
Saturday 27 July 2024

A different Mixed Up Saturday

 How true is this?! 
(Thanka Maria xxx)

Good Saturday Morning, 

I hope that you are all ready to have a lovely weekend.  Covid has me beat, its proper affecting my heart, it took me so long to get downstairs yesterday,  I had to do a couple of steps then sit down and get my breath back. I slept on and off most of the morning and early afternoon! I did try and sit and do a tutorial but tiredness caused me to struggle to concentrate so I ended up losing patience and giving up!  

So instead of seeing a tutorial today, I have taken some photos of some of the flowers on our deck, I will admit that growing flowers for pots is as fun to me as making cards, the different pots seem to have a different surprise for me every morning, a new flower or a bud has opened

My Beautiful Dahlias,  I have been looking at some new varieties for next year, I find them so incredibly perfect to look at, so many different colours a shapes that I can't decide which ones to buy.  We will also dig a bed for them rather than having them in pots.  Although i love having them just outside the back door.

This is 'The Fairy' rose, its so pretty and has literally thousands of buds waiting to pop open, its huge and has spread the whole way down the stairs on one side of the deck.

A couple more Dahlias !

If I could recommend anything for you to try next year it would be these Climbing Petunias,  they are gorgeous and have filled the whole tub. There are so many flowers on them, worth every penny.

Not as exciting but I find the darling flowers on the lobelia so fascinating,  thats a mint in front.

No introduction necessary but worth including, pretty bright pink Geranium, this we managed to save from last year.

Our first Zinnia, they have taken ages to flower  I sowed these in February. 

Beautiful daisy's! 

Now I have to say that I was not prepared for how gorgeous this fuschia is, we bought it back in March, it cost £1.50 so we weren't expecting much, but oh my, she's like a perfect little ballerina, with big poofy skirt with layered petticoats underneath, I must have spent 15 minutes sat taking in all the details. 

I tried to capture the chocolate box purple velvet texture of this petunia, so pretty!

This rose is a commemorative rose when we lost our dog Gemma, she was part of our family for 13 years and left a huge hole.  So Paul went out and picked this pretty rose and a large pot to put her ashes in.  She has treated us to a lovey display of roses every year.

A lovely purple clematis.

The first Cosmos flower, I was beginning to think we wouldn't get flowers from them but on closer inspection there are loads of buds waiting to open.

That's it for today,  sorry there's no card tutorial,  I was determined to not let Covid stop me but it clearly had more determination than me!  

I hope that you all have a lovely Saturday, 

Love and hugs to all, 

Sandra  xxx 


  1. Hi everyone
    Your flowers are stunning, and such a variety of beautiful colours. Our Dahlia plant is doing really well, we only have the one in a pot but we have had so many flowers on it, and loads more buds still to open 😊
    I hope you managed to sleep last night, and that you’re all starting to feel a bit better 🥰
    Have a good day everyone whatever you’re doing.
    Sending hugs to you all xx

  2. Hi everyone
    Oh wow Sandra. It's just like walking through a field of the most beautiful flowers. They are all so wonderful and you are very happy that they belong to you.
    Our pots this year have been a bit of a hit and miss but I harvested our first mini tomato this morning and another eight or ten are coming on slowly 😊
    Just rest as much as possible and take it easy.
    Lilian, I feel for you. Some days can be so hard with pain every day 😔 I hope you feeling better soon and I'm sending you a big gentle hug.
    Brenda, hope you are alright and having a nice day.
    Sue, hope everything goes well for Pop. Lots of hugs.
    I had a slow morning and then been sitting outside trying to read my book but kept falling asleep. 🤭
    OH , been watching the cricket. Did any of you see the opening ceremony from France yesterday ?
    Personally I found it awful, surly they could have done it much better.
    Sending many hugs to you all and hoping your day is good. Maria xxx

  3. Evening all, sun and cloud, and still that chilly breeze, but at least no rain.
    Sandra your flower are beautiful, I wish I was able to do my pots , pain is such a hindrance when I’m trying to do anything outside.
    I love your dahlias, such perfect forms.
    I do hope you are feeling better, plenty of rest, if you can.

    Have good evening well, what’s left of it. Lilian

  4. Hi Sandra and al looking in.
    Great saying. How do things seem to vanish in the blink of an eye?
    Sandra, sad to hear you have got”it”. I hope you rest as much as possible my lovely. Let’s hope Lucy had her share last year 🤞🏼
    It is so good to see some of your truly beautiful plants. We have the same taste in flowers, the simple ones are some of the most stunning. Dahlias really are perfect aren’t they. I am missing seeing your flowers each week, especially as they are new to us this year. Thank you fir sharing some of them with us xx
    Lilian, sorry you didn’t get any help from the doctor. Chronic pain really drags you down both mentally and physically doesn’t it. Gentle hugs to you
    Maria, gentle hugs for you especially when you are feeling so bad xx
    Brenda, your body clearly needs sleep so please don’t fight it. Just put your feet up and relax as much as you can. Gentle hugs from me xx
    I had an afternoon to myself so I had a play with a card that has sat unfinished on my desk for the last 4 weeks. It’s not stuck down yet as I’m still not sure about it 😏 Sleep well everyone. Take care. Love Sue xx
