
Wednesday 10 July 2024

A faux Aperture stamped card


Good Wednesday Morning Ladies, 

We had a dull & overcast day, it was very muggy too, it felt like we were going to have a storm!  We didn't get a storm though.  It was probably me getting flustered having my Mammogram, they are just not cut out for ladies with larger bosoms! I felt a little self conscious when the lady called a colleague for assistance!! As always we did end uo having a good laugh, as always they say its as tricky for those with smaller ones too! 🤣😂

Today's card is another 'Pinspiration' card *I might set that as our next challenge 🤔, I think we all have pins saved that we really like, what do you think?

I blended Salty Ocean, Twisted Citron & Mowed Lawn  Distress inks through a mask I made using a large post it note!  Then I took the largest stamp from my 'Upsy Daisy ' stamp set and wisely *as it turned out* used my stamp tool, it literally took 5 inkings to get a totally black image.   To finish I stamped the sentiment at the bottom and layered the piece onto coordinating card. 

I hope that you all have a good day,

Love and hugs to all of you, 

Sandra xxx


  1. Beautiful card and a Pinspiration challenge would be a great idea
    Yes, I can vouch that a mammogram is as painful/awkward for small boobs too!
    It did not stop raining yesterday! Our match was cancelled But it looks dry this morning so hopefully today’s match will go ahead We’re having a laugh though
    Take care everyone xx

  2. Hi, dull again, I’m hoping it will be fine as the grandchildren want to go to the beach, they don’t mind the cold as long as it’s dry.

    Sandra love your card, you are really great providing all the inspiration for us. Glad the mammogram went ok, I’m too old for one now, and also I’ve still got the pen drive monitor in my chest.

    Karen hope you manage to have a bowls match today, enjoy.

    Must go and start getting the lunch ready, not used to catering for six people, only cold cuts today, tomorrow is roast leg of lamb.

    Have a good day all , Lilian

  3. Hi everyone
    Lovely card Sandra.
    Mammogram can be a bit awkward sometimes. What did Lynda call it , the Clamper ? 🤭
    Karen, hoping you get to play today and the rain stays away. Have a good time in Bournemouth.
    Lilian, have a lovely time with your family 😊
    Sonia, I melt every time I see your gorgeous grandson. He is a real cutie 🤗
    Janet, thinking of you. Hope to see you again. Hugs.
    Brenda, glad that the funeral went well and you had a good day celebrating his life. Take care.
    Shopping to sort out this morning and then I have doctors this afternoon . No mojo at the moment so just reading a book.
    Have a good day everyone and if you don't have one I wish you better.
    Many hugs to you all, Maria xxx

  4. Hi Sandra and all looking in. Both yesterday and today’s cards are beautiful. The colour combos on both work so well, love them both. I done need to get some more “proper” navy card. Mammograms aren’t fun are they, like you I am one of the larger ladies. Another thing us ladies have to have though xx
    Karen I hope you are enjoying the tour and manage to get some games played inbetween the rain! Xx
    I didn’t get home until quite late yesterday. The hospital had a power outage for nearly 8 hours so it was running in the emergency backup generators. Have to say the staff handled it incredibly well. You could see more and more extra staff coming in from the car parks and on the buses to help. The staff on the ward were having to use manual blood pressure monitors, writing up notes instead of using the tablets and phones they normally use so it was all taking a bit longer than usual but they all kept on smiling. Pop was a bit less confused yesterday so hopefully he continues that way. Will see the doctor tomorrow to see what the test results are and what their plans for Pop are about coming out of hospital. Will wait and see what they have to say.
    Sleep well everyone. Take care. Love Sue xx

  5. Hello Sandra and everyone,
    It makes my toes curl thinking about your mammogram, well that’s what used to happen to me. One of the good things about getting older is being told that I will no longer be called for them, but I can request on if I have ant concerns, that is reassuring.
    Lovely card today, love how it draws your eyes past the flowers and towards the background, very clever. xxx
    Spent some time in the garden today, just pulling a few weeds out of the lawn, didn’t go to mad as it’s mostly weeds not grass!!
    Lilian hope you are not over doing it. Must be great having the family visit but it’s also quite tiring. Take care xxx Hope the weather was good and they were able to go to the beach.
    Sue thinking of you, hope Pop continues to improve xxx
    Take care everyone, Hugs Brenda xxx
