
Sunday 11 January 2015

Post No. 2 Sophie's Dinosaur

Hello Again,
Here is the picture that Sophie drew 
Yesterday, totally freehand,
Isn't she amazing!
Very proud mum,


  1. Sophie, what a fantastic drawing, well done I can see why you are doing art. You are very talented, and you can see you love drawing.
    Sandra, why shouldn't you be proud, she is your baby and she is very talented and will do well in her exam. Our oldest daughters is a very talented artist, granted she doesn't do much now as she is busy, but does de stress herself often just sitting drawing. Also I use my blog to show different things at times and that's what I think it should be. Hazel x

  2. Hi Sandra,
    Wow! What a beautiful drawing. No wonder you are so proud of Sophie - she is a very talented young lady! Always wished I could draw freehand well!
    But no!
    Congratulations Sophie !
    Love to all, Myra xx

  3. Hello Sandra, Hi Sophie ,What a very talented young lady you are, you really have a very special gift ,your picture is gorgeous, thank you for letting mum put it on her blog.
    Hope you are enjoying your GCSE course, theres a lot of hard work for you to do, but with results like this, you will pass with flying colours.
    Good luck, Brenda x

  4. Dear Sophie,
    What a gift you have wee lass for detail and finish. I know just how hard your art is but if this is a sample of your work, next stop art college and with perseverance you will make it sweetpea. I think you must take after your very talented mum,
    crafty hugs
    Norah x

  5. Wowzer ! Im useless at drawing. A talant.Id love to have. What a talanted daughter you have proud mom.
    Lancashire Steph xx

  6. Oh! My! Word! that drawing is absolutely amazing ...... what a talent.

    Patricia x

  7. Hi Sandra and Sophie. Wow, fantastic drawing. You should be very proud. Let's see more please. Take care.
