
Saturday 13 July 2024

Mixed Up Saturday


Good Saturday Morning Ladies,

I hope that you are all relaxed and ready for the weekend, nothing exciting planned here, we may go and find Costco, Paul was able to have a membership as he was in the Armed Forces, I have seen people shopping there and getting some great bargains,  their food looks amazing too.  They don't sell craft stuff though sadly🙄😏

Here's a little garden update....


How stunning is Maria's Hydrangea?!   It looks so healthy, gorgeous colour too, I also love your Buddha's, keep rubbing his belly for luck (but be careful not to put your back out bending to do it)🤣😂
Thank you so much for sharing your garden with us, I really love seeing what you all grow XXX ❤️ 


A couple of photos of my garden, the top photo is the three planters outside the front door, I absolutely love this little display,  it fills me with happiness every time I look at it.  

Next year I am 100% having more Dahlias, I am so blown away by their beauty, how can nature create something so incredibly intricate and beautiful from a shrivelled up old tuber??  It's a miracle the petals are so perfectly formed,  I am so excited to go out and look at them each morning, to see if a new one has opened, I would love a whole bed of these next year!  Do any of you grow Dahlias??


Gina has shared this amazing card that she made for her Grandson's Birthday.   The paper you have used is perfect for any young boy.  Is it a Serif creation or one that you have bought ?  
The card itself is a Fun Fold called a 'Wiper' card, Gina saw the idea on Sam Calcott page.  
I may have a look and do a tutorial for next Saturday if you'd all like to have a go.

Thank you so much Gina for sharing Max's card with us, I hope he had a great birthday XXX

Thats all for today my lovelies,  

I hope that you all have a lovely Saturday,  

Love and hugs to all, 



  1. Hi everyone
    Love the quote - so me, even if I don’t use them 😂
    I love your beautiful flowers Maria and Sandra. For the first time in years I’ve planted up some pots. I have a Dahlia too and it’s beautiful.
    Gina, your card for your Grandson is perfect 😍 I hope he had a lovely birthday.
    Sorry I’ve not stopped by much lately. Been busy doing overtime at work, due to staff shortages 🙁 A year ago there were 11 of us, but we’re now down to 5! I’ve got the rest of today and tomorrow and Monday off though.
    I hope you’re all keeping well.
    Sending hugs to you all xxx

  2. Such a great saying - I succumbed and bought an alphabet die set from Aall and Create yesterday (I thought OH is drinking Guinness/lager Out of choice I’m drinking water so what the heck!)
    Your flowers are beautiful and I love your card Gina
    Take care everyone xx

  3. Hi ladies.
    Great saying. It does happen that a stamp or die jumping into the shopping I do on line sometime 😉
    Love your flowers . I might grow some Dahlias next year. My sister have a border full, she loves them too.
    Oh Gina, I love the card for your grandson. Love to know how you made it so yes Sandra if you could make an instruction or perhaps a video 😃
    Hoping your day has been good. I am very tired and can't concentrate on much, sleeping a lot.
    Sending many hugs to you all, have a nice evening, Maria xxx

  4. H Sandra and all looking in. I love your card on Thursday, what a great style. I would like to make a similar version for Christmas cards. Love the Pinterest challenge. I mught have one or two cards pinned 😘
    Hoping everyone is as well as possible. Pop is physically doing very well. Mentally he has taken a huge dive down in dementia symptoms. The doctor thought he was ready to go home on Thursday as he seemed fine to him….until the doc asked him some questions and realised just how bad he was from the answers Pop gave him so it’s wait and see where he is going time. He is being discussed by docs on Monday. Take care. Love Sue xx

  5. Hello everyone, it’s been dry and warm today ,especially this afternoon.

    Great saying, I don’t spend as much as when I was working, but can be easy led astray.

    Gina, wonderful card for your grandson, hope he’s thrilled.

    Love your plants and pots. We usually have a load of dahlias, but not much has come up this year,yours are lovely.

    Nothing much else going on, have cleared my table ready to try this weeks challenge.

    Have a goodnight everyone, Lilian
