
Friday 5 April 2024

Spring Quiet Meadow Card


Good Friday Morning Ladies, 

How is it Friday, what a whirlwind of a week, I guess the week after a Bank Holiday always seems much shorter, thank goodness for the weekend!   Mind you it won't be relaxed as I have seedlings everywhere that need potting on!  Paul is putting the last of the raised beds down too, fingers crossed we don't get too much rain! 

Yesterday was mostly spent on the M25, the journey too Heathrow was ok, a bit busy near Heathrow as they had closed a couple of junctions further down, there is something so exciting about waiting outside those 'Arrival' doors, awaiting the return of your loved ones, I loved watching all the different people get swept up in their emotional reunions, it took me back to the many times I stood outside those doors, heart racing waiting for Paul to return from his many long detatchments overseas and the euphoria of those weeks having him home. ☺️

Poor Becca & Adam looked exhausted, they were bitten from head to toe and said that being covered in bites while flying was a nightmare as you have little too distract you!  Becca had really swollen hands and feet too bless her heart, they just wanted antihistamines,  food and to get home to Benji, although they talked weddings the whole journey home!!  I felt so sorry for them as the journey home was terrible,  static traffic on the M25, way worse than on the way there, the  we had rain so heavy that Paul couldn't see the actual markings on the Motorway!  I think it took just over an hour there maybe one hour 20 minutes, but it was almost 3 hours back.  

I got back just in time to get a card made for today,  I used my Quiet Meadow dies, which I used to die cut some old Pixie powder backgrounds, I liked thst they had the gold in which went with little threads of gold in the patterned paper.  I chose bright Spring colours with a gold stem to tie everything together.  I stamped the sentiment onto Pear Pizazz to compliment the base card.

I thought that you all have a fantastic Friday,  

Love & hugs to all,

Sandra                                                                    xxxxxx 


  1. Beautiful card Glad that Becca and Adam arrived home safely What ashame they’d got bitten like that My daughter used to really suffer like that I’ll ask her what she used (if anything) to help We used to dose up on a B vitamin but I’ve forgotten which one it was Apparently mozzies don’t like the small we ooze when we take them!
    Out at mo trying to sort my latest prescription 🤞and this evening we’re out dancing
    Take care everyone xx

  2. Hi everyone
    I love your card, the flowers and the patterned paper are beautiful 😍
    I hope Becca and Adam are ok, and the antihistamines are working 🥰
    I’m glad this week is over, it’s been a long one for me! I’m looking forward to relaxing for a couple of days - although tomorrow is taken up with going to Marks Aunts house for one last look around for anything that may be of value, before it goes on the market.
    Hope you’re all having a good day
    Sending hugs to you all xxx

  3. Hello Sandra and everyone,
    Sorry I didn’t get in yesterday, I don’t know what happened because I thought I had messaged, WOOPS I blame my age. Love the card you used yesterday it deserved a second airing it’s just beautiful.
    Today’s card is equally beautiful and of course you have used my favourite colour - green. I find green such a calming colour.
    Pleased Becca and Adam got back safely yesterday, sorry to hear that they are covered in mosquito bites. I can sympathise with them, I’m always the one who gets eaten by the pesky little bugs.when we were in Tanzania I got eaten to bits.
    The M25 was a nightmare for drivers yesterday, I believe the problems were caused by one car near the Godstone junction. The local road reports were giving updates. But when you are stuck in it there isn’t anything that you can do, just hope and pray it gets sorted ASAP.
    Take care everyone, wishing you all the best for your weekend.
    Hugs Brenda xxx

  4. Hi everyone
    Beautiful card. Love the green you have used.
    Hopefully Rebecca and Adam will be alright. Their journey home must have been so uncomfortable, hope the bites calms down soon.
    I hope you all have had a good day today. I had a long facetime with my sister who we will meet up with in Edinburgh next month, it will be wonderful to see her again, it is some years ago now.
    Have a good night. Hugs to you all, xxx
