
Monday 12 January 2015

Thank you, flowers

Good Monday Morning Ladies,
Well, Paul has actually gone away today, so I am going to try and keep busy today, although to be
honest I feel a little under the weather, not sure it's the stress of the messing about with Paul going, then not going etc, or the fact that when we took Bella back to the vet they said that it looks like she has been licking her wound and that it looked a little red and sore, they gave her some long acting antibiotics, they also gave us a smaller 'cone' thing is she is so small she slides out of the darn thing anyway, I tried to tie a bandage on her today but no that was straight off too! There is always something to be worrying about!
Today's card....I have been wanting to rrecreate one of these cards since the very day I saw it on Sue's blog, so simple, yet so effective! I just matted to pieces of white card together, one very slightly larger than the other. I left a larger border, just under half inch all round then matted onto another piece of white card, then another tiny border of red, (always remember to 'gut' your card stock this means cutting out most of the inside of the card so that you don't waste the card, you won't see it behind the other card layers anyway) I then popped it onto a plain white card base,
The focal element of the card is simple, I cut two of the Grand Vinery Dies in green card, stuck them
to the card with cosmic shimmer, ( I put a blod of cosmic shimmer Pva on the back of my hand and
then just tap the die cut on the glue, that way you have no glue splodging out from under your die cut), one vertical and then one off at a slight angle but with the bottoms meeting in the bottom right corner.  I stamped 'thank you' sentiment at the top right of the card.  I then added red roses over the foliage die, just wherever you think they need to be put!
I cut and Itty Bitty bow out of matching red card and the downward pointing tails and popped this onto the card where the stems of the two Grand Vinery dies.
Quite simple, but I like it I think.
Let me know your thoughts below please.
My eagle eyes picked out a new die cutting machine by Spellbinders on a recent FB photo, when I enquired they said it is called 'Platinum', more details to follow, it looks quite big, it has drop down flaps either side, providing what looks like bigger than A4 cutting area, it looks quite heavy too, the pictures looked deceptive, I am sure I saw.  A handle, but someone else said she thought it was electric, either way let's hope it's an improvement on the Calibur, although I am left wondering why they relaunched the Grand calibur in a different colour!
Sue's new die cutting machine seems really good, very sturdy, she seems to be getting used to it now and is enjoying using it.  Pat eventually got her New machine, strangely it's lighter than the old Calibur, which seems odd as they are supposed to have replaced the plastic bits with metal, but we will see how it goes over the coming months.
Well I must go and check on Bella's, make sure she is not licking where she shouldn't,
Have a great week my lovely friends,
Crafty Hugs
Sandra xxxx
Close up of roses below....


  1. Thank you to you Sandra for letting us see your stunning cards every day. Today's card is no exception, I just love the simpleness of it with your beautiful flowers. Oh naughty Bella, but Sandra she is only doing what I think 90% of them do. She will be ok. Keep yourself busy, TV or music in the back ground and time will go quickly. Hazel x

  2. Hi Sandra. Firstly, sorry I never managed to get back to your blog yesterday but Sophie's dinosaur is amazing. The arty gene has obviously been passed down from you.
    Your card is gorgeous, and this would work for so many occasions with a change of sentiment. I'd be interested in anyone's views on the new die cutting machines too as my GC is temperamental on whether it cuts cleanly or not.
    Poor Bella, I hope the antibiotics work quickly, although by the sound of things she is still full of mischief. Hope that your day passes quickly - it probably will when you start crafting! Sue xxx

  3. Hi Sandra
    A lovely card today. Just love it, especially the flowers, and the vinery. I loved your card on Sat, and Sophie's drawing yesterday. But I forgot to go on your blog both days. How remiss of me. I'll see you and Mrs B later. I dont always remember to go back and check after I've looked at Sues blog. I'll have to get Pete to start the tea off later, after the problems I had getting through Witney last week, I do hope they hurry up and reopen Crawley soon.

  4. Hi Sandra. Stunning card, simply beautiful. I love it.
    I'm sure Bella will be fine, lots of energy = healthy cat! Sorry not to meet today, sorry to hear you are not feeling 100% either :( Feel better very soon. Take care my lovely.

  5. Sandra this card is so stunningly beautiful you really are getting into the swing and posting each day it is wonderful! This card is so crisp and clean looking and I love it.
    Animals do have a habit of licking themselves better so I would not be too concerned with Bella but that is not to say you should not keep an eye on her. One of our corgis is a little devil for licking if there is anything wrong she is there licking like mad and it gets better, it is just in their nature.
    Keep busy today and get some background noise on to fill the house and you will not feel too alone and the time will pass until the family get home.
    You have done really well coping and we are all here for you just tell yourself I can and I will.
    With love
    Margaret corgi owner

  6. Hi Sandra Beautiful card, sorry not too good today so going for a lie down. Hugs Theresa (TOB)

  7. Hello Sandra,
    Well you've done it again gorgeous card love it all.
    Bella will be fine. Have you put the music on children will be home before you know it.
    With much love & Hug's Lynda xxx

  8. Im so glad I popped in before I rested after a vile journey to and from my Rheumy clinic because apart from my daily Particraft visit this is the best part of my day. What a stunning start to the week Sandra. Amazing. Sue must have done something similar before I found her blog maybe ?
    Either that or my old brain is letting me down again which it seems to do more often than not these days ! Sandra I love this card. You seem to be doing so well with your own company, and if its the same again tomorrow, go to bed feeling excited by the thought of reading all your fantastic compliments for the days card (as long as you feel well enough mind) !!
    Apart from the long journey to my hospital that looks after my joints and fingers there IS a good side... Samuel Taylor's large shop is round the corner, and how can I come back from Leeds without paying a visit ? It would be rude not to so I did (oops) !! Never mind, still counting down the days until Barbie and I have access to our craft shop again !
    Im leaving you in peace now, im totally done in. Hope tomorrow is a better day for you Sandra and you feel a little better. Relax tonight with a nice glass of wine, and look forward to reading our compliments on another lovely Sandra card... Cant wait : )
    Gentle hugs to you Sandra.
    Lancashire Steph xx

  9. Hi Sandra

    Your card is beautiful.

    I shouldn't worry about too much Bella. One of our cats had the same problem. Once the antibiotics kick in she will be fine. We just cut a little segment out of the cone so she couldn't take it off , and she was fine.
    Just don't cut too much out. Bubble our newest kitty licked her wound clean and ran about like a lunatic. How high must their pain threshold be. Such special little friends aren't they.


  10. What a beautiful card Sandra,it brightened up my day, so simple yet very effective. keep up the good work. hugs xxx

  11. Hi Sandra what a beautiful card I love the colours you have used.
    I remember seeing one similar on sue's blog. but I do like yours.
    Take care xx

    Debs xxx
