
Tuesday 20 January 2015

Back to Black....& white!

Good Morning My Lovelies,
I hope you are all well, or feeling better1
Todays card, was created from my box of bits and pieces, experiments and just general odd and ends.
I stamped the Justrite 'ironworks' stamp, as soon as I bought it when it was on special offer on Sue's stand at Ally Pally, I stamped the block up with Perfect Medium, I used the method that Sue does where you ink the stamp on the table and put the card over the stamp and rub gently, I then added Cosmic Shimmer True White Embossing Powder and heated. I trimmed the black card to a few millimetres and added a white matt. I had an off cut of white card that I had embossed with Creative Expressions Rows of Bows Embossing Folder, stuck it to the stamped image and trimmed to fit, I then mounted the whole thing onto a black card base. I used the Italian Border cut in black card to cover the join in the card and added a pearl string across the top of the border. I tied a ribbon with black silky crush ribbon and topped with two die cut leaves and a Creative Expression Ribbon Rose in black in the centre. I made a stick pin with black and white beads and added two ready made ones to finish off.
I hope you like the card, please leave me a comment, as you know I look forward to reading them everyday.
We had an appointment at the Vets last night for Bella to have her stitches removed, only she slept in our room last night and I heard her nibbling and gnawing and guess what.... the little minx had removed her own stitches! luckily she waited until the day before the day they were supposed to be removed, or we might have had some problems. As it is the Vet said she had done a very neat job, thankfully! if its not kids its the pets!
Love and Warm Hugs to all of you,
Sandra xxxxx


  1. Morning Sandra and all. Oh my, I've looked at the ironworks stamp a few times and thought no, I wouldn't use it enough but now you've changed my mind! I love the monochrome look and how you've used the rows of bows at the bottom.
    What a good girl Bella is, trying to save you a trip to the vets! Hope that you're staying warm and cosy. Sue xxx

    1. Thanks for stopping by and commenting, I have used this stamp a few times in different colours and it looks different depending on what colour you stamp onto and emboss with, I liked it because it could be a masculine die too!
      We have just got to ensure Bella let's the last tiny bit of her wound heal (where she pulled stitches out) but Vet said he would have left the same little wound where the blood had dried! I was amazed she kept the blooming stitches in as long as she did and we only had one extra lot of antibiotics! (So far anyway)!
      Wouldn't it be nice to have a whole week of no children or pet medical issues! Just one week!!
      Hope your brain is feeling refreshed today my lovely,
      Sandra xxxx

  2. Good morning Sandra. Another beautiful card, and it goes to show you should never get rid of these bits and pieces that you cut, stamp or emboss but don't use at the time. Bit box cards are fun to make, well I think so. Some times they let you see what can be done with different things that you normally would think wouldn't ( if you know what I mean)? Hope your knee is settling down a bit, why is it always the bits that we need to use all the time that play up??? Off now to get the car beforosted ready to go to work. Oh how I hate this time of the year!! Have a good day crafting, and keep warm. Hazel x.
    P.S. Animals know when things need doing, Bella stitches must have been annoying her as they were getting tight.

    1. Hi Hazel,
      You are right about the bits/scraps box, I always have a go at stamping a die as soon as I get it, usually on an odd bit of paper/card from the scrap box, it's handy to have the stamped image to see if it fits in dies etc, so I think it's a good habit to get into, anyway I stamped thus one on black and white card and in red too, so watch this space for those 'bits'!
      Frustratingly I have no idea why it's always the important bits that caused us the most problems, maybe because they are used more?
      I hope you got the car defrosted quickly, there is nothing worse is there, blooming weather it certainly dipped down way past freezing last night! Take care on those icy roads,
      Crafty hugs
      Sandra xxxxx

  3. Wow!! absolutely stunning I love it. Good to use up bits and pieces, my favourite pastime.....!!!
    I use my Cuttlebug the most. It is the first machine I go for if i am cutting smaller Dies. I have all the machines and NONE of them do what it says on the packaging!!!
    The worst one for me is the Ebosser I never get anything to go the whole way through. Always, well almost always spits things back out at me.
    Rant over off now to visit the dreaded "Dentist.
    Have agood day

    Patricia xx

    1. Hi Patricia,
      That was a quick reply!
      I have had my cuttlebug years and when I was in my cupboard the other day I thought 'why not use this for smaller dies?!
      It's so much quicker, a couple of turns and it's through!
      I like the Calibur but my gripe with that is that it boasts an A4 cutting area, but the only bits that cut 'properly' are the two 1-2inch edges, meaning you are forever turning the die round! I thought the E Bosser was supposed to cut perfectly in one pass!
      Hope the dentist visit goes well, you are so brave, I hate the dentist!
      Sandra xxxxx

  4. Hi Sandra. A beautiful card again. The Ironworks stamp is gorgeous and I love how you have used it : ) Like Hazel said, animals usually know what they are doing don't they. Bella certainly did, bless her. At least now you can relax a bit more when they go outside.
    Norah, what a lovely story about the straw from Bethlehem. I always find it very sad and strange when family members get rid of things that meant so much to the owner. Thank goodness you have taken over the care of this special item. I have always loved buttons, as a child spent hours playing with my Grandmas great big button bag (it was the size of a PE bag-the hand made drawstring cloth sort we all had as children) sadly she throw it away during her early dementia days. My Gran had an old toffee tin for her buttons and I have it now, still with the same buttons in : ) I do use some of the ordinary ones but so many are from clothes etc. that I remember so won't ever get rid of them.
    Sorry that your knee isn't any better Sandra, lie you say it's just another thing to add to the list, bless you! See you in the morning. Take care my lovely. xx

  5. Hi Sue,
    I think everyone's Grandma had a button box, both my mum and my nan had their buttons in a tea tin, from when they used leaves! I am not sure how my mum ended up with so many buttons as I never ever remember seeing my mum Buy a button or sew for that matter!
    Looking forward to tomorrow, been too long, mind you with the three of us popping pills and making noises when we move, we are in for a treat!
    Huge hugs Sue,
    Sandra xxxxx

  6. Hello Sandra,
    This is lovely, and the Ironworks stamp is striking. I think I may have to invest!!
    I've just read all yesterday's comments and love Brenda's mam's bottom box, it conjures up all sorts of images. My button boxes are a big Victorian mahogany box and a McVitie & Price of Edinburgh biscuit tin with a huge collection of buttons and embroidery threads from Grandma (died before I was born), mam, aunt Mary and me. The buttons in particular bring back all sorts of memories from my lifetime.
    I really enjoy swapping ATCs and have been doing them every month since August 2006. It's interesting making a work of art on a piece of card 2 1/2 x 3 1/2 inches and thinking of something different every month. I once appeared on QVC with Dawn Bibby because I submitted an ATC for a competition and won!! No one was more surprised than me, and although I can talk for England I was so shy that I was dumbstruck. That was when Dawn did craft with QVC before she went to C & C.
    Oh, whilst I remember, I did your heart card yesterday and was delighted with the result.
    I'm glad Matt is recovered and back to work. Also Bella doing a neat job on her stitches, clever thing. I'm in bed as I type this, as I've got this flu bug thing again. I had it for nearly 3 weeks before Christmas and blow me down, it's landed again. I think I've probably picked it up at my Granddaughters' school where I volunteer.
    Looking forward to tomorrow's card xx

    1. Oh Maureen,
      I am sorry to hear you are poorly !
      Where do you swap your ATC's?
      Of fancy meeting Dawn Bibby, I started off watching her on QVC, I used to love their craft event days! Mind you when you look back at the prices they charged, extortionate! I will admit that I am not a huge fan of DB, I find she kind of loves herself a little too much and her craft demonstrations always had some sort of disaster, she did a lot of sticking a topper on some mirror card! I am grateful to her for bringing craft to tv! Whenever I see her at the moment on tv she is always asking the guests for freebies and I find a little awkward.
      I guess we all have our faults!
      If ever you feel up to sharing some of your makes I will happily show them for you on here, I am sure everyone would love to see your creations!
      I am pleased you had a go at the heart card yesterday, did it turn out ok?
      I hope you feel better soon and it doesn't linger like it did last time.
      Sending you warm gentle hugs,
      Sandra xxxx

  7. Good morning Sandra and all that visit this besutiful blog. Before I carry on, I know your friends have already said this, but dont feel obliged to blog everyday, its a fun thing to do but if it's 'just not a good day' dont push yourself. We're not going anywhere as we've said, so will always check back another day, so dont feel you will let us down or feel under pressure to blog.
    Now this back to black beauty - what can I say ? Im starting to run out of words to describe your cards. This is stunning Sandra. Id certainly email Sue some of your cards. Look what happened to that new chap, he did that ! But Sue would adore your work, and Im certain you would make her so proud of you.
    Hope the vet didnt charge you considering Bella did her own suture removal. Im dog sitting this morning ! Mr L has gone to Cheshire Oakes to hopefully get his birthday present from me and 'his' dog isnt too happy when he's not around, she wimper's and wont settle until he get's back, so I sit and make up my daisy die cuts and camelia flower's and watch catch up or CC if anything worth watching is on, I cant concentrate on a card if all I can hear is her squeeking etc. Half way through a baby top up card, so I will maybe get it finished when she's at the country park later.
    So have a good day and watch that knee Sandra.
    Love all round.
    Lancashire Steph xx

    1. Hi a Steph,
      Thanks for your kind words, I like to continue yo blog, I have never felt quite so (I don't even know how describe it!) it's like I have a purpose in life if you like, I guess that sounds sad, but it's true !
      What did Mr L get for his birthday? The dog must be used to getting a lot of fuss! Poor thing missing his daddy!
      But I guess it's a good excuse to catch up on CC, not that there is too much to catch up on, I did watch Julia Watts in Craft Clinic on Monday, that wasn't too bad, but my goodness she does go silly when she is with that Dean, I once watched her with Martyn Parker and she actually shouted at him to 'shut up' he went silent for a good few minutes, there was an awful atmosphere, after that they all seemed to treat her like a strict school teacher!
      I hope you got plenty of flowers made up, while you were dog sitting.
      Hope you got your baby card, finished too .
      Love and hugs
      Sandra xxxx

  8. Morning Sandra for the second time, not sure if you seen my comment on yesterday posting but as I couldn't sleep I was rather busy on my acer.
    Wow Sandra this is a beautiful card! Like the Ironwork stamp. Always liked black and white and with the stunning bow and stick pins, it's a statement card. I love it ! I also have a box of bits and bobs. Scrap cards, small ribbons from tops, etc. very useful at times and fun to rummage through. Have two birthday cards to make for early Feb. so will have a go later to put something together.
    Had the dreaded Dentist too this morning, gives me the shivers every time, good for the next six month ,yay ! Glad Bella is fine, chicky how she took the stitches out herself :-) but really hope your knee will get better soon !
    You have a lovely time with the "girls" tomorrow and rattle away Tihi!
    Warm Hugs to you and the family Maria x

    1. Hello Maria,
      How did your meet your husband, was it in Austria or over here?
      I met my husband in Sainsbury's in Ipswich town centre, haha, picked up a right good bargain there!
      Pats new teal colour GC doesn't seem to be hugely different to the old one, it cut slightly better but still not perfectly, which I found frustrating, as I have said before why bother selling a machine with an A4 cutting area if the only bit that cuts properly is a 1 inch strip either side of the plates! Strangely the bee machine weighs less that the old pink coloured one which I thought a little strange bearing in mind the plastic gearing gas been replaced by metal, which I would have thought we be heavier! I did see that Spellbinders are bringing a new machine out that had an A4 cutting area, a winding handle to start with but they will sell an add on that will make it electric, it has a flat top too when it's folded, a bit like the 'Joy Trouvaille' machine that they used to have on Create and craft in shape anyway, it's called the Spellbinders 'Platinum' machine, I think that there is a clip on you tube! I was interested to read Patricia's comment earlier today about her EBosser, I have heard quite mixed reviews on that too! We need Sue to bring out a die cutting machine!
      I am sure that would be a winner!
      I am so pleased your dentist visit went well, I am that bad that I make Paul take the girls for their check ups! Mind you the surgery is upstairs and I can't 'do' stairs!
      I hope you gave been a good girl with your healthy eating and that you got your cards made ok, it's the deciding on your lay out and design that takes the time I think!
      Sending you the biggest hug,
      Sandra xxxxx

  9. Hi Sandra
    I've just got to see your cards. I love today's card, yesterday's, and the card with the three of us looking over the fence. What a fantastic stamp. I love it. Today's card is lovely using up the scrap bits. I'm sorry to hear your knee is playing up, and I do hope you are able to make tomorrow. Loving it that you are posting still every day. Your creations sure are a masterpieces. I hope the vet didn't charge you any money when you went seeing as Bella sorted herself out.

    1. Hi Pat,
      I can't wait to see you tomorrow, wild horses wouldn't keep me away!
      Thanks for the lovely comment!
      No the vet didn't charge , thankfully!
      Sandra xxx

  10. Hi Sandra,
    Wow! I really love today's card . It is gorgeous . I love black and white anyhow but I really like everything about this card. The stamp is beautiful and your stick pins are lovely too. Love the composition - it's a hit!
    Thank you for the inspiration and fun on this blog.
    Like Steph I only follow a few - mostly the same ones! I'd add Becca Feekin to that list. That's it!
    Buttons / bottoms what a conversation! I have thoroughly enjoyed all the exchanges!
    Hope you have a lovely day tomorrow with Pat and Mrs B . Your description reminded me of my Grandad and a neighbours car! He said this car was in rattling good condition!
    Pleased Bella is ok. Love to Milo too. Will now visit Lynda and try not to call her Sandra today!
    Lots of love,
    Myra xxx

    1. Hi Myra,
      Thank you for the lovely comment today, I really do hope you do enjoy pooping in, it's just fun reading everyone's stories, I absolutely love it and I want everyone else to too!
      I am looking forward to our craft day tomorrow, the noises I was referring to earlier were all the ooh's and aah's we make when we either sit down or stand up, it's hilarious, it's like were are in an old folks home! We aren't used to poor old Pat being like it though, she may be the eldest but she was the fittest by far, but boy us she suffering with her hip, I can totally understand what's she us going through, the constant agonising pain eventually gets you down, but we will hopefully cheer her up tomorrow!
      It was late when I visited Lynda last night, I did my blog post and then went to visit hers, I got really confused when I saw my name, but we did have a laugh about it, I have started popping to a few more, Hazel,Patricia, Pam., Lynda of course, Sue as always and Christine Emberson, she is such a lovely lady too! Did you say that you gaff put some pictures of your craft space up? I think I tried to see if you had a blog but didn't find one, I would love to gave a look? I would also gladly post anything you want to share on here too.
      Are you a stamper or do you used mainly dies?
      I like to try a bit of everything, the only trouble with is when it comes to deciding what to do, the choice in endless!
      Love and hugs Myra,
      Sandra xxxxx

  11. Hi Sandra what a Extremley Beautiful Card I Love Black and White Cards, I Love The JustRite Stamp you have chosen, I Love there Stamps as they give such a clear crisp image, I Love your Stick Pin and your Embossing this Card is like looking at one of Sue's.
    I didn't Realise you went to Ally Pally I go every year which day do you go on! have you got an email address, I'm going to have a look through the rest of your work. As you know I went to the Hospital today I had two scans and should have had a Camera to check things out but because I'm in such pain my Consultant wishes to wait so I'm on more Medication, but he's so nice and everyone at the Hospital I go to are terrific even if there under staffed, they always smile and are so helpful. Well enough of that.
    once more I Love Your Card. A lot of my work is on Pinterest.
    Take Care
    Love and Hugs
    From Sam xxx

    1. Hi Sam,
      I bet you are exhausted after your day being pulled about at the hospital, it gets exhausting, going from department to department, but hopefully they will get you some answers, it's probably best not to make things worse pain wise, but frustrating to not have had the camera done!
      Thank you for your kind comment today, this blog has been somewhat of a lifeline for me, I just love getting up and checking in every morning, it's such a buzz, so I totally recommend it, I think I just typed in 'Blogger' and registered on there and the rest is history, I still haven't worked everything out, I am not sure If I have a 'follow' button or anything, I just type a post, shut my eyes and hole for the best lol!
      My first blog will always be Sue's, I have followed her for years, right back when she only had a few followers, not the hundreds she has now! She has helped me through some very tough times In my life and I will be forever grateful. X
      I do go to Ally Pally, usually on the Saturday as it's quieter and often by Sunday some of the best deals are sold out!
      I met up with Lynda and Brenda and Cameeli, Mrs B and Pat travelled there with hS the last time, it's the only show I go to now, as there is plenty of places to sit and room enough between stands to get round, so maybe we San meet up at the next I one!
      Do I search for you by name on Pinterest?
      My email address is :
      I am sure that if you do start a blog you will get plenty of comments, I will always stop by and see your posts, I am sure lovely Lynda will too!
      Sending you Warm healing hugs,
      Sandra xxxxx

  12. Hello Sandra,
    what a lovely card you have made from bit's & bob's I love black & white card's.That iron work stamp is gorgeous.I have a scrap box so will have a go & see what i can make.
    Sorry your knee is still playing up my lovely.You not only have talented children now a very clever & talented Bella taking her own stitches out
    come on Milo what's can you do.
    Take care & have a lovely day with Sue & Pat tomorrow.Also looking forward to your next card.
    Love & Giant Hug's Lynda xx

    1. Hi Lynda,
      I would rather Bella hadn't done her own surgery, little minx, I heard her as she had decided to make her new bed on top of a six foot shelving unit in our bedroom, I guess I can't have hurt her, she had been pulling at them a few days before, you could see where she had frayed the suture material!
      You can come and join us tomorrow if you like, we are meeting at Pats house as she is struggling a bit with a poorly hip, bless her I hate seeing her in pain! She was the fittest one of the three of us!
      I look forward to seeing what you make from your bits box!
      Take care my lovely friend,
      Hugs to you, Terry, Annie & Bambi

  13. Hi Sandra,
    It's me once again I'm looking into opening a Blog but I have no idea where to start I've also asked Lynda so hopefully I'll be able to have a Blog with both of your help its not to get comments its just so I can put my work on.
    Hugs from Sam xxx

  14. Hi Sandra,
    Beautiful card what a gorgeous bow, Love it all. This EF is one I use often and WOW your stamp - well I missed that one at Ally Pally didn't I !!!
    So pleased Bella has her stitches out (even if she did start the job herself) hope she is being a good girl today.
    Have a lovely time tomorrow with the Sue and Pat, will be thinking of you all. LOL
    Brenda xx

  15. Hi Mumma,
    ( do you mind me calling you that) I hope not, you felt like my mumma when you were telling to rake it easy a while back and I kind of like the idea of having you as an extra mumma!
    Did you see everyone lived your bottom tin post, made everyone chuckle, which is the best medicine I think!
    The justrite stamps were on Sue's Stand on a whirly thing at the far end of her desk, £7 instead of upwards of £10!
    Thank you for the lovely comment today, I missed last week with Pat and Sue, so I am really looking forward to tomorrow!
    Huge hugs my lovely,
    Sandra xxxxx

    1. Hi my crafty girl - of course I don't mind, I will tell you off like any Mumma would if you don't look after yourself.
      I am still smiling about my Mums 'Bottom Tin' - Predictive text can get carried away at times. Mum would have really enjoyed that one. NOTE Brenda get your eyes tested, or use the laptop the screen is larger than iPad and you might (might?) just be able to read the words.
      Sleep well, Love Mumma xx

  16. Oh Sandra this is a wowser of a card. I hope you are really proud of yourself your cards are beautiful. If my odds and ends cards looked like this I'd be over the moon. Its classy and elegant. I look on Becca Feekens blog she is amazing, and has been blogging for years.
    Have a good day tomorrow. I missed my Knit and natter last week because the ice was too dangerous for me to go out, I have to miss this weeks as my medical equipment hasn't turned up so they are delivering it tomorrow, (my knit and natter day)
    Have a good evening. Warm hugs Theresa (TOB) xx

    1. Oh no Theresa that's just rubbish, missing two weeks, I missed last week crafty session with Pat & Sue and that's my one outing in the week, goodness the rest of the week dragged! We are hopefully meeting up tomorrow! Like you I will not leave the house if it's icy,
      as I walk really badly as it is and I can go a few paces on my crutches but I am so afraid of my crutches slipping as iI put all of my weight through them! I would go down with a bang! It's such a shame that they can't deliver your equipment on Thursday, how is your shoulder? Would you have been doing more nattering than knitting?
      Thank you so much for your kind words today, also for taking the time to stop by despite being in pain,
      Sending you gentle hugs,
      Sandra xxxx

  17. Love the monochrome. I always revert to it or white on White when mojo waiting! I went to ally pally for first time last sept. Tilly and I did London and back in a day tiring but fun! I liked the fact there was loads of room and that felt much more relaxed. Hoping to go again in April not sure whether to stay over and meet up with my brother or do it all in a day again. Seeing Spandau Ballet again in Birmingham in March and date coincides with NEC talk about a heavenly day! Well off to work - snow predicted so dreading journey home at 2 am have packed stuff in case I resort to walking!

    1. Hi lovely,
      Thanks for stopping and leaving such a lovely comment!
      London and back in a day must have been a killer! There are a few hotels and B &B's near by, Sue will tell you where they stay if you ask, it's not much of a drive then, but I always think £80 on a hotel room could be spent on craft stuff! It's a shame you couldn't get Steph to come too! Be so lovely to meet everyone!
      How fab that your SB concert coincides with NEC, I have done that one a few times but it's a huge show for one day visit and people do tend to push and shove, I am not sure what happens to their !Caring, sharing,crafty spirit then! Haha you can pick up some bargains though!
      Let's hope the snow doesn't settle, how far a walk is it home? Are you in Nursing?
      Hope your shift is quiet and you get home safe and sound, will be thinking of you,
      Warm hugs,
      Sandra xxxx

  18. Love this card. Have been following your blog for a while but didn't like to post. All your cards are wonderful.

  19. Oh Welcome Littlelamb,
    I am over the moon that you gave posted, thank you so much for your lovely comment too.
    Please come and join us, we have quite a giggle as you will see from some of the posts, we all started blogging on Sue Wilsons Particraft blog.
    You are more than welcome to join us we discuss anything from Sweets to decimalisation and even a bit of crafting!
    Do you gave a blog?
    Hope to see you again soon,
    Sandra xxxxx

    1. Thank you for the warm welcome. No I don't have a blog sorry. Haven't got round to that yet.
