
Saturday 3 August 2024

Mixed up Saturday


This is 100% how my desk & craft room look

After completing a card!!! 

Good Saturday Morning Ladies,

I was going to do a magazine review for today but I just couldn't find a magazine that I actually wanted to buy,  I looked at about 5 different ones but I just wouldn't use any of the products they had on them. There is a Diecutting Essentials coming that has Lisa Horton flowers on but I didn't see that at the 2 supermarkets we visited.  

I feel terrible that I haven't done a tutorial but with health issues last weekend and start of the week I just couldn’t concentrate enough.  I will get there though.  

Today I am sharing a card by our Lovely Gina, and my shopping,  good and well   ....not great.

Gina made this lovely Christmas card using the free die in this months Simply cards and Papercraft magazine,  now I saw this but on the magazine it didn't look great, now I've seen it on Gina's card I like how intricate it is.  Gina used an embossing folder from her stash that she still loves, the two work beautifully together.  Thank you so much for sharing your card with us Gina, I am so pleased that card making is bringing you some comfort during your recovery XXX


I treated myself to Tim Holtz Floristry stamp after seeing it featured on a recent video of his, I loved how versatile it is, you can use all of it or just one of the edges, the samples that were shown were stunning.  The extra bonus this stamp is that it comes with the Stamp block because its a large stamp, to make sure you have one to use with it. 

I have been looking at these Distress Spritzs for a while, however I really like the brighter colours so decided to just go for it this week,  probably because I was feeling low.

These two die sets were bargains from Fb destash site, I love the deer on the top one and love both the birds and baubles on the second set. 

Now I bought this sentiment stamp and matching die set as a bit of a gamble.  Before I start I will say they were only £8.49  on Amazon I guess you get what you pay for....

This is the stamp set, it has some nice, usable sentiments.

I used a scrap of paper to cut the dies as the come, all joined together.
I used this to place all of the stamps, some only went in upside down.

I removed my template and carefully placed the die and ran through the Diecutting machine.

The results were hit and miss.  I guess you can cut them all apart and use them separately but sifting through all of those little dies would be frustrating. Plus the benefit of these sets is that they are an easy way to get a lot of sentiments in one cut.   To be fair the one matching sentiment and die set that I have that works perennial was more than double the cost.  I can also use the stamps independently. 

Atleast this waybI take the gamble so you don't have to! 🤣😂

I hope that you all have a lovely Saturday,  

Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. That is such a great saying My desk looks like a permanent bomb site regardless of whether or not I am making something!
    Beautiful card Gina It’s lovely to see you crafting
    Boy! Some gorgeous shopping Sandra I don’t make as many cards as you so I’d have to separate them as I wouldn’t want to store unwanted die cuts (and would I find them!) I think it’s X Cut that make magnetic sheets in pockets I would stamp them all out ant store 2-3 in each pocket I think lining them up separately might help
    We’ve had rain! But still feels muggy
    Nothing grand on the cards So will watch the Olympics I think
    Take care everyone xx

  2. Your pocket idea is brilliant Karen, definitely would be better to stamp and die cut individually! Proper muggy here too, looks like its going ti rain but not forecast. We have a huge list of things to do before we go away (2 weeks) so plenty to keep us busy!

  3. Hi everyone !
    Pretty card Gina, nice to see you feeling up to do some card making. Hope you are alright ?
    That's my craft desk as well right now and I only managed to make one card this week. Hoping to make some more tomorrow.
    Love the shopping, you got some nice stamps there but not so sure about the die and stamp set. They really scrimped on the die size there....
    Lilian, hoping that R is getting better. Try not to do too much yourself but know it's not easy.
    Sue, glad that Pop is settled and seem to have some stories to tell every time you see him. Hope you are ok and your migraines are staying away.
    Cloudy but no rain yet and it is not too bad with all the windows open but don't like night time when it is a bit too hot.
    Have a nice Saturday everyone. Hugs, Maria xxx

  4. Hi Sandra and all looking in. Yep, that’s my desk……and floor……and dining table…… and little sofa…. and big sofa if Chris is out and that’s just for one card!!!
    Sandra,🤞🏼 crossed that your veg plot didn’t get too much damage in the down pour. I can just imagine the rain pouring down your drive too. At least there are no houses at the bottom to get damaged. It was amazing to see dry patches of the gravel driveway at Pops appearing just minutes after some of the deluge showing just how dry the ground was.
    I was finding paperwork again yesterday and today after a visit to see Pop with Gem yesterday morning. He was sat in one of the lounges by a lady called Joan who he introduced to us. He was happy to see us, especially Gem as they have always been very close. He told us all about his room but said he couldn’t be bothered to show us as he was very tired, only to be expected after the move. He had lots to tell us about where in Swindon he was now. We only stayed for about an hour as he was clearly tired. He wasn’t interested in going back to his room for a sleep but was nodding off in the chair as we left. He hasn’t rung me since so I’m assuming all is well as the staff know he can ring me 24 hrs a day. It is such a relief that he is happy or at least he is at the moment 🥰
    Have a good evening. Take care. Love Sue xx

  5. Evening , that picture is my room , when I’ve finished crafting, like to clear up when I finished so ready to start again.

    Gina your card is great, reminds me I have a similar die, hope things. Going well for you.

    Still very hot and muggy here,no rain, so will have to do the water in the morning.
    Have a good night all, Lilian
