
Wednesday 21 January 2015

Peaches & Cream

Good Morning Ladies,
Peaches and Cream, that's what was on my mind today, so that's what i decided my theme would be.
So I got out my  Decorative Elements Labels 8, I cut the largest size in Peach Coloured card, the next size down in Cream Card and smallest size I cut twice, once in each colour, I stamped the Creative Expressions Sentiment in Peach Bellini Adirondack ink and covered with Cosmic Shimmer Clear Embossing Powder, I then used the smallest of the Spellbinders Label 8 dies to cut out the centre of the peach coloured die cut, I mounted the two together with a tiny amount of dimensional glue gel. I them mounted the layers onto each other with foam tape.
The Background is a plain white 8 x 8 Card that I covered first with the peach coloured card and then the cream that was embossed with Sue Wilsons Heart Lattice Embossing folder.
I mounted the focal element onto the card base, added a couple of flourishes and some peach and cream flowers with a few leaves for contrast, a butterfly in the top corner gives a bit of balance to the overall design, with a Creative Expressions Pearl Swirl trail.
A few pearls to finish the corners and that's the card complete!
I hope you like it, please leave me your comment below, We had a new follower last night, so Welcome Littlelamb, you are more than welcome to join in our fun.
Thank you all for your lovely comments,
Exciting day to day, off to Pats with Sue for some crafting and chatting, seems like forever since we last met so I can't wait!
Huge Hugs to all,
Sandra xxxx


  1. Morning, love the colours and layout of this one. Very mellow,

    Yes find NEC busy but thought whilst there I couldn't pass up the chance of visiting. As for Ally Pally if we stay we would stay in Greenwich near my brother and visit the fab market on the Sunday morning. It's a fab market. I do agree money can be sent on craft stuff but then a day trip is tiring and sometimes think if paid train fare should make the most of it!
    Work in A and E and have done for nearly 22 years - mad!
    Off to fat club see you soon xxx

    1. Hi Barbie,
      You would have to go to NEC as you are so close! be rude not too!
      Well its worth staying over to visit family too, makes the journey so much more worth while.
      Wow how amazing working in A & E all those years, you must be very dedicated.
      How did fat club go???
      Sandra xxxxx

  2. Well I know you will be busy getting yourself ready to go meet up with Pat and Sue, chatting, ( of course that will be all crafty things). NOT!!! Sharing ideas and just having a great time. Your card today is beautiful and I see you are sticking to what you said about getting out those dies that have been put to one side. Hazel x

    1. Hi Hazel,
      Do you know I had forgotten I had this die and it was one of my favourites, I think that sometimes we just get a bit blinkered into using what's new, but they are not cheap tools so need to earn their keep! They are stunning dies too of course!
      I am sat waiting for Sue to come pick me up, looking forward to catching up today!
      Thanks for stopping by and for your kind comment.
      Warm Hugs
      Sandra xxxx

  3. Hi Sandra
    Another stunner today. Love the peaches and cream. I agree with you that we seem to use the new dies and forget the older ones. Mind you my collection is pretty tame compared to yours. But I'm getting there with your help. Look forward to seeing you and Mrs B today. It seems ages since we met up. It's funny how missing a week seems like forever. Crafty hugs to all today.

    1. Hi Pat,
      Was lovely to spend time with you today, had an amazing day,
      love you lots
      Sandra xxxx
      ps. glad you liked your card xx

  4. Sorry Sandra just seen barbiepinkfairy saying she would stay in Greenwich if she goes to Ally Pally, Patricia and I hope to go but unsure as to where to look for a hotel, so barbiepinkfairy is this a good place to stay, coming from Scotland we would have to make sure it was right and we could get to the show easy, can you let us know thanks. Thank you Sandra for letting me use your blog to ask. Hazel x

    1. Hazel,
      Firstly, no apologising, feel free to ask whoever whatever you like!
      If you email Sue she will tell you where they stay, there are two holiday inn hotels about 15 minutes from Ally pally, I will find out for you when I get home.
      Sandra xxxx

  5. Hi Sandra,
    First of all enjoy your day with your friends while your Crafting it must be so enjoyable, I go to a Craft Class weekly which I Love.
    Your Card today is just so Beautiful I Love the Colourway and I so Love how you put your Flower Arrangements together, I've been through some of your Cards and there truly amazing, there was one a Black/Gold Card and that was Stunning.
    Take great care Sandra
    Love and Hugs
    From Sam xxx

    1. Hi Sam,
      Hope you are well my lovely, thank you so much for your kind words.
      I had a look on pinterest at your cards etc. they are amazing Sam,
      you have a real gift.
      Sandra xxxx

  6. Hello Sandra,
    This is my second attempt as I lost the internet!
    I always wanted a peaches and cream complexion, this is gorgeous and the flowers are beautiful.
    I meant to say yesterday that I am not impressed with the E-Bosser as it is not a good cutter. I always had to use the GC to finish the cut and to emboss, so I rarely use it now. The cuttlebug is also good for small dies, although I did try to kill it by getting a Marianne die stuck and it all sprang apart, but I managed to "bang" it together with a tiny toffee hammer that once belonged to my mother!!
    As a helpful hint, I also have a half size set of plates for the GC which means that I'm not winding forever or having to go forward and back. I can't remember where I got them but if anyone wants to know I'll look it up as soon as I've shaken this virus off and am out of bed.
    Sandra, I agree entirely with you regarding Dawn Bibby.
    See you soon, love xx

    1. Hi Maureen,
      Thanks so much for stopping by again today, and for all your useful information, I hadn't thought about using half size plates! genius!!!
      The Ebosser is not getting very good reviews on here today!
      Oh your poor cuttlebug, some of the old implements work the best, good old mums toffee hammer!
      I do hope that you soon shake off this horrible virus and you are up and about.
      Sending you warm healing hugs,
      Sandra xxxxx

  7. Hi Sandra,
    Today's card is another beauty. You are so right about forgetting to use our older dies! I know I get in a rut both with colours and dies.
    I love the colours today and peaches and cream is a great title! It does what it says on the tin! Your balance is so good on your cards. Thanks for sharing.
    You asked about my cards! Well I like stamping and colouring - that was how I started but I never thought to photograph cards until very recently unless I tried something new. I have put some of my cards on Pinterest - I'm Myra @ Tashsgma! Lynda found me - she has really helped. It would be so good to meet everyone - BUT - I think we'd have to take it in turns to talk! Lol.
    Thanks for your lovely message yesterday but you know I just POP by. Have a little look at what you said! Lol . I've been in stitches!
    Have a great day with Pat and Mrs B.
    Lots of love,
    Myra xxx

    1. Hi Myra,
      Its good to use all the old dies, make them earn their keep and the die I used today was one of my favourites, and still is!
      I tried to find you on Pinterest but your name didn't work? can you give it me again.?
      I think we would get by if we all met up, it would be lovely.
      Will you go to Ally Pally.?
      Thanks for popping by, I really appreciate it x
      Huge Hugs
      Sandra xxxx

  8. Hi Sandra,
    This is a real WOW of a card, love the colours you have used and your floral addition make this just a perfect card. I love it all.
    I guess by now you girls are crafting away, hope you're having a great time LOL to you all.
    Going back to yesterday somebody think it was you but correctl me if I am wrong , made a comment about DB on C and C. I'm sorry went off this lady a long time ago, she was doing a demo and the card she wanted to use was not the correct size, her comment was It's not my fault my assistant cut that!!! Sorry to me that comment was a real turn off (maybe its just me)

    I must get on and do some work, going out tomorrow to Sandown Park Esher to a craft show, it usually good, but not up to Alily Pally. but I enjoy it.

    Take care my lovely, hope you're not too exhausted after your busy day . Love Brenda xx

    1. Hi Mumma,
      Thanks for your lovely comment today my lovely.
      We had a lovely crafting day, was lovely to catch up.
      Oh lucky you going to Sandown Park, can I come? haha
      Are you going to Ally Pally? we are planning to go Saturday, I hope you are too!
      Don't get me started on DB, she doesn't need anyone to blow her trumpet, she does so well herself, yet she has no real craft talent, when she is on with Sue, I feel like Sue is wanting to say 'shut up and let me craft'!
      Have a lovely day tomorrow, take it easy now, don't spend too much!
      Huge Hugs my lovely,
      Sandra xxxxx

  9. Hazel, Greenwich not near Ally Pally but saying that I always think anywhere close when you have the tube. My brother lives there so I know it we'll and really like it. It is worth a visit. A village in the heart of London, great moochy market, lovely shops and on the Thames. There is a river taxi up to the Tower too. It really is worth a visit if anyone in London xxx

    1. Barbiepinkfairy, thank you for getting back to me so quickly, I will talk it over with Patricia. We did think of coming down over night on the sleeper train do the show and just get back on a late train home if it came to it, but we are worried that it would all be to much. Hazel x

  10. Hi Sandra, hope you've all had a lovely day chating and crafting (your own version of C&C) without all the selling, boring chat and ego's driving us bonkers ! I dread the show's that our Sue is on with DB, she really spoils it for me if Im honest. I have to sky+ the show's then fast forward inbetween the demo's as her voice goes right through me. But... Like one of our friends here said the same thst it was her that got me into crafting from QVC, but her cards were same as same as everytime, got the title as 'Queen of Craft' and loved it, more like P.I.T.A she was so self obsessed, so I cant stand her Im afraid. Anyway, onto something that DB could learn from - Sandra's talent. What a beautiful combo of colour's you have used on this absolute stunning card. Again its so delicate. Are your tiny flowers those you buy in little bundles from say - Hobbycraft or do you use a tiny little rose die ? I bought loads of bunches of tiny buds of flowers in loads of different colour's and when Mr L put my new shelves up a couple of weeks ago I tried to look organised and got out all my tiny plastic storage boxes from HC and came across my flower buds so they are in a tin now, labeled ready to remember to use ! Remember being the operative word !! So I just wondered if they are what you use sometimes on your work.
    Just had a call from Joanna Sheen to say they too had problems with the die so, Richard took the same die from a new package tried it out on the e-bosser and it was fine apart from having to do the usual turn and pass again. At least it wasnt me and that the die was faulty. So now I can look forward to using it again when he sends my replacement. Bloomin Crafters Companion and their sales pitch, over estimating the e-bosser, yes its good and
    yes its great to help save my joints, but Im also gullable and was expecting so much more, but there you go, it cuts, but doesn't perform miricles. Hope the newer model is better because our poor Tina E has been treated awful in my opinion with her machines, id certainly think twice before I bought again from Crafters Companion that's for sure.
    Sandra Im so sorry for doing nothing but rant and rave, but I get cross when these people brain wash us to buy their products, spend money on their goodies then dont seem to appreciate just how much we DO spend and treat us like we're nothing !! Enough said. I do hope your knee is feeling a little better today Sandra, and that if any of our dear friends here are feeling a little off that tomorrow brings you a brighter happier day.
    Love your card today Sandra. Another smile despite my grumps !!!
    Hope to 'see' you all tomorrow.
    Lancashire Steph xxx

    1. Oh Steph, I do love it when you rant!!! you go girl, get it off your chest, you know full well all of us have the same opinion too!
      Can I ask you if you have had your prize yet from a blog win back in October?
      I caught up with my cousin yesterday her hospital treatment was illprost infusion, to dilate her blood vessels, she said its like having a top up of anti freeze, its not a cure but it helps, have you had anything like that (sorry hope you don't mind me asking)!
      Paul (hubby) reckons Sara from Crafters Companion is like a Disney Presenter, all big smiles and a little bit patronizing! you have to take what they say with a pinch of salt, its no bloody joke if you have spent hundreds of pounds on a machine and you don't have their support!
      Sue (mrs b) bought her Calibur from Hobbycraft and they have replaced it twice because of broken handle and the last time she had worse problems they let her have a different machine free! that is what you call customer service!
      I am glad you have your die on its way back, I have heard of a few problems with the New York dies, bit tricky to cut!
      Don't get me started on DB!!!! queen of craft my a***e!
      Thank you so much for your lovely long post today, its brilliant as its plenty to start discussions about.
      Huge Hugs
      Sandra xxxx

  11. Love this card and the colours. Saw the E Bosser on CC. the other day and it didn't cut first time. They had to put it through again so doesn't look any better than the other one. They were saying it cuts very well - and then it didn't. I was hoping to go the Esher on Friday but had an eye op a week ago and don't feel confident about driving that far yet. Shame as it looks as if there are a lot of exhibitors going to be there. Will have to be patient and wait for next month and go to Farnborough. Not so far. I do love driving and usually no problem but would rather have my checkup at the hospital first.

    1. Hi Littlelamb,
      Thanks for your kind words.
      I tend not to believe any rubbish they feed us on that channel, its best to go elsewhere and find out about these machines, there are plenty of craft forums to look in, I think you have to have a go yourself too, what do you use?
      I have never been to Esher, would love to go, I just tend to go to Ally Pally now, has everything I need and Sue is there too, which is a bonus!
      Hope you eye is on the mend xx
      My crafty friend Pat is going to Farnborough, she says its ok.
      Thanks for stopping by again today my lovely,
      Sandra xx

  12. Hi Sandra
    Peaches and cream ey that sound very tasty :-) your card is lovely and the dies you have used are beautifully put together. I haven't got many but my wishlist is long as my arm and it has put me off to buy more as I have such problem cutting them out. Thank you for telling me about the GC teal (funny it's lighter ) and the new machine thats coming out, it's a real shame doh that non of them seem to do their job properly. If Sue could bring one out that would be interesting so if the price was right... Hope you had a lovely day with the other girls, any crafting being done or was it all gossiping or pooping around Hihi you did make me laugh, :-) This is so great to see how many going to AP, I'm meeting Lynda on the Saturday and if more of you going ,it would be wonderful to see you all ! Meeting my husband is a bit of a saga, might tell you one day .We met in Mallorca over 25 years ago on holiday :-)
    Wishing Maureen better and Brenda a nice day out,not sure of DB either,sorry. Cooking a healthier version of spag bol tonight :-) Have a nice evening Sandra, cuddles to the kittens and a warm Hug to you all,Maria x

    1. Hi Maria,
      Thank you for the lovely comment, remind me what machine you are currently using? Pats machine seem to be cutting fine today, I would say its as good as any Calibur on a good day!
      We did get some crafting done, we usually sit and cut out each others dies most of the time, so I bought home a pile of die cuts but it still took me till half nine to finish a card, we do have a laugh though, its so nice to have that to look forward to each week.
      We are all going to Ally Pally on the Saturday too, YAY!!!!!!
      I am not risking missing anyone this year, I am going to bring something (not sure what yet) to put on a table so that we all know where we can wait to meet each other, I met Lynda last year! I cant wait to meet everyone!
      OOOOh holiday romance eh! I can't wait to hear the story! 25 years is good going though, that's about when we first got together!
      Are you using quorn in your spag bal, or just cutting out other things? are you enjoying your Post Austria diet?
      Sending you warm hugs my lovely,
      Sandra xxxxx

  13. Hi Sandra, Well I love to eat peaches and cream and your card is just as scrummy.HERE IT COMES AGAIN Yes you are Queen of the flowers.
    My shoulder has been dreadful and nothing yet about my ultrasound, can't do a lot so am finding the house very lonely as besides reading there isn't a lot I can do as its my right shoulder and I am right handed.
    Steph thanks for the heads up on the e-bosser as I was going to buy an electronic machine as my arthritis is bad I'm struggling to turn the handles. The new spellbinder platinum machine is handle turned so thast no good.
    Hope you had a good day crafting Warm hugs Theresa (TOB) xx

    1. Hi Theresa,
      Thank you for your lovely comment again today!
      Is it your arthritis that is causing your shoulder to be so painful?
      I know how much your suffering as far as pain goes but I can' imagine how you are coping with it being your shoulder, it affects everything, you poor thing, I do hope they hurry up and sort you out!
      The loneliness is one thing I find so very hard to deal with, I used to be out everyday, when I could, so being stuck in 24/7 unless someone takes you out takes some getting used to!
      That's why this blog is so important to me, its just having someone there, no matter how many miles away, someone cares, is interested in what you have to say, they are hugely comforting, that's partly why I want my blog to be open and relaxed, so although craft based we are open to discuss anything.
      I hope you are enjoying stopping by, I certainly love having you!
      Hope you have a better day tomorrow,
      Warm, Gentle Hugs
      Sandra xxxx

  14. Good evening My lovely
    sorry I'm late I have been helping my friend again with soting the rest of her brother's things out,it's nealy all done now. She came home with me for dinner,& has just left.
    Sandra your card is absurlutly gorgeous, lovely colour's peaches & cream mmm yummy. Love your flowers arrangements so pretty. Glad you have given your old die it's day on your blog stunning.
    I also agree with everyone I can't stand Dawn Biddy, her voice great's on my nerves..
    Sandra You will soon be catching up with Sue on your followers x
    Hope you enjoyed your day with Sue & Pat.& your knee is getting better.
    Love & giant Hug's.Lynda xxxxx

    1. Hi Lynda,
      How lovely you are helping your friend out, it must be so hard going through all his things, did he have a lot to sort out?
      Thank you so much for your kind comment.
      I can live in hopes as far as followers goes, I don't think I could ever be compared to Sue, she is just Amazing!
      Huge Hugs my lovely,
      Sandra xxxxx

  15. Hello flower,
    Sorry between one thing and another I haven't been quite able to get on to say just how much your beautiful are stunning, because they are. I hope that your knee is going down, the wee lass is on the mend both two footed one and your four footed one and finally that your beloved boy is feeling more like his self.
    I will email you tomorrow flower when I am compus mentus again
    Love and crafty hugs
    Norah (Glenochil)

    1. Hi Norah,
      Thank you for your kind words.
      I can't wait for your email tomorrow, I will message you too,
      Huge hugs to you my lovely ,
      Sandra xxx
