
Friday 27 September 2024

Clean & Simple Autumnal card


Good Friday Morning Ladies, 

Here we are at the end of the last full week of September, how can that be?!!  This year is whizzing by faster than last year, for me anyway! 

We had a bright day for the most part with a little rain, so far not the torrential rain that 'Alexa warned us about. I am hoping Our Sonia had a dry day at least.  

Today's card is a Clean & Simple Autumnal card, I die cut a square from my card front panel and then blended Picked Raspberry,  Abandoned Coral and Mustard Seed distress inks across my square at a slight angle (for interest).  I popped the card panel into my stamp tool and placed the inked square back in to the aperture, I then took a silhouette branch and stamped it and the sentiment onto the inked square and card front panel.                              Now, believe me I was VERY careful with this inked piece, I did not want to smudge the Versafine ink on this card.  I even went to wash my hands just to make sure I had no trace of ink on them before I adhered the panel to the card. 

Today we are taking Becca to her Hydrotherapy appointment,  she is meeting with the lead physiotherapist and I have some questions that need answering.  She is losing  ten degrees a week of the maximum her arm will bend, she is now also experiencing numbness, which is very worrying, she is also in more pain that she was before her surgery. 

I hope that you all have a great end to your week, 

Love & hugs to all of you,

Sandra xxx


  1. I love your CAS card and the blending This would look lovely with patterned paper in the aperture too - just thinking if anyone batch makes cards
    I too hope Sonia is enjoying some dry weather
    Here, it feels like it hasn’t stopped raining for over 24 hours
    I have a diabetic check up appointment this morning I have a long list of moans and questions this time around
    Take care everyone xx

  2. Hello, dry at the moment. Very cold, but at least we have out hot water back again.

    Sandra, love your clean and simple card. This is something I don’t manage to achieve, always seem to smudge the ink.

    Have my hospital appointment, for a Hyperplasia, follow up it was a text message no name on it, so not sure if I am going to have the procedure done as I’ve had not letter, which I normally always have.Hope this is the last time.
    Also have an appointment for a complete check up, which I was sure I’d had done, but they say no.

    Hope you can get some info for Becca when you go for her appointment.
    Have a good afternoon, Lilian

  3. Hi everyone
    Beautiful CAS card, I love it.
    Hoping that everything goes alright for Rebecca and she can get the answers that she need.
    This months goes too quicky for me, I only thought it was Tuesday yesterday......
    Lilian, hope you be alright today and you don't need a procedure done. Take care.
    Brenda, thinking of you. Big hug.
    Not much happening here, it's not nice outside and our heating control is on the blink so had someone in this morning to have a look. Better have it done now then when it's really cold days.
    Hope you all have a good day. Many hugs to you all xx

  4. Hi everyone
    I love your beautiful cards from the last few days 😍
    Well it’s the last day of our holiday! It’s gone so quickly. We’ve had a mixture of weather, sunshine and heavy showers but we’ve been able to get out and about and enjoy the beautiful scenery 🙂
    I hope you have all kept well and not suffered from the heavy rain and flooding. I think we’ve actually been quite lucky here considering some of the forecasts we’ve seen.
    Sorry to hear about Becca, I hope she’s ok and got some answers today 🥰
    Brenda, I’m thinking of you, I hope you’re ok 🥰
    Lilian, I hope your hospital appointment goes well and you get some answers too 🥰
    I hope you’re all keeping well and I’m sending hugs to you all xxx

  5. Hi Sandra and all looking in. Yesterday and today have gorgeous cards to enjoy. I love the great colours you have used on both. I can just imagine how careful you were on today’s after the accident on the first one. I hope Becca has got some answers and some hope that she will be able to get some improvement. Such a worry especially as she is so young and works so hard. Give her a hug from me please my lovely xx
    We have had a wonderful time with Mums cousin ( I can’t remember what she is to me!! ) I am so tired today but it’s been so good to see Gail.
    I hope you sleep well. Take care. Love Sue xx

  6. That card is beautiful. I'm so glad I found your blog!
