rather than buying them in packs colour groups!
I received mine and its exactly the same as the C E stuff.
I also have another snippet of advice, while we were at the Farnborough Show I bought a fine tip glue applicator, or so I thought! I got it home and on the Sunday I emptied all of the bits of left over Cosmic Shimmer Glue into the little pot and pushed the top back in, I used it to make some flowers
stuck the pin back in and put it away, when I came to use it the next day the glue was a lovely shade of orangey brown, the pin had rusted within hours of its first use! So I did a bit of research and discovered that there are many fine glue dispensers but actually only One Fine Tip Glue Applicator,
so I ordered one for £3.50 odd and it arrived today and there is no comparison, the whole thing is made differently, every part is top quality and looks like it would last for years!
So don't waste money buying cheap alternatives, its actually just a waste of money!
Anyway that's all for now,
I will pop back later to see what you are all up to!
I would like to thank Janet for yesterdays lovely card.
I would also like to say sorry for my whinging post yesterday and thank you for all of your amazing support!
Love and Hugs
Sandra xxxxx


  1. Morning Sandra
    My Lovely I Hope Your Feeling Much Better,You Were Not Whinging At All, You Had Every Right To Be Worried About Your Dear Daughters, First All That Time In The Hospital Then Becca, I'm Pleased They Caught The "Thugs" But This Is Just Not Justice At All I'm Not Into Politics At All To Me There All As Bad! But We Cut Down On Money To Spend Where It's Needed Like Cutting Down On Our Police Force, Also NHS Schools, And The Armed Forces, This Country Is Going To Wrack And Ruin.
    I Didn't Realise We Sent Millions To India To Help With There Schools!!! Also Sending Money To Other Places Just Amazes Me As My Wonderful Dad Would Say When He Was Alive We Look After Our Own First. I'm Sorry But I Feel Quite Strongly About Things Like This Those Thugs Should Be Facing Prison For What They Did To Becca.
    I'm Sorry Paul Wasn't There But I'm Sure He So Much Wanted To Be There For All Of You.
    Sandra I'll Have My Usual If You Don't Mind Thank You So Very Much.
    Morning To All My Very Dear Friends In The Cafe
    Cheryl Your Card Today Is Truly Stunning I Love The Fabulous Colours And The Dies Youve Used Your Flower Is Beautiful Did You Add Glitter To Your Background, It Looks Very Unique And Opulent Just Stunning.
    The Izzy Bags Are Becoming Very Famous Indeed, On The Creative Expression Web Site Where On A Friday They Show You How To Make Items From Cards To Boxes And Bags, Well Today It's Suzanne's Take On A Izzy Bag, It's A Great Breakdown And She's Used One Of Sue's New 8 x 8 Embossing Folders Which Are Called Textures And The One She Used Is The Snakeskin Which After Seeing It On Sue's Dad Card I Must Purchase.
    Saba If You've Seen Phantom The Film And Loved It! You'll Just Adore The Show It Makes Me Jealous I So Wish I Was Going To See It Once More.
    Alison I'm Truly Sorry For Your Loss.
    Maureen I Really Hope Everything Went Well At The Doctors.
    Janet I'm Sure Bernadette Just Truly Loved Your Awesome Card.
    Joanna It's Great For You To Join The Terrific Cafe.
    Sheila And Nikki Take Care My Lovelies.
    Myra I Really Hope You Feel So Much Better Today.
    Pat How Are You Feeling Well I Hope.
    Steph I Hope Your Keeping Well.
    To All My Very Dear Friends Pleases Have A Good Day I Think Of You Daily.
    Sandra Please Take Great Care
    Love And Hugs
    To All Of My Dear Friends
    From Sam xxx

    1. Hi Sam,
      Thank you so much for asking. I am feeling better but still don't really want to eat anything. Just thankful not sick any more.
      I hope you have a lovely day, too. I also like the new EF very much so will look forward to the CE email. I haven't checked those as yet.
      Love Myra xx

    2. Good morning Sam,
      I so agree with what you are saying, its unreal you get back on that soap box my lovely!
      You have hit the nail on the head on some very hot topics there Sam!
      You are so right about criminals and the way the are treated.
      They have it too easy, three hot meals a day, choice of DVD '
      Few of them actually treat their inmates like criminals, I would have them dressed in rags and eating gruel !
      I too saw the Izzy Bag on the CE Blog, they sure are popular!.
      The nice thing about them is they can look so different, depending on how and what they are made of, have you made one yet sam ?
      Have a lovely day,
      Lots of love
      Sandra xxxx

    3. Hi Sam
      Thanks for asking how I am today. Feeling a bit knackered now, I think I've been on my feet to much today, or at least standing on my feet. Instructing Pete how to iron jeans as he hasn't done any for years, and how to iron other bits as well. I thought I'd do a few tea shirts then myself, which I think was a big mistake. Then took a trip down the road and back, so now The top front of my right leg is feeling very sore, not my hip at all. How weird I'd that.

  2. Good morning Sandra. Now young lady did any of us think you were whinging??? NO we did not, you were one upset mum who like any of us would be angry, mad with fright at what could have been the out come for both your girls. Lucy for being put through all she has gone through lately to be told it was a waste of time, and now you are thinking what next!!! Becca who has had the thrill of being independant with now passing her test and getting her new and safe little car, gets terrifed by a couple of yobs. ( they should have been put in a car and thrown down a cliff. To show them what it felt like??? NO DONT YOU for one minute think you were whinging??? We were all glad to be here and support you, that's the lovely thing about your blog, we ok take the Micky out of each other, we laugh at the stupid things that come up, we can be a little mad at times. But most of all we care for each other and support one another when things are not good. So behave!!! Remember a lot of us are older, more like mums in age to you young ones, so we can tell you off!!! Oh to be able to jet down to the Cotswolds and just give you a hug at this moment - then again you are likely still sleeping, but you know what I mean?
    Cheryl, what a beautiful soft card ( does that sound right?) It's those colours they are gorgeous and your flower and leaves are lovely. I hope your are not over doing things, we don't want you being exhausted
    Tandy, I thought you went for a holiday, you didn't tell us you and your husband are really undercover cops, well that was a turn up for the books??? Glad you enjoyed yourselves.
    Alison. Again you have a second job that you kept quiet about too??? Had a lot of impack then as its still on file?
    Maureen's the same, she only now letting us know that her and George are testers for the health and safety board? And yes a book would be a best sellers, and all this from someone who try's to tell us she is a grumpy oldie!!! I think not, she is the funniest , loveliest warm heart person that we have all come to love.
    Before I forget ( I hope you don't mind Sandra ). Michele I have put on my blog a reply to your question on what card to use for the bag I had up on it yesterday .
    Margaret, hope both of your dogs are feeling better today.
    Steph, I am hoping you are at home and are getting use to the new meds.
    To everyone else I am thinking of you, but I need to go and get on , not working this morning, but have to some housework.
    I have been multi tasking while writing this so everything is ready to go for the day. Will be in to see what's going on later. Hazel x

    1. Good morning Hazel,
      Thank you so much for you kind, caring supportive words.
      Try and make the most of your day off, the housework can wait, go sit in your craft room and play!
      Look forward to catching up later,

    2. Sandra I ran the Hoover round stripped the beds put a wash on and then I played at what - that Tena box I decided a bag was taking it a bit far. But might have to change and make one the box is a bit rough looking as a lot of cutting adjusting went on bout will refine and show later. Put it this way it will look better than " the Tena Box !!! ". Hazel x

  3. Morning Ladies, early bird today! Strong coffee please to get me going!

    Cheryl, this card is a beauty and that background that keeps calling me its so filigree and beautiful.

    Maureen, glad you enjoyed my tales of A and E! It's my only claim to fame I am afraid! I actually enjoyed doing it at the time and am always threatening a book! Can't tell you what I have seen over the years better than any soap or to be fair it's like living a soap sometimes!

    Sandra, I have seen a massive decline in the quality of policing over the years at work. At one time abusive idiots were cuffed out of the ours and in a police van before their feet touched. Now it's all touchy feely don't want any paper work so the answer is take them out and have a cigarette with them. Appalling! What message does it give?

    Busy day today got a lot to do as going over to Harrogate again tomorrow to visit my Aunt. It's a long day when I do that. Thank you all for your kind words yesterday. My Aunty is quite philosophical saying that he couldn't have gone on as he was and that he is at peace. They have been married nearly 60 years and met as teenagers. The funeral is next Thursday so another trip then too.

    Must get the day started just got up for some peace whilst the house is quiet!

    Will pop back later for elevenses xxx

  4. Good morning Sandra and all who pop into the Coffee Shop today.
    Now my lady (SANDRA) no way have you been whinging. You are being a caring an loving mum who has had to deal with a terrible thing happening to one of her darling children. Can not say on here what I would do with the b....ers!!!
    CHERYL:- your card is stunning, love everything about it. What beautiful colours.
    Right folks can't stay ......... I have two boys here this morning. That's Robert up and looking for his breakfast.
    It's Red Nose Day at school, they are getting to wear their everyday clothes rather than School Uniform ..... excitement!!! Who would have thought that would be a treat.
    Anyway please try to behave till I get back
    Patricia xxx

  5. Hello Sandra,
    I'm trying this out to see if t works as I'm at Rachel's house. I'd be jumping up and down at the police if I were you, honestly they are not so good now.
    Cheryl, your delicate colours are beautiful and right up my street, I love green anyway as it's my favourite colour.
    Going up to get Zoe out of her pit and her clothes out for chool, then I'm going on the school bus with them to make Mother's Day cards with year 2. Fun and games ahead.
    See you all later with One Eye!!!!
    Love to all
    Muriel xxxxx (Maureen Killen)

    1. Hello anon Muriel!
      it has worked, yay, now you know you can do it again! 'Getting access from all angles' oh Muriel that sounds like something you and George could add to your DVD! hahha
      Sounds like you have got a busy afternoon, quite a nice afternoon though, but then 20 year 2's with glue and scissors! Have fun!
      See you later my lovely,
      Sandra xxx

  6. Hello Sandra!....

    At last! think I was getting your blog mixed up with another one where I tried to leave a comment and was faced with just the Google Account option but I just checked again after reading your comment yesterday and you have provided me with an Anonymous's not that I'm paranoid but I just hate that search engine that follows you about all over the interweb...and I don't always have time to comment regularly so hope you'll allow me to just pop in whenever I can...

    I've been loving the bags I've seen here and on Patricia's blog....very inventive and beautifully made - I knew from the comments left on Sue's blog that she has some very talented crafters following her and seeing your work has just confirmed it...

    What was it you wanted to ask me?....hope I can help...


    1. Hi Izzy lovely to see you. Your bags are amazing and look at what you have started. You are really clever, well done.
      Love Diane xxx

    2. Hi Izzy,
      So pleased you have popped in! You really started something with those bags and we've all loved making them. Thank you! Please call again. Thank you!
      Love Myra xx

    3. Good morning Izzy, great that you have popped in. i for one just LOVE making your bags. Even had my younger Grandson on them last night. Made one for his Mum for Mothers Day. My passion, is Bags, Boxes, & Flowers.
      I have moved my Blog so that it can take Anonymous comments as you suggested.
      We are now looking forward to seeing some of your other wonderful creations. We are very sure there are many to be seen.
      Have great day

      Patricia xxx

    4. Hi Izzy,
      So glad you have found your way here. As I said to you yesterday we have all got Izzy Bag Fever.
      I know what you mean about inter web privacy. If you do want your name to come up instead of anonymous you can use the option Name/URL instead. When you click on that option it gives you two boxes, name and URL. You only have to enter your name and don't have to put anything in the URL bit. That way you are still anonymous but have your chosen name displayed at the top of your post. I always use that method on Sue's blog.
      Hugs Saba xx

    5. Hi Izzy,
      Bless you thank you so much for taking the time to come over comment on my blog, it can be confusing as its obviously Cotswold Crafter but the amazing ladies that pop in here daily have nick names it the 'Cotswold Cafe' as they pop in and chat with the other members all through the day, this has led to the most caring, friendly environment, that you can call in to when you are at your lowest and leave with a smile on your face! As you can see I also like to show lots of the ladies works of art, which I love doing as some of them don't have blogs and create the most amazing work that wasn't getting seen byanyone. I know that Sue is not too keen on long personal posts so didn't want to appear to be shouting about blog on Sue's, anyway I was thinking about running a little competition on here based on your handbag design, lots of the ladies that pop in here have loved your amazing Idea and then when Saba did the step by step feature last sunday it created even more of a buzz and everyone is getting busy making them, so I was hoping that if the ladies all sent me photos of their cards and I created a post that is purely a Handbag Gallery, would you be so kind as to maybe judge an pick your favourite 3 bags?
      Its really only a little bit of fun but I wanted you involved as it was of course your design in the first place and it would mean more if it were you that was picking your favourites. It would all be blind, as in no names will be on the photos.
      What do you think? please don't feel pressured.
      Thank you so much once again and please feel free to join us here in the café at anytime you like

    6. HinIzzy
      Thank you so much for sharing your handbag idea on Sues blog. Sue was so excited to be allowed to show them on her C E show on C & C. Everyone here has Izzy bag fever. I wonder if you are busy thinking up other wonderful things to make with Sues dies.

    7. Hi Izzy, thank you for showing us the bags, they have really taken off. I have even made one, not perfect but hopefully I can do a few and learn from mistakes. Nice to have you in the coffee shop, take care, Jess x

  7. Morning Izzy
    Welcome To This Tremendous Blog.
    Hugs From Sam x

  8. Morning All

    Had my tea & toast, thanks.

    Gorgeous card today-love it.

    How dissapointing to hear the idiots that scared your daughter only got a caution but typical I think.

    Yesterday I took some craft cds to my M in L for her to use-goodness what have I started? I think she's going to need industrial quantities of printer ink. I got 4 emails about how excited she was when looking through all the images on them. I'd just printed a lot of them so I knew what she was talking about. I'm using cds more + more as it's easier & doesn't require me to think that much!

    Hazel- thanks for the advice on your blog.

    Won't be celebrating Mothers Day this year as my dear Mum died just 2 years ago in January. It's not really sunk in yet, she'd been poorly for at least a year but no definite diagnosis then a bombshell in November 2012 saying she had Motor Neurone disease + she was palliative. She lived just 8 more horrendous weeks and we had Hospice at Home. I think this is partly why I'm so upset about my friend-same Hospice etc. Sorry ladies-don't iften feel like I can talk about Mum but you got me on a good day.

    Am off out later to meet my mad friend, the one who likes purple & will be getting the "purple Izzy Bag" so that should cheer me up.


    1. Michele. It is hard isn't it especially when you are so emotional with your friend at the moment. Sending you a big hug sweetheart, enjoy lunch with your friend xxxx

    2. Hi Michelle,
      So very sorry about your Mum - MND is awful! It is really hard to lose your Mum but the timing is very hard too being so close to Mother's Day. My Mum was a lot older but passed away at about the same time but in 2000 and I hated Mother's Day that year.
      Have a lovely time with friend today - she will love that bag!
      Lots of love, Myra xxx

    3. Hello Michele,
      I am so sorry you are having such a sad time at the moment. Mother's Day is so hard. The first year I decided to work the day, we had a visit on the ward from the Bishop and I was doing ok until he asked me whether I would be visiting my mum after the shift. I just burst into tears and fled to my office.
      Sending you all my love and thoughts
      Saba xxx

    4. Hi Michele,
      so sorry about your mum. I have a friend who's husband have got it recently, very hard. We light a candle for my MIL and remember all the happy times we had together. Have a nice time with your friend,
      Hugs Maria xx

    5. Hello Michele,
      So sorry sweetheart, I know how you feel as I am same on Fathers day, it just kind of feels 'unfair' sometimes, I also (I know this seems really selfish) have a problem with making a Fathers Day card for Paul's dad, so I have in the past just asked Paul to go and buy one!
      It must have been so very painful watching your poor mum deteriorate before your eyes, and now that your friend is with the same hospice this Mothers day will be probably be more emotional for you.
      I know that we can't do much to help you but we are all hear to listen and support you as best we can my love.
      It sounds like your M in L has got the crafting bug, so watch your stash, actually you could get her to buy some different CD's for you to borrow, it works both ways!
      Have a lovely afternoon with your mad friend, I hope she loves the bag! It sounds like just the afternoon you need to cheer you up!
      love and Hugs

    6. Hello Michelle,
      You know what I do? Well, come Mother's Day every year I make a card but if I'm not up to it I don't. Instead on mam's birthday 4th June I make her a card. She'd be 109 this year!!! I have a special box and I put whatever card I've made for her into it (some years I make both), and then when I'm thinking about her I get the box out, go through them and we have a discussion on what I could have done differently!! I know it sounds mad, but I get comfort from it. Mam died 35 years ago on 2nd April, one day after what would have been her wedding anniversary. I always think she held on until after her anniversary. Sorry to be morbid, but I do still miss her and dad.
      Maureen xx

    7. Michele, it will get earier but it takes time, but my heart goes out to you. Hazel x

    8. Oh Maureen my mum made it home from hospital to celebrate their 40th wedding anniversary (in her dressing gown) with the family but then went back into hospital and died a few days later. Although she was ill she had always bounced back so it was quite a shock to us all when she died. I think we will all be having a moment with our mums on Sunday don't you .
      Sending you a big hug my lovely.
      Diane xxx

  9. Hello again!..

    sorry, forgot to say, Cheryl, beautiful card, I love that background - did you use computer software to print the greeting?...
    and Sandra, have you just bought the Art Institute Fine Tip nozzle?...I've had that one for years, never had any problems with rust or with it clogging up...worth every penny!...
    Sam - thank you...


    1. Hi again Izzy,
      I bought the original Fine Tip Glue from the Fine Tip website, they sell nothing else except Fine Tip Glue pot and the stainless steel (no rust) pins! My Lovely friend Sue has had one for a long time and totally recommends it, also over on my friend Christine Emberson website
      Hope and, her dad hand makes little fine tip glue holders, so you can store your pot upside down as they recommend in their instructions and it is a really cute hand turned little thing.
      Love and hugs

  10. Dear Michelle, how awful for you. As far as I am concernedMND is a worse diagnosis than cancer because there is no fight you can put up the battle is over at the point of diagnosis. I know 8 weeks is hard and brutal I lost my Dad 5 1/2 weeks after a cancer diagnosis but I honestly believe the alternative of watching a long deterioration is worse. I will be thinking of you and all those who's mums are no longer with them on Sunday. It is nice you obviously get on with MIL I don't and only see her once a year for an obligatory 2 faced visit at Christmas! Long Story! Take care my friend xxx

  11. Good morning Sandra and all the lovely ladies.
    I hope you managed to get some sleep last night Sandra. Bless you, you weren't whinging, you were being a cross and worried mother! I expect Paul will have something to say about it too when he gets home. I hope he is back tonight.
    Cheryl your card is beautiful and what a lovely shade of green. The background die is one of my favourites, it looks so lacy and pretty doesn't it. Hope your craft room is nearly finished xxx
    Oh yes nearly forgot, Sandra thanks for the info on the seam binding, I must have a look. My husband bought a fine tip glue bottle last year from the NEC, his was from a marquetry stand and he paid £1.50. Same thing on TL stand £4!!! He had a look and they were the same thing. He was building a paper model of a castle at the time and it was perfect!
    Well I've had my cup of tea, it was a lovely brew today Hazel an Sam thank you, so I must get on. Lunch with friends, pick hubby up from airport and daughter up from station so no rest for the wicked. I've already had a pigeon land on my bonnet as I was driving along this morning! Not sure who was more surprised, him or me! Muriel you've started early this morning, are you trying to start us all off confused for the day? Say hello to Maureen and George when you see them! Xxx
    Alison I read your diary in the paper, what a life! I was hit around the head by a child at school a few years ago and had to go to the walk in centre, the nurse when she heard I had a sore neck said 'oh I suppose it was a car accident'. She was obviously thinking another one trying for claim everything dot com. When I said no a child had hit me at school she was completely different and we had a conversation about the perils of our jobs! We parted as the best of friends! Take care driving today my sweetheart xxx
    Margaret I hope Tomas is making good progress today and his sister has learnt her lesson! Xxx
    Pat are you heeling brighter today too? Xxx
    Steph hope your new meds are working well and you will be home soon xxx
    I hope everyone has a good day today, I will check back later to see what mischief you are all up to. I'm sure Saba will have a hang over, she might even be a bit quieter today if she had too much to drink! Haha, don't think that will stop her the pickle!
    See you all later ladies and don't forget to take your red noses off before you try and drink your tea and coffee today, they make such a splash when they fall in the cup! We don't need any un necessary puddles do we!
    Take care
    Love Diane xxxx

    1. Hi Diane,
      Wow you are buy dashing around again, you did well not to panic when Mr Pigeon landed on your bonnet, did you squeal!
      I hope you have enjoyed your lunch out with friends.
      Saba has been in already so I am guessing she is feeling ok, bless her,
      did you eat your lunch with your red nose on?
      Hope to catch up with you later on today after you have finished your taxi duties!

    2. Hi Diane
      Feeling a bit under the weather today, I was alright this morning, but gave Pete some traing on how to do some ironing. I though I might do a couple of light bits myself. So to much standing. Then I walked down to the bottom of our road and back this afternoon. Funny enough my hip as such is fine it's just the top front of my leg that hurts. My own fault really.

    3. Hi Pat, try to rest today and as they say don't run before you can walk. I'm sure you will have aches in all sorts of muscles as you walk 'normally' again. Are you able to take arnica tablets to help with the bruising? My MIL used to work in a private hospital as a nurse (she was matron but not like Hattie Jakes!) and they always recommended arnica tablets for 2 weeks before surgery and afterwards too to help with bruising. They also used to recommend bathing with badidas as it also helps with bruising. Take care of yourself, I'm sure Pete will cope, you can do light dusting!
      Love Diane xxx

  12. Janet Ecco of Sheffield13 March 2015 at 08:50

    Morning Everyone - Now I'm next in line of your 'Mothers' to tell you that in no way do you ever WHINGE! You are exactly what a good Mum should be and it's proven every day when you see your wonderful children. Right so no more young lady. OK ?
    Like Patricia I cannot write how I would deal with the yobs but I'm sure you all can imagine. If we concentrated on (we being the Government) making sure our Country came first crimes like this would not happen. They reduce budgets; increase areas of responsibility so much that job holders cannot do their jobs properly and then on top of all that they cut people power while they sit in their ivory towers doing ...........................all.

    Now Cheryl your card is just beautiful. So calming and gentle and I'm sure Caroline will have it in pride of place for a long time.
    Oh I forgot I have my usual to hand and a toasted teacake this morning as I need the energy to help me get through this coming week-end. It's 23years tomorrow since we lost our wonderful baby Granddaughter who was 4. She had fought for 2years during which she taught us so many things. I know it's many years but this kind of pain never goes away. We have a Grandson who will be 30 in May and our brave Granddaughter who gave her bone marrow on her 1st birthday to Leanne. Pippy will be 24 in November. Both now have children and we see so many likenesses to Leanne in them.

    Will try to get back later.
    Hugs to all Janet xx

    1. You will be in my thoughts tomorrow. It's unthinkable to lose a child don't know how people cope. A friends brother died when we were all in our early 20 s a long time ago now but I don't think his parents have ever got over it and " love with it". Hugs to you all xxx

    2. Janet,
      I cannot begin to imagine your pain, having three myself at near that age my heart breaks for you. It doesn't matter how many years have gone by you can never recover from something so awful.
      You are in my thoughts and prayers, God bless you.
      Loving hugs
      Saba xxx

    3. Hi Janet,
      I know we have spoken about this before but I cannot imagine the pain and sorrow you will be feeling tomorrow, the years really don't make any difference to how big an effect your gorgeous little angel had on you lives, as wonderful as it is seeing your other grandchildren and great grandchildren the also are a permanent reminder of how beautiful Leanne would have been at the same age.
      I know you said that March was going to be a tough month, I hope that we can make it a tiny little bit more bearable, we are all here to listen Janet, I so wish I could come give you a huge hug.
      You will be in my thoughts and prayers tomorrow my love,
      Love and hugs

    4. Hello Janet,
      Please have lots of hugs and cuddles from me, it breaks my heart when I hear of things like this. I will include Leanne + and all your family in my prayers tonight.
      Love xxxxx

    5. Hello Janet, can't even get my head round how you could cope with a loss like that.
      Sending you and your family some (((((hugs)))))
      Like Maureen you will be in my thoughts and prayers.
      Patricia xxx

    6. Janet, I will be thinking of you and your family tomorrow, it's so hard to cope losing a young one, lots of cuddles and hugs Hazel x

    7. Hi Janet
      ill be thinking of you and your family tomorrow. It's awful losing a child when they're so young isn't it.

    8. Hi Janet
      I will be thinking of you and your lovely family tomorrow. My thoughts and prayers are with you all.
      Diane xxx

    9. Dear Janet,
      I feeling so sad for you all. I'll be thinking of you tomorrow
      and sending lot of hugs
      Maria xx

  13. Morning Sandra , Cheryl your card is lovely, I have just cut out a few of these background dies and hoping to do something with them this week end. Quick visit just now as this is the day we cover our shop, will pop back later to catch up on the gossip. Take care, Jess x

    1. Hi Jess,
      Your coffee and cake are ready to go as usual on a Friday, I hope you have a very busy day in the Craft Shop.
      Love and Hugs

    2. Oh Janet, a pain like that never goes away I'm sure. Will be thinking of you and the family this weekend. We do have lots to pray for at the moment , don't we.
      God bless, Love Myra xx

  14. Hi Sandra,
    I started to read from the top - then thought - no I need to do the main post to Sandra and then go back! Not sure that makes any sense.
    Sandra - you do not whinge - we would all have felt exactly as you did in the same position. It was awful! The punishment - well it's not a punishment at all! It's just lets get this off the books! I do hope Becca is alright after such a horrid experience. Just glad that everyone was here to talk to you.
    Lovely to see Izzy popped in this morning!
    Cheryl your card is beautiful - it is such a restful , gentle card! I need to use green more often. Hope you haven't overdone it on the painting / sorting front!
    Take care.
    Will pop back later and see what's in the news!
    Love Myra xxxx

  15. Hello Sandra and lovely ladies
    Sandra hope you have a more relaxing day today. I agree with the others I cannot print what I would do with the louts.
    Cheryl I love your card, the colours are gorgeous, going away to see if I have anything like that colours.
    I have never bothered with cd crafting but I have loads of cds is it worth taking them all out and giving it a go.
    I had C&C on in the background yesterday when tattered lace came on with a £119 offer for £12.00, 20 mini dies ( which I probably have most of them) so I snapped them up.
    Going to do some housework then diabetic clinic visit and hopefully
    will sit down and do some crafting, but seem to have lost my mojo this is why I am thinking of taking the cds out lol.
    Muriel tell Maureen and George to go carefull with their exercises
    I will go and get my coffee and croissant and sit quietly for a few minutes.
    Love Wendy xx

    1. Hi Wendy,
      I hope that your visit to the Diabetic clinic goes well!
      Wow sounds like you got a bargain yesterday, which is very unusual on Create and Craft, I have it on in the background today and its T Lace again today, it just gets boring, again its another hugely expensive kit too, but apparently its half price and once again they must have only bought half of the stock they needed, as its sold out in the first hour but supposed to last a week, what I don't get is there are not that many people that can watch through the day during the week, so that must just make out that they have 'doubled their stock' to create demand!
      Oh its the Scan and Cut is on now! How much!!!!!
      Love and Hugs

    2. Hi Wendy
      Hope the diabetic clinic went well. My friend sent me a text yesterday to ask me if I was watching! I was sat at the station waiting for my daughter so she ordered a set and we are going to share. I have a lovely crafty friend and we often share items and ideas. I hope you enjoy using them and if you have duplicates you can use them as presents for your crafty friends!
      Take care
      Love Diane xxx


  16. Good morning Sandra and ladies,
    Please may I have a strong black coffee and maybe a slice of dry toast, and I wonder if anyone would mind if I turned the volume on the radio down a bit.
    Sandra, you were not whinging, you were sharing your anger and concerns with friends and that is what we are all here for. It's appalling that these low lifes got away with a caution. What does that teach them apart from its alright to behave like hooligans and terrorise young girls with no serious consequences. I do hope Becca can put it behind her and not let it affect her confidence.

    Cheryl, your card is lovely. I love those shades of green you have used, so calming and gentle. Your flower is gorgeous, was the centre an embellishment or did you make it yourself with tiny pearls? I must have a go at that, it looks so effective. Thank you for sharing it with us.

    Right ladies, my evening was a late one. A very late one and I think I am ready to sign the pledge. There were about 50 people and it was held in a pub. In Bavaria, whenever you enter a room with lots of people in it is expected that you greet everyone by going to each table and knocking on it. They then all knock back. So by the time everyone has arrived there has been a lot of knocking going on. Then you get your drink and you have to toast everybody before you start it. To do that, you hold it up high and say Prost quite loudly. At which point everybody lifts theirs and replies Prost and and then you all take a communal drink. It is an integral part of German life that if you hear the word Prost anywhere you must say it back and you must take a drink to prove you mean it, otherwise they get very iffy with you.
    Eventually everyone has arrived and you've knocked your knuckles sore and been prosting so much that you've already finished your first drink and need to order another. Then the meal comes - and I daren't tell you what we had, it wasn't wild boar, but if you think of a very famous Disney film you might guess.
    Anyway, following that come the speeches. The one giving the speech knocks loudly on the table and says Prost and much communal drinking ensues. Following his speech, during which if he thanks anybody you have more of that Prosting going on, he ends by saying Prost.! And then knocks on the table and everyone replies by knocking lots of times. Now by then you are on your third drink or fourth and your knuckles are bleeding. There are often 3 or 4 speeches.
    At that point they like to sing. Now I don't know who has ever seen a group of Bavarians singing but there is much movement involved. You all sway from side to side and during certain choruses stand up and sit back down rapidly and proceed to sway again. All this being done with a big glass of beer in your hand. At the end of each song comes the shout PROST and the knocking business. For anyone whose knuckles really can't take anymore, stamping your feet is allowed instead. At some point they bring out the schnapps and I can't remember what happens after that.
    I'll go now and sit somewhere in a darkened room to read all the earlier comments.
    Love and quiet hugs Saba xxx

    1. Saba, definitely a dark quiet room for you today??? I had heard of all these going ons when we lived down south and funnily enough we were always very busy to take up invites, but did have to deal with our instructors and their very sore heads the next day. Oh I know exactly what was on the menu? we won't be hearing to much from you today I think - then again I could be wrong!!! Hazel xx

    2. Hi Saba, sounds like a fun night! Certainly not a quiet one! I'm guessing you weren't singing Stille Nacht or Oh Tannenbaum! Lol. It does sound very energetic . I am glad you had a lovely time! Whatever are you thinking of eating Dumbo! Now that's a step too far! Lol!
      Have a quiet little rest , we may need you later!
      Love Myra xxxx

    3. Yes Myra, we have an awful lot of wild elephants round here, and it wasn't O Tannenbaum , I think we started with ein Prosit ein Prosit. I tried to get them to sing Land of hope and glory and they did try bless them. You wouldn't believe it but they do actually know it, quite a lot of them watch last night at the proms and they love it. I did think though I had better not launch into that well known war song about a certain person who's name is never mentioned here and he only had one whatsit.
      Love Saba xxx

    4. Hi Saba
      I can see your evening was a good one with the drinks flowing and singing. Have you got very sore knuckles today after all that knocking around tihi I guess the amount of wildcats have shrunk in Bavaria after your feast, hope it wasn't to tough, it's a hell to get out between your teeth if it get stuck lol Hope your head is fine and the swaying has calmed down Hugs Maria xx

    5. Hi Saba,
      I knew when you came in wearing dark glasses you had had a good night!
      Poor Bambi !!!! or was it Free WILLY !
      I guess you won't be doing too much crafting today, those poor knuckles!
      Strong black coffee waiting at the table in the far corner, I have popped a pillow and blanket so you could have a wee nap!
      See you later my lovely

    6. SABA, you in a knocking shop. Well, I never. I've certainly changed my opinion of you, never read about so much drinking, knocking and goodness knows what. Methinks I'll have a fit of the vapours and need the smelling salts, yegods.

      Muriel xxx

    7. OMW!! sounds really wild ..... who for going over for a VISIT.
      I will pass on any of the meat though. Goodness knows what we would be eating!!!
      Patricia xxx

    8. Hi Saba
      Sounds like you posted out yesterday. I remember years ago that we used to go to German Bear festivals in the UK. Somewhere near Cheltenham I think. We also used to go with our boys to Germany to play football against a German boys team. The German post office used to put it on. We always had to have a shot of snapps and always had to say Prost. We ended up having quite a few that day.

    9. My word Saba what have i joined, between knocking shops and prostiting the mind boggles, Sandra please can you get a chara going to visit said knocking shop while we all prosit ourselves,
      Sandra also please let me apologise for my dreadful language yesterday but it made my blood boil what Becca went through, if it had been my grandaughter Alice i would have passed out, honestly.
      my suggestion for them is to bring back conscription for the likes of them and let some tough sargeant major loose on them instead of giving them a slap on the wrist, rant over, just saying
      Can i also say that Cheryls card is so lovely, hugs to all Johanna

    10. Joanna, you are very welcome to visit my knocking shop, and as for apologising for your language, have you READ Cheryls post yet. Go to the loo before you do.
      Saba xxx

    11. Johanna,
      my love there are no 'heirs and graces' on this blog, you swear away if it gets your point across! please no apologies.
      Chara' booked I trust you won't want to be eating any of Saba's 'Free Willy' while you are there!
      now I wouldn't advise 'prosit' ing yourself at any time, I think that only men have those!
      I hope we have helped you smile sweetheart,
      love and hugs

    12. (Whisper) Hi Saba how's the head? Sounds like you had a great evening last night ( oh Maureen only you could get away with a knocking shop! What are you like!!!). I can picture you all swaying and singing and shouting and knocking. You needed an evening out like that after all the worry you have had lately. Hmmm whale and elephant, is that the German equivalent of surf and turf???
      Many years ago my sister and I went to 'our chalet ' in Switzerland where we stayed with girl guides from around the world. In the evenings we sang songs together. One evening the Swedish guides taught us all a song where you stand in a circle like a rugby scrum link arms and sway from side to side getting faster and faster . My poor sister ( who isn't flat chested!) was sandwiched between two incredibly large Swedish girls who weren't wearing bras as they sang the song. My poor sister nearly had both eyes taken out!!! Let's not try that one in here ladies especially with our droopy bits and tena hammocks !!!! Lol.
      Saba I hope you feel better soon and your knuckles heal quickly .
      See you tomorrow when your back with a bounce.
      Love Diane xxx

    13. Saba, the Disney film that came to mind was The Lion King!! A lot of eating!!!
      Jess x

  17. Steph is on her way home ladies, she says she has a lot of cards to catch up with today but will hopefully catch up with blogs tomorrow!
    How lovely that she will be back in her own bed and home with Andy !
    She sends you all her love,

    1. Really glad to hear Steph is getting home.
      Have really, really missed her. Tell you what though I am sure Steph and her hubby have missed each other far more.
      Looking forward to seeing you in the Coffee Shop again Steph.
      Patricia xxx

    2. Great news, thanks for letting us know. Come back soon and try to keep some order here Steph.
      Love Myra xx

    3. Great to hear Steph your are back in your own home with Andy looking after you. Look forward to seeing you back in here. Hazel x

    4. Lovely news , hope you are feeling happy to be home in your own bed Steph, your family must have missed you so much. I hope the new meds are working and they are helping you to feel better. See you in the cafe soon xxx

  18. Hi Sandra,
    hoe you are alright today after everything. I'm with you all ladies that the punishment was not enough. Caution ,what is that about.! Poor Rebecca will never forget what happened to her and these yobs. It is no sense anymore to what's going on. Not a whining about this, just a mother who was worried for your daughter. Big hug to Rebecca and Lucy. Is Paul back today ?
    Oh Cheryl, this is a wonderful card in the most calming colour scheme I seen for a long time. I usually go for darker colours but starting to go a bit lighter after seeing your lovely work of art, it gives me new ways for crafting ideas.
    My mojo have unfortunately done a walk so no crafting happening. So wish there were some craft class I could join, it's a bit tricky to get to these things when you don't drive .
    Lovely news Sandra that Steph at last have gone home. Hope she is fine and that the infusion worked and that her meds want give to many new problems. Not easy when you get new ones to take. I'm still a bit dizzy so it feels a bit lully but not to bad as it keeps some of the gremlins away.
    You got to try to eat something Myra, good the sickness stopped but maybe try some soup, sending you well wishes cuddles
    Alison -Hope your day in Harrogate with your Auntie is fine, hugs
    Diane you take care with all this running around today and make sure you not tired yourself out to much.
    Maureen are you brave or crazy? lol Hope you had a great time with the year 2 making cards !
    Wendy, that was a real bargain you got on tattered lace products. Haven't bought any of them before. Are they any good ?
    Sheila and Nikki, I'm thinking of you both. Big hugs are sent to you!
    Lunch time already I don't know where the days goes, not true about 3! hours is spent in here every day lol. Large coffee and a cheese toastie please I'll go and sit with Wendy and find out more about her bargains Hope Lynda and Norah coming in later and Hi to Izzy popping her head around the door, you have really started something here lol See you later Warm hugs to all Maria xx

    1. Hi Maria,
      I think us ladies she take over the Criminal Punishment system, don't you, we'd stop the little sh*ts from re-offending!
      Have you tried browsing through pinterest Maria, it is an amazing source of inspiration, you can even type in 'Sue Wilson Dies' in the search bar and all cards using those dies will come up or even one particular die if you want to use one particular die. So why not grab a cuppa and sit and have a browse, or have a go at an Izzy Bag, as I am trying to organise a little competition, so you could get started on one of those, I promise you they are really easy.
      I hope that helps my love,
      Hopefully catch up with you later
      Love and Hugs

    2. Hi Maria
      Tattered lace are not bad dies, I used to buy all spellbinders when Sue Wilson worked for them, then went onto tattered lace they used to sell stuff no-one else did, now my favourite is tonic.
      Wendy xx

    3. Hi Maria
      I've got some tattered lace dies too and they do cut out well and have a coating on them so they do pop out. I went to a workshop run by Paul Church using TL dies and it was very useful, you can chop them about to change them. I know they are food safe too so you can cut sheets of icing out with them (haven't tried it though so don't know how it works). They do seem to be quite expensive though, unless you can get a special offer! They seem to retire them quite quickly too so you need to get one you like when you see it! Hope that helps. Love Diane xxx

    4. Thank you ladies,
      I have been trying to sort out my shopping / wish list for AP and that is a task and a half tihi I follow Sue on pinterest and other peoples, also looking a lot at youtube. I love watching what other people creating but still find it hard to do it myself. The tattered laces dies are nice but they really have to be on sale if I would buy some. I also looked in to CraftWorld on-line they have good prices on all different dies incl. Sue's, oh so tempting to get some tihi really need to sort out the storage for them before getting any more. Hopefully the mojo back tomorrow as I'm home alone Love and hugs Maria xx

  19. Can I just ask if I am alone in this opinion of mine...........
    Now I quite liked Mel on C & C and over the years her passionate selling style has had my buy a Cricut Expression and the Gypsy device that added onto the machine, as she convinced me that it was the best thing ever, she did the old if you were to buy all of the dies to cover what this machine would cut, it would cost you thousands etc etc, she would only ever use the Cricut trimmer as it was the best and so on, then she went on to sell Martha Stewart Punches, and they were the most amazing thing and much easier than getting a machine out to cut all the shapes, they were the only ones she used, then she moved on to something else and their paper trimmer that was the best and she had nothing else on her desk, now you NEVER hear her Cricut Machines that she would never be able to live without and bought a special desk for!
    Now she is banging on about this bloody Scan and Cut and saying THE EXACT same things as she has said about the cricut and the punches, so to me that kind of makes me kind of doubt whatever she says, Paul always sighs when he sees her on now and says ''what is it she couldn't possibly ever live without now''
    I feel bad as she seems such a nice person, just a little 'fickle' at times, if that's the right term!
    anyone else feel the same?

    1. Hi Sandra,
      In one word YES. I've got quite a few of her "Best Ever" - "Never Need Another" - "Nothing Like It" - things, and although they were good, I could have lived without them!!!
      Muriel xxx

    2. Have to agree I really like Mel but like you I think she has jumped from product to product singing their praises and it has caused her to lose credibility. Realistically I guess it depends who is paying you! However, you can't make a fool of yourself can you?.

    3. Totally agree! She was almost annoyingly smug about them too! I'm afraid I'm not a fan as she lost credibility ages ago!
      I'm an old grump, sometimes.
      Myra xx

    4. They are all the same they jump from company to company , whoever pays the most money. I used to be a rep. and you get paid more if you sell something with your name on it, it just needs another company to come along and offer you more and your name goes on that product, the sad thing is all though they say they designed this and that its only their name that goes on it they don.t actually do anything else.

    5. Sandra I like the sound of that little gadget , does it have a name. xx

    6. Sandra I agree with you about Mel, I suppose it's true it's down to whoever is paying you to push their product. I must admit I like my wee Cuttlebug for small dies and embossing folders. I use my Grandcaliber for bigger things, touch wood I have not had any problems with either of them
      Jess x

    7. Yes! she really ought to write a new script , she getting a bit................
      Jess and you other ladies who have a GC, have you problems at all with the 'sucker' at all ? It holds for a while but if I leave it for some time and coming back to cut ,it is loose again, Just wondered Maria xx

  20. SABA:- thank you for your obey comment on my Blog.
    Have to admit something ........ I don't "pierce" my edges. I have a little tool that i run down a groove on my "scoring board" and it gives the effect of piercing. I got it from the Hougie Board Stand at a Craft Show years ago.
    SANDRA:- you are so right. If you listen to all the people who come on with these products they are alway the "best thing since sliced bread" . I think we have all bee sucked in at some point buying things that we THOUGHT we needed but did we really???
    Sorry I have not been participating in much these last few days. Goodness know where all my time goes. I think we have a time thief in this house. Off along to the Doc. for a BP check. Glad I did not have to go this morning ...... it would have been well off the scale!!!
    Hopefully I will get back in later.
    Have helped myself to a cuppa and a toasted Teacake, money in the pot.
    I have left a basket of (((((hugs))))) for all who need them.
    Patricia xxx

  21. Hello Sandra,
    Well, I'm back for my first "proper" comment of the day - as opposed to "improper"!! I say we should do what they used to do on the Isle of Man, and birch the b*ggers. There is very little law and order now, the Police in the main part don't want to get hurt, although if they do they can get compensation and a nice big pension when they retire. There's only one policeman I know who retired without conning a huge disability pension when he retired! Now I know there are probably some good ones but look at the chap in charge at Hillsborough - lying about opening the gate. The Rochdale ones who didn't do anything about CHILD abuse, and all the others now coming to light. Oh oh, I'm stopping now before the top of my head blows off!
    I did say Cheryl when I popped on this morning how lovely and gentle your card is, green my favourite colour and very beautiful.
    Diane, thanks for your tip about taking off the red nose before drinking - too late she cried as she fished it out of the mug in the teachers' staff room!!!
    Saba, at your age, I'm surprised at you. Check your post earlier today, I did leave a comment.
    Cheryl, how are you, are you ever coming back or do you love your new Craft Room so much that you are staying there forever? x
    Izzy, oh how posh are we getting with the inventor of the Izzy bag coming onto Sandra's blog. Ooh it's so exciting!!!!
    Hazel, it's a VIRUS. This is the 9th week, but she thinks I'm being re-infected by my grandchildren. I said that my grandchildren hadn't been ill, but she ignored that comment. This is why I haven't bothered going before now, I knew what would be said.
    Now then - ONE EYE. He used to have two but after one of his annual holidays at Her Majesty's Pleasure, he emerged with only one.
    Well, it was 9 a.m. in church on a Friday morning (I'm setting the scene for you) and I was doing the pedestals for a wedding on the Saturday, but decided to do the pew ends after the School Mass because the children would play with them!! As I was carrying the greenery through to start I suddenly realised One Eye was sitting at the back of church with two of his "gentlemen" friends having a cigarette and swigging from their Meths bottles and using the cupboards as toilets, as you do when in church.
    I went up to them and explained that 200 Primary school children would be coming into church soon and could they please go. I obviously couldn't speak "drunk talk" and they didn't understand me. Mind you, when one eye used to come for money to buy food (at the modern day equivalent of an Off Licence) he never had any trouble understanding what I was saying.
    I went into the Presbytery (Priest's House) and rang the police and explained the situation. Well 3 Police officers arrived very quickly (not like today) and walked into the church. Their exact words were "Well, John, come on son, we'll go and have a cup of tea, bring your mates". One of the policemen told me that they have a lot of dealings with John, and he's on first name terms with the Ushers at the County Court!!!!
    He still used to come for hand outs, but I don't know what happened to him because he suddenly stopped coming.
    Well, that's one eye, what would you like to hear about tomorrow, hmm let me see, did I tell you about one man who thought I was a nun................
    Muriel xxxxxxxxxxx

    1. On Maureen your stories are just so funy, I love how you 'set the scene' before you tell the story!
      Old One eye, sounded like quite a local character, this must have been in the days before the church's started locking their doors!
      I look forward to hearing about the man that thought you were a 'Nun'!
      love and hugs

    2. The laughter has started bubbling way down in my stomach even at the thought of the story about the nun.

    3. That was great mei we have some more please lol
      You never been a nun have you ? now very intrigued

  22. Oh my, just when you thought it was safe to go on the blog - SHE'S BACK.
    Just wanted to say a thank you to Sam for enquiring after my doctor's visit.
    Myra, I'm glad you're feeling a bit better, think of the weight loss!
    Sandra, I was glued up to the eye balls, felt tipped to my pointy bits, and I wouldn't give tuppence! for the state of my pinny!!!!! There are 30 children in Year 2 and to hear 25 saying "Mrs Killen, what do I do next" in harmony is something to behold. I usually say, sit down and shut up - no I don't, I say very kindly to them, "just sit at your desk and I'll come around to show you all". They all love me and think I'm lovely, just shows you CAN fool all the children all of the time!! lol There's a new little girl in the class who I met for the first time today and I was talking to her, and asking her if she liked it in St Teresa's school. Well, she said she liked her old school better. When I asked why she said they didn't have to change their shoes there!!! At our school they take their outdoor shoes off and wear soft plimsoles indoors.
    Oh dear, I'm chuntering on again, sorry.
    Diane - it's a big hello from me, and thank you for re-naming me, I never did like the name Maureen.
    Wendy - I forgot what I was going to say - sorry, It's because the mind is going with the body - away with the mixer.
    Muriel xxx

    1. Muriel sounds like you have 'CRAFT',
      Oh you must need a sit down and a cup of tea, is it Pva glue so you can sit and have fun 'peeling it all off' so therapeutic, like peeling your loose skin when you have peeled on holiday! or squeezing spots! all of those sick things are addictive!
      well maybe that's only me!
      Sorry if I have put you off your afternoon tea!

    2. Thanks Maureen/ Muriel/ Mildred!
      I am grateful for any ounces lost! No alcohol either - but Saba has had enough for all of us !
      If you work in and around churches you come across all sorts! Worthies! My Grandad used to call them! Not sure why.
      Myra xxxx

    3. Me again! Glad school went well. Kids are lovely. One little boy at my granddaughters school couldn't remember my name so he said " excuse me Annabelle's Grandma" . It was so cute.
      Myra xx

    4. I know, Myra, I've had that. They always ask my age as well. I'm not bothered about it so I tell them. They are always amazed when I say 29 !!!!
      Muriel xxx

    5. Hi Maureen oh your stories are lovely and yes of course you are 29!!! Yes children are lovely and they come out with the funniest things don't they. Please could you and George write a book, I'm sure it would be a best seller. My sister worked in a library many years ago and they used to get tramps taking up residence to keep warm. Her boss used to tell them off for smoking so they would hide their cigarette in their pocket until she went by. One fell asleep with it in his pocket and nearly set himself alight! Do keep us all chuckling with your stories, I can't wait for the nun story tomorrow !
      Sleep tight love Diane xxx

  23. Hello Sandra
    Well the shopping is done and put away and we've had lunch, now I can take a breather and try to catch up with what's been going on in the cafe. I hope you are having a quiet day today and taking things easy. Hope Becca and Lucy are all alright, you've all had a hell of a week. Hope Paul will be home for the weekend, and you will have a normal family life.
    Thank you for letting us know about Steph, it will be lovely for her to get home and sleep in her own bed. I just hope and pray that these new medicines help her.
    Sandra I agree with you about mail on C and C, she always comes over very sincere, I for one was convinced I needed the Cricut machine - only the small one (hardly ever gets used, in fact the box needs dusting)!!!!! ------- well I haven't got time to do housework and read your blog???
    Myra,so please the sickness has passed ,now you must build yourself up. We can't have that reoccurring so do be careful LOL
    Alison, hope your journey to Harogate was uneventful and your aunt is wel.
    Saba,sounds as if you're evening was lively and you had fun, even though you're knuckles did suffer, what about your throat and all that singing is it also sore? Hope you are going to be alright for this evening, I see you are on the Cafe notice board as the STAR TURN. Maybe you could mime or we could just play Charades. I think you could cope with that. What's the odds Tena's being included?
    CHERYL i'm so sorry, have been waffling on here and didn't mention your beautiful card. I am positive Caroline would have been delighted with this card,
    I love the subtle tone, it really is stunning. Thank you for sharing it with us.
    Well Sandra I better move, it's been lovely sitting with you and the girls enjoying this lovely cup of tea.
    Will Stop by later. Big HUGS Love Brenda xxx

    1. Hi Brenda,
      You have been very organised this morning so deserve a sit down and catch up this afternoon!
      I hardly ever use my cricut, like you said its just sat gathering dust, I got it our at Christmas to make the teddy and balloons for that 1st birthday card I made. I probably could use if more, but my mats have lost their sticky and I always think the things you cut out look too flat like they need embossing, which you can't do!
      I have loads of cartridges too!
      When I first saw the scan and cut I thought yeah that's really good, then the more I see her demonstrate the more I think it sounds the exact same waffle she gave about the cricut,, going on about how many punches you would need to match the amount the cricut could do!
      I now just think what a load of BS !
      Do you remember a while ago they were going on about a brand new craft machine that was coming out that you couldn't live without, well they never launched it did they, I cant think what it was called, its going to bug me now, was supposed to be amazing!
      Anyway off for a cuppa,
      catch up later,

    2. Sandra, I just love the way you call a spade a spade. Don't be polite, tell em what you think!!!
      Love xxxxxx

    3. oh Sorry Maureen, I didn't mean to be rude, just frustrated and people getting told fibs to get them to part with their money!

  24. Steph, I'm so sorry that I didn't welcome you home. I hope you are on the up and up and that the meds have kicked in. I'll look forward to reading all about it. Muriel (was Maureen until Diane decided to re-name me) xxxx

    need more photos for upcoming weeks, so dig them out ladies!

  26. Ok! Ladies if you want an easy way to do Faux Piercing on your cards.
    Pop over to Hougie Crafts, click onto Craft Tools on the left hand side .. page 2 and you will see the tool I was talking about back up the page.
    It's called a Score Bug it has a little roller with tiny "teeth" . You place your card on a score board catch a line where you want to have your piercing and draw the Score Bug down the groove. You get a row of little indentations (not holes) which looks like "piercing"
    Just been on to the Hougie Site and they seem to be out of stock. Once you know what your looking for you may find them elsewhere.
    To know what I am talking about have a look at the card on my Blog today.
    Hope this all helps
    Patricia xxx

  27. Like a bad penny .... its me again
    Just type Score Bug Scoring Tool in your browser and you'll get loads all approx £6.95
    Patricia xxx

    1. Hi Patricia
      Thank you so much my lovely xxx

    2. Hi Patricia,
      Has anyone told you that you are a wonderful woman?
      (I was going to be cheeky, but thought I'd better not). I'm off to find this wonderful tool.
      Muriel xxxx

    3. Maureen you can be as cheeky as you like ....... I am very thick skinned.!!!
      Your welcome to the info, always willing to help when I can
      Patricia xx

  28. ANYONE want a bargain C & C now 20 TL dies should be 112.95 now 14.95 inc post

    1. Hi Sandra,
      By the time I got my act together, they'd sold out!
      Muriel xxx

    2. I got mine yesterday will probably have most of them lol

    3. No problems Wendy, if you get dup's I'm happy to buy some to try xx

  29. Hi Sandra and ladies, just finished catching up on everyone's comments today. What a bunch you are, I glad Izzy has joined us, and the stories you all tell are hilarious. Welcome home Steph hope you can join us soon.
    Our little craft shop was quiet today not a lot of people buying, took a few things to do to pass the time.
    Sandra I think I sent you a photo of my Izzy bag yesterday, I wonder if you got it ok, if so I have an alternative craft photo for
    Take care everyone, Jess x

    1. Hi Jess
      I have emailed you sweetheart, get the other photo to me asap please,

  30. Hi Sandra
    Cheryl I just love your card. It's a lovely colour of soft green. Now why am I telling you all that, as you can see for yourself what colour it is. I'm glad to hear that Steph is coming home and hopefully she can have join us again. Now Sandra you have a long line of mothers telling you that you are not whinging. Why on earth did these thugs get off with a caution. It would have been better if they'd had not only a caution but made to pay compensation as well. Mind you even better spent some time in a police cell. To many dog orders around these days. These type of people don't deserve their freedom at all. As Pete always says when these things come on the television. If you steal, chop a hand off, they'd only do it twice. Anything else lock them up and throw away the key. America has the right idea, at least in most states life means life not just a few years. Oh dear I'll get off my soap box now. I do hope that Paul is back for this weekend Sandra big hugs to all in need of one today.

    1. Pat, is it a new hip you've had? Well, whatever the operation, I hope you are managing to get around without pain, just don't do any high kicks at the moment.
      Muriel xxxx

    2. Maureen, Pat has had a new hip.
      Pat oiiiiii, get off that bloody soapbox you are not allowed to climb yet!
      I was very pissed off with them only get a caution, I said that I should have taped her screaming down the phone to play back to the bastards! anyway after much to'ing and fro'ing they added a Condition to his caution that he has to pay for all damage to her car!
      Paul got back tonight thank goodness, hopefully get a better night sleep tonight!
      Have a lovely weekend
      love you
      Sandra xxxxx

  31. WENDY, I've just remembered, I was going to say that I hoped the Diabetic clinic went well, and you received no shocks. My mam was diabetic and I know how hard it was for her.
    Muriel xx

    1. Hi Maureen
      yes it went well don't think the nurse was impressed at first when she asked me how I was getting on I told her I just ignored the fact that I was diabetic .She said it must be working cause everything was fine .

    2. Got my score bug from e-bay £6.95 getting it on Wednesday

    3. WENDY:- that's brilliant.
      One little tip:- practice a few times before doing it on a proper card.
      Start your run giving yourself some room above your piece of card. Place the Scor Bug in the groove you wish to follow then pull it down your card.
      Patricia xxx

    4. Patricia
      shame you are not on commission!

    5. Blimey Wendy you were quick of the mark. Xxx

    6. Patricia
      Thanks for the tip but knowing me it will be punching holes in my fingers and that will be the end of it ,will give it a try as you have told me, I bought a piercing ruler to make holes but have never used it

    7. No Wendy the tiny teeth are rounded not sharp so you will be just fine
      Patricia x

  32. Good evening Sandra & ladies.
    My apologies for being late with my card info. Following our burst of energy yesterday in my craftroom, I slept like the proverbial log from 8.30pm - 6.30 this morning. Then went back to bed for another sleep. So many things to do today and time has just disappeared along with my good intentions of being first in the queue.
    The card was matted with stock from my Payperbox stash in a very pale mint green and cream. I used the French Collection Background for the main focal point. Then made a flower from a Paperazzi sheet from the Papermania Capsule collection in green, this paper is very soft to the touch and quite sparkly which probably doesn't show up very clearly. Petite Vinery from Sue Wilson's finishing touches in a darker green makes the flower 'pop' out. Pale mint flatback pearls were added to the corners, the flower centre and I also used a titchy one in the O of Caroline. It was made to order for my friend to give her daughter.
    I have almost caught up with most of yesterday's comments especially yours Sandra. My goodness, it's every Mother's dread to have your offspring call you for help the way Becca did you. She and her friend must have been so terrified during the attack on them. Shame on the hooligans, I bet they wouldn't like that to happen to anyone in their family. And I was absolutely gobsmacked when you posted they only got a CAUTION!!! When are the Police ever going to give suitable punishments???? Is there not a way to take them to court to get Becca compensation for the damage and personal injury? I'd be camping out inside the police Station that gave such out pathetic justice if I could. But then I'd probably be arrested for obstruction. Until we get Police with real balls and the Courts to follow suit instead of listening to the wet, weak- wristed, heart bleeders, liberal lot, these twats are always going to be let off.
    Rant over.
    Yes Maureen, dear heart, I will be coming out of my playroom all this weekend. We have to wait for the architrave to be delivered on Monday as it is too long to get in my little Corsa. So it's rain stopped play for now. Oh my, I will have withdrawal symptoms. Housework (dirty word) and TV catch-up (good words) is the order for this weekend. I'm so tired I'm going to have another early night.
    Love & hugs to all you wonderful ladies.
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Hi Cheryl,
      I am so looking to seeing your 'after' photos! bloomin architrave!!!
      I was more than a little frustrated at the outcome of the arrest, it makes you want to go after them yourself! I take them down with my bloody crutches! I should have recorded her screams for the police to listen to, I could still here them when I went to bed!
      anyway, Thank you for allowing me to share your beautiful card today, everyone had absolutely loved it!
      Enjoy your relaxed tv catch up weekend!
      Love and Hugs

    2. Well Cheryl you have just given me not only wet knickers, but my hand actually flew to my mouth and then you said houswork was a dirty word!!!
      Oh my love, that was a cracker. Xxx

    3. Well I certainly hope you've got your Tena pads on Saba! you don't want to be leaving wet puddles this time of night.
      Cheryl xxx

  33. Cheryl!
    So pleased you have called in. Good idea to have an early night . Methinks you have been doing too much. Your card is gorgeous and thank you for explaining about the flower - it's lovely.
    Have a good rest!
    Love and hugs,
    Myra xx

    1. Thank you my flower. Have left a tip for everyone as my brain turned to salad again.
      Cheryl xxx

  34. I must have word salad again, I left out the part about the greeting. This was printed on cream paper using Microsoft Word matted onto the green and using plain oval dies.
    A tip for you ladies, if you use MS Word make sure your screen is set at 100%, paper size A5, Orientation landscape and 2 columns. Type your greeting, then place the die that you want to use over the words and then alter your type & font size to fit the inside edge of your die. This makes it so much easier than typing first and then finding out it will not fit the size die you want to use.

    1. I also forgot to say the flower was from the HC Arianna Blooms Custom Design Die template. It has five different sizes of petals all in 1 large die. You actually cut out the whole flower layers in one go.
      Cheryl xxx

    2. Hello my dear,
      I was going to e-mail you as was getting worried that you'd got locked in the new room and couldn't get out!!
      Will "see" you tomorrow when you've finished your hibernation lol.
      Love Maureen xxx

    3. Well hello, darling, I haven't got to bed yet as you can see, I'm still trying to get my brain lucid but having not a lot of luck with it.
      Cheryl xxx

    4. TOP TIP ALERT!!!!!!!!!
      Thanks Cheryl xxx

  35. Good evening my lovely ladies
    I am now out of my darkened room and feeling wonderful. I think it's the hair of the dog which is helping.
    I have to say, you lot are weird. I live in Bavaria and that is in Germany not Africa. Myra had me eating an elephant, Maria a lion or some other wild cat and as for Sandra, a free willy!!! Well I am sorry Sandra but even if they were giving them away I simply could not. Not even if you paid me.
    Then Patricia accuses me of ordering her to obey her on her blog, as if I would,
    And Maureen is telling the whole world I am a tart. And Brenda thinks I should mime being a tenna.
    That reminds me though, I was telling Sam the other day that my dad sang opera and that he was a Tenor, now you posh lot will pronounce
    Tenor like lenor or amor, but in Gods own country otherwise known as Yorkshire, we often pronounce "or" as "a" . Not "a" as in Avis but "a" as is Apple.
    And that brings us right back to our main subject for the last few days.
    You probably have no idea what I am blathering on about, but it amused me.
    Love Saba xxx

    1. With my word salad brain at the moment, Saba, I understood every word you said.
      Cheryl xxx

    2. Saba, can I just say that I couldn't understand you going where you had to hunt for your dinner, be charged for it and then be bored to death!!!
      And the drinking, the knocking, and the rapping of the fingers, well the mind boggles.
      I hope the tenors held up - oops lass I mean tenas.
      By the way, your father wasn't called Enrico Caruso was he, my dad loved him.
      I was wondering did your braids stay in with all the - shall we say - frivolity.
      Nice to see you back, even if you are still over the breathalyser limit!
      Muriel xxx

    3. Muriel, was Caruso really called Enrico, my dad loved him as well, and Mario Lanza. I didn't know he was called Enrico though, thought that was Julio Inglesias son. No my dad was called Allen. Not very inspiring for an opera singer. Now don't start thinking I am the daughter of anyone famous, cos I am not, but his big claim to little fame was singing once at La Scala. Mind you I do know someone famous but I'm not telling who!!

    4. Saba having Yorkshire friends I understood what you where meaning .i at least had you eating wild boar. Hazel x

    5. Well done Hazel, glad I'm not the only sane one round here.

    6. Oh, forget that, I have just remembered we didn't have wild boar. It was Bambi.

    7. saba
      don't knock it till you have tried it,
      I am sure it wouldn't taste any better if you paid for it!

    8. Saba, we have a bambi farm just along the road with its own farm shop. They call it the deer centre!!! But it does have another place like a farm and at the deer centre the have the shop and sell bambi meat, can you just imagine taking the little ones round the centre feeding the bambi then going into the shop and buying their meat to have for tea? Hazel x

  36. Cheryl love I replied to,your post and I am still chuckling. You really did make me splutter. Love you to bits xxx

  37. Excuse me! I did not suggest you were in darkest Africa - you said you ate a Disney Film animal - I thought of Dumbo! I was very careful where I put the comma in that post as well!
    Anyway I'm pleased you are back on top form.
    I'm getting there . Had some fish , banged the table and shouted Prost! Men in white coats on their way.
    Myra xxx

  38. Must go check the positioning of the comma xxx

  39. Maria, stop it, I've only just got dry after Cheryl's description of the low lifes. But seeing as you have already said that P word I'd,better drink to it. Prost back to you too. Xxx

  40. Are we in the same conversation Muriel or are you calling me Maria? Xx

  41. Oh heck. Can I blame predictive text?

    1. I am totally out of the conversation don't know what the hell is going on xx

    2. Wendy
      Saba has had too much 'prosting' and 'free willy'
      so she's hung over and she has sore ankles!!

    3. Wendy, you are not alone, at no point in this conversation did I mention my ankles to anybody. Xxx

    4. That's because you don't remember hanging from them, you hussy.

      Muriel xxxx

    5. Oops I was just about to ask if You had gone out on the town to do a bit of Prosting, Maureen.
      I thought maybe the sore ankles would have been from the stamping of the feet when the knuckles got sore! What about knuckle dusters? Xx

    6. Oh sorry I meant knuckles!!!!

  42. No! Just not good enough - I know you've done too much " prosting " but that's hardly my fault!
    By the way - for some unknown reason today every single post to Sue's blog came to me by email! Including Maureeens! When I tried to sort it out they asked me if I wanted to unsubscribe from getting these posts! I didn't know I had! Anyway - stopped now - has this happened to anyone else?
    Myra /Maria xx

    1. Myra I have had someone blog comments coming to my computer. Then it just stops. Hazelx

    2. Thanks Hazel! I was beginning to think I was completely nuts!

    3. Never happened to me Myra, but jut think how lucky you are to get TWO posts from me!!! Or should that be Prosts? lol
      Muriel xxx

    4. Had that the other day.
      Here was me thinking I was getting heck of a popular. Just unsubscribe do and that was it ... sorted!!.
      Patricia x

    5. Yes, I did that. It was just weird to have it happen out of the blue!
      Maureen - I was thrilled - seeing your name made it worth all the hassle!
      Myra xx

  43. SABA:- I am thick skinned but I am thinking I am stupid thick as well.
    Don't understand your comment further back about me accusing you of ordering me to behave. Or am I just not translating it properly????
    Patricia xxx

    1. I think in one of your earlier posts you mentioned something about Saba leaving the 'obey' comment on your blog.
      hope that makes it clearer
      but I am doubting it!

    2. Think it's time for me to go to bed. I know it's early but I have not got myself into gear at all today!!!
      Go to bed and hope tomorrow will be a better day ...... for me ..... not the weather!!!!
      Goodnight all
      God bless
      Patricia xxx

    3. Patricia, it was in your earlier comment to me here, where you thanked me for my "obey" comment to you.
      Made me chuckle.

    4. Got it Saba ...... blooming IPads supposed to be Technology!!! who are they trying kid???
      Patricia xxx

    5. Patricia , Saba's no kid you know! Xx

    6. See that sister of mine blaming her ipad for the mistakes as if they do that!!! I am thinking of trading mine in - not my sister but the iPad, then again it would take me months to set it up and get it working, better just keep this one faults and all. Hazel x

    7. Myra, at your age you shouldn't be calling the kettle black.xx

    8. SABA:- that should have been "lovely" comment.
      I better disappear Hazel is threatening to trade me in......!!!
      Oh! It's OK just her IPad she's trading in.......!!!
      Patricia xxx

    9. Patricia, I have it on good authority that Hazel wouldn't trade you in for all the money the world. Xxx

    10. I know that but it's fun when it happens to someone else! xx

  44. I've been in my own little world down here and I knew you had bambi - you were expecting wild boar I guess. We had that in Tuscany - it was ok! X

    1. Hi Myra,
      is it like pork?
      Wild Boar not Bambi

    2. No Sandra it is darker meat than pork more like beef but a bit stringier. I hope I'm being fair to the poor creature. We nearly killed one in Corsica - no no we did not think we were on Safari - it ran in front of the car! Xx

    3. Yes definitely more like Beef. When we lived in Turkey our friend used to shoot the wild boar round his house. He used to "deal" with it and spit roast it. We loved being at there house when they were roosting it. Always came home with some for the Freezer.
      Happy days
      Patricia x

    4. I agree with big sis, wild boar is yummy when roasted. Hazel x

    5. Thank you lovely sisters, you have put my mind at rest. I thought Patricia was a veggie and would hate me forever for eating Bambi.

    6. Not a veggie Saba. Don't eat a lot of meat and certainly do NOT eat lamb I prefer them running about in the field at the bottom of the garden.
      Our neighbours sheep, we are waiting for the lambs to be born. We have a few rather fat sheep in the field at the moment.
      Patricia xxx

    7. Patricia, Do the boar roost like chickens or bats? I can't imagine them laying eggs.
      Cheryl xxx

  45. How very odd. Think you had better unsubscribe quickly otherwise you might have to start doing a Wednesday weekly giveaway.
    And you've said that P word again!! and I think it counts even though it has an ing on the end. Xxx

    1. It was most strange - the funny thing was my own post came to me by email! My inbox was a little full! Just wondered if it had happened to anyone else! Please don't tell me I'm odd. I know that! Xx

  46. Sorry everyone but we are still having problems with our internet and are still waiting for the new microfilters to arrive
    Cheryl what a stunning card so very beautiful indeed and such lovely colours too.
    Janet loosing a little one is something you never get over I have found, you just learn to live with it, but it is so very very hard I know it was 39 years in January that we lost our darling baby son, we had waited 8 years to get him. In the December of the same year our daughter was born. Her arrival was so wonderful yet it never made up for all our sadness in the January but she has always been so very special. I love snowdrops but their appearance each year now always brings a tear, as while we were in hospital a friend sent me a huge bunch of them, and one of the doctors had never seen them before and was fascinated by them. You will be in my thoughts Janet I know just how you feel. Sending a Big comforting cuddle for you. xxx
    Sandra have you thought of writing to the Chief Constable about these yobs and to think the police have the cheek to ask for the publics help, oh this kind of thing really makes my blood boil.
    On a better note our little corgi seems to be improving thank goodness.
    Better sign out before I loose the internet again
    Take care everyone and have a lovely weekend.
    With love
    Margaret xx

    1. Oh Margaret,
      you must be so frustrated, I have to say ours keeps dropping out tonight too!
      I was so saddened to read about the sad loss of your son Margaret, you must have been truly heartbroken, I simply can't imagine the pain.
      Snowdrops are such a beautiful thing, they grew in abundance in the graveyard by our school when I was growing up and remember my name telling that snowdrops were the tears of angels.
      I am sending that big hug right back to you, thanks so much for sharing your personal story!
      lots of love

    2. Margaret, I too am saddened by your loss. After waiting so long for him you must have been devastated. My sister lost her little girl and although she has other children now, no one can ever replace her baby girl or take way the pain. So very sorry. Bless you.
      Saba xxx

  47. Margaret,
    All I can do is send you some ((((((hugs))))) for your sad loss.
    To loose a baby is an unimaginable thing.
    We have beautiful carpets of Snowdrops through the woods that surround our tiny little village.
    Patricia xxx

  48. Dear Margaret,
    How awful! It must be so very hard to lose a baby . Cannot imagine how it feels but can just send you lots of love and hugs!
    We have so many snowdrops in our garden. It Is such a visual reminder and wherever you go as well.
    Lots of love, Myra xxx God Bless.

  49. Oh Margaret,
    You have my love and hugs and prayers for you and your family. together with Janet and her family and little Leanne. It always breaks my heart, literally, when I read about things like this.
    My love to all on this sad note. I'm going now but have added loads of comments, in fact when I look I think I've overdone it. I'll come on in the morning and read what you all get up to when I've gone to bed.
    Maureen xx

    1. Margaret how vey sad. We all look at snowdrops and think of spring on its way but you look at them with sorrow in your heart. Sending you a big hug my sweetheart
      Diane xxx

  50. I am just going to have to have another glass of wine, not only has Muriel just called me a hussy and accused me of hanging from my ankles ( what does she think I am a Bat) but she also said that Prost word and she knows jolly well that in Germany it is against the law not to drink something whenever that word is mentioned!

  51. Night God bless Maureen, make sure you don't go up the stairs at the same time as George. Looking forward to hearing all about the time you nearly became a nun. Love and hugs Saba xx

  52. Good night all! Careful on the stairs after that wine!
    Myra xxx shhhh

  53. saba
    sorry made a 'typo' earlier typed ankles, meant knuckles!
    oh dear does that mean you have to have another!

  54. Looks like it Sandra, Prost to you too. Well lovely, it's been another fun evening. I think I might cancel my tv license at this rate. I'm for my bed too now so goodnight and God bless to you too. See you tomorrow.
    Love Saba xxx

  55. Hi Sandra and all the lovely ladies
    Well I've got to the end at last and I've chuckled my way through the comments ( have also been watching the bake off extra slice and chuckling to that as well!)
    I met my friends for lunch today at 12.30 and by the time we finished eating and chatting it was 4.15!!! I drove straight to the airport to pick up hubby meanwhile my daughter had caught an earlier train and was trying to contact me to pick her up! There had been an accident on the motorway so it took us an hour to get out the airport car park and another hour to get home! Emma had to walk home luckily it wasn't raining. ! I've left comments throughout. I must go to bed now as it's been a long day. I can see there's shenanigans in here again tonight! I've mopped the floor so mind you don't slip!!!
    See you all tomorrow .
    Love Diane xxx

  56. Good evening Diane,
    I am so pleased you have had a nice afternoon with your friends, it's the same when Sue, pat and I meet up, the time just disappears!
    I hope you weren't in the doghouse with your daughter!
    Thanks for mopping the puddles of piddle!
    Good night and god bless
    Sandra xxx

  57. Maria, are you going to be locking up tonight?
    Sandra xx

  58. Yes it looks like I'm the last one ,again. lol Reading what you been up too and the worble diarrhea between certain people in here today have made my evening. So I see you tomorrow for more.
    Thinking of everyone who are going through difficult times and sending big hugs to you all. I left the key in the usual place incase someone coming in after me. Going now to listening to my own tenor lol Love and hugs Maria xx
