
Wednesday 8 May 2024

A new Embossing folder


Good Wednesday Morning Ladies,

Wasn't yesterday a delightful day,  lovely sunshine all day, it was so warm too, I had to smile to myself though, Lucy took me into Witney and there were SO many people in shorts and flip-flops,  I'm not sure it was that warm, but I guess in this country we have to make the most of every sunny day, as it could be weeks before we see another one.  I heard another "Wives Tale" yesterday, I was chatting to Lynn next door and we were talking about gardening and wanting to get on with planting out, she said that her Mum used to say  "You have to wait until the sun shines on both sides of the hedge" which means when its higher in the sky , which is usually the end of May /early June.  I love finding out about old ways, or little mottos to guide you to manage tasks better.  I had only ever heard the "Don't cast a clout 'til May is out"!  Which basically means the same,  a lot of those ladies we saw in Witney might want to remember that.           I will say that the sun made the town have a really lovely 'buzz'  all cafés had their tables outside and they were really busy too.  

Onto today's creation,  I have been wanting to try a technique I saw last week where you emboss a piece of card with a 3D folder and then take a white ink pad and very lightly rub it over the raised areas. 

I used a background that I made when I was doing the Tissue Technique a few weeks ago, this piece was the bonus bit...

I had used Tim Holtz Mica Sprays on the tissue paper and this was the piece I used to smoosh the colour, sadly you can't see the sparkle from the Mica, I spritzed this piece with water and ran it through my New ( well I have had it a good month or two) Tim Holtz 'Numbered '  Embossing folder. I then lightly ran over it with white ink, which I then decided to clear heat emboss to lock the white in, I thought it needed a bit more darker shades of blue, so I added a couple more spritzes of Distress Mica Stain in 'Snow flurries & Winter Frost', because I had embossed those white numbers I could wipe off the excess blue ink.  I tried to capture the shine of the letters in the photos above, the sun was not playing nice so, You'll just have to take my word for it. 🤣😂

I didn't really know what to add to finish the card, I wanted the background to be the star of the show, so I die cut a 'Happy' and then added the Birthday Wishes'  I will say that at the time of taking the photo I hadn't stuck anything down !  

I hope that you all have a lovely Wednesday,  

My love & hugs to all,

Sandra xxx


  1. I love this card Simple but so effective Itcreminds me of the technique where we embossed a folder and then sanded it back to reveal the colour underneath OMG do you remember Crafters Companion did something like Core-dination card that had different colours other than white underneath
    Yesterday was lovely and warm It was really nice to go out without a bulky coat. You’re right Sandra There was a real cheery buzz in the town Sadly a neighbour told me that a local village had their fete on the Monday of all days Such a shame
    We’re doing the teas at the bowls club this afternoon It will be interesting to do some behind the scenes work
    Take care everyone xx

  2. Hi everyone
    Love your card, the embossing folder is lovely and so versatile 😊
    Another lovely sunny day, got my washing dried on the line in no time - simple pleasures 😂
    Hope you’re all having a good day
    Sending hugs to you all xxx

  3. Hi Sandra and all looking in. Great card yesterday. Found a half typed comment on that post earlier! Love today’s card too. The 3D ones are so deep aren’t they. You can see the depth even more with the white ink contrast too cant you. You know me and how heavy handed I am with Pixie powders etc. (will never forget that day my lovely 🤣🤣) buybacks Mu’s have a go at this technique. I have everything crossed that I might get to see you tomorrow and maybe even craft……🤞🏼
    I love the old sayings. A lot of them have more than a grain of truth don’t they. One we were always told to look out for was
    “Oak before Ash, we are in for a splash. Ash before Oak we are in for a soak.” Meaning if the Oak trees showed their leaves before the Ash trees then it was not going to be too wet but other way round and we were in for a lot of rain. Sadly we don’t have many oak trees around the village so can’t see if that saying is true now but when we lived on the farm there was one of each tree on opposite sides of the road and the saying seemed to be true many more years than not apparently according to the old cow man who had worked on the farm for most of his adult life. Another one was never ever to take May flowers May/Hawthorn/Blackhorn flowers inside the house as that was very bad luck. Don’t know anything else about that one though.
    Hope you are all having the gorgeous weather today. Tomorrow is meant to be a bit warmer again 🥰🥰. Take care. Love Sue xx
