
Monday 9 September 2024

Now, I know I said that last card was the last...


Good Monday Morning Ladies, 

I hope you all have a bright and sunny start to the week,  ours is a little miserable,  the girls said yesterday "its like the weather knows its our last day" !! It was torrential rain a day yesterday,  we had to totally change our plans,  we went out for a lovely lunch and were planning on browsing round the Old Town,  however the cobbled Streets would have been treacherous for me on my crutches,  Paul will push me in between the areas of cobblestones but trying to push wheelchair over them is uncomfortable for both of us, walking is bad enough when its dry but having slippery and uneven surface is a recipe for disaster!!  So we came back to mobile home for a couple of hours before setting off to the airport.  

Now I know I said I promised that the last of the Dainty Flowers Dsp was shown last week but I had this one sitting in a folder and I don't think I have shown it.  

I used three small rectangles of the pretty paper, 2 coloured pieces that were off cuts of the pretty floral side, I flipped them and used them to accent the beautiful centre floral piece.  I then matted and layered onto pink then left a large border on the card base, a great way to use up your off cut pieces,  when you have beautiful papers you want to get as much use out of it as possible. I stamped the sentiment in matching ink, die cut it and raised it up on foam pads.

That really was the last one 🤣😅😂

Right I must go and finish packing,  

Love and hugs to all of you,

Sandra xxx 


  1. Hi everyone
    I love your card, it’s so pretty 😍
    Shame about the weather yesterday, but I hope you enjoyed your meal. I hope the girls had a good flight home, and you and Paul have a good start to your journey 🥰
    Hope everyone had a good weekend
    Sending hugs to you all xxx

  2. Pretty card Sandra and I’m usually not a lover of pink
    I hope the weather improves for your journey home It’s our daughter’s 40th next Sunday and her husband has surprised her (one of many apparently) with a trip to Seville She didn’t know where she was going until she got to the airport His sister is looking after the boys (boo hoo! But got to share I suppose 🤣)
    Off to Craftea in a mo and then going to lunch with a friend
    Take care everyone xx

  3. Hi Sandra and all looking in. What a pretty card to start the week. It’s great to see more of the gorgeous papers so thank you for sharing it. I will be thinking of you all. Hopefully Sophie and Lucy had a good journey home and wish Soph a lovely time with L. And wishing you and Paul a safe and trouble free journey home my lovely. Totally selfish of me but can’t wait to see you back at home xx
    I looked in yesterday but forgot to comment! But your cards and Lilian’s page were all beautiful. My week is sorted as I’m at Pops, house not care home as my brother Mark is staying for a few days so we can get some more packing done.
    Enjoy your day everyone. Take care. Love Sue.

  4. Hello, a dry day at last, hoping to get all the washing dry.

    Sandra very pretty card, great style to use up bits of precious papers.
    Hope the journey goes well and you will get home safely, if your like me once the holiday is over , you can’t wait to get home.
    Not much happening here today, hope you have a good day . Lilian

  5. Hi everyone
    A very pretty card, I like the layout for using this lovely paper.
    Hope the girls got home safely and that the journey for you and Paul will be a nice and uneventful. Drive safe 😃
    Karen, hope the run went alright and you had fun with the others.
    Sue, sorry to hear that you are suffering with the migraine so bad some days. Take care and hopefully you soon better.
    Lilian, take care. Brenda, hoping that you are alright and had a nice time with your family. Take care .
    Janet, are thinking of you and hope you are alright. Hope to see you back in the café soon. Miss you.
    Sonia, how's everyone ? You went and saw your Teddy when you were off work. Is he walking now?
    We tried to get the youngest one home this year but they are too busy and trying to save to go to Sweden for a while in winter. We are going to see step- son this weekend so another little trip , starting with a overnight in Birmingham for flight is early Friday.
    Have been a quiet day for me while OH took the car for an MOT,
    Hoping for making some cards tomorrow afternoon as hospital in the morning.
    Hope you all have had a good day. Many hugs to you all, Maria xx

  6. Sorry I’ve just realised I didn’t leave a comment
    Another beautiful card Sandra, I just love that beautiful paper.
    Have a safe journey home, please would you mind bringing some of that sunshine with you. 🌞
    Goodnight everyone hugs, Love Brenda xxx
