
Tuesday 27 August 2024

Another of Karen's Amazing Milestone Birthday cards


Good Morning Ladies, 

We made it to the beach yesterday morning,  which felt like a triumph,  although aa it turned out the sea was too rough for me to get in, but just being sat listening to the waves was enough.  We stayed about 4 hours but the wind picked up so we came back home for a nice leisurely lunch and sat and read our books for a couple hours.  We were both quite hot then so we decided to go to the pool for a 🏊‍♂️ swim.   In the evening there was a show on so we went and had a look at that, they don't start until after 9pm though, so we had dinner first,  I tried something different with rice, I put a chicken oxo in the water that I cook it in (I do the 1 cup ricr - 2 cup water method) so the water gets totally absorbed by the rice, as it finished simmering I tipped in frozen peas and put lid on for atleast 10 minutes.  The chicken stock made such a difference,  it was delicious, I marinated some chicken earlier in day and Paul cooked that on our Gas Cadac cooker outside.  A simple dinner but delicious!  

This morning there isn't a breath of wind, its a bit overcast though, hopefully the sun will break through soon.  Today is our last day of peace as we pick the girls up tomorrow! 

Today I am sharing another one of Karen's amazing Milestone Birthday cards.  Rob is a spring chicken compared the the last cards recipient (90)!!  

Karen's Description:

So for our greenkeeper Rob I’d surpassed myself with Fred’s So Mick’s and now Rob’s was harder They’ll all be signing each others too which hasn’t helped!

I think Rob's card couldn't be more perfect, with having the lawnmower etc, absolutely brilliant,  you also have the Club logo in the background.  I would love to know what they all said when they saw the card!!  I feel that you may have started something thats going to be keeping you very busy!   There is no greater joy than watching someone open one of your creations though, its nerve racking before hand but as aoon as you see their face light up it gives you a great feeling inside.

Thank you so much for allowing me to share your cards Karen XXX

I hope that you all have a good day,

Love and hugs to all,

Sandra xxx


  1. Thank you for sharing my card! Hopefully all of the recipients will enjoy receiving them A couple of people have complimented them Such a shame that we’re missing Fred’s party on Saturday
    Your holiday sounds lovely So nice to not have to cook complicated meals etc
    Take care everyone xx

  2. Hi everyone
    A fabulous card Karen, they are so funny and I'm sure they love to receive them .
    Your day in Spain sounds lovely Sandra and hopefully the wind calms down a bit so you can go into the sea with Paul and the girls. Have a wonderful day.
    Haven't done to much today other than popping out for a coffee and a small shop. Feeling off the walk from yesterday..
    Hoping that you all are alright and having a good day. Many hugs to you all, Maria xxx

  3. Hello, another dull and windy day, quite chilly.

    Sorry I forgot to comment yesterday, my memory is shocking these days.
    Karen love your card, I’m sure the recipient will love it.
    Not doing much today, back is bad again. Glad to hear you are enjoying your holiday, enjoy your time when the family arrive.
    By for now Lilian

  4. Hello Sandra and everyone,
    Karen I’m sure Rob loved his birthday card, you can’t buy great personalised like this so definitely a card to treasure.
    Not a lot going on here today, caught up on some phone calls,
    reading and spent some time in the garden when the sun came out. Tomorrow I have to go and pick up my new glasses, then we are going to my friend’s husband’s funeral, think that will probably take the rest of the day.
    Sandra it will be lovely to see the girls tomorrow, I’m sure they will be dragging Paul into the sea for a swim, not that he is likely to protest. Relax and enjoy the time you all have together. xx
    Hope you have had a good day ladies, take care. Love Brenda xxx

  5. Hi Sandra and all looking in.
    Karen, What a great card. I’m sure they get pride of place. You will probably be getting asked to do other for people. Thank you for letting Sandra show them. Xx
    Sandra, sorry you hadn’t managed to get in the sea🤞🏼you have today if not tomorrow once you have the girls. I would have sworn they were arriving yesterday! Whatever, please carry on relaxing my lovely xx
    I had a bad day yesterday, blooming bad migraine. I’ve seen Pop today. He was a bit grumpy that he can’t go home!
    Sleep well everyone. Take care. Love Sue xx
