
Saturday 20 July 2024

Mixed Up Saturday


This one made me laugh, so true !!! 

Good Saturday Morning Ladies, 

Ooh it was a lovely warm day yesterday,  washing was dry in about an hour, luckily our line isn't in direct sun so the towels don't get too dry.  I always tumble dry towels and undies anyway to fluff up towels and uncrease pants!   We could iron pants and socks like Paul's mum does, but nobody has time for that I feel bad watching Paul iron all his shirts etc I couldn’t sit and watch him iron my drawers!!  🤣😂 

I have done a little Tutorial for you, its for a 'Wiper ' card.  It's not the same as Gina's Wiper card though.  I think this ones name refers to the pop up mechanism that looks a bit like wind screen wipers. 

The flowers in the centre vase pop up when you open the car. 

Start by cutting  card base:  8 1/2 x 4 1/4  inch
                              Score at   :   1 1/2 & 3 inch

                             Z Fold Bar:  8 1/2 x 2 inch
                              Score  at  :   1 1/2 & 3 inch

Now onto our embossed layer, you could use patterned papers for this part too. 

1 x 5 1/4 x 4 inch 
1 x 1 1/4 x 4 inch 

Patterned paper for layering:

1 x 5 1/4 x 1 3/4 inch
2 x 1 1/4 x 1 3/4 inch
1 x 4 x /4 (for base card ) 

The pop up mechanism:  

1 x  1 x 1 7/8 inch  (Blue base card colour)

1 x  1/2 x 2 inch  Acetate 

Let's Assemble 

Start by burnishing your folds 

Adhere all of your layers to the base card and z fold bar.

Now onto the mechanism,  take your piece of card 

Fold the corner down so that it lines up with the edge of the card on the opposite side.

Burnish the fold 

This is what you should end up with 

Position the mechanism kind of central and at the top of the z fold strip.  

Then add the acetate piece onto the mechanism 

You now stick whatever you want to pop up onto that acetate strip.  You may need to play with positioning to get it spot on.

I waited to position my vase so that I could place it centrally to the flowers popping up. 

When you add your flowers or whatever your pop up is make sure that its sits within the width of the z fold strip or it will poke out of the bottom or top of the folded card. 

Adhere the Z fold bar to the bottom corners at each end of the card.

This is the other side adhered

I added vases at either end of the card for interesting and added the sentiment on the back panel. 

Here is a little video of the card opening. 

If you have any questions please feel free to ask x




Karen's latest purchase is these lovely Letter dies by Aall&Create,  I really like that they have the background and the detail letters

The other great features is that they are distressed, which makes them perfect for mixed media style projects too. 
I look forward to seeing these cut out Karen and to see how you use them.

Thank you so much for sharing them with us XXX


Woo Hoo !!  Look what Maria won !!!! 

2 sets of Hunkydory Moonstone Dies,  really useful Dies too, you can't have enough basic shape dies and look how beautiful that Lace edging is. 

Congratulations my lovely,  I can't wait to see you use them.  Thank you so much for sharing them with us XXX 


Lilian had kindly shared the books that she cuts her beautiful flowers and background bits from.  They are from Amazon.  They look so incredibly detailed, so useful to have on hand to embellish a quick card.

Thanks so much for sharing them with us Lilian,  I now know what to look for ☺️ XXX 

I hope that you all have a lovely Saturday,  

Love & hugs to all of you, 



  1. The saying made me laugh too!
    I won’t ever get around to using all of the stuff I have but have still bought more (see above 🤣)
    Congratulations Maria on your win They look very useful and I love your paper pads Lilian
    The bathrooms are nearly finished! They hope to be done by Tuesday It has felt like a long time but theyodone other jobs too like creating a couple of cupboards and tiling the porch None of which are big spaces but they take time
    Bowls match this afternoon with a meal to follow So no cooking Yay!
    Take care everyone xx

  2. Hi everyone
    Love the quote 😉
    Great tutorial and a beautiful card. Thank you for sharing xx
    Love the craft buys and Maria’s win. Enjoy ☺️
    A lot cooler here today thank goodness, no rain yet though.
    Hope you’re all having a good day whatever you’re doing.
    Sending hugs to you all xxx

  3. Hi Sandra and all looking in.
    I love todays saying and as usual it is oh so true 🤭 I know what you mean about towels being a bit rough after a dry on the line. I tumble some and leave some as Chris likes them rough but Gem and l like them soft. Don’t worry about undies though. I got two beddings washes out on the line before I went to see Pop and it all smells so good after having the sun on it all day doesn’t it. Hope you have had a good day with Paul today. It’s rained on and off here all day xx
    Karen I love those distressed alphabet dies. They will work for so many projects. Glad to hear the house will soon be back to normal. Worth all of the upheaval xx
    Maria, congratulations on your win. Love the pretty lacy edges xx
    Lilian, sometimes the descriptions of items don’t really explain how you can use them so thank you for sharing these books after showing your beautiful cards made using flowers etc. Xx
    I hope you all had a good day.
    I had a day at home today and slept most of it as I was so tired. Pops dementia is really causing him to be so upset as he doesn’t understand why I won’t take him home. It’s so very sad. Take care. Love Sue xx

  4. Hi everyone
    Love the saying, so true 😉
    Wow thanks for the tutorial of this lovely card but think that the mechanism is gone over my head sorry 😐 but I will give it a go 🤭 even if I be swearing and screaming 😂
    Love your shopping Karen and thank you Lilian for sharing the nice books that you have been using.
    Sue, try to take some time for yourself. So sorry, hoping that Pop be settled soon somewhere. Sending you hugs x
    Has been a lot of sport on TV for OH today so I just trying to finish a Spoke to my parents, mum worried about her eyesight , we have glaucoma in the family.
    I hope you all had a good day today and will have a better night as it is not so hot today. Many hugs to you all, Maria xxx

  5. Evening all, raining all day is this what summer is going to be like ,I wonder.
    Love the quote, so very true in my case.

    Great card tutorial, looks complicated, but I’ll give it a go.

    Love your alphabet Karen so useful, I don’t have any alphabet sets.
    Hope you all have a good night, although it’s feeling hot again.
    Sleep well, Lilian

  6. Hello Sandra and everyone,
    Thank goodness for your brilliant tutorial, it really helped me understand how the mechanism works and the finished result is beautiful. xxx
    Today Tierney came over with Frankie the dog, it was lovely to see her, she is home until Monday then going to Bristol where she is studying.she was in Leeds last week for her degree ceremony picking up her Masters. It’s so nice that grandchildren want still want you in their busy lives. We are so proud of all of them.
    Hope your day was good.
    Enjoy the rest of your weekend. Hugs Brenda xxx
