
Tuesday 16 July 2024

Lasting Elegance die card

Good Morning Ladies, 

From a wet and dreary Gloucestershire 🌧 🌂!  

Yesterday was miserable, it rained pretty much all day, which was unfortunate as Becca & Adam were hosting a family lunch at their house, fortunately Adam had built an amazing Pergola that had a roof so we amm managed to stay dry, it was so lovely to see Adam amongst his whole family, it was our first time meeting his parents and siblings, they were all lovely, there was lots of chat about weddings as Adams sister Helen is getting married in 3 weeks, his twin Ross & Katie have just arrived home from Australia where they have been travelling for 2 years, they are going back in 6 weeks and will then come home for Becca & Adams wedding next year. We had a lovely afternoon,  the time just flew by.  Back to normal today,  I must say I am a bit lazy and much prefer just sitting home in my 'comfies' to having to dress up, fix my hair just so and put make up on!   I don't know how people do it every day, I've never really worn lots of makeup to be honest, only for special occasions really.  I just wear face cream and a smile.  On days I do wear make up, its fairly simple a BB cream, a little powder and mascara and lipstick, I think I'd look like Coco the clown if I tried all this fancy contouring etc.  Becca wears a full make up every day, the girls don't and never have,  they use a little concealer if they need it and mascara.  I have to laugh and their different attitudes to skin care,  Lucy buys very expensive face care products after having a 6 month treatment on her skin a year ago,  she researches everything and us very careful to apply cream with a good SPF every day,  she uses in the best cleansers and moisturisers,  Sophie literally will use a baby wipe or wash her face with hand soap!  Their both have beautiful skin, so as Soph would say "who's the fool"!  

Today's card was very simple to make,  using Berry Burst card base, the decorative layer I made using a die set called 'Lasting Elegance ', another die set I have had for 5 years +, I have had the card saved in Pinterest or screenshot for about the same length of time.  I finished the die cut layer with a stamped sentiment and a few pearls. 

I am really enjoying looking back through my saved Pinspiration ideas.  I usually search on Pinterest for ideas before I decide to buy something,  trouble is I make 1 of the many saved pins and move on to a different set and forget to come back to it. 

I hope the Sun shines for you my lovely friends, 

Love and hugs to all,

Sandra xxx


  1. A pretty card
    Is that die an all in one in that it cuts the border too?
    The heavens opened last night and pretty much stayed all night
    I would have felt extremely nervous meeting Adam’s family
    I used to wear eye makeup when we went out in the evening I could never find the right shade of foundation or lipstick I stopped wearing it after Gary died I couldn’t see the point
    Off to hospital in a mo to have a blood test and then we’re visiting sister in law
    Take care everyone xx

  2. Hello Sandra and everyone
    Sorry I didn’t get in yesterday we were still dog and granddaughter sitting!!! They were both quite good although granddaughter who had gone to meet up with friends phoned at midnight on Sunday evening to ask Could she go and sleep at her girlfriends house, I wasn’t happy but phoned the parents who by this time were in Sheffield for the first degree ceremony and they gave there permission. They knew the girl and her family. But it was a decision. I wouldn’t have happily made without consulting them. Granddaughter did apologise when she got home in the morning and said she should have thought it through, she is 18 now but in my opinion still has to follow rules as she still living at home. Anyway back to the blog…….
    Love yesterdays and today’s card they really are gorgeous. Where did you get the dye from on today’s card? It really looks like a very very useful died to have in my stash.
    Hope Matt and Alex have a lovely break, it must be lovely to have a caravan and just pack everything in and just go I like that idea, but I think we’re a bit too old to consider that now ha ha XX
    I am waiting to be picked up as I’m meeting up with some friends for lunch, it’s always nice just to sit and relax and chat away and catch up on everybody’s news.
    Hope you’re all having a good day, take care and stay safe.
    Big hugs love Brenda XXX

  3. Hi everyone
    Lovely cards today and yesterday 😍
    Glad you had a lovely afternoon yesterday meeting Adam’s family. I would have been nervous too 🥰
    Hope Matt and Alex have a lovely holiday.
    The weather has been better today, hopefully it lasts.
    Have a good evening everyone
    Sending hugs to you all xxx

  4. Hello, dry but chilly wind, but at least it’s dry.
    Sorry I missed yesterday, opened my iPad this morning to find a half written comment, sorry.

    Sandra two great cards, I’ve been going through my saved ideas on Pinterest, not sure which I’ll do. Spent most of the day trying to download patterns for my embroidery machine, I’m determined to use it more after spending the money on it. I hate computers sometimes.

    Have a good evening everyone, Lilian
