
Wednesday 4 September 2024

The last of the Dainty flowers Dsp cards


Good Wednesday Morning Ladies,  

Yesterday was a different day for us,  I hardly slept on Monday night due to the heat and not being able to get comfortable, the mattresses are really naff but that's kind of just how it is, I'm sure they just get thrown away at the end of the season!  Any to cool of I went and sat on the deck area for a couple if hours, it was so calm, all I could hear was the waves, so relaxing!  I was just nodding off at one point and I almost tipped out of my recliner however as two cats started fighting,  the noise they were making  sounded terrifying, I tried to see if I could see them to break them up but I couldn't and wasn't about to go searching at 2am.!!! 

We had a cloudy start to the day and a few spots of rain,  the sun came out at about 11.30am so we sat out and read for a couple of hours, then got ready to go to a nearby town called Estartit, its certainly not somewhere we'd ever stay, it's very much like 'Benidorm' there are a lot if  British people,  the shops and restaurants cater for that too,  "Rovers Return" pub,  there's a cafe called "Only fools and Horses"  they play the show on repeat and you can get an 'All day Breakfast',  I want to try and give an idea of the people that go there but I don't want to be offensive, the most popular clothes are football shirts, the language and behaviour of some of them is nothing short of embarrassing!   We go every year for an afternoon/early evening because the girls love that they have one long street of "looky looky" shops, selling holiday tat,  bracelets,  different pottery,  knock off designer stuff, one shop sells, the biggest knives, swords, machete's you have ever seen,  BB guns that look very much like real guns,  cross bows & catapults  various other weapons and drug paraphernalia too, I just don't understand how its allowed, but I guess they have different rules here, its terrifying,  especially when you see whats been happening at least monthly at home.  

The girls wanted us to have matching ankle bracelets, so we were looking for those, we always do the same route, we get some chips at one end of the street, then have a slow stroll down and at some point stop at the most amazing ice cream parlour, the flavours they have are amazing,  I had mango, which was incredible,  Lucy had Kinder Bueno White, which she loved,  Paul had 'Snickers' which had lots of caramel and peanuts, Soph had one called Llet Merengada, which is like Cinnamon milk, she said it was the nicest icecream she's ever had.  We continued our browsing and people watching,  why do people let their children do what they like, we were looking at jewellery in one shop and there were toys too, at shop door there was a basket with footballs in, this family allowed their children to take 3 footballs and kick them up and down the street, not taking care of were they were kicking them bare in mind its a busy street,  the paths were wet as it had been raining, the shop keeper was clearly unhappy about the situation and asked the parents to pay for the balls, they were about 4 Euro,  the parents had no intention of paying for them, their kids had been kicking them around for a good 15 minutes at this point,  the shouted (very loudly and sweary) at their kids to put the fff'ing balls back, they were filthy, the owner wasn't happy, but was told to get over it, kids were just having fun!!!  Be beat a hasty retreat, its so embarrassing,  because they speak same language as us I don't want to be tarred with the same brush!!   

We finish our evening with a bag of fresh Churros and lovely walk (well roll in my case🤣) along the Harbour, they have built a lovely promenade,  you walk along at the bottom of sime cliffs,  the sea was crystal clear, a lovely end to an interesting afternoon 🤣😂, we got back around 8pm. 

Todays card is the last of the Dainty Floral papers, I used a Navy card base then used the reverse of one of the sheets as the first layer, I put it at an angle to show the different colours featured in the splattered design, I then offset the top layer, adding twine before adhering it, I used an off cut of Navy card to stamp my sentiment, which embossed in white, I then finished with 3 of the little Daisy's tucked in behind three sentiment.   I really like this one,  I hope you do too. 

Sending my love and hugs to all of you,

Sandra xxx 


  1. Your card is very pretty No wonder you liked it
    It is so embarrassing to be abroad at times because of the way some tourists behave I don’t even like these “British” bars They shouldn’t be needed in their own country and they encourage bad behaviour
    At Chelmsford Races on Saturday it was lovely to see young men dressed smartly- football shirts and torn jeans are not allowed OK some of the girls could have done with covering a bit more flesh! But just shows that it can be done
    We’ve got a bowls match this afternoon and so this evening will be slobbing in front of the tele!
    Take care everyone xx

  2. Hi Sandra and all looking in today. Another beautiful card today. Thank you for showing several different ways of using these gorgeous paper. I always struggle with ideas after making the initial card that inspired me to buy them. I’m glad you did your usual stroll down the grockle shops. Why do people just let their children behave like this? It is often pure laziness I think. I hope the weather is kind to you today my lovely xx
    I’m sat waiting for a lung function test. It was a very early start today!
    Have a good day everyone. Take care. Love Sue xx

  3. Hello, all, sunny and warm today, but after washing all my bathroom mats, we had a shower, so after being dry, they ended up in the dryer.

    Sandra another very pretty card, cards using design papers seem to be very “in” at the moment.
    Spent most of the day tidying my craft room, ready to start tomorrow, I’ve been watching ‘ the ambassador ‘ on prime tv, staring Pauline Collins, really enjoying it.

    Hope the holiday is going well, would love some of that relaxation and sun. Have a good evening Lilian

  4. Hi everyone
    Pretty card with these lovely papers, very nice.
    I hate seeing folks behaviour abroad and giving people the bad impression. I don't know what happened to please and thank you ? It's interesting tho to hear about your holiday Sandra and hopefully you will have a good night tonight and a gorgeous day in the sunshine tomorrow.
    We are spending a few days down in Bournemouth with sister in law and her husband. The weather was nice today but it looks bad for the next two so not sure yet what we do tomorrow. Have an umbrella and jacket with but not what I liked to wear.
    Hope you all had a good day today and you all having a good night, sleep well.
    Many hugs to you all, Maria xxx
